I’m extremely happy to discover that there is at least one person in Japan who cares, plans, implements and takes action. At the moment, writing this comment is the only thing I can do for you but I’m hoping this will make you a little bit happier and proud. By the way, I believe the Japanese government has to apply the strategy “The best defense is a good offense”. At this stage, completely opposite thing has been happening around those islands. "The best defense is a good offense" is an adage that has been applied to many fields of military combat. It is also known as the strategic offensive principle of war. Generally, the idea is that proactivity (a strong offensive action) instead of a passive attitude will preoccupy the opposition and ultimately hinder its ability to mount an opposing counterattack, leading to a strategic advantage. You are doing something great even when the Japanese government is put in a tough spot and unwilling to help you. Please remember we love you.