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@InconSSG 3 ай бұрын
TLDR: Smite is going full yolo after the community reaction. It is quite exciting and for sure a MASSIVE change, but because it is a YOLO it could for sure have some huge unintended consequences. Go big or go home I suppose!
@mrschnimy9322 3 ай бұрын
I'm so confused why everyone thinks this is a positive change. I remember what it was like before 9.5. Late game fights were essentially who hits an ability first because everything 1 shot. Did some balancing need to happen for early game tank stats? Yes. Did we need to undo the entire 9.5 patch that was put into to place to fix what was, IMO, a massive issue in the other direction though? I just can't see how that makes sense. I have serious doubts that this is healthy for the game. "Fun and Engaging" to me isn't one shot meta or tanks running around for free until hunters/mages hit very specific power spikes. Its somewhere in between and a full revert just resets the pendulum and doesn't address the actual issues with the 9.5 patch. Would be interested to hear what others think about this. I'm well aware I'm in the minority with this opinion and am open to rebuttals.
@egg13244 3 ай бұрын
@@mrschnimy9322 I don't think the 9.5 update should have lasted 2 years in its vanilla state. I think it was good change at the time as it definitely helped solved the problem of snowballing at the time, but the heath changes should've been dialed back a while ago. I'm not gonna into crazy detail, but we basically went from things are too bursty (and should be dialed back) and replaced with (IMO) you can't kill someone early game unless they make a mistake and play badly. The one thing that has annoyed me more than anything else since 9.5 is how often people live on 1 HP in the early and mid game despite me hitting all of my stuff and even outplaying them. I think Mast said it best, a middle ground should've been found sometime not long after 9.5, not 2 years later. In short, I'm excited for this mid season patch but a middle ground should be found in the near future
@jomaroal22 3 ай бұрын
This is definetly a bad change, but at least it will be enough chaotic and funny to entertain the community while they actually cook something in Smite2
@MrShalabii 3 ай бұрын
our smite 1 journey is coming to an end so why not just have fun and not over complicate things any change to the meta is always fun
@PrinceMekso 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, between the commentary from @Incon, Inters3ct, Mast, and others, I'm now convinced that Smite's major pain point is disparity between the High Level Gameplay experience and the average smite player's experience. They'll make changes that casual players love and high level players hate, and vice versa, but rarely ever seem to hit the sweet point between them.
@Acusumano25 3 ай бұрын
I disagree. Just because someone happens to be good at a game doesn't mean they know why they're good or how to make the game better And on this point, I've seen a lot of people advocate for things under the guise of improving the skill ceiling. When all they're asking for is a more simplistic game What's the skill ceiling of tic-tac-toe or rock paper scissors? Now what about chess? The more moving parts there are, the more complex the machine is. The more complex the machine is, the more impressive mastery over piloting that machine is.
@PrinceMekso 3 ай бұрын
@@Acusumano25 While I agree with your points, I don't see how they are relevant to the point I was making or even in response to it. Please let me know what I am missing. To distill my point down: Whenever a change is made to Smite that makes a streamer go, 'This is a very bad change', all they are actually saying is, 'This change will not benefit the level of gameplay I play and stream at'. But I think people tend to interprete that statement as 'This will not benefit the game as a whole, which is just not true.' There will always be a not insignificant number of players who will like each change made to the core of the game. I think the nature of the changes always suffers from Hirez trying to please both the competitive players and the casual players.
@Acusumano25 3 ай бұрын
@@PrinceMekso I guess what I'm trying to say is the changes pro players and content creators are advocating for, at least with the reasoning offered up, are not even in line with their own desires Saying they want the adjustment of major game systems to make for a more competitive, more engaging environment is fine - but I disagree that what they are proposing will achieve what they say they want
@PrinceMekso 3 ай бұрын
@@Acusumano25 Gotcha. That makes sense.
@Roume1995 3 ай бұрын
Hi rez desperation ia really showing making all these changes , i dont know anymore man...i really liked the hp changes and the fact that i didnt always die from 1 mage combo..
@Slowbo 3 ай бұрын
yeah, I played a conquest last night where even 1 agni stun was pretty much nearly a death sentence, and that's before this is even in place. So I just had that in the back of my head of how awful this is going to feel the entire game.
