Silent Hunter III - Type XXI Career || Patrol 3 Pt.3 - Final Days - Part 3 (The End)

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Boslandschap myndstrip Brian H
Dave K TheAceDanger Frosty S
Theodore R Giantman407 Paul Amadeus B
Tom Jeannette A CaptainTom757
James G Christopher M Ian
Monot Niki Vindum Remy L
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John Wathen Teutonic Meme phd45
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Donald J S The13oogeyMan Splinter00S
Wulfy Sandyin307102 Bayard Taylor
MODS*** (In install order)
**Grey Wolves Expansion
*Sh3 Commander
Thomsen's Sound Pack V3.2cg
Rapt0r's Uniforms V2.0 [Grey]
Rapt0r's Uniforms V2.0 [Grey - All Leather] Patch
Rubini´s Underwater dust&plancton v1
M.E.P v6
Optional - ShipVanishingHull for MEP v6
Optional - FSF for MEP v6
TKSS18 German U-Boats Compilation
ARB WideGui 1920x1080 V3
Adaptation for English & Deutsch
M.E.P v6- VisualSensors for GWX3
H.sie Hard-coded fixes.
What is Silent Hunter III?
The king of submarine simulations returns with an all-new 3D engine, new crew command features, and more realistic WWII naval action than ever before. The movie-like graphics and simple, tension-filled gameplay make this the perfect game for the realism fanatic and the casual gamer.
Realistic and immersive environment: The suspense-filled atmosphere includes realistic 3D water modeling, day/night cycles, and historically accurate subs, ships, and aircraft. The detailed U-boat interiors, changing weather effects, and engaging audio represent the ultimate in WWII submarine warfare.
Playable U-boats include Type II, VII, IX, and XXI submarines. Take aim against Allied convoys and warships. In recreating the great submarine battles of WWII, players will hide in silence just below threatening escort ships, fire deadly torpedoes, or surface and pound enemies with the deck gun.
Dynamic campaign: Create your own realistic naval war story. Your military career will be influenced by successful command decisions in an unscripted and non-linear WWII campaign.
Jeannette B
Kieran B
Tom -
Ely Hilliker
Mika Koutukari
Paul Bukowiecki
Teutonic Meme
Bayard T
Johannes R
John W
Theodore R
Frosty Steve

Пікірлер: 334
@socio-historian7337 3 жыл бұрын
Diary of a u-boat navigator: May 4th, 1945 The captain decided to surface the submarine in the middle of the North Atlantik today and ordered RADAR to be activated. I did not go outside this time, it just did not seem right to do so while the war was still on. Still, the fresh air comming from the open conning tower was nice. May 8th, 1945 The war is over.... Dönitz sent us a nice final message to inform us that it was over, however, we will not surface until we are near Kiel in order to not get killed after the war ended. The final patrol will soon be over.... Near Kiel We are surfacing..... the war is over for us now...we have survived.... we have survived.... Turning over the page, Karl found out that it was the last page of his diary. It was quite fitting, a last page for the last moments of the war. Not wanting to leave it empty, he wrote a poem: For 6 years we patroled, For 6 years we sailed the Atlantic, For 6 years we fought, For 6 years the depth was our friend and foe, For 6 years we survived; Now let us spend the next 60 years in peace and on shore. With that, Karl closed his diary and made his way to the conning tower. Once up, he observed the scene for a moment. The conning tower was crowded with officers and watchmen who no longer scanned for danger but enjoyed the view of Kiel and the sea. The decks of the submarine were also crowded with sailors as they also enjoyed the final moments of their last patrol as well as the fresh air. After seeing that, Karl joined the captain at the front of the conning tower and observed Kiel for some time. The captain then spoke: "I would have never thought that i would return to my hometown in such a way. Here i am, a captain of the most advanced submarine in the entire world, something i thought would be the greatest experience at the begining of the war, but now the greatest joy comes just from seeing my hometown once again." To that, Karl smiled and replied: "Well, at least you won't have to go very far to see your family again". To that the captain gave a quick laugh and said:"True, i just hope my family is still whole after this war and that bombs did not find them as their target". After those words, they fell silent for a moment before Karl spoke:" Is it not intresting? After 6 years of surviving depth charges and air attacks that ended so many others, we were lucky enough to come back alive?" To that the captain responded: " It is lucky indeed, but, just like every bullet does not find its target, so too did not every depth charge sink a submarine." "But yet, many more depth charges sunk submarines, many more bullets hit their mark, and so, more people died than survived..." Karl replied, tears starting to form in his eyes. He then finished with a question:" Just how many people did this war claim?" and after saying that, Karl burst into tears. The captain put a hand on his sholder in response and said:"Let us not think of war anymore for now. Let us enjoy the fact that we are alive and focus on bringing our lifes back to normal". After a few moments of crying, Karl was able to control other such negative emotional outbursts from happening and took the advice from the captain and tried to enjoy this big moment. They were soon in the port of Kiel.... As they sailed into the port, the sailors on deck formed up in ranks and stood in atention, forming a scene like the one from the earlier years of the war. They were cheered by German soldiers and civilians who were probably happy for them for just surviving the war. After docking, the sailors steped on land first, followed by the officers