Shoto feels Uncomfortable with this vTuber

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@steamedmilk_8702 Жыл бұрын
Bro its simple: don’t ship him with people he doesn’t even follow/interact with and don’t ship him with his irl streaming friends thats it
@afunkylittleguy Жыл бұрын
Where are you getting the second one from, has he recently said he's not okay with it? I thought he said he was.
@awesomeness967 Жыл бұрын
@@afunkylittleguy he mentioned it last year, he doesn't want to be shipped with fleshtubers/irl streamers. he tells us what ships he's okay with (and it's mostly his vtuber friends or his friend's oc's)
@Gummy_Pop. Жыл бұрын
I agree thats just plain weird and creepy
@RotheAlien Жыл бұрын
But he likes being shipped with uki, and hes known him for a loooong time pr do you mean like ppl that dont have models (that would make sense)
@monochrome3636 Жыл бұрын
@@RotheAlien he's okay being shipped with his vtuber friends but not the fleshtubers (e.g. sykkuno, rae, and anyone who's not a vtuber ig). he also mentioned to respect streamers if they feel uncomfy with shipping in general
@FemboyKaiSaku Жыл бұрын
shipping people with other random people is just awkward and weird in general
@lixira_ Жыл бұрын
I think there is a distinction between just shipping the characters vs people shipping real people behind the persona. I dont mind people shipping vtubers but they often don't have a limit on personal boundaries of real people behind them and that's the problem
@lixira_ Жыл бұрын
@ochaco hyuga~ exactly! I feel like a lot of people lack critical thinking in that area sadly
@DeziCh Жыл бұрын
For real, for outsiders it may be easy to separate themselves from this but there's so many ways it could make the Vtubers uncomfortable. There's plenty on information on what their limits are for shipping, so it doesn't take that much effort to avoid situations like this >_< I hope people will get the hint and tone it down, there's plenty of Vtubers to ship him with that he is more comfortable with and that he'd enjoy seeing more!
@Asimpforasmr Жыл бұрын
But is not awkward and weird to twist shotos boundaries and continue to call him a bottom and harass people who tell you to stop calling him a bottom?
@cohlinegarnet8313 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes it can be good cause they can profit off of it (e.g. I think at some point this particular Vtuber was shipped with another Vtuber named Vox, and together they just did some livestreams together which helped them gain a ton of views), but it is weird nonetheless. People on the internet are getting a little TOO comfortable.
@gojosatoru1448 Жыл бұрын
People will ship anyone with anyone, it's ridiculous
@redline841 Жыл бұрын
The Naval logistic division is dedicated to the highest degree
@lilblkrose Жыл бұрын
Shipping is fine when its fictional people but never when it touches reality AKA real people unless permitted. Vtubers got it hard when people forget that. Edit* actually not vtubers only, every content creator
@gojosatoru1448 Жыл бұрын
@@lilblkrose yeah, folks shouldn't ship real people with each other without their explicit approval
@thanglongnguyenvu3815 Жыл бұрын
Nah, don't bother mate. The shippers will start going after you like hounds if you call them out.
@lilkeyla5769 Жыл бұрын
well yeah, people can't help themselves and it's tiring
@Rin-vo6kd Жыл бұрын
To be honest, Shoto is an indie Vtuber, he can express himself what he likes and doesn't like, no matter what you are thinking about him. He wants to make a place that he can breathe. So, I love him, if something make he happy, i will support. Shoto dont ask you guys to stop doing this art, bc he knows this is impossible, he just let you guys know that he is not comfortable with it . This is the reason why he chooses to be an Indie instead of a company Vtuber. Pls remember that Vtuber is actually real person in the real life. If you love him, pls respect. They ARE not 2D char in your manga 👌
@MistyAria0317 Жыл бұрын
Isnt he vietnamese?
@yguildie Жыл бұрын
​@@MistyAria0317 I'm sorry. I can't tell if you're joking or not. But if not, i think you misread indie as Indian? Indie vtuber means independent vtuber. Also, he is Vietnamese-American to be precise.
@lynseoltang1183 Жыл бұрын
I'm really curious who but I think shoto did not clarify anything just to avoid anyone attacking that person whoever they are. This only proves how nice shoto is
@Alici_Evans Жыл бұрын
@@bababooey7418 But Senz is a redebut, no? It seems like he was talking about a completely new person, but I could be wrong.
