Shoto was an honor student!

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Merry Rhyme

Merry Rhyme

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@魚-c2s 2 жыл бұрын
可以看的出來他頭腦的確很不錯,而且短期記憶和專注度跟讀書的爆發力都很強,不然那個學習方式基本會直接呈現在分數上 不過我不太覺得應該把這視為台灣的平均成績98分。不太是數學的問題,而是給分級距的差異,影片中他也提到差不多能考到90左右,所以我猜把他換算成百分制應該是90比較貼切
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@魚-c2s 2 жыл бұрын
@@MerryRhyme 就像台灣的大學用的分數算法是GPA制,滿分A+也就是4.3,但A+只能代表某個分數區間,而不是特定分數
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@@魚-c2s 哦哦哦了解了!謝謝你~~~那我來改一下🤗💖💕
@hyilo8972 2 жыл бұрын
@@魚-c2s nn
@otome7630 2 жыл бұрын
@chaichaos7968 2 жыл бұрын
Shoto: I feel dumb Also Shoto: My GPA was like a 3.97
@plsdontyellatme4662 2 жыл бұрын
This is how every smart student confess their schedule to me. It's a bad habit to them but it's a honor student behavior to me. Because when you delay everything until one day before d-day, and you get it done, you're smart.
@kinicosa7788 2 жыл бұрын
I was one of the students who procrastinated and managed to finish on time, and still get honor roll, but omg I put myself through so much unnecessary stress
@renklav4322 2 жыл бұрын
i was kinda like this in school (i ranked 2nd in my year and stayed on the 3.8 GPA in college) but i actually always paid attention in most of my classes (aka the classes in which i can tolerate my teachers/lecturers) so when it comes to the exams week i only studied the subjects that were being tested the night before. if i understood the materials and the lectures then everything just came naturally. if i can't tolerate the teachers/professors i studied hard while malding about it, tho most of the times i still nailed it. nowadays my brain gets fried fast though lmaoo
@st0ckng 2 жыл бұрын
In first sem we had this big project and our teacher gave us 6 weeks to do it (it was like a book report). So I spent a week on not doing it but like everyone in my class started and I kinda felt guilty so I spent the next 4 weeks on reading the book (it took that long cuz I’m not a good reader nor is my concentration lmao). Anyway after I finished my book, it was the final week to submit the project and I’ve only done like 2 slides 😻. I tried to do another slide each day but I never got anything done. On the day it was due, i was scared I would have to submit it in class, but I didn’t have to (I could submit it at 11:59) so I literally got home and started at like 7 (I get home at like 6). I did it for 30 minutes I fell asleeep🗿.. (like I said I was tired and wanted to rest my eyes). I woke up at it was 11, so I decided to try and cram like 12 other slides in 50 minutes. I looked at the clock again and it was 1 so I said I’d submit it by 3. In the end, I submitted it by 7:30 am the next day. I put away my school stuff cuz I really didn’t wanna look at that again 💀💀.. on Monday (cuz it was Saturday) I got a message from my teacher saying I had an impressive project and she wanted to present it in class. I got the highest grade 😻‼️
@gianismm 2 жыл бұрын
Wait what- really? I thought I was the only one who has this kind of schedule...
@st0ckng 2 жыл бұрын
@AunoMa 2 жыл бұрын
我中學是功課都用抄的,考試當天上學時一直背書然後都會及格的人 這真的是個很壞的習慣,因為當你放棄了用功,將來大腦也不會分配時間,拖延症也越來越嚴重,最終到了大學所有成績都是得過且過 更別說4年間學的東西都記不深,隔兩天就全忘了,每次考試前又要再多花時間重新再記一次 長期記憶也越來越差,最終只能成為一個廢人,連工作也找不到 所以我反而很羨慕那些會用功讀書努力向上的人,因為他們將來一定是個社會棟樑,而我只能是個在街上用碗討飯吃的廢物💩 而且一個用功的人能把一個東西做完美,還可以有時間做修改;但一個拖延症的人只會一直擔心地生活裝沒事,然後死線前死做爛做拼湊個半成品出來 本該gpa可以有a的都變成b/c了,人生真的涼去🫠
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@兔兔愛吃糖 2 жыл бұрын
@CJ-fs8eg 2 жыл бұрын
因為沒有動力啊⋯⋯我的頭腦算是差強人意,語文小秀才,數理白癡。想當然,高考也就那樣,進了一間還行的大專念外語。 在大專時期真的游刃有餘,隨便念一念都能榜上有名,分數也很不錯。 後來不甘心,半年拚轉學考,只上了國立地方大學。然後就是惡夢…師資很老,系上六十幾歲都還在教,老教授們自己常常搞不清楚狀況。聽課都聽到火大。同學資質比大專好,但也沒好到哪裏去。我當初幹嘛轉進來…國立真的不一定比大專好到哪裡去。 但是我一邊嫌棄,一邊也知道不可能再轉了。 然後純文組就算考研,感覺市場價值也不大,而且讓我念文學研究所我可能會念得很痛苦。(可以勉強,但痛苦) 我就是一個頭腦不夠優秀,但是在普通人裡面,又不夠平庸的人,不上不下。很諷刺。 反正智商肯定在平均數的範疇,又毫無理工天賦,大概率就這樣了。 也沒背景,父母藍領階級。打算出社會混個事少的文職,好好工作,謹慎理財,大概也過得去。
@CJ-fs8eg 2 жыл бұрын
然後就會想,那我這麼辛苦幹嘛,外文系天天一堆沒屁用且意義不明的presentation,又要趕essay,內心知道自己只是在做半吊子的二手學術文章罷了。 於是經常內心煩躁,各種作業報告考試都應付應付就夠累了,畢業也沒競爭力,就在盡力的範圍內划水了。謹慎划水的話,考前抱抱佛腳也能及格。 其實我覺得工作就只是工作而已,社會上的大多數都是給老闆打工罷了。很會讀書但是沒背景的,未來會成為高級打工人。哈哈,什麼地獄現實。
@yudilai6704 2 жыл бұрын
@chebelme 2 жыл бұрын
As an honor student myself, I can relate to this lmao. This is exactly what I do and my friends don't believe me cause they thought I'm the studious type but bruh nah XD There was even one time during my finals in college where I just watched kdrama all night and didn't study at all. The next day, I took the exam and still got the highest score. Probably the reason behind that is I can retain info longer in my head. So the only thing I need is to listen well during discussions and do minimal study.
