Silent Hill 2 Haunts Me

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Talking With Tom

Talking With Tom

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happy halloween please ignore my teeth
massive thanks to @HotCyder on twitter for the thumbnail and SHN Survival Horror Network for the extra footage
#silent_hill #Halloween #Horror

Пікірлер: 441
@TalkingWithTom Жыл бұрын
70,000 views in two and a half weeks is insane thank you all so much
@brettb5089 Жыл бұрын
Was a great video man. I first played SH2 in 2001 when I was 15 and it holds a special place for me. No other game or movie has made me feel quite like SH2 has and I think you did a great job of explaining what makes it so special in this video. You’re a great storyteller and wish you luck with your channel.
@Blarglesnarfe Жыл бұрын
Angela is one of my favorite characters in fiction. Mentally ill or depressed people are always portrayed either as antagonists, or kind, cute people who just need a little friendship to cure. Angela is... relatable, and you do want to help her, but she's pretty frustrating and hard to deal with. She's tempestuous, often accusatory. James is always kinda backpedaling in conversations, trying not to upset her. She doesn't really appreciate any effort put towards her. And y'know what? You can't help her in Silent Hill. You cannot save her at all. What does James' offer of "help" actually mean? What does it mean to her? What does that mean to you? *"Will you love me? Take care of me? Heal all my pain? ...........That's what I thought."* You're on a quest to find your wife, not her. To do that... you just stand there and watch as Angela walks to her death. She's alone, hurting, and you can only watch uncomfortably as she slowly climbs those burning stairs and disappears. Fucking hurts man.
@whythatspreposterous Жыл бұрын
Damn straight. Great comment. ❤
@Eyes-Scream0213 Жыл бұрын
Damn agree on that. We all wanted to help her but deep inside we are just hollow as her. As a human being we always think of helping others but our selfishness prevent us from doing it. Some people want to help her to just look good. Others want to help her because of conscience and some doesn't really care about her. So when Angela said "Will you love me? Take care of me? Heal all my pain? That's what I thought" it really push through my heart because deep inside she was referring to all of us who are playing the game. She just saying all of you are just all talk yet no one really cares about. You just feel sorry for her but really don't want to help. Besides she is already broken to begin with and accepted that only death can make her mind free.
@beyondthegrave124 Жыл бұрын
​​@@Eyes-Scream0213 so what this game is saying is that all depressed people and trauma/rape survivors should and deserve to die and there's no point in saving them because all you're doing is just trying to make yourself look like a good person? Great message.
@ubcroel4022 16 күн бұрын
Angela needs shotgun correction
@Zeemas Жыл бұрын
You have just made me realized why this game is so haunting. They build tension but don't realize it with a scare or a reveal. It's almost a torturous experience really because that tension lingers waiting for a resolution. "waiting for a scare that never came" is a great way of explaning the concept of horror in the Silent Hill games
@PageShearling Жыл бұрын
In the *good* Silent Hill games. Lol.
@KristianH1986 Жыл бұрын
Following on from this idea (which you’ve rightly picked up on) is silent hills relative easiness. It doesn’t make the game hard, it doesn’t make you reset back to your last save and this is INTENTIONAL. The game doesn’t want you to stop, to take a breather, which mirrors James desire to press forward into the unknown. The game doesn’t want you to go back to your past save point and know ‘what’s coming next’. The fear and horror isn’t forced upon you in the usual form of in your face overwhelming enemies, but in the fact that you are able to experience the sound and ambient horror uninterrupted. It’s masterful game and world crafting.
@kevinbaconwasntinfootloose1742 Жыл бұрын
You just realised this. I knew it years ago, not trying to one up you but it was kind of obvious if you stopped to think what made it Soo good after you played it.
@KristianH1986 Жыл бұрын
@@kevinbaconwasntinfootloose1742 I think for a lot of people silent hill 2 is about rediscovery, at least for myself I remember playing when I was 10 and not really knowing the themes and what was going on. Then coming back to it as an adult and actually realising I was just playing a very dark and disturbing game unknowingly as a child 👦
@l.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.l Жыл бұрын
That's what makes Ringu and Pulse such great j horror movies, no jump scares, just building tension in a world of melancholy.
@lukesguywalker Жыл бұрын
Maria's line "I'm not your Mary." Has always been incredibly chilling to me.
@eloise1596 Жыл бұрын
that scene really amazed me. not only was james so confused but so are the players, we can relate with him in that moment
@Impalingthorn Жыл бұрын
I don't think I ever caught the double meaning behind that line until now, despite having played and watched the game countless times. On one hand she's literally just telling him she is a different person, but on another hand, that's also the TOWN telling you that Maria is James' own alternate interpretation of Mary.
@karmaceutical3963 Жыл бұрын
the way her whole demeanor and way of speaking changes for that scene is brilliant, the way the light is set to make her eyes darker and more threatening all while keeping the smile, even within that scene theres contradiction in the things she says to james, going from mocking to loving to mocking, its such a mind fuck, one of the best scenes of any game period imo
@SOLIDSNAKE. Жыл бұрын
@@karmaceutical3963 so happy others appreciate it
@darsh8964 Жыл бұрын
There was a Mary here. She's gone now.
