Should the EU invest more in its strengths? | DW Business

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@nhecos2998 Жыл бұрын
Europe playing to its strengths and reducing dependency from others are not mutually exclusive. Disruption to supply chains during the pandemic has proved that there must be at least some strategical production capacity that must be guaranteed in order to mitigate the impact of global events, and there is no way around this fact. This doesn't mean we will stop sourcing from outside of Europe, it just means not putting all our eggs in the same basket.
@l.p.3228 Жыл бұрын
It‘s true. There is a good argument for some strategic riskmanagement in key-sectors. It‘s hard to say though whether it will work out and if these Chips are exactly those we will need. Also Europe should work closer together on this subject to avoid overcapacities. At the Same time a lot needs to be done to tackle the structural Problems in Germany.
@ivcbusinesssystems6613 Жыл бұрын
Actually I agree with that, but it's NOT what most politicians are saying. I worked in the Defense industry, and the biggest issue was 2nd sourcing. We never wanted to be dependent on a single supplier. For a country, that's even more important. However, Europe is very dependent on energy, gas & oil. You can't produce what you don't have in sufficient quantities. However, we do agree on the main point!
@hhKJgf1M8a0rzt8hP Жыл бұрын
A week ago, my country Slovenia was devastated by massive floods, impacting 2/3 of the country. Despite the war ravaging their own country, Ukrainians have sent truck convoys carrying heavy equipment, such as excavators, to aid us. Additionally, Ukrainian individuals who came here fleeing the war are already providing assistance. True friends reveal themselves in difficult times.
@youxkio Жыл бұрын
🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Bring Ukraine to the EU! NOW!!!
@kth6736 Жыл бұрын
Ukraine is the doom of eu. 😂
@padnomnidprenon9672 Жыл бұрын
Hope you relief from it soon.
@stennan Жыл бұрын
​@@kth6736you misspelled "boon" 🇷🇺 = 💀
@krollpeter Жыл бұрын
I have heard about it. I thought before that the Vietnamese people are the most resilient people in the world. Ukraine is right up with them, and besides their own problems, they still do not forget about others. This nation of brave people must be with us. I wish that Ukraine will become a major partner of Germany!
@lucasgssilveira Жыл бұрын
Once upon a time Taiwan wasn't strong in chip manufacturing either. They invested on it and are now world leaders in that sector.
@TheRockkickass Жыл бұрын
Taiwan didn’t invest anything. American companies realized it would be much cheaper to build there. The US decided that Taiwan would be a global leader in semi conductors
@jaja3359 Жыл бұрын
​@@TheRockkickassNah lol TSMC is not built by the Americans, they might have supported it but werent the architects
@lucasgssilveira Жыл бұрын
@@TheRockkickass TSMC was built with 48% Taiwanese public funding. Among the 52% left, most of it came from wealthy Taiwanese families. Phillips also invested and initially held 27.5% of TSMC, but most of its investment was in the form of intellectual property, only $58 million was in actual cash. Next time, try googling before typing inaccuracies.
@youxkio Жыл бұрын
@@lucasgssilveira Well done! Most of the developed TSMC intellectual property was domestic with little previous help from Texas Instruments' basic tech. The Hsinchu and Kaohsiung/Tainan science centers are the locus of Taiwanese tech development financed either or together by private corporations and/or the Taiwanese government.
@chillxxx241 Жыл бұрын
@@jaja3359That is partially correct. It was Apple that decided to integrate TSMC into its logistics chain in Asia that made TSMC. They have tried to re-write their history in much the same way the ASML has done to try not to give US firms/ government that much credit.