@crystalsuka6004 Жыл бұрын
It might be Mizuno Aki
@Jelly-wy6xr Жыл бұрын
@@Alici_Evans Honestly the speculating is dumb imo, Shoto's mama does the work for a LOT of vtubers, instead of going "who is it" we should just assume he doesnt wanna be shipped with anyone he doesnt know.
@lynseoltang1183 Жыл бұрын
@@Jelly-wy6xr I agree with it. Shoto is fine with him being shipped with friends specially the close ones. but it will be so weird being shipped with someone who you don't even talk to. Like that's a whole lot of weird tbh
@lynseoltang1183 Жыл бұрын
@@bababooey7418 yeah, let's not think of it much since shoto don't want to go deep in to it too. I said I'm curious but if shoto don't want to talk about who it is, then I respect him
@SosiCreatesArt Жыл бұрын
So many people are misunderstanding what he’s saying, he’s not saying don’t ship us cause the same person Drew us as in they feel like “siblings” (do u feel like family with your dentists other patients? Lol) he’s saying them sharing artist isn’t a basis to ship them and most of all sounds like it’s the specific person he feels uncomfortable being associated with, whoever that is, just don’t ship real random people? 😭 Like… this isn’t fiction, “ship whoever you want” doesn’t apply to real people and these ARE real people, fans seem to forget 🤨
@immortalinwell5935 Жыл бұрын
"(do u feel like family with your dentists other patients? Lol)" Lol as someone who works in a dental office this is actually a really good analogy. We get plenty of patients who get on well with each other (as in, they'll chat in the waiting room and become buddies) but we also see ALL kinds of people. Not everyone is gonna get on well! While vtubers might not quite be as varied as the general public (in that they're all specifically entertainers), there's still a lot of them and have ALL kinds of personalities. Sometimes personalities just don't mesh, and that's okay!
@RotheAlien Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU the thumbnail was so clickbaity, i feel when people take the "we have the same mama so we are brothers" too far it ruins the joke and makes things weird for the vtubers too. But yeah, always make sure the vtubers are ok with shipping etcc before
@Chi-Chi-Fy Жыл бұрын
But we don't ship the person behind vtuber,we ship the character or is that bad?
@hydrocosmo Жыл бұрын
The persona "Shoto" isn't a real person lmao, you're not seriously comparing a person online with their real face and identity to a vtuber right? Cuz that's the absurd thing to think IMO.
@VBRNTGamma Жыл бұрын
@@Chi-Chi-Fy The character is still a part of the person behind the avatar and most vtubers see themselves in their character or IS their characters so yes, it is bad
@ventisamenohair Жыл бұрын
people sometimes forget that the vtuber they’re watching on their screen is an actual real life human being behind an avatar, not some fictional anime character that doesn’t have real feeling and thoughts. shipping real people (unless it’s allowed) is weird, and it’s honestly really disappointing that shoto and many others have to address this
@juampisito Жыл бұрын
I get it and people are annoying saying you should collab with x or y just because the person who drew you is the same. I believe a collab with someone you have not certain trust with would be a dissaster. That said, shipping art and people shipping people with other people is just unstopable, if I were him I would warn people with bans if they do it on stream, but outside, just can't be helped, not looking at it or reading about it is the only "solution".
@hanaaihara3282 Жыл бұрын
before yall go off on a tangent, he's just asking yall to not ship him with some random people. having the same mama doesn't necessarily mean they know each other. also he might not be comfortable with this person for other specific reasons too but the point is just dont go off shipping him with strangers ffs
@burnttoast26 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like more than just "same artist ships" going on
@afunkylittleguy Жыл бұрын
It's not about that, it's about the fact that people are basically shipping him with a complete stranger. It's never been about that.
@chwrleseyler Жыл бұрын
he just said he doesn't even talk to the person tho
@anastasiao4036 Жыл бұрын
@@chwrleseyler No, he clearly means something else, seeing how he kept saying "support who you wish, but..." He clearly has something against them but doesn't want to say it.
@chwrleseyler Жыл бұрын
@@anastasiao4036 well thats true but its not good to speculate
@greyscaleadaven Жыл бұрын
@@chwrleseyler Tbh he said it himself so that part isn't really speculation. He mentions that it's the creator being shipped with him is who he has a problem with being associated with, being recently debuted. I kinda think people are missing part of what he was saying, like clearly he doesn't want to be associated with this person and it goes beyond just not wanting to be shipped with randoms (though that is also part of the problem). Not gonna try to guess who it is though because that would actually be speculating. I do wish I knew so I could simply avoid them in the future but I guess it's fine because I'm hardly around vtuber sections of the internet anyways outside of mainstream content creators in the space. I likely wouldn't be able to run into them even if I tried tbh, so it's not my place to try and find out really anyways. Shoto really does need to keep it ambiguous in order to avoid ravenous fans from going and hating on them, so good on him for keeping things vague and only really coding the message so that those fan artists on twitter or wherever would know what's really up.