@hiiro8741 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh, you're exactly like me 💀
@lavender1933 2 жыл бұрын
coz when it comes to exams and i'm studying long before the D-day of the exam, i would foget all what i've learned before and that's sucks, that's why i usually study at night before exam and last mins before the exam is starting xD but it didn't worked for math, i fockin hate math
@runnnn2072 2 жыл бұрын
💀why are you just like me
@jhascorner 2 жыл бұрын
u're jst like me frfr
@jxsmine.9284 2 жыл бұрын
Jealous 💀 I forget stuff 2 minutes after it happens
@OnlySuki1113 2 жыл бұрын
我也是遇到考試都臨時抱佛腳 從別人眼裡看起來成績很好 但就是因為有用所以Shoto才叫大家不要這樣做 養成習慣真的不好 時間一久甚麼都忘了 跟記憶吐司一樣上完廁所就沒了🤣
@艾莉Ellie 2 жыл бұрын
@yumichen0724 2 жыл бұрын
我懂 shoto講的我真的懂 因為我也是有那種壞習慣的人之一 一旦嘗到花一晚時間就可以拿到不錯分數的甜頭時 之後就只會這樣做 不會乖乖踏實讀書了 但這樣做後果就是 該學習內化的知識在考完就消失了 我被說過"聰明反被聰明誤" 有同樣壞習慣的同夥們 可以懂得對吧
@reimn2328 2 жыл бұрын
跟我一樣,考試前一個晚上才看,成績都很好,所以完全能理解他為什麼讓大家不要學這個orz 這種記憶真的不會長久,所以讀完大學什麼東西都不會記得,大四考研根本就是花一年還四年的債orz 就算曾經的分數是A+,還是完全不知道基礎那些的,根本從0開始學orz
@qwqwoo7028 2 жыл бұрын
我也是 根本什麼都不記得了 好難過
@yukikamy 2 жыл бұрын
@路過的-h9u 2 жыл бұрын
@燒燈續晝 2 жыл бұрын
@sianyu973 2 жыл бұрын
表白烤肉跟Shoto寶貝,其實好像蠻多人是短期記憶很好,前一天讀書也可以考很好,我就屬於那種短期記憶特別差的人,所以其實很羨慕短期記憶超好的人,然後看了簡介,我數學也很差,每次算時間表,應該快一個月?沒有一週是完全正確的,我時差算的有夠爛 😢
@lillian6716 2 жыл бұрын
@sianyu973 2 жыл бұрын
@@lillian6716 就我是屬於那種要提前很多準備的人,所以其實考試前我基本都在看直播或是打遊戲,但是就是前面要花比較多時間,感覺就會很羨慕你們 一天完結 🤣
@hualala495 2 жыл бұрын
我大概算是短期記憶好的 我有一次考試只讀了考前一個通宵然後考97😂
@sianyu973 2 жыл бұрын
@@hualala495 好好 😢
@ch1121 2 жыл бұрын
@RainbowY0 2 жыл бұрын
If Shoto who's a 3.97 GPA student and good at Calc feels dumb then what am I. 👁️👄👁️
@evapunk333 2 жыл бұрын
He's like me. I basically was able to retain much of what I learned in class and all I needed to do was give myself a refresher to memorize stuff the night before the exam. The only thing I didn't do the greatest at was anything math related but once I got to college, I didn't really have to do any of that anymore because it was not part of my major. Although I did take some economics classes that had some math components and I just barely passed because all of it flew over my head. My ADHD also developed more into adulthood so that was interesting lol.
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
I have some friends who have ADHD, and I've seen them struggling with their study. I'm glad that you have found your own way of studying🥰👍💖💕
@evapunk333 2 жыл бұрын
@@MerryRhyme ADHD presents itself really different for's pretty odd tbh lol
@C7y323 2 жыл бұрын
Same for me, when it comes to cramming and memorizing info, I find Shoto's method the best for me because I'm really good at retaining short term memory. I've tried to spread it out before but I always eventually forget when the test comes or I'm too lazy and couldnt be bothered LOL. This is also why math was my lowest mark (think 70%) while my biology, chemistry and related marks were in the 90s, because math has a lot more than memorization involved, you have to actually think
@Lucylu644 2 жыл бұрын
Do you have any advice on how to study if you have adhd?