@carasu. Жыл бұрын
You don't know how big the ocean is while you're swimming in it
@HongKongFilmVibes Жыл бұрын
@DW News Please change the title to "Should Germany invest...", you barely cover any other European country (mentioned ASML from Netherlands once)...Overall I think the EU should play to its strengths and improve on its weaknesses (never good to rely too much on others for essentials; the pandemic and recent war issues made that crystal clear). But back to my point about how DW makes titles for their programs. There are so many strong aspects for Europe from some other larger and smaller countries. E.g. Italy is an aerospace, defense tech, automotive/heavy industry, energy and supercomputing leader (the world's/Europe's 4th/2nd most powerful supercomputer sits in Bologna; Italy is Europe's second largest manufacturer e.g. roughly >60% of components in German cars come from Italy. It is one of the world's most automated countries and the world's third largest exporter of robotics. Companies like Avio Aero, Leonardo, Comau, Ansaldo STS, ENI, Prysmian Group are among the global leaders in their field) Italo-French company ST Microelectronics is also among the world's top semiconductor companies and a great example of EU partners creating joint efforts (Airbus is another great example). Not to mention French companies like Alstom, Thales, Swiss companies like ABB or Dutch companies like ASML, Philips...Quantum computing giant SEEQC opened two major global research centers Europe (Italy and England, the latter technically not EU, but still Europe ;P). But no, we mainly hear about Zeiss and why GERMANY needs to invest to do this and that & partly Macron bla bla.... At least have the decency to be straight-forward about what the talk will be about. Please DO NOT make GERMANY = EU or GERMANY/FRANCE = EU the standard when talking about the EU, otherwise it is worthless tuning in....there are many other countries contributing to the EU's strengths, not only Germany (or France).Yes, Germany is the largest economy, but without the others it wouldn't be what it is and neither would the EU!
@JoeyBlogs007 Жыл бұрын
Selling out to China and forgoing IP rights, was the greatest ever western mistake and could cost the west the entire farm. It might be too late to recover, but try they must. Germany must cover all bases and not simply rest on what it's good at. Technology independence is essential. Germany should not only build on its strengths, but also eliminate its weaknesses. Too narrow a focus is a high risk strategy. That is why the EU got trapped by reliance on Russia. Bad mistake.
@Madame702 Жыл бұрын
Sorry, but America never participated in "Globalization" that bribe was for you to side with us against the Soviet Union. Only 15% of our "Supply Chains" where outside the United States and a fully 50% of that 15% were with Mexico and Canada. So, Joseph its you that stuck not America.
@omeryehezkely3096 Жыл бұрын
Turning a country into an island is a huge mistake.
@simonpedge Жыл бұрын
Second mistake... Saying NO to cheap energy?
@JoeyBlogs007 Жыл бұрын
It's not cheap when you are held to ransom by a totalitarian state. Never is. Ever. Eventually the full price is paid. They call it fools gold. 😂🤣🤪
@franciscocz8384 Жыл бұрын
All the IP rights Europe HAD, are already learned and surpassed by China. You are not competitive anymore europeans. You are too lazy for competition.
@brentc9381 Жыл бұрын
We just need a baseload of chipproduction in Europe for our own security
@nutzeeer Жыл бұрын
tsmc is coming and maybe intel too
@Klote3241 Жыл бұрын
Yes this, its not about if it is 100% profitable. there are dependency within military and infrastructural needs that we don't want to use foreign computer chips. this Includes US and Chinese made chips. we also don't want to import these chips from nations that could potentially end up in war like Taiwan. This guy says Germany needs more software but software only runs on computer chips that we can buy or make.
@sophieedel6324 Жыл бұрын
We also need to stop being taken advantage of. China slaps European cars with a 25 percent tarrif, while Europe has only a 10 percent tarrif on Chinese cars. We also need to do something about the US digitally colonizing Europe and paying 0 taxes through Ireland.
@ivcbusinesssystems6613 Жыл бұрын
Don't you trust America?
@Klote3241 Жыл бұрын
@@ivcbusinesssystems6613 lol no ofcourse not what kind of question is that. You have your interests and we have ours. we dont always align. So its best not to have big dependency like this.
@Siranoxz Жыл бұрын
European strengths lies in open source development. Chip development is extremely essential in the future for Europe. But open source is where Europe does shine, because its community based instead of vendors and big tech companies.
@Madame702 Жыл бұрын
Europe will go down for now you industrialize to fast so you stop having kids in the 1970's. Germany and Central Europe are full of old people now. Only France and the British have a Millennial Generation but it not enough for the whole of Europe. So Germany is moving its factories out of Europe into the United States.