@HadeyanUtkan 3 ай бұрын
Not my wish, Actually that change helped Smite, and long taking Conquest matches not happening cuz of 9.5 changes, it's happening cuz of increasing number of objectives, turn back mechanics (chests and stuff), no invade policy and cuz people don't know how to play conquest below (at least) Plat Level. Smite still an early game snowball game. Now early game snowball game ends like 26 to 30 min mark (which is ideal), but with reverting 9.5 it'll be 17 to 22 minutes.. Which is not good cuz this is not a mobile MOBA game. No one in Dota player base cries for 40-50 min games. If you don't like 30+ minutes conquest matches then go play League or mobile MOBAs. Or don't play conquest in Smite. So this is a good patch for casual, occasional conquest players that who are not developed their gameplay enough. So good for bad players , bad for more advance players and also bad for beginners cuz now you need to play mistake-free, other-wise you'll insta die. So you reverted this change for people who play "less-Smite" ?? So you wanna bring pack the community while doing changes for who wanna play less minutes on Smite ? How'll that work in a long run ? Shit attempt imo.
@ajzorger93 3 ай бұрын
Holy shit I've been hard about Poseidon in solo lane and I completely forgot I can invade again. I really am going to make as many people quit smite as I can
@MrBuns-yi2hk 3 ай бұрын
Time to kill is going to be so low. Someone sneezes on you and you are dead.
@Slowbo 3 ай бұрын
and it already feels low right now sometimes lol, i dont really want to go back to this and never get to finish out a conquest game because my team is snowballed to hell spamming surrender early.
@MrBuns-yi2hk 3 ай бұрын
@@Slowbo yeah, I have been playing a lot of predecessor lately. I actually preferred the game before the most recent patch because time to kill was lower. Even in it's current state, time to kill is still higher than in Smite.
@floaterhill1848 3 ай бұрын
@@Slowboget better at the game. It literally rewards players for being good.
@Slowbo 3 ай бұрын
​@@floaterhill1848 what the hell does that have to do with literally anything I said, this is a common occurrence at all skill levels and will just get worse going back to pre 9.5. I'm a masters player, I don't think having your game be decided off of a couple early kills is skillful.
@tomascoelho5562 3 ай бұрын
lower ttk for me is actually better. you have to stay more alert, your decision making is more important. much better than tank metas.
@npc6254 3 ай бұрын
I’m not a fan of this change. Getting one shotted by a single basic attack gets old after the first couple of losses.
@RareAngelz 3 ай бұрын
I thought 9.5 was an overall success with the exceptions of minion waves being a little too tanky and solos never being able to solo each other anymore. If I remember correctly, it felt like 2 or so patches after when they increased damage on a lot of items and gods that everything got screwed up.
@Acusumano25 3 ай бұрын
"everyone's wishes" i vividly remember LOTS of people being greatly discontent with the game experience and the TTK prior to 9.5. now it seems people are bandwagoning content creator/pro sentiments that have only recently been expressed, that 9.5 was a "total failure." how does the community at large waffle so hard? seen them do the same with DR as well - which is just as laughable. inb4 "you think current DR is good?" i dont - DR should be cut down from 80% to 40% at max, this results in an effective 3X increase of CC duration on max DR victims. resource management is a core aspect of MOBA's. included in resource management is target prioritization. included in target prioritization is the consideration of "do they have beads?" and other types of questions - so it stands to reason that if you just saw someone get dogpiled by 3 CC's, maybe you should expect that *your* CC will be diminished.
@winnex317 3 ай бұрын
They even wrote it in their devblog, and have the data to back it up. 9.5 changes improved all game health metrics, only negative was gamelength, which is a subjective opinion of players, which is absolutely valid. But, why wipe the 9.5 changes when they were positive in every aspect? Simply keep them and find a new way to reduce game length and everybody wins.
@ralphcabiling1314 3 ай бұрын
Honest to god this. This is just true. I really enjoyed it as a jungle main because i genuinely felt it led to junglers being in a healthier spot. Burst is now rewarded for burst sake and ig thats fine but when the game wasnt healthy then, got fixed, why wouldnt we want to keep it that way. Why do the devs need such an unhealthy change to make up for such a lackluster mid season.
