Should we have sympathy for demons?

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Augustine Institute | The Catholic Faith Explained

Augustine Institute | The Catholic Faith Explained

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@mikesarno7973 Жыл бұрын
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
@mistyviolet3825 Жыл бұрын
@Jayyy667 Жыл бұрын
You pray in Mary's name and idolize men. Straight down
@clempat4 Жыл бұрын
@dmironyuk Жыл бұрын
You folks understand that in the Bible it states to not pray to anyone or anything(including angels) besides God Himself right?
@clempat4 Жыл бұрын
@@dmironyuk never ask your pastor to pray for or Your family . never ask anyone to pray for you AND your loved ones 💖. I hope that's biblical.
@franciscogerardohernandezr4788 Жыл бұрын
Feeling empathy for demons is as logical as feeling sorry for cartel sicarios when they face tribulations. The moment they can take advantage of you, they will show you no mercy.
@crummybunny777 Жыл бұрын
Even zodiac signs they aren't real don't let the devil deceive you has anybody noticed they all have something to do with sin? No you are not easily angered Bc youre an Aries no you don't like the color black bc you're a Scorpio no youre not lazy bc you're a taurus literally sloth is a sin and black is the color of darkness and God is the light and the demons hate God so they love the dark and when I started following God he opened me and my sisters eyes to realize zodiac signs aren't real many go too astrology and tarot for their future or whats meant for them but never to God or the bible they want what's fun but sadly these are demonic things believe it or not :( me and my sister use to be so caught up in astrology and stuff like that but Not anymore so no you're not that way bc of zodiac signs it's your sins idc how accurate it seems don't be deceived ❤idk if you are gonna read this but i will tell you and everyone God is real 100% believe it or not and what good is it too gain the whole world and lose your own soul? The bible Aka Gods word never said Good people go to heaven and bad people go too hell Far from true! Nobody not no one can work their way into heaven you cant offer God nothing to get in its a free gift you receive it by faith! Repent from sin, sin desires evil things like LilnasX Meghan thee stallion cardi B im telling you and everyone Sin is very serious in the eyes of Our holy God Mrbeast idk if you will read this or not but think about how our world and the people werent like this 1000 years ago things have changed❤Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕 and also hell is full of constant suffering and nightmare and you are forever alone Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕❤❤❤ deadly sins are lust greed gluttony sloth envy and more but I forgot💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@thedelordhimselfgokublack Жыл бұрын
Exactly. The nicest among them are still extremely selfish, choatic, cruel, sadistic, violent and dangerous
@mamc1986 Жыл бұрын
Well the thing is, being nice to them doesn’t mean being a pushover. It’s a hard situation to be in. You don’t wanna get angry or be afraid of them, but don’t think of riding off into the sunset with them either. Just trust your n God and Archangel Michael (or Jesus for many), and hopefully the rest will fall into place. When dealing with demons, you have to entirely trust God.
@kateofone Жыл бұрын
We should feel sorry for cartels especially when they can’t profit
@MultiSpeedMetal 6 ай бұрын
I feel sorry that they are so evil to begin with. I pity them. I only wish they could get themselves to apologize to God and submit to his will. I don't doubt they deserve all the punishment they get.
@catholicarrows Жыл бұрын
I work in psychiatry. I care for a lot of people with Personality Disorders. Father is so right. These people always try to make you feel how they feel. They want to cause you to feel emotional pain by abusing or manipulating you. It's how they share the pain. It can take on a form of extreme narcisism. I saw a nurse tell one of them she was busy and would be back in 5 mins. So, the patient, feeling rejected, pulled off 9 of her 10 toenails as a way of punishing her allocated nurse for not being attentive enough. Sometimes I think there must be a demonic component to their thoughts and behaviours.
@myrddingwynedd2751 Жыл бұрын
Mental illness is certainly demonic. The church is letting these people down by subscribing to modern, atheistic psychiatry in regards to what mental illness is. It is certainly not chemical. Just because they're not revealing people's secret sins and speaking Latin, it doesn't mean there is no demonic influence. The church is letting these people down big time.
@MsDormy Жыл бұрын
Catholic carrows - what a chilling account. If you’d like a perspective on psychiatric diagnosis check our Gerry Marzinsky who was a clinical psychiatrist working with prison inmates for some 40 years. Although not religious ( initially) he came to the conclusion after decades of research that psychosis is possession. He spoke to entities and witnessed the same patterns over and over again. He even worked out treatments based on psalms reading and prayer. Naturally the prison industry didn’t want to know, and he now works independently, helping those who find him. Do look him up. 🙏🙏❤️
@kevinkim3793 Жыл бұрын
I'm curious since you work in psychiatry, you would have the academic exposure to what is often taught in psychology. Based on your experience and knowledge, how would you distinguish between established understandings of personality disorders or other abnormal behaviors and that of spiritual issues? Would you be able to know if a person is purely going through one of the established personality disorders or if they are going through spiritual challenges?
@sueadauctus3306 Жыл бұрын
Don't see how that could happen.
@catholicarrows Жыл бұрын
@@MsDormy I will, this sounds fascinating..Thank you.
@jacobfinley7321 Жыл бұрын
One time I prayed and asked God directly if Satan would take the chance to be forgiven if it were given. The reply I received was "No. They would rather burn than do what I command them"
@jomansson5742 Жыл бұрын
Yes but they're mentally, emotionally and spiritually unwell.
@trynox4fun259 Жыл бұрын
He basically hated us humans and went full scale rebelion because of that Aganist someone who created him like what the f...
@thedelordhimselfgokublack Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 God also told me everything he told you is a lie.
@Integritys_Sum Жыл бұрын
​@@trynox4fun259Also, always made me wonder; If god can know everything and see the the future, couldn't he have seen what Lucifer did coming? also, if he "Made" Lucifer, shouldn't that have still been expected as that would have been lucifer..."functioning" as he was MADE to function? i feel like it kinda woulda been entirely forseeable??
@FatManJackson Жыл бұрын
"The reply I received was". Lmao I think the C.I.A. was whispering into your ears, not God.
@stephenpuskas6130 Жыл бұрын
I am one of those people who God allowed a demon to enter my body for around six months to warn me that I was on the path to going to hell. It was the only way to wake me up from my sinful ways. I then went through a cleansing process which was very difficult with terrible suffering and lasted around a year. I thank God for everything I went through even though it was extremely difficult as the devil has no power over me anymore as long as I continue to stay obedient to God. God is abundantly merciful. I should have known better as I was a practicing Catholic. He gives you many chances so if I chose to go to hell after this major warning from God, it would be my fault, not His.
@Catholic_Warrior Жыл бұрын
Praise be to God, for he is abundant in mercy! Do you happen to carry a Miraculous Medal around your neck as a necklace or a small medal of it in your scapular if you're installed??
