Just one question: If LHO was “the lone gunman” as claimed, why did LBJ feel the need to create a Government Commission to investigate the assassination and order the “classified documents” found during the investigation be sealed for 75 years?
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Yes...thanks for watching!
@lynnmeyers10 Жыл бұрын
We may know more in 15 or so years!
@strumbum946 Жыл бұрын
@@lynnmeyers10 - Unfortunately I am not sure we will ever get to see/hear the WHOLE truth though.
@traceynorcross5666 Жыл бұрын
According to Robert Groden, Oswald was recruited by the CIA in 1957 which begs the question,why does a CIA asset kill the POTUS.
@wayback75 Жыл бұрын
I believe it was George Bush Sr. who extended it to 75 years when he was Director of the CIA in 76 .
@liberty-matrix Жыл бұрын
"The American people have been lied too, The government is utterly and totally unworthy of belief." ~Judge Napolitano
@glennso47 Жыл бұрын
I found that out during the past 3 years.
@freeguy77 Жыл бұрын
@@glennso47 It took you to 2020 to figure that out? I knew it when I read extensively with many books about JFKs murder that showed the WCR was a bald-faced LIE. And then years later, with Robert B. Stinnett's fabulous book, "Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor" (2000). FDR deliberately did a series of 8 actions to make Japan angry, more than enough to retaliate on Dec. 7, 1941. FDR knew what he was doing, but pretended in LYING to the people, it was a "surprise" attack, when he and Sec. of WAR Henry Stimson waited for the "attack" which was retaliation for the EMBARGO imposed on Japan. An EMBARGO, as everyone knows (or should know) is an Internationally Recognized Act of WAR! So FDR struck first, not Japan! But that was what FDR and his war-hawks wanted, to get into the war, but Germany wisely refused to take the U.S. baiting them with their submarines in the North Atlantic. So, FDR figured out (with a Lt. Cmdr. Arthur McCollum's 8-point memo) how to egg Japan to retaliate after those actions were done. A brilliant strategy with Japan allied by its treaty with Germany and Italy, but it cost 2,403 (?) men at Pearl their lives, and then another 403,000 after! A war the people, with polls saying 80%+ DID NOT WANT to get into yet another European War! Needless to say, making a coup d'etat by killing a President is easy-peasy compared to getting into a far-away war that the people strongly opposed! NEVER TRUST WHATEVER THE U.S. Government (or any government) says, because ALL GOVERNMENTS LIE, or they wouldn't be a government for long! --liberal historian Howard Zinn's warning, can be seen in a video on YT.
@freeguy77 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely correct! "Governments lie! Otherwise, they wouldn't be a government for very long!" --LIBERAL Historian Howard Zinn
@mrlaw711 Жыл бұрын
Always has been, always will be.
@Seriously...576 Жыл бұрын
And it's only gotten worse.
@RedGarnett-n2p Жыл бұрын
It's hard to believe there's actually people still in the United States that believe this kid did this on his own
@kerryholbrook7756 Жыл бұрын
Oswald was an informant for J Edgar Hoover.. He worked for a guy named Demorenshmidt who was his handler.. He was not in on the assassination..
@RedGarnett-n2p Жыл бұрын
@@kerryholbrook7756 I could buy that
@RedGarnett-n2p Жыл бұрын
@@kerryholbrook7756 how do you know this
@RedGarnett-n2p Жыл бұрын
@@kerryholbrook7756 who was not in on the assassination j Edgar Hoover or this other guy you mention or Lee Harvey
@RedGarnett-n2p Жыл бұрын
@@kerryholbrook7756 I have never heard this handler's name that you speak of before ever but I believe you
@jamesvokral4934 Жыл бұрын
From day one of the assassination, the circumstances of the repatriation have always been murky and suspicious. As an American student in England I met and married my British wife. We had to go through a fairly extensive process that took a lot of time and effort. Since LHO was a known defector with a new Soviet wife, it seems incomprehensible how they could be allowed back to the USA with so little effort.
@coryhoggatt7691 Жыл бұрын
He never actually defected. He made a big show for Soviet microphones at the US embassy on a weekend and was told to come back to do the paperwork. He never did. Almost as if it was planned that way, right?
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
And I had heard that anyone that defected can only get back with special permission signed off by the Attorney General. In 1961 that was Robert Kennedy. So RFK signed off on Oswald coming back... so why would he assassinate RFK's brother?
@jebroe860 Жыл бұрын
Not only were Lee and family allowed entry back to the US. TheState Department paid for their flight back.(Why eould they? He defected. THAT always struck me as being very odd) Lee would of had plenty to say if he had lived. Listen to the tapes of his radio interviews. He doesn't sound dumb to me. It not his fault that Marxism may or may not work. Lee was the perfect patsy.
@nightrunner1456 Жыл бұрын
@nightrunner1456 Жыл бұрын
NO VIETNAM PEASANT, with a cow and some chickens, was going to take over the world. IF WE went over to co-op with the Vietnamese's. THE Vietnamese would be owning WALMART, INSTEAD OF THE CHINESS. WALMART IS JUST A SHELL FOR CHINESS GOODS. THAT BRAEK RIGHT ON TIME.
@howieduin915 Жыл бұрын
Lee's ONLY contribution to JFK's assassination was to be blamed for it.
@jbrhel Жыл бұрын
I agree. Oswald was a patsy and the bastards got away with it. Are you familiar with CE 399, the "magic bullet?" No one will ever convince me that it caused 7 wounds in two men and lost only 1.5% of its mass. Shame on the conspirators. May they rot in Hell.
@bogusmogus9551 Жыл бұрын
@robertcarveth8722 Жыл бұрын
Yep ! after missing with the first shot, he hit him with his second shot though the back of the neck ...emerging his throat and then on to hit Connolly multiple times!!! Kennedy could have survived this shot we are told. read my comments on this issue above....Americans are easily misled by bullshit
@JeromeWade-lm8jh Жыл бұрын
Who besides Oswald wanted JFK dead?
@paulweston285 Жыл бұрын
Well you normally would be blamed if you fire off 3 rounds at a President.
@francisbrown-l6h Жыл бұрын
Why would a former marine who knew weapons choose the worst rifle issued in WW2 when he could have purchased an 1898 Mauser or a 1903 Springfield for a few dollars more. I have wondered about this for 63 years.
@coryhoggatt7691 Жыл бұрын
The training camps that he and Ferrie were running for anti-Castro Cuban dissidents bought hundreds of these rifles. They only made it look like he ordered one for himself under an alias.
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
And.. why did all of the records that showed purchases from that mail order company get confiscated by the FBI and then disappear. An that the owner claimed that no one ordered that rifle from Dallas because there were dozens of places a person could get one cheaper and quicker in Dallas. An that the Post Office that "sold" the money order was far away and Lee could have got one closer. And why was the number on it out of sequence as they are sold top one on the stack first yet that one was from after the assassination. And how did he buy the rifle when the Money order was never cashed.
@briancaldwell6799 Жыл бұрын
lee was a remf.....he fired his weapon in bootcamp then once per year....then shot himself with his own pistol....not a trained professional.
@kirkandpam1749 Жыл бұрын
It's an excellent rifle
@karlnemo8658 Жыл бұрын
The Elite love to tweak noses, to see who's awake. Pushing the idea that that POS Mannlicher-Carcano could have done the deed is one such tweak.
@CrashingCrockery Жыл бұрын
Lee was an amazingly capable young man, traveling to all the places that he did, all by himself, when he was practically still a kid - I have always admired this about him, as well as his eloquence and articulate conversation in the William Stuckey interviews. He was far, far more intelligent than he is given credit for, as the lone-nutters want to make him out to be a stupid hick, an unhappy, dissatisfied oaf, who acted out of disenchanted rage, when he was far more sensible than that. As an artist who has studied Lee in very different ways than most, as far as his human side, I have learned a lot of enlightening things and met some fascinating people in my journey. I only wish I could shake his hand or better, give him a huge hug, as thanks for the goodness this young gentleman conveyed, which also strikes me as a kind of loneliness at times, one that deserves a big hug. He was an amazing and complicated man who was so tragically maligned. I hope to visit his grave for the first time this December and I cannot imagine how that is going to feel, as I have grown so close to my subject matter over the years in trying to portray him in a different light than the public is used to, right down to how he liked his eggs and what cologne he wore. He is a source of endless fascination for me and I would love nothing more than to see him exonerated, but am very doubtful that will ever REALLY happen, too many haters will contest even the most damning evidence suggesting he was innocent, just as they are reading and hating this comment I after I have posted it. It is fantastic that there are those like yourself speaking on his behalf and pointing out the things that need to be known and speaking knowledgeably about them; you are obviously very well informed yourself, thank you so much.
@donald2665 Жыл бұрын
The CIA is deeply involved in the Proxy War Crusade of Biden's, the MIC, the State Department, Britain, the WEF, IMF, and NATO against Russia, and has been for decades, especially so prior and after the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian Government in 2014. The extent of CIA involvement in the following has yet to be determined, however, is likely - and that is the NGO with the benign Title of "The Transition Integrity Project", which was full of Government Officials, including Democrat Politicians, Democrat Governors, Retired Military Officers including several General Officers with direct hot lines to the Pentagon, Attorneys, R.I.N.O's, Silicon Valley Computer Technicians and CEO's, and many more in and out of Government - all Trump Haters, and working in Three Groups under the Umbrella of "The Transition Integrity Project", (or TIP). The Money Group was The Silver Linings Group out of NYC and was initiated by a former Associate of George Soros 1 & 1/2 Year prior to the 2020 Presidential Election. The other two Groups were planning and action Groups. Their Two Goals: 1) Stop the Re-Election of Trump - and - 2) Detail every event, every possible event and scenario, thru computer gaming, planning sessions, etc. of every possible event and scenario IN WASHINGTON DC during the Transition Period from Election to Inauguration and involving President Trump. Google The Transition Integrity Project and the Related Articles and Video, and Four Pages will come up on Google, naming many names. Jan 6, 2021 fell into that Planning regarding events at the Capital Building.
