Should Neo-Confederates Be Kicked Out Of College?

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The Young Turks

The Young Turks

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@dougdaboss269 7 жыл бұрын
No, you should not kick them out. You don't agree with their views, that's not a reason to expel them. But private schools will do as they please.
@firstnamelastname9955 7 жыл бұрын
Doug DaBest TYT has no principles and aren't willing to understand what a free society truly entails.
@lisasimpson3832 7 жыл бұрын
Yes the (private) schools should expel them. Here is why. They don't have any obligation to have you as a student. They have standards for their students, standards that if you aren't meeting can have a consequence of termination of enrollment. If someone (armed) carrying a pro-Boko Haram sign had a group of angry protesters surrounding them, and the police showed up, you know darn well the police officer wouldn't have shamed the ones protesting the pro-terrorist trash being removed, and the fool CERTAINLY would have been disarmed before entering the vehicle. Society does NOT have to enable nazis.
@dougdaboss269 7 жыл бұрын
+Lisa Simpson, surely I don't have to explain the difference between a neo-nazi in America, and Boko Haram, do I? You just tried to compare an active terrorist group to a group of racists.
@Autumn_moon1111 7 жыл бұрын
Doug DaBest if the students have extreme racist views, I think its wonderful to get them out of the school for The safety of the school;teachers and students. Why have an open racist at school around non whites... That's a recipe for disaster
@dougdaboss269 7 жыл бұрын
+Asha Ahmon , Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. Anyone can be a racist, and in America, you have the freedom and right to be whatever you want. "Don't call me names, but it's okay to invert a man's penis and call him a woman..." Wut?
@gionova1 7 жыл бұрын
It would be awesome if a bunch of Native Americans showed up to all the white nationalist events telling them to go back to Europe.
@calmlights 7 жыл бұрын
alberto sanchez With what army no tanks,warships,planes,nothing as of yet,if the natives want there land back they would have to go war it's been like this sense the beginning with wars and tribal wars fighting over land
@therrydicule 7 жыл бұрын
alberto sanchez I been to the anti racist demonstration in Vancouver. The first nations were there saying "no fascist on our native lands."
@resourcedragon 7 жыл бұрын
For Desu: Yeah, those white people did an awesome job of building Machu Picchu, Teotihuacan and the like. It would be more honest and accurate to say that the United States was founded by white people (after a considerable effort had been put into killing the original indigenous inhabitants or pushing them out of their traditional lands) and with the aid of enslaved labour.
@MrCmon113 3 жыл бұрын
Plenty of white nationalists are in favour of that. America for native Americans, Europe for Europeans and so on.
@daviddeli913 7 жыл бұрын
What is so ironic about this story is listen to his last name am sure has Hispanics in his family tree
@CumpasFilms 7 жыл бұрын
latinos come in all colors.
@TxRedneckRemovalActMx 7 жыл бұрын
Sadly Hispanics are put in one category; Black,White,Brown Hispanics. I don't identify with White or Black Hispanics. We all just speak spanish. that's it.
@waynekennedy8785 7 жыл бұрын
David D Eli 😀😀😁😁😁😁😆😆
@justiceblackwolf369 7 жыл бұрын
Jesus Vasquez yes we do... but we are all mixed, even if he is white in color he is still latino(aka mixed) so he really shouldnt be all about white pride unless he just hates himself
@countexerese6861 7 жыл бұрын
David D Eli could have family from Spain. They're pretty white. Plus they invented Spanish.
@Vomcent 7 жыл бұрын
Don't kick anyone out of school, depriving them of their education will only radicalize them even further. People like him need to get educated more than anyone, they're misguided and have no doubt, their ideas are as horrible as it gets. We should be asking ourselves if we really are progressives if we're willing to even debate a matter like this. Being aggressive (non-violent or violent) will not help our cause. Showing them love and compassion will though. This might sound too idealistic but the only way to change someone is to use kindness, since when did you ever hear a story about someone changing their mind after being shouted at for hours upon no end? As a progressive, I'm really worried for the future of our world, when not even us, progressives, treat people with love and compassion instead of hate and disdain for the people who need our kindness the most.
@skwills1629 7 жыл бұрын
Yasundre- You really do eti[iphy a problem. You don't know what this guys belief are yet you call them repugnant. I know you s e him as a Racist and Neo-Nazi and all the usual rot but, all you really know is he wanted to honour his Confederate Ancestors. Everythign else is just assumed by you.
