Shocking Views of Shabir Ally

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Saajid Lipham

Saajid Lipham

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@ashbrauw 3 жыл бұрын
Brothers, you should invite Shabir instead of talking about him in his absence
@mistymohammad 3 жыл бұрын
@@duncan3998 It’s not gossiping about others, if someone publicly sins or misguided people then it’s up to the people of knowledge to publicly warn against him. It’s also obvious from the video that this guy isn’t a shaykh cause of his rejection of well known rules derived from the Qur’aan and authentic Sunnah, some of this is straight heresy.
@mistymohammad 3 жыл бұрын
@@duncan3998 No. 1: How is it not relevant to do so? Should we leave people to be misguided and think that Hudud aren’t part of the religion anymore? To let them deviate from the straight path? To let them change Islam? No.2: these people aren’t laymen they are students of knowledge. With Saajid having studied in Madinah and Farid I believe studied hadith amongst other things. No.3: The scholars say it is wajib to warn against people who contradict the sharoah and create deviations. Shaykh Abdul-Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz said: Question: Is it permissible to mention peoples names and characters when one wants to criticise them and their thinking? Answer: If someone writes something that contradicts the pure Sharee’ah, and distributes that material, or if he promulgates that view in the media, it becomes compulsory to refute him and expose the falsehood of what he says. There is nothing wrong in mentioning that person’s name or in warning people about him if he calls to innovation, Shirk, or if he calls to what Allaah has prohibited or to disobedience. Until this day, there are knowledgeable and believing people from the callers to the truth and bearers of the Sharee’ah fulfilling this obligation, sincerely for Allaah Almighty and for the benefit of His servants, rebuking the wrong, inviting to the truth, warning others against those who propagate falsehood and destructive rhetoric. Fatawa Islamiyah/Islamic Verdicts [Volume 8], (Darussalam Publishers: 2002), p.53 Private sins are to be advised in private, when someone is spreading fitnah like this in public it is wajib to call it out in public
@whatdoyoumean1974 3 жыл бұрын
@@duncan3998 thank you sheikh
@Unknown97000 3 жыл бұрын
@@duncan3998 do you believe a man who thinks his more knowledgeable than allah is a sheikh?
@Eleidig007 3 жыл бұрын
@@mistymohammad mash Allah
@mskorkoss 3 жыл бұрын
It's hard to judge a sheikh on clips, instead of bashing each other here, and specially someone who inspired many to embrace Islam, maybe you could have get the means to contact him and have conversations with him and understand is position. I'm not a blind follwer of ANYONE but i have been follow him since i came across Sheikh Deedat materials, and Brother Shabir never ever denied the world of the Quran. Not in my experience. May Allah have mercy on us all. Let's not bash each other online like this
@alyzak.8997 3 жыл бұрын
@APoorSlaveoftheMostHigh 3 жыл бұрын
Āmeen. May Allāh keep us all firm on the quran and the sunnah. Brother, nobody has denied the good he has done, nor should they. And these videos should not be taken as attempts to bash people, rather to point out problematic things they are putting out there to the world to see. Personally, I have watched his full videos in which his answers to the questions wholly oppose the Quran and sunnah that our deen is based on. May Allāh bless him for his good works and make those he has helped guide to the truth a sadaqah jāriyah, and accept it from him. However, videos like this are needed and are not a personal attack, and Allāh knows best their intention so we pray that it is sincere and accepted. Rather they are and should be taken as attempts to address things somebody has said publicly and therefore should be responded to as such. If it was a private sin, I‘m sure he would have been advised privately. We must be very careful and protect ourselves and our fellow Muslims from da’ees who are (purposely or without knowledge) spreading an inaccurate depiction of Islam to the public. We pray Allāh keeps us sincere, and guided us all to the straight path, corrects our intentions, forgives our sins and protects us from his punishment, and unites us in Al Firdaus al A’lā. Āmeen.
@APoorSlaveoftheMostHigh 3 жыл бұрын
Also as brother Saajid has pointed out in the video, he is and has been for years, aware of problematic things which this brother has been spreading and yet this is the first time he has spoken publicly about it. Therefore in my humble opinion, it is quite unfair to say they are judging him on clips. May Allāh forgive us all
@APoorSlaveoftheMostHigh 3 жыл бұрын
It is also presumptuous to say they have not tried to contact him privately and are just bashing him publicly based on a few clips
@buribaevvolk6247 3 жыл бұрын
Did you watch the video, where he was interviewed, he is clearly opposing to the quran and sunnah. Brother Sajeed is not bashing him here, it is every muslim’s responsibility to do NAHI MUNKAR, if some brothers in islam do or say something wrong. that is what brother Sajeed is trying to do, in my opinion. May Allah guide us and brother Shaber, to the straight path
@shukrmessage7640 4 жыл бұрын
What's interesting is that the people ranting and raving over "barbaric" Islamic hudud punishments are the same people who don't care or consider how severe Hell is. We believe in something that is more "barbaric" or harsh but is necessary because Allah ordained which is Hell. Allah has perfect wisdom.
@rijadhadzic3396 4 жыл бұрын
Or maybe, if you don't agree with Islam, hudud, etc... maybe, just maybe, since Islam does not restrict you from traveling, you can GTFO out of a Muslim country and live in a place you agree with?
@MustafaMuhammed1981 4 жыл бұрын
@@rijadhadzic3396 LoL
@ophelian4646 4 жыл бұрын
@@amir.k.maqboolabdulmumeet9258 So you don't live in a western country then? Which wonderful Islamic country do you dwell in then?
@sykesyke5786 4 жыл бұрын
@sykesyke5786 4 жыл бұрын
@falsehoodexterminator2336 4 жыл бұрын
I love brother Muhammad Tim Humble’s classes. He is MaShaAllah very knowledgeable and someone we can trust to get ilm from. He has done videos on the subjects like “Are Women in Islam are oppressed” and “Is Sharia Barbaric” and many more and MaShaAllah he’s done a beautiful job explaining everything with dalils from the Quran and Sunnah Alhamdullilah. We don’t need to be apologetic because we have the haqq Alhamdullilah.
@sykesyke5786 4 жыл бұрын
@peakinyou 3 жыл бұрын
| UPDATED LIST | Here are some major scholars upon the truth to take knowledge from: Some major scholars from the past: Imam Al Hasan Al Basri (d 118AH). Imam Abu Hanifa (d. 150H) Imam Maalik (d.179H). Imam Ash Shafi’i d. 204AH Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal(d.241H) Imam Bukhaari (d.256H) Imam Tirmidhi (d. 270 H.) Al Bazzar (d 292H) Imam Ibn Jareer Al Tabari(d.310H) Imam Ibn Khuzaymah (d 311H). Imam Ibn Abi Dawood (d.316H) Imam Al Barbahare(d.329H) Imam Ibn Hibban (Died 355H). Imam Al Ajurri(d.360H) Imam Al Daraqutni (d 385AH). Imam Lalakai d.418H Ibn Hazm (d 442 AH) Abu Ismaeel As'Saaboonee (449H) Al Bayhaqi (d.457H). al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (d.463H) Imam Ibn 'Abdul-Barr (463H) Imam Al Baghawi (d.AH516) Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir al-Jilaanee (561H) Ibn Qudaamah (d.620 AH). Imam Al Qurtubi (d 651, AH). Imam Al Nawawi (d.676H) Shaykh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah d.728 Ibn Abi Izz (d 731 AH) Imam Ibn Al Qayyim (d.751) Ibn Muflih (d.763H). Ibn Kathir d.774 AH Ibn Rajab (d 795) Ibn Hajar Al Asqalaani (d.852H) Jalal Al Din as Suyuti (d911H). Shaykh Al Islam Muhammad Ibn Al Abdul Wahab (d.1206 AH). Imam Ash Shawkani (d 1212AH) May allah have mercy on them all MODERN DAY SCHOLARS Passed Away: Shaykh ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān Ibn Nāṣir as-Saʿdī(d. 1376H) Shaykh Aḥmad Muḥammad Shākir(d. 1377H) Shaykh Ḥāfiẓ al-Ḥakamī(d. 1377H) Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ibrahīm Āl ash-Shaykh(d. 1389H) Shaikh ʿAbdullāh al-Qarʿāwī (d. 1389H) Shaykh Muḥammad al-Amīn al-Shanqītī(d. 1393H) Shaykh Muḥammad Khalīl al-Harrās(d. 1395H) ShaykhʿAbdullāh bin Ḥumaid(d. 1402H) Shaykh Muḥammad Taqī ad-Dīn al-Hilālī al-Maghribī(d. 1407H) Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq al-'Afeefee(d.1415H) Shaykh Badīʿ ad-Dīn Shāh as-Sindī(d. 1416H) Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī(d. 1416H) Shaykh Ḥammād bin Muḥammad al-Ansārī(d. 1418H) Shaykh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn ʿAbdullāh ibn Bāz(d. 1419H) Shaykh ʿUmar bin Muḥammad al-Fallātah(d. 1419H) Shaykh Muḥammad Nāṣir ad-Dīn al-Albānī(d. 1420H) Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn(d. 1421H) Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hādī al-Wādiʿī(d. 1422H) Shaykh ʿAbdullāh Bassām(d. 1423H) Shaykh ʿAbd as-Salām Burjiss(d. 1425H) Shaykh Ṣafī ar-Raḥmān al-Mubārakfurī(d. 1427H) Shaykh Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyá al-Najmī(d. 1429H) Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Banná(d. 1430H) Shaykh ʿAbdullāh Al-Ghudayān(d. 1431H) Shaykh ʿAbdullāh ʿAqīl(d. 1433H) Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Waṣṣābī(d. 1436H) Shaykh Zayd Al-Madkhalī(d. 1436H) Shaykh Yāsīn al-ʿAdanī(d. 1439H) May allah have mercy on them all Alive: Shaykh ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-ʿAbbād Shaykh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn ʿAbdullāh Āl ash- Shaykh ʿAbdullāh al-Bukhārī Shaykh Abdul Razzaq Al Badr Shaykh ʿAlī bin Ḥusain al-Ḥudhaifī Shaykh ʿAlī Nāṣir al-Faqīhī Shaykh Ḥasan ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Banná Shaykh Muḥammad bin Ādam Al-Ethyūbī Shaykh Muḥammad Ghālib al-‘Umarī Shaykh Muhammad Raslaan Dr Murtaza Ibn Baksh, for Urdu and Hindi speakers, and there are many more you can take knowledge from. Shaykh Rabīʿ ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Āl ash-Shaykh Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Fawzān Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Luḥaydān Shaykh Salih Al Suhaymee Shaykh Sālim Bāmiḥriz Shaykh Sulayman Ar Ruhayli Shaykh ʿUbayd ibn ʿAbdullāh al-Jābirī Shaykh Wasiullah Abbas May allah preserve them Many others as well, scholars of the sunnah upon the way of the early Muslims (the salaf) and any they mention. Go onto and you will find many more. You can find their audios on KZbin (be careful on KZbin as some people on there do not call to the true Islam but they call to ways that appear to be Islam but are not) And these are names of English speaking people of knowledge: Passed Away: Abu Uwais Abdullah(d. 1425H)Rahimahullah Dr Saleh as saleh(d. 1429H)rahimahullah Abu Talha Dawood Burbank1432H rahimahullah Abū ʿUmar Farūq(d. 1438H) Rahimahullah May allah have mercy on them Alive: ʿAbbās Abū Yaḥyá Abd al-Hakîm Mitchell Abdulilāh Lahmāmī Abu Abdillah Noorudeen Abū Ādam Jamīl Finch Abū 'Aisha Shamsūdīn (Shamsi) Abū al-Ḥasan Mālik Ādam Abū Afnān Muhammad Abdullāh Abu Anissa Abdulhakeem Abu Arwa Ali Abu Esa Akmal Abu Fudayl abdur-Raqīb Abū Ḥafsa Kāshiff Khān Abū Ḥakīm Bilāl Davis Abū Ḥumaid Sālim Abū Idrīs Muḥammad Khān Abu Inaayah Seifaddeen Abū Isḥāq Nadīm. Abū ʿIyāḍ Amjad Rafīq Abū Khadījah ʿAbd al-Wāḥīd Abu Kenzah Jamal Abū Muʿādh Taqwīm Aslam Abū Muḥammad al-Maghribī Abu Rayhannah Yayha Abū Ṭalḥah Ṭāhir Abu Tasneem Mushaf Abū 'Ukkāshah AbdulHakīm Aḥmad Fatḥī Anwar Wright Ḥamzah ʿAbd ar-Razzāq Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī Muḥammad Amīn al-Jazāʾirī Mūsā Richardson Mūsā Shalim Muhammad Muṣṭafá George Rāḥa Batts Rashīd Barbee Rayaan Barker Sa'eed Rhana Ṭālib ʿAbdullāh Umar Quinn Uthmān ibn Mustafa Uwais aṭ-Ṭawīl Zubayr Abbasi May allah preserve them The above can be found on KZbin and they have many websites as well. (PLEASE BEWARE OF ANY VIDEOS THAT SPEAK AGAINST THE ONES MENTIONED ABOVE; they lie AND slander the people of truth. Do not lend an ear even for a moment and ignore them. People lied against the Messenger peace be upon him, so who is anyone lesser than him. It does happen where people have tried to slander some of the above individuals but then have been exposed themselves) Please, for those in the west please stick to scholars and exclusively with those mentioned above and anyone who is actually with them. Also please use this for audios and lessons: & Here's a list of KZbin channel to subscribe to and learn from Albanian Shqiptar - kzbin.infolive Arabic: Miraath Arabic m.kzbin.infofeatured Rasael emaratia English: Albaseerah m.kzbin.infofeatured AlHuda Bolton m.kzbin.infovideos At-Tarbiyah South Florida As Sabeel DaarusSunnah Da'waatus Salafiyyah Brisbane Dus Dawah Learn About Islam UK Manhaj ul-Haqq Markaz-Bukhāri Markaz Ibn sireen m.kzbin.infovideos Markaz Muaadh Ibn Jabal m.kzbin.infovideos Markaz Sufyaan Ath-Thawree Markaz us-Sunnah Masjid Al-Huda Sheffield Miraath publication M.T Media m.kzbin.infofeed Muwahhideen Publication Rasael emaratia SalafiCentreUK m.kzbin.infovideos SalafiDawaLancs Salafi recording Sunnah Publication kzbin.infoSunnahPublishing Tawheed Rochdale ThePiousOnes Troid kzbin.infotroidtube Umm Uthmaan al-Majariyyah Russian: Sunnah Portal Turkish: DAVETULENBIYA m.kzbin.infovideos Urdu: Tawheede Khaalis m.kzbin.infofeatured Audios |albaseerah| Al-Masjid Al-Awwal (1MM) | Learn about Islām - The true message of Islām |Germantown Masjid | Markaz-sal
@falsehoodexterminator2336 3 жыл бұрын
@@peakinyou Jazzak Allahu Khairan
@mahirlabeeb1158 2 жыл бұрын
@@peakinyou thanks brother, i recognizrd some of the names . can we be in contact on some other social media ?