@herbertpetrillo485 Жыл бұрын
always found it strange that oswald' taught hinself' Russian. strange that he worked at a radar base monitoring the u2 plane.....strange that shortly after a u2 plane was ' shot down' which torpedoed a peace confetence...strange how he foubd a Russian ' wife' and was allowed back into the usa as if nothing happened.strange that a complex character like demorenshelt befriended Lee.strange that Lee was ' visiting ' guy bannister at 544 camp street in N.O. strange in that they were 2 entrances to that building.one entrance led to bannister, a right winger, the other entrance led to ' pro castro' ppl- left wing communists.....very strange.strange too was the ppl who swore they seen Lee with Jack ruby.why would they lie? that ppl seen Lee with david ferrie too.....which means Lee had to know clay Shaw....which means jim garrison was right. Ruth Paine and micheal Paine.handlers? strange. maybe strangest thing to me is judyth baker.....claims she was Lee's lover....she worked on some cancer research with oschner....whats strange is that they were alleging to be experimenting on ways to inject Castro with cancer cells... remember what jack ruby said from prison? that he was being ' injected with cancer cells? coincidence? hmm.sorry for my long reply but I find the whole Lee Oswald saga to be amazingly bizarre filled with impossible coincidences.
@donald2665 Жыл бұрын
@@herbertpetrillo485 I agree with you. For more, and more recent, but on a different subject, although involving a sitting President, Google : "The Transition Integrity Project" and the Articles and Video related to that Project. This was a Trump Hating NGO with a benign Title, made up mainly of Government Officials, State Governors, Democrat Politicians, Silicon Valley Technicians and CEO's, Retired General Officers with direct lines to the Pentagon, and made up of Three Groups: The Silver Linings Group, made up of millionaires and Billionaires from NYC primarily, and founded 1 & 1/2 Miles prior to the 2020 Presidential Election, by a former Associate of George Soros. The two Goals of the TIP: Stop the Re-Election of Trump and 2) Detail Plan thru Computer scenario gaming, and in person planning and situation scenario planning sessions, every minute of Events taking place in WASHINGTON DC from Election to Inauguration, that involved Trump. (This included the events of Jan 6 2021 at the Capital Building after the Mall Rally, as the TIP had two Months prior notice of the Mall Rally and two months to plan an infiltration and directive response with Agents and Contractors.) LTC (Ret) Lawrence Wilkerson, a prime coordinator among the three groups, and true Trump Hater, stated several months prior to the Election: (to Paraphrase): ' On Election Night the MSM Media MUST PERFORM a COUP!'' FYI: Four Pages of related Articles that ex[lain, & name many names on Google. One may assume, with the various Stalinist Show Trials in progress and further 7 year Crusade against Trump by the Media and Administrative State, that TIP 2.0 is in progress!
@MiasDad-ds2iv Жыл бұрын
Ted, I've come to wait on these videos. One of the best, if not THE best JFK channel out!!!
@FranzJosephLP Жыл бұрын
Yes, it is a very nice video for sure.
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
1959 E3 under 2 years in the Marine got paid $99.00 before taxes per month, given he was born into poverty how did he manage to fly to Paris go to London and have $700 in his pocket . $7,400 in today's dollars.
@jeffeverett274 Жыл бұрын
I have the feeling he was a introvert. Definitely intelligent. Definitely had different faces. He tracked the u2s.
@coryhoggatt7691 Жыл бұрын
When his diary from that time was finally released, he wrote that he was receiving $700/mo from the Red Cross. The video make it clear he was sent by the CIA in an attempt to get the KGB to recruit him. What it doesn’t say is Oswald had a low security clearance and did a mundane job in the Marine Corps. Enough to maybe catch the Soviet’s interest without risking any actual intelligence if Oswald turned on them.
@lynnmeyers10 Жыл бұрын
If they were privates and E1s, but as an E4 I made 300 dollars or there abouts with commuted rations. It was 1964 though.
@lynnmeyers10 Жыл бұрын
He took military transportation!
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
@@lynnmeyers10 That is the point, at the time there was a term for people who could afford to fly... they were called the Jet Set. He either got money from the CIA to go, or got flown on Military or CIA planes. And recently discharged "enlisted men" just can't get a free flight by the Air Force.
@bones007able Жыл бұрын
Excellent reporting ... It always pisses me off when people call him the assassin of Kennedy he was never charged , never proven , the Dallas police and chief Curry made a clown show out of it including televising Oswalds death
@banjohombre Жыл бұрын
he was charged for the Kennedy and Tippit murder.
@bones007able Жыл бұрын
@@banjohombrebut NEVER convicted , which means innocent until proven guilty ....he never got his time in court so he is not the assassin ... he is just an alleged suspect...
@dme1016 Жыл бұрын
Well, allow me to piss you off again, with all due respect...LEE MURDERED JFK...ON HIS OWN!
@todpalmer2545 Жыл бұрын
he was NOT charged with anything nor was he given counsel.@@banjohombre
@jb-vb8un Жыл бұрын
@@bones007able HAHAHA HOHOHO HEEHEEHEE - - - In the Zapruder Film President Kennedy is seen to react to three separate gunshots, the first missing him and the limo], the next two hitting him with increasing accuracy. Further discussion of the first two shots is beyond the scope of this paper other than to note that all three gunshots had associated 1-2 frame anomalous movements, and a outward impulse is observed on the jacket lapel of Texas Governor John Connally (who had accompanied President and Mrs. Kennedy in the motorcade and was collaterally wounded in chest) at the same time the President begins showing signs of being injured, but no other discernable impulses are otherwise seen on either of the two men (prior to the third shot). Figure 2 shows the two Zapruder Film frames that captured the fatal shot, namely Z312 (the moment just before impact) and Z313 (the moment just following impact). In Z313 the catastrophic effect of the energy deposit from a supersonic projectile passing through a human head is clearly evident. However, while it is not immediately noticeable at this scale (and not detectable while viewed in motion at normal speed), a careful comparison between the two frames also reveals that President Kennedy's head snaps forward from Z312 to Z313 [[9]], as referenced to the red dashed line labeled O. There is nothing new in this observation-early researchers with access to the still frames first noticed this in the mid-to-late 1960s. Notable among these is author Josiah Thompson, who estimated the position of the President's head relative to two fixed objects on the rear of the limousine, the results of which are plotted in his book Six Seconds in Dallas (1967) [[9]] that will be returned to in Section 2.2. However, for the moment it should be noted that this motion amounts to an anomalous forward impulse on the order of several centimeters over the time interval of one Zapruder frame (≈0.055 s) at the moment of impact (an impulse comparable to Connally's “lapel flap”). It is also crucial to note that this anomalous forward impulse at Z313 is only observed on Kennedy's head-it is not observed on any of the other limo occupants (with reference to dotted lines c, d and f), nor is it even observed on Kennedy's own torso (line b), wherein lies his body's center-of-mass (CM). This implies that an isolated real force acted directly (and solely) upon the President's head just prior to Z313; the only plausible source for this instantaneous, isolated forcing mechanism is manifestly and unequivocally the projectile impact. Therefore, an examination of the relevant dynamics involved in the direct interaction of a high-speed projectile with a human head.
@brianambrosemcmahon8531 Жыл бұрын
Oswald certainly was not a lone nutter as portrayed by the Warren Commission. He was an intelligent officer with a serious position with significant responsibilities. Rather he was used and abused by the security services and set up by his handlers .
@jondaviddixson341 Жыл бұрын
Garrison's team said he favored Kennedy and loved to see the Kennedy kids on television. Always spoke highly of the Kennedy family. Theoretically speaking, these favored views LHO had of the Kennedys leaked up through the intelligence ranks(Demorenshildt, Dave Atlee Phillips, Bannister, Harvey, Hunt, and J. Angleton) most likely Dullus played a role in choosing LHO to be the fall guy, just because of this admiration of Kennedy. I know alot of us researchers ask how LHO came to be selected as one of the fall guys for the murder. Plus becoming a whistle blower for the Nov. 2nd 1963 Chicago plot would had put LHO at odds with the higher intelligence ranks. This is my theory on it.
@alrifr5786 Жыл бұрын
It should be called the Dulles Report. Warren just rubber stamped what Dulles presented. Of course Dulles was a prime conspirator in the assassination.
@briancaldwell6799 Жыл бұрын
lee's family was destitute....there aint no government stiff that doesnt get paid.
@magisterhpp Жыл бұрын
Before the assassination of J.F. Kennedy, Oswald was in the Netherlands in a house owned/operated by the Dutch post WW2 secret service BVD. Probably getting some instructions and convincing him of the utmost importance of the matter for the -deep- state. Oswald then not knowing he in fact would become a patsy, who would, all included...., be "murdered like a used guinea pig", as part of a *psychopathic* project to dastardly murder the President of the USA.....and afterward *get away with it scot-free* . Post WW2 BVD = .......SS Mann etc. etc. Bilderberg Bernhard, a "good friend" and colleague psychopath (without conscience) of *Allen Dulles* whom he knew since WW2, being *strangely* (SS and US republican mentality....) together in all kinds of sick/devilish treachery, corruption and crimes against humanity. This of course is very, very ominous and *again* points in the direction of Allen Dulles as evil genius, who earlier on was fired (THIS CANNOT STAND...!) by Kennedy. Dulles (just like all psychopathic low lifes of the adapted compensated type) can (forensic psychologically.....seeing his track record) certainly be considered capable of such abject pure evil, world shocking deeds of this magnitude or......much, much worse.