@Vomcent 7 жыл бұрын
My comment wasn't aimed at that person in particular. I made a clear effort to not mention him in my comment by using words such as anyone, their and them. The only time I mentioned him was to talk about neo-confederates and people who "honour" that repugnant set of beliefs. This comment wasn't aimed towards him and him only. It was aimed at people who are misguided such as Nazis, neo-confederates and other people who subscribe to horrible ideas which stem from ignorance or a lack of education. And yeah I personally see him as a misguided person if he wants to honour the ATTROCIOUS things for which ancestors stood for. Honouring your ancestors is one thing but honouring the things that his ancestors stood for which were clearly WRONG is just stupid and indefensible. This individual is clearly uneducated or willfully ignorant if he wants to honour those sets of beliefs. I hope this answers your comment, as for the first sentence of your comment, could you please write that again. I really can't decipher what you're trying to say, English isn't my first language so it would be highly appreciated
@Vomcent 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for showing me that there still are people who genuinely care about the well-being of our world. Looking at the rest of this comment section makes me quite wary of the future of the US. Not due to the common trolls who infect every TYT comment-section. But by the sheer amount of so called "progressives" calling for people like him to be kicked out of Colleges and other educational institutions. People who want to kick him and others out of those institutions don't know what they are supporting sadly. We should aim to de-radicalize people, not to send them out to the fringes for even more radicalization. Hateful ideologies mostly exist because of ignorance and lack of education.
@skwills1629 7 жыл бұрын
J Paterson- "Yasundere SK's response is difficult to understand due to typo's and poor grammar." My Grammar is flawless. I am dyslexic. Just because my spelling is bad doesn't mean I have bad grammar. I am really tired of being told I have bad grammar, too, as if being too stupid to spell must mean I make grammatical mistakes. I make typing mistakes, but rad my posts aloud and he "Grammar mistakes" don't exist. "SK also referenced "repugnant" even though you never used the term. The guy standing at the monument holding the confederate flag while also having an automatic, high-powered weapon on his back sends mixed signals. He does have the right to stand there and his actions do not deserve the reaction it garnered. The woman was despicable with her attempts at trying to evoke a violent response. This guy was indoctrinated, he has his show of force with the weapon but he wasn't baited into violence. I think he should stay in college and be shown the compassion you speak of. Compassion and knowledge and love would be the only way to break the mindset." The term Indoctrinated is also silly. DOn't you Think usign it to mean "Brainwashed" is playe dout? And realy, everyone how doesn't agree with your views can be called indoctrinated as a means ot dodge any real discussion. He isn't brainwashed, he just doesn't share your views.
@skwills1629 7 жыл бұрын
Yundere- What if you're misguided? What if The Confederacy wasn't just about Slavery? What makes you Think your narrative is pure and True?
@HMan2828 7 жыл бұрын
Did I miss something? His name is Fuentes and he supports nazis? Does he think brown is white in the KKK's and nazi eyes? This is a living embodiment of Chappelle's sketch about the blind black klansman...
@calmlights 7 жыл бұрын
HMan "Fuente" is Spanish European name from Spain it's not a native or mestizo name it's not brown moron
@HMan2828 7 жыл бұрын
Ask a klansman or nazi if he thinks he's white.
@wrabit79 7 жыл бұрын
HMan like a klansman is an authority in geography.....!
@bulbasaur1232 7 жыл бұрын
He's confirmed on an interview and on his twitter that he's Mexican. He also said in the interview that he wasn't a racist (lol) and that he's sure the KKK and these other white nationalist groups wouldn't accept because of his mexican background cause there's a high chance he's not pure euro. latino is not a race and they come in all colors. He is obviously not brown he's white. However, he may not be PURE white.
@ignarock12 7 жыл бұрын
j escoto "pure white" probably you have sone mongoloid like the finnish or slavs anf if you are anglo you are probably pure as the beatles hahaha
@abdiegal9989 7 жыл бұрын
Why dont white nationalists go to their countries of origin. EUROPE need their help a lot more
@abdiegal9989 7 жыл бұрын
Loki exactly if the white nationalists migrated to europe they could help swing the odds. Honestly if shit continues Major european countries will have white minorities
@calmlights 7 жыл бұрын
Mike Ehrmantraut And the once majority white cities will change completely sense the migrants and Africans are living off the welfare system in Europe
@wellzenn 7 жыл бұрын
Because they're also flooding Europe with Muslims, to the point that if demographic trends hold, most European countries will be Muslim countries within decades. We never voted on mass invasions by third worlders. If he had a choice, we would have opposed it. And the rich liberals behind it don't import third worlders because they're nice non-racist people. They are importing voters because it's statistically impossible for them to win elections otherwise.
@noumenon3020 7 жыл бұрын
Think it's bad now? It will be a lot worse when the planet starts to cook even more and entire regions of the Middle East become uninhabitable for human life. This is a big reason why fighting climate change is important, to prevent mass exodus of entire populaces. I know some people disagree with the facts, but protecting the planet translates to protecting our borders when the chips are down. We need to think about this very, very carefully.
@sarahs.9624 7 жыл бұрын
+MrCoughupalung Muslims were enslaving Africans centuries before Europeans caught onto it you uneducated simpleton.
@eyuin5716 7 жыл бұрын
Freedom Of Speech ≠ Freedom From Consequence
@mrcoconut182 7 жыл бұрын
Ęÿūį Æßñ that is true but I see many problems liberals wanting this to be punished by the government and that is where I step my foot down.
