Mained Shaheen day one, it’s been cool seeing the general community attitude go from “what a waste of a slot” to most people thinking he’s awesome.
@user-gj6ey5xv3d7 ай бұрын
A perfect example of that is King Jae.
@GFNTrik7 ай бұрын
@@user-gj6ey5xv3dbro what are u talking about lol, King Jae even played with shaheen in one of his streams
@user-gj6ey5xv3d7 ай бұрын
@@GFNTrik Bro you got a poor reading comprehension ability. Read the first comment slowly and properly. My point is at the release of the game, King Jae was reviewing Shaheen’s move list and said Shaheen wasn’t good, but after using him these past few weeks, he thinks he’s very good. He changed his opinion of the character since launch
@GFNTrik7 ай бұрын
@@user-gj6ey5xv3dyeah for some reason I thought you were talking about the "..." part and using Jae as an example of that lol
@UNKNOWN-ci7fu7 ай бұрын
It’s kinda annoying to me, shows how bandwagon people are with no original thought
@eternalblasphemy65267 ай бұрын
I like that a lot of people seem to parrot the idea of Shaheen being bland and boring. This way, I know I can play Shaheen and never worry about people figuring him out. Originally, I picked Shaheen because I was struggling with new mechanics and he felt very T7-ish so it was an choice. T8 gave Shaheen tons of juice. You can play boring and dry, almost T7 style Shaheen with heavy pocking (df1, db2, b3, d4 etc.) but the game allows you to become aggressive in an instance. His newer stuff has definetely boosted his FC game - fc df2, fc df4, uf1d cancel, ws3 being snk cancellable and, of course, slide that still gives a knockdown and guarantees a follow-up. There are so many way you can blow up people.
@KingBeef7267 ай бұрын
I completely agree! I main the bears for the same reason: they assume low tier and don't expect much. As far as Shaheen goes, he is anything but boring. His full crouch game is vicious. So many good choices. Shaheen is definitely my number 2.
@amon223477 ай бұрын
I mean when most people say boring i think thier referring to the actual character it self which i have to agree with. I like playing with him but i just couldn't being myself to play a character that has nothing going for him story and personality wise
@sobervision10497 ай бұрын
His Guardbreak in heat sets up a NASTY vortex that will blow up their health bar if they dont defend properly
@kyuketsukirook6 ай бұрын
@amon22347 Right, I never cared about Shaheen until now not because of his gameplay but because of his story and personality, which I felt were quite boring. I used to feel the same way about Lidia in Tekken 7 but I changed my mind after I started playing her. Now that she's back I'll try out both her and Shaheen in 8.
@CalebAdams7 ай бұрын
It's so funny because I started wanting to main Dragunov and then decided to give Shaheen a shot and immediately connected with him. He's so, so fun!! Been having a blast learning him.
@syahrules7 ай бұрын
Shaheen is great. I played him Tekken 7 after dropping Dragunov for the sake of learning better fundamentals. He’s so much better in Tekken 8. Watching the goated lowhigh and how he uses him in tourneys is so amazing Dragunov is amazing too
@Azhaaar7 ай бұрын
Picked up Shaheen again after watching you play him. I learned him in Tekken 7 as my first character but he was too dry, in this game he's way more fun for sure. Thanks for the video. YALLAH
@jjlw23787 ай бұрын
I'm happy to see the Tekken community coming to realize how awesome Shaheen is! He's a LOT better in T8 than he was in T7 but retains all of his amazing pokes. I just want a throw out of SNK but its easy enough to cancel stance and throw.
@swolebread23137 ай бұрын
Finally like why 😢I miss it
@AdezeosClips7 ай бұрын
I was also a Miguel loyalist in T7, and now that I'm stranded in T8 without him, I decided to go with Claudio as my #1 main. So far I've managed to reach Mighty Ruler with Claudio, but I felt that he was too honest for me, so I decided to go take out Shaheen for a spin and everything just clicked. He didn't really appeal to me back in T7 because he felt like a Law clone except with a blander movelist and personality, but now that he's got new tools to distinguish him from Law and Lee, he's ticked a lot more checkboxes for me.
@clippsz7 ай бұрын
I main claudio and shaheen. Shaheen is 100x better than Claudio imo. Claudio has better wall game and mids but his lackluster lows really hurt him and he only has like 50 moves.
@AdezeosClips7 ай бұрын
@@clippszYeah, Claudio's weak lows were really getting to me. Hard to open up people with just SS4 and db3,4... Didn't expect Shaheen to be as fun as he is but here we are. I do miss Claudio's insane wall damage though, he just goes absolutely sicko mode at the wall.