@kaitlynlol3509 Жыл бұрын
you guys gotta understand. when he says he’s ok with him and vox it’s because he knows vox and interacts with him weekly and they have come to the decision that it’s ok for them to be shipped. he clearly stated he’s uncomfortable with this person and as curious as i am about why, it’s his business and we can’t be upset if he doesn’t tel us because we don’t have the right to know.
@asheclips3784 Жыл бұрын
i believe shipping real life people is really strange, but i have to applaud shoto for mentioning him being uncomfortable with this. that’s really brave of him
@pleasestfu.1430 Жыл бұрын
I love shoto sm, he really doesnt want any drama to stir with that certain vtuber since he doesnt say who it was, and he's being nice enough to point out the situation respectfully and without lashing out and hurting anyone, please respect his wishes- 😭🙏❤
@Angelikavasalarsson Жыл бұрын
I feel like the more important point he's trying to make is to not ship him with that guy he's hinting about specifically, since he seems to have something against that guy (guessing that guy might have done something bad and Shoto might not want to be assosiated with it?) And especially not just because they share the same mama, it's way too random since they don't talk or collab together. Just randomly shipping someone to a stranger, even if theres no bad blood, is also just weird.
@RotheAlien Жыл бұрын
It's what I got too, he seemed to not want to be associated at all, I dont think it was something about having the same model mama. This is just clickbait at its finest lmao
@EeveelutionStorm Жыл бұрын
@@RotheAlien It's 100% likely Shoto is not comfortable with this person, period and that is 100% okay.
@sazogalfreit7078 Жыл бұрын
Yeah sounds like he's specifically talking about one person instead of everyone who shares the same mama (artist)
@stayarmy5784 Жыл бұрын
I’m glad that Sho Sho always speaks his mind and expresses what he’s comfy and uncomfy with ☺️☺️💖💖
@fallabeaufaebelle Жыл бұрын
I think it's fair to not want to be shipped with random people. Sad that some people aren't okay with his boundaries. They're his boundaries, he really shouldn't have to justify them. But beyond just this person being someone he doesn't really know, Shoto said they make him uncomfortable. Whatever the story there is, and it's his personal business, I bet it can be really tough on the psyche to see art of your avatar/persona with someone who makes you feel that way. He's not saying guildies can't support whoever they want, he's just asking for some respect to his boundaries. By not naming this person I think he's also trying to respect their privacy too (bc Shoto is a considerate person) and just asking people to stick to ships between other vtubers he is comfy with and knows, and that's totally fair. Hopefully people listen ;-; thanks for sharing the clip, hopefully fanartists get the message and draw some other lovely stuff with their skills!
@idk-9917 Жыл бұрын
If he's not close with the person no matter if they have the same mama understand that he doesn't want to be linked in any way with that person that's the main point I believe. Also to the people who believe it's personal business or past connections maybe it is maybe it isn't but that is not your business. Shoto said what he said and that's final so just respect him and his decisions with this.
@Howaboutyes11 Жыл бұрын
Fr let’s be respectful and have bondaries ❤💜
@027helmalia3 Жыл бұрын
Shoto literally just say pls don't ship me or assume he's close with everybody that he share the same mama. And yes shoto do be close with some of them(this statement is not for them), so it will be fking rude to ship him (or assume they're friends) with people he doesn't know or close with.
@027helmalia3 Жыл бұрын
Pls don't elaborate his word any further 🥲
@gileservin7326 Жыл бұрын
I get how he would feel uncomfortable with people doing that like you can’t just lump people together just because they have some similarities I would feel the same way if it had happened to me and you shouldn’t just be going around shipping people just for the fun of it because it does make people feel extremely uncomfortable
@_pyre_ Жыл бұрын
People no longer understand that it is wierd to ship someone with another person even tho they barely know each other. It's kinda messed up
@x-furina-x Жыл бұрын
I honestly feel bad for the ppl who get shipped with random ppl they don't know. It's weird and shoto sounds genuinely uncomfortable.
