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Sidestep: Adventures Into History

Sidestep: Adventures Into History

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@AdventuresIntoHistory Жыл бұрын
Hamilton Visitor - 1873 Article transcription courtesy Dan Akin. REGIMENT RAISED MT. AIRY THE SCENE OF CONTINUED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY FAMILY INJURED, CAPT. McGEHEE HOSPITALIZED THE CITIZENS HAVE FINALLY HAD ENOUGH SHERIFF WILLIAMS DEPUTIZES DOZENS Not since the days of the late war have the citizens of Harris County endured such terror as the ever widening mystery currently unfolding among our neighbors in the community of Mt. Airy. Again yesterday suffered the harrowing experience of yet another appearance by what is being called the man-hog. At last reports, Col. W. H. McCullohs has issued a call for the militia to gather at Prospect Church. Swift action is expected as the community leaders resolve the matter at hand. Not since the late war and unpleasantness has the citizenry found themselves shaken to a frenzy among the reports of blatant robbery and man-stealing. It is noted that it was Capt. McGee who reported a disturbance among his livestock during the early morning hours of Tuesday last and upon inspection found a number of his cows mutilated. On the nearby plantation of R. F. Williams, Mr. Williams reports that just before dusk on the 7th inst. several of his African American workers witnessed a difficulty between a cow and a man wearing what appeared to be a muddy overcoat. When the men approached the situation it became apparent to those present that the perpetrator was "neither man nor beast". BIZARRE EVENT As previously reported in the Visitor the story began some time back when rations and certain articles of clothing became missing from homes in the vicinity of Mt. Airy. The peace of the tranquil community has been impaired this season by episodes of mischief gradually and steadily increasing into serious threats of safety to the general well being of the citizens. In early August, Mr. Phillips reported having opened his mill one morning and discovered the office had been entered and strewn about. Mr. Phillips being the only person with a key to the manufactured lock, it was reasoned that entrance could only be gained through a window that was at minimum a height of eighteen feet above the stack. The evidence in the locked room indicated through the presence of foot prints in the flour on the floorboards and hairs scattered about that a hog was the culprit. However no reasonable explanation was offered for the entrance of such, the door lock having gone unmolested. Missing were a pair of new work pants, papers, ledger, a basket of apples and a box of carpet tacks. Two hams stored in the cloak room remained untouched as well as several drafts on the bank at Talbotton.
@AdventuresIntoHistory Жыл бұрын
STARTLED WHILE READING TO CHILDREN Around the same time another event had caused a stir at the home of the widowed Mrs. Catherine Ingram and her four children. Mrs. Ingram while reading a story to the children heard a scratching sound and glancing at the window was startled to see the snout and nostrils of a hog pressed firmly against the pane. Her alarming scream was heard by her eldest son who was tending to the family mules nearby. The young man hastened to aid his mother and found her in an unconscious state on the parlor floor. The window was eight feet from the ground and it was determined that while footprints of a large animal were surely present the large muddy hand prints of a man were smeared about the sill and clap boards, and the oily imprint of a snout clearly visible on the glass. Further description made by Mrs. Ingram was too graphic and frightening to relate in this print and the consensus seemed to be that continued arousal of the citizens would only incite unnecessary fear. RODE ON WAGON Near dusk on the 8th of September last, Mr. Will Allen was returning to his home in Talbot County after leaving the Neal mill with a load of lumber. As he approached the residence of Judge S. M. Brannon, having felt the load shift, he glanced back and saw a figure on the tailgate. Believing it to be a neighbor friend he commenced conversation and after a few moments realized from the odor emitted and the grunting noise that the figure in the dusk lighting was not human. Turning, he found himself faced but a fingerbreadth from the dark eyes of the savage man beast. Quickly reaching for his revolver he emptied the