7 жыл бұрын
No one gives a shit what you step in dummy. You're a powerless penniless nebish no matter what system of control obtains.
@jaelynnzee9091 7 жыл бұрын
You are completely wrong about liberals not caring about the Constitution! It's the founding document of this nation and ALL the past potus have been chipping away at it! Time we stop the left-right nonsense that the media and gov is pushing and focus on real problems this nation has! Like restoring the Bill of Rights!
@GaryTurbo 7 жыл бұрын
The university is protected be the constitution
@pogo575 7 жыл бұрын
Freedom of Religion = Freedom to not be persecuted BY THE GOVERNMENT for your beliefs. Religion could be argued as speech... Either way it doesn't mean people can't express their opposing views to a message presented either vocally or with non violent actions as consumers or political ability.
@alexcrouse 7 жыл бұрын
I do have to applaud this particular confederate. He was a gentleman to the police, and he behaved himself. He also stood strong for his beliefs, and let those protestors abuse him, without any reaction. I do not believe what he believes, but he acted with honor on this day. We should at least support him for that. This is the kind of person who could be helped, and could be a great American. I'm glad the police walked him out to diffuse the situation before any escalation happened.
@BabylonX 7 жыл бұрын
@icurnvs776 7 жыл бұрын
And let's be honest, his life was in danger. Things are super tense right now and doing what he did wasn't the smartest idea, police were in the right to get him out of there. As an American who believes in free speech and the constitution he has every right to salute that flag. However he needs an education to enlighten himself and banish his ignorance.
@salvadordali6290 6 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with slavery but it's his 1st amendment right to do what he's doing. 🤷‍♂️ Let him be.
@benderb.rodriguez1193 7 жыл бұрын
Everyone should just smoke a joint, chill out, and watch Futurama...
@benderb.rodriguez1193 7 жыл бұрын
bleep blop ....>Passed< haha...make sure to keep the cipher going brotha...😎
@RandomU5erName 7 жыл бұрын
Juice will not replace us!!
@El_Guapo98 7 жыл бұрын
RandomU5erName I like apple juice
@thomthom6268 7 жыл бұрын
I'm allergic to orange juice
@resourcedragon 7 жыл бұрын
Or is juice turning fogs gray?
@bloodraighna 7 жыл бұрын
The Juice is loose!
@RoccosVideos 7 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty liberal but I don't think people should be kicked out of college. College and getting an education tends to open people's minds. I'm not sure someone's point of view that might change anyway should ruin their entire future. However, I do understand private universities can do as they please.
@haterreplicator4868 7 жыл бұрын
Everyone is talking about how they have disdain for a Nazi/White Supremacist, and they should not be allowed to University. I'm thinking to myself, "How would you know a person is a Nazi/White Supremacist? What process would have to be done for one to be denied access to a University?" Serious questions.
@barudabird 7 жыл бұрын
Hater Replicator "are you a white cishet male Y/N?" Easy solution
@haterreplicator4868 7 жыл бұрын
Douglas Adams HAHAHAHAHA! If that was ever a description than, I guess I would be one(shrugs).
@kawaiiobama8079 7 жыл бұрын
Hater Replicator how about walk side by side with neo-nazis who wave swastika-flags.
@payasoinfeliz 7 жыл бұрын
by looking at them at white supremacist rallies
@lmbb20 7 жыл бұрын
Go to a rally and chant old Nazi slogans? Then cry like a bitch when you have a warrant or bitch when you are kicked out of school.
@alexsixx437 7 жыл бұрын
Unless either of these people caused legitimate damage or broke any laws, they should not have been kicked out. The Confederacy is awful but it's their right to support it.
@CumpasFilms 7 жыл бұрын
Fuentes? WTF.
@fmcevoy1 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sure he's not as open about being Hispanic as I am about being Irish.
@usus9us 7 жыл бұрын
Jesus Vasquez Bet he prefer to go by Fountains.
@calmlights 7 жыл бұрын
Jesus Vasquez It's from Spain
@Alex-fx5es 7 жыл бұрын
A lot of Hispanics are white, and some are racists
@robertpostman3453 7 жыл бұрын
Thought prospect I know, right. When I was in Spain, I was surprised by the neo nazis. They believe that pure Spanish blood is white Christian blood, which makes them Aryans
@pamelabarnes56 7 жыл бұрын
Imagine if a black man was carrying that gun
@thegraphicgangsta 7 жыл бұрын
I think it was right to expel this guy from the school. You don't get to make up things about history and you don't get to express your immoral ideologies while attending a Christian school. The private christian school chose to part ways with this guy so that he can find somewhere else to express his view. The school did not victimize him, he did it to himself. People have got to understand that this country is full of many different people and that they have got to figure out how to work on being civil. But this is a hard thing to do when you have a race of people who have had it their way for not days but for centuries. It took hundreds of years of racism and oppression for them to become what they are and it will most likely take a long and painful time for them to be reconditioned. Reconstruction addressed the reunification of a nation but it fell short in addressing the moral descent of a people.