@stephenpuskas6130 Жыл бұрын
I carry a Rosary that was blessed in Medjugorje. Mother Mary is also a big part of my salvation.
@LeoWatcher7 Жыл бұрын
@@stephenpuskas6130 Agreed! Mother Mary is awesome - the demonic DETEST her which, for me, says it all. All she wants to do is lead others to her son. I'm so glad you were saved - God bless you Stephen and thanks for sharing your experiences 🙏📿
@kevinkim3793 Жыл бұрын
You don't have to go into particular specifics. However, were you doing anything that is considered particularly different than the societal norm in terms of sinful ways? In today's society there are so many things that are sins that are normalized now but a lot of times in the stories that I have heard involving actual possession, there was stuff involved that goes beyond the typical norm. Many stories I have seen usually involve New Age or occult practices which I would say is not the typical norm for most people. If anything, most people probably struggle with lust, pride, greed, and selfishness.
@stephenpuskas6130 Жыл бұрын
@@kevinkim3793 It is very difficult to explain in a few short words as it is my behaviour spanning over more than 30 years that brought about this demonic possession. In short, I suffered a lot of anxiety since being bullied in my final years of my schooling life. And I gradually turned to sin (gambling and pornography) as when I did these things I would suffer less anxiety even though after doing these things my anxiety would be worse for a while, so naturally it became addictive which I then was unable to break. I was unable to break the cycle as it became my norm. I never went to confession during these years but I rarely missed weekly mass (but I did go once during the Divine Mercy year which was in 2017 so maybe this saved me?). Jesus always finds a way to save someone who is completely lost and I guess in my state it was to give me a complete shock to wake me up from my sinful ways. I now pray and fast regularly as our role in this life is to get to Heaven and to save as many souls in the process. And this is one way to do this. Prayer allows God to work in other peoples lives, the same as he did in my life.
@mamaygrimm796 Жыл бұрын
I have had this conversation with my young son. He also asked if we should or could pray for the devil. In short, my reply was no because satan made his choice and there is no redemption for him. We need to learn from this and it makes him hate us because we get to ask for Gods forgiveness and mercy.
@Catholic_Warrior Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I needed this!
@Aryan-nv9kd Жыл бұрын
His ways are as needed as are God's. If God creates, he destroys and corrupts, so that the cycle continues. If it came to a confrontation, Satan would kneel before God because he was his most beautiful creation and also a loyalist to the core. Though, since there is no final confrontation(which basically means the apocalypse) till now, so that a new creation can be born anew from a corrupted/destroyed one, you will witness more of the Devil's corruptive and subverting illusions as time passes by. Things are going to get worse, and you need to have the strongest of faith. More than God, in yourself as his most favorite and capable creation.. and loved so much so that he even punished his most loyal angel for you. This is pretty much some the culmination of some obscure texts from multiple copies of the Old Testaments around the world which are not in mass circulation anymore, and oh, some restricted chapters as well which go into the details of the "other worlds". The original Bible is probably only known to Metatron since we can no longer trust what is presented to us. We must rely on ourselves and our own research and thoughts.
@PeaceInChrist23 Жыл бұрын
I use to think like your son this and feel sorry for the devil but it's good you told your son this. He made his choice and will be begging Jesus at the end to not through him into the pit. He won't mean it of course. Anything to get him off. Although despite having read several translations someone had to point out to me recently that the devil should not be cursed etc bu humans. God warns it. It's very tempting isn't it. After the pain he puts us all through. We should restrain from doing so. Rise above. He'd just get off on it. When I was younger and innocent I use to think this was because we didn't know the terrible task that he was given but after reading the whole bible it's something like you say he choose. Shame Hollywood had to deceive more generations (as it has done often) with it's series Lucifer. So naughty but clever in the way it does it. We cannot take ourselves to heaven. God will decide if we get in. Jesus will. Not ourselves by forgiving others and ourselves in hell. We need to do that now. We don't have unlimited time in this world. Who would want that anyway.
@billlaut608 Жыл бұрын
I agree about Satan. He had no temptor. But what about the Third of the Heavenly Host? Nowhere is it mentioned in the OT, and in theNT it's in Rev 12:4. The Greek word there is "suro." Same as used in Acts 8, where "Saul of Tarsus entered house after house, DRAGGING men and women out and casting them to prison." That's what Satan did to the Third. They didn't rebel against God, but were stolen against their will. If that be the case, what do we do about them? How can we help them? Is it right to condemn them, when they never rebelled against God but instead were stolen?
@Catholic_Warrior Жыл бұрын
@@billlaut608 I don't think we can help them, because they probably left on their own free will too. Those angels that had fallen would've fought back to be with God if they were stolen but instead they themselves chose against God and worship the devil instead. All of the demons and the devil cry in envy because they can't contain God's divine power, and they're all replaced by us humans. It's also why we say the St. Michael prayer; St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou o prince of the Heavenly Host. By the power of God, cast into hell satan and all the wicked(evil) spirits who prowl about the world seeking for the ruin of souls. Amen. So in short; they weren't stolen. They left because of their own pride. They are eternally condemned. If it's charity and compassion you want, help the lost souls.
@sueadauctus3306 Жыл бұрын
Praying for Father's protection from the demons. Thanks for these videos beloveds!. Stay happy Chris.
@crummybunny777 Жыл бұрын
Even zodiac signs they aren't real don't let the devil deceive you has anybody noticed they all have something to do with sin? No you are not easily angered Bc youre an Aries no you don't like the color black bc you're a Scorpio no youre not lazy bc you're a taurus literally sloth is a sin and black is the color of darkness and God is the light and the demons hate God so they love the dark and when I started following God he opened me and my sisters eyes to realize zodiac signs aren't real many go too astrology and tarot for their future or whats meant for them but never to God or the bible they want what's fun but sadly these are demonic things believe it or not :( me and my sister use to be so caught up in astrology and stuff like that but Not anymore so no you're not that way bc of zodiac signs it's your sins idc how accurate it seems don't be deceived ❤idk if you are gonna read this but i will tell you and everyone God is real 100% believe it or not and what good is it too gain the whole world and lose your own soul? The bible Aka Gods word never said Good people go to heaven and bad people go too hell Far from true! Nobody not no one can work their way into heaven you cant offer God nothing to get in its a free gift you receive it by faith! Repent from sin, sin desires evil things like LilnasX Meghan thee stallion cardi B im telling you and everyone Sin is very serious in the eyes of Our holy God Mrbeast idk if you will read this or not but think about how our world and the people werent like this 1000 years ago things have changed❤Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕 and also hell is full of constant suffering and nightmare and you are forever alone Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕❤❤❤ deadly sins are lust greed gluttony sloth envy and more but I forgot💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@b8akaratn Жыл бұрын
it was only last Sunday where i had wondered, "would God ever forgive the fallen angels" -- and right at that question i ended up breaking my glass coffee carafe. i won't be asking that anymore. WE were made with dependence, while they were made with KNOWLEDGE.