gun in the direction of the creature. With a scream, the figure leapt from the wagon and Mr. Allen testifies that he last saw the mysterious creature running in a northwestern direction, across the field of the Brannon place alternating on four legs and then two. Mr. Allen is certain by all accounts that he wounded the animal. A veteran of the late war, he reports that nothing he witnessed on the battlefield incited the fear of evil that he felt in the presence of the beast. HORRIFIC TALE OF CAPTIVITY About a week hence an African-American boy named Nate Passmore who resides on Capt. J. McGee’s place near the Ossahachee became missing after venturing into the bottom lands on a hunt. After several days and fruitless search, all had abandoned hope of finding the boy when he suddenly appeared at the Epps cotton gin during the shift of Capt. Kennon and collapsed. Capt. Kennon reports that the boy was badly injured and covered in mud, greatly excited to the point that his mind was bordering on insanity. His clothing, that little which remained, was torn to pieces. Dr. Peters having been summoned, medical attention was afforded the boy and those gathered were concerned that his wounds were mortal. The next day, after assurances that he was safe from the reaches of his captor the boy calmed himself and related in great detail a horrific tale of being attacked and mauled by a mud covered man with pink skin, coarse bristled body hair, long ears and facial features of a boar hog. The perpetrator came upon him unaware and after being incapacitated he was carried off over the shoulder of the beast into the swamp where he was placed into a pit of mud and being forcibly submerged, struggled to keep his nostrils above the high mark. He attests that for five days and nights he was immersed in the mire while his captor wallowed nearby. Amid grunting of swine, the boy ascertains that he heard the creature speak several audible words. The boy, who grew more excited as he related the details, refused to tell what words were uttered by the beast and was further reduced to uncontrollable sobs as he described watching the hog arise on two legs, wrapping itself in a quilt as death himself would don his cloak, before disappearing into the woods. Only did he manage to make his escape when he was certain his captor had left him alone. Captain McGehee, G.W. Epps, Messers Brannon, Phillips, Spier and Dean as well as a large host of farm hands accompanied the boy to the place where he was held for five long days hence. The scene the men came upon deep into the forest near a bend in the creek between the McGhee place and the lands of Mr. Henry Lowe was described as a camp in a hog lot, hidden among dense briars and undergrowth. Strewn about the site were discovered a number of articles reported previously as having been stolen as well as clothing, newspapers, empty food preservers and a general collection of heavy refuse. Among the valuables recovered were two silver ladles belonging to Mrs. Henry Caprels, a new pair of heavy cotton pants belonging to Mr. Phillips, as well as his best reading glasses, a hand saw and numerous trinkets. Several household mirrors were found smashed. Also a pair of portraits belonging to the late Mr. Edwin Boswell offered those present a sight of uneasiness, for the feeling was general that the perpetrator knew the victims of theft, having taken personal items from nearly every family in the community. Mrs. Boswell had reported the portraits of herself and her daughter as missing from her home in late summer and had offered a generous reward for their return. The scene of one of the portraits, crudely fastened with twine to the base of a tree in the swampy wilderness sent a chill of fear through even the strongest men among the group. FAMILY ATTACKED During the dusk hours of the eleventh inst. a crowd of men gathered near the bridge and seeing the flicker of a distant campfire near the bottom land of J. F. Ingram made haste to investigate. Upon arrival they found the fire unattended within a circle of stones. Following a pathway into the swamp, discovery was made of a large wallowing area of mud completely enclosed by undergrowth of briars and thistle. A lantern was cast into the middle of the pit to afford a better glimpse of the scene when at once an upright figure arose and ran screaming through the darkness towards the creek. Hastily pursued by the crowd the creature disappeared into the night, leaving behind a most disagreeable odor. At the same time, Capt. McGee, living