"Sheikh Jarrah and Jerusalem in Historical Perspective" Professor Issam Nassar

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Security in Context

Security in Context

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Security in Context is proud to showcase the work of the Beirut School of Critical Security Studies working group at the Arab Council for the Social Sciences a founding member of our global network. For more on the Beirut School working group please visit: www.thebeirutfo...
In this interview Dr. Sami Hermez, coordinator of the working group, interviews Professor Issam Nassar about the historical backdrop of the Palestinian uprising of May 2021. Aided by maps of Jerusalem, Nassar dissects the events in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah and situates them in a longer history of Israeli settler colonialism in Palestine and Jerusalem in particular. Nassar explains the significance of Sheikh Jarrah and why Palestinians rose up against this latest attempt at forced expulsion.
Professor Issam Nassar is a Palestinian historian at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies specializing in the history of the Middle East, especially Palestine, and the history of photography. He has done extensive research on Jerusalem and his publications include:
Photographing Jerusalem: The Image of the City in 19th C Photography; Different Snapshots: Early Local Photography in Palestine (1850-1948); Karimeh Abbud: Pioneer of Feminist Photography in Palestine (1893-1940). Nassar is also co-editor of Jerusalem Quarterly.
Sami Hermez is Associate Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Liberal Arts Program at Northwestern University in Qatar. He is the author of War is Coming: Between Past and Future Violence in Lebanon (2017).

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@fayaballofficial 3 жыл бұрын
You seem totally misinformed: you start your story in 1947 with a partition plan that was refused by the Arab Commission but accepted by the Jewish authorities. Why not telling the original plan was that of the Treaty of Rome, to transfer all the British Mandate in "Palestine" to the Jews, and that the land at the end of the 19th century was almost empty? Why don't you mention that under international law as well as local laws, the building in Shimon Hatsadik (Sheikh Jarrah annexed it) belonged and still belong to a trust that only demanded for the rent to be paid and that no rent was paid for 50 years despite court rulings that went back to the Jordanian occupation prior to 1967? Why do you state you have no clue where Jewish people come from, though it is clear and all artifacts as well as continuous presence in the land of Israel prove they originate from that very land? Why do you say that "sionnist" expelled in 1948-49 whereas they were told to leave by the 5 attacking armies invading the new state of Israel on 15th May 1948 to not get caught in the crossfire? I could go on and on... This video is pure propaganda, and nowhere close to reality. I feel sorry you propagate hatred with the same arguments as Amin Hussein who organised massacres against Jews in 1920 and later on organised the creation an SS division to kill Jews in the Balkans during the second world war, and later his nephew Mohamed Raouf Al Husseini better known as Yasser Arafat. What you describe is just unreal and untrue, and about Sheikh Jarrah you forget to mention that the Jordanian army never passed on property to the occupants. To finish, what you state about "Israeli occupation" is not accurate at all and I am ready to debate the whole issue with you, with full references if you wish. I strongly advise you to stop propagating hatred, it does not help anyone.
@yusufali2368 3 жыл бұрын
What nonsense are you talking about, first of all your comment in itself is propaganda and in fact there is no respectable historian (including respectable Jewish historian) who can back up your claim except random zionist who make excuses for their nazi regime, in fact I can go in detail for you as well because the history is well documented and anyone can research to find out how Israel came about. You are talking about the partition plan, that the Palestinians didn't accept (which makes complete sense since they lived in that land for many centuries and why should someone lose their property) while the Israel accepted (which again is completely false as Nakba was still taking place in fact cities of Israel only came about through Nakba and not from their agreement). Also the British Mandate did not actually give the land to zionist and the lands were not clear completely (even though another agreement was made with the Palestinians), in fact the Balfour Declaration made it clear that all Palestinians and residents are to have equal rights (which clearly the zionist broke that as they follow and made racist laws and regime in Israel against the Palestinians) and that they Palestinians and residents will not be misplaced from their location (which again was completely broken through the Nakba), and when Britain decreased the amount of zionist migrating from their homeland to Palestine (which Britain had set a limit), the zionist terrorism (which were the Irgun, Haganah and many more gangs) terrorised the Britains and the Palestinian Jews included (since the Palestinians Jews were fighting against the zionist), and great example was the bombing of the King David Hotel, that killed so many innocent civilians, the important British people and many Palestinians Jews (this is just one example we can go on about other bombing, open shooting and killing of innocent civilians), which caused Britain to leave and give the problem to the United Nation, which made an agreement first that the zionist rejected, hence what caused the war to break out between the zionist (that were supported by USA and many other countries, in fact it was the USA and other countries soldiers that fought, while the zionist were cowards) against the Palestinians who's government was weakened (as when the Hamas group was created they were funded by Israel in order to weaken the Palestinian government). But even when the war was won, Nakba still continued, and the Palestinians and other ethnic