@tristramcoffin926 Жыл бұрын
"There is no mercy in the next life because in Heaven you don't need it and in Hell you are not going to get it." Think about that. Wow.
@user-fy7ru4ii1i Жыл бұрын
What if I told you, the depiction of hell (as we know it), eternal torture, was embellished by the Catholic Church to scare people into the Church. The Church is the only entity which can save you from this eternal torture... ...and while you're here...donation?
@sarita8655 Жыл бұрын
Wow 🤯
@arnoeeuwigheid4499 Жыл бұрын
You simply forget PURGATORY!!!!
@arnoeeuwigheid4499 Жыл бұрын
@@wilhelmeley6617 @wilhelmeley6617 Purgatory is the UPPER LAYER of hell and the ONLY part you can and are ALLOWED to ESCAPE after a period of time. Purgatory was created by God Himself, after he died on the cross for our sins and he went to hell and back, taking with him millions of souls that were forgiven, like He forgave the murderer who died on the cross next to Him!!
@arnoeeuwigheid4499 Жыл бұрын
@@wilhelmeley6617 Sadly you are wrong......
@DarkAngel-cj6sx Жыл бұрын
A nasty mortal enemy that wants me to burn with him eternally, no I have no pity. On top of that he lies and he hates the ones who love me. God Almighty, saints and angels and of course our Lady
@maxfalconi6995 Жыл бұрын
Their existence is dedicated to our destruction so, a hard no from me
@donnalambs9578 5 ай бұрын
Why would Godmokay this game with them. I dk t understand
@brehojojordan7259 Жыл бұрын
i find this Father and these conversations to be fascinating. very cerebral.
@FelicitousCitizenStruggler Жыл бұрын
I've been pondering this very topic personally as well as the nature of malice, I have clarity to read further now. Thank you for sharing and helping Augustine Institute.
@robertramsey653 Жыл бұрын
That was actually very insightful. I forget all too often that it's all about JESUS and not us.
@crummybunny777 Жыл бұрын
Even zodiac signs they aren't real don't let the devil deceive you has anybody noticed they all have something to do with sin? No you are not easily angered Bc youre an Aries no you don't like the color black bc you're a Scorpio no youre not lazy bc you're a taurus literally sloth is a sin and black is the color of darkness and God is the light and the demons hate God so they love the dark and when I started following God he opened me and my sisters eyes to realize zodiac signs aren't real many go too astrology and tarot for their future or whats meant for them but never to God or the bible they want what's fun but sadly these are demonic things believe it or not :( me and my sister use to be so caught up in astrology and stuff like that but Not anymore so no you're not that way bc of zodiac signs it's your sins idc how accurate it seems don't be deceived ❤idk if you are gonna read this but i will tell you and everyone God is real 100% believe it or not and what good is it too gain the whole world and lose your own soul? The bible Aka Gods word never said Good people go to heaven and bad people go too hell Far from true! Nobody not no one can work their way into heaven you cant offer God nothing to get in its a free gift you receive it by faith! Repent from sin, sin desires evil things like LilnasX Meghan thee stallion cardi B im telling you and everyone Sin is very serious in the eyes of Our holy God Mrbeast idk if you will read this or not but think about how our world and the people werent like this 1000 years ago things have changed❤Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕 and also hell is full of constant suffering and nightmare and you are forever alone Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕❤❤❤ deadly sins are lust greed gluttony sloth envy and more but I forgot💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@samvojtech1153 Жыл бұрын
I love Fr. Ripperger in that when I am intimidated by his intelligence, & his holiness in his profession, he will make a joke or say something that reminds me he is just a dude too. I pray for him & Chris!
@karlyncostello6902 Жыл бұрын
I worked as a psychiatric nurse with very violent damaged people and ignoring them is most effective in dealing with their aggression and verbal abuse. My coworkers always said I could see the good in anyone, it was a gift from the Holy Spirit. Evil one taught me how to hate and for one whole year the only reason I went to mass was to BURN evil one.But for me dealing with them as I did those in the psychiatric ward works the best…….. I ignore them and praise God for his mercy and my freedom from sin.I don’t even want or need to play demon games .I’ve always had the gifts of meekness and love and obedience. That’s what demons fear. They kicked my behind inside and out, but cleared more room for the Holy Spirit to move in.They can only do what God allows. I love the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…. This battle has already been won.There is nothing we cannot be forgiven of if we truly repent and turn our eyes toward God. And He will help you in every way if you ask sincerely. Still hurts a lot to be alive though😂❤
@Catholic_Warrior Жыл бұрын
I love you, but God loves you even more! You sound like a lovely person, and God may be working through you! I hope to see you in Heaven so we can praise God together!
@AKAthe3rdPERSON Жыл бұрын
Religious people should not work in scientific fields. Psychiatry is science. You are mixing your beliefs into natural causes. You are going to blame the Devil for mental illness. You are the problem.
@wariokhabib245 Жыл бұрын
You're a woman and you were given the gift of obedience? Why can't God make MORE like you?🤦🏻‍♂️
@philfrank5601 Жыл бұрын
Short answer: no Long answer: noooooooooo
@travismoore7849 Жыл бұрын
Demons are parasites that should not pitied.
@youdontknowme1258 Жыл бұрын
I just asked this question to myself. Thank you, both!!! Praise GOD!!🙏🏼💕
@crummybunny777 Жыл бұрын
Even zodiac signs they aren't real don't let the devil deceive you has anybody noticed they all have something to do with sin? No you are not easily angered Bc youre an Aries no you don't like the color black bc you're a Scorpio no youre not lazy bc you're a taurus literally sloth is a sin and black is the color of darkness and God is the light and the demons hate God so they love the dark and when I started following God he opened me and my sisters eyes to realize zodiac signs aren't real many go too astrology and tarot for their future or whats meant for them but never to God or the bible they want what's fun but sadly these are demonic things believe it or not :( me and my sister use to be so caught up in astrology and stuff like that but Not anymore so no you're not that way bc of zodiac signs it's your sins idc how accurate it seems don't be deceived ❤idk if you are gonna read this but i will tell you and everyone God is real 100% believe it or not and what good is it too gain the whole world and lose your own soul? The bible Aka Gods word never said Good people go to heaven and bad people go too hell Far from true! Nobody not no one can work their way into heaven you cant offer God nothing to get in its a free gift you receive it by faith! Repent from sin, sin desires evil things like LilnasX Meghan thee stallion cardi B im telling you and everyone Sin is very serious in the eyes of Our holy God Mrbeast idk if you will read this or not but think about how our world and the people werent like this 1000 years ago things have changed❤Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕 and also hell is full of constant suffering and nightmare and you are forever alone Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕❤❤❤ deadly sins are lust greed gluttony sloth envy and more but I forgot💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@warrenoakes4521 Жыл бұрын
Don’t feel sorry for demons, feel sorry for the people they affect, feel nothing for them, they’ve been judged already, I feel nothing for them, their trial is complete, my feelings have no business with the demon
@johnblaze4556 Жыл бұрын
How do you seperate the negative feeling towards a person who is a vessel for these demons
@warrenoakes4521 Жыл бұрын
@@johnblaze4556 personally, I don’t hold them accountable for their afflictions the demon should be despised, being despicable, but the possessed are in need of help
@kateofone Жыл бұрын
@@johnblaze4556 I see them as one and the same. Burn baby burn, I just wish I could hear them in the fire.