@CabezasDePescado Жыл бұрын
I will never forget playing SH2 sitting on the floor totally immersed in it, i turned it off when dawn came because i like to experience media with only the light of the screen as a stimulus, and every time i did and came back to the real world i felt relieved, like i took my head out of the water and could finally breath, like i had taken a weight off my shoulders. The atmosphere the game has is exhausting and no other horror game has or will ever replicate it. Truly a work of art.
@backupschmliff1156 Жыл бұрын
That's awful for your eyes. You should at the very least invest in sone protective glasses
@Chuked Жыл бұрын
That’s literally how Silent Hill 2 felt for me, the tension and exhaustion was too much, I simply could not finish the game because it was too good
@that80ssongyoulove84 Жыл бұрын
@@backupschmliff1156 This is a myth. There has never been any evidence to prove this.
@backupschmliff1156 Жыл бұрын
@@that80ssongyoulove84 There is. Like so much. Like what are you talking about dude? Why do you think you get headaches from sitting so close to a screen in the dark?
@realbr1koo Жыл бұрын
What always made me jump in SH2 is that Maria mostly follows you when you are with her, but many times she is just standing in the room you go in. She doesn't do all that much through the game so you kind of dont care about her while you are exploring the places, so when you go in and she's not behind you you dont even realize it, or dont care about it, but as the camera switches you of course get a mild jumpscare that some humanly figure stands in front of you suddenly. I dont know if this was intentional, but it fits the narrative perfectly.
@elphantasmogoro Жыл бұрын
One of the best videos I've seen about Silent Hill 2. So many people (including the people who made the sequels) miss what makes it truly great. It's not the weird monsters or the scary big monster or the rust. It's the creeping dread of realising you're in your own personal purgatory. Fantastic work. Liked and subbed.
@nillynush4899 Жыл бұрын
Wish I could have played it at launch... Put yourself there, you've already played SH1 and think a standard sequel is coming with 2... but, over the course of the game you learn that YOUR character's mind, not someone else's, is the fodder for the town. Then everything from the game you've seen and experienced gets turned on its head and all the subtle moments and monster designs reach 11/10 as you realize - the game's creators mastered psychological horror.
@elphantasmogoro Жыл бұрын
@@nillynush4899 that's pretty much what happened for me. Though I didn't catch most of the implications at the time. It was only replaying it a few years later that it all clicked.
@flongobongo Жыл бұрын
I played on launch, being a big fan of silent hill 1, the second part blew my mind, and remains as my most significant meaningful and disturbing experience that I’ve had with a videogame. This is the first video about sh2 that captures its essence
@RealityAlwaysWins Жыл бұрын
Well said, and I always loved that aspect of SH2, and preferred it to the cult storyline of Alessa tbh. I'm so happy they're remaking THIS SH, the one with the personal hell, he one that keeps you in your own prison, made by you and you alone, it's beyond a masterpiece, it's art.
@vaevictis_ Жыл бұрын
As a huge fan of SH1 at the time, I enjoyed the second game but was somewhat disappointed at the time because it completely abandoned the story of the first and makes the town something completely different, almost a retcon. I also didn’t enjoy the combat as much and the horror was toned down greatly over something mor haunting and creepy (part 3 really dialed it back up again) Since then, I’ve grown to absolutely love it for what it is over the years, a lot of the subtle themes went over my teenage head back then. The first three games are so different yet all amazing.
@valtiel8383 Жыл бұрын
Maria was literally born from a wish. seriously play her sub scenario. it builds on her
@phant0mdummy Жыл бұрын
Damn, they should have called her DLC that. Would have been a perfect name.
@Monstert_ Жыл бұрын
@@phant0mdummy that's what it's actually called "Born From A Wish"
@vvjvv Жыл бұрын
@@Monstert_ the title sounds like it’s a “wish” that’s rooted in hope, but it’s much darker . maria seems to be his sexualized version of his dead wife mary, maria being a sad fantasy which he is ashamed of for obvious reasons but what i find odd and incredibly sad is that she thinks she is a real person - (the dlc) with her own motives - in reality she seems to be a puppet projected by the town to play off his guilt . and pyramid head ( his walking genitalia )embodies the root of his sexual frustration… this game is messed up !
@Monstert_ Жыл бұрын
@@vvjvv Maria is the most interesting character in Silent Hill 2
@ATC43 Жыл бұрын
@@vvjvv holy fuck... idk why I've never seen pyramid head in that light but wow. That makes so much sense regarding his design
@m3ntalcollid3r Жыл бұрын
"...wounds may heal, but your mind will be scarred forever." - PS2 Ad for Silent Hill 2
@ellipsis5345 Жыл бұрын
This was one of the best silent hill related videos I’ve watched. You have the style of an artist. This was put together beautifully.
@TalkingWithTom Жыл бұрын
you're gonna make me cry if you're not careful lmao
@jandeiification Жыл бұрын
Man... the way you narrate, the way you tell your stuff... send chills... more success to you...
