A veces la música es una suerte de "mandala" o "Grimorio" o una "puerta mágica". Éste es el poder que encuentro yo en sus obras. Usted no busca "palabras amables y predecibles para el oído", usted muestra un misterioso camino, cruel y a la vez dulce, un regreso al origen Divino ... ó al eterno abismo. Creo que usted deja que su Alma ejecute "algoritmos místicos" (suponiendo que los halla) y la música debe ser interpretada más que de forma sonora como a una fórmula alquímica. (Indudablemente usted ha visitado el interior de la galera de un mago... ). Gracias. In English: Sometimes music is a kind of "mandala" or "Grimorio" or a "magic door." This is the power that I find in his works. You do not seek "kind and predictable words for the ear", you show a mysterious path, cruel and at the same time sweet, a return to the Divine origin... or to the eternal abyss. I believe that you let your Soul execute "mystical algorithms" (assuming you find them) and the music should be interpreted more than sonically as an alchemical formula. (You have undoubtedly visited the inside of a magician's gallery... ). Thank you.
@goodhartsmusic Жыл бұрын
Thank you so very much, I’m happy to know that people enjoy a profound relationship with music. It’s a very deep art!
@Hunter-j1y Жыл бұрын
Very relaxing. Some of its kinda generic tho
@goodhartsmusic Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate your relaxing with some of my music.