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This is the Part-2 Video of simulation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator(PMSG) based Wind Energy Conversion System.
Here you can understand complete simulation of PMSG based wind energy conversion system.
I am requesting the viewers to wait and watch my next video of this for real-time verification in Opal-RT Simulator.
Links for references
For unseen Correction in the video please watch following video:
• Correction Video for "...
If the error is “NAN” in display, then do following corrections:
1. Go to solver setting and and choose solver selection type: “Fixed step”, solver:” Range-Kutta” and Fixed step size: 10e-6 and uncheck bellow all boxes.
2. Click on Powergui and set “Discrete”, sample time: 10e-6 or 20e-6 or 30e-6, I chose 20e-6 at video time 27.12
3. If you have not made any changes by unmasking the wind turbine block, then put a “gain of -1” with Tm(p.u).
4. Check the element like Discrete-Time Integrators in the drive train, 1st order filter, RMS blocks and enter “sample time”: equal or greater than sample time chosen in step 2. I chose 50e-6.
Please watch carefully to avoid the mistakes
“Result of power is undefined in 'sudheer1/Wind Turbine/cp(lambda,beta)/Fcn'” If you get this type of error then its problem of your software.
Thanks for watching and subscribing my channel.
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