@Jsharts 3 ай бұрын
Didn't you literally tweet about smite taking its last breath because of this?
@xeratuul 3 ай бұрын
Oh hes been crying about smite taking its last breath for years like some other few streamers that are crybabies like Incon. Well guess what its still here.
@MrMoe32 3 ай бұрын
I can see why you like the longer games but since its your job to play this game you have all the time in the world. For people like me who dont have all day everyday to play 45 minute conquest matches I would love for my games to go till around 25-30 minutes. Since you know most of the time youre at or approaching full build at the 25 minute mark anyway.
@NeocrimsonX 3 ай бұрын
This is why I only play arena too much stuff going on for me to dedicate time to a conquest match and potentially have to bail out on my teammates.
@MrMoe32 3 ай бұрын
@@NeocrimsonX right. I love conquest and it’ll always be my mode of choice. However, I don’t do it for a living so why would I wanna spend 45 minutes every single game? That’s just crazy. Especially when you’re already fully farmed or close to it by 30 minutes maximum.
@NeocrimsonX 3 ай бұрын
@@MrMoe32 ye
@DayOfElisha 3 ай бұрын
maybe Snowball + Snowball = anti-snowball! that's the trick, no one has tried it before... so we'll see! #SidewaysThumbs
@mitchellkleinholz2167 3 ай бұрын
Burst Assassins and Burst Mages have felt awful to play compared to adc's. Excited for this. That being said, i think guardians should keep their current health. They should be able to preform their roles effectively, and they were getting bursted down too fast previously.
@gabrielaserrano4086 2 ай бұрын
I think some people just forgot why we had a patch to increase the base health of the game but I'm pretty sure that they will remember why extacly this week or two at max; mages are feeling they are strong again but they will be stronger maybe at 10mins of match or 15mins cuz we know that Mulan, King Arthur, Nike and Chaac will left solo lane to rotate and melt every squish character building blustone brooch and gladiators shield plus every item that give tons of health to them and they will bring their assassins pets with them that will be probably be Awilix, Loki, Pele and Da Ji. I'm also some of the fewers players that liked the addition of the extra life, I don't think that was difficult to has damage before the revert patch, you just needed to build some pen any mage could build charon coin and divine ruin, this two items combined gave us more damage than Tahuti making Tahuti a core item for some specific mages or jungler guardians. When I play conquest me main role is support and the only thing I didn't liked about extra life is that extra life made minion clean phase/farm phase very hard for hunters that wans't skill based damage, if my duo was a single target based archer/carry we felt more dependent for early ganks and if your jungler simple decide to ignore you and your carry the risk to lose your first tower in 7mins of game was there. I think they could nerfed minions and camp's healths first to see whats happen than revert an entire patch.
@ZeekwithaZ 3 ай бұрын
Wait, I’m a little confused. They’re trying to go back on a change from how long ago? I thought this had to do with the latest mid season patch, this seems so random to me.
@nightmarephd2307 3 ай бұрын
Honestly all my game of conquest are going 40plus min. Really hype for this.
@nawab256 3 ай бұрын
Aren’t they supposed to be that long though?
@Gongall 3 ай бұрын
@@nawab256 Maybe if the teams are neck and neck, but most games are just teams struggling to end or find opportunities to pull ahead significantly. Even when the enemy team has little hope of catching back up.
@frition627 3 ай бұрын
@@nawab256 no the whole point of EFG is to end excessively long games.
@jomaroal22 3 ай бұрын
I mean, you have Arena dude
@taboe4858 3 ай бұрын
​@@Gongallmost players don't actually know how to end a winnable game, that's the issue
@eventhorizon9598 3 ай бұрын
Now i have to tell my friend, who started mid season 10, that smite was quite something else than he got to know. :D
@dragonsfury8 3 ай бұрын
I think the fact you can even kill the titan with only 1 pheonix down and as early as people can seems odd. Whats the point of the rest of the towers and pheonixes if you can simply bypass them and still kill the titan. THis blew my mind when PBM won his first world with 2 t2 towers i believe up and 2 pheonixes. Makes me think the Titan isnt even a titan just a glorified camp.
@talkinbeard 3 ай бұрын
if the majority of smite player want this it just means that most ppl only want to play ....less smite?