@FNDMA Жыл бұрын
Nice idea, on paper
@trotgun1563 Жыл бұрын
the strengths come from the European people ! and their values ! . we have to be very careful about keeping those values . and thats becoming hard with such mass immigration
@franciscocz8384 Жыл бұрын
Ok suc*ers, write all the code first, then i will come and make my own version copying almost your entire code and include some few modifications, then I'm gonna make it private and sell it, profiting from your time and work without having to pay a penny to you. 🤟
@ellav5387 Жыл бұрын
@@FNDMA In practice it would be very easy to replace the big tech companies though. Linux was a big deal and nowadays the industry is even bigger. Whether it's Cisco network protocols and products or Amazon/Microsoft cloud computing, all of it can easily be replaced. The only reason they haven't is because of marketing but a change in the global market can flip the tables in a matter of days.
@danilordizon Жыл бұрын
Europe helped build China economy along with America, so, of course, Europe can compete.
@protagonist9716 Жыл бұрын
Europe is dependent on China too which is still growing at 5% per annum while Europe is suffering stagnation
@adineatha9766 Жыл бұрын
Europe is suffering from low birthrates, obesity, laziness and an elderly population. In some countries the majority population is like 60+.
@norbertdosa2016 Жыл бұрын
@@adineatha9766 Yes, what you say is correct.However China/USA/ Russia also have the same problems, and it would catch up to Inidia too, if they wouldn't learn from others. Obesity is not on the same proportion in each places, but asian population could develope diabetes without serious overweight, and the cost of diabetes treatment is astronomic.
@youme1414 Жыл бұрын
@@EnteleiEchein Which skills are you talking about? Russia contributes more to China in the nuclear, space and aero techs than Europe. Europeans enter Chinese market for profit mostly. I believe why China has such interest in Russia than Europe. Bad European history in China as well.
@GEMNET442 Жыл бұрын
@@youme1414 I think he meant the EU market being open to China for their early growth, as for tech there really wasn't anything they gave the Chinese that the Chinese couldn't simply steal or buy from Europe
@Jefff72 Жыл бұрын
I'm an American living in Germany and i find that Germans are a pretty conservative people. I hear them often say, we don't do that. It's like no one wants to be the first to do something different from the rest. I also find them very slow to change.
@teamtoken Жыл бұрын
Which is why Germany will slip back in the global economy and be disrupted. Theey can forget about trying to keep up with the US. Their biggest problem right now is not losing to Asia
@mylifeuntilnow Жыл бұрын
Yes, I hope they can continue to focus on what they are good at and that they can bring forward their specialized talents while modernizing with expanding education systems and cultural sectors as they implement productivity enhancing softwares... It makes me feel better to have the west focusing on chips, but I also see the huge risk of huge centralized investments so I hope it works out.
@thegreatdane3627 Жыл бұрын
we seem to be moving towards a new cold war. So it doesn't really matter if production in Germany is competitive or not, as there will most likely be a lot less global trade in the coming years. Supply chains will have to be shortened, we can no longer rely on countries on the other side of the world for anything important.
@duncansmith7562 Жыл бұрын
if by "we" you mean the russophobic West that can only view Russia as an enemy, agreed. If by "we" you mean the world in general, no, most of the world is fine with Russia. Global trade will increase and supply lines between most of the globe (that don't believe in trade-killing sanctions) will be fine. It's just the sanctions-obsessed West that will suffer, deservedly.
@ggg-cf9zl Жыл бұрын
@@duncansmith7562 Russian troll at work even on Saturday
@oneshothunter9877 Жыл бұрын
@@duncansmith7562 The western countries was not "Russophobic" as you put it. Opposite of what you write, western countries tried to have normal connections with Russia, but you know exactly why that part is over. Russia is not the only one with gas and oil, west already has fixed things to get the needed energy from other places. Russia is not as important as you try to convince us about.
@duncansmith7562 Жыл бұрын
@@oneshothunter9877 1. Despite no evidence, Russia was blamed for interference in the Brexit vote and Trump's election. Russian "disinformation" is the go-to lie the media will trumpet at the drop of a hat. NATO's expansion eastward has been a provocation since 1990. Get real. Russophobia is a media obsession. 2. "Fixed things to get needed energy from other places?" So why does energy cost SO much more today compared with pre sanctions on Russia? For working people struggling with energy bills and the inflation caused by higher energy costs, THIS IS NOT FIXED! Russia and OPEC work hand in hand to keep energy prices high, but just for for the West. you need to wake up.
