Whenever I play Arena and the shuffler thinks I either have 16 lands or 36 lands in my deck, it's the most infuriating feeling and it makes me want to throw my phone. I can only imagine the frustration this guy felt getting 13 lands in 19 cards during the most important game of his tournament run
@Akumaspkplayer26 Жыл бұрын
This made me laugh 36 lands
@ilyafoskin Жыл бұрын
@@Akumaspkplayer26 It's happened to you? On Arena it seems to happen way more often than it should statistically. I'll play a game where I'm only drawing lands and when it's over I'll count something like 12 lands in 20 total cards and often it's worse than that. Then a couple of games later I'll lose with 12 cards and only 3 lands. If you check the odds with the odds calculator on MTG Nexus, these kinds of extreme land to non-land ratios should happen rarely. Getting 12 lands in 20 cards should happen roughly once in 100 games but it seems to happen on Arena a few times a week and I only play enough games to complete the daily quest. When I play in paper, I have land issues so rarely I can remember just a couple of instances. If such flooding or mana screw were more frequent, I would take it as a sign of poor shuffling.
@Akumaspkplayer26 Жыл бұрын
@robfoskin685 yes im diamond 1 in standard then i dropped to diamon 3 literally flooded or start with a good opening hand then turn 4 or 5 comes just non stop lands and i was on a 22 game streak for wins, then lose like every game to horrible draws,or flooded out or i get 4 lands then no lands for the following 5 turns it really makes me rage like so much
@ulisesmunguia8715 Жыл бұрын
And after he lost game one due to being stuck on one land.
@ilyafoskin Жыл бұрын
@@ulisesmunguia8715 I feel like he had all the culpability in that first game though. He went down to 6 cards but he kept the hand with a single white/blue land and 4 black pips. He was hoping to get Dennick out with the next land in his deck but assuming an average draw distribution, he could reasonably expect to draw two non-lands before he got his second land. Even worse, he needed that second land to be a white/blue source for Dennick and a black source or else he wouldn't be able to play anything else after Dennick so his only chance to win was to draw a two colour land one of which was black. If he had at least three 2 drop white or blue cards I could be convinced that keeping was the right choice but as it was he needed to go to 5 cards as terrible as it is.
@SI29222 Жыл бұрын
Interesting how Neilsen had no comment about the mana screw/flood in his post game interview
@prmperop Жыл бұрын
@el_pablodocus Жыл бұрын
That one lander keep in game 1 from the italian player was plain awful... Felt really bad for him !
@GeneraleKenobi88 Жыл бұрын
Total tilt
@Toaster_luvin Жыл бұрын
I think he just misspoke when he said "keep"
@DuskSlayerYT Жыл бұрын
Game 2 Simon removed wedding announcements to put in destroy evil and tocassias welcome and an additional regal bunnicorn
@Xergn Жыл бұрын
What was Simon writing on ?
@skylar5257 Жыл бұрын
Life pad, most cards shops have them for sale.
@tonysaja_94 Жыл бұрын
Lose a game with one land and then lose another game with all lands, I thought that was just an Arena thing . So bad.