about a mile from the ford of the creek, with his wife and two young sons were returning home from a business trip. As the family approached the drive to their home the horses reared in fright and the former lost hold of the reins. The creature appeared from the darkness and jumped astride one of the horses. Mr. McGee unable to reach his revolver, waylayed the fiend with a lash from his whip. The light from the carriage lamps cast their glow upon the face of the attacker enough for the defender to see clearly that his battle (paper torn here, piece missing) and without assistance his efforts would be futile. Scrambling for his revolver he struggled momentarily with the massive hands attempting to wrest the gun from his grip, yet managed to get off a shot, piercing the fiendish demon through the upper part of its left shoulder. McGee falling over the dashboard found himself tangled beneath the front wheel of the carriage and trampled. Mrs. McGee having made her escape from the conveyance made her way to the steps of the home where the pursuing beast caught up to her and mauled, trampled and muzzled its snout about the nape of her neck before her husband could reach her and offer aid. The two frightened boys had fled the scene to summons assistance for their father and mother and were now joined by the crowd of men. The man-beast seeing that it was outflanked fled into the darkness. Mrs. McGee was carried into the home, badly bruised and shaken but in good spirits. Mr. McGee was taken to Waverly Hall where he was put aboard a hack and, accompanied by Dr. H. K. Stanford was taken to the city hospital in Columbus, his injuries indeed serious. At latest word Wednesday his many friends will be pleased to learn that he is in good spirits and is expected to make a full recovery. SHERIFF ARRIVES AT SCENE Sheriff B. W. Williams of Hamilton arrived at the scene this morning and quickly deputized several of the community's leading citizens. A meeting was held at the Methodist church and G. W. Epps was appointed chairman. Speeches were made by Hon. Judge S. M. Brannon, Capt. R. F. Williams, J. N. Harris and A. S. Ellison. A call for swift action was made but at the urging of the sheriff and members of the victims family, cooler heads prevailed. Col. W.H. McCullohs was dispatched and asked to assist in raising a regiment of men to curry the swamps and quall the situation at hand. Sheriff Williams urges that all citizens be vigilant of their surroundings at all times, report any unusual activity and avoid traveling near the swampy areas southwest of the road leading from Mt. Airy to Waverly Hall. This reporter will keep abreast of the circumstances and events as they occur. As press time approaches word has been received from Ellerslie that the creature has struck again. A frantic crowd at Ellerslie reports that the situation is dire.
@roelf8653 Жыл бұрын
@@AdventuresIntoHistory I reckon the original articles did not include the words "African-American". They are interesting though.
@AdventuresIntoHistory Жыл бұрын
@@roelf8653 They did not.
@paulapridy6804 Жыл бұрын
With pig tracks! What a tale! Loved this one. I will be awaiting further developments. In
@pch2230 Жыл бұрын
@@AdventuresIntoHistory Fascinating. Thanks for adding this.
@SondraD7676 Жыл бұрын
Very spooky, more so since the story was started/reported so long ago. The mystery of time adds to the eeriness. I think I am with Dan, you would not catch me out there in the dark. I'll be sitting in Ohio in my home, nice and cozy when this story is continued. Looking forward to it!
@AdventuresIntoHistory Жыл бұрын
It sure does
@tammyfriend2189 Жыл бұрын
“Pig boy” might have been a person with a terrible disfigurement. In those days families kept children like that hidden. He might have grown up isolated and away from society. When his parents died or turned him out to survive on his own he probably did what he had to, killing animals and stealing. The spooky story could have been a reality of some poor persons real life survival story…just a thought. Loved the video and Mr. Dan!
@Linda-hq8xq Жыл бұрын
@WLgrad05 7 ай бұрын
​@@Linda-hq8xq you make it seem like inbreeding happened alot in the south. You must not be from the south
@carrieann1640 Жыл бұрын
Great story. The black and white introduction sets the mood.
@AdventuresIntoHistory Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@stevehowe1792 Жыл бұрын
Dan has an interesting way of storytelling. I always enjoy his take on history, even though I'm not from there.