@LittleAngryCarrots Жыл бұрын
Played it finally for the first time a few years ago and the relentless dread yet curiosity of this world still haunts me. Never quite escaped into a world with that feeling before. Silent hill 2 is most definitely a masterpiece
@LittleAngryCarrots Жыл бұрын
Mind you I avoided this game all of my years as a kid. Was playing through jam packs back in the day and seeing the cinematics play In the menu was enough to stop me from pressing play. Not because it may seem too grotesque but because it looked too eerie. The setting, long shots of that camera angle, and the sound effects proceeding in the background
@EtherealOblivion Жыл бұрын
There is such a strange feeling of dread behind the experience of going down all those staircases and holes and emerging on the ground level like nothing happened. That whole sequence of going further and further down and sideways hallways followed by just walking right outside absolutely melted my brain the first time I played this.
@TalkingWithTom Жыл бұрын
hello. if you're new here, welcome. if you're returning, i've missed you. i've seen a few comments taking about maria and tbh i understand why there might be some critique - i haven't played born from a wish so i honestly probably havent had the full story in regards to her that said, i dont want this video to be regarded as an _objective_ analysis of silent hill 2. just my thoughts about it when i played it for the first time the general reception to this video has been incredibly positive and i am SO thankful to those of you who have been positive. i make these videos for me, not for any financial gain, so reading people be lovely about the things i do is genuinely so affirming. see you soon friends x
@mistydayremainsofthejudgment Жыл бұрын
Pretty much a no go for me to watch if you’re not going to acknowledge Maria as a sympathetic figure born from the horror of male entitlement
@TheAufziehvogel Жыл бұрын
I was critical when starting your video and that somebody did not appreciate the beginning which was always a metaphor for me - The slow beginning when you walk out of the toilet and you walk to the city. For me it was always like descending into hell. It was the beginning of the end. The melancholic introduction of the game and when you listen to the monotonic voice of Guy Cihi, it always faszinated me. But then you really started to enjoy the game and your video is going into some very hypnotic direction. It was almost like I can feel your fear and hauntings you had during your playthrough. I kinda was captivated and I really loved the ending because it felt like it could go on forever like that. Yeah, I think your video and your overall approach really stayed even after I've finished the video. Silent Hill is a series dear to me for over 20 years now. The camera always sucked in my opinion and combat was never the biggest strenght of the series, but I'm glad to see someone who never played the second game before enjoyed his nightmarish journey through Silent Hill. You should really play the "Born from a Wish" scenario if you have the chance. Cheers from Germany
@WynneL Жыл бұрын
Did you see all the main endings? I'm not sure if you knew this, but how you play--your use of items, how well you do or don't treat Maria, etc.--leads to different endings, each quite haunting in their own unique manner. The Leave ending (my first as well) is probably the least haunting/eerie/sad (of the non easter egg-endings.) There's an ending called "Maria" which sheds some extra light on her and James as characters. Then there's an extra ending which starts with R, which after seeing the three first-playthrough endings you can get, sheds a fascinating light on those first three. I personally didn't take the Maria comment as a negative; I just took it as a sign of exactly how mysterious the game is. Each ending (and the DLC) provides its own clues about how the town works and who James is. In a sense, he is who you decide he will be during your playthrough. Really enjoyed your take on why the game is so effective as a horror masterwork. It's one of my longtime favorites, and it haunts me too. I genuinely wish the entire industry would just rip off Silent Hill; aside from Mortuary Assistant and Phasmophobia, few horror games actually get to jaded fans at all. Baldur's Gate 3 has more genuine dread than so many supposed horror games of late.
@Ether101_Prime Жыл бұрын
You should play Silent Hill 1 some time too. The relationship between the two is interesting to say the lest.
@AhmedHassan-wt1kf Жыл бұрын
you should play silent hill 1 and 3 as well
@marsbars16 Жыл бұрын
So glad you were technically surprised that this game left you feeling the way it did. This game has stayed with me for a looong time, my first time playing it was about 12-13 years old? And while I didn’t understand the gravity of the story back then, every time I went to go back and play it again with an older, wiser mindset, it hits me like a sack of bricks without fail. I’m 35 now, will definitely give the remake a chance when it comes out, but will always hold respect for the original. This is what I’ve always said about the differences between Silent Hill and Resident Evil: where RE gets you with jump scares and the tension of not getting got, SH gets you on a psychological level that’s unmatched. Because like you, I’ve also gotten to the point of not believing anything I’m being shown. We somehow become the “unreliable narrator” so to speak and in a world like SH, that’s both terrifying and something we can’t afford if we want to live. I hope you play all the Team Silent installments if you haven’t. I’d love to know what you think.