@MultiSpeedMetal 6 ай бұрын
@@kateofoneGross. Don't delight in suffering but that justice is done. Delight in God and his goodness.
@kateofone 6 ай бұрын
@@MultiSpeedMetal So God basically gave me heavy conviction after I said this. So I learned my lesson.
@catholicarrows Жыл бұрын
Absolutely NOT!. Zero sympathy for the haters of God and His beloved Mother. May they burn forever. God is mercy AND justice, He never gets it wrong. We just dom't understand it.
@JKE801 Жыл бұрын
They want you there with them. They love creating misery, delighting in evil and lies, with malice. They chose their own fate and will have the punishment God appointed for them. I don’t feel anything towards them, except God’s sentence for their actions, is a righteous judgement and deserved.
@kateofone Жыл бұрын
Just like a child raised by a mother who had the option to abort but couldn’t. That kid deserves torment for just being born.
@faithluttrell3224 Жыл бұрын
Never get attached to these things. They are completely deceiving! I hate demons. They are so annoying.
@kateofone Жыл бұрын
Hate is a sin 😏
@johnisaacfelipe6357 Жыл бұрын
@AS-fu1kd Жыл бұрын
I dont see the point in having sympathy for a being that works day and night to assure your eternal destruction.
@ethanfallon2576 Жыл бұрын
Short answer is no
@catharsismemory Жыл бұрын
No. They chose to rebell against God so they have decided their fate.
@Emily-me Жыл бұрын
Okay fair, what about humans who rebel against god.
@iteinflammateomnia Жыл бұрын
​@E H A human can be redeemed. A demon is eternally damned. What makes a demon worse, however, is that their conscience and intellect were perfectly formed at their creation; they knew exactly what would happen if they rebelled, and yet out of pride, they did it anyways.
@kevinkim3793 Жыл бұрын
@@iteinflammateomnia From a theological perspective I'm curious how pride even came about at all though. It certainly did not affect all angels, but why did it affect the ones that it did? What made let's say Angel 1 and Angel 2 not fall to pride but Angel 3 did?
@iteinflammateomnia Жыл бұрын
@@kevinkim3793 From what I know about the angels, which admittedly isn't too much, they do possess free will, just like humans. Thus, I would think that had a major part in them rebelling. I'll look more into it, as this is very interesting.
@peaceandserenitylovejez Жыл бұрын
​​​No Actually they didn't know the consequence would be so great... Bec.before there was no hell yet..they didn't know hell would be the consequence..that is according to the fallen angels themselves... they said this to devil worshippers ..coz these devil worshippers can talk to these spirits
@antoniorocha9438 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting topic and glad I didn't miss it😊
@crummybunny777 Жыл бұрын
Even zodiac signs they aren't real don't let the devil deceive you has anybody noticed they all have something to do with sin? No you are not easily angered Bc youre an Aries no you don't like the color black bc you're a Scorpio no youre not lazy bc you're a taurus literally sloth is a sin and black is the color of darkness and God is the light and the demons hate God so they love the dark and when I started following God he opened me and my sisters eyes to realize zodiac signs aren't real many go too astrology and tarot for their future or whats meant for them but never to God or the bible they want what's fun but sadly these are demonic things believe it or not :( me and my sister use to be so caught up in astrology and stuff like that but Not anymore so no you're not that way bc of zodiac signs it's your sins idc how accurate it seems don't be deceived ❤idk if you are gonna read this but i will tell you and everyone God is real 100% believe it or not and what good is it too gain the whole world and lose your own soul? The bible Aka Gods word never said Good people go to heaven and bad people go too hell Far from true! Nobody not no one can work their way into heaven you cant offer God nothing to get in its a free gift you receive it by faith! Repent from sin, sin desires evil things like LilnasX Meghan thee stallion cardi B im telling you and everyone Sin is very serious in the eyes of Our holy God Mrbeast idk if you will read this or not but think about how our world and the people werent like this 1000 years ago things have changed❤Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕 and also hell is full of constant suffering and nightmare and you are forever alone Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕❤❤❤ deadly sins are lust greed gluttony sloth envy and more but I forgot💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@matt19026 11 ай бұрын
"We have to be able to suffer well so that we can do what is best for the other person." - mind blown! Isn't this the model for all of our dealings with other people?
@glennleslie6127 Жыл бұрын
wonderful interview... profound
@lupinsredjacket3191 Жыл бұрын
On a personal level, I do admit that I feel sympathy for the demons to some degree. I'm aware that they themselves chose their own fate, despite having the privilege of divine knowledge via a direct holy and spiritual connection to God Himself. That said, Hell sucks. And I wouldn't wish that place even upon my WORST enemy. I liken it to a drunk driver who ends up dying in a car accident he caused. Yes, he acted selfishly, drinking and getting behind the wheel, recklessly endangering everyone around him. But you can't help but feel a little sorry for the guy. Anyway, I like to poke a little fun at myself when it comes to this topic by joke-blaming it on my womanly nature.
@JarekKrawczykCommentary Жыл бұрын
You should feel sorry for the driver. It is possible that he was born in catholic family where both parents were drinking too, the father to forget that he was abused by a priest as a child, the mother could cope with stress of raising familly with many kids and no money. The driver's cognitive abilities were negatively afected akready when he was in mother's womb, and to make story short, he was a product of circumstances he was born and raised in. Furthermore, the anguish suffered by his family, or first responders was used by God to bring this people closer to God. With your God you just never know. Just think about it He has killed a lot of innocent kids as reprisal for actions of adults around them, which apparently was a sufficiently moral reason. What is tragical and comical at the same time, you have to call his behavior moral.
