I love shaman so much. I did die once so far in gnomer from a hunter pet that pulled while I was healing. Going agane for that shaman life. Bouncing back to 34 fast.
@jasondotg Жыл бұрын
This video is like 90% responsible for me deciding to play HC and to obviously roll shaman. Just hit 10 and I'm loving it. Thanks for the great guide and channel.
@Toyhouze Жыл бұрын
That is awesome man!
@seansaxon641 Жыл бұрын
Love this! I was 100% shaman a couple of weeks ago, but I remembered how painful leveling can be. I think you helped me avoid a dorf priest by reigniting that shaman fire in my belly.
@goblinrat6119 Жыл бұрын
One thing to consider is that if you do Ragefire Chasm and the quest chain that's related to that (Hidden Enemies), you will actually get the Staff of Orgrimmar (or I guess Hammer of Orgrimmar if you swing that way), which is better than the Cauldron Stirrer.
@quixmith Жыл бұрын
Played a shaman for 16 years, can confirm for filthy casuals the 1H with shield was the slower but safer bet. You feel really tanky and the damage with rockbiter is quite a bit easier to plan around, it's not really as bad as one would think. As a bonus, you can save mana and just auto attack if you're have the patience
@mr.mikaeel6264 Жыл бұрын
Slow and steady wins the race
@patrickhenry1249 Жыл бұрын
You also can literally tank dungeons starting around 35-37 ish area but best you wait for Mail armour and stack as much agility Mail you can. Crits keep flurry up and gives you dodge, your most easily attainable defensive stat at that point in time. Giving you threat from rockbiter or WF weapon and mitigation which you will be sorely lacking. Warstomp op for this purpose as well.
@Carpatouille Жыл бұрын
Not only is it safer and allow you to tank, but you don't overkill as much, meaning you're actually faster if the DPS is similar to the two handed weapon. Only when the 2H weapon is bigger in DPS is when I switch while leveling. So far so good.
@welbhloud Жыл бұрын
Auto attacking with shaman 1h is just SO comfy. HC shammy will be my soothing activity after work. Also I will be mainly mob grinding.
@professionalviewer5672 Жыл бұрын
You look like somebody who would play 1h shaman
@seansaxon641 Жыл бұрын
Buying the fastest attack speed white 2h mace/axe on the ah or at a weapon vendor will do wonders for leveling up weapon skill. Definitely worth it, should one of the optimal weapons drop in a dungeon run.
@Toyhouze Жыл бұрын
Great tip!
@NotBamOrBing Жыл бұрын
Also, the lowest level one. You want to hit a weak mob for as long as possible, which is improved by it not dying because you're using a weak weapon. Plus, they're cheaper!
@joedarling5175 Жыл бұрын
lvl 40 ele change isnt bad. i did this back in classic release. a good set of gear to go after is the craftable Turtle scale set. good mail caster gear with more def and up time.
@patrickhenry1249 Жыл бұрын
The cast mouse over macros as also amazing for shaman. Along with your startattack because you can weave spells like chain lightning and auto attacks at the same time since you’re restricted to two handers which tend to be slow. At the level 39-49 range there are some amazing one handed weapons you can get that make leveling as a 1h+shield shaman to be insane. I still remember being so excited to equip my Hammer of the Northern Winds, and tank with it.
@jamescoverdale7847 Жыл бұрын
You have to remember, only horde can play shamans in classic so it makes sense they are the least played class. They start of strong but they slowly get weak as you go, severely depending on a nice 2h axe drop. But they are extremely fun to play and can support all roles in dungeons. They work just fine tanking every dungeon.
@Monstahpanda Жыл бұрын
Exactly horde is already underrepresented
@illbean1337 Жыл бұрын
Correction: Stoneclaw does NOT taunt. It pulses (as u said) and generates threat on all nearby targets. This threat is enough to hold the aggro of the mob for the entire duration of the fight if u give it 3second head start (and u're not using Rockbiter + Earth Shock)
@dalazzar2114 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for great shaman videos! Gonna level a shaman for the first time come hardcore classic. Duoing with a friend who is gonna play a rogue or hunter. Can’t wait! 🤘🏻
@jamescoverdale7847 Жыл бұрын
8:55 Correction- you can run multiple dungeons each day, but you can only do each once. Kinda like running heroics.