@robertpostman3453 7 жыл бұрын
That is some scary shit, but unless he was one of the ones that was committing violence, he is entitled to say and believe whatever ridiculous crap he wants. A private school is entitled to do whatever they want, but to me, freedom of speech is non negotiable. You shouldn't be kicked out of a school for your speech or your beliefs unless you are inciting or threatening violence.
@NonyaSmith 7 жыл бұрын
Precisely what I was thinking, and I'm a pretty left of center.
@robertpostman3453 7 жыл бұрын
Ava M I consider myself a utopian socialist, so in many ways I'm an old lefty too, but freedom of speech and intelligent public discourse are necessary for any civil society, and that includes not punishing people for their speech or beliefs. However, as I said before, the limitation to this is speech that threatens or incites violence.
@TeaJay83 7 жыл бұрын
robert postman i am sorry but there is no duch thing as a none violent Nazi, Nazi but nature want ethinc cleansing which is a violent belief
@TeaJay83 7 жыл бұрын
robert postman free speech means the government cant stop you but your not immune to results of your words from private companies and society, i say when white supremacist and Nazis march we line the streets and point and laugh letting them know the joke that they are
@pepps779 7 жыл бұрын
+robert postman Worthy perception of the matter. Though it appears that friendly discourse has unfortunately been replaced by more base and negative approaches when it comes to dealing with opposing ideals in recent years.
@drcosmos137 7 жыл бұрын
Ironically, he was replaced.
@dayofthedaleks1524 7 жыл бұрын
i have three words in Response to the title of this video "first. amendment. rights."
@TheFoulMouthNews 7 жыл бұрын
Only if BLM and La Razza get kicked out of the colleges first, considering they openly attend racist gathering. As in their own ones.
@milascave2 7 жыл бұрын
"Whose streets, our streets" was a left-wing chant. I first heard it at Occupy demos. Once again, the right shows its lack of original thought.
@SweatyShivers 7 жыл бұрын
Hands down you Americans have the most interesting, entertaining shit going on in your country.
7 жыл бұрын
Everybody seemed a bit silly in this case. The police officer was wrong to blame the protesters and the girl was wrong to blame the police.
@West_Coast_Mainline 2 жыл бұрын
Kicking them out isn’t hate, its just union heritage
@зелёнаяель-х4в 4 жыл бұрын
He's hero, I totally love and admire him❤
@venuslightplays8676 2 жыл бұрын
He’s biased
@raphaelgordon7248 7 жыл бұрын
I don't think Fuentes was actually kicked out of BU. I heard he chose to leave because of death threats: he had already gotten a handful during the school year, but then he got around 10 or 15 in the days after he went to Charlottesville
@mysticonthehill 7 жыл бұрын
Isn't ironic that people who murdered and displaced the original people of the land are the ones so triggered about an imaginary replacement.
@123rockfan 7 жыл бұрын
"Racists go home" is the lamest chant I've ever heard
@sanqiangli6425 7 жыл бұрын
So is "Jews will not replace us".
@jmitterii2 7 жыл бұрын
That law in Texas is bat shit. Idaho law prohibits the use of booby trapping property that may result in injury or death to someone else, and right to defend yourself only at the point of up to lesser to equal force under the circumstance of perceived... if you believe a burglar has a gun because its dark and they're actually holding a knife, you can sill defend yourself with the gun. Should you injure or cause fatality to the burglar suspected to be a rapist or murder or kidnapper, you would need to provide testimony and evidence that you thought you met them with perceived or equal or lesser force. Its so people are not booby trapping property causing a hazard to all, and to reduce homespun justice. That law in Texas is rather idiotic. Many times the "burglar" is mistaken for a family member. And trespassing is better met with criminal and civil prosecution, not putting up a thin metal wire that ends up splitting a 16 year old in half as they ride through it on their four-wheeler or dirt bike... that incident actually happened and the property owner was convicted of murder (not sure which degree) but they got life in prison for murder. And it was a second cousin he murdered. Permitting defending property to the life is the most idiotic law that could be written. I can see defending of one's or other's life. But not property. Mishaps aren't worth it. And you're likely going to get your property back via insurance or other means anyways. How materialistic does one have to be?
@sbaluable 7 жыл бұрын
This is very unfair, you apply laws differently to different groups.
@omar1s1 7 жыл бұрын
They need educating more than most.
@SwompMonsta 7 жыл бұрын
literally the definition of silencing people you disagree with. if you can't handle free speech maybe you should move somewhere else.
@dontyoubefrontin 7 жыл бұрын
Frazer Matheson you obviously don't know what freedom of speech actually means lmao
@SwompMonsta 7 жыл бұрын
Go on then... how does this not come under the parameters of freedom of speech/ expression? It's literally proposing banning people because they don't tow the mainstream opinion - aka 'wrong think' lol
@dontyoubefrontin 7 жыл бұрын
it doesn't come under the parameters of free speech because neither the GOVERNMENT or STATE is preventing these people from spewing their awful hate speech. if you want to be hateful, you have that right. but don't come crying when the court of public opinion calls you out for it.