minorities were terrorised, killed and even tortured to the point that the innocent Palestinians eider died or escaped and became homeless from such torture, and here the Israel were using weapons they got from USA with some adaptation against Palestinians who only had rocks to defend themselves, and literally one can go on with what the Nakba was and the history gets worse and more horrific (in fact worst or at least equal to the nazi regime). Also the International Law never approved in fact made it illegal for Zionist to take over Sheik Jarrah (yes the local zionist law allowed it simply because they follow a racist law that takes away basic human rights away from the non-Jews especially the Palestinians, even though the Palestinians have lived in that lands for many centuries in fact decades, some even before Judaism such as the Pagan Palestinians), and it is silly to say that the zionist owns that area now (especially when they have agreed that the land belongs to the Palestinians which apparently you said was agreed by the Israel, but I guess you are simply a hypocrite) when the Palestinians have owned that land for many decades and each family have prove of their ancestors living there (there is no evidence of Jews owning the land or building), and it is simply horrific that the zionist make the Palestinians pay rent for their own homes (and the rent is so high that hardly any Palestinian, in fact hardly anyone in Palestine (including the Jews) could afford), or on other cities they would tell the Palestinians to destroy and abolish their own property or otherwise the zionist regime would do it for them and then charge the Palestinians money for abolishing their homes. So anyone can see that this is simply stealing and it breaks several International Laws, which the UN has clearly made it clear that if Israel continues like this (which Israel are still continuing just like the Nakba) then they will have to label Israel as an apartheid state. You talk about Jews originating from Palestine, is completely wrong in fact even Rabbi will make it clear for you that the land of Palestine was given to the Jews (so they haven't originated from there), and when the Jews broke the commandments given by Moses, the Jew were cursed out of that land, but regardless who the Jews are now genetically is hard to know and in fact scientist made it clear not everyone is in fact came from the so called Judaism genetic, which isn't surprising anyways. Also it is completely silly to use a religious book (that is corrupted and can easily be proven) to make an excuse to torture and kill innocent civilians in a land they lived for decades (in fact this is something that Hitler has also done, where he used the Bible as a reason on attacking the Jews, now that is being practiced by the zionist themselves), also if you use religion as an excuse then Pagans have more right over Palestine than zionist, since they existed there before the creation of Judaism, and also there is minority of other faiths that also have religious books that states they own Palestine or other countries and these minority faiths don't have their own land (in fact they are asking for their lands), so why shouldn't we not give them the land especially when they are more peaceful than the racist zionist people. You talk about some Muslims fighting the Jews, but if you look at the Jews in Morroco who kept the Jews save and let me quote what Sultan Muhammad said during world war 2 against the Nazi (even though the zionist are practicing the same nazi regime and to worser level), "I absolutely do not approve of the new anti-Semitic laws and I refuse to associate myself with a measure I disagree with. I reiterate as I did in the past that the Jews are under my protection and I reject any distinction that should be made amongst myself", in fact we can talk about many countries including Afghanistan, Egypt (which even the Jews in Egypt fought against the zionist) and literally most of the Muslim countries, in fact even Jews themselves confirm that it is thanks to the Muslims that the Jews managed to survive and be able to have equal rights that lead the Jews to prosperity, yes there were fights between Jews and Muslims, sometimes from the Jewish extremism and racism, and sometimes from the Muslim extremism and racism, however never did ethnic cleansing took place against the Jews from the Muslims (as Muslims always supported the Jews even against the Muslim extremism and in fact it was only from the western world including Russia that committed ethnic cleansing of the Jews), and the Palestinians always supported the Jews (in fact even saved them from the Crusaders and Romans and allowed the Jews equal rights and also allowed them to practice their own laws and prayers something that the Romans and Crusaders prevented the Jews do, in fact the Romans and Crusaders exiled the Jews from Jerusalem or killed them). This is just a summary of how Israel came about, literally if one goes in detail with all the references from respectable Jewish and non-Jewish historians with leaked evidences then they will find that the zionist racist regime becomes more and more horrific, in fact a group of zionist don't go by what the Torah teaches or commanded, some even being atheist, yet has this racist idea that they are the best creation of the God the Almighty while other people are more like animals (not all Jews are like that, in fact there are many Jews that are against such regime), and unfortunately these types of zionist are the ones that control Israel, which was shocking to find that they are white supremacy that gives less right to black Jews from Africa (even though historically and scientifically Moses and his decibels are more likely to be black than white), and literally the Torah is thrown under the bus, so really Israel is only based on a racist and terrorism regime stand rather than a religious stand. For this reason it is disgusting the fact that people like you support Israel an apartheid state that is ethnically cleansing innocent people without even fearing God the Almighty or even having any shame or morality for human beings. But I will always stick with peace, and will not join history that is repeating the evil. Peace.