and then the captain was the last to step of the u-boat. The sailors and officers formed a line and saluted the captain and he saluted them back. He then spoke to them all: "My fellow sailors and officers, after many long patrols the war is finnaly over for us. Thankfuly, the sea was not our final resting place, and for that we should be eternaly grateful, but now is the time to start a new chapter in our lives. I wish you all a bright future. Crew, dissmissed!" And with that, everyone started to slowly walk away from the docks towards the city. Karl, however, decided to talk to the captain one last time. He asked him:" So, what will you do now?" The captain replied: "I will wait here at the docks, perhaps i will see other submarines dock and i would like to greet them". "I see" Karl replied before adding "Sir, it was an honour to be a navigator under your command" and then offering a handshake. The captain shook his hand and let go after a moment saying: "farewell, Karl". Karl gave him a salute and added: "farewell, captain" and with those words he turned around and walked away. Once at the end of the docks, he turned around to see the captain staring towards the sea with hands behind his back. With a smile, Karl departed his gaze from the captain and continued to walk towards the city hoping that there will be a train departing for Hamburg soon... A few days later... Exiting the train, Karl observed his hometown of Hamburg for the first time in two years. There was rubble on the streets from bombing, allied troops patroling the streets and people walking in mass. However, Karl quickly made his way through the city as for the moment only 2 things were on his mind: his family and his dear Erika. He soon got to his neighborhood and found that the building his family lived in was in relativly good state. Soon he entered it and quickly made his way up the stairs to his floor. Once there, he went towards his flat but once he was in front of the door, he stopped for a moment. He breathed in deeply and then finnaly knocked. A moment of silence followed before the door opened. There, in front of him was his father who recognised him instantly and, after a moment of shock, hugged him dearly. He then shouted: "Eva! Eva, Karl is here! He is back!" Quickly, footsteps could be heard as his mother rushed to see him, and, after seeing him with her own eyes, quickly moved to hug him while laughing hystericaly. "My dear son, how happy I am to see you!" she told him while hugging him tightly. Soon, they entered into the flat and sat down for a moment. Karl then asked: "Where is Otto?" Tothat, his father replied: don't worry he's alive, he is just waiting to be discharged in order to come back". Karl was relived with that answer, but then quickly asked them:" And what about Erika? Is she alright?" His mother answered this time:"We don't know, we lost contact with her and her family for some time now". Karl nodded but was now filled with worry. However, he quickly got an idea. Getting up he said:" Mother, father, i must leave you for now to find Erika." His mother protested this asking him to stay for a while, however, his father calmed her down and she acepted to wait a bit longer. Thanking them, Karl quickly left the flat and went to find Erika... At the docks As he arrived at the docks, Karl started to look for Erika. It did not take him long to spot her standing at the exact place they met. It was without a doubt Erika, Kar could tell from her brunette hair, her tall stature and her coat that she wore almost always. She was staring towards the sea just like the first time he saw her. Seeing this, Karl decided to walk behind her and say the first words he said to her all those years ago: " I guess i am not the only one to enjoy watching the sea". After he spoke those words, Erika slowly turned around and, after seeing Karl once again, her face filled with surprise and joy and she quickly ran towards him and hugged him. Her momentum almost caused Karl to fall, however, he quickly recovered and hugged her back. The embrace filled Karl with so much warmth and joy that for a moment he forgot about all his war experinece and felt fulfiled. "I knew the sea wouldn't take you" she said as her eyes filled with tears. "And i knew that no bomb would claim you" Karl responded as he himself could no longer hold his emotions and began to weap tears of joy. And so there they stood, in an embrace that for them lasted forever, for now they knew that their lifes were fulfiled and their future bright... Epilogue After the war, Karl served in the navy for 2 more years before deciding to join the mearchent fleet where he became a captain of a large tanker. Later he would become a captain of a passanger ship and then an ocean liner. He enjoyed talking to the people he transported and even share some of his wartime stories. He retired on october 15th 1985 at the age of 70. He married Erika on april 7th, 1947 and they had 3 children (2 boys, 1 girl). They lived to see the end of the cold war, the birth of their great grandchildren and the world's entry into the 2nd millenium. Karl would depart this world on the 2nd of august 2005 (aged 90) while his wife would join him on may 5th, 2007 (aged 91). And so ends the story of Karl, however, his diary would remain one of his greatest legacies as it would end up in an archive where historians could study the experiences of a u-boat navigator throughout ww2... (And, wow, that was a marathon, if you read it all, i tip my hat to you dear sir/madame. I enjoyed writing these entries and i hope you enjoyed reading them as well. I guess i will see you all in another series then. Have a fine day you legends :) )
@cloadmcally 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your fine service. It was a pleasure reading your story!