@evapunk333 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lucylu644 I wish I did. My ADHD didn't get too bad until I was already out of school. But, when I was in school, studying for me was basically just taking a million notes during lectures, then going over my notes again usually the day before the test and in the hours before the test. But, I was also a history major so a lot of it just had to do with remembering what happened during certain events and then being able to form a coherent essay about it. For other things, maybe flash cards. Writing out the flash cards yourself also helps because you are writing out things and inadvertantly committing it to memory. But, yeah...just like Shoto, I couldn't really study constantly because I'll forget but if I did stuff the night before and right before the exam, I'll remember it easier.
@RainbowY0 2 жыл бұрын
When they're good at calc AND likes calc, you know they're smart 😭💜
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@kelz5462 2 жыл бұрын
oh i do that too- i study the night before exams, in my country the highest grade u can get is 100 or 99 below and lowest is 65 (or if its lower than that it'd be considered a fail or F) i get good grades:) i also got top class student for a whole year its very easy for my school. the thing is, u only need creativity, cleanliness, good hand writing, good attitude. thats all my teachers want. and glad i apparently have those
@rainy6524 2 жыл бұрын
Yepp! I think its more effective than studying advance especially if you already have prepared notes where you can just study overnight before exam
@micchan_723 2 жыл бұрын
lol same in my country we had national exam and throughout the whole exam month, i didn't really study and always goofing around with my friends. my mom already had low expectation on me since my brother and sister got straight A's while me being stupid af still playing games all day well i didn't really expect to straight A's either for all subjects and now here i am, still playing games till this day lmao
@cropleaf 2 жыл бұрын
@@micchan_723 i can definitely relate, i have an older brother and sister and both of them are straight A students, meanwhile im just sitting here and kinda failing😭
@GirlInATesttube 2 жыл бұрын
In my country we divide students by percentage. If your grades are in the 4% percent range in your school, then you're in rank 1. If your grades are in the 10% percent range, rank 2. And so on, till rank 8. Rank 1 is basically first in your entire class. (Unless your class has less than 25 students. In that case, you are doomed no matter how hard you try.) There's also the final exams, which are seperate. Here ranking still technically matters, but the percentage you need to get into a decent school is so small that barely matters. Instead, it's usually more about the number of questions you get wrong. For example, a person who got every question down perfectly on the final exam could go to any school they wanted (unless they choose the easier subjects, but that's a different thing altogether.) You can choose either way of getting into the college you want. The first way is difficult, because it's a long term race- there are four tests every year, and you need to get good scores on all of them, starting from Year 1. And don't think you can cheat by going to a school in the countryside with stupid students. Even you choose the first way, the final exam still matters, though there's less pressure. Instead of questions you get wrong, your country ranking matters. Top 1%, top 4%, top 9% and so on. The second way has more leeway. You can retry the test if you want to once each year, and you only need to succeed once to get into the college you want. However, because of this, competition is very, very fierce. I'm second rate, overall, but my language score is horrible. Science and social studies barely make up for it, but my parents say I should go to liberal arts if I'm not good enough, which is a nightmare. So yeah. I'm not top in my school, not top in my class, I barely squeezed into fourth place, so I'm a failure Asian student. (And this is in the first year. T^T I wanna go back to mid school...)
@kelz5462 2 жыл бұрын
@@micchan_723 oh i have 3 older sisters and 2 of them got normal? Grades they both god 84 and 86 for their finals and my other older sister got 91 for her last finals so yeah and i just got 97 for my finals! My parents have high expectations from me cause ever since i was in elementary i already had good grades and was always top student but it was still shocking when my very last final (last school year) got a perfect mark! I got awarded as "best top student of the year!" "excellency awarding" and "first perfect mark!" It was shocking to my mom that she actually fainted- (but it was all laughs she was just joking www)
@latebloomer.3712 2 жыл бұрын
he likes physics and calculus???? damn so unrelatable. so jealous with this kind of people
@xiao_ni 2 жыл бұрын
我的成績算普通,有些科目以前有補習所以是每天就會被迫學一些學一些或寫相關作業,有些科目沒有補習我平時就懶得讀,考前在臨時抱佛腳, 雖然最後的成績都還可以,但不得不承認那些當初每天學一些學一些的科目我記的比那些臨時抱佛腳的科目還要好