@patgalvez4563 Жыл бұрын
He was just a patsy..
@lynnmeyers10 Жыл бұрын
That's original!
@27peted Жыл бұрын
Lol yes he was. To this day we cant get any resolution!!!😮
@CKing-388 Жыл бұрын
He was definitely involved
@lynnmeyers10 Жыл бұрын
If he was a so called patsy, he was also the killer. Soviets, Castro, CIA, FBI, none would tell the truth. And 75 years and CONFIDENTIAL or TOPSECRET material might give a lead, but it may also be full of lies, because Winston Churchill was right that the truth is always surrounded by a bodyguard of lies(esp. In governments).
@coryhoggatt7691 Жыл бұрын
The patsy HAS to be involved, to get him to do things that incriminate him without him realizing that’s what he’s doing. Like being told to deliver a package and say it contains curtain rods.
@rongendron8705 Жыл бұрын
I was 17 in 1963 & went on a vacation to Miami, Fla. in late Oct. & early Nov., before I enlisted in the military on Nov.12th, '63. As I was taking movie films of the larger buildings, I was approached by a Fed. agent, who wanted to know why? Years later, I found out that Pres. Kennedy was scheduled to stop there, before going to Dallas, but the Secret Service felt it was too dangerous! This video details the extensive preparation needed for future presidential visits! p.s. A day or so after the assassination, Oswald's mother said that her son worked for the F.B.I., which was not repeated, but we now know that she may have been right!
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Good observation...and thanks for your service!!
@phibber Жыл бұрын
he definately did work for the fbi. the cia and fbi were jealous of each other.....lho was a top fbi agent, who disovered the cia practising a cuba invasion,and it was reported to JFK. The cia thought that if the cia started the covert action jfk would get on board. He told Allen Dulles to shut it down. Dulles was furious, and did the invasion anyway. So jfk fired Dulles. LHO had been reporting the cia activity to JEDgar Hoover who was relaying it to JFK. do you see why oswald was implicated?? purely revenge. There is a story that a cia operative visited JEDGAR HOOVer the day after LHO murder, and they showed Hoover an ice needle gun which shoot a 6 inch ice needle maybe into your heart maybe and melt and it would be impossible to determine murder.
@albertopalma1663 Жыл бұрын
She was right. Her son was an informant of JE Hoover, and also worked for the CIA.
@timothyparker7739 Жыл бұрын
Another brilliant presentation Ted. Keep the faith, my friend.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Tim...
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
You left out --- he was trained in radar operations that required as security clearance (and also a high ASVAB score, LHO had an IQ of 118) and before entering the Marines he memorized the entire marines training book.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Why do you immediately begin to denigrate Oswald...do you have an agenda? Could you teach yourself Russian as a 17 year old just joining the marines???
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
@@tvted12345 ??? denigrate by pointing out that he had a near genius level IQ. Or are you referring to the fact the video falsely makes out that his confidential clearance was high, by saying he got security clearances "all the way up to confidential" when there are no lower security clearances. The fact is that he got a security clearance in the first place is an achievement. You see things are classified and you only get the clearance needed for that one subject, and as everything is compartmentalized it is need to know basis. The fact is his confidential clearance would be insufficient to get access to the confidential clearance material I had access to and my secret clearance higher than his confidential would not enable me to have access to the confidential material he had access to, because I didn't have the need to know what he was cleared for.
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
@@tvted12345 sorry for 2 replies but I have only one agenda and that is truth. Nearly all of what the government classifies has absolutely no actual bearing on National Security, it is usually there to cover-up embarrassing things the government doesn't want out. Anything that is of actual security is eventually in the hands of our enemies. For example the Wikileaks documents of the US Spying on the Chancellor of Germany, when that got out it was embarrassing to the State Department, NSA and CIA but not even remotely close to a "security threat"
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
My mistake Gerard...I read your comment quickly and did not realize the point you were making...Sorry!@@gerardcote8391
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
@@tvted12345 No prob, I think you and I are almost in one hundred percent agreement. The only problem I have with a lot of conspiracy theorists is that they always want to claim it was "right wing", nearly every single one of the parties that could potentially be involved in the cabal were either long time Democrats and Democrat parties allies or what we on the actual right call RINOs Republicans in name only i.e. the BUSH/Rockefeller Establishment Lawyers like Allen Dulles family and other The "Eastern Liberal Establishment".
@walterspaceman5592 Жыл бұрын
Seventh reason. Robin McNeil a celebrated war correspondent familiar with close gunfire says, " LIVE" on a national interview to the nation. " I was on the grassy knoll facing, covering the motorcade, and bullets rang out behind me, what astounded and STUNNED me was regular unarmed people standing with me instantly stormed back towards the gunfire up the knoll." And if a famous war correspondent for the BBC is not part of the Warren Report, ZERO, ZIP, NOTHING", something stinks to high heaven. And if you know nothing, know this, if a tiny peice of iceburg information sounds off, that's a three alarm total bullshit bell alarm, with sirens. Best wishes. He was killed because in his speech he would dismantle the War Machine Manufacturing goliath Eisenhower warned about. And even more troubling is why don't you and every American know this story ?
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
We do know Walter. Even more telling was JFK's creation of NSAM 263 withdrawing nearly all U.S. servicemen from Vietnam. There would have been no VN war if Kennedy had lived, and the profiteers you reference murdered the President.
@MrBullethead63 Жыл бұрын
We have discovered the real truth, and the very apparatus that Ike warned us about has suppressed it!🤬
@charlesritt5088 Жыл бұрын
There were about 50 people who claimed that they saw and heard gunfire from the grassy knoll. And then there were a whole bunch of people who claim that they then saw and heard gunfire from the school book building. Then many members of the news media start pitting each group of people and there claims against each other . A lot of " which group of people are telling the truth ? Did it ever occur to anyone besides little ole me that both groups of people were telling the truth which means there was obviously more than 1 gunman. The thing I've never understood is why so much of the news media is so lazy ? How could people more intelligent then me fall for the whole lone nut gunman theory. My guess is that many then and now are afraid of being called unpatriotic or of being called crazy.
@albertopalma1663 Жыл бұрын
@@tvted12345 The MIC. Eisenhower warned us about it. Even with that warning Vietnam became a reality. Not even LBJ wanted the Vietnam war. He rejected the approval that Congress had passed, three times in a week. "I'm not sending our boys to be killed in that damn war" LBJ said. He was reluctant to start the war even after the Gulf of Tonkin incident that McNamara knew it was an inside job. Later McNamara himself revealed it was a lie and the WP published his comments. Then the pressure LBJ was under became unbearable to him that he just approved the war.
@willh1933 Жыл бұрын
As a casual observer following this over the years one fact that I find fascinating is that there were 2 more assassination attempts earlier in the year, one in Chicago and one in Tampa. Interesting locations since both the the mob in Chitown and Cuban ex-pats in Tampa both hated JFK for different reasons. So what's the link? Three letters...CIA. They ran the Bay of Pigs for the FL Cuban ex-pats that JFK let hang in the wind. They had mob connections in Chicago because they both hated JFK for what he and RFK did to screw them after taking office. Things that make ya go hmmmmmm???? Lone Gunman??? I believe in the Tooth Fairy too.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Will....
@fgoindarkg Жыл бұрын
JFK told the CIA he would not approve air cover during the planning stage. It was planned to fail. They never wanted bCastro out.
@duckmangooo7376 Жыл бұрын
Castrol wanted him gone, the embargo pissed him off. Jackie was pissed off as well, her husband was a womanizer. Johnson wanted him gone, control of Vietnam involvement. The mob was hired by the government and Castrol. Vietnam War was for the heroine(poppy fields). (Cambodia). Kennedy wanted to clean up the mess, the American government wanted to erase Kennedy.
@markalexander832 Жыл бұрын
My understanding is that the mob was behind the assassination attempt in Tampa, as well. JFK had many enemies inside and outside of the federal government -- the mob, elements of the CIA, Cuban expats, and not least, LBJ, who was certainly the most vile, ambitious and corrupt man ever to sit in the Oval Office. My theory is that LHO was indeed the patsy, the "fall guy" for a larger conspiracy using coordinated but independent elements and directed or initiated from very high levels. There seems to be significant evidence that LHO was a low-level operative for the CIA. First Chicago, then Tampa, then Dallas, all in a matter of weeks. It was only a question of when and where it would happen.
@conflagratus Жыл бұрын
No reason for "hmmmmm". Bay of Pigs was supposed to be a hot war, Viet Nam was supposed to continue well beyond Nixon, and Ukraine was supposed to go hot during Hillary's presidency...ooopps! All Deep State CIA: get rid of JFK, run Nixon out of office, put Trump in jail. Reagan got away with it, barely (Grenada, the Falklands, and Iran were supposed to get way hotter), with his Strategic Defense Initiative that enabled ".gov" to take massive amounts of The People's money and not even have to manufacture anything. It's not conspiracy that Eisenhower coined the terms "Industrial Military Complex" and "The Deep State". He was hoping, in his last public address as President, that The People would take note and act accordingly. Unfortunately, Capitalist Republicans had inadvertently made American life too relaxing and prosperous for the last 70 years for any priority on this...priorities are a changin'! Woke is causing People to Wake! Green is making People see Red!
@BeatlesFan1975 Жыл бұрын
Thanks! This video is great!!
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your support. I really appreciate it!