@jordandorey2596 3 ай бұрын
I think smite has turned into a guinea pig for smite 2
@Texmatt21 2 ай бұрын
I feel like they could reduce xp/gold from mobs by 10-15% (maybe more) and increase the gains from pvp to make the game less farming focused and reduce the speed of the game while focusing on the funnest part of the game (pvp).
@eventhorizon9598 3 ай бұрын
SICK CINEMATICS !!! That's what Smite needs!
@reddeano07 3 ай бұрын
Wonder if they will uncap mitigations again with this change…
@nainfuego 3 ай бұрын
Conquest is going to be arena,on a conquest map 🤣
@Slowbo 3 ай бұрын
pretty much, no clue why anyone is in favor of this, just hold W arena gameplay in the mode thats suppose to have the most strategy involved.
@ajzorger93 3 ай бұрын
​@@Slowbo"iT pUnIsHeS fOr BEiNg OuT oF PoSiTiOn" is what they say now until they're vibing in their tower and Poseidon murders their ass with his entire kit while being outside the tower. People have very short term memory loss and do not remember how nobody played tanks or warriors because it makes more sense to play burst mage and delete anything in 3 abilities.
@Chaduceus 3 ай бұрын
"Key element of mobas is always being able to make a comeback, no matter what" wtf have they been smoking
@GRILLEDCHEESE234 3 ай бұрын
Maybe not a key element of mobas in general but please god let one of them have the ability to comeback no matter what
@wessredd7237 3 ай бұрын
I was a 9.5 enjoyer as well. That patch release was a lot of fun
@andrewmckeown4238 2 ай бұрын
I mean anyone other than a tank can currently get 1 clipped by an Ix Chel combo
@borzydar1196 3 ай бұрын
1:52 If that's what they intended they did complete opposite of what should be. Making everyone tankier will make comebacks harder, how? Let's say fed adc player needs to land 5 shots to kill enemy while adc behind needs to land 7 shots. Making both tankier means now both need to land more shots - fed adc 7 and behind adc 10. Probabilisticaly player behind has much lower chance of winning trade and even lower for scoring a kill as the fed player has more time to realize he's losing the trade and disengage. In my opininon making everyone less tanky would yield more opportunities for comebacks as now fed adc needs 3 shots to kill enemy, but needs to be wary of opponent behind who still poses a threat and can kill him in 4 or 5 shots. Since season 2 I strongly believe base protections stats on gods are too much, they should be 5x to 10x lower.
@AceOniFlyer 3 ай бұрын
I honestly don't think this will be good for the game, but hey we sunsetting this game soon enough. If its awful, I'll just wait for Smite 2.
@originalmm4120 3 ай бұрын
What is snowballing?
@JustFollowingOrdersYT 3 ай бұрын
When you take a small advantage (like an early kill) and roll it into a big advantage to win the game by being overwhelmingly ahead.
@originalmm4120 3 ай бұрын
@@JustFollowingOrdersYT isn’t that how you play the game? Why is it such an issue
@JustFollowingOrdersYT 3 ай бұрын
@@originalmm4120 because it's about the point of no return. Ideally there's a back and forth in advantage that keeps a game close and interesting before being decided in the late game. We kinda have the opposite problem right now where you'll notice that every game lasts until the 40ish minute mark with nobody able to end. In a snowball meta, one of the lanes/jungle gets an early kill and easily starts to make the game unplayable for their opponent. I'm kinda oversimplifying the point but you'll know when these metas pop up because we'll usually have spam tank junglers like Thanatos or really early lane bully characters like Ares, Cu Chu, or Tyr be meta.
@yesno8588 3 ай бұрын
I for one am soooo happy with the changes their doing to the tanks. As somebody who is a mid main, there is nothing worse than getting run at by a tank with such high health, protections, and damage that it takes 2 (or more) other team mates to CC or attempt to kill them to save me. While support roles SHOULD be tankier, they should NOT be able to run at 3 people and live, end of story. That is so brain dead and requires very little strategy, it just shouldn't be a thing in mobas. As for the rest, we'll see if these changes will bring back more players. I believe most people are just waiting for smite 2 at this point but one can hope the player base increases. It only took them to reach the lowest their player base has been in 5 years to realize that the changes they were making are ass, which is funny and sad at the same time.