@susue-rz3mn 2 жыл бұрын
根本是學霸⊙ω⊙ 我臨時抱佛教是會很悽慘的那種🤣 覺得shoto是那種就算是要交差了事也會認真做的人,不會讓別人有機會說嘴💯👍 而且為了玩遊戲 可以在第一天拼完一整週作業是鬼嗎?(稱讚) shoto:我要玩我要玩!!!╮(‵▽′)╭ 我喜歡心理學~覺得很有趣 理科是整個沒救了🤣 感謝烤肉,又學到了😊 翻譯辛苦了🫂💜
@yulinart0323 2 жыл бұрын
@susue-rz3mn 2 жыл бұрын
@@yulinart0323 真的 超厲害的👍💯
@naamaae 2 жыл бұрын
@susue-rz3mn 2 жыл бұрын
@@naamaae 我也是(握手)勤奮第一週就開始放懶,然後就快轉到開學前一週的修羅場😭
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
不會🥰🥰🥰很高興你看得開心💖💕 心理學真的滿有趣的~雖然我到現在還是不能接受佛洛伊德的理論😂我理科也是整個爛透了~當Shoto說到代數時,我只記得那可怕公式的形狀,已經完全不記得那是在幹嘛了🤯🤯🤯
@_kysumi 2 жыл бұрын
I have a friend who looks like he never studies. Every time his friends asked him to play he'll always have the time for them even though he got a thesis to work on. And yet he finished college so fast and got a high GPA
@haise4959 2 жыл бұрын
Same, I don't really study and review that much,, it's always last studying for me,, but I still got high scores and high grades,, all Shoto said was the same for me,I don't like school, I hate chemistry, math, I'm also more into literature. IT'S LIKE HE SAID ALL WHAT'S ON MY MIND
@anniewu7731 2 жыл бұрын
@ningchen864 2 жыл бұрын
我也是!大學一二年級的時候有很認真平均分配規劃每天讀書的時間,然後考試前一天花一兩小時複習後就可以早早上床睡覺考快滿分,但三年級之後拖延症越來越誇張,在考前一周複習期中考期末考發現還是可以考一樣好之後拖延症繼續加劇,變成考前一天才在那邊認真念書,甚至報名證照考試一天考兩三張也很敢在前三天才熬夜猛讀 這個方式真的不好,快速記憶之後會更快忘記學了甚麼,對自己真的沒有任何好處阿,但雖然這樣說..........下次我還敢(X
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@tabs7082 2 жыл бұрын
i really like your content! most of the time i find clippers do clips like shoto being sus or being bottom that kind of stuff (which is fine, i enjoy it) but i also wanna know more about his habits and hear about stories he told during the streams i haven't watched yet, so your clips are actually what i'm looking for. thank you! 💘
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
I'm really happy that you like it🥺🙏❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖💕 I enjoy listening to his stories, too! Making these clips helps me remember these moments and at the same time I feel like I come to know him better as a person!🥰🥰🥰 Thank you again for the encouraging words!😋💕💕💕
@tommyblade8093 2 жыл бұрын
@@MerryRhyme mb out of topic. but is he actually from Vietnam?
@tabs7082 2 жыл бұрын
@@tommyblade8093 i think he's asian-american. if i remember it right he once said he wanna learn vietnamese one day bc it would be disrespectful to his fam if he doesn't.
@wearepotatotheeternal 2 жыл бұрын
@@tommyblade8093 yeppp. Him and bao
@nishihatas 2 жыл бұрын
shoto is freaking amazing? he can physics and calculas?? he is already smarter than many and if he feels dumb.. im stoopid.
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know why but your comment goes so well with your pfp😂 I'm stupid too. I can't even get the time of his stream right cause I can't do math🤣
@yuihalfsugarcat 2 жыл бұрын
我的念書方式跟shoto完全一樣XDDD 唯一不同大概就是我連作業都是到最後一刻才完成(x 真的是有夠糟糕的習慣哈哈哈 但我的數學真的是 慘不忍睹QQ... 然後!! 感謝烤肉的英文小筆記 超棒的😍😍😍
@mika3laa 2 жыл бұрын
i used to cram studying right before the day of exam and i would only do well on subjects i liked and put slight effort in but ppl who hardly put in any effort yet still manages to get high marks/grades are rlly built different😭
@sakurakushinada3694 2 жыл бұрын
Me too ;-; I’d barely pass if I was strong in the subject
@yukikixd4233 2 жыл бұрын
天呀這成績也太狂了吧,香港的大學也是這樣的GPA 計分方法。在我角度來看基本上跟DSE的30多分 有多科5**的程度一樣了吧。 太羨慕了,自己不是臨急抱佛腳就能行的人,總是覺得自己長期記憶和短期記憶都不太行。這程度根本就是學神了,因為學霸是指那些平日裏就瘋狂溫書的人,而學神是天生就天資聰穎,上課可能不用太專心,也會經常跟朋友玩耍,但是總是比其他人的成績好超多的人。 唉 沒想到平時的shoto感覺好像呆呆的,成績原來那麼好,智商情商又高,真的有點自愧不如🥲。 算了 看到這裏 又還在唸書的朋友們我們一起加油吧,嘗試向着這榜樣進發好了
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@kungyazzie 2 жыл бұрын
"I just couldn't be bothered" is so meee. I also study the night before or sometimes like the morning if the exam is like in the afternoon and somehow managed to be on honor roll too. Listening to lectures worked better for me i guess, rather than reading or studying them by myself. I easily get distracted and I get bored studying lmao
@One_Winged_Warrior 2 жыл бұрын
Exams are shit. They do not reflect actual knowledge, only tests memory and tests it in a limited time. I was always average on exams but coursework I would nail so exams always brought my overall score down which honestly used to piss me off when i'd put in so much work for the coursework...and i used to revise well for exams too but i just never aced them except for GCSE maths which i got a A in (British schools), my teacher was crap but i used a CD disk to revise all topics in my own time -- honestly best cd disk ever, god bless the person who made it
@lovingmusichere 2 жыл бұрын
I was an honor student (3.75) and do that too, then when I got into college I regretted it because like he said I never learned how to properly study and it was that that almost had me fail. Chemistry and biology beat my ass behind an alleyway because I couldn’t be bothered to remember the info thinking one read through of notes was enough. It. Was. Not. At all. I loved all my math classes though. Only one answer with only formulas needed to get it, and I liked word problems too. It’s like a puzzle.
