አዲሥ አባ እራሱ ተንቀጥቅጦ የለም ። በአሁኑ ጊዜ መሬት መንቀጥቀጥ የትና መቼ እነደሚከሠት መናገር አስቸጋሪ ነው።አሰቀድሞ ጥንቃቄ ሲባል የሚሠሩትን ህነፃዎች በተቻለ መጠን earthquake መቋቋም የሚችሉ ቢሆኑ ይመረጣል አይደለም መሆንም አለባቸው።ሙሉ በሙሉ 100% መሬት መንቀጥቀጥ በሠው ልጆች ላይ በተለይ ጉዳትና ሞት እንዳየደርሰ መከላከል ባይቻለም እነደ record scale መጠን ግን ማሰወገድ ይቻላል እነዴት ቢባል የሚሠሩት buling ች ላይ spring በመክተት። This springs are installed at the bases of the building allowed the structure to be float slightly during an earthquake.reducing the shaking left inside the building. Modern base isolation system often use sophisticated spring design including rubber bearing with lead core to optimize their performance against different earthquake forces. አያችሁ ይሄ ቀላል ነግር አይደለም አገራችን በዘፈቀደ የይድረሥ የይድረሰ የሚሠሩ ህንፃዎች በዚሕ መልክ የተሠሩ ናቸው አናንተም አትሰቁም እኔም ወደ እዛ ሠፊር አልሄድም ያው ክፉን ያርቅ አኔ ግን አሥፊርቶኛል።
As a nation, we struggle with gratitude. Even if we were given the gift of eternal life, we would find reasons to be dissatisfied. This is a major issue because it indicates that we have become accustomed to the blessings we receive. God is constantly watching us, and our proclivity for infighting and violence is a clear sign of our ungratefulness. Although we live in an extraordinary country, we do not show enough appreciation for it. This lack of gratitude is a sad reflection of our national character. I hope that God will pardon us and bring tranquility to our nation. I am apprehensive about the future and wonder what our children's futures hold and what the destiny of our country will be.