@IsraelCountryCube Жыл бұрын
​@@JarekKrawczykCommentary for sure I'm a male and there's most likely as much as female abused victims however I was a victim now I'm not though I don't think of myself as such now as adult male I could destroy that male which is as an adult as I am however although I could undoubtedly hurt him perhaps if should be in my best interest not to? Because what if I have a harder time following God. So if you want to be on my side. Would you respect my God? There is indeed human evil which can be alone by itself sometimes and these humans are merely that evil killing each other however when Satan this is malevolence beyond evil who has a personality person's and when he messes with humans any male female will feel his wrath of immorality lacking there of good and so there now the humans suffering are multiplied because they're living in side of hell on earth not safe and sound. Evil malevolent spirits are as real as good Benevolent spirits. Secular psych wards admit this and need help from the Catholic vatican to send exorcists. Amen peace. God bless you.
@IsraelCountryCube Жыл бұрын
I don't feel angry at the devil. I've obviously suffered because of him. However at times my lustful sins is because my original sin only me as human male. As I am sinful equally as is a human female and any other human. Not many of us can blame the devil who have rights to do so. My sins were so tempting and delicious I decided Jesus Christ is less important than such knowledge and experience but it was not so yet an illusion that is a mirage Satan shops up at it. Thanks to God I got rid of the doubled mind that wasn't me. But it was in me. Now it's gone. God bless. I suggest you pray don't feel bad for him nor hate him. He deserves where he needs to be. Honestly the bible is most likely not the end of the story for humanity. However the bible is all about Jesus Christ. Which he is there to save humanity. So that's probably all we needed to know for as long as we are in this physical pitiful place amen!
@lupinsredjacket3191 Жыл бұрын
@@JarekKrawczykCommentary God is the author of all life. He is free to give it or take it as He sees fit.
@JarekKrawczykCommentary Жыл бұрын
@@IsraelCountryCube I don't want to add to the mental anguish seem to feel, so I will skip the first 9/10 of your comments. As to the rest, I have been working for decades in health care, including hospital settings, and I can tell you that although the psychiatric wards have a sizable number of people having delusions and hallucinations with religious themes, as well as many other patients requiring professional help, it is not the exorcists that treat and manage them. But since you seem to be interested in that topic, please point me to the evidence on video showing supernatural events during exorcism. The best would be video showing devil levitating victims under ceiling.
@queenmary9455 Жыл бұрын
I love these videos. Such insightful content! Thank u for bringing them to us !!!!!!!🎉
@joefriedman7600 Жыл бұрын
I thank God for my existence
@crummybunny777 Жыл бұрын
Even zodiac signs they aren't real don't let the devil deceive you has anybody noticed they all have something to do with sin? No you are not easily angered Bc youre an Aries no you don't like the color black bc you're a Scorpio no youre not lazy bc you're a taurus literally sloth is a sin and black is the color of darkness and God is the light and the demons hate God so they love the dark and when I started following God he opened me and my sisters eyes to realize zodiac signs aren't real many go too astrology and tarot for their future or whats meant for them but never to God or the bible they want what's fun but sadly these are demonic things believe it or not :( me and my sister use to be so caught up in astrology and stuff like that but Not anymore so no you're not that way bc of zodiac signs it's your sins idc how accurate it seems don't be deceived ❤idk if you are gonna read this but i will tell you and everyone God is real 100% believe it or not and what good is it too gain the whole world and lose your own soul? The bible Aka Gods word never said Good people go to heaven and bad people go too hell Far from true! Nobody not no one can work their way into heaven you cant offer God nothing to get in its a free gift you receive it by faith! Repent from sin, sin desires evil things like LilnasX Meghan thee stallion cardi B im telling you and everyone Sin is very serious in the eyes of Our holy God Mrbeast idk if you will read this or not but think about how our world and the people werent like this 1000 years ago things have changed❤Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕 and also hell is full of constant suffering and nightmare and you are forever alone Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕❤❤❤ deadly sins are lust greed gluttony sloth envy and more but I forgot💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@ryanawilson8549 Жыл бұрын
Is it sympathy or empathy in knowing what it's like to make a horrible decision bc most humans know exactly what that is like?
@kokomanation Жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for every creature that is suffering but that doesn’t mean we should not be careful.When something has not the capacity to suffer and makes others suffer in that case I don’t feel sorry at all
@faithluttrell3224 Жыл бұрын
They chose freely
@ray.d.oeaux1230 Жыл бұрын
Why should we have compassion for the irredeemable enemies of God who hate us and seek our damnation to further offend Him?! Jesus suffered and died to rescue us from their grip and fate. And pray to Mary and St. Michael for their help.
@pennsyltuckyreb9800 Жыл бұрын
No. They're aren't human, can never be redeemed, and are eternally damned forever. Their sole purpose is to destroy you and drag your soul down with theirs.
@dogkungfu8510 Жыл бұрын
First time on this channel. Great vid! I was expecting a quick no and lots of filler, or other reasons to quickly click off. There is a lot in this short vid, even just getting this defintion of malice was worth my time. Good work and thanks!
@ToqTheWise Жыл бұрын
Hellboy is actually half demon, meaning he has a human nature as well.
@momtosix1999 Жыл бұрын
And he’s Catholic!!
@ToqTheWise Жыл бұрын
@@momtosix1999 #JusticeForBrotherHellboy
Matthew 4:8-10 8 Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” 10 Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is יהוה (YHWH) (YAHUAH) (YAH), your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.'
@l0I0I0I0 Жыл бұрын
Chris. Not sure how to reach you. Though I very much enjoy Fr.s talks, I'm very concerned about Frs. Assistant Kyle Clements. I personally knew this man and he was a billigerant tyrant, had many issues with degrading other people in serious material ways and teaching clearly false doctrine. He doesnt do it in front of others but he does it, well he use to. Maybe he changed, but its unlikely. I could go on for hours but Im just greatly concerned that Fr. R. Could ve so easily deceived simply because he does favors for him. Personally I stay far away and question his doctrine knowing his partner makes me doubt Fr. as well. Im not detracting as there is a serious and real concern here and I dont understand how Fr. R could be so easily deceived? Kyle hurt many people in very very serious ways amd taught things contrary to the faith and was banned from ministry in the Catholic Church for real offenses, not some imaginary demonic attack as he claims. He also attacked a previous bishop making highly suspicious accusations threatening to report him to the media. Kyle had been banned and wanted the bishop to recant which he did not. This is fact not rumor or speculation as I was a first witness, not rumor. I have very real concern here. If the guy cleaned up his act then great but idk.
@Mr80jb Жыл бұрын
OMG, that’s all I need to hear now
@user-fy7ru4ii1i Жыл бұрын
Do you know what OMG means?
@pimplejuice8774 Жыл бұрын
@@user-fy7ru4ii1iit means oh my god, and i don’t understand why it’s considered vain to say. Idk of thats what you were implying but it’s so dumb. It wasn’t used in a way that was negative towards yours or his relationship with God.
@jbz2291 Жыл бұрын
Love the video! The battle is real. Off topic, as a person with ADD, the flashy blue sign that fades in and out makes my brain hurt.