@formalbug5716 6 жыл бұрын
Silencing them? The protest was done and over with. They already had their voices heard. I can't silence them if their message is already out there. We can however punish them for for participating in spreading a stupid message.
@charnacharna3981 7 жыл бұрын
I don't think they should be kicked out of school but no group of people should be able to meet,march and rally on any campus if it supports hate and division.
@charnacharna3981 7 жыл бұрын
It's simple anyone with half a brain should know what hate and division is ,just ask any kid in grade school.If the leaders(president) of colleges cant come up with a definition of hate or division maybe they shouldn't be called leaders.Any group marching and celebrating the color of their skin as superior and hating or excluding all other races.There...start with that!
Fuentes is a Spanish name a lot of Mexicans have that name and they aren't white .
@usnavyvet2002 7 жыл бұрын
He doesn't even know it's an AR-15. Virginia has open carry law.
@DahliaLegacy 7 жыл бұрын
Yes to a private school kicking out those kids, even though the last one was just an idiot. >.< It's their right as a private school to do that. If he didn't want other rules to apply to him, he should have gone to a public school.
@ting280 7 жыл бұрын
You applied to uni, they accepted. Afterwards you represent them to the world. If they want to disavow you after, it's up to them.
@garyjones5272 7 жыл бұрын
Those people should have left the kid in his rebel outfit alone. Ignored him. Standing there alone at attention saluting a long lost cause. It's pitiable really. The cop was right. They should be ashamed. They turned a foolish boy into a news event that made them look worse than him.
@WhatSoEverThingsAreLovely 7 жыл бұрын
Why can't we all just get along? My husband is white my bffs are black and Asian!! My dog is brown my cat is grey! My kitchen is white and my Dyson blade-less fan is black like me!! Why can't we all just get along?
@NeccoWecco 7 жыл бұрын
Universities are places to explore and express ideas and hear all sorts of opinions and facts. Kicking someone out of school for an opinion goes against the purpose academics and stunts enlightenment.
@jacksprat418-ju5qo 7 жыл бұрын
Education is the main treatment against bigotry...smfh
@noumenon3020 7 жыл бұрын
It looked like that kid in the clip was just trying to do the right thing, as uninformed as it was. We overreach by assuming it's all still about slavery - back then it was, but not anymore. People just wanna be proud of their family, even when it's really F'd up. It's unfortunate he got cut from college. He was literally there to learn (I hope), and we need people to do just that. That woman, however, seemed too riled up to think straight. We all need to calm down and have an American family meeting.
@visforvegan8 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry Cenk, but I don't give the big boy a pass on this one. You said yourself he had questionable judgement. Let's have a look. The day after KKK, neo Nazis, White Nationalist have a weekend of racist violent rallying how does big boy respond? Does he show up at a vigil for Heather, and place flowers and apologize for the racists? While explaining he supports the statue, but he's not a vile racist like the others. No, no that's not what he did. He showed up armed to the teeth in a Confederate uniform carrying the flag of hate and racism. He tried to claim the civil war wasn't about slavery and oppression? Sorry Cenk, he doesn't have bad judgement, he has mental issues. I don't need a well armed mental case on my campus.
@BrightS0l 7 жыл бұрын
Th guy in the thumbnail attended a private christian college. They can do as they please. DeVos made it clear that it's up to private schools to determine if they want to discriminate.
@nancymesek 7 жыл бұрын
Arm&trout actually needs to be kept in college and required to learn American history and a course in fashion as well. Side note, there was an ad for ChristChurch at the end of this vid. Wtf?!
@nikolademitri731 7 жыл бұрын
No. Pretty simple answer. Kicking them out basically guarantees they will continue to hold their views, whereas if they continue to go to to be educated, and have experiences with other individuals from diverse backgrounds, they may wake up. I grew up in and around the Pittsburgh area, and you don't have to go far outside the city before the backwoods ignorance and tribalism begins no creep in, big time (not to say that tribalism and ignorance doesn't exist in cities, it exists in every location on the planet). I grew up with a lot of bigoted individuals around me and in my friend groups, some remain so, others, including myself, have changed completely. For those of us who aren't bigoted any longer, it was primarily because of education and experience, for many of us, in universities. I was never hateful towards people outside the in-groups I was a part of, but I did hold many misconceptions, that were bigoted. Three things pulled me out: education (especially history, philosophy, biology, and psychology, the last of which I got a in degree from PSU), experiences with individuals from multiple backgrounds, and realizing during puberty that I was gay (in that case it went very far to destroy any homophobia, and even racism to some extent, as I began to empathize with people who were oppressed for something they didn't choose). Taking away an individual's opportunity to be educated, especially in a diverse environment, and have diverse experiences, will only make matters worse for that individual, reinforce their beliefs, and reinforce the beliefs of those who share his bigoted views. As a private university/college, yes, they have every right to remove such individuals, but I think they're making a terrible mistake by doing so. As far as those who are calling for the degrees of individuals who've graduated from Virginia, or any other state university, the same applies. You will only strengthen their views and strengthen the views of others in their groups. This is very well understood, empirically verified psychological data, people. If you're looking to reduce tension between groups, or pull someone out of false/dangerous/bigoted/etc belief systems, you don't attack those individuals (for them their perception is absolutely an attack), or stress group differences, you stress similarities. Sorry, but PC hysteria is literally having the opposite effect as intended, something else that's been studied. Cheers ✌🏼🍻
@pompousprofessor88 7 жыл бұрын
I am at Texas lawyer and I agree the police officer stated Texas law. However, I interpret that statue of using deadly force to protect property to mean that it has to be either your property or property which is under your Custody , care, or control. I would hardly advise someone to use deadly force for Government owned property.