@eveleung8855 Жыл бұрын
The whole Europe is a resource poor place, the only reason the Europeans can become so wealthy all because of their age of colonization that brought them ability to kick start the industrial revolution, without the cheap resource and energy, Europe is nothing.
@markaberer Жыл бұрын
I think subsidizing certain projects can work like a Schwerpunkt-tactic. If it manages to draw peripheral industry and services to create a self sustaining and growing economy after cutting back spending, I would consider it worthwhile.
@rosshilton Жыл бұрын
Germany is buying market production rather than finding it. That has never worked anywhere in the world.
@youme1414 Жыл бұрын
Where will Europe get the raw materials from? It is easier said than done.
@alicecampbell-by3yv Жыл бұрын
Probably go steal from African countries
@thetaomega7816 Жыл бұрын
Crazy how voluntary sales are stealing now@@alicecampbell-by3yv
@AccidentalScience Жыл бұрын
Bottom line: de-regulate. The opposite of what the EU Commission is going to do.
@squireson Жыл бұрын
Is it just me or was the interviewee just repeatedly missing the point of the whole endeavor. It seemed like almost willful ignorance. Europe *_doesn't_* wind up with an oversupply *_if_* a war with *Taiwan* or *Korea* or *China* breaks out. Keeping indigenous production is to guard against these vulnerabilities. I believe Taiwan produces a dramatic percentage of the _world's_ advanced semiconductors and more and more of the world products depend on them. It is unacceptable to leave such a large percentage in the hands of so few countries.
@viktorianas Жыл бұрын
Not only you, it was rather infuriating to watch this interview as so called expert is missing the point entirely on purpose or has no understanding of geopolitics...
@karpuzye Жыл бұрын
Germany first of all needs stable internet connection.
@waldemarkirszniok298 Жыл бұрын
It's a bit telling, that in this video EU, Europe and Germany are terms used interchangeably, but only German interests and the German industry is being discussed here.
@waldemarkirszniok298 Жыл бұрын
Street view was also blocked in Germany only, yet this guy says it was blocked in Europe.
@wazzazv614 Жыл бұрын
Great interview and interview. How refreshing to see a journalist who has done his research.
@carlosblanco4040 Жыл бұрын
Woow. Chips are strategically essential therefore great move … there’s more than dividens…
@nukiolbartes6279 Жыл бұрын
why asking american talking about tech investment in germany? its not like germany is vassal state of us. but definitely interesting take about division of labour and germany shouldve played its strength. while his anti regulation stance is way too liberal for europe.
@marcello4258 Жыл бұрын
Sap was founded last century Telekom as well not in the 19th
@zvikaso Жыл бұрын
I would love to see the investment coming from EU and not Germany. Its in the interest of the entire union.
@nathancortes3722 Жыл бұрын
7:30 Characterizing privacy as an obsession isn't a good look these days.
@HenrikVendelbo Жыл бұрын
The topic is supposed to be european strengths, but it’s all about Germany. Other countries do fine in Software development. You also talk about big companies when we know that growth comes from smaller companies
@FreshTuna Жыл бұрын
Yeah they mentioned Germany, France, and Finland, but they never seem to mention the less developed European economies. I would like to hear about the possibilities for growth in those areas, even places such as Poland or Romania, or the lagging countries such as Bulgaria.
@thetaomega7816 Жыл бұрын
It´s a german state channel...@@FreshTuna
@GdzieJestNemo Жыл бұрын
the interview confused EU with Germany for a big chunk of the interview
@walkvi97 Жыл бұрын
My professor in uni told me that for car manufacturing the most advanced chips are not used, since they are more reliable. Which is more important than processing power in cars. The most advanced chips are only used in computer and phone components since a failure only leads to a bug and has less severe consequences compared to a bug in a car potentially having lethal consequences. Thus, Germany would not need the most advanced chips since it does not produce computer or phone components
@袁大陸 Жыл бұрын
USA compelled TSMC to invest in USA making no competitive chips in market.