@mohammedwhylie9224 2 жыл бұрын
Is any one willing to have a debate with CP? even Shabir Ally is scared (says he is unfit to debate the more knowledgeable CP)
@HilyahAsSalaf 4 жыл бұрын
Incoming "Judging is only for Allah, don't talk bad about him he's done so much good" comments
@MohammedAlSharif2002 4 жыл бұрын
@ukasxm8245 4 жыл бұрын
Astagirullah, Judging is only for Allah, don't talk bad about him he's done so much good
@Ziloers 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, looking at the comments, and the latest reply, people go on saying stuff without any prior knowledge to distinguish between calling out on falsehood and judging. Brother Saajid and Farid here are only showing people that he's not following the sunnah, rather he's voicing his opinion.
@Veritas-dq2hs 4 жыл бұрын
Well, I'll say this: He's done great in so many debates, and he is of excellent moral character. He is a major reason I started to turn to Islam. However, it is a bit troubling that he has taken the liberals' stance on many topics.
@MustafaMuhammed1981 4 жыл бұрын
According to that logic. Then we shouldn't be judging ISIS as a Terrorist organisation. Only Allah can judge? 😂
@somalikanye8642 3 жыл бұрын
May Allah protect us from misguidance
@Truth_Seeker1 3 жыл бұрын
Actually no he isn’t. The practice of hand cutting was practised before Islam just because he doesn’t believe it’s applicable in 2021 doesn’t mean he is wrong.
@otakugamer1438 2 жыл бұрын
@@Truth_Seeker1 it 100% does
@Truth_Seeker1 2 жыл бұрын
@@otakugamer1438 No if doesn’t. Also there’s Hadith that you against the Quran.
@Truth_Seeker1 2 жыл бұрын
Also there’s Hadith which go against the Quran so he is 100% right. The punishment given in the Quran for sex is lashes. The Hadith goes against the Quran. He is 100 right to say that Hadith is incorrect and I agree.
@Truth_Seeker1 2 жыл бұрын
@@muhammadibnmuhammad6294 Dr Ally isn’t misguiding anyone. He just tells the truth. He doesn’t agree every Hadith is authentic. I’ll give you one that eating dates will cure you from poison. Even Muslim Drs have said this isn’t true.
@Detoxica 4 жыл бұрын
Abu Dhar said, “I was with the Prophet (ﷺ) one day and I heard him saing: “There is something I fear for my Ummah than the Dajjal.” It was then that I became afraid, so I said: “ Oh Rasool Allah! Which thing is that?” He (ﷺ) said; “Misguided and astray scholars.” Recorded in Musnad Imam Ahmad
@albertohysham4030 4 жыл бұрын
Reference number ?
@TheOneStraightPath 4 жыл бұрын
Are you implying that Brother Shabir Ally is misguided? based on what? I can see this turning into a witch hunt, and people slander other Muslims unaware of the damage they are doing, to the individual, to the Ummah and to Islam in general, it is shocking how some people place themselves in the pedestal and lecture others on what is Islam. You think you know better, challenge him to a debate, call him and show him his errors instead of slandering him, with these social media smear tactics. people would go to any length to win subscribers, even if it means tarnishing a brother's reputation, with these relentless and mean character assassination campaigns. I am not talking about you just as an individual, I am talking in general. All of the points they've raised are easily debunked and refuted, but this salafi cult is the most dangerous one.
@Anass_L 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheOneStraightPath OFc hes misguided. How are you defending him when he clearly said that stoning isnt part of the shariah. Going against the Qur'an, theres no need to debate this person, a little child will refute him!
@aBBB321 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheOneStraightPath did you not watch the video? Our deen is qala Allah wa qala al rasul ﷺ. Shabir is talking out of his own lust. The proof is clear.
@TheOneStraightPath 4 жыл бұрын
@@aBBB321 There is no proof You go ahead and believe this nonsense, so Muhammad sws will contredict Allah and the qu'ran? This is what sects do.
@velanimohammad1746 4 жыл бұрын
So glad you guys addressed this. Some of us are ordinary people practicing Islam and learning along the way. We seek guidance from Allah and at times do turn to our learnered brothers in these platforms for more knowledge.
@khancan2194 3 жыл бұрын
‘Ordainary’people ? You mean blind followers
@Peace-vs9yi Жыл бұрын
I'm exmuslim... watch exmuslim exmuslim Apostate
@Muwahid999 Жыл бұрын
@Thatdude829 11 ай бұрын
@data_analyst7944 4 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum please pray for Uighurs and Vietnam Muslims.
@sykesyke5786 4 жыл бұрын
@positive_energy3131 3 жыл бұрын
Vietnam Muslims or Rohingya?
@cudacularry2720 3 жыл бұрын
Ultra Crazy cham muslim.
@sufianansari4923 3 жыл бұрын
@@positive_energy3131 both I think
@data_analyst7944 3 жыл бұрын
@@positive_energy3131 both
@the_doctor_cat 4 жыл бұрын
plz make duah for me, I have lost my phone today and it have lot of important stuff inside it. May Allah reward you
@g7k993 4 жыл бұрын
There me a duaa for that. Search for it
@abdulrahmanalemi9427 4 жыл бұрын
Go pray 2 rakkah, this reminded me of the story of imam Malik
@syedzoheab209 4 жыл бұрын
In Sha Allah akhi...u will get ur phone back may Allah azzawajal make it easy for you
@bhatsahil9267 4 жыл бұрын
Oh so sad Allah helps u
@syedzoheab209 4 жыл бұрын
@@bhatsahil9267 Allah Azzawajal helps everyone ya akhi...he's Ar Rehmaan the most merciful
@fairnesspaul2594 3 жыл бұрын
In life, one of the easiest things to do is finding faults on others,
@ibn_karim 3 жыл бұрын
Being emotional and sprouting out these quotes won't help you ikhwan. Minor mistakes and Major deviance aren't the same. Learn before you speak. Islam isn't something where you just make it to be whatever you want it to be by rejecting what the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the best 3 generations taught. This is not the way
@ibn_karim 3 жыл бұрын
Here's something from an actual scholar: We have found that many of the Salafis follow al-ashkhāṣ (ie: personalities) and not al-ḥaq (ie: the truth). « وجدنا كثيرًا من السلفيين يدور حول الأشخاص لا يدور حول الحق، This is a serious disease. هذا مرض خطير، We must be cautious not to follow personalities! إيّانا أن ندور مع الأشخاص. It is obligatory upon us to weigh personalities by way of the truth, فيجب أن نَزِنَ الأشخاص بالحق، And that we do not weigh the truth by way of personalities, لا نزن الحق بالأشخاص، And that we know al-rijāl (ie: the men) by way of the truth, وأن نعرف الرجال بالحق، And not that we know the truth by way of men." لا نعرف الحق بالرجال ». [Munādharah (ie: discussion) regarding the circumstances in al-Afġānistān - First Tape] [مناظرة حول الأوضاع في أفغانستان - الشريط الأول] Rabīʿ b. Hādī al-Madkhalī / ربيع بن هادي المدخلي
@redfalconvfx7050 2 жыл бұрын
it is not finding faults bro... it is say the truth over false. clearly Shabir is rejecting what is in Quran. and with out Quran what Islam do we have
@saniatamanna7763 2 жыл бұрын
@saniatamanna7763 2 жыл бұрын
Fairness Paul,you are right. It's very easy to judge others. But it's difficult to find faults of oneself. This people are so much judgemental
@qm6595 3 жыл бұрын
Whenever you hear a speaker talking about Islam and they consistently mention "I feel", "I think", "In my opinion" it is best to abandon those individuals. This religion is not based on your view, in no way shape or form do these individuals possess a position of giving rulings. Not just rulings rather they are completely going against the Sharia for the sake of conformity to western standards. Until when will Muslims have this idea that the west have a better standard of morality and law than Islam? Wallahi, it is sad to see Muslims knowingly or unknowingly fall into these trap of an inferiority complex and lack of conviction on the Law of Allah. It just goes on to show the importance of education in Islamic fields firstly before attaining any other type of education.
@ThatOneMohamed 3 жыл бұрын
Thiss!! ^^^ Mashallah
@stevefals2818 3 жыл бұрын
Ijtihad ulamas to decide something so that it becomes a fatwa it all comes from "Think,opinion and view" Islam does not forbid you to think even though the true truth belongs only to Allah
@qm6595 3 жыл бұрын
@@stevefals2818 You have really failed to understand the concept of Ijithaad, it is deductive reasoning, based on Quran and Sunnah, where are the evidences presented by these speaker’s to support their heretical claims?
@stevefals2818 3 жыл бұрын
@@qm6595 What if the linguistic and analogous aspects do not cover the new case being asked? An example syariah law to use "Facebook" or others social media. Which cannot be done by use "Qiyas" and "al-istidlal bil qawa'id al-lughawiyah" ?. So what should the scholars ulamas do? With the Qur'an and Hadith ? Even if you search until you are bald there is no word 'facebook' الفيسبوك in the Qur'an and Hadith, and there have been no similar cases in ancient times to do qiyas. In this point where the ulamas answered by doing ijtihad , which is based on the concept of benefit ( Maslahat ). Weighing which is the greater benefit ( Maslahat ) or harm ( Mudarat )
@qm6595 3 жыл бұрын
@@stevefals2818 Exactly, these scholars based their verdicts based upon the literature that already exists and they use that as a method through which they derive verdicts. Those verdicts can not be accepted if they go against the Sharia or violates principles of Islam. The speaker in video is not qualified to issue any verdicts, these subjects are not even his forte, now a days many people are given the titles of mufti shaykul Hadith this and that yet they are not fit for those titles. My point is what you mentioned is still Based upon deductive reasoning rooted in the religion, it must not violate the principles of the religion, these are some pre-requisites for such rulings. Let’s consider your example: some scholars may declare using FB to be completely haram - since it can open up a gateway for fitan and maasiah, there is an ASL for this it is not merely an opinion. Others may consider its usage permissible to some extent: for spreading Islam, dawah purpose, and consider other elements of it haram, again this has origin in the religion. Whereas, this individual in the video, declares that we do not need hadd we do not need the Sharia, sees the permissibility of democracy, firstly this individual does not have the qualifications to issue such verdicts secondly even if he did have the qualifications this is contradicting the religion. Clearly, this is not the same as the previously mentioned case. Nonetheless, you may have misunderstood me, I am not saying that every laymen should rely upon themselves to derive rulings from Quran and Sunnah (Sunnah being a vast concept of the actions, sayings of the Prophet and even stretches to the understanding of the Sahabah), rather what I am saying follow that which has evidence from these two sources, of course from the real scholars, every ruling has basis within these two main legislative sources, the other elements of legislative sources are derived from these two. Hopefully, that clarifies.
@nabilsalim7463 3 жыл бұрын
Brothers, invite him and have a discussion with the mission of both studying, it would be better than talking and discussing statements that he cannot explain.
@amirghiti 3 жыл бұрын
I dislike this kind of talks when they base their conclusion on a 1 minute soundbite and ignore the rest of the discussion. Shabir has clarified his thought process, how he approached this scenario, provided opinions by other scholars and explained that the quran is quite clear on the penalty of adultery. Only if the Quran is unclear that we look to the hadith for context and clarity. Compiling a list of "problematic" statements and deriving the conclusion without delving deeper into the topic or discussion is a missed opportunity to gain understanding.
@nadantwin1153 2 жыл бұрын
talking behind someone without their presence to defends themselves
@darmawan88 2 жыл бұрын
Please be open mind, Syeikh Shabir Ally is really really good scholars, humble man, hanif, and for sure very educated and knowledgeable, I proud we have such scholars
@bf6724 2 жыл бұрын
@@darmawan88 Either you do not know Shabir Ally or you do not know the religion of Islam.