@jomaroal22 3 ай бұрын
Tbh, just bursting and instakilling people sounds more braindead
@german2554 3 ай бұрын
I agree! Hate it when tanks are out of position, hurt and are still able to run out alive or tank long enough for the rest of his team to rotate to him and eat us out
@ImmortalMarshmallow 3 ай бұрын
I personally am really happy for this revert. One of my favourite things about Smite was the fast TTK. For a 3rd person "in the action" type of game, i always apretiated how imapctful every ability felt, and how much faster the gameplay was compared to every other MOBA. Seeing 1 Scylla ult do almost 90% of someones HP felt absolutely crazy and powerful and fun. I also think it's what drew a lot of people towards SMITE compared to league and DOTA. not everybody likes long dragged out games that last almost an hour, where everybody takes 5 rotations of abilities to get to half hp 😅 (exaggerating) From a competitive standpoint, though, i understand the drawbacks, but right now for SMITE 1 there is no competitive, which is why i think they're just going crazy with balance and trying crazy things. And I'm all for it!
@ajzorger93 3 ай бұрын
lol build max cd on poseidon in solo and you will never lose. theres a reason they buffed everyones health and prots. now we get to wreck anybody who thinks playing a warrior is a good idea.
@ImmortalMarshmallow 3 ай бұрын
@ajzorger93 But warriors were some of the strongest characters before. There was entire metas around ability based warriors like herc, just because they did so much damage to squishies. And the whole "mages in solo" meta happened AFTER the 9.5 change. So I don't really understand what you mean.
@michaelb7083 3 ай бұрын
Before 9.5 warriors were absolutely not meta there were a couple of standouts but only 1 or 2 warriors being good is what pissed everybody off this change is going to be so bad for the game but I guess now when people play it and find it awfull again they might remember why have fun playing mage and assassin though about to be the only roles that matter
@ImmortalMarshmallow 3 ай бұрын
@michaelb7083 warriors were good. There was literally multiple metas where tanks and/or tank items ran the entire game. (Dirty bubble meta to name one of the biggest) But either way, this is just my opinion. I know some people won't like it but I enjoyed SMITE for 9 years before they made this change and I couldn't be happier for them to bring it back
@GRILLEDCHEESE234 3 ай бұрын
“Everyone’s “
@maurojunior2877 3 ай бұрын
I feel like they're trying to make Smite impossible to play and forcing us to buy Smite 2 with all this.
@kitsunepop1077 3 ай бұрын
so like, they had a season that was snowballing. they put in a new system to stop the snowball. the game develops for two years and gets snowball again. so now they're gonna remove the thing that was supposed to stop the snowball two years ago when there wasnt as much damage in the game?
@Slowbo 3 ай бұрын
yep pretty much, now its just gonna feel worse than it already does lol, i honestly dont understand the thought process going into this change
@winnex317 3 ай бұрын
Why not keep the 9.5 changes because they were healthy in every metric, except for game length? And then find a better way to lower game length, e.g. tools to push towers fast like League of Legends has Voidgrubs or Herald, or make Fire Giant more impactful for sieges, and actually make Gold Fury relevant to scaling, not just a gold chest. I acknowledge the game length problem, but removing a positive change instead of finding a better solution is just outright silly. The 9.5 changes were great, it just had one flaw which was gamelength. Time to find a new way to fix game length instead of just reverting positive changes.
@JohnnyFamas139 3 ай бұрын
God smite is so dead. The hires curse is real.
@dixnyomouff6982 3 ай бұрын
I don’t play very often, maybe 1 to 2 games a month. I like the sound of these changes because I’m bad at the game(miss a lot of abilities and not too great at building items). I like the idea of sorter games because I only play ranked and when I do I also get bad players. So when I play I’d rather get shit on and have a quick game than have one drag out.
@train548preium6 3 ай бұрын
What roles do you play? Look up smitefire for others builds that work for them. Additionally you should use the item builder on the gods you use and equip those stats with what you like to use that god for. Damage health cooldown whatever you like
@floaterhill1848 3 ай бұрын
DO NOT look up smitefire builds lmao they’re memes most of the time
@train548preium6 3 ай бұрын
@@floaterhill1848 the fuck is wrong with you? Smoking too much crack today? He can use those to get a general feel for which character works with which item. Then he can go build what he needs later on. Meme builds? Are you stupid?