@jasonauguste 7 жыл бұрын
Greetings, Please check every time i check out you channel i just see black screen no visuals just audio. for some time now. but maybe it is my browser
@priyonjoni 7 жыл бұрын
Shouldn't kick people out of school when they clearly need education.
@zenman5910 7 жыл бұрын
Racism is an expression of ignorance. The differences between people that are culture and melatonin content in the skin are very unimportant, what is very important are the things that make us all the same. I was raised in a very racist white bred culture, and none of that stuck for me or my siblings. I know many more who are like us, so there is definitely hope for the future. Just had to get that out. Thank you. 👌😉👍
@stevenm322 7 жыл бұрын
Kicked out of college ? Were any of them really in college ???
@pierrezapata90 7 жыл бұрын
Lack of education leads to ignorance leads to hate. No matter how vile and disgusting some extremist groups are to others, it would be neglectful to humanity to willfully take their education. The cause of all problems in the world starts with a lack of education.
@cathyvickers9063 7 жыл бұрын
Is there any distinction in the law whether you OWN the property, or not? Violence in defense of a statue (by civilians, not paid security) only makes sense if it's a national symbol during war (like Statue of Liberty); or if you actually OWN the statue, having either commissioned it, created it, or bought it from the artist or a gallery, or legal sale. Civilian violence in "defense" of city or state-owned property, like any Confederate memorial statues, is insane. It should be a criminal act!
@Onodera1980 7 жыл бұрын
Don't kick them out. Force them to take a history class.
@Onodera1980 7 жыл бұрын
That police officer was conflating defense of PRIVATE property. Public property is all of ours...
@jeanniebanks2278 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, this isn't a Nazi country so therefore he has no business on campus PERIOD.
@mybrotha8144 7 жыл бұрын
thank you Cenk a lot of black people saw that white privilege moment
@glynstone 7 жыл бұрын
Every article I read said that he chose to leave BU for Alabama to be with "more like minded people", not that he was kicked out.
@Markstubation01 7 жыл бұрын
All these people fighting over statues in towns they don't even live in. This is why the world is done with the US.
@FFVison 7 жыл бұрын
Private institutions can use whatever standard they want for admission and retention. I'm sure that during the admission process, each student has to agree to adhere to a code of conduct or face a penalty, including expulsion. Hell, when applying to do work for a rather large company, there was a morality clause in the contract. If I signed that and did cheated on my significant other, they could possibly have terminated my employment. Private institutions have the right to do that, and if you agreed to a code of conduct, you are at their mercy. That being said, if someone who tends to lean politically to the left were to do something that violates a code of conduct, for as much as it pains me, yeah, they can and should be removed per policy. Then again, if someone is protesting against the rally in which people were injured or killed and the college took action against them, if I were them, I would take the time to reevaluate whether that is an institution I would want to be part of in the first place.
@rembassmaster 7 жыл бұрын
You have an OBLIGATION to report the NEWS being UNBIASED. Stop posting HATE SHIT. The fact is that ONE person was just standing saying NOTHING. THE MOB was yelling HE was the Terrorist. WTF kind of BS is that? That VIDEO CLEARLY shows the MOB was the Terrorist here PERIOD...
@drackestalentorgen166 7 жыл бұрын
Any intimidation factor that mob could have had was ruin by the fact they couldnt even build real torches
@kjsalomonsen9299 7 жыл бұрын
Cop should be fired. No question.
@magister343 7 жыл бұрын
The Southern elites secedes from the union because they wanted to preserve and even expand slavery. The war was not caused directly by secession however, but by Lincoln being unwilling to accept losing any territory or tax revenue from the Southern states. Most Confederate soldiers were not slave owners had no no significant chance of ever becoming slave owners, but fought out of a misguided patriotic loyalty to their state government.
@chnty 7 жыл бұрын
You are a sick sick sick person, supporting this violent mob rule. And the cop totally had a point that this partisan provocation will lead to "another Saturday". But no, fight and argue for ur team till the end. Your support of bullying is sickening
@widssss 7 жыл бұрын
People having bad thoughts should not be punished by their employer, their school or society in general. Only punish for illegal actions.
