Investigating the GARGANTUAN Physiques of Modern Strongman

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Alexander Bromley

Alexander Bromley

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BaseStrengthAI is more reliable than a coach, cheaper than an Excel template!👇👇👇
Bromley Merch from Barbell Apparel only available HERE! 👇👇👇
0:00 Behold, the Physique!
0:54 The Prototypical Strongman... Tall
2:22 Harmful Stereotypes
5:22 Diet, Girth, Body fat
8:08 PEDs
11:13 The Bloat
11:51 But What About Me?
12:45 1 Exercises
15:35 2 Density
16:34 3 Variety
18:26 4 Recovery
20:30 Takeaways

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@AlexanderBromley 3 ай бұрын
BaseStrengthAI is more reliable than a coach, cheaper than an Excel template!👇👇👇 Bromley Merch from Barbell Apparel only available HERE! 👇👇👇
@freakied0550 11 ай бұрын
Chocolates and cocaine. The legendary Mariusz Pudzianowski actually failing a WSM drug test is the most historic feat of them all.
@CankleCankle 11 ай бұрын
I’m not sure if it’s accurate but I read that it was cocaine tainted tren.
@freakied0550 11 ай бұрын
@@CankleCankle I'm 99% it had something to do with booger sugar, I have my doubts it was because of anything being tainted. Pudz is a wild boy.
@mikemoore2791 11 ай бұрын
I read about the 'party drug' incident. But it doesnt take away from the fact he is a genetic freak. An all round athlete who at that size was very flexible, and ran middle distances.
@atlaspowershrugged 11 ай бұрын
How do you fail a WSM drug test? Wad he smoking sherm???
@freakied0550 11 ай бұрын
@@atlaspowershrugged they "drug test" but not for anabolics. Party drugs.
@plusrunning 11 ай бұрын
As being a former Strong man I can say it was not worth being that big, breathing issues, sleeping issues, flexibility, all reduced to uncomfortable levels. I was 330lbs before I decided to change, I'm at 250 now which is still big in comparison to most people but I got my quality of life back.
@fanofcodd 11 ай бұрын
Yeah , one of my friend trained for that. He told me "we look strong on the outside , but one week without my sleeping machine and I can't do shit"
@an0therdimensi0n99 11 ай бұрын
the kidney damage from shoveling down 12k calories daily needs more light shed on it as well. i cant imagine needing a doctors printout of vital stats to see if your diet is doing irreversible organ damage. a bridge too far.
@letransformateur6477 11 ай бұрын
@@an0therdimensi0n99 Kidney damage should be from the drugs no?
@an0therdimensi0n99 11 ай бұрын
@@letransformateur6477 with the chemicals being pumped into the "foods" today, tell me how they Aren"t drugs?
@ivanbobanovic 11 ай бұрын
and now your jacked right
@MorganTiller 11 ай бұрын
Id like to think of myself as having the strongman physique. Im only about 75lbs of muscle short. Only 262,000 calories away
@str1ker_eureka 11 ай бұрын
I would recommend introducing powdered uranium into your protein shakes to get your calories in
@ronnana694 11 ай бұрын
@@str1ker_eureka lmao body cant process it tho, there was a dude who ate a whole plane over 10 years but didn't gain crazy weight and also 🤓
@barryallen767 11 ай бұрын
@@ronnana694 Can you stop stalking me? Everywhere I go I see your face
@ronnana694 11 ай бұрын
@@barryallen767 lol I’ve seen you before but idk where, we must watch the same stuff
@buckbreaker5185 11 ай бұрын
​@@barryallen767you sound like a woman
@Brett5ive 11 ай бұрын
The local strongman competition invited the US champion to "throw out the first keg" to kick it off. Dude was unreal, built like a stack of only spheres.
@porqpine53 11 ай бұрын
New physique goal: Stack of Only Spheres
@Brett5ive 11 ай бұрын
​@@porqpine53yes, all his joints were just pinches between spheres. When I noticed him in front of me on the way to the bathroom, I turned around: all yours man
@drinkinouttacups2665 11 ай бұрын
Ballz 3D build
@evilsheepmaster1744 11 ай бұрын
Vectorman build
@Zom13y 11 ай бұрын
@@porqpine53I salute you Vectorman.
@ItsAlreadyRendered 11 ай бұрын
I'm an amateur strongman and my upper back, shoulders, traps, forearms and hamstrings exploded when I started to train for strongman. I highly recommend a solid strongman programming for most people that want to be strong and athletic.
@martynodonnell 11 ай бұрын
I’ve only in the past 2 months started training for strongman myself. I did build up a lot of “static” strength through following a more bodybuilding structured program and powerlifting program before. My god is strongman training where it’s at though. It makes the training I’ve done before feel like kids stuff. The conditioning for strongman is something else too. I’ve also trained Thai and boxing in the past, which was all about conditioning. At the moment I’m 3 weeks out from my second competition.
@leonardhpls6 11 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 ok you probably a stick thin 60 kg kid
@leonardhpls6 11 ай бұрын
O shit look at you profile pic haha it's worse than I thought
@OCINNM 11 ай бұрын
Hey can you recommend a strongman program?