@_memorycore_8867 Жыл бұрын
shotooo u da best ❤❤ i love your videos very entertaining 🤩
@itzmi_oreo8737 Жыл бұрын
Just please nobody be weird and start a freaking war with whoever vtuber they think Shoto was talking about.
@lokitakahashi3042 Жыл бұрын
nobody knows who he's talkin about so now its a scooby doo mystery search instead.
@clemintyne7898 Жыл бұрын
I wish I was as good at setting boundaries as shoto is..
@Wayhoo Жыл бұрын
Respect his boundaries! ♥♥
@jamesappling1212 Жыл бұрын
Good Man. Take care of Your Rep.👍
@HarmfulGiggles Жыл бұрын
Suddenly got Septiplier flashbacks.
@jaygordon4565 Жыл бұрын
Love shoto for this ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@pako-chan556 Жыл бұрын
The same thing happened to me on Twitter like a random person shipped my OC with another OC of a different person that I barely even know. I'm like dude.. you can't just do that specially without my permission and I don't even know you guys wtf?? Why do people keep doing weird things and be insensitive about what the other person might feel?? . This is also same in real life like If I see my friend shipping me to a random person who I have no clue who or I haven't even interacted with. Even if that person my friend is shipping me with is hot. I would smack my friend and tell'em to stop being weird coz it's gross af. So the whole point is, consent is everything guys and always be mindful and sensitive about what the other person would feel specially if you're doing something that involves them. Periodt
@00Kalypso Жыл бұрын
Ocs =/= people lol im sorry but it cant be compared
@notmeplease2435 Жыл бұрын
Bro you’re talking about made up characters
@pako-chan556 Жыл бұрын
Oh please don't fckn tell me you have more rights to my own OCs than I am what? srsly?
@merlini16 10 ай бұрын
Damn so real like... at least ask????? lmao
@dragonsoul_gaming Жыл бұрын
The whole concept of shipping is just funny to me, people will literally take two people who are similar and probably never made contact before and just call it "their otp". Shipping fictional characters is understandable, but shipping real people is kinda fucked up bc all it does is make people uncomfortable
@yurinya8308 Жыл бұрын
if we love him, respect his choose
@TSGN_Leviathan Жыл бұрын
People’s obsessions with shipping is getting out of control.
@pineapplepen9791 Жыл бұрын
I hope people get the message and just stop, instead of questioning if he has beef with vtubers or some bs 😢
@rebeccameyer6612 Жыл бұрын
People are taking this as more of a shipping thing. But it's sounds more like he personally just doesn't want to be associated with this person in particular. Like it seemed less vague and more specific. I mean also don't ship random people. But I'm just saying
@yunese5292 Жыл бұрын
Well, it's not like he's close to them. So ofc he wouldn't want to be associated with a stranger. It's nothing deep.
@ryoba0n Жыл бұрын
Ok understood baby
@AriisWriting Жыл бұрын
We shall respect his wishes!!!! It's odd people would even do this in the first place. Shoto is a real person!!! Not just a youtuber or a Vtuber! A REAL PERSON! Some people i guess just don't get that 🙁
@brymori Жыл бұрын
Many people in the comment section literally misunderstood his message and went ranting about completely different yet serious things. You guys should also talk about what he said and NOT only what you think about a completely different topic. You can talk about it again if it EXACTLY is the topic.
@KaiTheTyrant Жыл бұрын
Shipping fictional characters is one thing, but shipping real people is wrong. I was actually shipped with a kid who bullied me back in 7th grade. it was not a fun experience and definitely creepy
@SeaaAngell Жыл бұрын
You never want to ship a real person with another real person without permission, the case could be worse than you could ever know.
@astronite_ Жыл бұрын
I feel so bad for the poor boy. Leave him aloneeeeee 😖
@kindalonelyngl Жыл бұрын
I love how Shoto would make effort to addressed the issues that bothered him even though it's hard for him to word them out. Btw, which vtuber he was referring to?