@socio-historian7337 2 жыл бұрын
@@cloadmcally thank you for reading and enjoying my story :) I've always felt inspired and liked expresing myself when watching videos that i can imerse myself into. I'm glad my stories have been entertaining for someone like you to read.
@Daishi18 11 ай бұрын
Bro... this is really good. I never reallized such wonderfull writting was hidden in the comment section of this series. I may ask if there is a chance that you could compile this story and post it somewhere else, so I can read it from the beggining. Its ok if you dont want to... but d*mn that its good.
@XH1927 3 ай бұрын
You're a pretty good writer, I hope you're still doing this somewhere
@sebastiansutanto5835 3 жыл бұрын
The captain of the submarine would live and tell the tales to his children and such, being the last U-boat commander to surrender his vessel, getting an iron cross, and riding one of Germany's last wunderwaffe that never saw action until 1944.
@untruelie2640 3 жыл бұрын
"Getting an Iron Cross"? From whom?
@cjmars822 3 жыл бұрын
The Iron Cross is a traditional German medal. Yes, the Reich had their own version of it with a swastika, but the medal was changed post war to include an oak leaf instead and the award for bravery kept on. In 2008 Germany changed the medal again to be more like the original Prussian Cross. It’s still awarded for bravery. Pretty cool stuff
@untruelie2640 3 жыл бұрын
@@cjmars822 You don't have to lecture me on this topic, I'm German myself. The reason for asking this question is, that after 1945, the medal was not awarded anymore - for obvious reasons. After all, it was Hitler's award for "elite soldiers" and thus highly contaminated, ideologically speaking. Former soldiers were allowed to wear a version without swastikas, but it wasn't reintroduced again as an "active" medal. It is only used as a symbol by the Bundeswehr (like on their planes for example). The medal introduced in 2008 wasn't the Iron Cross at all, it was the "Bundeswehr Cross of Honour for Valour" and is only shaped like the Iron Cross, but evidently it isn't an IRON Cross since it has a golden colour. Introducing this medal was also highly controversial (and still is). The whole point of the iron Cross was, that it was made out of Iron. So, I may ask again: Who could've given this medal to the submarine commander? Germany had already capitulated and Kiel was under British occupation. The crew of the submarine would've been arrested as soon as they appeared in the harbour. And after the war, there was no one to give them a new Iron Cross. There wasn't even a german government until both german states were founded in 1949, and neither of them awarded Iron Crosses, especially not to former Wehrmacht members.
@haraldhardrada5628 3 жыл бұрын
@@untruelie2640 man kann es auch zu ernst nehmen es ist nur ein Spiel 😂😂
@prudenciopenalopez2039 3 жыл бұрын
@@untruelie2640 iron cross were not used after 1945. *iron cross in lutfwaffe in 2021:*
@jimtownsend7899 3 жыл бұрын
It is a bittersweet moment. Happy to see you survive to the end, sad that there will be no more episodes. Thanks for taking us along on your patrols. I'll be watching for any other WWII submarine gaming you do. I salute you, Sir!
@foreverpinkf.7603 3 жыл бұрын
@Nightcrawlerfive 3 жыл бұрын
I'm guessing next Friday, some new Wolfpack345 series will debut. And since this is normally a Silent Hunter day for him, my guess it will be more Silent Hunter is some form.
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
@@Nightcrawlerfive Maybe not next Friday. Gotta do some set up but certainly soon :)
@stijnharryvan2648 3 жыл бұрын
maybe one more trip to a sunny location in south america is in order, any volunteers to come along?
@christianhaupt2637 3 жыл бұрын
That would be pretty cool!
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
My Captain didn't want low quality tv shows made about him on the history channel. :P
@matthewcaughey8898 3 жыл бұрын
U-104 here we didn’t surrender a nice sunny shore sounds awfully good
@themecoptera9258 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wolfpack345 you either die a captain, or live long enough to see yourself portrayed by c list actors in a show airing after pawn stars.
@adamtruong1759 3 жыл бұрын
After the war, sounds like a good vaction.
@Bacardibatman 3 жыл бұрын
IT'S NOT OVER! IT CANT BE OVER, I won't let it.
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
There will be another.
@Bacardibatman 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wolfpack345 thank you, was another awesome series
@nimarashidi4510 3 жыл бұрын
Shrek is love Shrek is life
@timonsolus 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wolfpack345 : Is there an Italian submarine campaign mod for SH3? That would be really interesting!
@RSoppe 3 жыл бұрын
@@timonsolus maybe japanese?
