Slavoj Žižek: The Courage of Hopelessness | Englisch

  Рет қаралды 52,134

Arbeiterkammer Österreich

Arbeiterkammer Österreich

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Vortrag auf Englisch
Infos zum fehlenden Filmausschnitt:
Originaltitel: Flaskepost fra P
Deutscher Titel: Erlösung - Flaschenpost von P
IMDB Link zum Film:
The Final Countdown: Europe, Refugees and the Left
Giorgio Agamben sagte in einem Interview, Denken sei „der Mut der Verzweiflung“ - eine Erkenntnis, die insbesondere auf diesen historischen Moment zutrifft, in dem auch die pessimistischste Diagnose regelmäßig mit dem aufmunternden Verweis auf die eine oder andere Version des sprichwörtlichen Lichts am Ende des Tunnels endet. Wahrer Mut besteht nicht in der Vorstellung einer Alternative, sondern darin, die Konsequenzen der Tatsache zu akzeptieren, dass es keine klar erkennbare Alternative gibt: Der Traum von einer Alternative ist ein Zeichen theoretischer Feigheit, er dient als Fetisch, der uns daran hindert, die Ausweglosigkeit unserer Zwangslage zu Ende zu denken.
Kurz, wahrer Mut besteht darin, zuzugeben, dass das Licht am Ende des Tunnels höchstwahrscheinlich die Scheinwerfer eines anderen Zuges sind, der uns entgegenkommt. Dieser Zug tritt in jüngster Zeit in fünffacher Gestalt auf: als neuerliche fundamentalistisch-terroristische Bedrohung (die Kriegserklärung gegen ISIS, Boko Haram ...), als geopolitische Konflikte mit und zwischen neuen, nicht-europäischen Mächten (China und vor allem Russland), als Aufstieg neuer, radikaler Befreiungsbewegungen in Europa (derzeit in Griechenland und Spanien), als Flüchtlingsstrom über die Mauer, die „Uns“ von „Denen“ trennt, als Ausbruch eines massiven Populismus in allen Industrieländern. Es ist wichtig, diese Gefahren in ihrem Zusammenhang zu sehen - nicht als die fünf Gesichter ein und desselben Feindes, sondern als Ausdruck verschiedener Aspekte des gleichen immanenten „Widerspruchs“ des globalen Kapitalismus.