@okaro6595 7 жыл бұрын
You yourself said that at some point whites will be a minority and crowd cheered. What is this if not replacing white people?
@tobybolton4008 7 жыл бұрын
Lol, I went to uni for three years and I was involved in all sorts of right-wing shit. No one had any idea and to most I was a normal student. Pretending we're going to incite riots is just intellectually dishonest.
@tknachel 7 жыл бұрын
I rewatched a TYT episode from June. Another event in Virginia. Another white male extremist took out a rifle and shot at people he had been protesting against. It was hate motivated, but that time, TYT discussed how mass shootings were just a part of the new environment created by Trump instead of condemning the act. No outrage, no protosts, no destroying of monuments or careers resulted. You can recall the baseball game and the victims, right? Charlottesville was likely not considered the opening shot for the white nationalists - the attempted mass murder in Alexandria was.
@MrPEIcanada 7 жыл бұрын
kick them out ... they are just the type to wind up be involved in a campus shooting ... colleges, both private and public, have a duty to protect their students from possible threats of violence
@matthewalbert8469 7 жыл бұрын
@geraldgrenier8132 7 жыл бұрын
Attending the Rally is grounds for "Academic Probation". Namely the are thin ice, and presumptive guilt an any "Making a hostile learning environment" complaints.
@ThaOneChrisJONES 7 жыл бұрын
That cop has a lot of nerve... Mr. Stand Down. She was right, the blood IS on his hands.
@Drakid13Re3kt 7 жыл бұрын
Christopher O'Neil on his hands specifically? becouse I don't think you have any evidence for him being responsible for that. or white in general are responsible, that racist if that point. becouse from what I could see she was trying to escalate the situation
@joadorable 7 жыл бұрын
Displaying your rifle in a public space is indicative of violence. In what situation could you possibly say guns aren't characterized by violence?
@MrNodebate 7 жыл бұрын
I work at university and call myself a liberal, but I'm *strongly against kicking someone out because of their right-wing idiologies* (or any other). There are far better solutions to this. *First of all: Talk to them, get to know their motives, beliefs and frustrations.* They might not be "nice people", but I'm certain that 99.9% of them didn't go to that rally with the intent to kill someone (maybe hurt, yes; but murder is in a whole different ballpark). *Just letting them loose is not an answer, it's a band aid under which destructive idiologies will only grow like a cancer...*
@maximumblackness 7 жыл бұрын
That cop was racist as hell
@RadioLaPrincess 7 жыл бұрын
I don't think colleges should take away degrees, even if the person was horrible. I have two degrees (going on a third) and I angered my college because I spoke out on something they were doing. They banned me from the college for life. They shouldn't take away my degree because I earned it.
@Lap09q8 7 жыл бұрын
It was in the 50's that these statues started going up in these southern towns as a push-back to the civil rights movement. You can't call them historical monuments. Also, because of the international rules of war, the Confederate government had to retire their flag, just like with Germany and Japan, as the losers. This is LAW, not Right or Left politics.
@KillerBebe 7 жыл бұрын
Extremists on both sides are not wanted.
@channelmar15 7 жыл бұрын
The reason he was expelled was because he didn't sign out before he left campus. Pensacola Christian College has a rule where one must sign out with their card and be back by curfew if they want to leave campus.
@DarthServo 7 жыл бұрын
Private Universities kick people out for far less. Anyone familiar with Brigham Young University's honor code? You can get kicked out just for being at a party where there was alcohol, even if you didn't drink any yourself.
@KnightofAntiquity 7 жыл бұрын
In my opinion i think the cop was saying to the protestor. You want to ostracize people like him to the point that they join the terrorists responsible for what happened, don't you? If they let the guy stand there that would have been better. He is allowed to edpress himself.
@Burori1 7 жыл бұрын
Multiculturalism is important. If not emotionally, then genetically. If we inbreed, we die.
@WilliamWellham33 7 жыл бұрын
That cop was speaking the truth. The kid was just standing there, not a rally, he was literally standing there. In regards to his weapons, the were not in a defensive or offensive posture, his rifle was slung on his back and his pistol was holstered.
@Phapa93 7 жыл бұрын
"Uncle Paul" needs to get POST recertification. Cannot use deadly force unless the person is an imminent threat to yourself or others.
@Phlimbob 7 жыл бұрын
Cenk, I say this as a liberal who grew up in the south, you have to understand that southern education really tells students that while a major cause of the civil war was slavery and the south's desire to expand it to new states, southerns are taught that it was more of an economic issue than a moral one. We are taught that the north didn't really care for blacks or slaves, they simply had no use for slaves because they didn't farm as much and their economies relied more on textiles and other manufacturing. We are taught that the expansion of slavery or lack of played a huge role in the power balance between the southern and northern states and that the south eventually felt that the north was oppressing their economic capabilities by wanting to get rid of slavery, so in turn, they chose to leave the Union in order to keep their successful cotton economy. Again, we are taught that the north cared more about political and economic advantages than the actual well beings of the slaves. So when you see southerners who say the confederate flag is the "rebel flag" and the soldiers were just defending their homes, this is what they mean. My high school AP US history teacher, who also taught the same class in a University, made sure we understood that the civil war was not because of "state rights" to own slaves but over economic and political rivalry stemming from slavery. I'm not saying I agree with southerners maintaining a strange hard on for their treasonous ancestry, but I at least understand where it comes from. Yeah, for a quite a few of these people, it's not about race.