@fayaballofficial 3 жыл бұрын
​@@yusufali2368 I read your very entertaining reply. I wish it were based on facts and not misconceptions. 1. About the presence of Jews in Israel. As you said yourself it goes back to very ancient times, as the Bible recalls, to King Saul. At that time, there was no Arab identity yet there was a strong Jewish identity. You confirmed yourself Jews had to leave. Meaning they were there. And not all of them left, as as you stated again, when the land was invaded again, Arabs allowed them to stay. That is during the crusades as you rightly mentioned. That means Jews had been occupying the land for over 2500 years at that time. 2. Arabs who came to Israel never developped the land while Jews were in exile.When Jews came back in numbers at the end of the 19th Century, they found a deserted country: the English AND Ottoman empire agreed on the fact the less than 300 000 people lived there, and that includes what would later become Transjordan and Jordan. 3. Arabs came mainly to work for Jews, and get a higher pay and medicine standard as in their own countries, from North Africa to Turkey, and Mesopotamia. 4. You are well misinformed about North Africa. Until the independance of North Africa mainly from the French, Jews and Muslims had a fine relationship. 850 000 Jews were expelled litterally overnight in all arab countries in 1948. They had nowhere to go. Did you not know that? 5. From the first massacres in the 1920's, there was a clear and declared will from arab leaders to kill Jews and destroy any plan to re-create a State. Furthermore you seem to not know that British Officers were heading the Jordanian Army against Israel in 1948, and their pilots were flying Egyptian planes. You can chack, Israel did not have any support from the West, contrary to what you said. You may not know, but passed the Balfour Declaration, Britain did nothing in favour of the Jews. In fact, Britain supported the Hashemite dynasty and divided the land and its people. 6. The factions in Lebanon, Gaza and Judea-Samaria that aim at killing innocent populations in Israel today are in clear violation of International Laws. They wish to kill as many Jews as possible. If Israel had the same tactic to resolve the problem, it would have flattened Gaza and Judea-Samaria. 7. You talk about apartheid country: Israeli arabs have the same rights as any other Israeli, Jews or Christians or else. No Jew is allowed to live in Gaza or in the land under the "Palestinian Authority". So yes, there is ethnic cleansing, but not where you think. Israel as a country defends itself only and even informs civilians to leave an area before bombing it because it is a military site for a terrorist faction. That terrorist faction will however use the people as human shield. Why do the Hamas put his children under bombs when Israel puts his own in shelters? Who's trying to fool who? 8. To have a people you must have a common language, a common history and refereces, and common values, and possibly a land. Arabs in Israel come from many different countries, and do not have a common history, nor common values until the doctrine of their leaders and dictatorship of the terrorist organisation ruling their every move (The Palestinian Authority is classed as an Authoritarian Regime. 9. I'll leave you with a quote from Zuheir Mohsen, one of the leaders of the PLO: “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism.” I caught your drift, and I suggest you leave the debate on the origin of Jews aside (since the exile in 135 of the Common Era), but we can get into it if you insist. I would show you that Jews are and make one people, and that it is not the case for Arabs, and I do not want to get into what those from the Arabic Peninsula think of the "others". Peace.
@yusufali2368 3 жыл бұрын
@@fayaballofficial I am not going to repeat the same thing again and again, the fact are all there for people to look and research from historians, Jewish documents and what happened during Nakba and how that is still being practiced today by Israel, don't really care what you deny. By the way the fact that Jews lived there before means nothing, and they were not the origins of those lands anyways (since Judaism did not exist before Judea), and if you want to go through that means then all countries in the world citizens should lose their homes and become homeless. I will repeat again, I do not support Hamas, the Palestinian Authorities, however the Israel are playing a bigger terrorism game than any other nations (even though I have talked against Hamas and the Palestinians authorities in so many comments in other KZbin), and it is disgusting that people like you support Israel (which facts are completely clear that Israel is an apartheid and racist state) thinking that you have a good excuse to stand on with all the nazi regime being practiced by Israel today. Also don't say that the Jew are one people, because in reality you would expect Christians to be more apart from each other due to their different beliefs, however it is actually the Jews who are more apart from each other depending on which group, some having a racist idea on being the chosen people that are dominant over the other groups and humanity (some of the people in that group are agnostics, atheist or to be honest simply arrogant), but regardless as you correctly said religion cannot be talked here because nazi ideology that is being run by Israel is the big issue, and as I said that who runs the country doesn't really matter rather it is how that place is run, and there is nothing to say that killing innocent citizens (in the thousands each year), take their homes away, take their resources away, take their basic human rights away and fund the extreme right to torture them is completely disgusting and shameful (thank goodness so many Jews have morality and spoke against this some in Israel itself (in the past these Palestinian Jews were shot dead on the spot), it is only the arrogant zionist that should be shameful just like all other terrorism groups). Recently a zionist burnt a Palestinian baby alive, and is still able to walk freely in Israel, a Palestinian child was running down the road (who was almost naked) was shot by the Israel police, and we can literally just go on. Deny as much as you want but I will not support such disgusting acts throughout history, I am against all apartheid states, terrorism acts (does not matter what religion even if it includes my own religion or country), inequality acts due to arrogance and most importantly killing for power I will never support, and it is simply the repeat in history, talked a lot in religious books, historical documents etc, and it only time until history changes it self again, so really as a convert to Islam (as I came from a Jewish background) I fear for my hereafter rather than a hunger for power in this life.
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