Пікірлер: 70
@tomasomaccio7606 4 жыл бұрын
Slavoj: I won't start with jokes... 3 minutes into his talk *The famous Jewish joke* Classic Zizek
@dominusloreto 3 жыл бұрын
@arkadiusztrzesniewski4237 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful blend of German and English with distinctive Slavic accent added for good measure. Impossible to counterfeit.
@davidbarry6900 3 жыл бұрын
The toilet paper anecdote from the 1970's (around the 56 minute mark) really hit home after 2020.
@hard2except 3 жыл бұрын
@cmattbacon7838 6 жыл бұрын
Slavoj has been my favorite of all the anti post modernist speakers because he is the most post modern
@erikvandenberg6990 4 жыл бұрын
Make a list our your favorite post-modern philosofers for me
@AlienNation_0 4 жыл бұрын
The wound is healed by the knife that smote it
@CarlyonProduction 4 жыл бұрын
He is post modern and so on and so on. Which is to say that he has moved on from post modernism twice.
@arcachata4137 2 жыл бұрын
@@CarlyonProduction 😂
@Andrea-fd2bw 2 жыл бұрын
@@erikvandenberg6990 SpongeBob,Patrick , the chipmunks,those are my favorites post modern philosophers
@icenspice9424 3 жыл бұрын
“Let me make a little detour” - Continues for 50 minutes
@alvaromd3203 2 жыл бұрын
One of Zizek’s most serious talks. Even the ticks are substantially diminished. The end result is just great.
@NowyTwojStary 2 жыл бұрын
I think he has blank pages just to look at them and move them when he's too stressed.
@IulianusTabernarius 6 жыл бұрын
"our people too have a custom, when men burn women alive, we hang them" British imperial officer in India. I'm against imperialism, and cultural hegemony, and I believe strongly in multiculturalism, but not in absolutist terms. I think the value of multiculturalism is in a Hegelian synthesis between the positive aspects of the native culture, and the culture of the country you move to. You keep your food, your music, your stories, but you abandon the strictures of hierarchy that do not exist in the country you are moving to, and attack the strictures of hierarchy that do not exist where you came from, but which do exist in the country you moved to. That benefits everyone, and that's what I support. Its also what I practice as the son of Italian immigrants in the united states who through a fluke of citizenship laws, maintains duel citizenship in both. I have often done a thought experiment of if there was a war between Italy and the United States, what side It would be on. The answer is that side which is justified and aligned to my ethics, I think that is the only correct answer, and should be applauded by citizens of both countries.
@StCrimson667 6 жыл бұрын
Wow, I think that's actually a great definition and goal of multiculturalism. :D
@LP-ow4hw 3 жыл бұрын
May I would phrase it differently, for slavoj dialectic is always between a particular and the universal, so you combine the positive things about a culture with an universal struggle for woman's liberation for example. We should be aware that this can eradicate the foundations of said culture though, as he said.
@RenegadeShepard69 2 жыл бұрын
Oh dear. How would the natives decide which is "the positive" aspect of their own culture that they should hold on to and which is the one they should let go of? They don't. That is in the hands of the imperialist nation that's controlling them. You are not helping the country you're dominating improve, you are helping them improve the ways in that they can co-exist with you. Another conqueror would think differently. You are making the judgement and selecting which part of their culture will function better in this newer, bigger organism in a parasite-host relation, the parasite will not stop eating it alive just because it is granting it some choices, none of which are for you to leave in case they desire to. That is still imperialistic. I'm not even getting into that whole hyphenated dual citizenship holding american exceptionalism paragraph after that because that's too much.
@adarshkrishnan7941 Жыл бұрын
As an Indian in India it is true what he says. Most indians are unbecoming themselves to fit into a better holistic freedom levels. This causes a major shift in what being Indian really becomes towards the end Yet they don't embrace the levels of hopelessness affecting our society and they believe society is responsible for causing this hopelessness itself Law book of manu was meant for a time far far before. A time before 1500 years when all people were separated by various primitive tribes and had more different identity policies and responsibilities. Even the collective level of an empire level organization was not existent then. At the end of it all the core of life needed to be systemized to be open for universality to all. Our ancestors tried different approaches and found many hopeless and few worth while .
@36cmbr 3 жыл бұрын
I'll save my criticism until I meet him. Zizek is an outstanding thinker. Seems like one of the too few Marxist Communists we have in the world of media. I enjoy his insights.
@farrider3339 2 жыл бұрын
Match point Zizek 🏆 "To be truly good you have *'Not to believe'* ." (1:08:30min) and the following words upon the final task to grow up and become true humans ! Can we not believe ? Ha ! °°°
@alvaromd3203 2 жыл бұрын
One of the best political talks of the 21th century, if not the best.
@HitSid Жыл бұрын
As a person from the Chicken Neck in India, a tribal, Practicing Tibetan Buddhism, i second most of the things he says. Spot on.
@ujean56 3 жыл бұрын
How ironic that rather than showing the movie clip the video posters substituted a copyright disclaimer. It's like coffee without either milk or cream.
@farrider3339 2 жыл бұрын
We only have lectures without clips. The other University is the one which has clips without lectures ! 😂 ✊🤠°
@montgomerypowers7205 3 жыл бұрын
The bit about Catholics and protestants made me laugh because my mother, a life-long Baptist, often told me a similar critique but only about Catholics.
@xXWorldgamefunXx 6 жыл бұрын
Seine Vorträge sind immer wie eine Achterbahnfahrt. Soviele unterschiedliche Themen nennt er beiläufig ohne langatmig auszuholen und es ist so geschmeidig Vorgetragen dass man erst bemerkt wie sehr er vom Thema abgekommen ist wenn er wieder auf das alte zurückkommt. Trotzdem hängt alles doch irgendwie zusammen. Das Kokain sollte er sich allerdings abgewöhnen..
@demianstohr2422 2 жыл бұрын
Zizek nimmt kein Kokain, er hat eine Tic-Störung
@cutchibodyhitthefloo 6 жыл бұрын