@toddmayer6859 Жыл бұрын
I was in the military about 10 years after Lee was in. I worked as a radio relay operator that provided communications for radar & missile launch. I had a secret clearance. Those in the radar & missile launch room had clearances above secret. Some state Lee's IQ was barely above average. I do not believe that is true. And Jack Ruby "silencing" Lee was not some fluke. Jack may have just sent off money at Western Union or whatever, plus leaving his dog or dogs in his car .... but all of that just makes for a great cover story. Also the curtain rod story ... that may have not been true. Many things we'll probably never know. But it seems like every time you turn around, another BS story is debunked and/or looks suspicious. I do believe Lee was a patsy, just as he said
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Well stated Todd!!
@lynnmeyers10 Жыл бұрын
U mean conspiracy theory! 60 years ago. I remember well.
@coryhoggatt7691 Жыл бұрын
The cover up was enough for 1963. When they controlled the evidence, the investigation, and the media. They managed to keep even the altered Zapruder film from being seen for a decade. But they couldn’t foresee the technology that came later.
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
In the marines You have to score in the top 10% to get an A school. His IQ was 118, that is just below top 15% among adult white males, Top 10% among whole population, and as he went to specialized training that requires top 10% that means he got a minimum of 90 on the ASVAB.
@toddmayer6859 Жыл бұрын
@amosburke511 Yeah .... I bought a book on LBJ .... the Mastermind behind the assassination of JFK. It is way too ponderous of a read, but spells it all out. I was around 10 years old when JFK was running against LBJ for the nomination. I saw the seething hatred LBJ had for JFK. And when JFK chose him as his running mate, that seemed very strange to me. Right after JFK was killed, LBJ reversed various policies, in particular, about Vietnam.
@FranzJosephLP Жыл бұрын
From someone who was raised by a Dad born in 1909 who worked in OSI. YOU did your homework & are about 88 to 89% CORRECT!! Thanks for your video. I am starting to feel much better, when more & more people are putting the truth peaces together. Pretty soon most of the general public will know the whole truth about many subjects that we have been lied to for long decades. Clue _-_- It would benefit Many to read Roger Stone's Book on JFK's DEATH?
@redbarber873 Жыл бұрын
Roger Stone is an opportunist -- among his many other lousy character traits. On the JFK coup, he engages in a partial "hangout" because it's obvious the JFK killing was done by professional killers at the direction of and covered up by US gov't connected/associated entities. OTOH, Stone's your basic garden variety nazi/fascist. Everything the slimy, lying, douche touches is done for some greater scheme he's connected to. The man is toxic poison. Engage him at your own peril.
@Dr.Pepper001 Жыл бұрын
I agree with 97% of what you say except that you have your government clearances wrong. The lowest level is Confidential. Then Secret. Then Top Secret. Oswald held a Top Secret clearance. I was in the Marine Corps from 1964 to 1968 and held a Secret clearance. Those Marines who worked in Radar systems that involved secret government material or information (as did Oswald] had a Top Secret clearance.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Yes, you are absolutely right...I meant to say he first gained "confidential" at Keesler, then Top...but I messed it up...Thanks for commenting and viewing!!
@glennso47 Жыл бұрын
In the navy I served on a submarine tender. I had a have a Secret clearance just to be a crew member and work in a store room. Then I found out that the navy had given me the wrong orders. I wasn’t even supposed to be on the ship!
@glennso47 Жыл бұрын
J Edgar Whoosit?
@Dr.Pepper001 Жыл бұрын
@glennso47 -- That's a hoot! Guess you were pissed. I would have been because I was claustrophobic as hell.
@liability6922 күн бұрын
You've obviously been busy, I'm thrilled to discover your channel and to watch the rest of your video productions. I hope I'm able to provide some good feedback, as I've been studying this history intensively for twenty years now.
@joesss6025 Жыл бұрын
In 1973, a movie called “Executive Action”. This movie showed LHO as a person who was the fall guy for the CIA and a number of industrialists. Even in 1973 this movie is worth watching again!
@peterbee129 Жыл бұрын
Thats the movie I saw one night in a hotel room . LHO was the patsy, and that piece of garbage, The Warren Commission, 500 or so paged book was all lies. I Had seen a TV show where a gun expert tookthe gun of LHO and tried to put 3 bullets into a moving object the few seconds he had and didnt do it.
@DavidArbuckle-sc8zc7 ай бұрын
Wow. More amazing Content, Ted. You have done incredible research. Thank you so much. You are my go to source.
@avatarfin Жыл бұрын
We only really need one reason to know he didn't do it, and that's because they said he did.
@allegory7638 Жыл бұрын
If that's what you take as evidence, please don't ever serve on a jury.
@sherryhannah498 Жыл бұрын
@@allegory7638 please is not needed
@willymueller3278 Жыл бұрын
And what have we learned ? Never trust your government.
@dinkster1729 Жыл бұрын
Certainly when intelligence is involved, you can't trust your government.
@mummra7 Жыл бұрын
when trusting the government...intelligence is NEVER involved. @@dinkster1729
@brianlanglois4086 Жыл бұрын
This is hands down the very best information on the Kennedy assassination that I've seen. Outstanding job on your research.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Brian!
@georgemallory797 Жыл бұрын
This was fantastic. I've seen a LOT and read a lot in the last 32 years that I have been learning about the JFK assassination. It started for me with the book, High Treason, which I read a month or two (by total coincidence) before Oliver Stone's movie came out. Your video here sure makes things easy to understand and draw conclusions from. I am impressed. Subscribed👍
@andrewtownend4511 Жыл бұрын
May i recommend America's Untold Stories on KZbin they have some good blogs on people connected with JFK'S assassination.
@TheCenteroftheUniverse Жыл бұрын
Also check out the book "Crossfire." Over a lifetime (I was nine when my polymath father plunked me down in front of the 19" b+w TV and said, "You are to watch this. Do not leave this room until I give you permission") of desultory intermittent research (it hurts too much to go to deep), I have come to understand that there were at least two shooters, the Zapruder film was so incriminating they decided they were better off by creating a Gawdawful artifact on the film while eradicating the evidence of blood spray off the forehead shot. There are so many inconsistencies in the various aspects of the story and there is such a trail of unknowns and strangely dead bodies. There are half-remembered items of questionable value, such as Ruby dying of stomach cancer ... of the lungs (possibly the reverse), the "reenactment" where the best shooter they could find with the carbine Oswald supposedly used and the guy - a weapons expert - could JUST barely get two shots off in however much time. It's not even reasonable to assume Lee was even overly facile with the weapon in an assassination setting. His movements in the months before Kennedy was killed in the "bloodless" coup d'Etat were exactly the kind of movement that would be expected from CIA doing spook stuff. I'm all but certain that LHO was a patsy to take the fall for the "intervention," as Sen. John McCain once termed it, on President Kennedy.
@baxterscruggs1716 Жыл бұрын
Oliver stones movie is a complete joke. At least he got the date right.
@andrewtownend4511 Жыл бұрын
@@baxterscruggs1716 please enlighten us what he got wrong?
@conflagratus Жыл бұрын
Everything but the date.@@andrewtownend4511
@jeffreyjacobs390 Жыл бұрын
I was in MR. Kavitts Classroom at Tuscan Elementary school when the phone rang and His Face Went ash white and clutched the wall for balance ...... he hung up the phone and tried to tell young kids what had happened. Still see that day. I have followed stories, got DVDs and read articles and investigative reports ..... He was at best a Patsy ..... a fool, pawn and chump. He had shot at a man through his window once .... was a screw-up and wannabe man of importance ! Ripe for the guy in the window. There were likely a six man team and medical examination of Kennedy's neck, back of head and obvious two bullets - from the rear as well as the front (Grassy Knoll) is clear that it was NOT A LONE GUNMAN ...... he was not in the building when the fatal shots were fired .... curb fragments blistered off into a man - reported and buried - and bullets whistled by ears on the lawn SO THERE WAS SURELY MORE THAN TWO FIRING at the president's car. Also one other bullet - sadly as can be - was discharged from a Secret Service Agent in the trailing security car several yards from the President's vehicle. MRS. Kennedy retrieved brain matter from the rear deck of the limo .... (fact) and appears on the SUPRUDER FILM ..... no way this was naything but, an ASSASSINATION SQUAD .... likely by Mafia who got President elected - betrayed by Bobby (Brother) as A.G. assailing the Mob in Legal Prosecution by congress committee ..... he was subsequently ASSASSINATED as well ! They should have been honest with us ! A sad chapter in our history. Nowadays the Liars in the Loon and Treasonous Choir do business in similar fashion ! GBjj
@RaymondCore Жыл бұрын
Since Kennedy's parade route was only changed the night before, how would LHO know to bring a gun to work of even be working there. Lee was and agent for the CIA who defected, renounced his citizenship, married the neice of a high-lever KGB officer, returned to the US and got his full citizenship rights restored and released with no further surveilance. In New Orleans he was publicly on both sides of the Castro/Cuba issue of the day. Read, "JFK and the Unspeakable" by James W. Douglas who make the case for there being a LHW lookalike who shot Officer Tippett and lured the police to the Texas Theater where Lee was watching a movie at the behest of his handlers. I've read all the good conspiracy books and this is by far the best. Lee Oswald is an American Patriot who was sacrificed by the CIA/Deep State in the futherance of their goal of controlling every aspect of government.