@Blazingwheel Жыл бұрын
the extra hearthstone spell they get is uber good for leveling
@Carpatouille Жыл бұрын
So true, plus ghost wolf with +40% speed at lvl 20 is a gift
@brandoncastellano1858 Жыл бұрын
I’ve tried shaman several times for HC. Furthest I’ve gotten is 21. Funny thing though, outside of once, each death was avoidable with slightly more planning.
@andromidius Жыл бұрын
The funny thing is before level 20 Shaman are genuinely the strongest (statistically most likely to reach that level bracket) - so you died right when Shaman take a relative power dip. Which isn't your fault (though, as you said, avoidable) - if you're not aware of the power dip it can take you be surprise as you suddenly start struggling attacking mobs you previously were ripping through without much trouble.
@brandoncastellano1858 Жыл бұрын
@@andromidius Frost shock just did so much damage it was crazy.
@hmvollbanane1259 Жыл бұрын
Hard disagree on the Tauren, while it is my favourite Horde race it has a hidden increased auto attack range and more importantly: hit box, coupled with both of these getting further increased when you are moving this means that running away from a pull gone bad is a lot harder as a Tauren since mobs will be able to hit you from far further away resulting in more dazes if you mess up your stray-jumps and potentially more mobs being able to hit you at the same time - and since shamans heavily rely on rng (WF aside you need to crit early in both specs) lack any "oh sh*t buttons" and you don't have totemic recall - which means that inevitably at some point on your journey to 60 a totem will pull unwanted adds/ respawns - you will be forced to run a lot more often than any other class which Taurens are by far the worst pick for
@andromidius Жыл бұрын
You're right. War Stomp is great - but you only get to use it once in a while. You'll ALWAYS be a beefy chonker who can bodypull by accident more often. And also occasionally you'll get caught on low terrain since you're so tall. Which is why Gnome is, unironically, such a good race to pick. And can't play Shaman and is Alliance, so irrelevant to this discussion. Just wanted to point out that size (or the lack of) actually matters. And why so many Shaman switched to Goblin during Cataclysm - being small is a genuine advantage (even after the normalisation of melee range).
@Carpatouille Жыл бұрын
@@andromidius Being as small as a gnome is also a disadvantage though, as you can't walk in some heights of water without getting dismounted, while other races don't have this problem
@hiperlocoflow Жыл бұрын
It's not really that bad Being a Tauren shaman just because the chills 41 rn
@dnb888 Жыл бұрын
Shaman leveling is easy. Get a dagger and shield, use flametongue and shocks. Spec into reverberation and wear eagle gear. Heal as necessary.
@johanlahti84 Жыл бұрын
Agree here, 2h enhance is bait.
@Carpatouille Жыл бұрын
Yeah, unless you have a 2H weapon that has a much higher DPS, it's usually better to go 1H+shield, either flametongue or rockbiter
@marchentze Жыл бұрын
could you linka talent tree for that?
@MrDaCoD Жыл бұрын
Something no one seems to mention is that Alliance is more popular than Horde on HC, which means that Shaman's percentage picks will naturally be extra low
@crow6183 Жыл бұрын
When I first started the game during Vanilla days my first character was a shaman. I played enhancement all the way to 60 until raiding. If my guild asked me to heal I would spec into healing but if they didn't care for my heals then I would be enhancement. I loved to play on my shaman. I played an Orc. The fact that Orcs are the only left handers you can play I decided to choose them. It was because I am left handed as well. Not only does orcs have Toughness but they also have Fury which increases your attack power, which is what shamans need. When I first started playing my shaman I used a 1 hander and shield until 20 when I put my talent into 2 hander mace and axes. Then I would use a 2 handed axe or mace. I have never once played elemental on my shaman. I wanted to be close and personal with mobs rather then sitting back. I get bored of sitting back way to fast. Shamans are the jack of all traders and that is what made me want to play the class. I really enjoy playing as an enhancement shaman. Plus shamans could main tank dungeons back during vanilla days. I used to off tank during the Garr encounter in MC. there was many times where we didn't have any off tanks during MC encounters that I would pick up the off tank. I loved it. Out of all of the classes that I levling to 60 during vanilla, Shaman I found to be the most fun for me. The first I died on my shaman was when I was in my 30's and I had a lvl 50+ alliance character gank me because I was playing on a pvp server. The biggest pvp server Illidan.