@dixnyomouff6982 3 ай бұрын
@@floaterhill1848wasn’t going to anyway lmao
@ajzorger93 3 ай бұрын
Don't play support or warriors after this patch. You will die as fast as the Squishies and won't put out any damage to make up for it
@mattyryon 3 ай бұрын
IDK, seems like too much. Maybe if they undid the tower changes and took 20-25% starting HP off everyone, gonna take a long time to get the balance right with this. TTK is going to be the lowest ever, everyone is gonna be building full tank with procs and killing in 4 seconds
@ajzorger93 3 ай бұрын
im going to spam poseidon solo and make people regret playing solo again
@shadowslayer3745 3 ай бұрын
IDK.... like I can understand the TTK to a point. But I remember being in solo lane and then getting 2 tapped by any jg. Why I dropped solo lane in the first place. But I do think they need to be careful about this as mama and Lancelot. In my eyes are 2 gods that will literally eat players. And to state smite isn't the same as it was in 9.5 either. All the buff they did to gods in response to the TTK change in the first place. Are they also getting reverted. Again idk if this is exactly the smartest thing to do.
@tychobrandsma2929 2 ай бұрын
As a Hel main... I think I should just quit lol
@originallizzah 3 ай бұрын
OMG PRE 9.5 SMITE COUNT ME IN LET'S GO! oh bummer still same janky conquest map nvm...
@ColtonsHobbies 3 ай бұрын
It’s exhausting listening to content creators complain.
@j_rizzle_11 3 ай бұрын
I’ve never seen the problem with how it is now, yes it’s annoying that tanks and cc are meta but it’s still playable, now conquest is basically going to arena, which it already is sometimes when you que into a team of people who just fight the whole time and never touch a obj. I actually enjoy snowballing and long games equally, the problem isn’t ttk, it’s the horrible matchmaking. If they match you with players around your level or somewhere near you, there’d be no problems. Thats why ranked should exist and matchmake correctly for people who still want this type of play. And for the love of god stop taking casuals so seriously for the people who don’t no life the game like you.
@revenge3265 3 ай бұрын
I absolutely hate 30+ minute matches, so I'm super excited about this. May actually return to Ranked Conquest for this. It is just too slow and boring (and also makes games were people refuse to surrender despite obviously being a loss extremely painful), especially as someone who likes to play Mages as Mid is just farming simulator for a vast majority. I play SMITE over any other MOBA precisely because I wanted to get into the action, both camera and gameplay wise.
@TheOldFashionedDad 2 ай бұрын
I hate this patch...Feels like it is loved because SMITE is full of console TDM players that don't have the skill to win a drawn out engagement and need to rely on landing a single stun into a follow up ability to get a kill and feel satisfaction. 100 kills in a 30 minute game is not healthy for the game. Incon seems like the only "top streamer" who understands this.
@Cliodhna-z1i 3 ай бұрын
Incon I don't think you should be that nervous since farming with the current late game potential is just a waste of time anyway.. The most you get is a 3K pot and that is it. It's better to have a shorter game with such bad late game / end game stats. IMO
@MrPRegal14 3 ай бұрын
Yikes i was hoping for the opposite i feel like swiss cheese with 300 of each prot already not excited for this :(
@german2554 3 ай бұрын
Found the tankmaxxer
@Slowbo 3 ай бұрын
yeah when im on support i feel like nothing i build matters i just get melted no matter what lol
@german2554 3 ай бұрын
@@Slowbo same here. Although its strange how when the roles are reversed (im adc/mid/jung) i cant kill tanks as fast as they can to me when i am a tank. Definitely am not building supp incorrectly but maybe when im adc and such
@BrentOfMan 3 ай бұрын
They really are trying to win the gold medal for most snowball
@ken5040 3 ай бұрын
So carry might matter again?
@HadeyanUtkan 3 ай бұрын
Carry already matters, you must be suck at it.