@Caeruleo Жыл бұрын
"Since Kennedy's parade route was only changed the night before, how would LHO know to bring a gun to work of even be working there." You are repeating an urban myth. The motorcade route was never changed, and certainly not the night before. The one and only motorcade route ever announced to the public was announced by both Dallas newspapers three days before the assassination, on Tuesday, November 19, 1963, and the route followed on the day of the assassination was precisely what had been announced in the papers three days earlier without the slightest difference, except that of course at the very end the motorcade went to Parkland Hospital instead of the Trade Mart. Here are the exact texts of the articles in the two papers: ********** Dallas Morning News, Tuesday, November 19, 1963: THE NEWS LEARNED Monday evening that the presidential motorcade will travel 10 miles to the Trade Mart using this route: From Love Field to Mockingbird Lane, along Mockingbird Lane to Lemmon, then Lemmon to Turtle Creek, Turtle Creek to Cedar Springs, Cedar Springs to Harwood, Harwood to Main, Main to Houston, Houston to Elm, Elm under the Triple Underpass to Stemmons Expressway and on to the Trade Mart. Dallas Times-Herald, Tuesday, November 19, 1963: While the formal announcement of the details of the President’s Texas and Dallas trip was to be made in Washington at 4 p.m., a White House representative in Dallas released the motorcade route. From the airport, the President’s party will proceed to Mockingbird Lane to Lemmon and then to Turtle Creek, turning south to Cedar Springs. The motorcade will then pass through downtown on Harwood and then west on Main, turning back to Elm at Houston and then out Stemmons Freeway to the Trade Mart. ********** In both articles the turn from Main Street onto Houston Street upon entering Dealey Plaza and the turn from Houston onto Elm Street are clearly named. Jim Garrison and other authors who didn't do their homework properly popularized the myth that the "original" motorcade route was supposed to go straight through the Plaza on Main without turning onto Houston and then onto Elm and would then enter the northbound lanes of the Stemmons Freeway directly from Main, and that these turns onto Elm and Houston were "added" to the route less than 24 hours in advance so that the limousine would pass closer to the TSBD and the grassy knoll than it would have otherwise. But in reality that could never have been the true route in the first place, because back then and still today vehicles cannot reach the entrance ramp to the northbound lanes of the freeway from Main. The one and only street that runs through Dealey Plaza that back then and still today has access to that entrance ramp is Elm. "Lee was and agent for the CIA who defected" Nope, you are again repeating an unproven factoid or urban legend about the assassination. It has never been proven that Oswald was an agent for the CIA. That is speculation only. "renounced his citizenship, married the neice of a high-lever KGB officer" Where on earth are you getting this from? You must be reading some very inaccurate books and/or watching some very inaccurate videos written and/or made by people who have done nothing even remotely close to proper research. Marina's uncle, Ilya Prusakov, worked in the Министерство внутренних дел СССР (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR), a completely different organization from the KGB. "Read, "JFK and the Unspeakable" by James W. Douglas who make the case for there being a LHW lookalike who shot Officer Tippett and lured the police to the Texas Theater where Lee was watching a movie at the behest of his handlers." Douglas comes nowhere even remotely close to proving that any person besides Oswald shot Tippit. If you think I'm wrong, please feel free to discuss here, in detail, the evidence presented in the book which you think proves this. " I've read all the good conspiracy books and this is by far the best." Yes, that appears to be the problem: you've read too many books about the assassination written by biased authors who are extremely selective in their citations of the evidence. I'm guessing this is where you got the mistaken idea that the motorcade route was changed when it is an irrefutably proven fact that it wasn't, as I have demonstrated in detail above. Books about the assassination are often among the least reliable sources of information about the assassination. I have long ago lost count of how many times I've caught these authors red-handed cherry picking the evidence, presenting only the bits which seem as if they support the author's viewpoint and downplaying or completely ignoring the other bits which give a very different impression. Garrison, for example, only mentioned a single inaccurate map of the motorcade published on the morning of the assassination which was too small in scale to show the turns from Main onto Houston and then onto Elm, but didn't bother to inform the reader that a larger map published the day before clearly showed the two turns and also didn't bother to mention the two articles from three days before the assassination that I quoted verbatim above. I've also seen these authors many, many times quote only the individual sentences from a witness's testimony that make it seem as if the witness was supporting the author's viewpoint, but not bothering to quote the *other* sentences spoken or written by the *same* witness which cast things in a very different light. Far better to study the evidence itself directly, independently of anything any author has ever claimed about that evidence, and also independently of what any maker of any video has ever claimed about that evidence. Like studying what the newspapers really said, for example, instead of relying on Jim Garrison's biased and filtered version.
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
@@Caeruleo If Oswald only knew about the route change 3 days before... how did he know to accept the job CIA handler Ruth Paine got for him at the TBSD, one month earlier instead of the other job he was offered. And with only 3 days to prep for a sniping (he hadn't fired a rifle in years - got out of the marines in 1959) and was working all day, and managed to fire a rifle without getting any nitrates on his face from the 3 gunshots.
@jryecart8017 Жыл бұрын
alot of conjecture and zero evidence. - - -
@gerardcote8391 Жыл бұрын
The problem with the Oswald look a like killing Tippet is that there were 5 witnesses. The description given for the shooter was a short husky mam with bushy hair 3 of the witnesses heard 3 shots, one heard 4 shots, and one saw 2 people, and one said the shooter's hair was block cut. One witnesses said of the lineup thar had Oswald that she never saw any of those 4 men, one who said that he couldn't identify Oswald as the shooter, he got the best look. Was himself shot in the head, perp never found, the one witnesses never called to the Warren Commission was the only one that saw 4 shots. And the one that saw 2 men specifically said the shooter with the gun wa short and stocky with Bushy hair. Was told by the police to not tell anyone or something would happen to her, after she told what she s saw, she disappeared.
@roypeaslee1305 Жыл бұрын
@@Caeruleo Thank you for the "well rehearsed" version of the JFK assassination. I would characterize you as either a CIA agent on a mission or an incompetent ninny that believes everything that the government spews.
@JT_O4 Жыл бұрын
Years ago I bought a book that a bibliography of all of the press coverage of the assassination and after. The book had two markings in it. The first was the author’s autograph, the second was the name “Dulles” underlined.
@FranzJosephLP Жыл бұрын
All last week Allen D. has been on my mind. Think pre-47 OSI, OSS. YOU might eventually Find your answer.
@abrakadabrah3031 Жыл бұрын
Watching the execution and arrest and killing of Oswald...my father said: All this is a series of lies... Oswald's mother maintained he was innocent!!! She said ...the truth... Will be revealed in a 100 years!!!!
@rabbit251 Жыл бұрын
The part of puzzle that doesn't fit for me is that CBs tried with top sharpshooters reenact the shooting time and hitting a moving target. All the marksmen hit the first shot, none of them came close on the other shots. One did make the 3 shots in the required time but his 2nd and 3rd shots were way off target. This is the one piece I have never been able to reconcile with the actual facts. (And Oswald used a very substandard Italian gun not know for accuracy.)
@DarrenSloan Жыл бұрын
And the gun could not kill at the range and would not been the magic bullet it could not have gone through j,f,k, and the other person as it could not kill British soldiers over 100 yards
@danielmccoy8875 Жыл бұрын
????? Are you nuts?? Many fallices pertaining to the rifle and 6.5 round,many Carcanos will shoot as well as or better than many military rifles of the time,the 6.5 has excellent penetration and will kill you dead, don't make statements that are pure fantasy
@ThePolareyes53 Жыл бұрын
BS. This was an easy shot.
@ThePolareyes53 Жыл бұрын
@@DarrenSloan BS. Would you stand in front of it? Read a book.
@DarrenSloan Жыл бұрын
@@ThePolareyes53 for your information I have been shot twice in army service so I don't need to read a book unlike you
@Marrio49 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mr. Yacucci for this information. It answers clearly many of the questions I’ve had for years. I too am former military. Although I was never officially designated as a sniper, I had all the qualifications of one. Several years later, I became a member of the IBS (international benchrest shooters) association who are a sport shooters organization made up of highly trained and accurate benchrest shooters. We are the ones that try putting five bullets through the same hole at 100 and 200 meters. I once lost a competition by being off by 2000 of an inch. That’s 0.002”. I’ve been following the JFK assassination since 1977, and in order to satisfy my curiosity, I actually went to Dallas to the Texas book depository and looked out the window to see the field of view from that vantage point. LHO was not a good enough shooter in the Marine Corps to have fired those shots. Three shots with that accuracy. This has been confirmed by fellow Marine Corps. witnesses who knew Lee’s scoring at basic training. He could’ve never pulled off that trick with such a piece of crap weapon as the mannlicher rifle he allegedly used. Deputy Roger Craig stated in an interview that the rifle they found in the north west corner of the six floor was a Mauser 7.65. which was stamped right on the barrel and witnessed by several people there, including deputy constable, Seymour Weitzman who was regarded as an expert in firearms identification. Deputy constable Seymour Weitzman identified that rifle and the next day typed a report of his findings. The 3 cases found on the floor at the southeast corner floor were 6.5. These do not match up. A few days later that report that Weitzman made was changed and regarded as an error. Go figure!!!
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Excellent point Charles...and no one could better understand and comment on the difficulty of that shot as someone with your experience. I also will always believe the rifle found was a 7.65 Mauser, and that Weitzman would never have signed an affidavit confirming that fact if he had any doubt. Thanks so much for your service!!
@Marrio49 Жыл бұрын
@@tvted12345 According to several other reports there were 2 Oswald’s. The actual and a fake. Do you have any knowledge of this?
@ThePolareyes53 Жыл бұрын
In other words, you are only capable of shooting at a perfectly still target, under perfect conditions, with a perfect (expensive) rifle equipped with an equally perfect (again, expensive) scope. That isn’t real world shooting. Oswald wasn’t trying to put his rounds in the same hole, he was trying to hit his target. Apparently, hitting a slow moving target, less than 90 yards away is beyond your capabilities. It’s been shown countless times that those shots can easily be made by a competent marksman with that rifle. Oswald qualified as both marksman and sharpshooter but not expert. There are plenty of deer hunters that could have made those shots offhand. Oswald did what every owner of a firearm should do, he practiced, practiced, practiced. It goes to show what a marksman with a cheap weapon and determination can accomplish.