@Jive33 Жыл бұрын
What do you mean the Orc is left handed?
@crow6183 Жыл бұрын
@@Jive33 If you look at any of the casting classes they are all right handed casters. Not Orcs. Orcs cast left handed. For example... If an Orc Shaman casts his shocks he uses he left hand instead of his right hand to cast it. Along with Lighting Bolt, Chain Lightning, Chain Heal, Healing Rain, Healing Wave, Riptide, Crash Lightning, Hex, Fire Nova, Earth Shield, Earth Shield, Lava Burst, Water Shield, Ancestral Spirt, Wind Shear, and when they put any totems down on the ground they do it with their left hand. I am sure I missed a couple in there. But, They Orcs are the only left handed casters in the game and that is what makes them so unique.
@Jive33 Жыл бұрын
@@crow6183 does that go for Orc hunters? Shooting left handed?
@crow6183 Жыл бұрын
@@Jive33 Unfortunately Orc Hunters are not casters so they do things right handed. I guess I should of said that Orcs that are casters are left handed.
@tomdilly3230 Жыл бұрын
A really good lvl 32 staff if you don’t go for corpsemaker is ‘big stick’ that you can buy in Booty bay or darkmoon faire. +15 strength with huge damage
@heimerblaster976 Жыл бұрын
For HC I like Tauren it gives you an escape mechanic. So Thunder Stomp, earth bind,(eng) dummies and the (eng) mechanical Dragon. you wont die un less you over pull. and even THEN you have a LOT of tools with engineering.
@Stompy1984 Жыл бұрын
At 6:27 you say that Agility > Strength once you get Flurry. For more efficiency when Auto-attacking Agi is always stronger then Strength since it gives you the chance to need 1 less attack to kill a mob while Strength only gives you a minute extra amount of damage per attack. Haveing to reduce the amount of attacks you need to kill a mob from say 7 to 6 would require a LOT of Strength.
@TheFitDragon Жыл бұрын
shaman pulls agro easily with healing plus totem resets, can be tough, lvl in a group for sure and always have a mage in your group, nova is op for when u pull agro
@Geronimoe1000 Жыл бұрын
You can also overkill enemies with a rockbiter crit ^^ I Will always choose windfury over rockbiter. So much moren fun and it makes the classic more fun to play
@Toyhouze Жыл бұрын
True! Windfury is a lot of fun when it procs
@Carpatouille Жыл бұрын
Yeah with that logic you might aswell play with a one handed weapon, it's less overkill and you're not screwed as much when you get parried or something in terms of damage Or go the fun way and use 2H+windfury
@Stompy1984 Жыл бұрын
@@Carpatouille I tried leveling a Shaman in Vanilla couple years ago. A slow 2h with WF does a LOT of overkilling damage, but using a decent 1h + Shield with WF is actually re\lly nice. In the end the damage both WF and RB do evens out, but the sporatic nature of WF is more fun and useful while using a 1h and you have a bit higher chance on Flurry procs.
@itsnobbie1212 Жыл бұрын
Windfury Orc Shaman with a 2h Axe is the GOAT!
@lswallie Жыл бұрын
i just couldn't bring myself to play a class just for the internet points of it being the hardest class, I always wanted to play shaman because it seemed fun and its one of the only few classes I haven't played over the years but because everyone says they suck so hard it makes me sad
@cre8vedesignАй бұрын
If I am playing duo hardcore with a warrior friend do I follow this or is it safest to go resto
@double_joseph32710 ай бұрын
The answer is no. No you should not. I’ve been playing wow for years and I’ve lvled every class to 60. Besides Paladin. I’m horde all the way. Shaman you just run out of mana so fast you will die. You will spend half the game drinking. You think wow they can heal! But nope you will die. Faster then any other class lol. Druid is just better. If you do roll shaman in HC go resto for the heal knock back talent. So you can actually get a heal off. Troll is the best race for shaman. Beserking then heal yourself is op.
@vgullotta Жыл бұрын
I would play shaman to 60 if it wasn't 1 totem at a time lol, that is for sure my biggest issue going back to 1 totem per cast
@fluffybacon Жыл бұрын
P servers didn't just make flametongue do to much damage, some of them (like Emerald Dream) also made Flametongue proc the Elemental Focus talent.