@thelittleblackprince3114 2 жыл бұрын
Shoto: "I was an honor student" Also Shoto: "I'm a dumb boy"
@Candy_Flower 2 жыл бұрын
also shoto: ''My GPA is 3.97"
@wendy9430 2 жыл бұрын
as someone who was a honor student in HS and now applying for graduate school I still study last minute lol I’m actually organizing my bio study guide watching this video for my exam in three days cuz summer biology class is a lot and I actually need time
@velvet_violet 2 жыл бұрын
Yoooo when he said “I liked physics” and “I like calculus” I was like NO WONDER THIS BOY IS SO SMART.
@shugardaddy1467 2 жыл бұрын
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@早八仔 2 жыл бұрын
考前才讀很不好,讀書應該要平均分擔 「但我都靠這樣得90分( ゚∀゚)」 如果臨時抱佛腳有用了話,你就會持續下去對吧? 「我的成績從來都不會低於B( ゚∀゚)」 不是啊兄弟你到底站哪邊🤣
@haruno_itsuka 2 жыл бұрын
正是因為有用才叫大家不要模仿吧(?) 因為雖然當下有用但之後很快就會忘了 這樣不是好的讀書習慣 因為真正大考時 基礎什麼的都不穩固 就會直接收到報應ㄌ
@astrxnaut_x 2 жыл бұрын
Literally me ahshfj and then once you get to school you keep on studying until it’s test time lmao- I’m out here reading my notes during lunch or something
@wearepotatotheeternal 2 жыл бұрын
That's why he can do maths while drunk
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
YEAH! 😌👍📝
@CHLin-cf8oo 2 жыл бұрын
想小小補充個,College一般是比University規模還要小的學術機構,但不是用有沒有研究所區分的喔(基本上根本是靠他們開不開心來區分的XD),譬如(最不有名的)常春藤聯盟學校Dartmouth College也有碩博課程。以英國體制來說的話,College也可以是University這個聯盟下的獨立學校機構,譬如University of London下面有LSE、UCL、LBS和已經脫離的Imperial College London,但各學院有各自的行政體系,甚至部分成員的創校歷史都比UoL還老,並且各學院自行授予學位;另外牛津劍橋下面其實也是分為不同學院,類似哈利波特學院的概念,譬如King's College, Cambridge,這類型的學院則不管學術教學,但像是校友和學生的歸屬感都是跟著學院的(吧?)。台灣一般認為的學系,英國大部分會用Faculty或Department,美國應該也是這樣來區分的。最後最後,College也可以指中學以上的各類型高等教育學校,譬如Further Education college(提供技職/學徒課程)或是英國的sixth-form college(提供大學預科/先修課程) 以上是我的理解,可能有誤XD
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@CHLin-cf8oo 2 жыл бұрын
@@MerryRhyme 沒問題呀,不好意思說是小補充,結果不知不覺就在下面留了好長😅 最近才剛加入V這個大坑,謝謝烤肉! 2 жыл бұрын
as an honor student this is so fucking relatable. i would literally study right before the exam, not the day BEFORE but RIGHT before like as in I'm already in school and i have about 10-20 minutes to study... then after im done with the first exam and if i have some free time i study for the next one for like 5 minutes JAHDKAJJDK but i mean it works so
@toril1358 2 жыл бұрын
@pratamaputra000 2 жыл бұрын
Hahaha, that was my usual exam study schedule. But it always works LOL. I know it mentally and physically exhausting. But Idk why I kept doing that.
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
But it works anyway, so good for you, I guess🤭👍
@ffffff. 2 жыл бұрын
I'm the one that been cramming the day before exams and I get very high scores too, although most things can be forgotten after a year or half~
@yasashii7722 2 жыл бұрын
bad habit?! I have the worse tops. I don't study period...I somehow pass my classes (somehow have my highest grade in physics...lowest in history...fuck history) but no study is something I don't do. At least ya'll study. damn.
@renclear3825 2 жыл бұрын
I love and hate Shoto for saying this cause I was also an honors student who did this, I just wasn't as high as Shoto I'm gps. And college bonks that study method right out the window, but it's so hard to fix it.