@crummybunny777 Жыл бұрын
Even zodiac signs they aren't real don't let the devil deceive you has anybody noticed they all have something to do with sin? No you are not easily angered Bc youre an Aries no you don't like the color black bc you're a Scorpio no youre not lazy bc you're a taurus literally sloth is a sin and black is the color of darkness and God is the light and the demons hate God so they love the dark and when I started following God he opened me and my sisters eyes to realize zodiac signs aren't real many go too astrology and tarot for their future or whats meant for them but never to God or the bible they want what's fun but sadly these are demonic things believe it or not :( me and my sister use to be so caught up in astrology and stuff like that but Not anymore so no you're not that way bc of zodiac signs it's your sins idc how accurate it seems don't be deceived ❤idk if you are gonna read this but i will tell you and everyone God is real 100% believe it or not and what good is it too gain the whole world and lose your own soul? The bible Aka Gods word never said Good people go to heaven and bad people go too hell Far from true! Nobody not no one can work their way into heaven you cant offer God nothing to get in its a free gift you receive it by faith! Repent from sin, sin desires evil things like LilnasX Meghan thee stallion cardi B im telling you and everyone Sin is very serious in the eyes of Our holy God Mrbeast idk if you will read this or not but think about how our world and the people werent like this 1000 years ago things have changed❤Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕 and also hell is full of constant suffering and nightmare and you are forever alone Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕❤❤❤ deadly sins are lust greed gluttony sloth envy and more but I forgot💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Lordofskags Жыл бұрын
It happened to me and I struggle everyday to overcome my natural tendency as a human to sin I crave closeness to god like I’m missing a oneness in my heart
@josephclancy3528 Жыл бұрын
You say it yourself; "natural tendency as a human" --- It is not the devil; it is because you are a human being with NORMAL human emotions; desires; feelings etc ! Catholic guilt is one of the unfortunate by-products of this organisation AND --- They know it and use it for their benefit !
@teresawommack5148 8 ай бұрын
Some people might not believe me but I would love to tell you a part of my story. My small family started reading and did a lot of study on God. After months of this one night when i went to sleep, I was attacked by some thing so evil I thought it was the devil. I was fighting for my life and kicking it to try and get it off of me. It turns out with all my fighting i had Fractured my Femur. I was in so much pain. The next morning I had to go to the hospital. I couldn't walk for almost 6 months. It has never healed completely. I still have bad dreams. The closer i get to our Father the worse it gets for me. I hope people will understand how real demons are. Bless you all!
@jasonahdjfhsdfg 6 ай бұрын
I’ve never been attacked like that, I’m sorry you broke your femur, that’s horrible, I have had many demonic attacks though. I’ve been praying and drawling close to God a lot over this last 3-4 years, and as soon as I get close to Him I get attacked. Only a week or so ago I got close to Him one night and I went to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night and felt utterly horrible, like something evil was oppressing me, it was a horrible feeling and as soon as I had this feeling the only thing I thought to do at the time was pick up my phone just to distract myself from this evil feeling I had. Anyway to cut a long story short, my phone is major problem in my walk with God at the moment, it’s an addiction for me which the enemy knows all about for me, and that was his exact plan for me, and it worked as the rather than the next day waking up feeling close to the Lord, I felt back in the flesh again. I’ve been so annoyed with myself since then, because if I was thinking more clearly I would have called on the name of Jesus to rebuke the demons, but I fell for their tricks instead. Anyway sorry I just wanted to share my experience with you, I do believe you 100%, this isn’t the first time I’ve been attacked spiritually, and I know it won’t be the last either.
@Torgo-and-the-Lucifer-Cat Жыл бұрын
Of course!! Think of the thankless job that demons have, constantly tempting us to sift out the good and bad! Tirelessly doing the task assigned to them, not complaining! ❤
@vincentboyd6165 Жыл бұрын
He is absolutely correct. God and Jesus showed no compassion towards demons. This is where Satan twists the truth about God loves everyone and our times we know where and who has been saying that, when it's a lie. Jesus showed many times how he confronted demons in people and as a believer in God it is the hardest thing in life and even among Christians to accomplish. I feel this way or see it because we aren't divine so our justice comes out in anger, and not forgiveness and the fought of the demon with God's law. This is why it's so easy for Satan to trick people.
@kevinkim3793 Жыл бұрын
The major distinction between humans and fallen angels is that humans until they die have the possibility (even if 0.01% chance) to actually have their heart turned towards God. This is not the case with fallen angels. They only constantly seek to go against God's Will in every single moment in some way. This is why God's Love is available to all humans while they still draw breath.
@baldrthebraveandnursechris7346 Жыл бұрын
People forget that they should fear God
@Lambchop317 10 ай бұрын
God AND Jesus?
@janetharrison9807 Жыл бұрын
@philalcoceli6328 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video. Demons ask for a pity and mercy that they can't receive because they are the eternal, irrevocable, forever unchangeable enemies of True Mercy. That's how Naive False Compassion and Mercy have become today's biggest monsters. There's such enormous amounts of False Compassion and Mercy empowering and enabling evil that True Compassion and True Mercy dissappear. Demons and their followers demand compassion and mercy so they can inflict more evil. Mr. Stefanick, I respectfully request that you interview Father Chad Ripperger about demons and how they have brought the naivete, false compassion and false mercy that are infesting and destroying the Church and the world. In advance, thank you so very much!!
@morganreigns1984 Жыл бұрын
Mark 5 / Jesus showed mercy and they believe and they tremble .
@kateofone Жыл бұрын
Keep quiet we will force our version of Christianity on this nation and people will now and kneel. Those who don’t get deported
@kevingoode521 Жыл бұрын
These beings existed in the presence of God and turned for whatever reason be it pride, jealousy, etc. I do not have compassion for beings that are destroying the lives of human beings that have no power in and of themselves. We need God's mercy. Why should they receive it? As I said, they were in the presence of God and chose to rebel.
@lynne0528 Жыл бұрын
This makes me think of the show Breaking Bad. My son emphasizes the reason this man is trying to help his family by selling drugs and pities him without considering how many people die because of his drug sales. He is no hero!
@pimplejuice8774 Жыл бұрын
Yes even the character himself admitted he’s no saint.
@faithluttrell3224 Жыл бұрын
When you hear them growling you won’t feel bad for them.
@boem3021 Жыл бұрын
Lucifer has chosen despite knowing better. "Your body, your choice" so suffer the consequences. No compassion on my behalf.
@grammamellow1219 Жыл бұрын
No, full stop. I'm not even gonna listen. They chose. Full Stop.
@terrorists-are-among-us Жыл бұрын
So I know a guy that murdered a woman and when I was digging through his court documents he filed complains about something was unkept or unsafe and no one cared. I've known other people in prison and they have a tendency to line up someone from the outside that will be devoted to them. Even have children between sentences. Guess they figure they'll go back soon but don't want it to suck.