@ItsAlreadyRendered 11 ай бұрын
@@OCINNM I've been getting programs from Brian Alsruhe for years. The conditioning like the other reply said is insane but that's because if you compete in strongman, there's 5 events where you either have to go for max reps, max speed, or max weight.
@bigholli8449 11 ай бұрын
It's funny. I got into training for strongman a year ago and competing. All my aesthetic buds were baffled by the different workouts my coach has me do. Thinking I would never get stronger or have " big muscles" but my strength has sky rocketed. My arms legs back and shoulders forearms are all bigger. It's a different world of training.
@tankbg1311 11 ай бұрын
i wanna train Strongman too but we just dont have the equipment :(
@KM-iv9xy 11 ай бұрын
Strongman creates the best musculature IMO. That yield sign shape of "aesthetic" men's physique is just weak looking to me. Look like one body kick would rupture the whole abdominal cavity. Strongman look like gigantic slabs of concrete with no weak links in the chain- purely functional power on display to the point where you just know it at a glance. Giant traps, forearms, calves, etc
@Metalffe 11 ай бұрын
​@@KM-iv9xyi agree, i've never wanted to be asthetic because it looks stupid, i wanna be a mass monsterrr!!
@gohan41 11 ай бұрын
What would a strongman workout program look like?
@auto_revolt 11 ай бұрын
​@@tankbg1311there are ways to train it without tons of equipment; you can get big worn tyres for nothing, natural stones, make an axle from a piece of 2" pipe, sandbags are cheap. Or just adapt regular gym equipment - heavy dumbbells instead of farmer's
@mikeisbill2167 11 ай бұрын
Picked up strongman style training about 5-6 years ago. A lot of the strategies and movements you’ve pushed for have been incorporated and my body has changed a ton. Not a pudzianowski physique by any stretch, but still much more muscular. My goals are all strength focused, but this style of training has packed enough dense muscle on my frame that the most common comment I get on it is that I’m built “like a tank.” Good change from my skinny bicycle racing days. Thanks for all the great direction/advice.
@Gain_Mane 11 ай бұрын
That's so cool. I find it very interesting when people jump from one athletic discipline to another that many would consider being the complete opposite.
@tpap6827 11 ай бұрын
That’s great. I spent most of my career (my hobby) training like a power lifter (whether is was a Western, wave, block, conjugate or a conjugate hybrid (sort of what I do now), I always incorporated accessories but when I started treating the hypertrophy /weak link training on accessories to address limitations on the big 3. Only when I began training the accessories like a true bodybuilder focusing on strict technique, the biggest range of motion possible with a deliberate focus on really controlling the eccentric, getting deep in the stretched position and on the concentric getting a maximum muscle contraction in the muscles I am trying to work, did the system seem to work. I changed max effort movements every 3 weeks in a wave load and would pick 3 or 4 variations that I would recycle every several waves so that I went from being ok to shitty st these movements to being strong on them. I found that deloads and resets at a higher level than where I started but not so high that I had no room to improve was the key. Now that I am older, I am doing far more weighted calisthenics for upper body, and far more hip hinging for lower body as I rehab my knee, I would like to get into Carrying, sandbags, and heavy prowler and sled work for quads as I can only do box squats for knee extension and quad work. My knees are pretty banged I up at 51 although my GMs and RDLs are heavy. GMs with 405 for 5 and RDL’s with up to 495 for 6 reps. I can’t do conventional pulling or squatting until I get some serious rehabilitation on my left knee. What strong man movements would you recommend that do not involve deep knee bends
@mikeisbill2167 11 ай бұрын
@tpap6827. I’m by no means the person to ask here, but I also have had a few knee surgeries, so I have to be very careful with my recovery for lower body stuff. If I ever find myself going too far, I’ll start my carries from a platform I made that goes between my rack safeties. That way I only have to do one full-depth pick and the rest is just carries from the platform. Reduces the volume of stress on my knee, but I still get all rest of the work in. I do that same thing with my Husafel. Otherwise, I’d just get farmer carry handles with taller handles.
@demoncore5342 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, can relate. Strongman stuff just turns you in to a juggernaut while being just plain fun to do.
@skeletorlikespotatoes7846 11 ай бұрын
Could I ask you about this?
@johnnykame 11 ай бұрын
Ive appeared so much bigger and do get more comments now about my size after only about 2 years of going all in on strongman training. Crazy how I "gained more muscle" by chasing strength now compared to when I was actively seeking muscle size for years. Strongman is the way!
@swanabangan7885 11 ай бұрын
"Bear physique activated"
@jd9119 11 ай бұрын
Muscles are made in the kitchen. I'm sure you've been eating more to accomodate that strongman training.
@leonardhpls6 11 ай бұрын
Your training must be pathetic 😂
@HkFinn83 11 ай бұрын
@@jd9119agreed, and now we can actually see how the top athletes train online. With bodybuilding there is quite a lot of margin for error in training but not much in diet. In powerlifting or strongman it’s the other way around. The limiting factor with how you look is usually diet unless you’re really not training properly at all
@hg_10sm68 11 ай бұрын
If you gained more muscle training for strength it's because you weren't training for hypertrophy correctly or your mind wasn't in it.