@graustreifbrombeerkralle1078 3 жыл бұрын
The ending is depressing and at the same time relieving, knowing the slaughter is now over and that your men survived.
@drowssapma 3 жыл бұрын
An idea: A short video on how you compare with other UBoat Aces in the tonnage war.
@AndrzejSQ9PKW 3 жыл бұрын
@burtonporter8437 3 жыл бұрын
Answer: they lived 3 or 4 missions and died so Wolfpack wins
@mysteriousgadget7879 3 жыл бұрын
A new Silent Hunter III video, let's go!!
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
I will certainly be doing more Silent Hunter
@veljko0864 3 жыл бұрын
Mine favourite nom nom
@veljko0864 3 жыл бұрын
@fstimellom8882 3 жыл бұрын
Its over. What the f..... am i gonna do now.... Here in Trondheim the uboat bunker DORA is still intact and during the opening of the Trondheim moviefestival they used the bunker as a movietheater and the audience watched Das Boot. Wish i had a ticket Stay safe(from the virus) and please do produce more.
@haraldhardrada5628 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wolfpack345 yes pls start a new carrier ! Love the series !
@adamtruong1759 3 жыл бұрын
I'm kind of glad that no ships were torpedoed (by you) in this patrol. When the end of really any conflict is assured, victory or defeat, it's really not worth killing more people or sinking more ships because it wouldn't change to course of the conflict. Last minute revenge doesn't seem worth it either in my opinion.
@timonsolus 3 жыл бұрын
The war in Europe ended on 8 May, 1945. But the total defeat of the Third Reich was already inevitable 8 months earlier. By the end of August 1944, only 3 months after D-Day, it was already clear that the German Army would never be able to push the Allied armies back into the sea. Combined with massive defeats on the Eastern Front in summer 1944, that meant Germany was defeated. So the final 8 months of the war in Europe were completely unnecessary and entirely due to Hitler’s fanatical refusal to admit defeat. If only the 20 July Bomb Plot against Hitler had succeeded, many lives would have been saved.
@adamtruong1759 3 жыл бұрын
​@@timonsolus I think after the Battle of the Bulge it became assured that Germany would be defeated to the Western Allies, but that would still be 5 months of worthless fighting.
@timonsolus 3 жыл бұрын
@@adamtruong1759 : The Battle of the Bulge was not really a moment of crisis for the Allies, despite what you see in the movies. The German plan for it never had the slightest chance of success. It depended on the Allies not blowing up their supply dumps as they retreated, and handing them over intact to the Germans!
@cmbbfan78 3 жыл бұрын
@@timonsolus True but the questions remain: what would have been the fate of whole Europe? Even so, that the Communists were halted for many months, the unlucky part of Europe came under brutal dictatorship. Probably in that matter even more countries would have suffered the same. But who knows.
@adamtruong1759 3 жыл бұрын
@@timonsolus I mean, the after the Battle of the Bulge Germany used up lot of it's resources and fighting capability so I would think after that the Fatherland couldn't do much after.
@loganlaviolette993 3 жыл бұрын
happy to see the crew get home safely. but i have to say im excited for the sh4 career coming
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
Me too!
@gascan 3 жыл бұрын
Great end to the series. I appreciate the discussion of the real history of the Type XXI, including its weaknesses, and the influence it had on future designs. There is a GUPPY 3 boat in Charleston Harbor that I have toured several times before the pandemic, and it is interesting to see the similarities to both the modern boats that I have served on, and the WW2 boat I toured in San Francisco.
@anjaerdmann4578 3 жыл бұрын
Man I have to say it's quite sad that the career ends now. But I'm also looking forward to other new projects.
@AccomplishedFact 3 жыл бұрын
This and your Type IX career really helped me get through Covid lockdown, many thanks
@Boslandschap1 3 жыл бұрын
This was a great series, I thoroughly enjoyed it! 👍
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@nimbledick9869 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe a B-17 The Mighty Eighth campaign next? that game has a huge learning curve, it's worth it though and if you're familiar with other flight sim's it shouldn't be hard to get in to.
@harmonicadude4732 3 жыл бұрын
And a new entry into that seres series is coming out sometime ish “soon”.
@nimbledick9869 3 жыл бұрын
@@harmonicadude4732 I'd love to see Wolfpack leading a squadron of B-17's over the U-Boat bases he'd previously considered homes.
@harmonicadude4732 3 жыл бұрын
@@nimbledick9869 Taft in exile has a pilot and squadron commander seres from a long time ago.