that think about the "ritual" of shopping got me chocked 52:39
@CynicalBastard 4 жыл бұрын
*On Wisdom* Wisdom is almost entirely retrodictive. One is only wise when one needs to be, but never a moment before.
@CynicalBastard 4 жыл бұрын
*Universality from the inside* Or in other words, clashing.
@Tsuruthargay 4 жыл бұрын
4:50 starts
@hadassahbranch7529 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@身赤-w3w 3 жыл бұрын
@CynicalBastard 4 жыл бұрын
32:45 - Not a totally comforting truth, but...yes, 'ways of life' ["big Others"] are nothing more than the power-struggles of the allotted.
@aidi4886 3 жыл бұрын
Can i get cafe without cream please... how come this is part i remember the most, out of all lectures :D
@ghostbuster3844 Жыл бұрын
I remember the grandmother visiting example.
@rickestrickc-1375 2 жыл бұрын
" Believes which function without anyone believing in them " interesting stance /observation. Why then do we perpetuate these corrupted traditions ? Just for the sake of not disturbing the continuum ?
@axelaxel7118 4 жыл бұрын
Nije to ništa Žižek, trebao si vidjeti kako su se smijali kada je Kitarević primila Kurza
@CynicalBastard 4 жыл бұрын
5:40 - Žižek, the kidder.
@theguardian8317 2 жыл бұрын
🤣 I just imagined him trying to do one of those "TED Talks" that have terrible embarrasing "jokes" every 2 minutes like if they were a Disney film
@RYBATUGA 3 жыл бұрын
@rcrdsturmer 6 жыл бұрын
How do we put legend s in english?
@rcrdsturmer 4 жыл бұрын
@Got Kowal ?
@Guruc13 3 жыл бұрын
Oh alright. I'd suggest a lesson on the history of communism, but it sounds like you need a geography lesson of you're confusing Cuba and the Ukraine. You know this Jordan Peterson logic was supposed to have died in the 60's - these guys like socialism or communism, therefore Stalin, Stalin murdered millions, therefore communism is evil and you are evil, I'm holier than you, that's why I feel special even though we're both poor.
@RYBATUGA 3 жыл бұрын
@bigbaba1111 3 жыл бұрын
slavo at mc donnalds: i would like a fucking hamburger and so on and so on.:)
@testicularhypertrophy 3 жыл бұрын
@sam1234567890100 3 жыл бұрын
@bret6484 3 жыл бұрын
1:28:43 found the protestants (theyre not laughing)
@Birthdaycakesmom 3 жыл бұрын
Like omg, people are disorganized. SLAVOJ YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER. That’s not disorganization, that’s the process of actualization. Whatever this isn’t even worth it.
@vlangvling1403 6 жыл бұрын
Marxism is not a mechanical view that condemns capitalism to failure in itself : "The Capital" just takes for granted (and that's is truthness) that human factor : the tendency to be a "profit machine" when given the opportunity. "The Capital" makes no sense without that assumption. It is not pure science (human frailty is not a real scientific data, but it is reasonnable to be pessimistic on that subject, so it becomes reasonnably a scientific-like data).
@nechastivi3187 3 жыл бұрын
Shortage of toilet paper??
@trinitytri3371 3 жыл бұрын
This is kind of gold but i need subtitles...
@CynicalBastard 4 жыл бұрын
To understand or read Marx you have to read him like an exploding grenade: frag, fire, and all.
@prunonz479 6 жыл бұрын
This man's oration just provide further insight in why socialism is obsolete even though he calls himself a marxist thinker. And so on and so on, the paradoxical and so on and so on. "Untouchables are so much penetrated by social hierarchies that for them english is a language of equality and so on and so"..His first point: "There are no authentic ways of life, all ways of life are travesered with radical antagonism and so and so on.." So.. And so and so on, what has Marx and Lacan to offer us apart from some few intersting perspectives? "Now comes my paradoxical result; here I praise the wisdom of brittish imperialsim.." Fufftard! This reminds me of religion.
@prunonz479 6 жыл бұрын
I doubt that is is HIS point as much as it is a behavior that people engage in when they cling on to obsolete ideologies. People who use religion to explain society end up in a fluffy intellectual black hole, they have no choice since they identity with that religion to such a strong degree. And this guy does the same using obsolete philosophy and absurd pseudo-psychology.. It's hardly his point - he can simply not escape his own ideological identity. .. So brilliant, the world has real social problems and he's ranting on paradoxical theories instead of realizing he should move on to something new. So yes, he's behaving like a religious person, but that's hardly his intention. Some day it will be considered a sign of intelligence the day people leave their ideological affection hopefully.
@prunonz479 4 жыл бұрын
You are wrong
@Guruc13 3 жыл бұрын
Haha, my boy Prun Onz! Hitting them with the devastating, argument-shattering "you're wrong." How does he do it ladies and gentlemen? His brain knows how to destroy historical materialism!
@prunonz479 3 жыл бұрын
@@Guruc13 the "you are wrong," refered to the "erh no," reply I got after writing half an essay. Just keeping up with the tides. Besides, I can't remember what this was about 2 years have past. I don't care much either. Zizek's opaque fluff is entertaining sure, can we build a society on it? Hardly. It will just make a bunch people sit on their asses and engage in mental gymnastics while power structures are apparent already.
@Guruc13 3 жыл бұрын
@@prunonz479 Ah, well, if you don't care anymore maybe it's best we let go of it. Zizek is not a man without flaws and neither is his philosophy. I think you misunderstand "the point" of Zizek here however: he is not campaigning for the building of a society. That is not his role - shit, I would not trust him in a position of power. The role of Zizek is to provoke thought and bring understanding of systems which exist today that are currently failing all around us, and have been for some time. Of course he takes his starting point from Marx, so that that understanding comes from historical materialism. If your views have changed so little in the past two years since seeing this, I would be confused! I would ask you, "Why?" If the answer is just, I've been busy and I'm depressed by things politically, then I totally understand and will question you no further. This video helped me understand Zizek better: And this video helped me understand myself better as a depressed person in 2020: If this is the last time you hear from me, I genuinely wish you well and a happy life with your loved ones!
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