@kayp89 11 ай бұрын
Did strongman training for 1.5 years just to switch things up and my general strength, power, and robustness went up considerably. Especially for my martial arts training. Gave me a huge advantage against most ppl I train with
@CoFFee-uw5sv 11 ай бұрын
Any pitfalls?
@kayp89 11 ай бұрын
@@CoFFee-uw5sv I didn't do the programming as well as I should have so there were a few times I was HELLA overtrained. But overall no, the times I felt like shit I just took a few days off, then went back in with a more measured approach .One thing that helped me personally was changing my diet from a generic "healthy" diet with a lot of baked chicken, salmon, veggies and fruits to include a big amount of red meat eggs, sweet potatoes and milk. The big boost in good fats and calories in general helped a lo.
@Will_528 11 ай бұрын
​@@kayp89the foods that you mentioned are very health, what did you eat before then?
@kayp89 11 ай бұрын
@@Will_528 let me rephrase. Before hand I pmuch only ate a Paleoish type diet. Like lots of veggies fruits, chicken, salmon,, pork, moderate eggs, various types of breads, some rice ajd sweet potatoes here and there. During strongman I started to add way more red meat(steaks and ground beef), doubled eggs, started drinking milk, and had less breads but more rice and sweet potatoes.
@SINdaBlock411 8 ай бұрын
please tell me you made a jiu jitsu nerd cry
@MasonMcLeodFilms 11 ай бұрын
Derek Poundstone has in my opinion the ultimate physique, lean enough to look good on the beach, but absolutely massive enough to scare anyone who would think about pushing you around (not to mention having the strength to back that up)
@tobiojr 11 ай бұрын
Dude was a cop as well
@epser5842 11 ай бұрын
Mariusz Pudzianowski has something to say about that
@bluemonstrosity259 11 ай бұрын
For me honestly 6'2 195lbs lean but not shredded is perfect
@randommf3549 11 ай бұрын
@PageandPlant4Life 11 ай бұрын
Idk if you've heard about these new inventions. They fire bullets and can stop even the largest lifter
@TRoninYT 11 ай бұрын
Something I've said about strongman competitors before, is that due to the high variety of exercise selection movement patterns and rep ranges and volume is that it can build some of the best accidental physiques out there
@yoked391 11 ай бұрын
Steroids and food
@TRoninYT 11 ай бұрын
@@yoked391 other sports have those too and don't build as good of accidental physigues
@hg_10sm68 11 ай бұрын
@@TRoninYTPowerlifters these days have sick physiques. It ain't just strongman
@kredonystus7768 11 ай бұрын
Pretty much. If you are doing it for fun and local comps you'll be as well built as any bodybuilder doing it for fun but you get cooler things to train.
@TRoninYT 11 ай бұрын
@@kredonystus7768 you seem to get what I mean. Best "accidental" physiques. So without aiming for a balanced, aesthetic physique the demands of the sport on average tend to do better than many others, not that other sports don't build impressive bodies.
@magerted64 11 ай бұрын
As a younger man, in my 30s, I trained like a strongman ( no meds). 6ft 320, 800lb dead lift for reps. I lifted 4hrs a day 6 days a week. Never competed due to lack of local compitions. However, it felt great to be that strong but my knees, hips and feet hurt all the time. Now at 60, I'm 265 no where near as strong but I feel much better.
@Turnpost2552 10 ай бұрын
That is alot of time just lifting things lol. Seems dum in hindsight. I am all for health but 4 hours per day come on now
@magerted64 10 ай бұрын
@@Turnpost2552 when you don't want to spend time with your spouse, you do something else.
@usedtoberyanpoopnownormal8822 10 ай бұрын
But do you suffer from abnormal knee and hip pain. Because it could wear down the joints, although nothing as bad as ego lifting does.
@bloatmax4420 9 ай бұрын
It's hard to really understand this unless you've been through it yourself. I'm 26 5'10 and at 285 pulled 800x2, and despite having decent cardio from training in high rep ranges, your quality of life really does go to shit when you get that big. I don't sleep as well, the training is a lot heavier and harder which makes it more exhausting and difficult to recover from, mobility goes to shit and you can't do basic things like scratch your own back anymore, not to mention the lower back pumps and feeling bloated and gross from having to eat so much all the time. Being strong is fucking awesome, but I can only handle being that big for like 4-6 months before I need to diet down to 230-240 where I feel healthy and athletic again. Reading your comment about how you trained for 4hrs is inspiring to me, that's a lot of work and I know I could be doing more than I have been lately.