@kingdomofvinland8827 3 жыл бұрын
I feel in a u boat film set at the end of the war admiral donitz’s message would be a big emotional moment where the captain reads it aloud to the entire crew with emotional music in the background
@marinary1326 3 жыл бұрын
It would have been quite interesting if, after the surrender, you could have gone up to one of those destroyers and gotten an escort home. Course, I dunno if the destroyer crew would be inclined to be courteous to a U-boat crew after everything that went down in the Battle of the Atlantic, but it's just a thought that intrigues me. I enjoyed the little historical lesson at the end there! Funny to hear how the Allies tried to use the German technology to innovate on their own diesel subs after the war. Of course with the benefit of hindsight, we know in a few years the nuclear sub would come along and pretty much blow diesel subs out of the water, metaphorically speaking of course :P I know diesel subs remained in use after that, but it's amazing what a jump in sub capability nuclear power was. And I can't help but be a bit biased I suppose, I've been to the Nautilus a couple of times and it's a fascinating piece of history.
@herrakaarme 3 жыл бұрын
Modern compact non-nuclear subs are just fine, especially for smaller seas and coastal defense. They are just as advanced as nuclear subs. They also do sport a power system independent from external air for staying longer underwater. They are smaller and more silent than nuclear subs, submerged.
@antebellum45 3 жыл бұрын
America landed Apollo 11 on the Moon as a result of the German WWII technology that was brought over to the US as "spoils of war". Case in point: the (US) deal that was offered to Werner von Braun and this team in the last months of the war.
@creatorsfreedom6734 3 жыл бұрын
@@antebellum45 for the purpose to make ICBM's
@louisavondart9178 Жыл бұрын
Allied aircraft continued to attack and sink Uboots after the ceasefire was declared. So it would not have been a good idea. ( Experienced the same thing in SH3 GWX ) The Allies were dismissive of the Type XXI but the Russians immediately put all of the ones they captured into service. That included partially completed hulls in Danzig. The last one was decommissioned in 1957.
@_R-R 2 жыл бұрын
And during those test by the US Navy. The captain would comment that the Type XXI was a stinker on the surface. Comical considering that the submarine was designed for submerged operation.
@Splinter00S 3 жыл бұрын
Loved the history lesson at the end of the video!
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Splinter!
@wulfywulf7033 3 жыл бұрын
its over bro!! what a great pair of campaigns, i loved them both and you did a great job on the production for each, and look at your subscribers since you started!! now youre getting sponsors too, congrats man on making it with your channel! keep making more stuff even beyond submarine related, your series will always keep me watching
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate it :) I am glad you enjoyed both campaigns
@LexieAssassin 3 жыл бұрын
On my (thus far) only career, I fired all my torpedoes are any and all targets of opportunity even after the war ended. I think I'm going to start another career again in 1939, though I need to not get cocky. I tried to start one a while ago and found a convoy escorted by only a Flower-class corvette, which seemed largely oblivious to me. That is, until I was going max submerged speed to keep pace with the convoy and engaged time warp to load torpedoes, only to get metaphorically run over by a depth charge run at 25m. Was sunk before I could even move the crew to damage control.
@VoidSector 3 жыл бұрын
End of the type XXI career, and Wolfpack starts showing off his snorkel, and telling us his crew don't use rubbers... 😜 Good series, I never comment..but I love your content ! Keep it up :)
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
@matthewcaughey8898 3 жыл бұрын
Germany might have surrendered. U-104 a type IXB submarine fought on doggedly till the ammo and the torpedoes ran out. While your war ended with the final message of the admiral I kept on fighting as I had done. Ever since I took that type 1 Baltic duck into Loch Ewe in Scotland and scored myself a 39,000 ton Nelson class BB at the start of the war. The only reason I gave up was I couldn’t rearm and refuel. I was ready to fight on so long as I could get eels to shoot. I ended the war with over 350,000 tons of shipping solo, every decoration you could get, and I only ever lost 3 men under my command. When the adm told me get aggressive, I guess he didn’t realize he set forth one of the greatest U-Boat aces to ever sail
@tinkertailor7385 3 жыл бұрын
If you'd just sunk a few more ships Wolfpack..... ya could've won it! ;) Great series. Have thoroughly enjoyed the SH 3 series.
@jacobdearancibia9436 3 жыл бұрын
Waited all week for this one ! Can't wait !
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
Hope you liked it!
@jacobdearancibia9436 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wolfpack345 You bet! I think that it's actually very fitting that you shouldn't sink any ship during the ending days of the war. In helps underline thefutility and insanity that characterized Nazi Germany's submarine warfare. So many lives lost, so many good ships sent to the bottom of the ocean, and for what to show? Great great series Wolfpack. You are the best goddamn youtuber!
@RemusKingOfRome 3 жыл бұрын
Great series. I was half expecting you to hit a mine just before entering Kiel.
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
That would have been one heck of an ending lol.
@Nathan-ng1jt 3 жыл бұрын
Yay!! Feet up with a cup of tea for a Friday lockdown evening with the Kreigsmarine!