@edwardfurlong2708 Жыл бұрын
It’s been shown by who? When? Sources.
@Marrio49 Жыл бұрын
@@ThePolareyes53 if you think my 26 months of combat in Vietnam with an M16 only qualified me to shoot at still targets in less than 100 yards you are seriously mistaken. What is with you people? KZbin always brings out the know it alls spewing garbage replies to people they have no clue about. Judging from your remarks, it appears that you are not qualified to make such statements and assessments much less not knowing what the hell you’re talking about. Stop making judgments about people you do not know which clearly indicates a lack of respect and intelligence.
@paulanddianathomas3376Ай бұрын
You’re awesome. Thank you for sticking up for him; not many people do.
@georgenedelkoffnedelkoffu833 Жыл бұрын
I could never understand how , how a person that moved to Russia , denouncing his citizen ship , could come back into America so quickly unless he was was a spy for America .
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Exactly...thanks George
@rezzer7918 Жыл бұрын
You can find Allen Dulles 😱 at the 9th level of Hell where there he *BURNS* next to his boss 👹 in perpetuity 🔥
@MrBullethead63 Жыл бұрын
Keep preaching the truth, Ted! This house of cards cannot stand on a foundation of lies!
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
That's what I'm hoping too! Thanks for viewing...
@lynnmeyers10 Жыл бұрын
Not what WC said.
@MrBullethead63 Жыл бұрын
@@lynnmeyers10, the Warren Commission Report is a pack of lies, written and approved by a pack of liars.
@gregorydahl Жыл бұрын
The fbi wants you to think they were secretly lurking around undercover no clue where or what and oswald brought them a warning in chicago right next to within a mile .
@clairlenniecorriveau7803 Жыл бұрын
hoover knew of the plot as well as johnson They were both traitors and murderers . hoover was also a transvestite . He blackmailed anyone , including presidents , to keep his job as head of the FBI . I did not capitilize their names , because neither are deserving of any sign of respect .
@ourcoloredpast1766 Жыл бұрын
7. Not one of the workers in the TSBD, or any of the police/newspeople who entered the building immediately after the shooting mentioned smelling gunpowder. Those who saw the rifle saw only the barrel protruding from the window so the gunpowder smell would have filled the room. 8. The Dallas DA said that because of Oswald's USSR background he knew beyond a reasonable certainty that Oswald was the lone assassin. But, Oswald's USSR background would surely have only fueled speculation of a Soviet involvement. What Wade said just made no sense at all. 9. Watch Oswald's face and attitude after his arrest. He clearly thinks there's a game being played - not sure what, but he's playing along with it, until the second he's told by the reporter that he has been accused of assassinating the president and you can see the penny drop in his expression.
@liability6922 күн бұрын
Excellent job synthesizing many facts- you're definitely on the right track!!
@JamesBond-uz2dm Жыл бұрын
Reason # 7 : Shortly after the assassination, when being moved in the Dallas police station, Oswald said to a camera, " I'm the patsy. " An assassin would never say that. They would be proud of their and would admit it. Not deny it.
@paulweston285 Жыл бұрын
You confuse assassin with coward
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
It is a great point...thanks for viewing and commenting.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Don't agree Paul...look at Oswald's life. He served his country in ways that most could never imagine. Nothing cowardly about him. Thanks for viewing.
@davisdeen-ty4so Жыл бұрын
#1 Because the government said he did it . thats enough to believe he didn't do it
@russpendleton9031 Жыл бұрын
As a Inactive Marine Myself I have told everyone that there was no way he got 3 shots in 6 seconds with a piece of crap carcano rifle.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Yes, and you would know better than almost anyone...you went through the training. I know the FBI had to add two shims just to be able to sight the rifle upon testing. Thanks for viewing and thanks for your service!
@detroitfunk3132 ай бұрын
and who brings only three bullets to an assassination ?
@davidepool5884 Жыл бұрын
I remember the moments after JFK was assassinated vividly to this day. I was only 3 years old at the time but I knew something terrible had happened. I was setting on the floor in the living room in front of the tv watching some cartoons or something. My mom was only a few feet away in the kitchen. I didn’t understand what was happening when the news report interrupted my tv show but by the way people were acting I knew something was terribly wrong so I got my mom. Just seconds after she got to the tv she burst out crying and then I started crying. It was only a few moments but it has stuck with me my whole life.
@lilybond6485 Жыл бұрын
@davidepool5884: Yes. I think pretty much all of us that were children and everyone else remembers exactly where they were when they heard about President Kennedy’s death and our reactions. - forever emblazoned in our brains.
@openroad8368 Жыл бұрын
I was in my father's testicles. I know something was wrong.,very wrong.
@darrellludlow Жыл бұрын
Another illuminating presentation. Great job!
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the kind words!
@charlesguerrero9153 Жыл бұрын
Innocent man he was not. Whether or not he was part of a conspiracy is another issue. Whether alone or not , when he went to work that morning in the book depository, he was one of a handful who new what was about to happen. Therefore, he was also one of the few who could have put a stop to assassination by alerting Kennedy's motorcade but did not because he was a participant who was unwilling to save pres. Kennedy. It took me years to arrive at that conclusion. OSWALD IS NOT INNOCENT REGARLESS OF ACTING ALONE OR NOT.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Totally disagree Charles, but thanks for viewing and commenting!
@butterflycomb Жыл бұрын
@iracordem Жыл бұрын
how was he gonna alert any motorcade?
@patrickgreen7308 Жыл бұрын
Everybody gets confidential clearance. That's no big deal. However I agree with you he was just a patsy.
@wiltchamberlainisthegoat13 Жыл бұрын
That driver knew exactly what he was doing, didn’t he?
@davidwilliams4498 Жыл бұрын
He sure did he knew when the umbrella man was pumping more shots needed an man beside him steps to curb an Greer stops on a dime for the last 2 shots 1st in back an split second later the last awful exploding bullet from right front side the grassy knowell an or the triple underpass. Never convince me driver Greer wasn't part of planned hit it's clear as day last several seconds of zapruder film.
@wiltchamberlainisthegoat13 Жыл бұрын
@@davidwilliams4498 I’d like to see the unedited version of the Zapruder film.
@albertopalma1663 Жыл бұрын
Of course he did. He stopped the presidential limo for 4 to 6 seconds. The Zapruder film doesn't show this because it was in the hands of the FBI before it was released to the public. So, it was altered.
@christineanna4657 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting video, I'll definitely be watching part 2.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!
@shirleybalinski4535 Жыл бұрын
Anyone who was alive at the time had alot of questions about Lee, the Russia " visit" & his return to the States. None of it made sense as this was a part of a very COLD WAR PERIOD. No one could just defect this easily, move around the Soviet Union( as he did so the story goes), have a spacious apartment, then just fly back to the States, get a job & go on with life like nothing happened!! Either the Russians would have clapped him in the clink or We would have upon his return!! The whole episode stunk then & it still does.
@williamfleckles Жыл бұрын
Yes it does....and that stink is CIA or some other US black ops org.
@williamtotherow3367 Жыл бұрын
Mistake in presentation, confidential is lowest security clearance, Lee had a top secret clearance.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
My understanding was that Oswald got the Confidential clearance at Kessler, then achieved higher clearances later...was that not correct?
@coryhoggatt7691 Жыл бұрын
He had a confidential clearance for his job at Atsugi. That’s it. He didn’t do anything important there, just operate the landing and takeoff radar for the base. But what a good candidate for a fake defection to Russia though. Sounds important but doesn’t actually put any sensitive information at risk if he turns on you.
@williamtotherow3367 Жыл бұрын
@@coryhoggatt7691 According to some info I have read , Lee listened to Soviet conversations which required crypo clearance, which is top secret.
@wb1065 Жыл бұрын
When Oswald spoke to reporters and said that he has asked “someone to come forward “ it all made sense to me.
@1213stmarie Жыл бұрын
Mark Lane’s “Rush to Judgement” published in 1966 is the book that made me question the official version of the Assasination.
@saifonlawrence2044 Жыл бұрын
Mark Lane was the most important Historian/journalist of his time.
@detroitfunk3132 ай бұрын
Mark Lane went on to join Peoples Temple and tried to follow Jim Jones to Jonestown. Whats up with that.
@HAWKJUAN Жыл бұрын
...winter is coming, I am going to do a deep dive into your work...impressive...first time I've seen your channel...salud!
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!
@brucetowell3432 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for helping the TRUTH to be revealed.
@MichaelForte-jn5pn Жыл бұрын
Great post.....thanks...
@Shawn-wd4qd Жыл бұрын
I love this. The thing i love about it the most is that We The People are NOT giving up on finding out the truth about what actually happened on Nov. 22, 1963 & the days/years to follow. I have done a lot of research on the JFK assassination & i will NOT stop until we find out the truth. Like Jim Garrison said though "it might become a generational thing passed down from father to son, mother to daughter" until we find out what really happened. We not only owe the truth to ourselves & our country but, mostly to the family of John F. Kennedy & everyone else that suddenly died right around the time of the assassination all the way up to the time that the Warren Report came out. The fact that our government is still stating they can't release ALL of the classified documents because of "National Security" after almost 60 years tells us that it was our government that assassinated our President. Please never stop searching for the truth.
@patriciaeddy7629 Жыл бұрын
The government was very involved with the cover up, so yes, the government was very involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
@williamprice3700 Жыл бұрын
Awesome research and presentation!
@stixx3969 Жыл бұрын
Personally, I still think the kill shot came from the front.