@1314behappy 2 жыл бұрын
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
不會~~~很高興你喜歡!🥳💖💕 ☕🥞
@Shutoes 2 жыл бұрын
..... Thats me. Im INTP so its hard for me to follow routine 😌 Don't skip class, do all the task (i think i learn everything while I did my task), and just briefly memorise THE NIGHT BEFORE EXAM. Its work for me, and I never fail 😌
@koifish4276 2 жыл бұрын
oh shit me, my friend, my other friend and shoto are one in the same in terms of study habits calculating by countries standards my most recent tests are like L1R5 8 GPA 3.5
@sanstheanimator1964 2 жыл бұрын
That's exactly what i do lol I have no idea how i became an honor student after doing just that I never actually put my heart into learning anything in school, unless it has something to do with science
@outlawruby 2 жыл бұрын
I got 3.97 in high school too. The only difference being I didn’t study at all. I’d do the homework sometimes but other than that I just didn’t put any effort in. Came back to bite me in college. Currently falling off hard with a 3.3 lmao.
@tina1061 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, college do beat you in the ass smh The gap between high school and college is real 😭😭😭😭
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
My situation is the opposite. My grades get better in college because I don't have to deal with math anymore😂
@banana1530 2 жыл бұрын
@rayn724 2 жыл бұрын
exam.. week? nah nah we have an entire month of exams (IGCSE) I study the day before every exam, and I haven’t failed a single thing. I don’t know why I don’t study, but I’m smart, I just need to prioritise school for once 🤷🏽
@Van48 2 жыл бұрын
@kiomint9777 2 жыл бұрын
I do this and yes its bad cuz i only learn one subject for tomorrow test and after that ill forget it, idk how i can get pretty good grade, i think i can do better if im not procastinating tho
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck with your test!🙆‍♀️💖💕
@kiomint9777 2 жыл бұрын
@@MerryRhyme aww thank you 💕
@zenitsu8115 2 жыл бұрын
用水餃開頭,用水餃結尾 有始有終👍
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@tinglu1015 2 жыл бұрын
OMG Shoto宝好厉害 GPA3.97真魔鬼。。。 是我这个学渣达不到的高空😭我也快Final了 紧张死┭┮﹏┭┮
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@tinglu1015 2 жыл бұрын
@@MerryRhyme 好!谢谢(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
@Leo-ci4ib 2 жыл бұрын
He's just like me fr fr.. I think given the fact that I already know the lesson, it's easy for me to review it so I just study the night before or worse the morning before the exam. I need to change my ways though😅
@skt3993 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t relate to any of this anymore, because I had a tutor before quarantine started. And now with online class, I just either screen shot my answers from my review test or search online 😅
@skt3993 2 жыл бұрын
But I mean, if the results from the review test weren’t posted, I’d somewhat study the day before or something. Just like him.
@momiji157 2 жыл бұрын
The little pause when he said I love you in Chinese HAD MY HEART. TAKE IT SIR
@Spinnyboomboom 2 жыл бұрын
see, I on average I get around a B or higher on all of my tests but the thing is I don't study.. I really wanna try studying but its never worked for me, so maybe i'll try to study now cause its the summer
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck with your study!📝👼💖💕
@Spinnyboomboom 2 жыл бұрын
@@MerryRhyme ahh, thank you!!
@mspoor00 2 жыл бұрын
OMG聰明的Shoto好Hot⋯⋯ 感謝烤肉
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
不會~很高興你看得開心🤗💖💕 我也覺得好HOT😳👍越來越愛他了💘
@yunlin6111 2 жыл бұрын
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
真的好佩服他😳👍💕💕💕 但是看著他平常玩遊戲的樣子又有點傻天天的,這反差萌真的太💘💘💘了!
@MNanqse 2 жыл бұрын
For me in exams I don't study at all surprisingly I still somehow pass with an ok grade like 3.2 out of 4.0 is an ok for me since I'm not like a smart kid anyways like I have bad memory and I can't focus on anything more than 20 unless I'm interested in it
@Cherry-ts9tl 2 жыл бұрын
為什麼留言區一堆天才?!好羨慕喔~ 我跟咩哩一樣數學也爛透了哈哈哈 上課聽也聽不懂,回家讀也讀不懂,補習也怎麼樣都搞不懂.....我全靠文科在拉平均😢
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
Me too😂😂😂但沒關係啦~至少我們還有文科!有強項就還有救!沒事的😤😤😤
@萧灵-o7f 2 жыл бұрын
最後的"I'm not your dumpling"太可愛了~~~~~我都快萌化了
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@萧灵-o7f 2 жыл бұрын
@@MerryRhyme 🌚
@陳宜佳31321 2 жыл бұрын
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@nevergonnagiveyouup2725 2 жыл бұрын
2:22 I’ve never studied a day in my life, I don’t do studying and homework, I can never do it so I just don’t do it, and on the classes that I had to do the homework ((I’ll get a detention if I don’t do homework in certain classes)) I would do the bare minimum and it would be last second, but yeah I never studied, not even for my end of year tests, and I have always pass all of my exams, it’s quite funny how human brains work!
@loveyou_231 2 жыл бұрын
I can study well for anything but science and Spanish literally computer science I’m fine with , English I’m fine with , maths my friends get mad at me cuz I always get high scores but Oml Idk how to study for science and Spanish I’m just horrible at learning languages
@krishimehta7857 2 жыл бұрын
I never study during exam week…I just study content ahead of school and like I know shit -
@悅晚 9 ай бұрын
@Mika_and_Mikaela Жыл бұрын
I remember when i used to love algebra...and then they added letters and breackets..........I hate the person who invented it who let that idea pass man-!!!!!!!!!!!!