@cnote6923 3 жыл бұрын
Damn that sucks that we sunk a captured Type XXI for target practice. Very lucky to have seen the preserved Type IX in Chicago - wish we could have saved more U-boats as museum ships.
@caiuswickersham 3 жыл бұрын
The Soviet Union was very adamant that those captured U-Boats be made fish reefs. The one in Chicago was only thanks to some major rules lawyering.
@Iymarra 3 жыл бұрын
Great upload, Wolfpack. I do look forward to these series. I appreciate the info at the end, too.
@mariourquidi4992 3 жыл бұрын
such an awesome career in the type XXI Wolfpack, you out did yourself again. awesome history lesson at the end too, i learned a lot from watching this series
@CATASTEROID934 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sad it's over but all good things have to end, this series and the Type VII series has supported me with much-needed distraction and diversion through a very tumultuous period of my life. I'm looking forward to what will follow in it's stead but I'll miss it a great deal.
@querpa 3 жыл бұрын
The end of an era, it seems. Amazing series man. I can't wait to see what you do next :)
@markstott6689 3 жыл бұрын
Well that was fun. Always thoroughly enjoyable ànd tinged now with regret that it's all over. I think the Type XXI is a fun boat to watch as it seems more like a true submarine than earlier German boats. If you do more Silent Hunter I'd like to see you try infiltrate some major naval bases or at least linger outside them. Seeing capital ships going down is always fun. In the mean time I'm looking forward to more War on the Sea.
@Strothy2 3 жыл бұрын
That moment when a good series ends and you contemplate life without it... I really hope you go for a SH4 run !!!
@rblinson8136 3 жыл бұрын
To add to this, with the Trigger Maru Overhauled + Run Silent Run Deep mods. Let's go for true realism! Of course this means that there will be SEVERAL boring hours or days before even seeing a ship.
@arnoboers8278 3 жыл бұрын
Im sad this has come to an end, and glad your crew survived, i surely hope you will do another career.
@ronaldstephenson4380 3 жыл бұрын
Kapitan Wolfpack345, Most excellent job of returning your unterseeboote and crew out of that war alive. This whole SH3 series has been an incredable experience to watch. Thank you sir for your time and effort to provide this much entertainment.
@peterrosa34 3 жыл бұрын
Great series. Really enjoyed the short but intense 21 career. Kudos to the great transition from the type IX and as always, awesome storytelling. Looking forward to the next one.
@bluestorm3628 3 жыл бұрын
And with that it’s over. The Second World War however deadly and horrific it mite have been still provided amazing technological growth in the 6 years it was rageing. From piston powered to jet, from surface sub to full sub and from morse code to radio over long distance. Even though many lost there lives surging on both sides in all branches of the military, and that new challenges and strife would come in the following 4 decades. The bravery of the men and growth of technology and the new willingness to come together. Has made the world we know today more prosperous in forgiving and understanding, better than we could have ever hoped for. My we continue to never forget there heroism, and that we continue to learn and except one another. To Wolfpack: We thank you for this incredible sires, and we hope that in one way or another you are able to make another one just as magnificent. Until next time SeaWolf. 🐺
@cjmars822 3 жыл бұрын
Well done. A great epilogue! Makes surviving the war a bitter sweet thing, huh?
@rotorhd2 3 ай бұрын
A bit emotional for me at this point of the war. My uncle Don who enlisted in the Canadian Army in 1939, spent the entire war in Europe and was due to return home to Canada when he was killed in April 1945 in northern Italy. He was a combat engineer, and is buried near Ravonna , Italy. He was from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
@ambientlightofdarknesss4245 3 жыл бұрын
I think i saw somewhere that the type21 was about to sink a merchant ship but got the surrender report just moments after. The captain decided to cancel the attack even though a solution had already been plotted and they could have easily sunk it.
@ferretofdoom5851 10 ай бұрын
Thank you, what a beautiful and educational way of ending this series. Good job!
@devinodulchaoinitigh5467 3 жыл бұрын
Well I'm gonna miss these videos over the coming months; already can't wait to keep watching them in 10-27 weeks
@C2K777 3 жыл бұрын
You KNOW you''re supposed to bugger off to Argentina at the end, right?!
@crowsbridge 3 жыл бұрын
I read that both captains of the deployed XXIs claimed to have been about to make attack runs, but stopped short of firing, since the war had ended. Also, EVNautilus, has a 2014 video where they dive on U2513, it's kind of neat.
@louisavondart9178 Жыл бұрын
One claimed that. It's been debunked as the ship he supposedly attacked was hundreds of miles away at the time.
@whatsinanameish 3 жыл бұрын
Carter would be the other president that has been on a submarine as he was a submarine commander in his navy days.
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
Theodore Roosevelt went on USS Plunger. President Carter would be the third.