@darmawan88 2 жыл бұрын
@@bf6724 might you are the most knowing this religion, and I only knew little, I follow the shabir ally dawah, from my point of view Shabir is humble person, and I totally agree with him regarding his statement if some of hadith in Imam Muslim and Imam Bukhari are not authentic, and it's can be proof by the kitab itself because of contradiction, I also salafism dawah I also agree in many parts of salafism
@thearshadmahmud 4 жыл бұрын
Initially, I would avoid these videos. I felt that I don't need to know the bad of these scholars but then... after founding out a crucial mistake (this is in regards to basic Islamic beliefs that is not questioned at all) that a popular scholar made a year ago, I was dumbfounded. Then I remembered the hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) warning us about the deviant scholars. Now, I believe it is my duty to know these scholars that I am learning from, especially their aqeedah. Thank you for doing these videos, it would be much more difficult for me to find out otherwise. May Allah bless you immensely in this world and the hereafter for this good you have done.
@elkapitan75 4 жыл бұрын
@@FlorimDemiri Not commenting on Shabir Ally but there are problems with your statement. 1. Most of the Hadith are unreliable - so how did you learn to pray? Or take wudu if not for the Hadith? 2. If something was mentioned in the Quran, we can do it differently. - Isn't this the definition of bidaah? Think carefully when you say these things because it might be used against you on Judgement day. May Allah guide us.
@mirowestmaas4566 4 жыл бұрын
How does one know who is deviant or not? To me Saajid is deviant. But I dont claim I know for sure. Only Allah has the ultimate judgement.
@took_err_jerbs1568 4 жыл бұрын
What specifically do you disagree with?
@ibraheemmtenje7082 3 жыл бұрын
May Allah guide you and grant you goodness in this life and the next.
@bigeasy1383 3 жыл бұрын
why so many dislikes it is very informative and who said this one is a scholar if some one say that hudods is not applicable today then he would left islam unless he is talked out of ignorance no mater what he looked like and miro study ur religion
@ebumuhammedalbani2818 4 жыл бұрын
Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “I have left you with two matters which will never lead you astray, as long as you hold to them: the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his Prophet.”
@ebumuhammedalbani2818 3 жыл бұрын
@retxed nagrom are that jahil you dont know this
@omarsallah481 4 жыл бұрын
May the Almighty ALLAH guide every Muslim to the right path. May the Almighty ALLAH guide the non Muslims to right path.
@abdebnadam6237 3 жыл бұрын
jahil Shabir is Mutazila it seems who say Qur'an isn't self contextual, when Quran 5 :3 says its complete. each of them cut & paste and make up lies & it just divides & opens tyranny. its why jahil sufis & shia divide, linked to exaggerating imams linked to shirk is linked to colonies in hadiths which is rampant with them! he is just divisive in name of inferiority complex cultism...
@abdebnadam6237 3 жыл бұрын
feminism is neo patriarchy swtich from plantation to debt slavery, move women from farms to working for judeo banks, democrats to control minority growth & many feminists were pro lynching etc. 0th wave feminists were also pro colonies, 2nd anti family pro lewd and 3rd anti freedom of speech, they're marxists.
@bilals1279 4 жыл бұрын
The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) reminded us in the hadith of musnad ahmed that: Abu Dhar said, "I was with the Prophet (SAW) one day and I heard him saying: "There is something I fear for my Ummah than the Dajjal." It was then that I became afraid, so I said: "Oh Rasool Allah! Which thing is that?" He (SAW) said; "Misguided and astray scholars." [Musnad Ahmad (5/145) No. 21334 and 21335]
@abdulibnabdul1666 3 жыл бұрын
feminism is neo patriarchy swtich from plantation to debt slavery, move women from farms to working for judeo banks, democrats to control minority growth & many feminists were pro lynching etc. 0th wave feminists were also pro colonies, 2nd anti family pro lewd and 3rd anti freedom of speech, they're marxists.
@abdulibnabdul1666 3 жыл бұрын
jahil Shabir is Mutazila it seems who say Qur'an isn't self contextual, when Quran 5 :3 says its complete. each of them cut & paste and make up lies & it just divides & opens tyranny. its why jahil sufis & shia divide, linked to exaggerating imams linked to shirk is linked to colonies in hadiths which is rampant with them! he is just divisive in name of inferiority complex cultism...
@Mayor_Imad 4 жыл бұрын
Very great video brothers, but i have a question: has any of you guys tried to contact him at least? or what about inviting him on a podcast? because I think such issues needs to be settled face to face (or online) for Shabir to understand the danger of this, thank you Saajid for taking the time and reading this comment.
@fazeelalaher6250 4 жыл бұрын
@Anass_L 4 жыл бұрын
This is not backbiting! This is called 'baiting out' an untrustworthy and a liar! May Allah be pleased with these two brothers who are showing everyone how Shabbir Ally has diverted from the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
@alyzak.8997 3 жыл бұрын
Totally. Dr. Shabbir is very open to conversations as well. He would've definitely agreed.
@muqtadiri.9990 3 жыл бұрын
Not quite, what these brothers are doing is exposing his falsehood to the public so that we know and understand why this deviant should be avoided.
@mohammedwhylie9224 2 жыл бұрын
Is any one willing to have a debate with CP? even Shabir Ally is scared (says he is unfit to debate the more knowledgeable CP)
@thruefact 4 жыл бұрын
We need to call them out. So many people are going to be misguided because of those wrong answers
@ibnamanot 4 жыл бұрын
You'd be surprised by the numbers, it is WAY more than we think. Allah help us and protect us all.
@ibnamanot 4 жыл бұрын
@Sam Fisher no, we have to keep on trying and giving dawah to the truth because we don’t know who will be guided back and left misguided.
@ibnamanot 4 жыл бұрын
@@michaal105 You should be the last one to tell anyone anything. Your whole scripture is corrupted.
@thomashardy7961 4 жыл бұрын
@@ibnamanot Not just corrupted, but manmade and not even written or recorded by Jesus. It was written 300 years after Jesus by anonymous authors. Heck, they can't even prove Jesus existed. According to Jehovas Witnesses, the current Bible has over 50,000 errors.
@ibnamanot 4 жыл бұрын
@snowcrow1178 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Shabyr Ali is very respectful and knowledgeable individual, invite him to the show instead....and dont focus on peoples looks....may Allah forgive and guide us all all....
@Samatar335 3 жыл бұрын
He's not so knowledgeable
@Thats-Akumetsu 3 жыл бұрын
@@Samatar335 your not wrong he says homosexuality isnt mentioned on the Quran
@supermadkid 3 жыл бұрын
@@Thats-Akumetsu he didn't say that he said the punishment for homosexuality isn't mentioned in the Quran. which is correct.
@atgyoutube3088 3 жыл бұрын
@@supermadkid it is
@papabear8253 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the points made by Saajid, but I still dislike and condemn this video. The Ummah is in a mess because of so many diverging scholarly views and the political and ego battles between different scholars and their scholarly groups. In history, scholars have waged war on other scholars including committing murder! You would think scholars would be above all that. Nope! Even today we have a bunch of scholars trying to cancel others by calling them deviants or entirely dismissing them, asking them to withdraw completely and go into oblivion. You have a problem with a Scholar/Person of Knowledge, discuss it direct with him, instead of making disparaging comments based on edited short clips. Both the brothers here on video have taken a condescending view and attitude towards Dr. SA. Have the guts, then arrange a debate and leave the public to decide, don't become Judge and Jury yourself. Who gave you the position of a ''Person of knowledge'' to dismiss someone else so rudely? Who gave you the position of ''Warners & Advisors'' to the Ummah? I really dislike self-appointed know-it-alls. Having a bunch of hadiths & tafsir books carefully placed behind the camera on a shelf does not make anyone an expert and more knowledgeable than others. The video starts of with discussing Dr. SA's credentials, yet both the brothers fail to present their own. I would advise them to work on their own shortcomings and self-development.
@skitzwaz7019 4 жыл бұрын
Love both of these Brothers dearly. May Allah bless you both and elevate you in this world and the next Ikhwani.
@ammar1aaf Жыл бұрын
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله ☝️ جزاكم الله كل خير على ما تقدمونه من علم نافع 🤲💐
@-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-0 2 жыл бұрын
1:40 instead of refuting his arguments you just wants to discredit him because he is educated in the West? You should have him on and have an honest discussion.
@journeyforever1932 2 жыл бұрын
Western education is filled with dumb liberal propaganda
@fastiosguy3528 2 жыл бұрын
no he is already discredited because he is an orientalist/oriental minded person, basically a brainwashed mentality and the biggest proof is shabir himself he keeps quoting orientalist pseudo-scholars and the like and failing to mention any traditional scholar. and if you find that just a way to try and discredit him then I suggest reading a bit more on orientalism, "orientalism" is a good read, and also "restating orientalism" is even better. check them out for real, very interesting even if you're not interested in defending the traditional view on Islam they show the trash level of academia these people hide behind.
@muhammadabdulrafay4623 6 ай бұрын
No need to have him on when what he answers are pretty clear to a clear questions.
@arafmahmud5362 4 жыл бұрын
Really shocking ! Didn't expect it. Even a Muslim with Fundamental knowledge of quran and Sunna can judge him !
@sykesyke5786 4 жыл бұрын
@joenathan7211 2 жыл бұрын
😢😢😢 subhanallah, today I watch video from the Deen TV about music, that's pretty nice video masha Allah. And I got curious about the "ulama" who admit music is not haram. So I tried to find info, and I found Dr. Shabir Ally video, may Allah forgive me if I am wrong, but his explanation seemed that music is permisible, not haram, that he said there is not any verses in the quran speak about it, and about the hadith bukhari as generally info we know music is haram, but he said the grade of the hadith is daif. I was so shoked to know that. It gave me chills, we don't mean to disrespecfully judge anyone, especially someone who is consider as scholar, but if what he say is opposing with quran and sunnah. We should save ourselves from that doubtful and subhat. Not to mention other video about LGBT, shaking hand witg opposite gender, riba, etc. May Allah forgive me if I am wrong, May Allah guide all of us and him
@oris247 3 жыл бұрын
This is the problem with such Islamic 'experts' - you have to agree with them or you are one of the 'other.' No grey areas, no nuanced debate, no sophistication, no allowance. In the end this leads to dead ends. Worse, the comments about how he looks like a traditional Muslim as if he was the opposite. Disappointing and eye opening behaviour. I like how the Dr comes across as educated and can apply the basic and true principles of Islam to what is a hugely different, modern world. Do these guys ride camels if they are so true?
@saral9817 2 жыл бұрын
Islam allows difference of opinion but what shabir Ally was saying was not some ikhtilaafi matter. What he was saying literally goes against the Quran
@Tislyfe 4 жыл бұрын
Brother Saajid, ur compassion to Islam is inspiring and I’m so happy Allah has given me someone who feels like I do... but insha’Allah CAN do something about it! Alhamdolilah may Allah protect u all, bless u with Iman, keep u humble and accept all that u do.
@jamesdunning8650 3 жыл бұрын
Shabir ally is an incredible intellectual. I have heard him debate Christians and give them a run for their money, which is not common these days from the islamic side. You should debate him, not gossip about him.
@adriatics.3357 3 жыл бұрын
Very very very well said!
@jamesdunning8650 3 жыл бұрын
@Bilal D it might be easier to refute christianity than to defend Islam. I'm neither a Christian or Muslim.
@Hurairah_SG 3 жыл бұрын
This is not a gossip but warning for us to know whom not to take a knowledge from. Do you think no one told him about his wrong views and no one debated him?
@jamesdunning8650 3 жыл бұрын
@@Hurairah_SG what views does he hold that are haram?
@Hurairah_SG 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamesdunning8650 not gonna go into it here as enough been said about him for those who wants to understand, not to argue. To me personally hearing him saying hijab is not a must was enough to understand about him. Someone disregarding the direct order from Allah is definitely not someone to learn from to say very least.
@MrArmeg 4 жыл бұрын
I used to watch all of Shabir Ally debate and used to like the way he debating Christians with his humble personality. He quite good in his field but some of his views about Islam is totally wrong like our brothers said.. Hope he watch this video and change his views.. May Allah guide him.Salam from Malaysia.
@fazeelalaher6250 4 жыл бұрын
Me too I liked his debate with Christians I never heard the islamic Islamic talks But I'm shocked Its scary to think if we don't really know our true islam then we going to be losers in the time of dajjaal We lay ppl expect them to be talking the truth Yasir qadhi also What about sheikh Uthman from One Message Foundation? His dawah with the non believers n the patience n humility he shows is great. Hope hes not misguided
@MrArmeg 4 жыл бұрын
@@fazeelalaher6250 sheikh uthman got degree in islamic study and hadith too. U can watch his teaching in MasjidRibat channel..
@bf6724 4 жыл бұрын
@@fazeelalaher6250 Sheikh Othman is not like them, he has a correct Aqida.
@cesareomartinez6582 4 жыл бұрын
Hello my friend, with all respect you know why this happening? Shavir ally is one of the top defender of Islam and there is a bunch like him in the world BUT ALL OF THEM CONTRADICTS EACH OTHER THE EXAMPLE ARE THIS 2 GUYS TALKING HERE THEY DON'T AGREE WITH SHAVIR, YOU KNOW WHY? ANSWER: BECAUSE QURAN IS A BOOK OF CONFUSION AND IF QURAN IS A BOOK OF CONFUSION IT CAN NOT BE FROM GOD, SIMPLE LIKE THAT WAKE UP USE YOUR BRAIN Watch Christian Prince, David Wood, Sam Shamoun, Speaker corner and see the true OPEN YOUR MIND AND HEART AND LOOK FOR THE TRUE JESUS CHRIST
@bf6724 4 жыл бұрын
@@cesareomartinez6582 Your way of writing "Shavir" suggests that you are a Jew, not even a Christian!
