I'm picking up the new ozone xxlite2, and these single surface videos of yours are getting me super stoked! Your comparison one was super helpful, too. Incredible what kind of lightweight wings we have to choose from these days!
6 жыл бұрын
Hi! Why did you go for the XXlite 2? His comparison isn't putting the previous model in a great position. I am just curious no judging. I have a Niviuk Skin 2 myself and I am super happy but if I had to buy it now I would really consider the XXlite 2 and would definetely want to test the new snigle skin from Dudek.
@joel.fuchs_5 жыл бұрын
Cooles video, geiler GOT soundtrack😬😄
@alexanderappl13927 жыл бұрын
Nette Aussicht über den Kapruner Stauseen
@JochenBergfexlKramer7 жыл бұрын
Grias di Philip!! Bärigs video!! Vom Wiesbachhorn weg....daugt ma vui!!! Daumen hoch!! Abo hoscht fix ;-) Lg Jochen
@philipbrugger7 жыл бұрын
dankeschön!! :)
@Freisein.6 жыл бұрын
Sehr schönes Video! Respekt vor den starts... schaut wirklich schwierig aus.
@philipbrugger6 жыл бұрын
es gibt einfachere startplätze 🙈
@marcofrancazi2786 жыл бұрын
super video!
@sigir.76016 жыл бұрын
Hy wo ist denn diese landemoglichkeit. Geht sich das mit einem Tonka auch aus. Lg
@magnuswahlund36627 жыл бұрын
Could you post a video of how small each pack down to? ☺
@philipbrugger7 жыл бұрын
sorry I don't have these gliders here for testing anymore, but i have some footage I will post soon. But unfortunately i haven't recorded how small they pack.
@magnuswahlund36627 жыл бұрын
Great! Looking forward to see them! ☺
@FlyingwithPeter0073 жыл бұрын
I love paragliding 💓
@pixelsinprogress80466 жыл бұрын
That first pilot definitely needs to copy the technique of the 2nd. He was trying to launch his wing in the venturi and messy air.
@philipbrugger6 жыл бұрын
he is a very good pilot an knew what he was doing ...the other pilot an me decided to find a slightly better spot :-P
@magnuswahlund36627 жыл бұрын
Looking awesome! How would you compare the skyman to the niviuk skin 2 performance and handling wise. Glide, sink rate, manoverbility, stability, liveliness, speed? And how small does they pack down?
@philipbrugger7 жыл бұрын
As far as I tested all those single skins I would say the both have the same glide performance and sink rate. they also make fun to play in the air with wing-overs or spirals. Compared to my ufo14, this has more mini-wing character because of the shorter lines. All single skins don't really gain a lot of speed when pushing the bar (max 3~6 km/h). The Sir Edmund did deform a lot and I think this would cost a lot of glide performance on speed, although the speed didn't increase a lot. liveliness, if there was a ranking i would say 1) UFO 2) skin2p 3) siredmund in terms of packing size 1) UFO 2) siredmund 3) skin2p
@magnuswahlund36627 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the input. Would you say the trimmers on the niviuk 2 change the performance a lot for flying or are they mostly for easier landings? Have you tested different settings for flying it or just kept them neutral?
@magnuswahlund36627 жыл бұрын
What would you say the glide ratio is on the niviuk 2? And which one of all them is your favourite and why?
@philipbrugger7 жыл бұрын
In my opinion trimmers or speed is something you shouldn't need for single skins. They just gain to less speed. I wouldn't go flying with my single skin if the wind is too strong or close to my trimm speed. this is for small double-skin gliders ;-)
@Kudi100047 жыл бұрын
Na servas, der Startplatz ist aber auch nicht ohne :D Ich habe letzte Woche den Sir Edmund 20 getestet. Hat mir schon ziemlich getaugt. Beeindruckt hat mich auch der Trimmspeed von ~40 km/h. Was für einen Trimmspeed hast du beim UFO 14?
@philipbrugger7 жыл бұрын
Sofern man das Startplatz nenne kann ;) Mein UFO 14 hat bei ~78 kg Abfluggewicht ca. 39 km/h Trimmspeed. Was mir jedoch bei meinem UFO besser gefällt sind die kurzen Leinen, die robustere Verarbeitung und die kleinere ausgelegte Fläche. Die dinge sind gerade bei solchen "Startplätzen" ein riesen Vorteil. Dafür hat der Skin 2 und Sir Edmund eine etwas bessere Gleitleistung und sind besser zum Landen
@moritzmittermayr7 жыл бұрын
Echt jetzt, warum remixed ma an Game of Thrones Soundtrack? XP
@philipbrugger7 жыл бұрын
Das Lied heißt zumindest so :P
@moritzmittermayr7 жыл бұрын
xP Und dezent nebenbei, deine Videos san echt der Hammer, oba s beste is und bleibt da UFO Quick Launch. 😂👌
@philipbrugger7 жыл бұрын
dankeschön! Ich muss ganz ehrlich sagen, an dem Startplatz wär mir mein UFO lieber gewesen. Mit den kurzen Leinen, sehr stabilen Verarbeitung und einfachem Starthandling fühlt man sich etwas sicherer ;)
@moritzmittermayr7 жыл бұрын
#schleichwerbung ;P Oba i hab mi scho gewundert.. xP
@philipbrugger7 жыл бұрын
Die Chance zum Schirme testen darf man nicht auslassen ;) Alles hat sein Vor und Nachteile. Der Skin 2 und Sir Edmund haben bisschen mehr Gleitleistung und sind leichter zum Landen als mein UFO 14. Gewicht/Packmaß und Startverhalten gefällt mir beim UFO besser :)
@fumreif52617 жыл бұрын
geilo, loss i da glei a abo do. grias aus saalfelden
@philipbrugger7 жыл бұрын
dankeschön! grüße zurück aus salzburg ;) schwalbenwand war i übrigens vor kurzem auch mal
@dhan_boro6 жыл бұрын
Hey what is the breadth of your paraglider? Which is better? Single or double skin?
@philipbrugger6 жыл бұрын
it depends on what you need the glider for. they alle have their pros and cons. I prefer double skin gliders for normal and cross country use. and single skin for ultralight run & fly sessions ;)