@RealityAlwaysWins Жыл бұрын
Hi hi, me too, I got the original PS2 release when it came out I think in 2001, I was 19 and even then is scared the hell out of me because it wasn't your typical horror game, and now 20+ years later it still has the same effect and has never been rivalled, nothing comes close to what this game makes you feel. I admit to being a horror glutton, The Cat Lady on steam maybe comes on the skirting edge of closeness to SH2 in terms of psychological darkness but it has it's own flavour, and many many other horror indie games in my Steam library sit, but none and I mean NONE of the 300+ games I've played that call themselves horror can compete with SH2. Edit: I had to come back and agree with you on RE, it was nagging at me because it's true. My hubby loves the RE series and constantly wants me to play it but I can't, I just can't immerse myself in those games because they feel shallow compared to SH. It's just shoot, run and overthrow a bad company, that's it, that's all it is, it's not scary. But visit Silent Hill 2 any time and blam I am instantly afraid, even when I've played it multiple times it still gets me. That's the magic.
@marsbars16 Жыл бұрын
@@RealityAlwaysWins _Yeeesssss!_ Wow, I actually completely forgot about The Cat Lady. That’s a great little underrated game right there, and I agree wholeheartedly with what you said about it. I too am a glutton for horror, and it was strictly done out of personal spite after getting tired of being scared all the time from media. I’ve heard some people not having been able to get into RE and that’s ok!! No one game is everyone’s cup of tea. With RE, it’s nostalgic more so than anything, some parts in the newer installments have gotten me. But SH? It’s nostalgic _and_ fear on that level RE can no longer do for me. But I do love both of them dearly. By the way, I bet you have one sick Steam library! I’d have a field day for sure 🤩
@elle9086 Жыл бұрын
I've been a fan of SH for many, many years. It was the reason I decided to learn english. I fell in love with the maps, the details and plans of its buildings so much I decided to study architecture, because for me that town is so real I wanted to replicate it. Yamaoka's music is always my safe place when things get hard. I love this saga and you captured its essence, you put into words why SH2 has lived for so many years in our hearts and minds. I'm so glad you gave this game a chance, and I'm glad I discovered your channel, keep it up!
@joejones8776 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: I got this game when it came out! September of 2001. I was a Freshman in high school. And my friends would come over and we’d play games. Well, it was late at night and they were watching me play SH2; we were at the scene with the long hallway where you hear Mary talking to James. It HORRIFIED one of my friends I had over. As Mary was talking and she started to beg James not to leave he started to comprehend what was happening he covered his head with the pillow and started screaming “Turn it off! TURN IT OFF! Turn it off or I’m leaving!” (This was at 2am in the morning). He was quite embarrassed by this event and I bring it up to this day!
@whythatspreposterous Жыл бұрын
That’s awesome. 😂
@LaFlor718 Жыл бұрын
That is hilarious! My sister was about the same age when she got it and she had a friend over who refused to leave so she played for hours while barely talking, waiting for her friend to leave. It didn’t work but that still makes me laugh a little.
@joejones8776 Жыл бұрын
@@LaFlor718 A great story! I love hearing so many great memories people have had with this game! Fingers crossed the remake will be good! (I’m more excited about Silent Hill f though!)
@whiteroseee10 Жыл бұрын
Nothing can ever beat SH2 and no one can ever replicate it's beauty. I love the slow narrative progression, how it builds up until you came to the climax of the story. There's also something about the way it was made to make you feel isolated and kept craving company. The sound and atmosphere for me is the highlight of the game/s. The random strange noises that will suddenly pop out (ex. the Room 209 in Blue Creek Apartments), or the complete dead silence that will envelope the scene/place with no music at all except your footsteps. I can still remember one time I was playing it in the dark and the sound in the Labyrinth really scared me, I thought I was hearing stuffs.
@schrodingersdog100 Жыл бұрын
You should check the letter in your inventory you got from Mary periodically. It might shine a light on James headspace, and a little more about Maria
@spiker2199 Жыл бұрын
What a spot on examination of the phscological horror that is SH2. I remember as a 13 year old playing the game over 20 years ago, running down those stairs from the historical society to hear that sound of the horn from the darkness. I stopped for about 5 minutes solid frozen to the spot, terrified to carry on expecting something to come up the stairs towards me, but it never did. I then had to motivate myself to carry on down that seemingly never ending flight of stairs. No game since then has even come close to effecting me the way that game did. Thank you for such an awesome video, brought back a lot of memories.
@anarchyahoy1363 Жыл бұрын
A wonderful video, Silent Hill 2 is the king of psychological horror. Every detail is so remarkably intentional, made to make you feel haunted around every corner. For me 2 and 4 are the ones that do the best in the SH series. I'm looking forward to the remake, Layers of Fear may not have been everyone's cup of tea, but Bloober team does something very well in ALL its horror games, and that is telling a story through atomsphere and horrofic imagry. Considering the content of Layers of Fear is so insanely similar to Silent Hill 2? I think Konami partnering with Bloober makes perfect sense. I want to see how they do at Silent Hill. If all else fails, the original will always be there for us... but I have a feeling the remake is going to bring something spectacular to the experience as well
@Hiihtopipa Жыл бұрын
It's okay
@Beeyo176 Жыл бұрын
It's nice to hear the perspective of someone that is just now experiencing SH 2. There are things you bring up that I'd never considered before. Will I be specific? Nah. Just stick your arm in the hole, ignore the soundtrack
@QuantumTelephone Жыл бұрын
Maria actually wasn't a malevolent force, as seen in the "born from a wish" side campaign. She might seem shady but she's actually quite sympathetic to me
@ragingdingus5403 Жыл бұрын
Born From a Wish ruins Maria for me as she is the malevolent force throughout the game. She is constantly distracting James from realizing the truth about what he has done. She tries to get him to abandon the search for Mary to look for Laura, which Mary saw as almost a daughter during her time in the hospital. She isn't sympathetic to me because just like the monsters she represents a side of James that he is ashamed of. She is a monster and the worse kind at that, unlike the others that outright want to harm James, Maria wants James she wants him to fall further than he already has. She truly is the scariest monster of the game.