@berryboi1574 4 жыл бұрын
Black magic is as real as it's mentioned in the Quran, come to Africa and see for yourself. Shabir Ally is more like a debater and talking on issues based on his understanding is not how Islam works. This is why we should stay away from debate preachers and follow ppl who teach pure ilm. I know he has said very shady things years ago and I am just ur ordinary muslim. Be mindful who u talk ur deen from. Soooo many nowadays are tryna push a watered down Islam based on their feelings and opinions.
@iimiboy 4 жыл бұрын
Like yasir qadhi, mufti menk, yaqeen institute omar suleiman, Jonathan brown, Al hadad, Abu layth, nouman Ali Khan, Al kauthar and Al magrib, tahir wyatt, Ali dawah, hijab and many more oh oh hamza yusuf
@onecuriousguy1727 4 жыл бұрын
@@iimiboy what is it with mufti menk ?
@Player_Zeesh 4 жыл бұрын
@@iimiboy who do you take your knowledge from ?
@iimiboy 4 жыл бұрын
@@Player_Zeesh I follow the athari aqeedha so anyone who follows the quran and Sunnah on the understanding of the salaf
@Player_Zeesh 4 жыл бұрын
@@iimiboy so you take knowledge from asim hakeem?
@lavishlyenigmatic 4 жыл бұрын
Avoid Yasir Qadhi and Shabbir Aly if you want to preserve your faith .
@safwanshahriar9579 2 жыл бұрын
There's more of where that came from
@fazlerabbi5208 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t care what mr. Ally says. We still have The Quran and Hadith with us. May Allah protect us. May Allah unite this ummah.
@balibhai420 4 жыл бұрын
You are then a typical wahabi
@kimasailo6629 4 жыл бұрын
Islam, with it's pagan warlord Mohammed has been exposed and crumbling
@fazlerabbi5208 3 жыл бұрын
@@kimasailo6629 Say to those who disbelieve, "You will be overcome and gathered together to Hell, and wretched is the resting place." Ali Imran (3:12)
@khancan2194 3 жыл бұрын
Keep the Quran Bin the Hadith
@abdulmalikissah6979 3 жыл бұрын
@@QnA513 keep your Shiasm to yourself
@abueesa1905 4 жыл бұрын
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever has three traits is a hypocrite, even if he fasts, prays, goes to Hajj and Umrah, and claims to be a Muslim. When he speaks, he lies. When he promises, he breaks it. When he is trusted, he betrays it.” Source: Musnad Abī Ya’lá 4039 Grade: Hasan li ghayrihi (fair due to external evidence) according to Al-Albani
@sykesyke5786 4 жыл бұрын
@khancan2194 3 жыл бұрын
If you believe that , you believe monkeys stone one another for ‘adultery 😂😂😂😂😂
@ibnmianal-buna3176 3 жыл бұрын
@@khancan2194 I’m sorry, what do you mean by monkeys?
@AAA-xc4zm 2 жыл бұрын
He is shrugging off the quran and the saheeh hadith like they were books written by a lawyer about farming. This is the Quran and Saheeh hadith we are talking about. Words of Allah and his prophet.
@BazDawah 4 жыл бұрын
I originally saw this on Farid Responds. And even though I'm 82% a Farid Responds supporter and 78% a Saajid Lipham supporter, I decided to come onto Ustadh Saajid's channel to like this video and comment because I appreciate what these brothers did. BaarakAllah Feekum!
@abdulibnabdul1666 3 жыл бұрын
jahil Shabir is Mutazila it seems who say Qur'an isn't self contextual, when Quran 5 :3 says its complete. each of them cut & paste and make up lies & it just divides & opens tyranny. its why jahil sufis & shia divide, linked to exaggerating imams linked to shirk is linked to colonies in hadiths which is rampant with them! he is just divisive in name of inferiority complex cultism...
@abdulibnabdul1666 3 жыл бұрын
feminism is neo patriarchy swtich from plantation to debt slavery, move women from farms to working for judeo banks, democrats to control minority growth & many feminists were pro lynching etc. 0th wave feminists were also pro colonies, 2nd anti family pro lewd and 3rd anti freedom of speech, they're marxists.
@MaalikIslam 4 жыл бұрын
The Fourth Nullifier that takes a person out from the fold of Islam: "Whoever believes that some guidance other than that of the Prophet’s صلى الله عليه وسلم is more complete than his guidance and that someone else’s judgement is better than his judgement, such as those who prefer the judgement of the Tawaagheet (pl. of Taaghut; false deities/religions like democracy, republic etc) over his judgement, then he is a disbeliever."
@damirage2010 4 жыл бұрын
I love the fact that islamic laws are deterents for example no one will have his hands cut off if the rule of stealing was applied so easy to understand and ofcourse a safe environment I don't know whats hard to comprehend.Stop changing sharia because Allah knows and we don't.
@lameisalam9445 3 жыл бұрын
“Allah knows best we don’t” what type of brainwashing is that 😂
@riyaansheikh7470 2 жыл бұрын
@@lameisalam9445 it's wahabi level brainwashing 😂
@mariem2599 4 жыл бұрын
Brolher Sajid We would like to see you more, for example, on direct with the brothers from the IfDawah channel, or directly on your channel, to have a more conversation with you.god bless you all for your mighty efforts Islam is lhe way💎
@wasbtf 4 жыл бұрын
Jazakallah for making this video. You have no idea how much it angered the first time I saw the video of Shabir Ali rejecting the existence of black magic. With the Grace of Allah, I turned my life around and started to practice Islam again because I was inflicted by black magic. May Allah continue to guide us and keep our hearts firm on the true path.
@dipgass1213 4 жыл бұрын
oh yes, we MUST follow the sunnah because the prophet was severely inflicted by Black Magic. my only fear is, i don't want to die by food poisining
@flegis123 4 жыл бұрын
@@dipgass1213 yeah true, you can't lie. Of course. That's why we learn Ruqyah and ate Ajwa'. Means, Prophet Muhammad was still safe, healing and also he didn't die because of food poisoning, for 3 years. AlQuran and Hadith is also perfect after 23 years and so many sahabah memorize with good methods and methodology. You know, many situation and story did happen after need to understand the concepts behind the contexts also. Means understand the manhaj (methods & methodology). 😊
@flegis123 4 жыл бұрын
@@dipgass1213 how about 3 times Ramadhan? You forgot to mention about that. 😊
@dipgass1213 4 жыл бұрын
@@flegis123 i have no clue what are you talking abou,,,sems odd to analys concepts behind the context
@dipgass1213 4 жыл бұрын
@@flegis123 you better read your books with open mind, 3 or 100 years would not make a single difference since Mohamad used to complain to his numerous wives that he felf the pain caused by the food where the jewish woman gave it to doesnt matter how long it takes and you should understand the effects of black magic as it was intended to cause the pain in a very long time, in this case it took 3 years of sufferings.
@AllahURabBI19 4 жыл бұрын
It was sad seeing this wallahi, not another one of my favorite caller. I used to enjoy listening to his debates years ago, even though its been a while since I listened to him debate, its disappointing to hear him downplay the laws of Allah like this. Well I have washed my hands from him. May Allah guide him ameeen
@Sara-qc4zg 4 жыл бұрын
What kind of statement did shabir make ?
@zoomermcboomer4771 4 жыл бұрын
SubhanAllah how things are turning around. Before I was practising I used to listen to so many of these da'ees that I benefited from and as I attained more and more Islamic knowledge over the years they all are seeming to drop like flies off of the correct path. I thank Allah that he kept me on the straight path and not let me stray with the crowds who worship these shiekh Da'ees like western celebrities.
@drippyy9559 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheQuranExplainsItself ‎ حَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ مَنِيعٍ، حَدَّثَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ يُوسُفَ الأَزْرَقُ، عَنْ دَاوُدَ بْنِ أَبِي هِنْدٍ، عَنْ سَعِيدِ بْنِ الْمُسَيَّبِ، عَنْ عُمَرَ بْنِ الْخَطَّابِ، قَالَ رَجَمَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم وَرَجَمَ أَبُو بَكْرٍ وَرَجَمْتُ وَلَوْلاَ أَنِّي أَكْرَهُ أَنْ أَزِيدَ فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ لَكَتَبْتُهُ فِي الْمُصْحَفِ فَإِنِّي قَدْ خَشِيتُ أَنْ تَجِيءَ أَقْوَامٌ فَلاَ يَجِدُونَهُ فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ فَيَكْفُرُونَ بِهِ ‏.‏ قَالَ وَفِي الْبَابِ عَنْ عَلِيٍّ ‏.‏ قَالَ أَبُو عِيسَى حَدِيثُ عُمَرَ حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ صَحِيحٌ وَرُوِيَ مِنْ غَيْرِ وَجْهٍ عَنْ عُمَرَ ‏.‏ Umar bin Al-Khattab said: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) stoned, Abu Bakr stoned, and I stoned. If I didn't dislike that I add to the Book of Allah. I would have written it in the Mushaf, for I fear that there will come a people and they will not find it in the Book of Allah, so they will disbelieve in it." Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1431 In-book : Book 17, Hadith 11 English translation : Vol. 3, Book 15, Hadith 1431
@drippyy9559 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheQuranExplainsItself yes islam also talks about how to run a country, you run it by SHARIA LAW
@drippyy9559 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheQuranExplainsItself ‎ وَعَنْ اِبْنِ عَبَّاسٍ رَضِيَ اَللَّهُ عَنْهُمَا; أَنَّ اَلنَّبِيَّ ‏- صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏-قَالَ: { مَنْ وَجَدْتُمُوهُ يَعْمَلُ عَمَلَ قَوْمِ لُوطٍ, فَاقْتُلُوا اَلْفَاعِلَ وَالْمَفْعُولَ بِهِ, وَمَنْ وَجَدْتُمُوهُ وَقَعَ عَلَى بَهِيمَةٍ, فَاقْتُلُوهُ وَاقْتُلُوا اَلْبَهِيمَةَ } .‏ رَوَاهُ أَحْمَدُ وَالْأَرْبَعَةُ, (1582)‏ وَرِجَالُهُ مُوَثَّقُونَ, إِلَّا أَنَّ فِيهِ اِخْتِلَافًا (1583)‏ .‏" Ibn 'Abbas (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Whoever you find doing as the people of Lot did (i.e. homosexuality), kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done, and if you find anyone having sexual intercourse with animal, kill him and kill the animal." Related by Ahmad and the four Imams with a trustworthy chain of narrators. English : Book 10, Hadith 1255 Arabic : Book 10, Hadith 1216
@MalikkLcc 3 жыл бұрын
With all due respect, bashing a well known scholar on here instead of actually talking to Dr. Shabbir is very damaging. I’ve seen brother Saajid do this a lot. Just even the starting of the video threw me off. Sorry but this isn’t fair in my opinion.
@criminozs 3 жыл бұрын
It's not bashing
@mohammedwhylie9224 2 жыл бұрын
Is any one willing to have a debate with CP? even Shabir Ally is scared (says he is unfit to debate the more knowledgeable CP)
@safwanshahriar9579 2 жыл бұрын
He's committing kufr. What scholar are you referring to?
@papabear8253 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the points made by Saajid, but I still dislike and condemn this video. The Ummah is in a mess because of so many diverging scholarly views and the political and ego battles between different scholars and their scholarly groups. In history, scholars have waged war on other scholars including committing murder! You would think scholars would be above all that. Nope! Even today we have a bunch of scholars trying to cancel others by calling them deviants or entirely dismissing them, asking them to withdraw completely and go into oblivion. You have a problem with a Scholar/Person of Knowledge, discuss it direct with him, instead of making disparaging comments based on edited short clips. Both the brothers here on video have taken a condescending view and attitude towards Dr. SA. Have the guts, then arrange a debate and leave the public to decide, don't become Judge and Jury yourself. Who gave you the position of a ''Person of knowledge'' to dismiss someone else so rudely? Who gave you the position of ''Warners & Advisors'' to the Ummah? I really dislike self-appointed know-it-alls. Having a bunch of hadiths & tafsir books carefully placed behind the camera on a shelf does not make anyone an expert and more knowledgeable than others. The video starts of with discussing Dr. SA's credentials, yet both the brothers fail to present their own. I would advise them to work on their own shortcomings and self-development.
@sb_1389 4 жыл бұрын
Brother Saajid, I so understand your frustration. Nothing gets under my skin more than the deference and kowtowing to modern ideologies that so many Muslims are infected with. How they lower themselves before the "glory" of all these -isms. It's honestly stomach-turning. May Allah (swt) guide us all to the truth and keep us on it. Ameen.
@Peace-vs9yi Жыл бұрын
watch exmuslim Apostate, watch friendly exmuslim
@ArnoldMiranda-n1d Жыл бұрын
I’m new Muslim, I learned so much from shabir ally. Who is this two guy’s??!!