@urfavvick606 Жыл бұрын
I swear u can be living ur life in another verse and ur still gonna get shipped with somebody like maybe sonic x shoto omds
@urfavvick606 Жыл бұрын
It’s so annoying
@angelopouIos Жыл бұрын
idk who shoto is talking about here, but I've seen a vtuber try and get noticed purely by being associated with a popular vtuber because they have the same mama. idk if that's really their intention, but it's weird regardless because they don't even know each other and they keep inserting themself into the popular vtuber's whereabouts. same mama doesn't mean they're friends! mamas are just doing their job
@sally_39 Жыл бұрын
Shoto W
@lizesan3484 Жыл бұрын
Just as Kenji said vtuber fandom be worse than MHA one in shipping they be shipping the floor with the sky 💀☠️
@muffinman_4 Жыл бұрын
there is a real person behind those pixels guys dont forget
@fuhero8088 Жыл бұрын
If your going to do it keep it on the down low, thems the rules. Can you imagine if someone went up to various strangers they watched on the internet and were like "hey you and this person right?" That's just weird. But that's what happens for real
@passwordpass666 Жыл бұрын
Wait who-? I don’t wanna attack them or anything I just was curious lol, and I know he was avoiding saying a name probably because people would insult said vtuber but I wanna know Also yeah don’t ship people who haven’t said sure, especially real people(not tv or game characters) it’s weird 🥲 in this case especially, disregarding the drama or whatever happened, saying they share a mama makes it sound like ur shipping brothers
@Areumeira Жыл бұрын
please leave this guy alone istg
@crystalr6461 Жыл бұрын
I feel like there's more to it. Like he doesn't want to be associated with that VTuber. He's always been okay with shipping as long as it's harmless and 2D but for some reason, it's like he doesn't want to have anything to do with the other person.
@deadlyfemboy4289 Жыл бұрын
who the person tho? lol
@crystalr6461 Жыл бұрын
@@deadlyfemboy4289 i knowwww im so curious too.
@GigiS2 Жыл бұрын
They say it may be senz
@isaahh4542 Жыл бұрын
He didn't even drop name to avoid issues but you guys just assume his referring to this and that. Can you just agree to his wishes and stop questioning who he's referring to? Ghad! People really likes drama. 🙄
@EmeraldNightlinde Жыл бұрын
I’m not gonna go asking around for that reason, don’t wanna get involved with drama, but for me I’m curious because I wanna know if they’re somebody I should avoid
@isaahh4542 Жыл бұрын
@@EmeraldNightlinde wdym by somebody that you should avoid? He's just saying that his not close or not friends with the people (his referring here) and that they should stop shipping them becos his uncomfy or the other person his talking might get uncomfy to and doesn't want to happened also. Idk why you guys putting so much meaning into this when his just saying not to ship him to anyone he doesn't want or doesn't know. Simple as that.
@EmeraldNightlinde Жыл бұрын
@@isaahh4542 ?? I just don’t want to watch somebody if they’re problematic.. it’s really not a big deal
@isaahh4542 Жыл бұрын
@@EmeraldNightlinde did he even says that they are someone whose problematic? No?
@anastasiao4036 Жыл бұрын
@@isaahh4542 He kept saying he doesn't want to be associated with them and "you can support who you want, but...", etc. Read between the lines. Clearly, someone did something and it's normal to want to know who.
@10jimmy Жыл бұрын
@bunnietofu5982 Жыл бұрын
Im such a fan of his vtuber model, but I don't know who the artist/rigger is? Could someone pls drop a username? I really wanna check out their other work
@kyuubisgirl3232 Жыл бұрын
sounds like he doesn't like this guy time to look up his model artist lmao
@kaleriki Жыл бұрын
is it bad to say that i thought the blue thing on his shoulder was a caterpillar
@qiyuuuu Жыл бұрын
was there a particular incident that brought this up? his mama is quite popular amongst vtubers and i've seen people across all platforms have their model art drawn by them
@viy4581 Жыл бұрын
I'll ship manga, anime, fictional characters but shipping irl ppl is very weird indeed. Like how wud u feel if u walked around school saying u ship your guy friend with a girl all the time, just so weird to both parties and everyone.
@Samanthat_rules Жыл бұрын
I really understand this. Its like being shipped with a sibling or a family member. Even though they haven’t talked they still have the same art mama and its good that people understand.
@ellenation2294 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s more of a personal thing… like he prob knows the creator and like does not want to be associated so therefore the strong reaction. Hope it doesn’t blow up and stays low key like now
@PhixHaven Жыл бұрын
That's actually not the point here. He said clearly that it has to do with him not being comfortable with the creator and that he's not friends with everyone his mama makes. The reason he brought up his art mama is because he doesn't want people to assume that just because they have the same mama, that it means he's automatically friends with them. I totally get where you're coming from because I would feel the same but that wasn't the reason behind this exact clip haha
@awesomeness967 Жыл бұрын
it's not really "like being shipped with a sibling or a family member" tho. he's specifically asking not to be shipped with this particular person because he's not comfortable with them and at the same time he's saying just because they have the same art mama doesn't mean he's friends or knows them either. let's respect his wishes and not associate him with his art mama's children.