@siljorfag Жыл бұрын
I loved how the your video itself is a representation of what you felt playing Silent Hill 2. Sometimes I was really expecting a jumpscare (even scrolled down to the comment section a few times) but never happened. One of the most (if not the most) original Silent Hill 2 essay/review/experiences I've ever watched in youtube. I know it's hard to play a game that causes this kind of impact, and then making another state of the art video like this one... but I'll definetly love to stick around, looking foward to your next video. Cheers!!
@stardusty Жыл бұрын
The prison in Silent Hill2 is probably the scariest area in any video game I've played. it took me years to try again and get through it. It's so oppressive and awful. And the sound design there is terrifying.
@justintuck3011 Жыл бұрын
You made this game feel even scarier lol, great job dude this is my favorite silent hill 2 video
@sinistersaint Жыл бұрын
Fantastic analysis. Even having played this game 1.2 billion times (okay, maybe 8-9 times realistically) it still chills and haunts me. The first couple of times I played this, I had to turn the background music waaayyyy down because it was freaking me out too much; the sounds and music alone make this game incredibly haunting.
@coomlius5111 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely brilliant. Thank you for allowing me to relive the experience I had all those years ago. Simply excellent!
@badlucksparrow40 Жыл бұрын
The sound design in this video is excellent. SH2 is one of my favorite games and it's why I'm kind of picky about horror games. You totally nailed a big part of why I keep coming back to this game after so many years. Edit: I think the most frightening thing about encountering Maria in the jail is that her eyes are so heavily shadowed that they're hard to see clearly, so that combined with everything else you said just feels terrifying.
@WakaFIockaFlame Жыл бұрын
your notch for story telling has such an ethereal feel to it. so gutteral yet so detailed. your imagery is poetic. i imagined the entire game as you spoke. you have a new sub my friend.
@JustinRM20 11 ай бұрын
In a sea of low-grade Silent Hill video essays, where every theory, hidden meaning, audio detail and anomaly has been thoroughly analyzed, I did not expect this to be so engaging. I don't know what your original intentions were, but it worked.
@ItsDrewsif Жыл бұрын
This is a really terrific video, man! You are one hell of a story teller, I found myself very invested in the story about your drive- to the point I was saddened I thought you weren’t going to finish it. Loved it, thanks for sharing!
@sandyshores9500 Жыл бұрын
I really really loved this video, this feels like an artistic product. And it feels like a real person talking about something that appreciates and likes. I'll be following u for more content, cause this is gold
@Dylan-cu4ty Жыл бұрын
The *fear of the unknown.* Silent Hill does an excellent job of it. The thought of not knowing what could be next, it's terrifying. What your mind conjures up in the moment, hence why Cosmic horror really gets to me.
@VisComicaV Жыл бұрын
this was excellent! i've played SH2 since a couple months after launch and have returned to it so many times. i really enjoyed hearing your perspective, even after all these years it is still fun to talk/hear about this one
@zachtaylor5312 Жыл бұрын
Nice video. Played this game on release in 2001. I was 15. Back then the monsters were scary, now the mature themes and subject matter of the game make it scary
@alexgrimm3521 21 күн бұрын
Pleasantly surprised me on a walk to find such a good distillation of all the moments that filled you with dread in the game..Thank you KZbin algorithm gods. And awesome video dude. Your video structure perfectly mirrored the tension you discussed. Felt very much like the game.
@scorionn Жыл бұрын
Bro you are literally me The most relatable video I've seen
@Hopkins955 Жыл бұрын
Wow this vid made a really strong impression on me, I felt the strong tention all the way you moved downstairs! I have not had this feeling for a long time now! Also the music played an important role in this! As I finished watching I am still under the influence of this video, my inner sense cannot rest!
@captainblastems3367 Жыл бұрын
This is my favorite thing about the silent hill series being started again is the wealth of new videos that are going to come out, I just played silent hill about a year ago on a whim also narrowly avoiding spoilers and my goodness how that series has gripped me.
@DudleyDawg Жыл бұрын
This might be one of the best Silent Hill related videos I've seen. Great job!
@thepressotm5048 Жыл бұрын
This is one of the best Silent Hill 2 videos. I love this game so much, it's my favourite game ever. You really gave me a new view about the game after my 8 playtroughs
@samadboualami1682 Жыл бұрын
Best silent hill video, if not the best video in general that I’ve seen in years on this platform. Very clever delivery and love how you managed to tell us so much while spoiling so little. Instantly subscribed.