@yurinary7006 2 жыл бұрын
LMFAO THIS IS SO ME, in my ap world class my teacher assigned these 8 page packet reviews (or 16 pages coz front n back) for each period (there’s 4 periods) we studied about to prep for the ap exam, she assigned them separately but we got a week in between to finish one packet. instead of spacing the workload out i actually just did them the night before they were due, or on the day it’s due LOL (coz my ap world class was the last period of the day, so i had ~3 hours to work). On top of that she assigned DBQs and LEQs each time we met in class which were also all due on the same day of the corresponding period packets (ex. on mon we got our period 3 leq/dbq, thats due on thurs the same week coz she assigned the period 3 packets last week on thurs, A BIT CONFUSING SORRY). sooo i also crammed those in the 3 hrs before class as well lollll. despite that i have an above 100% in her class so thats hot. however im really sure that id die if i keep that habit up esp with all the ap/honors classes im planning on taking next year😅😅🥲 my friends would always scold me for this and its become a habit now esp w finals coming up and i have even more reviews from other classes i haven’t even started on yet 😀😀😀
@parfate1383 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh exams are all about specific questions so if you study a day before it will be fresh in your mind so it’s more effective for getting a high grade, since grades don’t really show how smart you actually are just shows how hard you try and reading up on specifics
@Kai._zuzu 2 жыл бұрын
IK its a bad habit but thats the only way i know how to idk how to study also like me doing hw on the way to school lmao i kept forgetting about it but atleast i got it done unlike my classmates my worse grade is english at a 60 close to 70 ig but like i mean passing grade for me is 50 soo still better than some hopefully-
@hcnne 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, me too. During high school time, I like to study just one day before exam lol. But always had a good grade though. I sometimes study few minutes before exam (like around 5-15 minutes?), it happened when I totally forgot I had an exam that day. But I always diligent in making notes during classes Though I ended up got hated a lot because of it too. My friend (the closest one) tended to mock me (in a bad way) or even shoo me because I got good grades without the need for study in a long time, while she got bad grades when she do the same. So yeah.. my high school years ended up in a disaster, especially when an exam coming. It felt like a competition lol
@hannahsofia9133 2 жыл бұрын
LMFAO the fact I would play the whole week and study the night before rill morning 😃 at least im not alone HAHAHAJANA
@joyann1875 2 жыл бұрын
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@christyyuen5416 2 жыл бұрын
天 我好懂 我也是考試前一天才讀書🤣好像有個說法是小時候特別搗蛋的孩子會比較聰明(? 難道這是為什麼sho寶GPA這麼高嗎 他小時候好屁www
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@nene_fae 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao samee I'm an honor student with an average of 99.53 out of a hundred and I never study thought the week, I just crammed it all on the night before, but hey its works🗿
@stxllr4687 2 жыл бұрын
True that it is a bad habit to cram, but as someone who tried doing the opposite it can also be bad to over study. Imagine a week day in day out studying. By the time your exam comes you are burnt out and exhausted. TLDR: Do not cram, but don’t overstudy. Try to space out the ‘wider picture’ of the entire exam throughout multiple days, and then on the day before exam, work your hardest. At that point it should not be too hard because you already spaced your learning out before.
@lil_octovia43 2 жыл бұрын
I don't even study, but yet I scored well in my academics, it was unexpected especially my weakest subject is math
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
Math is 🤯🤯🤯
@りん-x1b 2 жыл бұрын
我是唸書會列計畫的人耶 但我本科成績不算好 都是低空飛過 我大部分時間都花在我有興趣跟未來規劃出現的學科 本科是文科 有興趣的是商科 我記得我高中超級羨慕這種短期記憶力強的人 但因為我不行 我又完美主義 我只能一點一點啃 也啃不好;;上大學才知道 原來我對體制內學科一點興趣都沒有 才這麼痛苦 總結來說 能找到自己的興趣 就要用循序漸進式念法 得過且過又有能力 就能用臨時抱佛腳式!
@anneheichou4304 2 жыл бұрын
ya'll physics ain't for me ;-; I'm doing physics here in Australia... AND IT'S SHIT
@anneheichou4304 2 жыл бұрын
lmao shoto hates chemistry ;-; THAT'S MY BEST SUBJ HAHAHAHAHAH
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
I hate science in general😂😂😂
@sunwooscloud 2 жыл бұрын
I have something to say about this bad habit too. Back on high school, I wouldn't really study unless it's the night before a quiz or exam, do assignments literally minutes before the teacher enters the classroom, and still managed to get 99 on calculus. But then college came. I so got used to studying the night before the exam so I made it habit, and that habit worked before. But with college, that cannot work. I'm taking Engineering and the calculus was just out of this world. I got so used at taking things easy and still getting high grades. However, when you get used at understanding sht without working hard, you're bound to feel very lost and unmotivated once you encounter sht you couldn't understand in a simple glance. I would often tell myself, "Why? What happened to you?" Yung feeling kasi example nagising ka na lang isang umaga tapos di ka na marunong magsalita, 'di mo na kaya. It feels very devastating. Idk why I wrote this and I cannot express myself well in English pain, but if I could turn back time, I would tell myself to develop some study habit. It would be very helpful in the future. Because if you get used to working hard for something, then no matter how hard that would be, you would still pursue. Now I think I'm failing my integral calculus subject... sigh (This comment is so unnecessary but it's too mendokusai to erase it ww)
@mangthomas8768 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah that cramming all the work on first day that's really bad. It drains you and the stress will go on for the rest of the week, that's for my case.