@emteiks Жыл бұрын
Wow the last sentence about dropping on the privacy to attract more digital business really hit hard the whole reception of the video. People the privacy is paramount! Sure we can develop in digital industry but doing it at the cost of privacy is a downhill ride.
@RsOnTheStreetS Жыл бұрын
We need high end semiconductor industry to produce and test machines for it. And it isnt that important how much it costs, its important to have it when supply from outside stopps. To build it then would be the bigger and expensive problem.
@Ikbeneengeit Жыл бұрын
Great interviewer, he asked smart challenging questions and didn't let the guest make wild claims.
@elba_magellan Жыл бұрын
Anchors team did his research. The gentlemen interviewed didn't get these state interventions are being done for security and independence not for economic efficiencies through national specialization that result in fragile supply chains and a lack of redundancy when overdone.
@fgpsychology Жыл бұрын
This guy has too many conflics of interest to be talking about about this. We have to produce semiconductors and chips in Europe. China could invade Taiwan, Japan and south Korea will be involved and even North Korea can start armagedon. This guys just talk about regulation because of google. What a bad choice DW.
@walterbakker2690 Жыл бұрын
The world leader in semi conductors, by many years, is a European company, the Dutch ASML
@youme1414 Жыл бұрын
Yes, let Europe bask in the past.
@pedropedro8153 Жыл бұрын
@@youme1414 it is not the past, the Chinese stole their tech... but they are now again in the forefront.
@vicdor1031 Жыл бұрын
To be precise ASML manufactures equipment for producing chips. These are different things. It is absolutely possible to produce expensive, sophisticated machinery in Europe. But whether companies in Europe can produce chips with competitive edge is an open question question. I have got doubts about this. So far they have not been able to produce them.
@fredericrike5974 Жыл бұрын
Both of you seem to have missed a very large factoid about German industrial processing; they make chemicals, lots of chemicals; they use a bunch of natural gas to get things hot, but they use even more as "feedstock" to build the molecules of the chemicals they can sell. Germany is presently feeling pretty good about it's present gas supply- they wouldn't if just BASF cranked back up to full production. Germany's chemical industry will will need a major overhaul as well as find vendors that will give them prices that won't make their finished chemicals cost prohibitive.
@KeepingitRiowithGringoSuave Жыл бұрын
A typical free market viewpoint. One thing clearly NOT properly being addressed by the free market is risk management. How did it work out for Germany to be dependent on cheap Russian gas? Germany was well aware of the risks of being dependent on Russia, so why did they continue with these pipelines? Money? Politicians and business leaders who had kompromat created on trips to Russia? Why is this not investigated? So how is the free world being dependent on Taiwan for micro chips a good idea with Chinese threats to invade Taiwan? Letting the so-called "free market" do your risk management is almost as bad as allowing the free market destroy the environment.
@alibajalan157 8 ай бұрын
Many of the AI engineering and tech professionals immigrate out of the EU to the US and to China because of the difficult regulation and taxation in the EU on the other side the EU is not investing very well in this field and put a lot of rules
@AlexKaehler-qc8kd Жыл бұрын
The EU should invest in whatever’s necessary to produce more hot chicks. Don’t end up like America and Canada. Idc if you need to ban McDonalds. You do it
@adineatha9766 Жыл бұрын
Obesity, low birthrates and an elderly population is already a problem in Europe. Started 10 years ago.
@unelectedleader6494 Жыл бұрын
Especially in the UK. Almost like America. Although, there’s still hope elsewhere.
@Denizetit Жыл бұрын
Very interesting interview, thanks!
@TheAcadianGuy Жыл бұрын
Does Germany has enough water for this, though?
@TerraIAm Жыл бұрын
Semiconductors are the industrials of the XXI century, so we should certainly invest. Plus the person being interviewed didn't seem to be right about several things. Simple example to check: Tesla biggest fab is in the US and outside of the US is in China.
@bluelobster6100 Жыл бұрын
it is impossible to have europian chip manufacturer. we have come so far away
@odysliu9235 Жыл бұрын
Of course Europe should invest on its own strength... Isn't that default policy for every country? The challenge in EU is the difficulty to align understanding of its own strength. The current way of EU organization cannot support that.