@twistedstrength. 8 ай бұрын
@GutsBatman 11 ай бұрын
I do find "strongman" equipment and movements to be very useful for conditioning. My lifting plan is definitely more along the lines of conjugate with strongman implements and such. Where I find strongman style conditioning and lifting at more in my life is at work (a distribution center for a midwest convenience store). I will get at least 20K steps in a day, move pallets of various weights in a clean and push press style, totes up to 60 pounds close to or above my head. The things that really hits that "strongman" is having to pick up ceiling tile bundles in both the 2' x 2' and 2' x 4' size, file cabinets, heavy drywall bundles, small boxes of tiles that somehow weigh 80-100 pounds and walk with them up to 100 feet. The stuff in the last sentence has really helped me become much better conditioned. I've noticed it in my lifting sessions. I really like weighted conditioning.
@discomallard69 11 ай бұрын
Classic Physique Competitor Eddie Hall has entered the chat
@CeroAshura 11 ай бұрын
Eddie is competing in bikini from what I've seen
@discomallard69 11 ай бұрын
@@CeroAshura lmao
@farhanhussain_ 11 ай бұрын
I agree with higher reps sets of squat and deadlift. I have recently started it with deadlift and see noticeable difference. Mental toughness, pain tolerance, cardiovascular conditioning, mass gain, overall strength, endurance, and general fitness. It has directly transferred well to some of my other lifts and I got much better in them without training them explicitly.
@satyamashutoshchaudhary6043 11 ай бұрын
this gentleman is putting by far one of the best content in his genre .... really appreciate these videos keep on making them ......u just earned yourself another sub 🔱
@lochnessmonster5149 10 ай бұрын
I remember an article about Pudzianowski years ago that I was blown away by. I can't remember the exact number but I think he was lifting somewhere in the range of a million pounds in a week and his calorie burn was so high that he was struggling to eat enough. He'd sit down for lunch and eat like 5 large pizzas and a dozen snicker bars and would be starving 2 hours later.
@Jamhael1 10 ай бұрын
Damn - the guy was burning so many calories to the point of being mistaken by a thermoelectric powerplant... Also, another thing that must also being taken in consideration: body temperature - because of the calories consumed, digestion and exercize, is there any difference in body temp?
@mainr7142 9 ай бұрын
@@Jamhael1 Food is generally thermogenic, meaning that whenever you eat, there is a temporary increase in metabolic rate and body temperature. Man was eating so much that his metabolism went thru the roof and he'd end up losing fat lol. Who knows, maybe if he ate slightly less or spaced out his meals slightly more his metabolism would be slower and he'd put on fat - this is the strategy sumo wrestlers use to put on as much weight as possible, regardless of whether it is muscle or fat mass
@Jamhael1 9 ай бұрын
@@mainr7142 nah, it wouldn't work - specially if the guy have such exercize routine of weightlifting that if he would try to "space" his meals it would make impossible to retain the calories (go look the "competition period caloric intake" of these guys - it is INSANE) so the only possible solution would be to have meals that truly compensate the loss, but this part would cost a veritable fortune per month just to keep the rhythm. Unless some crazy scientist invent "food pills" that are a veritable "caloric bomb" for high level athletes...
@GuiiSanttoss 11 ай бұрын
Absolutely fantastic video, loved the editing and the way your graphics work, they really elevate the knowledge you have to share. Excellent work all around!
@b.213 9 ай бұрын
I’m 5’8” 260 at about 25% body fat and can deadlift 300 for reps, and my entire life I thought I wasn’t wanted because I was “fat”, but I dieted got in shape, did a full cut to the point I had visible abs and my body fat got down to 14% I was 206lbs at that point. I then discovered strongmen and found my confidence, us big boys really do have a place in the world
@onceuponarevenant9409 8 ай бұрын
Wow, you are a pocket size Hercules! You surely stand out alot in public.
@jasonvoorhees5640 6 ай бұрын
25% body fat? yeah okay lardo lmao more like 60% by the sounds of it
@zenvariety9383 3 ай бұрын
I'm 5'7" and I'm naturally stocky. Honestly I would love to develop a powerlifter/strongman physique. However, I have no interest in competing in strongman. I just want the physique and would love to powerlift as a hobby However, I need to find a better gym that's also affordable. Right now at my income I can't afford much beyond necessities.
@PM2126 11 ай бұрын
The guy pouring the mortar just never turned the machine off 🤣 Good video
@jake8915 11 ай бұрын
i burnt out about 7 months ago because of typical powerlifting training - 3x squat, 4x bench, 2x deadlift per week, low rpe. now im getting back into training with absolutely different approach - upper/lower split (1x pull focused upper, 1x push focused upper, 1x pull focused lower, 1x push focused lower. i thought im using mentzers bodybuilding style and implementing it on strenght focused routine, but its just strongman. widowmaker squats with dropset to failure with sissy squats, high rep halting deadlifts, weighted pull ups, push press/dip combo, etc. has been doing WONDERS to me. ill switch some exercises after about 8 weeks when i stop getting "noobie gains". way more enjoyable, better, harder and shorter than the powerlifting workouts i used to do. thank you bromley.
@str1ker_eureka 11 ай бұрын
Holy moly 4x a week for benching is a lot
@drschwandi3687 11 ай бұрын
@@str1ker_eureka I've seen some powerlifters going up to even 6x a week. All training with low RPE insanely high specificity, volume and frequency. Super boring but seems to work well for some people who stick with it.