@theeflyingbanana6365 3 жыл бұрын
Sad to see the series is over :( when is the next war on the sea video I’ve been dying to see what happens next
@tefras14 3 жыл бұрын
Its been one hell of a ride
@prytification 3 жыл бұрын
Despite being 16 years old, this is still the best UBoat game out there. A simple 1:1 remake in a modern engine would be something worth every effort.
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@beardedphobos5211 3 жыл бұрын
That was a great series Wolfpack345
@HughbertJassGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Great series, have looked forward to each episode :).
@videomaniac108 3 жыл бұрын
Sunk in the year of my birth and in a location I've visited numerous times - Key West, FL
@mazchen 3 жыл бұрын
I could have watched this SH III series going on forever. Thank you for providing such great content over almost two years, something to look forward to every Friday during the past crazy months.
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate it :)
@lhiannonshee 3 жыл бұрын
That was a great series, Wolf. I really loved the little history piece at the end. Excited for what you bring to us next.
@ArenBerberian 3 жыл бұрын
Love your little cinematic intros and historic context, adds so much to the game and vids immersion. Keep up the good work.
@foreverpinkf.7603 3 жыл бұрын
I´m glad that you and your crew made it home without trying stupid things. Thank you for the voyage. Waiting for your next projects.
@cocindaucocindau354 3 жыл бұрын
If it would be possible, i would like to see something like this but on the Soviet Side in the Black Sea, you know from the Siege of Odessa, Battle of Sevastopol and fall of it, to the defence and Destruction of the Romanian and German Marine Forces and the hunting of Merchants Vessels on the Romanian Waters and Across the Turkish Coast, it would be fun..
@ret7army 3 жыл бұрын
From the ASW side of things ... the US Navy also had homing torpedoes,. Carried by TBM Avengers, they were so secret that the they were under orders to not use them if any ship could possibly see the attack. An Avenger could carry one homing torpedo and 2 depth charges. Their orders specified that regular depth charges were to be used if another ship could see them. Communications of the attack included one code word for depth charge attacks, and a different one for the torpedo.
@scottgarvey5779 3 жыл бұрын
Great Series again mate, what's next? I've just started playing SH4, U boat missions and I'm having a blast. I plan to raid Fremantle Harbour because its near where I live lol Anyways thanks for the entertainment, your videos certainly provide that. Looking forward to next one already :)
@creatorsfreedom6734 3 жыл бұрын
- operation monsun mod - enable's the german front for sh 4
@External2737 3 жыл бұрын
I just started watching. I am sad this the final episode.
@concordefan9154 3 жыл бұрын
Silent hunter 3 and SH4 were the best gameplays on this channel 👍👍
@Finn-tl7nw 2 жыл бұрын
Really good job. As always, it was damn fun to accompany you on your missions. Keep it up.
@DivePlane13 3 жыл бұрын
Wolfpack I have been subscribed since you had little under 5 thousand subs, and your content keeps getting better and better!! Rest Easy 2513, and thank you for this amazing content!
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for being around for the long haul!
@antebellum45 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this great series! Hopefully in the future you'll make another U-boat series like this one! An thank you for all the exciting and entertaining hours you've given us!👍🏻
@abelw16 3 жыл бұрын
Would u maybe play Cold Waters epic mod again? Maybe typhoon class, that would be a chalenge.
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
I will re visit Cold Waters eventually. War on the Sea kind of took that spot.
@abelw16 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wolfpack345 Tbh i catch myself refressing your youtube page every evening, to see what is the Japanese Navy up to. I cant wait to see the yamato chase C3 cargo ships
@JahBronee 3 жыл бұрын
Your historical context during this patrol was awesome. I was riveted to the narration.
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@Belsen85 3 жыл бұрын
Wolfpack345, If you think about the next series, my suggestion is "Depth charge fodder in iron coffins": start carrier on VIIC in September 1943 (or January 1944).
@systemshocker7634 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for yet another well produced and interesting series. GG Wolfpack345!
@Burscheid0r 3 жыл бұрын
Start playing War on the sea seriously from now on. Got hooked on you playing, binge watched the episodes, felt the need for more, watched all other youtubers playing it, got mad how they approached the game, rewatched your episodes. Play more, release more, please, pretty please.
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
3-4 episodes a week is not serious?
@BossNKing101 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wolfpack345 Not the guy you replied to, but they might be used to more full time KZbinrs, lol. I don't comment much, but I just wanted to thank you Wolfpack, you (and Tortuga) have gotten me into submarines, naval warfare, and more niche strategy games that I've never been interested in before. I await every release of these SH videos, and can't wait until you start another one! Thanks again!
@Burscheid0r 3 жыл бұрын
@@Wolfpack345 No, keep it at the pace most convenient to your way of presentation. Your presentation shows understanding of the game mechanics (knowing what you're doing is a quality most youtubers are lacking), great editing (cutting out repetitive or uneventful lengthly parts) and therefore telling a story in episodes that is highly entertaining and educative on the game itself. Really impressive QoC.