@Cchan-xy3hc Жыл бұрын
@@awesomeness967 well he is still friends with a few. Like girl_dm. She shares the same mama with him. It's just best that the community not assume that he automatically knows them all.
@awesomeness967 Жыл бұрын
@@Cchan-xy3hc yes i should have said to not associate him unless he himself initiates anything first
@fatini00 Жыл бұрын
Ah so it is true that they're siblings...okok
@sadrinasuhendra4187 Жыл бұрын
Make there is a real conversation or interaction between two of our faves if you want to ship them, and don't forget to ask them too if they okay with it or no!
@user-gk2wc3js7j Жыл бұрын
Whoever the artist is tho is extremely talented. I just find shipping ppl is weird:(
@Kei_ko1 Жыл бұрын
can someone please tell me who's he portraying/talking abaout here?
@mitsuru1715 Жыл бұрын
what's mama ? :^
@twinkltoez Жыл бұрын
Not my dumbass thinking ppl were shipping shoto with his irl siblings 💀💀
@___soap Жыл бұрын
only person i can think of that i can see shoto having an issue with according to what he said would be tostify, dudes literally been caught for being a thief, tracing and botting idk if this is like full on confirmed but i've certainly seen my share of content surrounding the apparent account deletion, as of "recently debuted" senz comes to mind and that's because he redebuted like a week ago or something but idk they were in the same kinda little friend group
@RotheAlien Жыл бұрын
They have the same model creator?
@___soap Жыл бұрын
@@RotheAlien shoto said this in the video i'm aware i was just responding with who i can think of that he would find an issue with
@pudumaro Жыл бұрын
for those curious, the other vtuber is probably senz but idk what problems shoto has with him
@Cchan-xy3hc Жыл бұрын
It's likely something personal or something that has happened in the past. We shouldn't pry into it.
@Jelly-wy6xr Жыл бұрын
@@Cchan-xy3hc I don't think its in the past. It could just be not wanting to be shipped with a person who is not his friend.
@pudumaro Жыл бұрын
@@Jelly-wy6xr he clearly stated that he "feels uncomfortable around him"
@Asimpforasmr Жыл бұрын
He doesn’t have anything against Senz. He simply doesn’t wanna be shipped with him
@tsumi6417 Жыл бұрын
@@Asimpforasmr shoto's phrasing of "not wanting to be involved with this content creator" and "not being comfortable with them" is however kind of indicative that there are aspects about the creator that he doesn't want to be associated with i think But he did make it a point to be against just randomly shipping people with the faintest of connections, so it's a little of both it seems. I feel like if the creator was okay, Shoto would've gone out of his way to say that "I dont have a problem with them, it's just that it's strange and awkward to start being shipped for not much reason"
@RotheAlien Жыл бұрын
This makes sense because he eays he doesn't know him so he feels uncomfortable with shipping, but he didn't say anything about not shipping them because they have the same model creator 😂 I think some people are taking the model bro jokes too far, they aren't REALLY brothers you know that right? Like obviously always respect what vtubers tell you when it comes to boundaries but I think you missed the POINT of his statement, he was saying that just because their model was created by the same person it doesn't mean they are friends or comfortable with that kind of fan interaction. Why yall gotta clickbait 😂
@Vee-. Жыл бұрын
Shoto isn't uncomfortable with the vtuber, he is just uncomfortable getting shipped with them. Glad to know that they got the title of the video completely wrong :/
@984miyu Жыл бұрын
?? But he IS uncomfortable with the vtuber. He said he didn't want anything to do with them and didn't want to be associated with them. He's uncomfortable with being shipped with them because he's uncomfortable with the person in general.
@valver1 Жыл бұрын
@@984miyu from what I get. Shoto is uncomfortable being shipped with that Vtuber because they don't know each other that well.
@984miyu Жыл бұрын
@@valver1 I don't think that's the case because he said that he didn't want to be associated with him in any way meaning that he wants nothing to do with them. That goes beyond just not wanting to be shipped with someone. It doesn't make sense to say that under the context of just "I'm uncomfortable being shipped with them because I don't know them". That statement of wanting nothing to do with that Vtuber is an attempt at cutting off both direct and indirect association/contact.