@ranro7371 Жыл бұрын
ignore them
@mayallahguideus5993 Жыл бұрын
​@@ranro7371lol no go read the Qur'an you will see that everything shabir is saying contradict what our Lord said. He is misguided . Good at debate but misguided in his belief
@ranro7371 Жыл бұрын
@@mayallahguideus5993 you go read
@mj9522 Жыл бұрын
As Christian who watched many shabir ally debate he is trying to appeal to western Christian while those guys showing the real Islam which allows stoning, killing apostles, child mirrage and having slaves
@ranro7371 Жыл бұрын
The Aramaic word for God is Alaha. It's the word Isa PBUH (jesus as his name is often misspelled due to lack of the ayin sound in greek which was rendered to iesous coupling the nearest sound to ayin, same letter found in 'iraq' , which sound entirely different in Arabic form 'iran' in Arabic, with the -ous greek suffix that greeks typically add to their names 'herodotOUS and later mumbled into a j) Sounds familiar? Written without the confusing vowels it is A-L-H ܐ ܠܗܐ (alap-lamed-he) as found in found in Targum or in Tanakh (Danel, Ezra), Syriac Aramaic (Peshitta) adducted from the Arabic original of which aramaic is a dialect continuum of A-L-L-H (Aleph-Lam-Lam-Ha). The real miracle of the Quran, the Arabic language. The thing the half educated don't know about is that Quranic Arabic is linguistically older than Akkadian. Both derive from "proto-semitic:, protosemitic has 29 letters, the same as Arabic meanwhile Akkadian underwent phonemic mergers Classical Arabic has largest phonemic inventories among semitic languages. It has 28 consonants (29 with Hamza) and 6 vowels (3 short and 3 long). Some of these sounds are rare or absent in other semitic languages. For example, - Classical Arabic has two pharyngeal consonants /ʕ/ (ع) and /ħ/ (ح), which are produced by constricting the pharynx (the back part of the throat). These sounds are found only in some semitic languages (such as Hebrew and Amharic), but not in others (such as Akkadian and Aramaic). - Classical Arabic has two emphatic consonants /sˤ/ (ص) and /dˤ/ (ض), which are produced by lowering the larynx (the voice box) and raising the back of the tongue. These sounds are found only in some semitic languages (such as Hebrew and Amharic), but not in others (such as Akkadian and Aramaic). - Classical Arabic has two uvular consonants /q/ (ق) and /χ/ (خ), which are produced by retracting the tongue to the uvula (the small fleshy projection at the back of the soft palate). These sounds are found only in some semitic languages (such as Hebrew and Amharic), but not in others (such as Akkadian and Aramaic). - Classical Arabic has two glottal consonants /ʔ/ (ء) and /h/ (ه), which are produced by opening and closing the glottis (the space between the vocal cords). These sounds are found in most semitic languages, but not in all of them. For example, Akkadian has lost the glottal stop /ʔ/, while Aramaic has lost both the glottal stop and the glottal fricative /h/. - Classical Arabic has six vowel phonemes /a/, /i/, /u/, /aː/, /iː/, /uː/, which can be short or long. These vowels are found in most semitic languages, but not in all of them. For example, Akkadian has only three vowel phonemes /a/, /i/, /u/, which can be short or long, while Aramaic has only two vowel phonemes /a/ and /i/, which can be short or long. To show the relation of Arabic to other "semitic" languages, see below This is the protosemitic script, which contains the entirety of the phonemic inventory of semitic languages, its only 1:1 equivalent is Arabic, the rest dropped or mumbled the phonemes 𐩠 𐩡 𐩢 𐩣 𐩤 𐩥 𐩦 𐩧 𐩨 𐩩 𐩪 𐩫 𐩬 𐩭 𐩮 𐩰 𐩱 𐩲 𐩳 𐩴 𐩵 𐩶 𐩷 𐩸 𐩹 𐩺 𐩻 𐩼 Arabic ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي A b t ṯ j h kh d ḏ r z s sh ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w y Hhbrew א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת Merged phonemes in hebrew and aramaic: ح, خ (h, kh)merged into only kh consonant remain س, ش (s, sh) merged into only Sh consonant remaining ط, ظ (ṭ/teth, ẓ) merged into only ṭ/teth consonant remaining ص, ض (ṣ, ḍ/Tsad ) merged into only ḍ/Tsad consonant remaining ع, غ (3'ayn, Ghayn) Lost and mumbled into ayin consonant remaining ت, ث (t/taw, th) merged into only t/taw consonant remaining It's just mumbled Arabic, really. Imagine English with a third of its letters removed, and simplified grammar. Thats hebrew. For example, combine T,D into just T no need to have 2 letters. Same for i, e, y they all should be just y from now on, etc etc. "just Arabic dialect continuum, not only that, it is pidgin. It's simplified to the point of stupidity, anyone with a basic knowledge of Arabic would see this evidently clear; it's why from the original 28, only 22 remain. |Classical Arabic | 28 consonants and 6 vowels; some consonants are emphatic or pharyngealized; some vowels are marked with diacritics | Complex system of word formation based on roots and patterns; roots are sequences of consonants that carry the basic meaning of a word; patterns are sequences of vowels and affixes that modify the meaning and function of a word | Flexible word order, but VSO is most common; SVO is also possible; subject and object are marked by case endings (-u for nominative, -a for accusative, -i for genitive); verb agrees with subject in person, number, and gender; verb has different forms for different moods and aspects | | Akkadian | 22 consonants and 3 vowels; some consonants are glottalized or palatalized; vowels are not marked | Similar system, but with different roots and patterns; some roots have more than three consonants; some patterns have infixes or reduplication | Fixed word order of SVO; subject and object are not marked by case endings, but by prepositions or word order; verb agrees with subject in person, number, and gender; verb has different forms for different tenses and aspects | | Aramaic | 22 consonants and 3 vowels (later variants have more); no emphatic or pharyngealized consonants (except in some dialects); vowels are not marked (except in later variants such as Syriac) | Simple system of word formation based on prefixes and suffixes; some roots or patterns exist, but are less productive than in Arabic or Akkadian some examples of phrases in each language that illustrate their differences. It shows that classical Arabic has more complex and varied forms of expression than the other languages. | Language | Phrase | Translation | | --- | --- | --- | | Classical Arabic | qaraʾa zayd-un kitāb-an | Zayd read a book | | Akkadian | zayd-u katab-a kitāb-a | Zayd wrote a book | | Sumerian | zid-e ud-da-nun-na-a ba-an-du3-du3-e-ne | Zid gave to the sun god | | Aramaic | zēda kətab kətabā | Zeyda wrote a book | These examples show that classical Arabic has more consonants and vowels than other semitic languages, and that it preserves some sounds that were lost or changed in other semitic languages. This means that classical Arabic can encode more information in a given unit of speech than other semitic languages, and that it is closer to the original sound system of protosemitic., we can see that classical Arabic has more grammatical features than the other languages, such as case endings, mood endings, and root and pattern system. These features make classical Arabic more expressive and precise than the other languages, as it can convey more information and nuances in a single word or phrase. Classical Arabic is also more flexible than the other languages, as it can use different word orders and verb forms to emphasize different aspects of the sentence. Classical Arabic is therefore older and more original than the other languages, as it preserves more aspects of the ancient Semitic language that was spoken by the Arabs before Islam. Matter of fact that all this, and the knowledge needed for deciphering ancient texts and the complexity all of it was derived from the Qur'an, it was by analysing the syntactic structure of the Quran that the Arabic root system was developed, first attested to in Kitab Al-Ayin, the first intralanguage dictionary of its kind, preceding the Oxford English dictionary by 800 years, that the concept of Arabic root was developed and later co-opted into "semitic root" that the ancient scripts were deciphered, they quite literally copy pasted the entirety of Arabic root. hebrew had been dead, and so were all the other dialects of Arabic until being "revived" in a frankensteinian fashion in the 18th, 19th centuries. The whole region spoke basically the same language, mumbled dialect continuums spread about, and Arabic is the oldest form from which all these dialects branched off. As time passed, the language became more degenerate and then the Quran appears with the oldest form possible of the language thousands of years later It is why the Arabs back then were challenged to produce 10 verses similar, and they couldnt. People think it's a miracle because they couldnt do it, but I think the miracle is the language itself, they had never spoken Arabic, nor has any other language before or since had this mathematical precision behind it. And I quite literally mean, mathematical. Now how is it that the Qur'an came thousands of yeara later in an alphabet that had never been recorded before and in the highest form the language had ever taken and the language is lexically, syntactically, phonemically and semantically older than the oldest recorded writing, infact, that writing appears to have been a simplified version of it, and not only that, but it would be the equivalent of the greatest works of any particular language all appearing in one book that in a perfect script and in the highest form the language could ever take, so high infact it is theoretically not possible to surpass it all in a script that had never been recorded before and so the enlightenment of mankind from barbarism and savagery began and age of reason and rationality was born from its study God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
@ahmedelhaddad2145 Жыл бұрын
May Allah guide him and protect us from misguidance
@ماهر-ل1ط Жыл бұрын
This scholar is more guided than u probably
@ahmedelhaddad2145 Жыл бұрын
@@ماهر-ل1ط Allah knows best
@saidziane5323 3 жыл бұрын
I think it’s best to help than add to the controversy. Invite the guy and have a productive discussion. He shares the same cause. He hasn’t changed the message, just adapted his ways of relating it in the modern time, especially with the rise of young Muslims leaving Islam due to the influence from west.
@NadeemAhmed-nv2br 3 жыл бұрын
Sadly, that's uniquely an American Continental problem well people in other Western countries such as France and the UK not only do they not have as liberal views but their rates of leaving Islam is also drastically lower
@papabear8253 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the points made by Saajid, but I still dislike and condemn this video. The Ummah is in a mess because of so many diverging scholarly views and the political and ego battles between different scholars and their scholarly groups. You have a problem with a Scholar/Person of Knowledge, discuss it direct with him, instead of making disparaging comments based on edited short clips. Both the brothers here on video have taken a condescending view and attitude towards SA. Have the guts, then arrange a debate and leave the public to decide, don't become Judge and Jury yourself. Who gave you the position of a ''Person of knowledge'' to dismiss someone else so rudely? I really dislike self-appointed know-it-alls. Having a bunch of hadiths & tafsir books carefully placed behind the camera on a shelf does not make anyone an expert and more knowledgeable than others.
@omeralmani9755 3 жыл бұрын
Akhi, Please speak to Shabbir Ally personally before going against his views. Commenting like this will surely disunite Ummah. I believe this is not what you aim.
@usamuslimvt 2 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum! Another fantastic discussion! Dr. Shabir threw me off the day I heard him say "no one knows for sure which is the correct faith". I sincerely do not believe anyone who is truly Muslim would ever have so much as a grain of doubt that Islam is the TRUE faith and the Qu'ran is 100% the word of Allah, so to hear him say something like that makes me doubt his faith, his intentions and literally everything else he has said, and I surely don't trust his daughter either as it seems like she is frequently leading him to being even more vague and uncertain. It feels as though their goal is to mislead.
@textilesbd 2 жыл бұрын
Shabbir Ali is a great scholar of Islam.
@ibnamanot 2 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂 great joke from you.
@mostaq9779 4 жыл бұрын
I had so much respect for Shabir Alley but like brother Lipham said stick to what you are good at like teaching comparative studies.
@shahebmiah2492 4 жыл бұрын
@@Hamza000h what are the backup for the claims?
@mustafasidiqi 2 жыл бұрын
Your knowledge is like a drop of water compared to Shabir Allay. He thinks 10 steps ahead before he says something
@ZzeezZ78 Жыл бұрын
Don't attach yourself to personalities, attach to the Haq
@kamilehime8633 3 жыл бұрын
The brother with the white cloth seems to be making a very simple mistake. He keeps saying there's divine revelation, i.e the Quran and Sunna, and then there's people's opinion. If I understand correctly, his point is that we should just follow these and forget about this opinions. This is funny because there is NO single interpretation of the Quran or Sunna that is 100% generally accepted. This is why we have commentaries and this is why even the classical commentators disagree on some points. This is why we have different grades of Hadith. Some things in Islam are black and white like the fact that there is only One God, but somethings are debatable. A lot of things are debatable. So listen and try to learn. Come up with a clear logical fallacy free argument that is works. Allah guides and gives the criterion between right and wrong. You can't keep over simplifying everything. Do research, read, it's not give me the Sunna and Quran. It is: what does the Sunna really say? Does this apply to everything or its specific. Read commetaries, and choose what makes the most sense to you. By His Grace, Allah will Guide you. Our brains are one of the most complex things in the Universe. And I'm sure it wasn't made for getting A's in math. It's for thinking. Really deep introspection and knowledge seeking. So please stop this Idea of a black and white Islam and Learn. P.s if you had watched the full video talking about cutting off the hands, you would see that during the reign of Umar, there was a period when hands were not cut.
@craigthebrute8339 3 жыл бұрын
Islam was made to be simple
@osamamanan2723 3 жыл бұрын
You can only interpret shariah with shariah not just reject clear qatti hukam of Quran. No one says that all ahadeeth are sunnah, sunnah is way of prophet and his companions. Some differences in opinion were valid amongst sahaba. They had certain understanding from sunnah. As for Quran, there were no differences in opinion amongst sahaba. The ones who differed with sahaba were left astray. Prophet said that the ones upon haq shall be the ones upon my way and way of sahaba in a hadeeth of 73 sects. As for agreed upon interpretations Shabbir is rejecting those very issues. I think first we need to establish how ijmaa works. And how a person goes against ijmaa. And not every difference of opinion is valid difference of opinion.