@liepsan Жыл бұрын
The world is changing and Europe needs to change with it, simple as that. 🧐
@adineatha9766 Жыл бұрын
Europe needs to start making babies again. Majority of the population is 60+
@gundleyG Жыл бұрын
Coud it be possible that the google guy is just affraid of what may happen, if germans start to be serios about the production of things USA wants to make money with?
@sneakymove Жыл бұрын
In the light of Arizona problem. Labour unions in Germany should discuss the pay and working hours alignment to be part of the subsidy? Otherwise the operation timeline will be pushed back if tmTSMC could not get the talent or labour they want. They could ended up migrating a lot of Taiwanese engineers to Germany.
@indonesiansasquatch4926 Жыл бұрын
the last thing you should do in a recession is regulate companies more/do more social spending. Germany built its economy on cheap russian gas and if it doesnt diversify FAST it will collapse.
@_ata_3 3 ай бұрын
Worker and job protection is also a strength. Want a productive workforce? Invest in it. How is China doing on this?
@Saldana197 Жыл бұрын
Fragmentation serves as an impediment to Growth NOT innovation!!
@anantsaini Жыл бұрын
Heading EU, Talks Germany
@Azazello243 Жыл бұрын
Why is this guy so obsessed with imaging and Zeiss, does he have a advertising contract 😂
@ferittuzer4629 Жыл бұрын
germany should play to its strengths is exactly why the german carmakers could not switch to EVs until they saw no way out. What says Germans or Germany cannot be strong in chips? And why is it OK for him to develop software, but not to develop chips? Software is not then Germany's strength either.
@tiro0oO5 Жыл бұрын
A usa old school analytic asked if the eu should be more independent of usa. 😅 … how pointless is zhis?
@markomak1 Жыл бұрын
Taiwan, a democracy. Lol.
@JigilJigil Жыл бұрын
Europeans are great at R&D, invention and achieving scientific breakthroughs, there is no doubt about that but they are also great at tech transfer to China, and appeasing authoritarian regimes for their own short term benefits.
@ronfischer191 Жыл бұрын
I disagree with this guy completely. Europe and North America are investing in shortening their supply lines and that makes much better security sense
@kremesti 11 ай бұрын
Go Europa !!!
@markpalmer7832 Жыл бұрын
Yes, the return of analog.
@aminubello7013 Жыл бұрын
The journalist is gooood 👍
@gr8john6 Жыл бұрын
Can you give us non-luxury German gaming laptops?
@ronfischer191 Жыл бұрын
This guy is waffling he now gets that there is strategic interest for countries to ensure there are key industries in their countries. This is a good reporter asking tough questions
@Kateryna_Shorts Жыл бұрын
Who said that without money we can't make a business?
@kyks6771 Жыл бұрын
Understandable should Germany be building their cloud with its own data regulatory, GDPR , V2X & digitised infra, provided it's a bottom-up enabler for both public engagement & innovation. Supply chain is secure, whether robotics or automotive ... Capital freedom has improved, coupled with global supply distributorship, allows for all types of trades, partnerships and IP management. Offsetting costs with private collaboration for trainings & research is a strengthening factor.🌐💫
@josecamacho3393 Жыл бұрын
It’s not about having talent in EU, it’s about attracting more talented people like Elon, Steve and hundreds of Indian CEOs as California. When we got them we know we did the right things
@aghileshemdani3144 Жыл бұрын
@josecamacho3393 Жыл бұрын
@@aghileshemdani3144 no no
@ronfischer191 Жыл бұрын
The world of global segmentation which is over we are now entering a world of global networking the same tech being built worldwide. And the labour disparity is being alleviated by automation.
@bsl025 Жыл бұрын
Key word: subsidy. So in short, they’re coming because they can make their profit margins bigger. Impressive financial politic. Investment in Germany: again, Germany is promising a company to give it a shitload of money and this is called investment. No. This is ripping of german taxpayers.