@vincentcastonguay8304 3 жыл бұрын
God I love when you narrated the story of any game and at the end also 😍 please keep on doing it
@ArtificialSoldier1 3 жыл бұрын
I love your Silent Hunter videos, Wolfpack. Thank you for uploading another :) Hope to see a new SH series soon!
@James1999B 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Captain for countless hours of fearless battles and amazing entertainment!
@blaisphilippe2401 3 жыл бұрын
Me a week ago who find a new interest in subsim : oh these look like fun video to learn how to play this game everybody is talking about on subsim. Me after bing watch these let’s play : Oh good god already finish ??? Your let’s play are incredible sir .
@MaycroftCholmsky 3 жыл бұрын
Warcrimes: the speedrun series!
@bradleycoles9018 3 жыл бұрын
fantastic series man, just found your channel and binge watched it all today :-)
@MrKurtank 3 жыл бұрын
That was a great series, thank you. And I very much appreciated the historical summary at the end.
@juliusrehbein9603 3 жыл бұрын
i loved watching this series for years :) i love your work keep it up
@stephenfarthing3819 Жыл бұрын
The Destroyer Captain is aware of your orders to cease all operations. Most Royal Navy Destroyers and Frigates have orders not to engage with U Boats heading home to surrender.
@esbenk.d.jensen9345 3 жыл бұрын
Very entertaining series, thanks a lot.
@hughbie7 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome game episodes from start to finish...thanks Wolf!!
@mixererunio1757 3 жыл бұрын
That was better than many of TV series I've seen,
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@geoffreyrichardson8738 2 жыл бұрын
Nice finishing touch
@engineermole2688 3 жыл бұрын
And so the Gray Wolf, tired and drained from its hunts, returns to its den, it brings no glory, no fresh blood on its hackles, only the tiredness of the run speckling its trail. It comes watched by the other pack's members, the larger pack that it and its kin had once battled and stalked, but the Gray Wolf watched as its pack was picked away from it, few to start with, then more and more as the other pack learned there tricks and tactics, and developed there own. But the Gray wolf, despite its tiredness held its head hight, it was a defeated animal, but still a predator, it knew the respect and hatred it had earned and went back to its den knowing it would never again see the freedom of its territory. All it could do was await its fate in its den. Hats off to the Uboatmen of the Kriegsmarine, they did their duty to there country and that goes for all men that fell in the war
@ChrisJ4711 3 жыл бұрын
Have really enjoyed your series on SH3 - hope you get around to make more content in this really great game.
@marcl.1346 3 жыл бұрын
An idea for a new campaign would be to start out in the very first uboots, the smaller Type A's if I remember correctly and to try and start to survive all the way to the end like you almost did the previous time. To put a twist on things maybe go to lesser known theatres of war like the Baltic or something along those lines.
@tristanbentz224 2 ай бұрын
It’s ashame your original Uboat never got to see the end of the war but will lie as a manorial for the brave men that served on her
@Maphisto86 3 жыл бұрын
I love the epilogue to this great series. I salute you Kaleun!
@rja1702 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent series !! loved it, thank you
@sfckrbec 3 жыл бұрын
Would like to see a 'Help high ranking Nazi's escape to Argentina and scuttle the boat' mission.
@juno1915 3 жыл бұрын
1st. Can't wait to see what you put out next with Silent hunter
@Kevin-ol5gr 3 жыл бұрын
Got home today thinking there's something missing, finally realized oh yeah, the series came to an end. Guess I'll have to start over now.
@MIKE-se8ye 3 жыл бұрын
Love your Silent Hunter III campaigns! More please?
@stonehengeman 3 жыл бұрын
Friday night and a new Wolfpack video. ❤️
@MrSamuel1438 3 жыл бұрын
The writing of these is so damn good
@wolfcraft484 3 жыл бұрын
And thus the crew of u2513 became west german farmers to spend the rest of their life in peace
@dmain6735 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the series Wolf. o7
@barrycabbageM34 3 жыл бұрын
Sad to see the series go, but it was a damn good one.
@KageMinowara 3 жыл бұрын
5:50 Wolfpack: "I'm surprised they don't have their rubbers on." I think they'd wait until they get back to port before putting rubbers on old chap. Not much cause to do so out in the North Sea with no women about.
@JackJoff 3 жыл бұрын
Hey wolfpack! Awesome video. Would love to see the next SH3 series set in a VII in the Atlantic with how far your channel has come and your editing techniques you now use! :)
@Wolfpack345 3 жыл бұрын
That is something I want to do again too. It will happen... Eventually.
@guyrosinbaum7745 3 жыл бұрын
Well done series
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