@philipmarais 11 ай бұрын
Great video Bromley!
@oceanwaves83 11 ай бұрын
What a great video. Not what i expected based on the title, but very thoroughly put together and a hefty display of knowledge on the subject.
@planetjacker763 11 ай бұрын
your knowledge is crazy and i love the examples of strongman you show when talking about compounds
@manicmandownup 11 ай бұрын
Appreciate your content, thanks!
@despizedicon 8 ай бұрын
I have decent shoulders, from turning wrenches and sanding body filler for two decades. Now I'm getting back into it. I feel like you nailed a bunch of things I never thought much about. Might check out your programs. You come across as someone I would get along with no problem, that is worth mentioning. Great content.
@PullsPressesCarries 11 ай бұрын
Love the strongman videos, they don't get talked about enough
@christiaankuyper5474 11 күн бұрын
I can honestly appreciate the fact that you warn us about an ad, and having it bmed in the video timeline Props dude
@Alex-cw3rz 10 ай бұрын
0:54 Also the heights are exaggerated, because it is a sport about spectical. For example Thor and Eddie Hall as soon as they entered boxing and there stats were given they were both suddenly 2 inches shorter and keep in mind boxing is a sport nutorious for adding inches onto the hights of many boxers meaning they could be shorter than that.
@gretapunberg7052 7 ай бұрын
They weren't 2 inches shorter? The official fight stats were Thor 6'9, Eddie 6'3. Thor is more like 6'8 & Eddie is more like 6'1.5
@mitchellhooperstrongman 11 ай бұрын
Great video brother! Lots of common sense advice here. Love it.
@AlexanderBromley 11 ай бұрын
Much appreciated! Big fan over here. Congrats on your recent success and keep up the good work!
@fernandovillegasmartinez7919 11 ай бұрын
great great video !! super informative, clear and organized ! thanks and keep the great work
@StephColbertsonStrength 11 ай бұрын
Very good case for throwing in some strongman implements.
@Patrick-kw3on 11 ай бұрын
I absolutely love higher rep deads! I regularly go for sets of 12 with challenging weights and I feel like it brings in the conditioning and mental fortitude along with crazy gains to the erectors.
@EatinMonstersSince87 11 ай бұрын
I fully agree. I had my 480 Lb deadlift up to sets of 8 - 10. It felt insane.
@michaelconran5252 11 ай бұрын
Glad you emphasized genetics. It is the one thing all the training and PED's in the world can't overcome. I was blessed with great genetics on one side and cursed on another. I have the genetics to build muscle easy, also was a great runner. Ironically I am only 5'1" tall. I was a Marine for 20 years and due to my natural build spent most of my career way over the weight limit. I was asked a lot about my training and was I using any gear. Well, Being active duty, I wasn't on anything. Yes, I was dedicated and worked hard, but in reality, genetics was the key factor. Case in point, I am adopted, my little brother and I are close in age. Growing up we did everything together, no matter what he did, he could never get as strong as me. We lifted and played sports together constantly. He is over 6' tall and a bean pole, always was. He is literally a foot taller than me, but I outweigh him by 50 pounds (granted, I am a fat ass now) For certain sports, genetics are a must to win.
@Ruffy112 11 ай бұрын
It's really important to understand and come to terms with the impact of top tier genetics. On the one hand it's the immediate be-all end-all scapegoat argument for the majority of people, that just don't have it in them to train hard and properly. And on the other it's the main trigger of body dismorphia for the folks who do train hard and correctly. Gotta accept we may never be as strong or look as good (or both at the same time) as these top guys, but we also forget we are stronger, more enduring, healthier and better looking than already almost every person you meet in regular life
@michaelconran5252 11 ай бұрын
@@BU532 mot child like weight though. Kinda fat now, but was 175 with 52" chest. Still got arms and chest, just added a gut to bring me to 200 🤣
@tplouffe9226 11 ай бұрын
​@@BU532I mean, who cares about height really, it doesn't have much affect on overall strength. You can still be strong as hell, but just short. Which i'd say having genetics to gain muscle is more important than being tall, just my opinion though
@tplouffe9226 11 ай бұрын
@@BU532 I mean, I'm 5 8, yes im a bit short but I dont care that much, never really impacted my life negatively. He even explained in the video that strength isn't the reason that most strongmen are tall 💀 It's just length of their arms and overall mass. And I've had a similar experiance to this guy in that I found it very easy to build muscle despite being below average height. Dudes at my job would be like "what the hell???" When I just like, out do them in picking heavy shit up/carry shit mad easily or bend metal shit back in place if it got fucked up. I'm just defending him because saying short people list the genetic lottery is stupid bruh
@justinw1765 11 ай бұрын
@@tplouffe9226 Yep, cue Ed Coan, whom many consider one of the most powerful and gifted powerlifters of all time. Dude was all of 5' 7".
@thomasnesmith5426 4 ай бұрын
I have heard a million and 1 people talk about this and I really enjoyed your depth of discussion. You really hit on all the outliers, misconceptions and realities of not just strongman/bodybuilding but fitness in general. People are variable genetically and you gotta focus on yourself first. Your biggest rival is you and no amount of anything will get you to someone else's level overnight (or at all if we talking outliers).