@crummybunny777 Жыл бұрын
Even zodiac signs they aren't real don't let the devil deceive you has anybody noticed they all have something to do with sin? No you are not easily angered Bc youre an Aries no you don't like the color black bc you're a Scorpio no youre not lazy bc you're a taurus literally sloth is a sin and black is the color of darkness and God is the light and the demons hate God so they love the dark and when I started following God he opened me and my sisters eyes to realize zodiac signs aren't real many go too astrology and tarot for their future or whats meant for them but never to God or the bible they want what's fun but sadly these are demonic things believe it or not :( me and my sister use to be so caught up in astrology and stuff like that but Not anymore so no you're not that way bc of zodiac signs it's your sins idc how accurate it seems don't be deceived ❤idk if you are gonna read this but i will tell you and everyone God is real 100% believe it or not and what good is it too gain the whole world and lose your own soul? The bible Aka Gods word never said Good people go to heaven and bad people go too hell Far from true! Nobody not no one can work their way into heaven you cant offer God nothing to get in its a free gift you receive it by faith! Repent from sin, sin desires evil things like LilnasX Meghan thee stallion cardi B im telling you and everyone Sin is very serious in the eyes of Our holy God Mrbeast idk if you will read this or not but think about how our world and the people werent like this 1000 years ago things have changed❤Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕 and also hell is full of constant suffering and nightmare and you are forever alone Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕❤❤❤ deadly sins are lust greed gluttony sloth envy and more but I forgot💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@country_boy7475 Жыл бұрын
You cannot pray for demons they are hellward bound. They made their choice three 6's
@arthurdevrome8925 Жыл бұрын
Demons are hopeless...
@davidmarsh5337 Жыл бұрын
It’s for the lord alone to decide their fate it’s not for us to decide their fate either punishment orforgiveness is up to the Devine only in humbleness and prayer can we receive his mercy and compassion by his will alone🙏
@user-fy7ru4ii1i Жыл бұрын
HELLBOY SPAWN "Demons" who rejected hell to "do good".
@leomullins Жыл бұрын
Emphatically NO. Only sincere repentance can make forgiveness and mercy available. Demons have made their choice and cannot repent.
@jeanb.5405 Жыл бұрын
NO because they are receiving Perfect Justice by God and we should celebrate His Justice not wallow in the sadness of those who hated on him. Bue we can feel sad that He was rejected.
@JesusChrist_IsTruth-LoveForALL Жыл бұрын
Without even watching the video yet the answer is HELL NO!
@hermione9445 Жыл бұрын
Jesus said forgive your enemies and pray for those who persecute you .
@vincentmcnabb939 5 ай бұрын
He spoke of our fellow man not of the demons. The demons hate us even more than God. The Incarnation, the new Adam, was an atrocity to them; the peasant Virgin maid, the new Eve, a source of eternal resentment.
@patula3499 Жыл бұрын
Humans? Sure. Spiritual demons? No.
@rftrusse84 11 ай бұрын
Are we not supposed to pray for our friends, family, neighbors? So why not our enemies as well? Pray for evil to find good?
@faithledbetter5664 Жыл бұрын
I also pray priests believe in filling that person with the annointing after
@louisspiga4813 Жыл бұрын
There is no in between! Lesser evil greater evil.either good or evil period!
@abrahamphilip6439 Жыл бұрын
Says God ",I create Good & I create Evil , Choose the Good" So if some choose the Evil out of their own free mind , why should anyone be sorry for them , Arises the question " What was the intention of God by planting the tree of the Knowlege of good & evil ?
@crummybunny777 Жыл бұрын
Even zodiac signs they aren't real don't let the devil deceive you has anybody noticed they all have something to do with sin? No you are not easily angered Bc youre an Aries no you don't like the color black bc you're a Scorpio no youre not lazy bc you're a taurus literally sloth is a sin and black is the color of darkness and God is the light and the demons hate God so they love the dark and when I started following God he opened me and my sisters eyes to realize zodiac signs aren't real many go too astrology and tarot for their future or whats meant for them but never to God or the bible they want what's fun but sadly these are demonic things believe it or not :( me and my sister use to be so caught up in astrology and stuff like that but Not anymore so no you're not that way bc of zodiac signs it's your sins idc how accurate it seems don't be deceived ❤idk if you are gonna read this but i will tell you and everyone God is real 100% believe it or not and what good is it too gain the whole world and lose your own soul? The bible Aka Gods word never said Good people go to heaven and bad people go too hell Far from true! Nobody not no one can work their way into heaven you cant offer God nothing to get in its a free gift you receive it by faith! Repent from sin, sin desires evil things like LilnasX Meghan thee stallion cardi B im telling you and everyone Sin is very serious in the eyes of Our holy God Mrbeast idk if you will read this or not but think about how our world and the people werent like this 1000 years ago things have changed❤Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕 and also hell is full of constant suffering and nightmare and you are forever alone Guys the bible tells us more people go too hell than heaven if you live in sin and don't repent you won't be saved and god doesn't send people to hell if they go too hell they go of free choice! Hell was made for the devil and his angels you should watch billy garham give your life to Jesus we are in the last days and Jesus loves you and he shedded blood on that cross without the shedding of blood sin cannot be forgiven and sin is very serious in the eyes of god I was depressed to and sinned for fun I had suicidal thoughts I remember in my room one night I told god that of things don't change I'm gonna kms I was sorry weak and at sometimes so weak I felt like I was dying then I remember a really good day came a day I loved so much and wanted more of so on that same day I remember saying god, I'm just gonna trust you and when you try to do something right the devil attacks you so the next day was horrible I don't wanna say how it was it was just horrible! I stayed strong BC after so long of trying to go to anything else but god they all failed me so I held on to god as the reason let me skip to now and say I started off faithless now I'm so faithful in god I started off worried for my future now I know its something gods gonna handle I'm not feeling depressed anymore the whole year of 2022 was hard but with god I made it threw! Now I learned so much and love my relationship with god I know he loves and cares for me AND HE LOVES AND CARES FOR YOU TOO! I remember I was depressed and believed god didn't love me or care for me but that what the devil telling me lies and I had so many demons but now its 2023 I'm free!💗💕 give god your life today he can do things unimaginable👑😇 please don't waste time we are in the last days the bible never said just be a good person and be nice to people and you will go to heaven No you need to be willing to give up sin anything evil bad is sin even evil thoughts come to Jesus today you never know when its too late💕❤❤❤ deadly sins are lust greed gluttony sloth envy and more but I forgot💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@wariokhabib245 Жыл бұрын
"Heh heh heh heh heh, you can eat the fruit off of EVERY tree in The Garden EXCEEEEEEEEEPT...THIS ONE!!!" Well, I didn't WANNA eat the fruit off that tree until You told me not to!!!!" --Sam Kinison
@user-ji2on8eg3l Жыл бұрын
Revelation 12:13-18 When the dragon saw that it had been thrown down to the earth, it pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she could fly to her place in the desert, where, far from the serpent, she was taken care of for a year, two years, and a half-year. The serpent, however, spewed a torrent of water out of his mouth after the woman to sweep her away with the current. But the earth helped the woman and opened its mouth and swallowed the flood that the dragon spewed out of its mouth. Then the dragon became angry with the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring, those who keep God’s commandments and bear witness to Jesus. It took its position on the sand of the sea.