@baalbezub6848 Жыл бұрын
Many of these types of video never state what LHO’s actual involvement was then?? Why was he there? Did he know what was going to happen that day? Was he there to assist? Deter? Yes, he was the “patsy”, but what did he think he was there for?
@robertprestonsr2453 Жыл бұрын
Some slight musings: 1.) I believe that the Texas Schoolbook Depository COMPANY was a front and cover point used by the "agency" 2.) I use the term "agency" to describe a secret "group" which combined all types of military, fbi, cia, secret service, local law enforcement, various foreign groups, and even the "Mafia"-- all of this run privately with huge private funding provided by the elite and super wealthy... This allowed for quick and super secret activities to fly under the "usual" government agency protocols... 3.) A good number of the "employees" working at the Depository in November of '63 were "new hires", including Lee, Buell, Bonny Ray Williams, and others 4.) And the purpose of all this was to control the main assassination building and be able to control the narrative of what happened that day... especially to create evidence and a narrative which framed Lee... and, I think, that this is one reason that nobody inside that building panicked, (as in that no one inside seemed to be afraid of harm from a mad shooter) and 5.) a good many of these so-called employees quit working there in a very few weeks after the assassination... some went into the military... see Buell... The whole building and business was a front...
@samantharay6098 Жыл бұрын
lol calm down
@coryhoggatt7691 Жыл бұрын
The TSBD occupied one floor of the Daltex building until a few months before the assassination. It is more than a little suspicious that they suddenly needed seven floors to do the same job, and hired a bunch of new people to boot. Was there a sudden boom in the textbook business?
@robertprestonsr2453 Жыл бұрын
I want to add a few more notes on the Depository... About third man down from the top was a man named Jack Dougherty... He was among other things, the shift supervisor who led the crew of 6 workers who were putting down flooring on the 6th Floor that morning... and, based on hearsay, DOUGHERTY was NOT VERY SMART...but, That's right, there was a crew working on the 6th floor right up to about NOON that day... and NONE saw Oswald up there... ANYWAY, Jack Dougherty KNEW Jack Ruby... right? AND, Dougherty had keys to the doors of the Texas Schoolbook Depository... which means, that JACK RUBY likely had keys to the Depository as well,.... which means, RUBY could have brought things into the building BEFORE.... you see?? And by the way, Bonnie Ray Williams WAS the last ONE known to be on the 6th floor-- eating his lunch-- which he initially said he didn't do... but he told many different stories about were he was that day... see his initial affidavits... on file... and, here is a new one for you.... Jack Ruby was talking to an FBI informant -- Bob Vanderslice-- just before the hit... He asked Vanderslice-- they were just outside the Postal Annex building at the Plaza--..... "Ready to watch some fireworks?"" So, in my view, Ruby was an FBI informant and contact... and in fact, RUBY was everywhere.. at every important scene... and he was known to be very quick tempered and VIOLENT.. so why not investigate him as a perpetrator of all the crimes??
@seeker-br8lf Жыл бұрын
all I can say is that if he did it why won't they show all the evidence?
@er1073 Жыл бұрын
I was 11 years old in the 5th grade on this terrible date. Ted I have never heard of you before until tonight this video fascinated me as much as the Sepruter super 8mm footage. I was enlisted in the Marine Corps and did 20 years at Camp Pendelton I went to Palomar University on base and took a history course from the Civil War to present day which was 1977. Most us couldn't wait to get to the Kennedy assassination for the historical evidence. When had a Beta machine studio quality that the professor checked out. We studied the footage for 3 weeks. Most of us concluded that Oswald was not involved in the plot to kill President Kennedy because what we all hear were three shots in Delly Plaza we isolated the sounds and got rid of the crowd there were three shots fired we mainly concluded this was a professional hit with LOH and Ruby dies almost simultaneously gee the cancer this was never mentioned but Ruby did die awfully fast. Thank you Ted. Ed in Partlow Virginia
@robertcarveth8722 Жыл бұрын
Have you seen the footage where they took a skull with a dowel placed through the exit of the slug and protuding out the entrance wound at the back of the skull. This was placed over kennedy's projected frame freezed shot of his head (Zapruders film) and low and behold the rear of the stick pointed exactly at George hickey falling over in the backseat of the follow up car (whilst holding an AR 15.) see my comment to toddmayer's statement above..
@DannyBhoy88 Жыл бұрын
One day I think oswald did it alone, next week I believe it was a conspiracy and the next week something entirely different. One thing I do know is no shots came from the grassy knoll. No assassin in his right mind would shoot from where he could be so obviously seen by so many people, it would be sheer lunacy !!!!!
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Ed for your very kind words... and thanks for you service!!
@KennethPoole-y7z Жыл бұрын
@@DannyBhoy88 Head shot came from there, frangible bullet entering front right temple, knocked JFK back and L. Many witnesses heard shots from grassy knoll and saw smoke, and a flash. Likely that a few secret service impersonators were keeping people away from that area. Shots could not have been as in WC because the bullets break the laws of Physics.
@bradevans7935 Жыл бұрын
@@DannyBhoy88 I wouldn't be too sure about the grassy knoll. All somebody with a gun really needs is a legitimate-sounding excuse to be there - representing one's self as Dallas Police, FBI or Secret Service would probably suffice (you may be familiar with the so-called 'Badge Man' image, and that there were people in Dealey Plaza identifying themselves as Secret Service agents where none were officially supposed to be that day). It's commonly known as 'hiding in plain sight'. Also, there were enough witnesses who stated that they believed shots came from that direction. I'm not saying that shots definitely came from there, just not to rule it out as a possibility.
@CotyledonIowa Жыл бұрын
AND...The NUMBER ONE REASON Oswald was innocent IS... When asked, he said, " I didn't shoot anyone."
@Mynamesalexa Жыл бұрын
The Roofers, The Teamsters, The Longshoremen, The Mob, The CIA, & The Anti Castro Cubans all hated JFK & his brother. Oswald was everything he said he was, A PATSY! He may have been no angel in this. But what was he?
@RichardLBaker-i8v Жыл бұрын
While I agree with most of what you have presented, his security clearance is somewhat weak. Confidential is the lowest clearance and nearly everyone in the military hast it at one time or another. As a 22 year military specialist working with classified material I think you need something stronger on that issue.
@williamfleckles Жыл бұрын
Don't you think that clearance could have "arranged?"
@terrywaters6186 Жыл бұрын
Apparently not a single person inside the School Book Depository heard multiple shots from an unsilenced rifle. And how stupid to pick the inside of an occupied building to shoot from with the risk of there being a witness as opposed to the roof? How stupid to leave the rifle and ammo with your prints on them? (FBI did in fact bring the gun to the morgue after hours and put Oswald's prints on it postmortem according to the military medical examiner) I never heard anything about prints on the ammo cases which should have been Oswald's. Was the cop (Tippet?) sent to Oswald's house to kill him but was slower on the draw?
@Me2Lancer Жыл бұрын
How tragic that Lee Oswald was setup by the government for a fall. The day of the Kennedy assassination I was at Great Lakes Naval Training center picking up papers for my return trip home to Dallas. I was listening to the radio when Kennedy was shot. The next Sunday afternoon, I was aboard a train arriving in Dallas when Jack Ruby killed Oswald.
@baxterscruggs1716 Жыл бұрын
Set up by the government? Give me a break. Where is there ANY evidence that he was set up by the government or any evidence anyone else was involved. So much ridiculous stuff
@franksfiddle9031Ай бұрын
One of the best videos I've seen on this subject
@dougmorris5625 Жыл бұрын
What became of the package of curtain rods he said he had taken to work? Why did he leave work, go home, get a pistol, kill a police officer and hide in a theater IF HE WAS INNOCENT?
@kerrryschultz2904 Жыл бұрын
Two separate witnesses stated that officer Tibbet was killed by two men , one heavy set, and neither looked like LHO. It's possible that after the assassination he suspected that something was afoul, and may have a gut feeling that he was being set up, of which he was. And since when would over thirty police officers show up at a theatre for an unpaid entrance, given that there could not be in any universe be evidence collected that he was the suspect person that did three crimes. 1/ Assassinate JFK 2/ Shoot officer Tibbet 3/ Enter a theatre unpaid. Instead points to a cover story preset up by the conspirators and the theatre may have been LHO meeting spot for info from his handler.
@kwd3109 Жыл бұрын
@@kerrryschultz2904 Please name your source and names of the two separate witnesses you claim saw Officer Tibbet killed by two men. Everyone is waiting.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
There are more than two...but Mrs. Aquilla Clemmons gave a great film interview about her direct viewing and details about the two men she saw.
@AmericanActionReport Жыл бұрын
Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba Committee operated out of Guy Banister's office, as did the CIA/Cuban refugees' Free Cuba Committee. When a news camera recorded Oswald, flyers in hand, getting into a scuffle with someone on the street, you could see a smile of duping delight flash across Oswald's face for an instant.
@ktcarl Жыл бұрын
Why wasn't LHO given legal counsel during the whole ordeal?
@butchie2752 Жыл бұрын
Excellent job. Accurate summary of who Oswald was-and who he wasn’t. The only thing not addressed is the tippit murder.
@johnvinga5446 Жыл бұрын
A person dressed as Oswald did the Tippet murder; a lady who lived across the street saw the police officer gunned down and told people who cared to ask it was not Oswald. It was someone about the same build wearing similar clothing who shot Tippet and then collected all the spent cartridge casings and placed them neatly under a bush. It was a set up.
Жыл бұрын
Tippit looks a lot like JFK, and is believed to be some sort of body double, for when they created autopsy photos.
@janetwebb1507 Жыл бұрын
@Cookefan59 Жыл бұрын
Very good work sir! 👊🏽
@theadvocate4698 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting, i subscribed!