@thcuddles 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an honor student, never left the rankings, and all I can say is.. This is my 'study schedule' too, I mostly just cram my assignments or projects (like what i'm doing rn lmao), I don't study at all, I only learn by just listening to my teachers and writing notes, I mostly just play video games with friends and stuff, but when there are moments where I ACTUALLY study (very rare moments), I do try my best to learn whatever the topic is, my advice to all people out there is.. study, like actually study, don't be like me :'D
@fsutxu.shubegbiceps 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh I’m kinda like that but I never studied before the exam not even the night before exam, I just go with the flow but pass somehow
@yaroyaro9533 2 жыл бұрын
YOOOOO I like calculus as well! I teach my classmates techniques for them to get the answers quickly, and they said it works for them too 😆😆 I hate physics tho, idk why hahahahaha
@_jufiii 2 жыл бұрын
I understand what Shoto is saying cuz I also think same too. For shorter explanation, (this only my opinion) do now so no worries later. I mean, like the assignment he said. Do everything on first day so I can relax the rest of the week. I always see my friends and classmates cramming on their projects/assignments/etc while Im already chilling. All I can do for them is moral support lol
@Valentine11208 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve never studied before- Usually for exams and tests and such I would just look through what we did in class for like, what, 10 seconds? Actually, I don’t even pay attention in class. I forget everything right after the test is over though. I have a very messed up sleep schedule so I’m like sleeping most of the time. 5am is not a good time to sleep when you have a test the next day and need to wake up at 7am! I think I just have a good memory since I can technically just recall almost all the info I’ve gotten from my friend who just recited their notes to me. And very surprisingly my grades are all above 90. Pretty good for someone who’s never studied if I say so myself. Good job me! (Please don’t fail tell my parents teacher, I’m sorry for ignoring your lessons in class!) High school will be the death of me.🙃
@snicksss 2 жыл бұрын
During finals week in 12th grade I was just spending my days watching mdzs. I barely studied at all. I somehow got good grades on my tests tho so I’m like ayyy it all works out in the end.
@meanCLobster 2 жыл бұрын
@princessmedes7910 2 жыл бұрын
this is so relatable because i dont actually have a good sched at studying since im a person who will be destracted by a little thing and i always say i will fail since im not that sure about my grades but i still got in the top 4 and theres just 5 of us that got in. :]
@zhulidezi4355 2 жыл бұрын
@umm..soundsbottom3477 2 жыл бұрын
哈哈哈我每次都邊看書然後把shoto 寶的直播開小聲放在旁邊//畢竟快會考了不能一直看😖 可是感覺shoto 很聰明耶 怎麼會說自己笨啦(´・ω・`)
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@sonnvaglitch6385 2 жыл бұрын
Not me just concentrating on Polaroid Love background music
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
This song has grown on me😋💖💕
@aulscissy5036 2 жыл бұрын
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@zenitsu8115 2 жыл бұрын
最近回去看之前的影片,發現他真的是天資聰穎!國中熬夜打game打到上學遲到,高中時居然還能變成優等生!太鬼了! 難怪他高中時期對老師罵髒話,老師不以為意~因為是優等生嘛~可以被赦免😂
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@fichanfic 2 жыл бұрын
我的長期記憶超差(當我考試前一個月溫習卻考得很差)但我的短期記憶不錯(我以往也是考試前一個星期甚至前幾天溫卻考得不錯)😅 但師長們叫我不要臨急抱佛腳甚至有些老師告訴我只要有上課就可以考得好💀
@MerryRhyme 2 жыл бұрын
@amaya4238 2 жыл бұрын
Me finding this while I'm taking a break from writing my final essay for a class :') I'm like so stressed gvkdfhg and tired but jus a few more days and I'll be done with this semester 🥲
@yamperlover 2 жыл бұрын
Finals are in a little over a month for me my first finals thanks covid 😂 (high school junior)
@遙OuO 6 ай бұрын
這是很好的辦法 ( ? ) 像我就是這麼做的,不過因為數學要應付他 ( 打大boss ? 要提前一個禮拜跟他糾纏,自然社會英文國文就放他去,也可以有90幾, 只能說我有嚴重拖延症XD
@chiou0227 2 жыл бұрын
其實平常有在寫作業 而且還是自己寫的 段考前看一下馬上就能恢復記憶了
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Minecraft Kids Content Is Absolutely Terrifying
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Shoto is often clowned by his mama
Merry Rhyme
Рет қаралды 80 М.
We reacted to Parkour Civilization fanart... It was a mistake...
REAL 3D brush can draw grass Life Hack #shorts #lifehacks
Рет қаралды 12 МЛН