@kjay2340 Жыл бұрын
This was wonderful. I didn't know I needed this, thank you.
@PukomijeDjon Жыл бұрын
Wanna really know why this game has legendary status? It's not because it's uneasy, it's because of the meaning. I'm gonna give you an example. Maria has a butterfly tattoo. We all know what that means. Isn't it strange you find a putrid hole in a dingy appartment building next to a bed in an apartment filled with butterflies? What does James do? Well he goes shoving his hand in it knowing it's wrong. While looking for his sick wife. That's what he thinks about ... That's what Maria is to him, everything represents James. That's why all characters are indifferent. It takes some time to realise that the bad person in this game is actually James.
@QuantumTelephone Жыл бұрын
I subbed so hard when I saw your intro card. Great design.
@EmergencyChannel Жыл бұрын
Didn't hit me that Silent Hill 2 was 21 (almost 22) years old until this video. My first experience with Silent Hill 2 was watching a 2005 Let's Play, 10 minute clips in 240p and the game was only 4 years old then. Age is scary.
@jedaaa Жыл бұрын
Yup, I still vividly remember sitting at the bus stop after buying the game the day it came out, leafing through the booklet and wishing the bus would hurry up so I could get home and start playing it, I would have been 20 or 21 then, I'm 42 now 😢😱🤯
@dannypeters8126 Жыл бұрын
Still got my game, on the PS2 and it is still in perfect condition for its age and has no scratches or scuff marks on both discs,only played it once.
@ErinJeanette Жыл бұрын
I've watched this video four times now 😂 it's so good. That creepy story about the one lane road in the beginning was perfection.
@TalkingWithTom Жыл бұрын
you're the real mvp erin, thank you
@ErinJeanette Жыл бұрын
@@TalkingWithTom ❤️❤️❤️ I added this to my favorites folder haha. Can't wait to see what you do next ☺️
@jayplay8140 Жыл бұрын
Silent Hill 2 is so good, the remake was announced a day or two ago , as well as two new silent hill instalments, cannot wait !! :)
@phant0mdummy Жыл бұрын
Don't get your hopes up. They put more effort into shilling hats and skateboards.
@SOLIDSNAKE. Жыл бұрын
And it still won't compare to the original
@naseemwaja8735 Жыл бұрын
@@SOLIDSNAKE. it sure looks like it will
@phant0mdummy Жыл бұрын
@@naseemwaja8735 yea. Trailers always look great. That's the point.
@naseemwaja8735 Жыл бұрын
@@phant0mdummy not all trailers look great though
@KristianH1986 Жыл бұрын
One of silent hill 2’s greatest, and mostly overlooked best qualities is it’s relative easiness (even if hard mode is selected). It doesn’t make the game hard, it doesn’t make you reset back to your last save and this is INTENTIONAL. The game doesn’t want you to stop, to take a breather, which mirrors James desire to press forward into the unknown. The game doesn’t want you to go back to your past save point and know ‘what’s coming next’. The fear and horror isn’t forced upon you in the usual form of in your face overwhelming enemies and physical challenges to overcome, but in the fact that you are able to experience the sound and ambient horror uninterrupted. It’s masterful game and world crafting.
@Lev-studios Жыл бұрын
i love all the silent hill content that's now coming out on youtube. it's like a dream turned reality :)
@whythatspreposterous Жыл бұрын
Born from a wish?
@alexevaldez Жыл бұрын
Thank you Silent Hill Transition we're getting for more Silent Hill content and SH is getting more love.
@victoriabarrington474 Жыл бұрын
I've only just found you but I subscribed straight away, You have such a calming but chilling voice, I could listen to you talk for hours. I always was scared of silent hill, even though I knew there was no jump just always gives you this dread feeling especially in the buildings, could never explain it but you did it for me :)
@armorgiraffe Жыл бұрын
I played sh2 unspoiled about 6 months ago (the pc enhanced edition).. I didnt think I would like it, I thought it was gonna be overrated.. But no, I fucking loved it (jaggy gameplay, weird voice acting etc aside). When I got the Leave ending (I think that is what its called, drawing a blank atm) and I was left in tears
@jedaaa Жыл бұрын
The jaggy gameplay was intentional, it's designed to make you feel uncomfortable
@that80ssongyoulove84 Жыл бұрын
@@jedaaa I don’t know about that, the game is 20 years old. Hardware limitations, and being only a remaster probably had more to do with its visual fidelity.
@yourboyzulu Жыл бұрын
The voice acting is intentional.. if you notice.. Mary's voice acting is spot on whereas all the other characters clearly have issues and are meant to make you feel that something is not right with the things they are saying or how they sound saying it
@jedaaa Жыл бұрын
@@that80ssongyoulove84 nah, there were games around at that time with fluid gameplay, MGS being one. And even older games, it was a design choice .