@Harles. Жыл бұрын
shaman is really fun and pretty strong. first time trying hardcore i went troll shaman and got to lvl 38 then 48. very fun
@XXxRaptorjesusx Жыл бұрын
I feel like the raw amount of tools shaman has leaves some people not utilizing all of them and results in death.
@RoyalDomi Жыл бұрын
Will you make vids on riot mmo when it is closer to be done?🎉
@anker6978 Жыл бұрын
What is your take on improved lightning shield talent vs more dodge chance? I get that more dmg = faster killing speed, however, with more dodge chance you avoid dmg, meaning less mana/time wasted on heals and thus drinking.
@johanlahti84 Жыл бұрын
My take is that imp lightning shield ALWAYS does more DMG, while the 5% dodge only works for 5% of the hits(I know the math is more complicated than that, but anyway)
@andromidius Жыл бұрын
The problem with avoidance is you can't rely on it (especially in relatively small amounts). It can save you - but most of the time you won't notice. And when avoidance fails you, you're done. Better to either have more reliable mitigation (aka, armour), health or damage - so you can either outlast enemies reliably or defeat them before the incoming damage is a problem. That being said... lightning shield doesn't do a huge amount of damage, so the difference is marginal.
@dmm119 Жыл бұрын
The damage is better faster kill time means less damage anyway. Also Lightning shield is consistent guaranteed damage. Dodge chance doesn't help with kill speed significantly and also isn't consistent(rng)
@samadams9581 Жыл бұрын
there was sooo many shamans playing on bloodsail buccaneers
@webdeveloper42 Жыл бұрын
Ill admit at 20 enhance is better slightly than elemental but ele overtakes enhance by 30. Look at the keystone talents. Elemental gets free spell procs, then double crit damage then elemental mastery. Enhance gets a bunch of random bs that should just be baseline then poopstrike. I got 60 twice on HC ssf and just went ele the whole time. Used a staff until about 30 then mace + shield or dagger + shield. Rockbiter all the way. For groups flametongue. Eye of the storm talent is horrible never take it even in pvp (its bugged). Stoneclaw is strong, lean on it.
@Huckle777 Жыл бұрын
ele is better only if you are fine with drinking 15min every hour kek
@andromidius Жыл бұрын
@@Huckle777 You are right, but also... slow and steady does win the race sometimes. And Elemental is great during those 45 minutes (or, let's be real, 15 minutes as the rest will be running around trying to find another target to blow up).
@johanlahti84 Жыл бұрын
Elemental is not as bad as people say on mana, just don't chain lightning without clearcast. Front load spells and then flametounge and let searing do its job while you regen mana. Elemental healing is really good too. Does so much DMG while still healing really good.
@naejimbaАй бұрын
@@johanlahti84 ^ this is the way. Think of how you would level a Priest where you frontload and then wand them to death at the end. Now imagine Searing Totem and beating it with your weapon with Flametongue as the wand. You want to have as much time not casting spells as possible, and this allows for that time.
@kallepaatalo2269 Жыл бұрын
Why would you have fun waiting for insane WC procs when you can play it stable and safe with Rockbiter? These hardcore guides are just taking the fun out of this game :D
@johanlahti84 Жыл бұрын
Enhancement is so bad. Leveled 3 shamans now the last few months and this last one I went elemental all the way. And played it as a hybrid until about 35, feels so much better than swinging every 3 second and miss/parry/dodge twice. Mana feels better too imo. As enhance I was oom much more often.
@Carpatouille Жыл бұрын
Go 1H+shield or kite mobs after every swing to reduce damage taken and downtime sitting to heal or drink if you're intent on going 2H
@matijamaretko4055 Жыл бұрын
Even on turtle wow where they changed few shaman talents (Parry,2h, being passive), its a horrific journey, pulling more than 1 mob is a death sentance if the RNG gods dont bless you, a great hardcore class for masochists
@nihsumi Жыл бұрын
stoneclaw+earthBind(50% slow) needs to hotkeyed
@Carpatouille Жыл бұрын
Just play tank spec and use rockbiter, be careful of totems not aggroing unintended mobs to fight and you're good in terms of safety. Also keep pots just in case.