@osamamanan2723 3 жыл бұрын
The hadeeth of umar not cutting hand was an exceptional case for that person as he stole to save his life. Dont you know if you cannot find anything to eat and your life is at stake then you can even eat haraam to survive only?? There are details to all hudood punishments.
@osamamanan2723 2 жыл бұрын
@@Idk-rc1ly how do you know Allah really said those words in Quran that it will be preserved? It is through oral tradition? Through chains of narrations. Plus did prophet speak Quran only 24/7? How did the writers of Quran verify whether prophet spoke Quran or something else? The answer is that it was due to hadeeth. Prophetic sayings are ahadeeth. Prophet told the katibeen when he spoke Quran. There is no Quran without hadeeth. In Quran its also written that Musa killed a man, Adam ate from tree even though he was forbidden, Musa held Haroon with his beard. If these incidents were mentioned in the hadeeth books you would reject them too. You would be saying that its maligning prophets. Because you prefer your own aqal over everything.
@LB-eh7sr 2 жыл бұрын
@@osamamanan2723 well said brother!
@Barr9249 3 жыл бұрын
Going after a great scholar who has contributed alot in spreading dawah will only make them cheap people.
@faizalkarim601 3 жыл бұрын
Indeed those 2 guys have extremists views ,they don’t make sense at all
@papabear8253 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the points made by Saajid, but I still dislike and condemn this video. The Ummah is in a mess because of so many diverging scholarly views and the political and ego battles between different scholars and their scholarly groups. In history, scholars have waged war on other scholars including commit murder! You would think scholars would be above all that. Nope! Even today we have a bunch of scholars trying to cancel others by calling them deviants or entirely dismissing them. You have a problem with a Scholar/Person of Knowledge, discuss it direct with him, instead of making disparaging comments based on edited short clips. Both the brothers here on video have taken a condescending view and attitude towards SA. Have the guts, then arrange a debate and leave the public to decide, don't become Judge and Jury yourself. Who gave you the position of a ''Person of knowledge'' to dismiss someone else so rudely? I really dislike self-appointed know-it-alls. Having a bunch of hadiths & tafsir books carefully placed behind the camera on a shelf does not make anyone an expert and more knowledgeable than others.
@coffe2270 2 жыл бұрын
@@faizalkarim601 eww christmas muslim
@TheIlhanTheElequent_ishaq 3 жыл бұрын
It’s really disgusting to say just because he had his education in the West it automatically means that his knowledge on Islam is invalided or null and void. Academics have no interest in adding “poison” to Islam but to teach it in an unbiased way.
@rusi6219 3 жыл бұрын
@ibn_karim 3 жыл бұрын
Oh yes, someone took his education from the west. He's definitely not affected by their ideologies and distortions of Islamic teachings. He surely isn't biased to the west. Nope, no way.
@RIPer-rg2cz 2 жыл бұрын
That's not true. Being educated in the West doesn't mean you become a liberal. The society and the views of certain scholars may do that to some extent. But it's undoubtedly better to get an education from an renowned Islamic country
@safwanshahriar9579 2 жыл бұрын
Take a look at what came out of that. Show me something good that came out of western Islamic academia.
@RIPer-rg2cz 2 жыл бұрын
@@safwanshahriar9579 sheikh Hamza Yousuf. Just because someone studied in the west that doesn't make them an apostate. Most scholars from the west studied in the middle east or other Muslim countries for a long time and completed the rest of their education in the West. Just because Shabir Ally like this doesn't make every Western scholar like this. If you don't believe it, that's your choice but I wouldn't go dismissing a scholar just because he's from the west.
@awaqar2 4 жыл бұрын
5:48 - i remember watching this interview and i also remember not watching it completely because he started to depart from basic ahkam of islam
@sidramehmood1 4 жыл бұрын
Your words abt attaching with personality is a hidden thing in every Muslims heart . No one wanna say that but it's true .
@moonmounie2447 2 жыл бұрын
From my experience, anybody who is truthfull to their deen, allah will guide them to the real people of knowledge.. may allah bless you brothers and keep doing what your doing!
@GrimSingmuf Жыл бұрын
What draws me to Islam is the idea of an objective moral code. I feel like this is important for my son as well. I want him to grow up to be a strong, independent gentleman. Furthermore, I want to have grandchildren and Islam believes we should procreate. In my search, I've not found another way of life that provides this from an objective point of view.
@roadlesstaken6006 3 жыл бұрын
Brother talk to him in personal. Let's not make fun of other muslim
@hbogido8682 3 жыл бұрын
No,they are not mocking him, they're simply calling a spade a spade.the video they made is public refuting or denying what's clearly stated in the Qura an therefore misleading his followers.let me ask you,how do you think that the other scripture such as Bible got so corrupted as it is today, apparently this is how it all started.may Allah guide us all.
@slaveofthemostmerciful7855 4 жыл бұрын
I was literally looking for a refutation on this guy the other week after hearing the madness he was saying and to my shock there was non.....alhamdullilah this video came out
@abdulibnabdul1666 3 жыл бұрын
jahil Shabir is Mutazila it seems who say Qur'an isn't self contextual, when Quran 5 :3 says its complete. each of them cut & paste and make up lies & it just divides & opens tyranny. its why jahil sufis & shia divide, linked to exaggerating imams linked to shirk is linked to colonies in hadiths which is rampant with them! he is just divisive in name of inferiority complex cultism...
@abdulibnabdul1666 3 жыл бұрын
feminism is neo patriarchy swtich from plantation to debt slavery, move women from farms to working for judeo banks, democrats to control minority growth & many feminists were pro lynching etc. 0th wave feminists were also pro colonies, 2nd anti family pro lewd and 3rd anti freedom of speech, they're marxists.
@RandomFunnesss Жыл бұрын
@@abdulibnabdul1666 how is he though?, he made actual statements like an intellect, no sign of his emotions a bias or anything getting in his way to powder a agenda, you have more stuff on the other side, a much more regressive muslim, who when their hear islam or muslims being mocked need to show their islamic ways, with, violence or with knifes and vulgar language. Like somehow all mighty creator needs that pathetic defense. Progression happens its life. Labeling this guy as this and that is cool but in real life hes helped thousands of ppl whilst you have helped none.
@nuradindolovac5896 4 жыл бұрын
PLEASE ANSWER. When it comes to stoning, dosen't the shariah (The Quran is dominant over the Hadith) states that we should be using whipping? And the Hadiths that mention stoning, wouldn't the understanding be that they either 1) Stoned because we didnt have the law of whipping until 17months after Hijrah, so we had to follow the laws and regulations according to the Torah (we got our own laws of fasting Ramadan, punishment of zina etc after hijrah) and only when we got our own laws were we then obliged to follow it. (IE now whipping and not stoning anymore) Or, 2) If the Hadith Contradicts the Quran ( ex: That Umar is worried that we will remove stoning, but Quran dosen't support that statement) shouldn't we leave the hadith and hold on to the Quran? I mean, doesn't some of Shabir Ally's views make sence? How can you make him appear like an evil person? Fear Allah, honestly.
@greengalaxy8873 2 жыл бұрын
Caliph Uthman had suspended this specific punishment during the time of famine. If Islam is universal across time, space, and contexts then there cannot be any suspension. The only defense is that the substance (the moral ethos) rather than the surface (specific law) is the crux of Quranic commandments. Such an argument has already been made by several people, including Dr. Ismail Faruqui. Before rejecting Shabir Ally altogether, please take some time to read the following article: TOWARDS A NEW METHODOLOGY FOR QUR'ĀNIC EXEGESIS by ISMĀ'ĪL RĀGĪ AL-FĀRŪQĪ Islamic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1 (MARCH 1962), pp. 35-52 (18 pages) The article can be found on the net. May Allah be pleased with Shabir Ally and his efforts. Ignore these two idiots.
@Burrburrcloud 7 күн бұрын
​@@greengalaxy8873 So Caliphs and Dr Shabir Ally have more authority then Allah over you?
@greengalaxy8873 Күн бұрын
@@Burrburrcloud , You are misinterpreting your own literal understanding of the Quran as the correct message from Allah, while at the same time disparaging Caliph Uthman's understanding as nothing but Uthman's own words. You have a long way to go. FYI, I heed none but my own understanding of the Quran, because at the end of the day (of judgment) no other soul can help me. Caliph Uthman's wisdom just coincided with mine. Regards.
@TheIlhanTheElequent_ishaq 3 жыл бұрын
Dr Shabir was not talking about sharia but Islamic societies. He’s saying Islamic societies need changing which they do. They should be accordance to Islam but these societies are mixing culture with their laws.
@EB-gt1pq 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry but everybody is constantly criticizing each other it seems. It’s getting old. Pick up a phone and call the person directly. It’s not a good look for us to be doing it in this way. Dr. Ally has done much more good than bad. Everybody makes mistakes and none of you are perfect.
@Pullovers7 2 жыл бұрын
Advise in private is done when the person spreading deviancy is spreading it in private, once he announced it publicly then refuting him publicly is needed
@bowilliam3865 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Toronto and attend his Masjid, pre pandemic. . And listen to his let the Quran Speak show. Pretty shocked at his candour here
@abdulibnabdul1666 3 жыл бұрын
jahil Shabir is Mutazila it seems who say Qur'an isn't self contextual, when Quran 5 :3 says its complete. each of them cut & paste and make up lies & it just divides & opens tyranny. its why jahil sufis & shia divide, linked to exaggerating imams linked to shirk is linked to colonies in hadiths which is rampant with them! he is just divisive in name of inferiority complex cultism...
@abdulibnabdul1666 3 жыл бұрын
feminism is neo patriarchy swtich from plantation to debt slavery, move women from farms to working for judeo banks, democrats to control minority growth & many feminists were pro lynching etc. 0th wave feminists were also pro colonies, 2nd anti family pro lewd and 3rd anti freedom of speech, they're marxists.
@abdulibnabdul1666 3 жыл бұрын
guys this is why its important to learn the salafi dawa.All 4 mathhabs taught unity on evidence per Quran, not blind division! 1) Abu Hanifah : "It is prohibited (23) for someone who does not know my evidence to give verdicts (24) on the basis of my words." 2) Imam Malik : look into my opinions: all that agrees with the Book & Sunna, accept it; and all that does not agree with the Book and the Sunnah, ignore it." 3) Imam Shafi : "Muslims are unanimously agreed if a sunna is made clear to someone, it is not permitted (33) for him to leave it for the saying of anyone." 4) Imam Ahmad : "The opinion of Awzaa'i, Maalik, of Abu Haneefah: all of it is equal in my eyes. However, the proof is in the narrations (in the sunnah)." This is from the beautiful work of Sheikh Albani's Prophet prayer... *When we say Muhammadur Rasulalah it means our isnad ends with Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him whenever able!*
@itsaboy213 3 жыл бұрын
@shankaroont4959 4 жыл бұрын
There’s too much of these so called “scholars.” They disregard the basic Islamic Shariah.
@NoName-nd1jb 4 жыл бұрын
Are u sure your scholars are not in these "so called scholars"... dont be so sure .. we all know there r many interpretations of the shariah...what is acceptable to u may not be acceptable to other muslims... dont belittle or ridicule the opinions of others... how u do know your scholars' interpretation is the most right ?
if you insist on the sharia it will be not good
@manuelcardinali5340 4 жыл бұрын
@@UMAKEMESMILESWACKIN if you reject it it will not be good for you neither in this life or the next
@absolidesto3359 4 жыл бұрын
@@NoName-nd1jb simple you follow the Quran and the Sunna "the hadiths of the prophet", and then comes the "Ijmaa of the Umma" (consensus). This man doesn't even respect the rules established by Allah and his prophet, and is misleading the muslims and especially the less knowledgeable.
@mohamdaboshreif5468 4 жыл бұрын
@@thesarasohrabi it will not happen but yes
@thecounselingcorner24 2 жыл бұрын
I like dr Shabir Ally because of his critical thinking.
@MohammedAlSharif2002 2 жыл бұрын
You should also like Iblis and Jahm bin Safwan for their critical thinking.
@thecounselingcorner24 2 жыл бұрын
@@MohammedAlSharif2002 you should also those Ulama e soo that are called dogs in Quran.
@ibnamanot 2 жыл бұрын
Critical thinking all the way to reject hadith and Qur’anic ruling….🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️
@peacepeace5732 2 жыл бұрын
These two are acting as if hadit and the Qurhan are at the same level. They are not and they can never be because hadit is the word of human not the word of Allah. There are countless saying in hadit that contradict the Qurhan so it is obvious that we go with the Qurhan when those contradictions appear. There is nothing in the Qurhan about stoning. There are in the Bible though. When I say Bible, I am not talking about the injeel that is mentioned by Allah in the Qurhan. Actually these two might be the ones who are misleading people.
@ibnamanot 2 жыл бұрын
@@peacepeace5732 hadith and Qur’an are both revelation. Hadith is conveyed by Prophet ‎ﷺ in his own word but they were inspiration from Allah. When it comes to shari’ah ruling. Hadith and Qur’an have same level or authority. Stoning is not in Qur’an but that doesn’t mean it contradicts the Qur’an. Where does it in the Qur’an say that stoning is prohibited? There is no contradiction between Qur’an and authentic ahadeeth.
@xixu82 4 жыл бұрын
The worst type of sin is changing the words/laws of the KING..this can lead to doubt in faith..