@jedaaa Жыл бұрын
@@yourboyzulu yeah, the rest of them are very stunted, long pauses , uneven tone etc
@LsTR_Kblr0xjmeshoneyX6s7 2 ай бұрын
after a year of this being in my watch later playlist because i hadn't yet played silent hill 2 i can finally watch this video
@andree1991 Жыл бұрын
My favourite part of the game was WITHOUT A DOUBT is after James watches the tape and goes to the hallway. The music that plays after the realization. "It's over man, i fucked up and that's it" The atmosphere after that point is unbelievable. The oppressive atmosphere of the NIGHT world. The utter silence and immense openness in complete darkness.
@Jim90117 Жыл бұрын
I played and completed this game 21 years ago when I was just 11 years old, I remember it being scary, difficult and of course as a naive 11 year old I was shocked at the end when I learned what James had done. It was the first game where as the end game stats came up, I put my controller down and just sort of took in the moment knowing I was never actually going to find Mary, even in my multiple play throughs of the game. I get massive nostalgia from the music of this game, and it still to this day remains one of those rare games that had a massive impact on me. As someone who experienced that all way back in the day, I’m really hoping they carry everything that was amazing about the original into the remake and I’m hoping to relive my childhood when I play the remake too.
@gonzalez878 Жыл бұрын
Your audio design on this video is masterclass! I had to watch it twice because the music complements your narration so well.
@PilotJona Жыл бұрын
Amazing story telling. Great silent hill description. I always struggled to put into words what this game made me feel when playing it. Its suspense at its finest
@Pollymacho Жыл бұрын
This is a great video! I just played through Silent Hill 2 recently and found it to be pretty cool. But this video is great at highlighting what makes it so special, especially that part with the prison complex, I never considered how it gets to you. Outstanding job! The youtube algorithm has been blessing me with rad Silent Hill 2 videos recently.
@geneva8073 Жыл бұрын
i LOVED this video... you really encapsulated what makes this such a brilliant game and i have been obsessed with the butterfly room for so long
@whiskeyinmyjaro Жыл бұрын
Great video, great narration. SH2 is one of my favorite games of all time. can't wait for the remake!
@A_Red_Pyramid Жыл бұрын
SH2 is my all-time favourite game. 17 years later and 20+ playthroughs, I have so many associations and memories surrounding it that I don't really remember what it was like playing it for the first time. It was nice to see you go into it with a modern perspective on gaming, and find it as beautiful and - to take your word - "haunting", as I did years ago. Sometimes I wonder if this (and other games like MGS3 or American McGee's Alice) really are (were?) all that good, or if I found them at just the right time. And it's perspectives like yours that make me think that, yes - they really are something special. Thanks for this.
@finegentleman9461 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely loved the video. Reminded me of Jacob Geller’s style. Keep up the good work!!!
@thedirty530 Жыл бұрын
Your storytelling was incredible! Im a big fan of the early SH games as they scarred me for life! Lol But I think you really did it justice, as its not usually the encounters that linger in your memory!
@emiliopuntoadios Жыл бұрын
what a GREAT video you've made, congrats man, love it!!
@DavidLucian 28 күн бұрын
The reason why Silent Hill 2 it became a classic is because eventually people began to see how unique, eerie, melancholic and authentic the game's atmosphere it really is, and took the time to enjoy its deeply thoughtful narrative and symbolism. To this day it’s by far one of, if not the most mature examination of grief, sexual trauma, suicide, and morality all combined. It’s an intelligent game that does not hold anyone’s hand and comes at the player with utmost confidence in itself. It’s fantastic stuff. The rest of the original 4 are great in their own right and have their own well written stories, but they don’t hold the same emotional weight to them. I think SH2’s maturity by comparison is something that a lot of people are drawn to. ☯️ 🤷🏻‍♂️✌️
@scroopynoopers. Жыл бұрын
3 minutes in and i’ve already fallen in love with your content. just exceptional.
@feliperisseto9113 Жыл бұрын
What aways fascinated me on this game is that James is not trapped on the city. His car still works, the path out is clear. He can go anytime he wants, but he chooses to go foward into hell, because he doesn't have were to go back. Because, deep down, he knows that's were he belong. No other game messed with me like this.
@user-gu1sl1mn2m Жыл бұрын
This video was fucking amazing! Absolutely incredible job man! I was so enthralled watching!
@StealthRaven Жыл бұрын
Just found your channel, you're an awesome story teller 😎. Just subscribed
@terribletheo8401 Жыл бұрын
Holy cow, this was amazing. I totally thought you had 100k+ subs as well. Well done!
@Abundant_Sand_X Жыл бұрын
I'm extremely disappointed that Kojima won't be taking over the Silent Hill franchise. 😭
@TalkingWithTom Жыл бұрын
we all are buddy :(
@davec65 10 ай бұрын
You have an incredible natural talent of story telling. Thank you for sharing.
@widget5718 Жыл бұрын
Damn man, that beginning story reminded me of the time Friends and I were coming back from a trip a state over. The one driving really wanted to stop off at a Fireworks store that was open really late... We took the exit for it but she made a right instead of a left. We told her, oops, it's the other way, we should turn around somewhere. Little did we know her decision to continue on that particular road to reach a 'block to turn back around on' would send us through a foggy country road. No turn offs, just farm land used and some abandoned. It was kind of cool, except it added 2 hours to our trip. We did make it back to the Fire Works Store though, closed and empty.