@valver1 Жыл бұрын
@@984miyu yeah could be like it.
@kplusvitamin1708 Жыл бұрын
1:22 "" I don't want to be associated with him" Damn that sound like they got some beef rather than just setting boundaries 😶
@pako-chan556 Жыл бұрын
beef chicken whatever. It's normal for people to set boundaries or prefer to not interact with someone. If there's something well he is handling it in the most mature way. I don't see the issue here or the big deal. This is actually pretty normal. Just a simple reminder since some are just doing whatever they want without being mindful of how other people feel
@Larietyl Жыл бұрын
If you want to be a good fans, then never ship your oshi with RANDOM people.
@Charsteria Жыл бұрын
do yall not know what *BOUNDARIES* are?!
@RenaissanceMotoko972 Жыл бұрын
People are so weird, why they would do that. It's like when your "friends" ships you with an old hag customer or any random, gross.
@redline841 Жыл бұрын
>old hag That's based tho.
@letmyheartout Жыл бұрын
@RotheAlien Жыл бұрын
Old hag? Where did that come from 😂 who is the old hag???
@RenaissanceMotoko972 Жыл бұрын
@@RotheAlien sharing a personal experience 😂 it was a running joke to pair me with an older customer coz he got ''attached'' to me, and not the platonic way. 💀
@AnimeXMe2319 Жыл бұрын
Noted! But I loved your friendship with Vox! Bickering each other, I wish I have a friendship like that! Love you Shoto! :)
@JaredandIm19 Жыл бұрын
Well it's a him so ima start digging
@Stella.cassandra_rose Жыл бұрын
can somebody explain to me about this vid 😭
@giablaire Жыл бұрын
basically shoto doesn’t want to be shipped with anybody who’s model was drawn by the same artist as his (aka his “mama”) or just people he doesn’t talk to in general
@snailiesnail Жыл бұрын
@Pixku_ Жыл бұрын
I think shipping real people is just weird. I know that a lot of people on social ( or just people on my recommended) ship These vtubers and just youtubers in general, but I just find it to be pushing boundaries, even if they are okay with being shipped. I'm not saying you have to stop, but please respect people's boundaries. I'm glad that shoto was able to speak out on this.
@kookminie9596 Жыл бұрын
Shoto don't like being shipped with someone he's never interact with because that also maybe will make those people's uncomfortable And he also don't want people's shipping him with his fleshtubers friends
@joshaalexander4647 Жыл бұрын
who even is it
@user-vg7gn2po4j 6 ай бұрын
Senz is really kind and shoto as well , they seem nice -i honestly dont think shoto is saying this bcz of some personal beef between him n that other person ..maybe he is just standing behind a freind of something, m just saying
@naru_naru909 Жыл бұрын
the fuck is mama? bc i thought he was being shipped with a sibling for a sec and now i'm confused bc he says they don't know each other? i was just like "aww, shoto calls his mother 'mama'? how cute" then it got weird rq
@captain6391 Жыл бұрын
by mama he means his vtuber mama, the person who made his avatar. Vtubers often call the person who worked on their avatar their mama
@doggypi1532 2 ай бұрын
So who was that other vtuber in question?~ curious
@LunaFritz-fv6rl 6 ай бұрын
As a shippers i get it why he doesn't like to be ship with other Vtuber that has a same mama as him cause yk sweet home Alabama :v they can technically being call siblings man.. if i was shoto i will feel uncomfortable to.. but can anyone tell me who Vtuber his mention? Idk.. :(
@raya2682 Жыл бұрын
I don't know anything about vtubers so can anybody explain what MAMA means here in this context? 😥
@Julia-xp5xh Жыл бұрын
He's referring to the artist that made his model, vtubers sometimes collaborate with other vtubers that have the same "mama" and call each other siblings even, but that's not the case for everyone since in reality, they're strangers
@Arcsin27 Жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ I don’t watch vtubers abd the thumbnail made this seem way worse 😟 At least theyre not literal siblings lmfao, still weird to ship strangers tho
@kookminie9596 Жыл бұрын
I still can't believe they used click bait like this to raise their views 🥲 can't they just give the right titles for something important like this
@maokana_02 Жыл бұрын
@@kookminie9596 fr the title is misleading ... didn't they used to also put a tags of another vtuber's name when the video is only about shoto?