@keepgoing7533Ай бұрын
All say it's hard or they get weaker because they don't talent properly. All going for the DPS increasing talents thinking they are warriors, but they avoid the spiritual side of the shaman. Namely the restoration talents. We need to reduce mana cost of our most basic abilities i.e. totems first *before* DPS talents.
@BadgerGamingTV Жыл бұрын
What is the 5 sec rule?
@SanityPotion776 Жыл бұрын
your mana begins to naturally regenerate after 5 seconds of not casting something that uses mana
@m00tube4 Жыл бұрын
Enhance is why... I have gotten hwl on sham. Mained sham many years. Lss I got to 48 first try, I died to ddos, got 60 next try... just drink water and stay out of melee range after a certain point.
@blazzuris7219 Жыл бұрын
I got my hardcore shaman to lvl 56 and I unironically think it’s harder than warrior. Warriors scale super hard so 50+ isn’t really that bad. Meanwhile on shaman each level after 30 made me feel noticeably weakee
@blazzuris7219 Жыл бұрын
I respec to ele at at 40 which I highly recommend if you get shitty luck with weapons like I did and it just makes you a discount mage with half the ability to kite, going oom twice as fast
@Vourne Жыл бұрын
@@blazzuris7219 Totally agree with this. On almost every tier list people have warrior at the bottom. The true D tier class for Hardcore is Enhancement Shaman. You maul everything up until around level 30. After that it can take ages to kill anything. The amount of Food and Water you go through is terrible at times. And yes I did complete 1-60 Shaman Hardcore. I did it as Enhance as well. It's just bad though. Feels terrible.
@max7971 Жыл бұрын
Isn’t it statistically the worst in terms of reaching 60? I love the early game tho.
@andromidius Жыл бұрын
It is, even percentage speaking. And was the least played class, so there's no bandwagon pumping up those death figures. You have to want to play Shaman to hit 60.
@kawhner6181 Жыл бұрын
Me when I die at lvl 8 on a shaman and mald:
@lochvast1180 Жыл бұрын
Who is the guy in your pfp lol
@PolineChan Жыл бұрын
Tazdingo! You have to play troll to love troll.
@Khagrim Жыл бұрын
Speaking of parry not only other melee classes get it baseline but they also have talents to increase parry chance which is huge. And rogues get riposte on top of parry whic is straitght up OP whrn fighting humanoids
@venalleader2909 Жыл бұрын
"who would want to play a leather-wearing mana-hungry sorry excuse for a class?" -- honestly thought this was going to be a boomkin video
@Toyhouze Жыл бұрын
hahaha true!
@brandonkruse6412 Жыл бұрын
Shaman were pretty awful until Cataclysm and from there on they’re quite insane.
@andromidius Жыл бұрын
For levelling? 100%. My brain just jolted for a moment as Shaman are crazy useful at max level. And everyone is good at levelling in Cata. I'm actually pretty excited to get it so I can do some levelling relatively pain free for my neglected alts.
@Raghzor Жыл бұрын
American houses just look like movie sets lol
@Hamsammich111 Жыл бұрын
How to misinterpret deathlog statistics
@wmcarter6096 Жыл бұрын
Wth is a hirth?
@Purriah Жыл бұрын
Shaman is terrible for hc.
@user-qd1zo3fo2j Жыл бұрын
shaman so bad lol
@filipmanov8951 Жыл бұрын
how to make content out of the most irrelevant garbage there is 101
@Edwin-iw8gb Жыл бұрын
you gave views and commented good job 😂
@DrEmmettBr0wn Жыл бұрын
who keeps playing WoW on 2023? Game sucks since Cataclysm.
@Prof.Pwnalot Жыл бұрын
No one plays hardcore wow. Enjoy wasting your time instead of ever making any progress that matters.
@manoqueenz Жыл бұрын
Say that to the Chinese players who pretty much lost all of their "progress" instantly. None of your progress matters
@Khagrim Жыл бұрын
People play to have fun not to impress trolls like you with "progress" in a 20 year old game
@daltonnelson94 Жыл бұрын
"Progress that matters"? It's a virtual world. None of the characters or items obtained matter in the first place. The only thing that matters is the fun that you have!
@Carpatouille Жыл бұрын
You will be able to freely switch from HC to regular servers, HC might not be too bad of an alternative. Especially if you plan on going on a PvP realm afterwards, you can level up safely and then go there at 60 if you don't want to play on HC anymore or die at that point.