@lazytommy06 ай бұрын
i looked at him recently too. he seems stronger than alot of people give him credit for
@SkarjOS7 ай бұрын
After I lost Miguel, I tried Leroy, Dragonuv, Raven and Shaheen, and Shaheen was by far my favourite. I also love that I still share mains with my favourite pro player 😅
@theperians7 ай бұрын
I agree, Shaheen is so great in this game And I also Lost Miguel to the jump to Tekken 8, hopefully we get em back
@youngpast02287 ай бұрын
yay shaheen He's been my main ever since like 3rd week of tekken 8 I love him. he's really cool.
@ObeyTehSystem7 ай бұрын
Shaheen is way underrated in terms of fun or coolness. Landing a just frame FB2 after ch rising 1 or sneak 1 will never get old.
@oracle_997 ай бұрын
Thank you, people will see now how cool the character really is
@tonisnooker7 ай бұрын
Shaheen has Negan's essence to a fundamentalist level and Victor too yet he's very oriented towards Noctis,Kunimistu with Negan-esque combo style and weaknesses
@Dajen_Tk7 ай бұрын
Bro you accidentally created a Shaheen guide 😅
@Mode47yt6 ай бұрын
He's become a solid new character for me, really enjoying him! Thanks for showing me these options, a couple I did'nt know about
@majones1177 ай бұрын
I've always been a casual of this game but want to actually learn t8. King has always been my main, but i picked up Shaheen to actually learn the fundamentals of Tekken. Since then, I have loved playing him.
@EL3TRICKRAZY7 ай бұрын
Very curious to see what your Shaheen looks like. Good video! 👍🏿
@errichall20497 ай бұрын
I'm glad that they brought his high damage back into Tekken again and he's easily an a tier character
@Reapra7 ай бұрын
Sephi I just knew you were going to pick Shaheen! After Miguel left us, I was in search of a new main and Shaheen really just clicked with me in this game. I knew that while you were playing Drag that you would find a home with Shaheen. I'm currently Tekken King with him and still having a blast!
@ArnawSenpaiАй бұрын
I'm totally agree with you. Recently I hit Tekken King with Steve and now I feel I don't have the practice enought of certain matchups to win some Tekken god matches. I played Tekken since tekken 5 I can't imagine how much effort you have to do in the game If you are a newcomer. But feels so great to progress even for the simple things like punish correctly or duck some high stribgs 😊
@marcassface6 ай бұрын
Great vid! I dont think it was mentioned but I love his UF1, plus frames on block/heat engager and good mix up when threatening slide.
@m3lodeth7 ай бұрын
1st time I saw Shaheen fight in the demo, I immediately knew how fun he could be! He can just be execution heavy. His hopkick is his best whiff punisher? I need to practice hitting the opponent properly with that move.
@kenechi0077 ай бұрын
Bro main Shaheen I loved that you mained Miguel in 7 and hoped he would’ return, but it’s good to shed light on underrated good characters like Shaheen, Not everyone gotta main reina,victor etc You got a like and Sub from me bro 🔥💪🏾
@Jugdjay4 ай бұрын
Miguel has been my main since T6. Now that he's not in T8, I first went back to Law, then I gave Shaheen a try. I didn't really enjoy playing him in T7, but the changes they've made on his moveset for T8 are a HUGE improvement imo. I'll most likely keep Shaheen as my main for T8 :)
@SandManAdrian7 ай бұрын
Glad you're having fun , even without miguel
@FujinFoxTK7 ай бұрын
Yo let's goooo! People have been sleeping on Shaheen for too long!
@D_McGeezacks7 ай бұрын
Maining Shaheen after playing Claudio since launch. They're both underrated (at least in the fun factor department 😅) but Shaheen is more fun to play imo
@Natural_Order7 ай бұрын
So many people including myself said zzz at him on release but he is my main now. Super rewarding to play
@Dunkaholic187 ай бұрын
just picked up shaheen, he's really fun and feels very good so far, but my only issue is the damn flash kick. I saw in your wall combo thing you held down for 30 frames or half a second and then let go of down, then the U2 input. I have no idea why I'm struggling so hard with this. Even spent a little bit of time (only like 10 minutes to be fair lol) in practice and I cannot get it consistently. Do you have some sort of timing trick that you use to land it consistently?
@Snuredrams5 ай бұрын
I believe you have to hold down for about 40 frames. Just remember you can charge it during other moves
@viridianknight7 ай бұрын
I just picked shaheen up and im having fun. I still main dragunov, but hey fun is fun.
@oolongpantsu34377 ай бұрын
I tried Shaheen already and i do think he is stronger and cooler than in T7. He is a very allround character. I dont really now how to play against him though. Can anybody give me a hint or two?