@mickid3705 Жыл бұрын
I love to hear his stories
@AdventuresIntoHistory Жыл бұрын
Fantastic adventure with Mr Dan!! Stay tuned for more parts… PayPal Tip Jar: Follow me on my old farm: eBay Shop: Join The Official Sidestep Adventures Fan Group: Support us on Patreon: Mail: Sidestep Adventures PO BOX 206 Waverly Hall, Georgia 31831
@trishcook7810 Жыл бұрын
Robert's getting ready for Halloween! Can't wait. Жыл бұрын
After all the legends of vampires,Draculas and witches this legend of 'PIG BOY 'is fascinating .Again great narration by Dan.Calling PiG BOY at night is something that would surely send shivers down the spine to date .Lot of childhood memories surely
@laurabrooks7655 Жыл бұрын
When I was a kid, my daddy and I went up to the head of the holler where he was born. There was a stream coming down from the mountains. My dad told me to take a drink from it. It was really good water. He said, "With the coal mines coming into the area, this will probably be the last time you will be able to safely drink from a stream." It was the one and only time.
@samanthab1923 Жыл бұрын
Shame. They said that’s why the moonshine was so good. All that fresh spring water
@loreleisorrell 11 ай бұрын
I love hearing Dan tell stories about historc events. ❤
@SandyD2022 Жыл бұрын
Trowbridge Road, The story says some of the kids in the area would jump from the bridge, 100 feet to their deaths on the railroad tracks below to committed suicide here, due to depression. If you stand on the bridge now you can feel hands pushing you to the edge to fall off.
@AdventuresIntoHistory Жыл бұрын
Yikes - sounds like a sad place for sure
@WLgrad05 7 ай бұрын
Trowbridge rd where?@SandyD2022
@SandyD2022 7 ай бұрын
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan@@WLgrad05
@robbynkydd7113 Жыл бұрын
I just love listening to Dan and the way he tell’s history!
@lindap8101 Жыл бұрын
He’s a natural storyteller and guide. I could listen to him all day.
@alanatolstad4824 Жыл бұрын
Easy enough to speculate about a severely wounded Civil War soldier, terribly disfigured & shunned, having to make do with a wilderness lifestyle, no doubt learned during wartime subsistence.
@alvankarpas6245 Жыл бұрын
Dan, the absolute best story teller since Shelby Foote of the Civil War documentaries.
@kd4baoc612 Жыл бұрын
Bishopville SC has the "Lizard Man", and Pawleys Island has the " Grey Man".
@jaime4890 Жыл бұрын
Wow I loved this! Dan is a great story teller! I love local legends like this! Here in NC we have a lot of spooky old places with great back stories! Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃 👻 🐷
@lindap8101 Жыл бұрын
Happy Halloweeeeeen 😱
@barbararoberto1258 Жыл бұрын
Enjoyed Mr Dan's story of thr Pig Boy, can't wait for more
@MsLibby Жыл бұрын
I absolutely LOVE these old legend stories! Thank you so much!
@bridgetmuehlberger5141 Жыл бұрын
Great story! You had me at "Pig Boy Doodles." 😄
@andreamills5852 Жыл бұрын
We haven't seen Cody in a while. I'm thinking he'll probably get Cody to dress up as Pig Boy and scare the crap out of us in the next episode. lol.
@shellydehart8217 Жыл бұрын
I could sit all day n listen to Mr. Dan talk about the history n stories of Waverly Hall. This story was definitely a good one. Can’t imagine Pig Boy ancestors are still around unless there was a female one who made it with the original Pig Boy LOL. What’s next to be continue? Can’t wait. ♥️♥️♥️😊👍👍👍
@sandraaustin8440 Жыл бұрын
Love listening to this guy...I could listen to him all day.
@deniseoftedahl8937 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE stories like this!!!!! You should do a live show if you and Scott come back!