@fredk9999 Жыл бұрын
I’ve studied this to death. The best I can come up with is that LHO probably had a role as patsy. I’ve listened to hours of testimony from the late James Files. If there are flaws in his testimony, someone point out them. Plus, James Files and associates were there at Dealey Plaza. Why? They do this sort of thing for a living.
@albertopalma1663 Жыл бұрын
LHO: "I'm just a patsy." And that he was.
@richardlindsay31753 күн бұрын
Interesting video, but showing a Navy 1st Class Petty Officer insignia next to Oswald is soooooooooo, annoying, incorrect, disrespectful to the Marine Corps, and amateurish, that it invalidates almost all of your research. You don't even understand the basics. I'm sorry to be rude, but you should edit that out.
@iammclovinyeah Жыл бұрын
A confidential clearance is the lowest basic security clearance and does not give Oswald access to “highly classified” materials. His limited military knowledge wouldn’t be of any interest to the Soviets except to possibly spotlight him as a U.S. defector.
@rickdoty3067 Жыл бұрын
According to Richard Helms, in his discussions with the Advance Working Group, Oswald was not recruited by the CIA before entering the Soviet Union. However, once Oswald was inside Russia, a "source" contacted him in Minsk. From that point on, Oswald began working as a deep cover "non-official cover" (NOC) agent for the CIA. Oswald worked in the radio factory in Minsk. Directly to the east of that building Oswald worked, contained a highly classified facilities where the Soviets built radio receivers for MIG aircraft. Oswald, with the assistance of Nickolas Yurichenko ( a deep cover CIA operative) were able to penetrate the classified facilities and obtain secret schematic of two different secret radios.
@albertopalma1663 Жыл бұрын
A reporter asked him while he was taken for interrogation: Did you shoot the president? LHO: "No sir, I didn't shoot anybody." Later on he said:"I'm just a patsy." And that he was. He was framed.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
@paulg444 Жыл бұрын
But Jack Ruby was simply heart broken about the assassination. Was he in the lobby of Parkland talking to reporters ? Did he show up at the Dallas Sheriff's press briefing hours after Oswald's arrest, knowing more than anyone in the room about Oswald's past ?
@mjktrash Жыл бұрын
Ted, I stumbled onto this channel as is typical poking around in YT (or maybe the YT algorithm). Please state what your credentials are for presenting this information.
@martinkelly9763 Жыл бұрын
Hi Ted ... something that has intrigued me for some time and can't get an answer to is ... Oswald while been held in custody on the Saturday made a phone call to a John Hurt N. Carolina ... Hurt was counter intelligence, Hurt was married to a Billie Lee Greer and as we know JFK'S driver was a William Greer who when retired moved to and was buried in N. Carolina ... surely there is a connection between the both Greers ... looking at a photo of Mrs. Hurt she looks facially identical to William Greer ... any information I'd be grateful ... love ur presentations by the way Ted.
@lynnmeyers10 Жыл бұрын
I don't know, John Lennon was let back in. Besides, gov. Let Nazis in who were murderers of survivors relatives and let them live here and then helped them to South America after WWII.
@psy-op1201 Жыл бұрын
Yes, Greer was very probably in on it, given his 'performance' behind the wheel. JFK had probably survived had Greer done what he was trained to do. Raced the limo away at the first sign of danger. Instead he did the opposite and hit the brakes and didn't accelerate until he saw JFKs head blown away. Greers son admitted many years later after he had passed away that his father, who was an Irish Protestant didn't like JFK, an Irish Catholic. Hm....
@raviscott4853 Жыл бұрын
@@lynnmeyers10 They also let in Nazi scientists. You wouldn't have won the space race without them
@paulweston285 Жыл бұрын
Oswald made no phone calls.
@psy-op1201 Жыл бұрын
@@paulweston285 Yes, he did.
@Gary-Seven-and-Isis-in-1968 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for a truly fascinating video.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@walterbrown8694 Жыл бұрын
In 1958 all of us who were in the radio/communications/nav-aids/radar jobs held confidential clearances, which is the lowest US security clearance level to this day. Oswald's MOS was 6741, radar plotter. He completed his training at Jacksonville, MS on 18 March '57, and departed CONUS on 21 August '57 aboard the USS Bexar (APA-237) for Yokosuka, Japan. During the period he was stationed with us in MACS-1 at Atsugi, he was a general pain in the butt. Got into an altercation with one of our staff NCOs in the "Blue Bird" bar in Yamato, got busted to private and earned himself some brig time 26 June '58 to 24 August '58. When MAG-11 deployed to Taiwan in late August/September '58, he did not go with us. (BTW - he never went to Monterey language school) Don't know whether he was even involved with the murder of President Kennedy - That controversy still exists today, and the stories still fly unabated.
@KennethPoole-y7z Жыл бұрын
Would you know if he had gone to the language school?
@Charles-z1l Жыл бұрын
Antadote: the lead detective in the Green River serial killer case served in Japan with Lee Oswald in the Marines.
@shreddxx Жыл бұрын
Great, great presentation. I especially like the reference to Oswald as a patriot, and a martyr. There is a famous clip that's been shown for years where reporters are asking questions of Oswald as he's being rushed through a corridor in the Dallas Jail, where Oswald calmy said: I am just a patsy. The sordid affair of the cowardly, and brutal ambush and murder, of the most beloved president since FDR, certainly changed the course of world history. Kudos to the presenters of this film, and all the brave patriots who have devoted themselves through these years to uncovering the truth. Enough is known now to pin the blame on those running the CIA, such as the Dulles brothers, the Bushes, et. al. This secretive clan of depraved fascist criminals who have systematically looting, and destroying America ever since.
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much, I really appreciate the kind words...
@paulweston285 Жыл бұрын
On the morning of November 22 1963 Nixon departed on a flight out of Love Field airport Dallas, a few hours later JFK was dead.
@spacejaime Жыл бұрын
Best LHO profile explanation ever! Will start watching Part 2 now.
@tedsmith6137 Жыл бұрын
The burning question to me is why did Oswald's first shot go cleanly through Kennedy's neck, the front seat then Governor Connally's hand and thigh, but the next apparently blew Kennedy's head apart. Seems to me that the lethal hit from not from the same type of weapon as the previous shot. The theory about the Secret Service agent in the following car accidentally firing the lethal shot fits well with the subsequent behaviour of the Secret Service.
@patriciaeddy7629 Жыл бұрын
The exit wound was the back of the President's head. It had to be fired by a second gunman from the front. Exit wounds are always wider. Oswald couldn't have done that one.
@patriciaeddy7629 Жыл бұрын
We've all learnt a lot since 1963.
@miked5539 Жыл бұрын
Confidential is the lowest of all the security clearances. Holding this level means nothing.
@johnbradbury4000 Жыл бұрын
I was 16 years old when President Kennedy was allegedly shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. It was reported that he fired three ACCURATE shots from his bolt action rifle at the moving target carrying the President in five seconds. I thought then and still think that this was impossible. In fact I know from experience that this is impossible with such a weapon. It may be possible with a semi automatic but I would suspect you would have to be a highly trained marksman to accomplish this. You cannot fire three shots accurately from a bolt action rifle in five seconds. After the arrest of Oswald, enter Jack Ruby with a pistol, who assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald. Ruby had not a lot to lose as he was diagnosed with cancer and had been given about six months to live. Why he shot Oswald is something I do not know. ( possibly mob affiliation, financial gain paid to him by the CIA, the Mafia or persons unknown). I surmise that more than three shots were fired and I suspect that none of these shots emanated from Oswald's rifle. Whatever happened, three accurate shots in five seconds at a moving target fired by a bolt action rifle is a total impossibility.
@SuspiciousMinds65 Жыл бұрын
I think Lee thought he was there to infiltrate and stop the assassination...and realized he was the mark
@ontargetthomunclesam3926 Жыл бұрын
You left out one important factor in the case as a young Marine corps recruit Lee Harvey Oswald did not graduate (0300MOS) infantry because he was the worst shot the Marines had ever seen and the powers to be would like us to believe that LHO got three shoots off out of a mail order junk Italian second world war rifle in a time that NO ONE else can reproduce I can't do it and have tried MANY times over the years same gun and ammo that was supposedly used that day I am also a retired Master gunnery Sergeant USMC School of infantry camp Geiger North Carolina where I was a (PMI) primary Marksman instructor
@TimDyb Жыл бұрын
2:46 The patch shown is for a US NAVY 1st Class (E-6) Electronic TECHNICIAN (AT1). The equivalent US NAVY designation would be a Radarman (RD) (radar operator)
@darrellscholl7244 Жыл бұрын
I never believed Oswald did this.
@kaczorek73 Жыл бұрын
Great work, thanks!
@tvted12345 Жыл бұрын
Thank you too!
@jameseldridge4185 Жыл бұрын
Oswald was not a shooter. But he was involved in the plot. He was in the lunch room during the shooting. When he realized what had just happened he went on the run.
@josephpatrick9174 Жыл бұрын
. . . and that's why he shot a cop along the way.
@robertglancy4474 Жыл бұрын
@@josephpatrick9174 Yeah...isn't it funny how all the "Oswald was a patsy" people always forget about the killing of Dallas police officer JD Tippet on the same day by Oswald who ran off to hide in a movie theater. This guy putting this video out there didn't even mention it, like it didn't happen at all.
@paulweston285 Жыл бұрын
But had the calmness to buy a can of coke
@JfK--OBJECTivE Жыл бұрын
Inconclusive. The bullets extracted from Tippit came from an automatic. Oswald's revolver wasn't even functioning properly as demonstrated inside the Texas theatre.@@josephpatrick9174
@terrywaters6186 Жыл бұрын
I think Oswald brought the gun in and left it for the real shooter.