@megaotstoy Жыл бұрын
EU strengths are diversity, equity and inclusion, invest here
@hurry2011 Жыл бұрын
China became the world's largest exporter in 2023 exporting 1.07 million vehicles in the first quarter of 2023, surging by 58.3% year-on-year, at this rate China could capture a large share of the global auto market. BYD (the top EV maker in the world) makes good affordable EVs and so the other Chinese auto makers like SGMW, GAC, Chery. CATL is the top battery manufacturer and had 37% of the global EV battery market in 2022. As the EV transition progresses Germany could lose a large share of the auto market, the top export at around 16%. Germany needs to first protect its leading industries and then branch out into un-profitable niches like Chip manufacturing, Intel's stock performance over the past decades shows why chip manufacturing is not a good place to invest.
@mdshafiulalam4065 Жыл бұрын
Does Germany even have the talents for chip manufacturing? Most likely not. USA will grab those talents from rest of the world.
@nick90000 Жыл бұрын
Besides Germany being a disaster when it comes to digital, most of the other things the guest said, I'm highly dubious of
@induchopra3014 Жыл бұрын
US and China are competing Europe is sidekick
@80-80. Жыл бұрын
By the way: Look at the Ruble. Look at the Ruble. 🥳
@gluteusmaximus1657 Жыл бұрын
going down down down.
@thegreatdane3627 Жыл бұрын
nothing but toilet paper now 😄
@Joey-ct8bm Жыл бұрын
Have you seen the Russian media monitor channel. Russian main TV propagandist went crazy about the falling Ruble and gave the Central Russian bank the blame while they are not the ones in charge of Russia's budget.
@wakey87 Жыл бұрын
50% down from this time last year.
@NoHairMan Жыл бұрын
Worthless in international trade. It's manipulated to the brink.
@reinholdu9909 Жыл бұрын
The EU needs chips. Germany needs chips. - *Have Not's* will be punished by having *NO Access* ...and with so much built with and upon chips we have to build them too!
@soreeyez Жыл бұрын
I'm sure Europe is investing a lot in its core strength - cultural diversity!
@alibajalan157 8 ай бұрын
EU regulation and administration and culture bureaucracy and taxation make it very difficult to grow in this field especially if your individual and you have an idea in tech or you want to develop some technology ideas it is not like in the US in the US they also accept the immigrant people and give them a chance easily to be grown up and develop ideas in the tech market as an European company its very difficult that they let you to be more successful than them and this will kill the innovation and lead to immigrate from EU as almost 50 % of the Tech people they immigrate to the US from EU
@frankparinco5395 Жыл бұрын
First of all, Europe should be independent from the US.
@gabrielaaugusto4972 Жыл бұрын
What strengths?
@JoseSantos-xh9mp Жыл бұрын
Liberalize labour market? The new name for workers without rights! Workers of the world, UNITE!
@atix50 Жыл бұрын
We should push - make a point with our € too. If it's not made here when it could be we're not buying it. B*llshit about making things more expensive. Giant brands just have to accept profits are ludicrous. It's good for the environment too. At least there's some effort to manufacture responsibly and ethically here. Economic disparity and volatility in the USA and China makes us, for the moment, the consumers keeping the merry go round moving.
@Do-not-be-sheep 6 ай бұрын
What's embarrassing is that the EU has funded the Chinese military development to the tune of $300 billion per year for the last 15 years. The total funds transferred from the EU to China now exceeds $ 4 trillion. What has the EU done to end the trade deficit with China which is financing China's military. China a country sworn to destroy all Western democracies. Has the EU introduced tariffs to level the playing field with China? Has the EU introduced trade barriers to block strategic imports from China? Has the EU introduced incentives to repatriate Strategic Manufacturing? NO. How do you compete with a Communist Country that is led by a Tyrannical Dictator - a country that uses slave labor from North Korea and Uyghurs, a country that subsidizes manufacturing of strategic products like EV cars and then dumps these cars into countries to exterminate their domestic manufacturing, a country that has not signed on to any carbon reduction plan and is now the largest carbon producer in the world, a country that does not have environmental or labor regulations. The EU can compete fairly with other democracies but not with China. Unrestricted trade with China has gutted the European Middle Class replacing well paid manufacturing jobs with unemployment or minimum wage jobs. Why is the EU NOT taking real action on China? Do the Chinese have special influence with European leaders? or is their a European Plan to eliminate the middle class and replace it with two layers in society - the wealthy and the poor.