@unknownstrongman 11 ай бұрын
14:32 Laird Ross! Dudes a power lifter, and a stone lifting BEAST!!!
@daniellemiddleton2488 11 ай бұрын
Tren hard, eat Clen, Anavar give up 😂
@chronometa 11 ай бұрын
I'm 5'5. I'm definitely coming for that title
@Brandon-ps3oo 11 ай бұрын
I first seen one of your videos a little over a year ago. It was on different ways of programming and it was the first time i used any thing other than a bro split. I ended up using a wave progression and after running it twice i was able to get my dead lift up to 570. Thanks
@HadynWiseman 10 ай бұрын
The editing and graphics on this were top notch, props to the editor!
@radianttakanuva8388 10 ай бұрын
I don't do strongman training, but I rock climb and supplement with free weights. It's interesting to see what I perceive as parallels in training, and what's brought me success in that as a sport as well. Lots of training, high training volume, combined with a wide variety of different movement patterns has done a lot to improve my physique and athleticism. I'll have to focus on my training variety and movements like deadlift, bench press, and squat and work harder to make sure I'm hitting appropriate macros.
@j3rs3yjak3FIU 11 ай бұрын
Woke up from a nap, saw a new Bromley video. Hit play and the first thing I hear is strongmen being described as the "juiciest" of athletes 😂
@jakester5382 11 ай бұрын
This video was well done. I really enjoyed this one!!!
@Pdotta1 7 ай бұрын
Very funny delivery, appreciated that!
@tonmisty 11 ай бұрын
Mitchell Hooper is amazing for his size with his strength and agility.
@Alpostpone 11 ай бұрын
Also speed, endurance and technique. He's the complete package and the competition success proves it.
@appelflapdrol 11 ай бұрын
Mitch did a muscle up a week ago wich is pretty insane at that weight
@freakied0550 11 ай бұрын
15:19, not your client, but you've concinced my old ass to implement more loaded carries into my training
@lowcashranch1412 11 ай бұрын
Excellent video brother. Great info and very well resented. Maybe one of your best!
@diceymaan 11 ай бұрын
Super good video, thanks for this!
@SkankyBurnedToast 11 ай бұрын
My thirst for a bromley video has finally been satiated
@kozmo7 11 ай бұрын
Very nicely edited and entertaining video my dude, it was a great watch Thank you!
@andrewfossatti4937 17 күн бұрын
Mariusz Pudzianowski is a freak of the sport and a legend.
@docsavage30 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the clarity on PEDs, and their use in the profession. Best Wishes, DOC
@tielvandenheuvel5168 11 ай бұрын
Set some PR's in my Empire Barbell Vintage Kong tanktop yesterday. Instant 5 percent gains on all lifts, 1 inch on both biceps. 10/10 would recommend.
@NutsFathead 11 ай бұрын
When I first went to the gym I trained with power lifters and was alway taught food is fuel and fat is power, I did lean out at one point in my gym progress had a decent aesthetic body but I felt weak as kitten and I wasn’t able to lift what I was used to which knocked my confidence more than been fat and strong. Now I keep between the two don’t have a 6 pack but I feel strong enough and happy
@Wishmaster787 10 ай бұрын
I want to be around 17% body fat which is not lean enough to look ripped but lean enough that you don't look fat asf.
@_d0ser 4 ай бұрын
Yoooooo another million view video. Congrats Bromley. Happy to have been here since 1k subs
@E-Gray 10 ай бұрын
this is so informative i love it, thanks so much for this
@elim5353 11 ай бұрын
All the heavy carry style events. Plus the weight they lift is incredible. Average pro strongman pull is over 900
@feelinghealingfrequences7179 10 ай бұрын
imagine if mateusz could learn to DL 900 would win everything
@oceanbanana4341 9 ай бұрын
@@feelinghealingfrequences7179 he'd need to get into the 1000 range to get any real points on deadlift sadly
@CaptainCowboy476 11 ай бұрын
Great great channel. Love your advise.
@Fyre_Blake 3 ай бұрын
Alexander, thanks for posting this! Powerlifting is something people outside the sport don't know much about so it is very informative.