@kookminie9596 Жыл бұрын
@@maokana_02 for that case other vtuber clipper also did the same 🥲 i always search shoto content but instead alot of clip that's not related with shoto pop up and almost all of it isn't about shoto and honestly that's really uncomfortable i just want to watch shoto only
@anime_lvr18 Жыл бұрын
Who is it?
@unholyreader8515 Жыл бұрын
What is MAMA?
@inkeez Жыл бұрын
the artist of a vtuber model 👍👍
@unholyreader8515 Жыл бұрын
@@inkeez ohh ty so much for the explanation
@yeonjun4thgenitboy272 2 ай бұрын
who’s he talking about?
@aoaoli Жыл бұрын
please stop with the clickbait titles, they're really annoying
@vee9366 Жыл бұрын
Nah not y’all name dropping, he avoided it and y’all are making it even bigger wtf just generalize the fucking vid he doesn’t want to be put together with randos okay?
@enlivo_8334 Жыл бұрын
What does mama mean tho, they have the same mothers?
@giablaire Жыл бұрын
the same artist drew their models
@enlivo_8334 Жыл бұрын
@@giablaire Ohhh now I understand the video better, thanksss
@kookminie9596 Жыл бұрын
Don't asking who is the vtuber he referring to .... Just respect him by do not shipping him with just anyone especially someone that he don't even know or someone he never interact with ... Don't jump on your own conclusions and make situations more worst .... Shipping him with random person out of no where just because they have the same mama is just so random and cringe
@zanexxcs Жыл бұрын
Me while watching that part of the stream: wtf is an art-mama again…?…..*10 minutes later*…OOH NOW I REMEMBER
@Angel-oj4zs Жыл бұрын
does anyone know what vtuber he is refering to?
@jungsujiiii7461 Жыл бұрын
I think it's Senz since he just debuted and they have the same mama
@Angel-oj4zs Жыл бұрын
@@jungsujiiii7461 i see i see
@simplybeezknees Жыл бұрын
@@GeorgeBeerus the artist that drew their vtubers
@GeorgeBeerus Жыл бұрын
@@simplybeezknees Thank you!!
@Rheinhard Жыл бұрын
What the hell is an “art mama”?? Sorry I’m a middle aged dude and am having trouble keeping up with the lingo…
@kuroshiro7818 Жыл бұрын
The artist of his vtuber model
@kookminie9596 Жыл бұрын
The artists who created his anime character
@awesomeness967 Жыл бұрын
"art mama" is the artist who created the animated avatar a vtuber uses, while "papa" is the one who rigs the drawing and make it move, etc. some people who have the same "art mama" are usually called siblings. vtuber lingo lol i know.
@Ionlyeatchipzeveryday Жыл бұрын
Art mama is English culture version of the artist responsible for the design of anime models. I understand your frustration and confusion, I'm not used to this modern culture too
@mio-chan8819 Жыл бұрын
Babe with who tho so we know not to
@Karkitts Жыл бұрын
think they mean senz
@user-nt8wh3cg8r Жыл бұрын
@@Karkitts Why do you think he is not comfortable with this ship?
@hexxxd111 Жыл бұрын
@@user-nt8wh3cg8r bruh
@hakino_kuru Жыл бұрын
who is it
@sspicytea Жыл бұрын
Tbh shippers scare the hell out of me
@gummydrip8028 Жыл бұрын
which vtuber he’s referring to?
@shuyaminokisser Жыл бұрын
most likely senz
@graycat7704 Жыл бұрын
What did senz do someone elaborate
@ellenation2294 Жыл бұрын
@@graycat7704 haven’t found anything tbh…. The reason people say senz is cus he is the most recently debuted vtuber by his mama…. But his mama is also mama to tons of vtubers so really it’s just crumbs
@kay812 Жыл бұрын
@@graycat7704 it is most likely something that happened to them personally, so we won’t know what actually happened
@MC.25 Жыл бұрын
@@graycat7704 Senz confronted another vtuber known as “toastify” regarding AI art and tracing artists work which happened awhile back. This created a whole drama arc to happen and concluded with toastify being cancelled for doing the things they did and eventually left the social media scene but Senz didn’t particularly have any sort of drama other than being the one that confronted Toasitfy on a discord call for all of their actions. Not sure if any of this has to do with shoto’s dislikes about him but it might also just be because shoto doesn’t want to get involved with someone who has an active past with getting involved in drama. This may not even be the reason why but that’s the main thing I could think of regarding Senz’s history.
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