@mickid3705 Жыл бұрын
Well you definitely have my interest now. I’ll be here for part two
@tammymullins5240 Жыл бұрын
Awesome Halloween 🎃 story
@mygrammieis Жыл бұрын
Loved this Adventure 💯❤️
@desbelfastireland9982 Жыл бұрын
@silviasmith5696 Жыл бұрын
Amazes me that no matter where you are alot of little towns and states have strange things that have happened in the past and stories told about them ♥it
@deborahdanhauer8525 Жыл бұрын
Oh I love the spooky stories! Especially those about cryptids🐝🤗❤️
@MargieT6223 Жыл бұрын
Great story thanks you are looking good. God bless
@glennyork6800 Жыл бұрын
Good story, thanks for sharing
@alison__16 Жыл бұрын
Us South Park fans want to hear the legend of ManBearPig next 😁
@sandrasmith8518 Жыл бұрын
This story had me waiting for someone or something to come running out of the brush. GREAAAAAAT story Dan(you tell them so well).Can't wait for it to continue. Thanks Robert. 🧡
@monicashapiro5755 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me of the spooky "real life"story of the Black Widow of Hazel Green in Madison County,Alabama bacl before the Civil War. Doing Ancestry research I discovered this story and found out my 4X Gr. Grandfather was her 6th and last husband. Very scary tale.
@allenthibault9523 Жыл бұрын
Hey sidestep creepy story you guys !!! 👻 yet we still feel empathy for the being !!!✌❤🤗😇
@alanmoberly64 Жыл бұрын
More of these please.
@RapidFireHorses Жыл бұрын
YES! Make more on local legends and ghost stories 😁 Make a category based on local legends!
@joseleswopes1400 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting story can't wait for part 2🤗
@denisehibbs9576 Жыл бұрын
Great story Dan !
@bessiemann7468 Жыл бұрын
Wow 1873 I enjoy watching you thanks for sharing all you do. Yeah you wouldn't catch me out there in the dark. Great story
@patriciahusband8055 Жыл бұрын
Loved it! Lol. A really fun story!
@brendahogue5487 Жыл бұрын
Love your videos and enjoy watching them every time they come on. May the Lord bless and protect you and your friends
@brendakrieger7000 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@jen8491 Жыл бұрын
Great video Robert. I love these types of stories or legends. Can't wait to see the 2nd part.
@kylied932 Жыл бұрын
What a fantastically creepy story for this time of the year, anytime of the year actually. Love this, can’t wait for more.
@foxywolf1777 Жыл бұрын
Sooey....Sooey🐷🐖 I only remember the stories of Goat Man in Thomaston....Such legends make our history.....Thanks so much for this...Love to hear Dan, and the stories....Such knowledge...Thank you for bringing this to LIFE🐾🦊🐺
@Mari-B Жыл бұрын
😮 And we have to wait for the conclusion! Hopefully tonight!😀
@user-randi1987 Жыл бұрын
Great legend. Thank you both
@JackGill999 Жыл бұрын
Wow I’ve been four wheeler riding that creek for years
@vonda3229 Жыл бұрын
Chilling story and something I have never heard of before.. Gentleman Dan tells it so well.
@Dav3Campb3ll Жыл бұрын
Sueeeee wheeeea! This is a good one for Halloween Keep them coming Amazing video! So cool
@bethgiesey9405 Жыл бұрын
Loved it!
@pch2230 Жыл бұрын
Great voice, and great storyteller.
@MillerMeteor74 Жыл бұрын
Well that was cool. This was a fun video. I always enjoy when Dan is in a video. Now here in South Jersey we have a place called Hog Wallow. It's up in the middle of Burlington County cranberry country. We also have a legend- a creature called the Jersey Devil. But Hog Wallow doesn't figure in that legend. The legend goes that a woman whose last name was Leeds, in the vicinity of Leeds Point, had 12 kids, but after the 12th she was pregnant again. So when the 13th child was born, she cursed it and said "Let it be a devil", or something like that. After that it grew wings and flew out a window. From then on it was seen in dozens of places all over South Jersey and in Philadelphia as well. It was described as having bat-like wings, cloven hooves, and maybe the face of a goat, but I forget that part. But it also had antlers. It was terrorizing people, and supposedly mutilating livestock. The original story with mother Leeds took place sometime in the 1700s. But the legend continued right up through the 20th century, and maybe even into the 21st. I'm not sure. Books have been written about the Jersey Devil, as well as magazine and newspaper articles, and websites have been put up about it. There have also been Jersey Devil hunts.