@drip369 11 ай бұрын
They are definitely big dudes, but your thumbnail shows the ones that are closely shredded and that definitely is not the average
@mario8833 11 ай бұрын
I found this video really interesting! I just want to point out that your body compisition is not driven by the food that you eat. It's not that if you "eat clean" you'll be jacked and ripped snd if you eat whatever you want you get bloated. If you're in a caloric surplus (at least +100 calories/day), you eat enough protein (1.5/2 grams per kg of bodyweight) and you give your body a training stimulus you will grow muscle and a bit of fat. Since the muscle you can build per period of time is fixed, if you eat more than 500/600 calories of surplus per day the other gains come from fat. So if you're predominantly fat or jacked depends on how much of a surplus you eat (so stay between 200 and 500 calories more a day fellas)
@AlexanderBromley 11 ай бұрын
This is absolutely true. But for those who don't track macros diligently (which is 99% of lifters), you are going to blow your calorie wad 100% of the time if you permit yourself to eat trash. In practice, clean vs dirty is absolutely a predictor of body fat retention
@jamesvotta1573 11 ай бұрын
Great video you touched on everything and on things no one talks about
@RATBURL 11 ай бұрын
Great video! Very informative 👏
@jmi967 11 ай бұрын
I inadvertently trained similar to strongmen years ago with maxing weights and speed. On machines, I’d start at a weight, and go as fast as possible until I couldn't, drop 10lbs, rinse and repeat until I couldn't move that muscle group under 5 lbs. After that I got into parkour which is like totally the opposite training wise (and 200lbs vs 155lbs at peak performance)
@ianmyers5784 11 ай бұрын
Brilliant. I am missing the 60-90 second max rep in my routine. Many gym goers do not understand the power of the clock. You can fool the muscle into thinkning it a heavier weight, while gaining strength, without the injury risks that comes with high weight.
@pthithic 11 ай бұрын
This video has a lot more information than just about how are strongmen jacked. Great video
@gabornagy9898 11 ай бұрын
this video is 1 of your best, and true in every aspect💯❤
@drip369 11 ай бұрын
One thing you forgot to mention about tren is it is the one and only chemical that causes the rage people tribute to all of the others
@Burgermeister1836 11 ай бұрын
Massive doses of test will do similar things, mostly due to aromatization. Tren itself is commonly taken in doses that are way too high compared to the original Parabolan product, which makes people nuts.
@liam3104 7 ай бұрын
Halotestin is the real roid rage steroid.
@mikerude5073 11 ай бұрын
I might take some flack for this, but I think many strongmen are leaving some potential muscle size on the table with their arms and sometimes lateral delts. I recall Martins Licis training with Larry Wheels, and Martins mentioned how he wanted to get cannonball shoulders like Larry. Now, Martins is obviously very strong, having literally won the WSM, but Larry clearly had more muscle size, as in meat on his shoulders and arms. It all made sense when looking at the difference in their training. Larry, despite having mostly focused on powerlifting initially, still did a lot of volume of the "show muscles." Possibly just for vanity, and having in the back of his mind he might compete as a bodybuilder one day, but Larry spent more time doing more "bodybuilder" type training for the more "showy" muscles. Martins training was perfectly calculated from a strategic standpoint to win strongman competitions, but I don't recall seeing him do any volume work for his deltoids. He did a lot of overhead work, but a lot of it was essentially using his massive hip muscles to throw the weight skyward, and his shoulders to assist the lockouts. He wanted more size there, particularly side and rear. It makes me think if he were to add in some volume of lateral raises for volume his shoulders would quickly look the way he'd wanted them to. Now him not having done that prior is perfectly understandable if the only goal was to win competitions, and the human body has limits to its recovery and adaption ability. The same could by applied to any lagging muscle group. I'm reminded of how Dr. Mike Israetel gained muscle in a few areas once he added more volume to them when he came into bodybuilding following powerlifting. Anyhow, if some strongman were to take some time off competing and add more volume to arm and delt work, they would end up looking a lot more like a bodybuilder. I don't know entirely if that would help them win contest however, but more muscle always looks cool.
@Cutter_Number_30 11 ай бұрын
Yeah wouldn't really help since you need rom, and more mass in any muscle group makes that harder. Plus sometimes a big mass of muscle is easier to tear than a smaller but more rigid muscle.
@mitchchartrand 11 ай бұрын
Would be like Usain Bolt having massive biceps and huge shoulders.... doesn't help with the sprint.
@greatCthulhoo 6 ай бұрын
Thank you this video - it was really good!
@Hiiiro 10 ай бұрын
This was such a fun watch, man.
@RoidfreeSenior 11 ай бұрын
At 5 ft 8, I guess I could never be a great Strongman, but I have done tire flipping & loaded carries I think both are useful to builders and lifters
@TheBigHaj 11 ай бұрын
Depends what weight you are mate, Rob Kierney (spelling?) is 5’9 and is an open. Tyler young is 5’8 but has competed at u105 and recently competed at u90. Its absolutely possible, just harder.
@Turnpost2552 10 ай бұрын
Aspire for more. There is more to life then just flipping tires all day.
@shaunclemtiger 11 ай бұрын
I went to the last world's strongest man and was actually surprised that the strong men weren't bigger than I imagined. I'm like 6'2 250 and didn't feel small to many of them
@JYD2020 11 ай бұрын
The main thing is the size of their hands. I was also at WSM and Martin's hand size seriously surprised me even Pavlo K has hands that could crush a soda can.