@danielprieto99776 ай бұрын
I've always wanted to have Shaheen as my second character, I thought playing with him could potentially make me improve my fundamentals, but in Tekken 7, I felt his play style was too defensive for me, now with his new tools he feels more aggressive and still fundamental based. Hope to get better and maybe get to Fujin 😅
@CottoInTokyo7 ай бұрын
If they don't add Miguel, then we need to petition to put Sephi in the game as a replacement 👍
@KingJaeTV7 ай бұрын
Shaheen is going under the radar at the moment...
@artemicionkupo43675 ай бұрын
I main him. He's 👏. Very to the point. Great interrupter against lots of characters.
@quick97487 ай бұрын
Downloaded your ghost probably the 3rd week in & been playing shaheen since lol
@robyburning7 ай бұрын
He convinces you because he looks like miguel 😉
@luna_kits23454 ай бұрын
Hey Sephi, you may want to COsplay as Shaheen in a major event that would be cool!
@Possesed_Toribash7 ай бұрын
lets go shaheen gang!🥳
@alexismagana32477 ай бұрын
Finally found the one shaheen main 😂
@kazmaahr7 ай бұрын
Stahp raisin awareness :)). People find out -> people use him -> other people lose to him -> complain on twitter for nerfs. We're better off in anonymity :))
@Aleksa.381Ай бұрын
@edxlee7 ай бұрын
Can you explain the justframe block he has to do after d3 you were talking about?
@antirainbow12127 ай бұрын
Mained shaheen/ drag in T7 😂I see that’s a common occurrence in the comments played a lot of them both leading into T8 but honestly I have barely played drag if I had to guess I’d say 50 matches he just doesn’t have enough depth for me I usually don’t learn anything playing drag
@SudhamsuSharmaneodonly7 ай бұрын
switching from lee to shaheen now. Lee is great but combos are hard to pull off consistently.
@RevengerX-17 ай бұрын
Shaheen’s optimals are somewhat hard to pull off I have hit box issues when practicing my execution in practice mode
@SudhamsuSharmaneodonly7 ай бұрын
@@RevengerX-1 yes catching opponents with ff2 in mid combo and also properly doing ws cancels. But he is not mishima levels of hard (comparing to kazuya especially ).
@padzman917 ай бұрын
Reason 1: no Miguel yet Reason 2: Shaheen is fun 😂
@durdukyeretahrik7 ай бұрын
Can someone tell me what's the reasoning behind making the last hit of his 2, 1, 4-string -18 on block? It doesn't make any sense.
@MrMagnum_7 ай бұрын
It's like that because it's part of his 10 hit combo, most other characters have the same thing (for example Paul's 1,2,3 being punishable on it) for their 10 hit combos where each part outside of the first 2 hits or so are super minus on hit and on block since you're not supposed to stop at 2,1,4
@todomeda46557 ай бұрын
I'm take in in sub After hwoarang for World the fundamental i love so much the character
@9worldether8237 ай бұрын
Ima jin mane I play yoshi I picked up shaheen man he's so damn cool
@Sangria7137 ай бұрын
He was so lame in T7 so I’m glad his gameplay was overhauled. I’ve got my eye on him especially after all of the high praise coming from Sephi.
@user-gj6ey5xv3d7 ай бұрын
Db2,1 is a mid, high string and is hit confirmable. Only 14frames. I think it’s a very good heat engager. It’s not a high, high string like you mentioned in the vid
@MuhammadAli-xw4yc6 ай бұрын
@SephiBlack As salam alaikum may Allah except our fasting ameen. I loved seeing the love in your facial expression for Shaheen in tekken 8. I gained him in tekken 7 because I love the underdog characters most people dismiss such as Gigas. I am not sure but are you Muslim Arab? I sense you are. I'm Hamza Muslim Hispanic
@XX-ep5xt7 ай бұрын
My problem with shaheen is it feels like he plays Tekken 7 not 8
@spartanking29653 ай бұрын
Ur face accidently looks like shaheen itself :v
@The_Real_Danjon7 ай бұрын
Only play shaheen cause his face reminds me of Miguel 🤣
@moeedahmad45457 ай бұрын
Bro love from pak
@WorldOfWeebcraft7 ай бұрын
Sha… who??
@karpashimala69277 ай бұрын
upload shaheen games
@anjaniysalekar67277 ай бұрын
Just remove Migual from the intro and put Dragunov or Shaheen please. Love from India.
@kabirsingh5117 ай бұрын
@Fcdf4 becomes -12 if u cancel his stance correctly