@geordiewishart1683 Жыл бұрын
What a beautiful allegory concerning the woman, twelve tribed Israel which brought forth the Messiah
@JarekKrawczykCommentary Жыл бұрын
LOL. You should feel towards deamons the same way you feel towards triangles that are not yet drawn, but already exists in your head.
@lupinsredjacket3191 Жыл бұрын
I feel that exact way for people who cannot even spell "demons" the correct way *despite* editing their original comment.
@JarekKrawczykCommentary Жыл бұрын
@@lupinsredjacket3191 You got the gist, didn't you? Sorry, English is my fifth language, I make biger mistakes then spelling. It happens. How well can you spell in Polish?
@Lili-Benovent 6 ай бұрын
Men move throughout my life as just so much flotsam, they come and go, they’re there to serve my carnal needs but there was one in the past that I thought special. His name was Errol and he was a boxer, a good preliminary fighter but not top ranked, ruggedly handsome with a wild sense of humor. Early one morning after a torrid night of love he complained of feeling very cold and fifteen minutes later he gasped that his whole body had seized up, he thought he was having a stroke or a heart attack but I knew what was wrong’ I asked Bix to free him, sometimes Bix becomes really jealous, I tried to explain to him about Dari and Bix and I told him everything. If he became inducted into the church of Ahriman and invoked his own Spirits he would become a great boxer like so many others but he freaked out and headed for the door. Oh well, that’s love for you. I don’t think much about him anymore, men are like grapes, there for the picking and life is so much fun. Blessed be.
@mrgreyman3358 Жыл бұрын
Demons rejected mercy, in spite of being in the presence of God, thus not showing them mercy, is the consequence of their free agency choice. mercy for the person possessed is the removal of the demon. you can still feel sad that the demon chose satan over God, short term promise over long term gain, but you can withhold that which they rejected to begin with.
@anng.4542 9 ай бұрын
Sympathy, no. Regret, maybe, for what might have been.
@samaelcercunnin5227 Жыл бұрын
You don't need to have sympathy for them now that they've met you. That's a major stroke of luck. Compared to being a demon, it's like they've met someone really cool. A living person, who can feel God's love. If they've met you, then their fortunes are clearly looking up. One thing I've always said is, in a duel with Satan, love is the best weapon to choose. You may battle for months, but that's what you should be armed with. And if you should get disarmed, then you should have faith underneath to back you up. That's like your stealth move, to clinch the battle, just when they think they have won.
@baldrthebraveandnursechris7346 Жыл бұрын
@joanneshea4060 Жыл бұрын
No way!!
@user-hw3we5yr6y Жыл бұрын
Tell Mr. Exorcist the old one says whistle with El!
@catholic3dod790 7 ай бұрын
Remember St. Therese did pity on two little demons.
@HarleyGirl75 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely never!!
@clempat4 Жыл бұрын
A resounding NO!!
@ATP12331 5 ай бұрын
I used to feel some sort of compassion for them at one point in my life. Boy was that a mistake. Having compassion for them is basically giving them permission to influence you. Demons are only capable of hate. They are not capable of loving or receiving love.
@maureenbennett809 Жыл бұрын
Why on earth would we want to feel sorry for demons - They’re vile extremely wicked beings🤮
@petersclafani4370 Жыл бұрын
Feeling sorry for them is like feeling sorry for a serial killer, murder, rapist
@crevecouer6772 6 ай бұрын
Plain and simple NO!
@rogerjohnson833 Жыл бұрын
Of course not, curse them when ever you can. They act like benevolent beings, but they hate mankind and want to take you to eternal hell with them. They started a mutiny in heaven, but lost and were cast out of heaven. Now they want mankind to rebel against God. Be not deceived.
@cresenciocarreon8140 7 ай бұрын
Show them no sympathy pay no attention to the devil.
@youngimages2000 Жыл бұрын
Should we feel sorry for demons..? If you’re suicidal…
@nigelikin7462 Жыл бұрын
How can I have sympathy for anyone who doesn't exist?
@vincentmcnabb939 5 ай бұрын
By having no sympathy for the Beast that does exist.
@Tampenismall Жыл бұрын
More toward respect then compassion
@johnphelan8300 Жыл бұрын
Mr. Rioperger is at it again. 😂
@bdpage2023 Жыл бұрын
No. Empathy--yes. As gracious as He is, He won't grant them absolution; that, is telling. I have sympathy for our ancestral mankind who was corrupted by the fallen. Their mistakes were very premeditated without impulse. The Bible talks about the great value in wisdom and understanding.
@micxploed 7 ай бұрын
In order for you to feel sympathy for the fallen angel's demons and any other being that is now against God, you have to understand what they did and once you understand what they did and the fact they want to destroy humanity completely, You will not have sympathy for them. On the other hand, I have always wondered if God still loves Lucifer the Fallen Angels and the nephilim? Do you think God still loves him or how do you think he feels about them? Because they're still God's children right?
@danakesyt 9 ай бұрын
Don't have any sympathy for pure evil figures. They had their chance to be reconciled with God - and they will never be forgiven for what they did. Disobeying God at its highest form.
@brittanyrenee8478 Жыл бұрын
absolutely not how insane
@sakuracardcaptor4709 Жыл бұрын
@PortmanRd Жыл бұрын
🎵 So if you meet me Have some courtesy Have some sympathy, and some taste Use all your well-learned politeness Or I'll lay your soul to waste, mm yeah 🎵
@PiaseckiAdam22 Жыл бұрын
We should have a stronger focus on Jesus Christ. Focus on His Gospel. There are many lessons and secrets to learn in the bible OT and NT to find examples of Jesus Christ and apply his Word in our lives. We should def not delight in Evil.
@rebeccadaniel2560 Жыл бұрын
Yes we should forgive them
@metsot Жыл бұрын
Glory to The Lord !
@ifeawosika966 Жыл бұрын
No. They're part of the cause of our suffering.
@jamesstewart3088 Жыл бұрын
Should we feel sorry for the demons? I say no because they made their own decisions and knew the consequences and still chose to sin against our Creator.
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