@liam3104 7 ай бұрын
@todor7906 lol. 6 2 and 250 lbs is definitely serious size for any kind of average person. unless he is just a fatty. not many rugby players are over 250 lb and you cant call them small
@JuicioDeOsiris 11 ай бұрын
Great video! Good job
@Jakob.Hamburg 8 ай бұрын
This almost feels like an other world to me. Thank you for the insights. : )
@sestorm2159 11 ай бұрын
magnus samuelsson is also a tall guy (1.98cm). The intresting thing is that most elites in strongman is from northen europe (mostly) because of the shape we have because of the viking genes. Most runners are from north east Africa becasue they are taller (longer legs) and not alot of mass and that means they don't have to carry that much weight. Very intresting how diffrent places create diffrent athletes. Most top boxers are african american so a mix with north west africa and american (more british genes at the time) So they get the best of both worlds. Got called a racist for saying this last time but it's really there to survive our climate. Great video
@user-vz3up1fl5u 10 ай бұрын
It's just genetics and how we evolved in certain places, nothing racist about it lol
@sestorm2159 10 ай бұрын
@@user-vz3up1fl5u I know it's not racist but i have been called a racist because "everyone is created equal" not true atleast when it comes to genes
@steveo4991 6 ай бұрын
Everything plays a part. Climate, altitude, diet, culture etc… It’s more regional than racial but people still don’t like to hear it and call it racism.
@DadGetsFit 11 ай бұрын
This is legit what I needed. Just finished a 5-3-1 program for the first time and I'm feeling stronger. I've added bag training and it's helped big time
@cthulhu4278 11 ай бұрын
By bag do you mean sandbag?
@DadGetsFit 11 ай бұрын
@cthulhu4278 yup, sorry I probably should have specified. I use a 100lb and 250lb sandbag
@cthulhu4278 11 ай бұрын
@@DadGetsFit No i was just curious! Thanks for answering!👍
@ecstaticasom 11 ай бұрын
What an awesome video. Really informative.
@eetfuk4664 11 ай бұрын
Great video my man
@diceymaan 11 ай бұрын
Jouko Ahola was a beast at 6'1 and 265lbs. Feel like Mitchell Hooper is more to Jouko's style of a Strongman, more athletic and functional strength, not just gargantuan size.
@eliaspittman 11 ай бұрын
As impressive as being this strong is, I'd rather have a flat stomach and do 20 pull-ups which carries over into the real world and just makes your overall day to day activities much easier 💯
@vivianbombycilla9142 9 ай бұрын
Damn this is so well produced and thoughtful!
@adrikkrakhim1 11 ай бұрын
This was very interesting. Great job.
@kren4449 11 ай бұрын
How do strongmen counteract the negative effects of tren on endurance?
@str1ker_eureka 11 ай бұрын
Take other drugs that increase endurance 😂 That and practice their cardio a lot
@davecom3 11 ай бұрын
Synthetic testosterone of any type will increase EPO production by noticeable margin. Cycling off and on with a good PCT and diet will help protect the heart any significant long term damage in majority of cases
@Dodgerzden 11 ай бұрын
I really hope these guys are making good money doing this because to me it looks like they are being taken advantage of by the marketers, and they are sacrificing their health. No matter what you do, you won't be stronger than a bear or an elephant. On the other hand, I do admire the dedication, the effort, and the risk.
@jasonvoorhees5640 6 ай бұрын
oh, shut up karen
@Alex19831 10 ай бұрын
Thank You for the information. Subscribed.
@amafi_poe 2 ай бұрын
a guy at my old powerlifting club swore by throwing heavy sandbags around. carries,lift to shoulder, over bar, whatever he could think of for gpp. He too didn't have much luck getting others into it, seemed to really work for him though. He also did a lot of weird levering stuff with sledgehammers and similar implements
@undeniablySomeGuy 11 ай бұрын
The common person’s understanding of PEDs is laughable. Thanks for sharing the real facts
@jd9119 11 ай бұрын
A lot of people that are on gear right now have just as laughable understanding of gear as those common people (which is really sad).
@user-he4ef9br7z 11 ай бұрын
People think one shot of tren and they'll wake up 300lbs the next day.
@calamorta 11 ай бұрын
It's just that PEDs are not just the icing on the cake, like PEDbros love to say.
@zenvariety9383 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, PEDs seem stupid. There are a lot of natural supplements that can boost muscle and strength.
@alexmondz3103 11 ай бұрын
I thought a strongman physique was called ‘fuscular’ ? Fat & Muscular
@nonickname5850 9 ай бұрын
Very interesting Video Alexander, thank you.
@stay4tea559 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, this video was great
@geoffreyverityshortsfield8314 11 ай бұрын
Watches 1 NH video:
@codybutler9728 11 ай бұрын
Is it just me or is this a stupid question?
@MrNumber1gator 6 ай бұрын
@alderoth01 2 ай бұрын
I used to work at Golds Gym in Tennessee and there were strongmen and bodybuilders in the gym that always worked out together. They were always the most knowledgeable guy's in the gym when they showed up. I can't even imagine lifting like either one or eating like them lol.
@Fitnessheretic 11 ай бұрын
@biswojyoti1 10 ай бұрын
the fact that brian maintaines that size an qualified for WSM for 15 plus years is just impressive AF
@LairdRoss 11 ай бұрын
I made it into your video at the 14.32 mark. Thanks mate
@MrLiimbo 10 ай бұрын
very well done video , big piece of info
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