@xixu82 4 жыл бұрын
For the people who listen to it
@camb3r 2 жыл бұрын
Stoning, cutting hands these aren't universal punishments. you see there was a famine at the time of uthman (r.a) where he removed such punishment on stealing. That is why we have a qazi system and ijtihad thing in our religion. Even Muhammad (saw) have given diff answers to same question to different People according to what was necessary at that time Islam is about making an ideal society not about extremism
@astranger2017 4 жыл бұрын
At one point in the video i felt brother Saajid about to cry. SUBHANALLAH the situation is so angering and pitiful :(
@faizalkarim601 3 жыл бұрын
Is no closer dr Shabir when comes to dawa,Shabir dose a tremendous job bringing non Muslims to Islam
@jonayedhossain1893 2 жыл бұрын
This is why people should learn about Islam not to rely 100% on scholars. Basic things have to be learned or else umar sulaiman, yasir quadi like munafiqs will try their head and toe to reform islam in order to please their master. Sad but truth is people of these kinds are increasing
@TheHaqqRemains 2 жыл бұрын
So true Brother.
@peakinyou 3 жыл бұрын
| UPDATED LIST | Here are some major scholars upon the truth to take knowledge from: Some major scholars from the past: Imam Al Hasan Al Basri (d 118AH). Imam Abu Hanifa (d. 150H) Imam Maalik (d.179H). Imam Ash Shafi’i d. 204AH Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal(d.241H) Imam Bukhaari (d.256H) Imam Tirmidhi (d. 270 H.) Al Bazzar (d 292H) Imam Ibn Jareer Al Tabari(d.310H) Imam Ibn Khuzaymah (d 311H). Imam Ibn Abi Dawood (d.316H) Imam Al Barbahare(d.329H) Imam Ibn Hibban (Died 355H). Imam Al Ajurri(d.360H) Imam Al Daraqutni (d 385AH). Imam Lalakai d.418H Ibn Hazm (d 442 AH) Abu Ismaeel As'Saaboonee (449H) Al Bayhaqi (d.457H). al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (d.463H) Imam Ibn 'Abdul-Barr (463H) Imam Al Baghawi (d.AH516) Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir al-Jilaanee (561H) Ibn Qudaamah (d.620 AH). Imam Al Qurtubi (d 651, AH). Imam Al Nawawi (d.676H) Shaykh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah d.728 Ibn Abi Izz (d 731 AH) Imam Ibn Al Qayyim (d.751) Ibn Muflih (d.763H). Ibn Kathir d.774 AH Ibn Rajab (d 795) Ibn Hajar Al Asqalaani (d.852H) Jalal Al Din as Suyuti (d911H). Shaykh Al Islam Muhammad Ibn Al Abdul Wahab (d.1206 AH). Imam Ash Shawkani (d 1212AH) May allah have mercy on them all MODERN DAY SCHOLARS Passed Away: Shaykh ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān Ibn Nāṣir as-Saʿdī(d. 1376H) Shaykh Aḥmad Muḥammad Shākir(d. 1377H) Shaykh Ḥāfiẓ al-Ḥakamī(d. 1377H) Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ibrahīm Āl ash-Shaykh(d. 1389H) Shaikh ʿAbdullāh al-Qarʿāwī (d. 1389H) Shaykh Muḥammad al-Amīn al-Shanqītī(d. 1393H) Shaykh Muḥammad Khalīl al-Harrās(d. 1395H) ShaykhʿAbdullāh bin Ḥumaid(d. 1402H) Shaykh Muḥammad Taqī ad-Dīn al-Hilālī al-Maghribī(d. 1407H) Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq al-'Afeefee(d.1415H) Shaykh Badīʿ ad-Dīn Shāh as-Sindī(d. 1416H) Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī(d. 1416H) Shaykh Ḥammād bin Muḥammad al-Ansārī(d. 1418H) Shaykh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn ʿAbdullāh ibn Bāz(d. 1419H) Shaykh ʿUmar bin Muḥammad al-Fallātah(d. 1419H) Shaykh Muḥammad Nāṣir ad-Dīn al-Albānī(d. 1420H) Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn(d. 1421H) Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hādī al-Wādiʿī(d. 1422H) Shaykh ʿAbdullāh Bassām(d. 1423H) Shaykh ʿAbd as-Salām Burjiss(d. 1425H) Shaykh Ṣafī ar-Raḥmān al-Mubārakfurī(d. 1427H) Shaykh Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyá al-Najmī(d. 1429H) Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Banná(d. 1430H) Shaykh ʿAbdullāh Al-Ghudayān(d. 1431H) Shaykh ʿAbdullāh ʿAqīl(d. 1433H) Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Waṣṣābī(d. 1436H) Shaykh Zayd Al-Madkhalī(d. 1436H) Shaykh Yāsīn al-ʿAdanī(d. 1439H) May allah have mercy on them all Alive: Shaykh ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-ʿAbbād Shaykh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn ʿAbdullāh Āl ash- Shaykh ʿAbdullāh al-Bukhārī Shaykh Abdul Razzaq Al Badr Shaykh ʿAlī bin Ḥusain al-Ḥudhaifī Shaykh ʿAlī Nāṣir al-Faqīhī Shaykh Ḥasan ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Banná Shaykh Muḥammad bin Ādam Al-Ethyūbī Shaykh Muḥammad Ghālib al-‘Umarī Shaykh Muhammad Raslaan Dr Murtaza Ibn Baksh, for Urdu and Hindi speakers, and there are many more you can take knowledge from. Shaykh Rabīʿ ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Āl ash-Shaykh Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Fawzān Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Al-Luḥaydān Shaykh Salih Al Suhaymee Shaykh Sālim Bāmiḥriz Shaykh Sulayman Ar Ruhayli Shaykh ʿUbayd ibn ʿAbdullāh al-Jābirī Shaykh Wasiullah Abbas May allah preserve them Many others as well, scholars of the sunnah upon the way of the early Muslims (the salaf) and any they mention. Go onto and you will find many more. You can find their audios on KZbin (be careful on KZbin as some people on there do not call to the true Islam but they call to ways that appear to be Islam but are not) And these are names of English speaking people of knowledge: Passed Away: Abu Uwais Abdullah(d. 1425H)Rahimahullah Dr Saleh as saleh(d. 1429H)rahimahullah Abu Talha Dawood Burbank1432H rahimahullah Abū ʿUmar Farūq(d. 1438H) Rahimahullah May allah have mercy on them Alive: ʿAbbās Abū Yaḥyá Abd al-Hakîm Mitchell Abdulilāh Lahmāmī Abu Abdillah Noorudeen Abū Ādam Jamīl Finch Abū 'Aisha Shamsūdīn (Shamsi) Abū al-Ḥasan Mālik Ādam Abū Afnān Muhammad Abdullāh Abu Anissa Abdulhakeem Abu Arwa Ali Abu Esa Akmal Abu Fudayl abdur-Raqīb Abū Ḥafsa Kāshiff Khān Abū Ḥakīm Bilāl Davis Abū Ḥumaid Sālim Abū Idrīs Muḥammad Khān Abu Inaayah Seifaddeen Abū Isḥāq Nadīm. Abū ʿIyāḍ Amjad Rafīq Abū Khadījah ʿAbd al-Wāḥīd Abu Kenzah Jamal Abū Muʿādh Taqwīm Aslam Abū Muḥammad al-Maghribī Abu Rayhannah Yayha Abū Ṭalḥah Ṭāhir Abu Tasneem Mushaf Abū 'Ukkāshah AbdulHakīm Aḥmad Fatḥī Anwar Wright Ḥamzah ʿAbd ar-Razzāq Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī Muḥammad Amīn al-Jazāʾirī Mūsā Richardson Mūsā Shalim Muhammad Muṣṭafá George Rāḥa Batts Rashīd Barbee Rayaan Barker Sa'eed Rhana Ṭālib ʿAbdullāh Umar Quinn Uthmān ibn Mustafa Uwais aṭ-Ṭawīl Zubayr Abbasi May allah preserve them The above can be found on KZbin and they have many websites as well. (PLEASE BEWARE OF ANY VIDEOS THAT SPEAK AGAINST THE ONES MENTIONED ABOVE; they lie AND slander the people of truth. Do not lend an ear even for a moment and ignore them. People lied against the Messenger peace be upon him, so who is anyone lesser than him. It does happen where people have tried to slander some of the above individuals but then have been exposed themselves) Please, for those in the west please stick to scholars and exclusively with those mentioned above and anyone who is actually with them. Also please use this for audios and lessons: & Here's a list of KZbin channel to subscribe to and learn from Albanian Shqiptar - kzbin.infolive Arabic: Miraath Arabic m.kzbin.infofeatured Rasael emaratia English: Albaseerah m.kzbin.infofeatured AlHuda Bolton m.kzbin.infovideos At-Tarbiyah South Florida As Sabeel DaarusSunnah Da'waatus Salafiyyah Brisbane Dus Dawah Learn About Islam UK Manhaj ul-Haqq Markaz-Bukhāri Markaz Ibn sireen m.kzbin.infovideos Markaz Muaadh Ibn Jabal m.kzbin.infovideos Markaz Sufyaan Ath-Thawree Markaz us-Sunnah Masjid Al-Huda Sheffield Miraath publication M.T Media m.kzbin.infofeed Muwahhideen Publication Rasael emaratia SalafiCentreUK m.kzbin.infovideos SalafiDawaLancs Salafi recording Sunnah Publication kzbin.infoSunnahPublishing Tawheed Rochdale ThePiousOnes Troid kzbin.infotroidtube Umm Uthmaan al-Majariyyah Russian: Sunnah Portal Turkish: DAVETULENBIYA m.kzbin.infovideos Urdu: Tawheede Khaalis m.kzbin.infofeatured Audios |albaseerah| Al-Masjid Al-Awwal (1MM) | Learn about Islām - The true message of Islām |Germantown Masjid | Markaz-sal
@positive_energy3131 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for the information
@peakinyou 3 жыл бұрын
@@positive_energy3131 You are welcome
@AdS-vl9hd 3 жыл бұрын
You're absolutely right about following the tradions not the ahwaa (self way of understanding) but I think he's a well spoken man in the west and we should try to bring him to ahlussunna waljamaa
@bandygamy5898 3 жыл бұрын
why is the female interviewer blurred out?
@Yumyumfudge007 4 жыл бұрын
Shabir Ally is one who rejects the sunnah of the prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. He does not believe in Ahadeeth. He said this in his khutbah over 20 years ago. Many from the salafi's in Toronto who used to attend his centre in Toronto, but when he started making shocking statements then we ran from him. Mind you this was around 1998-1999.
@iimiboy 4 жыл бұрын
@@luluah1198 well he dismissed the ruling of the quran to cut off a theifs hand so he picks and chooses from the quran aswell
@gloriouspurpose3139 2 жыл бұрын
i Think this is becoming a major issue... May Allah protect us from misguidance
@joenathan7211 2 жыл бұрын
If you are tolerant about everything you stand for nothing!! Keep it in mind, Muslims, if holding your Deen makes people consider that you are intolerant, it's okay!!!
@tahlid 4 жыл бұрын
You did the right thing brothers. Jazakallah for enlightening us.
@Peace-vs9yi Жыл бұрын
watch exmuslim exmuslim Apostate, friendly exmuslim
@hilmyahmed6446 3 жыл бұрын
You two need to spend more time on learning and studying. Then spend time contemplating on and analysing things you have learnt in the light of your own experiences and experiences of people around you and beyond. Then after that start editing other people's videos of knowledge. People who have clearly done far more than just the basics. تعلما وادرسا اولا ثم اكتسبا خبرة الحياة والناس والحكمة ثانيا ثم إنتقدا آآآخرا.
@KeithKillingly 3 жыл бұрын
Non-scholars think they know more than a scholar lol
@mohamudahmed6554 3 жыл бұрын
@@KeithKillingly Who is a scholar? Shabir Ally? He is not a scholar in Islam nor does he claim to be and EVEN if how was a senior scholar i.e. a Aalim, these statements contradict the Quran and the Sunnah so we reject it and expose it.
@mohamudahmed6554 3 жыл бұрын
Excuse me, but Shabir Ally made some very bad claims and gave some dangerous views to the Public. He literally said that Sharia would need to change to fit the non Muslim in Muslim states. The Law of Allah that the Messenger alayhi salatu wa salam ruled with in Medina and later all in Arabia and was expaned by the Sahaba that was Divine given by Allah has to be changed? You should stop being emotional and study you religion, the Quran and the Sunnah.
@hilmyahmed6446 3 жыл бұрын
@@mohamudahmed6554 الله يهديك
@mohamudahmed6554 3 жыл бұрын
@@hilmyahmed6446 May Allah guide you as well. I appreciate the dua, but i don't see you taking a advice so i can only counter this dua sincerely to you as well.
@AA-ru4rb 4 жыл бұрын
I have watched videos of Shabir Ally since the early 2000's. most of his videos then were apologetics and debates against Christianity. Over time I noticed that Shabir has been giving interviews focused on giving his opinion on different topics about Islam. Over time I noticed that he ignores hadith, and instead gives his understanding of Quranic verses. May Allah swt guide him to the true Islamic understanding as the salad al saleh understood Islam.
@htmoh8115 4 жыл бұрын
I think interviewers are equally to blame.
@teukufadel8293 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a quranist to me
@Asumareh1 2 жыл бұрын
He didn’t reject Hadith, I’ve watch his videos on Hadith.
