我老婆經歷了兩次寶寶無心跳和心跳停止分別在8週和9週時,在第二次時我想放棄了,我不想看我老婆這麽辛苦又痛苦,但是寶寶最後還是決定要來到我們身邊,寶寶在2024/2/8即將到來,也希望妳們能度過是不好多時期。 god bless you,wish you all the best and everything will getting better
@@hueiwenwood6375 I don’t know much about the medical expenses in your country either. They told me that there was no insurance and listed the prices of the examination items one by one. But my focus was on the disappearance of the baby. A mother was bleeding and scared for several hours. Is there anything wrong with me comforting her? And lying is very stupid. In this era of advanced Internet, there are many ways to expose (The above is translated by Google)
真的辛苦了。我們在西雅圖,女兒之前得流感,發燒第二天我開始約Urgent Care,等到發燒第四天成功有空位送她去Urgent Care (好在有預約在現場不用等?)。驗血後當下沒有任何處置,這我可以理解因為美國本來就對兒童的醫療行為比較謹慎,但到了發燒第8天(幾乎退燒)我們才接到醫院電話,說驗血結果是得了A型流感。因為已退燒也錯過治療期,因此沒有任何的後續處置。整體來說我完全不知道看醫生對我們的幫助是什麼,除了確定女兒曾經得的是流感……最後帳單金額美金$695,保險後$270。只能說在台灣生活真的非常幸福。