@locust3160 4 ай бұрын
Bohooo keep crying😭😭 loser
@no_one_caress Жыл бұрын
Germany need young people to drive technology. Many big companies goes in the old elephant walking speed
@bonniec.ddisashi6686 Жыл бұрын
Recession is all I hear 🙉
@tedwong7037 Жыл бұрын
America doesnt allow EU to lead
@bojansmeh4395 Жыл бұрын
No it cant. First of all no natural resources, second energy is now at exorbitant prices, the labour is not cheap, population is dropping and all the manufacturing is basically in china. And the war in ukraine is making it worse. Eu is far from competitive.
@somedaywellknow1811 Жыл бұрын
The interviewer is 🔥🔥🔥
@Ikbeneengeit Жыл бұрын
Too bad Germans can't watch this video on their fax machines.
@mimikrya8794 Жыл бұрын
More and more state interventions?! That's how it is in socialism/communism. 😂😂😂
@arnodobler1096 Жыл бұрын
There is no socialist country since the 90's in Europe
@svart7716 Жыл бұрын
Europa is lacking behind US. Market cap of one single car manufacturer of US(Tesla) is 3 times more than ALL the German cars and trucks.. This is unbelievable but it is the end of discussion.. All the bright minds(including German themselves) are queuing in order to get a work permit in US. Whereas a very few qualified people choose Germany or Sweden to migrate to..
@freshprinceofthenet Жыл бұрын
Not the best speaker, I think. Strangely conservative or plain outdated.
@alfos863 Жыл бұрын
No, just send all the manufacture to USA, make it great again! At the expense of others lol
@TheTruthSeeker756 Жыл бұрын
1900s is 20th century bro, not 19th century 😂
@ryanmckenna2047 Жыл бұрын
I think he is completely wrong and the regulation will be a good thing.
@markh7288 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately Germany’s car industry is now under threat. Volkswagen a company that used to be a byword in quality engineering has been damaged by recent quality issues. Germany needs to stop and fix the problems, then move on.
@luisvasquez5015 Жыл бұрын
Europe had been beating the world until the US took that post
@herospeedy3174 Жыл бұрын
demography for most eu countries is in the bin, for those where it isn't in the trash its held up through immigration. Immigration might not be as good a solution as neo liberal economists think, cultural and value differences aren't to be understated. if demography is in a down trend the economy will be too. might be smarter to just sit it out wait for housing prices to come down along with the population and start growing again after that. ye know, the way japan is doing it.
@btfilther Жыл бұрын
Europe's security has now become a central problem. There are two key components that are essential for growth and security - powerful economy and powerful military to protect what you and others have invested in your economy. Currently the USA is the only one that has both. Germany can invest its talent in its weapon industry. That will boost all other areas of research and has the potential to build a EU industry network. Other areas are energy and renewables, green transition, medical equipment etc.
@Madame702 Жыл бұрын
Germany doesn't have the young people anymore. Sorry, the demography bomb went off your stuck with a lot of old people in Germany and Central Europe. Soon France will get out of the EU when Germany can't afford to pay France.
@tedcrilly46 Жыл бұрын
Really? Who is the threat to Europes security? I hope you're not suggesting it might be that paper tiger Russia, which is currently busy getting wrecked by a country 1/4 of its size. Please read some stats.
@me5ng3 Жыл бұрын
I actually appreciate european regulation. I do not want to end up like China or the US.
@alibajalan157 8 ай бұрын
The EU invests a lot of money in healthcare and we pay a lot of tax to support the old people and unemployed people who are not working on the other side the EU has very old building and roads the streets are very small compare with the US and Asia and many countries in the world some business are limited in the EU and the European citizen don't accept immigration people to develop them economic not like in the US the big tech managers are immigrations like google and Amazon .....etc
@bismilkhostai Жыл бұрын
EU is a part of The World, so how EU beat th World??? Plz edit & say EU Beat the rest of the World
@ObeySilence Жыл бұрын
Nobody loves Google Street View it is a violation of privacy right and the developers should be put into jail for implementing it.
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