@greengalaxy8873 2 жыл бұрын
Caliph Uthman had suspended this specific punishment during the time of famine. If Islam is universal across time, space, and contexts then there cannot be any suspension. The only defense is that the substance (the moral ethos) rather than the surface (specific law) is the crux of Quranic commandments. Such an argument has already been made by several people, including Dr. Ismail Faruqui. Before rejecting Shabir Ally altogether, please take some time to read the following article: TOWARDS A NEW METHODOLOGY FOR QUR'ĀNIC EXEGESIS by ISMĀ'ĪL RĀGĪ AL-FĀRŪQĪ Islamic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1 (MARCH 1962), pp. 35-52 (18 pages) The article can be found on the net. May Allah be pleased with Shabir Ally and his efforts.
@donjowansafadi8739 2 жыл бұрын
@@teukufadel8293 yeah well hes not a quranist
@sonofagun00 2 жыл бұрын
1. I find it hilarious that both of these brothers live in Western countries but approve of ancient Islamic punishment when there was absolutely no other legalized judicial system for those punishments (tribal systems do not count because we know all about the pre Islamic ignorant rulings) 2. These guys aren’t scholars. Shabir Ally is, irrespective of what your opinion is of him, he’s studied and has the certifications. 3. These guys haven’t even done the due diligence of researching Shabir Ally’s background yet they take the liberty of speaking about him? You know how open and transparent Shabir Ally is? You could have easily asked him to join your show out of concern and I guarantee you he would have gladly joined to help educate both of you about his opinions
@sonofagun00 2 жыл бұрын
@benadryl cabbagepatch have you studied fiqh? In fiqh ruling if you live in a secular nation not governed by sharia you have to be compliant to their secular rules and system. Want proof of this? Just read about the sahaba who made the migration to Abbasiniya in the time of the Prophet before they migrated to Madinah. The hudood of the Quran would not have applied to them when they live in another land. It's important to research these things rather than watching a KZbin video by 2 individuals who are not scholars and wish to convey their opinions.
@sonofagun00 2 жыл бұрын
@benadryl cabbagepatch don't take one video out of context. Anyone can do that. Go watch all of his videos and you'll understand his view better. What these guys are doing is taking snippets here and there and making accusations all the while neither of them are scholars or have studied with scholars.
@papabear8253 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the points made by Saajid, but I still dislike and condemn this video. The Ummah is in a mess because of so many diverging scholarly views and the political and ego battles between different scholars and their scholarly groups. In history, scholars have waged war on other scholars including committing murder! You would think scholars would be above all that. Nope! Even today we have a bunch of scholars trying to cancel others by calling them deviants or entirely dismissing them, asking them to withdraw completely and go into oblivion. You have a problem with a Scholar/Person of Knowledge, discuss it direct with him, instead of making disparaging comments based on edited short clips. Both the brothers here on video have taken a condescending view and attitude towards Dr. SA. Have the guts, then arrange a debate and leave the public to decide, don't become Judge and Jury yourself. Who gave you the position of a ''Person of knowledge'' to dismiss someone else so rudely? Who gave you the position of ''Warners & Advisors'' to the Ummah? I really dislike self-appointed know-it-alls. Having a bunch of hadiths & tafsir books carefully placed behind the camera on a shelf does not make anyone an expert and more knowledgeable than others. The video starts of with discussing Dr. SA's credentials, yet both the brothers fail to present their own. I would advise them to work on their own shortcomings and self-development.
@saral9817 2 жыл бұрын
@@sonofagun00 This is not what the conversation is about you are conflating 2 ideas. The fact that you are calling islamic punishments 'ancient' is a red flag There are 2 scenarios: You live in a muslim country in the first and you dont live in a muslim country in the second. In the first scenario, Islamic law must be applied by the muslim leader and it is an act of kufr to think of any other system of law as superior, the Qur'an is timeless, never outdated. Allah says in the Qur'an "Indeed we have sent down the Remembrance and indeed we will preserve it" This is Allahs promise to preserve The Qur'an from being changed or obsolete. The hudood are in the Qur'an and Sunnah undeniably. The second scenario, it is a non muslim country, of course you have to abide by the laws of the land, and you are in no way able to or fit to carry out or implement Hudood or shariah at a government level. If a muslim finds they cannot practice their religion in such a land then Hijrah (migration to muslim lands) is wajib (obligatory) A side point to add is that in islam it is not permissible to live permanently in muslim lands but one can go for several reasons, i.e. healthcare not found anywhere else, dawah, education, fleeing from persecution etc. But only on the condition that the person has the knowledge to refute any doubts that come their way from living their and the strength to fight off desires that attract them in these lands, and once the person has fulfilled their purpose they must go back to muslim lands. You asked the person who replied to your comment if they had studie fiqh but it seems like you have not studied fiqh either.
@husseinalhajri8018 3 жыл бұрын
You both can’t even make a single reference clearly to justify your gossip. Shame on you. Study your religion understand what you’re talking about then talk. If we are free from such rubbish ISIS ideology we would have spread our religion to all mankind. استغفر الله العظيم بس
@yusafimran8951 2 жыл бұрын
Shabbir ally has some strange views.
@papabear8253 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the points made by Saajid, but I still dislike and condemn this video. The Ummah is in a mess because of so many diverging scholarly views and the political and ego battles between different scholars and their scholarly groups. In history, scholars have waged war on other scholars including committing murder! You would think scholars would be above all that. Nope! Even today we have a bunch of scholars trying to cancel others by calling them deviants or entirely dismissing them, asking them to withdraw completely and go into oblivion. You have a problem with a Scholar/Person of Knowledge, discuss it direct with him, instead of making disparaging comments based on edited short clips. Both the brothers here on video have taken a condescending view and attitude towards Dr. SA. Have the guts, then arrange a debate and leave the public to decide, don't become Judge and Jury yourself. Who gave you the position of a ''Person of knowledge'' to dismiss someone else so rudely? Who gave you the position of ''Warners & Advisors'' to the Ummah? I really dislike self-appointed know-it-alls. Having a bunch of hadiths & tafsir books carefully placed behind the camera on a shelf does not make anyone an expert and more knowledgeable than others. The video starts of with discussing Dr. SA's credentials, yet both the brothers fail to present their own. I would advise them to work on their own shortcomings and self-development.
@RAGE76 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for exposing such person 👍🏻 يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك
@aishak1199 4 жыл бұрын
Yessss thank you. I’ve been seeing very strange things with Shabir Ally, especially the one where he mentions hell will just explode and destroy everyone in it and cause things to grow
@soniabegum1367 3 жыл бұрын
That's a new one 😂
@yizuss69 3 жыл бұрын
Where does he say this?
@SNKRIZE_ 3 жыл бұрын
Where did he say that ????
@Medo-q3c 3 ай бұрын
Hvala bratu Saajidu i Faridu sto ukazuju na greske brata Shabira, koje sam ja uocila prije nekoliko godina, dakle, ko god ne slijedi Qur'an i Sunnet promasio je put! Da Allah olaksa nase stanje i pozivi ucene, koji nam prenose vjeru kako je Allah zadovoljan! Ameen!
@shahirshamsir 3 жыл бұрын
May i suggest you discuss with Dr Shabir on this matter and not disparage publicly. Preserve the adab.
@adnaneslim 3 жыл бұрын
@asmahqadeer4617 3 жыл бұрын
I think you guys are forgetting that Allah has also said on the same verse that if they repent then leave them alone. As Allah is the most forgiving, most merciful (the stoning and cutting of the hand)
@thruefact 4 жыл бұрын
Jazaakallah khairan for pointing out that each one should stay within their expertise
@HussainFahmy 4 жыл бұрын
*_Highlighting the secular liberal so-called Imams is an education to all Muslims._*
@khancan2194 3 жыл бұрын
I think it’s great we have highlighted these two extremists Stay away from those who have abandoned the Quran over books inspired by the devil
@MohammedAlSharif2002 4 жыл бұрын
You uploaded at the same time
@Urbro_meast 4 жыл бұрын
But seriously though , Saajid Lipham uploaded a few seconds to a minute ahead of Farid Responds.
@playthora6515 2 жыл бұрын
The dude literally had a video where he said its ok to take mortgage to buy a house. Because taking riba is haram but giving it is ok in some conditions
@maslahadow1440 2 жыл бұрын
subhanah wlhi I didn't know that he was like this jazaka allah kheyra brothers !! you have no idea how useful this was to me
@naeemomar887 3 жыл бұрын
Respected Brothers, it would be better for you to engage Brother Shabir directly and obtain clarification from him directly. Criticising him in his absence is not the Islamic way.
@snaky1310 3 жыл бұрын
Dr Shabir Ally has brought a lot of people to Islam as well as reinforcing the faith of a lot of Muslims thanks to his brilliant debates defending Islam... He's done more for the Muslim community than a lot of people out there!! For you to say that maybe Dr Shabir Ally was not that good at debating 21:20 shows your lack of preparation before creating this video!
@Sam66519 3 жыл бұрын
are these guys doctors? these guys look like some random youtubers disrespecting shabir ally
@zahinelahi2655 3 жыл бұрын
they are youtube sheikhs. Shabir ally responded to this video and his response was classic unlike these backbiters
@papabear8253 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the points made, but I still dislike and condemn this video. The Ummah is in a mess because of so many diverging scholarly views and the political and ego battles between different scholars and their scholarly groups. You have a problem with a Scholar/Person of Knowledge, discuss it direct with him, instead of making disparaging comments based on edited short clips. Both the brothers here on video have taken a condescending view and attitude towards SA. Have the guts, then arrange a debate and leave the public to decide, don't become Judge and Jury yourself. Who gave you the position of a ''Person of knowledge'' to dismiss someone else so rudely? I really dislike self-appointed know-it-alls. Having a bunch of hadiths & tafsir books carefully placed behind the camera on a shelf does not make anyone an expert and more knowledgeable than others.
@EB-gt1pq 2 жыл бұрын
That’s what I’m saying. Stop behaving like teenage girls talking behind peoples back, man up and call the person directly.
@Ntwadumela266 Жыл бұрын
Why don’t you reach out to him to clarify these doubts rather than podcast bashing him? It doesn’t even need to be private, have a public dialogue. Correct him publically, and reach out and speak to him. And if you’ve reached out already then tell your audience so we don’t leave comments like this
@SheriDin 4 жыл бұрын
He is another Yasir Qadhi. I stopped watching him some years ago since i heard his responses to those Q&A videos. I wonder whats going in with these people. Shabir was good during the early Christian Islam debate days but those Q&A answers raised my alarm antenna about him. May Allah guide brother Shabir...
@nayedabasit5568 4 жыл бұрын
Wow. Just shocking that he is giving his own opinion instead of saying what the Qur'an and sunnah teaches us. And to think, I had so much respect for him.. v disappointed in Shabbir Ali..I don't understand his intentions. His talks/debates with Christian speakers are so good...and now this??!
@2006amran 3 жыл бұрын
He is human like us all if he made an error we should be correcting him not mocking him like this video. I CAN GUARANTEE the two in this video will all make errors and its interesting that you both look like traditional Muslims!
@demajlrizvani2070 3 жыл бұрын
Bro you are full of it. Who is this Saajid, a virtual nobody and unknown calling Shabir's knowledge poison. He is not are so off course belittling and bashing people for no valid reasons...scholars and dais who have contributed so much to Islamic message being spread and understood. Shame on you. I know brother Farid from SD and love his videos and am disappointed to find him in this video.
@papabear8253 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the points made by Saajid, but I still dislike and condemn this video. The Ummah is in a mess because of so many diverging scholarly views and the political and ego battles between different scholars and their scholarly groups. In history, scholars have waged war on other scholars including committing murder! You would think scholars would be above all that. Nope! Even today we have a bunch of scholars trying to cancel others by calling them deviants or entirely dismissing them, asking them to withdraw completely and go into oblivion. You have a problem with a Scholar/Person of Knowledge, discuss it direct with him, instead of making disparaging comments based on edited short clips. Both the brothers here on video have taken a condescending view and attitude towards Dr. SA. Have the guts, then arrange a debate and leave the public to decide, don't become Judge and Jury yourself. Who gave you the position of a ''Person of knowledge'' to dismiss someone else so rudely? Who gave you the position of ''Warners & Advisors'' to the Ummah? I really dislike self-appointed know-it-alls. Having a bunch of hadiths & tafsir books carefully placed behind the camera on a shelf does not make anyone an expert and more knowledgeable than others. The video starts of with discussing Dr. SA's credentials, yet both the brothers fail to present their own. I would advise them to work on their own shortcomings and self-development.
@atiharsh1993 3 жыл бұрын
Why you are pointing out these points in public..have you communicated these issues with the Shabbir Ally first in person?if he didn't respond or you are not satisfy than you can do that?is making this video the Islamic way to deal with?if your intention is to correct him and if you are good Muslim by yourself you should have this intention rather than spreading differences among Muslims.. May Allah guide you both..
@lilakhalila6002 2 жыл бұрын
He made these points publicly too. Therefore people can speak out against these points in public.
@wtalkie 7 ай бұрын
Shabir is an expert on the bible for sure, but he's clearly not a scholar of Islam. Even a layman Muslim wouldn't fall into these pitfalls. This is a reminder to learn the basics of your religion and Aqeedah first before delving into comparative religion.
@muhd.farisizzatbinnorazlan7815 3 жыл бұрын
But let's praise any good he does in the past in the field of da'wah.May Allah forgives us all and guide us Ameen.
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