@Phlimbob 7 жыл бұрын
Also, in regards to the Texas cop, I doubt he will be fired as he is literally stating the barbaric laws of Texas. Inciting violence, maybe, but also stating the law as it is. It almost doesn't sound strange to me as it is a fairly well known Texas quirk.
@Phlimbob 7 жыл бұрын
Understandably, as most people don't feel guilt for things that happened in another country (even one they were born in) over a hundred years ago, Cenk also cares little for trolls who continually bring up a completely irrelevant topic such as the Armenian Genocide by the Ottomans.
@Awfulwriter 7 жыл бұрын
Simple answer NO. Simply put it has been found in studies that education has an effect on combating racism and intolerance.
@charlesballiet7074 7 жыл бұрын
anyone else wonder why that helicopter went down the same day as the tragedy. that they were the only eyes to be able to see the car leave the scene.
@snitox 7 жыл бұрын
If it's a private college they have every right to do so. If it's a government funded college the funding should be pulled if there is a certain requirement to upheld the first amendment strictly to qualify for the funding. Plain and simple why does there have to be a conflict of sides about this?
@user-xv9rn7dq9n 7 жыл бұрын
If you are respectful to the cops, treat them like people, say "yes sir", "no sir", and don't threaten them, they are respectful back. It's not rocket science, they have a hard job, you need to present yourself in a non threatening way.
@Innengelaender 7 жыл бұрын
You should provide people with as much education as possible - especially for Neo-Nazi. If you exclude them further from society and education the situation will only get worse.
@Milan0Thapa 7 жыл бұрын
It's sad some southerners really believe the confederates were not traitors.
@kaptainkafir6231 7 жыл бұрын
if the southereners were traitors, so were the colonialists under george washington
@Milan0Thapa 7 жыл бұрын
Kaptain Kafir yes but US is not under UK. And confederate were clearly on the wrong side of history as they were fighting for slavery.
@kaptainkafir6231 7 жыл бұрын
@, it was part of the UK back when, and they did commit an act of treason. that's the textbook definition treason. and the civil war was mainly about other things. slavery wasn't at the very top of the agenda. 2nd class citizenship was a fact in the whole of the US for at least another 80 years. so you could argue that the modern distribution of the US was also on the wrong side of history, and is terefore as culpable now for what happened as is the confederacy. like they say, you can't have your cake and eat it. in that case you should take down every statue and flag all over the globe. Tear down napoleans statue, he was a murderous conquerer, take down the pyramids, the pharaos were murdering conquerer.....
@CourtneyDagger50 7 жыл бұрын
Kicking people out of college if they aren't a direct threat to the student body seems ridiculous to me. They are completely wrong in their ideology, but the only way to combat ignorance is with education. Do we really want them to be COMPLETELY uneducated?!
@1DumBunny 7 жыл бұрын
Privately owned places are allowed to mandate how you dress. That is across to board. They can also pretty much require that you pray, (it really does happen)if you choose to attend. You CHOOSE not to follow The Rules.
@bongoredd1 7 жыл бұрын
..there are moments in history when the kind of free speech in charottesville turned into wholesale bloodshed...and we do well to remember that the people there were speaking the same language...are we going to stand by and allow this cancer to spread while we grapple with political correctness?
@sajidhussain4401 7 жыл бұрын
American Universities don't have a clause in enrollment about bringing bad publicity to university ?
@crazedmonk8u 7 жыл бұрын
Regarding the first guy i'm conflicted. On one hand he is old enough to know(should know) that you have to be on your best behavior during your times in a private university, if you so much as get too many speeding tickets they could kick your ass out, on the other hand I think this reactionary expulsion on the college was a little heavy handed considering how expensive private university is, and the fact that your credits DO NOT transfer over to public universities, especially when expelled, I would have suspended him pending an investigation, which includes campus PD interviewing his friends, mandatory state evaluated psyche evaluation to determine his mental state, etc.
@LightingInvoker 7 жыл бұрын
Shout out to that one woman in the crowd wearing sunglasses at night
@3D4Ureel 7 жыл бұрын
I saw a bunch of soda cans in a rally. They were chanting: juice wil not replace us!
@rvanzo925 7 жыл бұрын
Colleges that use ideological control of student body should lose government funds and be taxed like q regular business
@EnglishTeacher-ez1bo 7 жыл бұрын
One would have to look at the rules of conduct for students for that particular school to understand how they reacted.
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