@samanthab1923 Жыл бұрын
Hi👋 I grew up in Monmouth Co. in the 70’s & don’t remember ever hearing about the JD till much later. And I was into that stuff. Bought books on Big Foot & the Bermuda Triangle at a Bookfair in 4th grade. It’s weird. 👻
@susanmcconnell-sink5443 Жыл бұрын
Perfect time of year for this story! Thank you!
@paulvandergroen9569 Жыл бұрын
Aaaaargh nasty, make it stop mummy. If you can't get a terrifying story out of an old man, you ain't making interesting friends.
@larrysmith6499 Жыл бұрын
Spooky for sure. You and Scott need to call pig boy
@lindamccaughey6669 Жыл бұрын
Love to hear the old stories. Thank you
@janefinley-english1051 Жыл бұрын
Wow, what an amazing story. You never know what is out there.
@forecon11 Жыл бұрын
LEGEND has it that Pigboy likes Candy Corn!
@SondraD7676 Жыл бұрын
Oink oink!! I suggest that you better bring plenty of bags of candy corn with you, or a sacrificial cow, if you and Robert intend to go traisping around out in Pig Wallow at night!!
@jimmyandkathyharrell Жыл бұрын
Love the pig boy story
@pamelapurcell187 Жыл бұрын
Can’t wait for the next video. So exciting and scary
@veralida7264 Жыл бұрын
Now this is freaky and awesome!!!🔥
@sallyintucson Жыл бұрын
This lady’s maiden name was Sinclair? *Raised eyebrow* I wonder if she had family in St Louis? That’s where that name fits into my family tree. My G Grandfather’s middle name was St Clair. He used to joke that it was originally Sinclair but he changed it because it sounded too much like sinning. Sinclair was his grandmother’s maiden name.
@kizzyjrjunior6520 Жыл бұрын
Very Interesting.
@celleduffel1533 Жыл бұрын
Gotta remember, legends come from "some" snippets of truth. Cant wait to see part 2..hiii Mr Dan, nice seeing you and enjoyed the story.
@gloppie3139 Жыл бұрын
@ mark 12:00 where you ask about the pigboy's den, you can hear what sounds like something growling or do you have your dog.
@tyh12341 Жыл бұрын
in my home town in mississippi we have a horse man hallf man half horse.😂
@AdventuresIntoHistory Жыл бұрын
Im kinda jealous
@ritakinder4452 Жыл бұрын
is there any more stories of the pig boy ?? love those kind of stories of long ago.
@richdiscoveries Жыл бұрын
Well that was interesting to say the least. We have some random Legends like that around here in Connecticut but I tried for years and have yet to come across anything. They are all interesting local Legends though, pretty cool stuff. And you always wonder how people came up with this stuff but like with your story the guy has exactly where it came from, so that was really neat too
@samanthab1923 Жыл бұрын
My moms up in CT. Lots of haunted spots but haven’t heard about any weird manimals
@mygrammieis Жыл бұрын
Love Dans way of story telling ✌🏻👍
@amywright2243 Жыл бұрын
This would be a fantastic topic for the podcast One Strange Thing. I love it! Our local legend is the Goat Man of Pope Lick, in Louisville KY.
@cclyon Жыл бұрын
In my neck of the woods it's sasquatch. I don't believe it for a second but it's fun for the tourists.
@darlenegood Жыл бұрын
enough to give me goosebumps.....
@peggyscott66 Жыл бұрын
Oh my stars! Cool video, Robert !