@ClintDecker Жыл бұрын
Man, this was so well done. Excellent video!
@robarreto6378 Жыл бұрын
A haunting poem. Loved the video. 💕
@randomrecipes5007 Жыл бұрын
This is probably the best Silent Hill 2 review on KZbin, or at least I've watched. I thoroughly enjoyed it, from the narration, to the edits, to the points you bring up, and what you were thinking in the moment.. I myself had an almost identical original play through/experience back in the day, same frame of mind. You really put things into great perspective for people who might not appreciate the artistic storytelling/gameplay, you really showcased why it's truly a masterpiece of the survival horror genre.
@griffithonyt Жыл бұрын
What an insanely well put together video. I’d love to see more
@stnorocwzo Жыл бұрын
Production quality is off the bats! You need more than 7k subs. I'll be tuning in for this.
@arklyshill Жыл бұрын
Great writing, Tom. Loved the sudden quick cuts and intensifying music in editing. SH2 has that unique visual storytelling, something I'd definitely compare to Kubrick's "The Shining." Yamaoka's original soundtrack is out of this world. His music is hauntingly beautiful. Shinji Mikami, creator of Resident Evil, said recently in an interview that modern horror in various media forms doesn't have that effect on us as it did 20, 30 or 40 years ago. Our brain is used to it. That's why true horror lovers always come back to this masterpiece.
@vagabundorkchaosmagick-use2898 Жыл бұрын
The whole scene when the red pyramid thing chases James and Maria has stuck in my mind since I first played SH2 in 2005 or 2006. When James is left alone in the elevator, which descends and opens, and James takes a long time before standing up and leaving, all accompanied by the brutally sad 'Magdalene' theme. After more than 16 years, I still think about that moment a lot.
@TheTapeLibrary Жыл бұрын
Yep, that's done it. I need to go back to Silent Hill! Fantastic video
@kahopukehau Жыл бұрын
Welcome to the club! I played Silent 2 about 15 years ago on the PS2 console. And it’s the only game I’ve ever thought about non stop ever since. This was my favorite game and gaming experience of all time ❤. Can’t wait till the reboots come out hopefully they live up to the original. I’ve been longing to play this again.
@pandjalu6 Жыл бұрын
Nice video man, I do remember the bathroom scene is kinda jumpscare for me, when James knock on the door, and then that happen, It was the most surprising moment of gaming to me actually. Oh yeah, this game is like my one of the best video games ever, so I actually make translation patch for my language, that kinda proven that I really love the game.
@ladychelsea5002 2 ай бұрын
James going "I'll leave when I'm done here" in the beginning was such a coldly delivered line if you've played the game more than once. Because its true. He isn't leaving until he's done dealing with his trauma and somehow, under his amnesia, he knows this.
@Blackfire_2022 Жыл бұрын
Those pre rendered cuts cents are amazing. They almost sit on the uncanny valley but just barely miss it
@adnpositivo333 Жыл бұрын
Wow, you really know how to make someone stick to the narrative, thank you for sharing your experience, it´s definitely true, silent hill 2 has a weird to see knowadays horror, it is truly psychological horror i remember feeling th same way with the movie jacobs ladder from whom if im not wrong the silent hill team took some inspiration, thanks for your time and video, as a fan of silent hill and your channel this video is a masterpiece of audiovisual media.
@gemxx6248 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant video subscribed. My all time favourite horror game that actually changed me after I played
@kumapark2105 6 ай бұрын
I love how much detail you went into. I’ve watched so many videos and loved the game ever since buying it when I was in 4th grade and finally finishing it when I was in 7th 😅 lots of distractions… Thank you so much for this video ✨
@AnthonyPooran Жыл бұрын
You are an excellent story teller. Thanks for making this video
@mr.rad96 Жыл бұрын
This was such a good way to describe that feeling!
@jumpingman6612 Жыл бұрын
What a video, an experience! I'm going to play silent hill 2 for the first time as well soon.. Can't wait. Thanks!
@briansans1194 Жыл бұрын
Always wanted to try this game, you've inspired me to go for it!
@apothekerrie Жыл бұрын
You articulated what is so special about this game so well.
@politicalscientist8880 Жыл бұрын
Great video dude. I'm sold. Subbed 👍
@s0mnolent210 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely incredible video, so glad I got this in my recommendations it perfectly encapsulates what i find scary about this series i'd recommend checking out 3 and 4 also - 4 gets alot of flak but i love it so much, it also has an amazing pc port which makes it easy to play, something the other silent hill games don't have
@1gnore_me. 9 күн бұрын
maria both feels sinister and genuine, almost like someone possessed by an evil entity. it's funny how on repeat playthroughs, she easily becomes one of the scariest things about the game, because you fully understand the nature of silent hill and what she could actually be.
@rubyjohn 6 ай бұрын
Amazing video, thanks for the good work.
@VAGGY8TH Жыл бұрын
Happy to see this game getting the love it has always deserved. I play it every spooky season and watch new analyses 💀year after year and this is definitely one of the best. 💀
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