@fokkerd3red618 Жыл бұрын
This man knows the facts surrounding this story. I can see that.
@arleeparker5036 Жыл бұрын
Good story. Told well.
@minerran Жыл бұрын
Is this a change in direction for Sidestep, from examining cemeteries and historic places to now featuring crypto and spooky stories? This video and the next three that follow are of this content. Interesting change ....
@frankscarborough1428 Жыл бұрын
Scary are you coming back with Scott? Robert I'll look forward to seeing it! Dan you're a very good storyteller! Take care
@bakerbaggertagger Жыл бұрын
You yell Soo-eeeeee!
@ASpiro-c4l Жыл бұрын
excellent story! I can hardly wait for part 2
@janetrapoza3877 Жыл бұрын
@karenshepler7128 Жыл бұрын
Hello and good to see you both again and that story is pretty interesting. As I was told years ago in my mom's day their was a child that they said looked like a wolf. So that story could be a very true one as well .thanks for sharing and take care.
@user-mj6lap17 Жыл бұрын
Hello I really enjoyed the story, I like to hear about stuff that happen years ago and I want to hear the rest, it sounds true and I believe what they told him about the pig man.
@rt3box6tx74 Жыл бұрын
Scary stories for 🎃
@AdventuresIntoHistory Жыл бұрын
Yup, perfect month for it
@DebbieBurns-y5e 3 ай бұрын
Telling scary stories and creeping each other out! 😂
@stevenautumnmyers6329 Жыл бұрын
That place looks like yellow root heaven
@judygrandstrand9784 Жыл бұрын
Looking forward to part 2.
@hell0hkitty Жыл бұрын
i see dan and robert are getting us ready for halloween! yay!!! 🐽🐷🐷🎃
@kennedypage5741 Жыл бұрын
10:13 sounds like a car riding over an old wooden bridge.
@AdventuresIntoHistory Жыл бұрын
Yes, that is exactly what we heard while we were there - I kept looking for the car and thought it was just me till Dan mentioned it
@VictoriaN72 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful location for a story! More please!♥️ have you got panthers down there?
@roxyevans3176 Жыл бұрын
That's Creepy to say the least. Halloween I expect yall to be there. 👻
@Whocares......... Жыл бұрын
Well done!
@chriscourson2824 Жыл бұрын
yeah, right!
@lilbit2700 Жыл бұрын
I’m kids waiting for Scott to jump out from somewhere and scare Dan. What do you have up your sleeve? Hmmmm…..
@brendaz9222 Жыл бұрын
I kept waiting for the ancestor of Pig Boy to jump out at yall LOL
@catheryndenton1766 Жыл бұрын
From here in Virginia - look up The Bunnyman of Fairfax County. It's a real thing. : D. Just sayin' - I do have ancestors buried in Columbus.
@l.l.2463 3 ай бұрын
Reminds me of "The Elephant Man".
@brendabernstein286 Жыл бұрын
Im looking forward to the rest of the story
@sriddle3569 Жыл бұрын
Tell us about the springs, wells at Oak Mountain
@tammymullins5240 Жыл бұрын
It's sad 😢 know one reach out to help the gentleman
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After Rome - The War For Britain // History Documentary
History Time
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Sidestep: Adventures Into History
Рет қаралды 49 М.
ALABAMA: Towns Where People Live On $300 Weekly - How Poor Are They?
Joe & Nic's Road Trip
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An Amazing Discovery In The Abandoned Cemetery! Exploring History in Alabama!
Union Soldiers Body Was HIDDEN In Old Slave Cemetery | Boddie Plantation Cemetery
Sidestep: Adventures Into History
Рет қаралды 84 М.
(ARTIFACTS FOUND!!) Large Forgotten Cemetery Discovered In The Woods Of Georgia (Part 2)
Sidestep: Adventures Into History
Рет қаралды 43 М.
Sidestep: Adventures Into History
Рет қаралды 43 М.