@Seltzee 3 ай бұрын
This feels like the red button that’s been under glass that they finally feel the need to push
@joshg4562 3 ай бұрын
Incon they need to lower death timers, make objectives tankier, buff movement speed out of base, extend invaders curse to like 5 min, and add passive exp gain like how they have passive gold gain. Mostly same things they always do to fight snowball but go a little harder. And for the love of god nerf blackthorn and sigil. Then one shot meta will actually be fun
@Tehtcaoman 3 ай бұрын
9.5 was really good for the game imo, not getting one shot made team fights actual fights, having a little back and forth makes it feel more engaging, 9.5 made me play the game a ton. I’ve barely played this season because of the lack of content, feels like season 10 part 2, and reverting to an older state is the opposite of new content lol, I’ll probably play even less with all the one shots incoming.
@serghonest9 3 ай бұрын
Smite needs to stop listening to the 1% pro players and start listening to the actual players...
@dabd8175 3 ай бұрын
They aren't even pros
@serghonest9 3 ай бұрын
@@dabd8175 people asking for this are fineok and their group. They are former pros...
@coradean2303 3 ай бұрын
Also why wasn't anhur in the second alpha thingy
@BrentOfMan 3 ай бұрын
He had a bug that let him insta kill people
@NebulaShadow_ 3 ай бұрын
Had a bug to where if you used impale on an enemy god and impaled them into another enemy god, instakilled
@theskyguy2352 3 ай бұрын
His jump was also causing him to insta-die in seemingly normal circumstances in Alpha 2. Would go up and die before hitting the ground
@rolfo728 3 ай бұрын
Finally. I've hated 9.5 since the day it came out and it helped me overcome my smite addiction due to how boring the game was, lol. Can't wait to dig back into it.
@Mazz1118 3 ай бұрын
What means TTK ?
@EdgePitSwing 3 ай бұрын
Time to Kill
@SexBaBombs 3 ай бұрын
Time to Kill
@coradean2303 3 ай бұрын
Let's say you have a PlayStation and Xbox account with smite can you have your Xbox accounts progress on ur PlayStation account in smite 2
@SACKBOY90 3 ай бұрын
I made the switch from PS to XBOX last year. I contacted customer support and was told that there was no "cross platform progession" I started from zero. It might not be the answer you are looking for but it fits your question somewhat. We dont know if there is cross platform progression, only that the account you are using right now on the platform you are using right now, will carry over. Ex: xbox smite 1 carries to xbox smite 2. Hopefully they do this because Overwatch was able to. My PS4 progression carried over to my XBOX Series X. Thats like 8 years of unlocks that I was able to save! Good luck!
@coradean2303 3 ай бұрын
@@SACKBOY90 will like my smite xbox stuff transfer to my PS smite 2 account
@JimMiniscus 3 ай бұрын
The real culprit: removing boots. They’ve been trying to figure out the early power curve ever since - directly why 9.5 happened.
@ken5040 3 ай бұрын
Smite was better with boots idc what anyone says
@JimMiniscus 3 ай бұрын
@@ken5040 100% agreed. They took boots away, suddenly everyone has a T3 item with passives instead of boots first, and the devs are wondering why everyone is squishy so early.
@zeusalmighty8106 3 ай бұрын
Smite, unfortunately, moving away from a moba. It's going to be arena with conquest aspects. Because true mobas last usually 30 to 40 minutes. Smite players just have no patience and want to just get games done.
@ken5040 3 ай бұрын
Half the problem is the player base, I don’t wanna spend 30-40 min stuck with people who are gunna lose me the game I rather it be over sooner lol
@jomaroal22 3 ай бұрын
Thats why Smite has lots of Arena players, they simply dont want a competitive game. They just made Conquest feel like an Arena
@xeratuul 3 ай бұрын
And just when i thought the game was going in the right direction, hirez listens to crybabies and decides its the best thing to revert back before 9.5 patch. The game is gonna be so boring again and again you wont even require skill nor effort to frag. I havent been playing smite much lately cuz of other games, but if the revert is really coming i guess i might just uninstall it. Dont get me wrong its fun to one shot people, but it takes all the skill and effort from the game.
@AlbertoLopez-xl9ym 3 ай бұрын
Not everyone jus the cry babies of smite
@OHAR2 3 ай бұрын
@EdgePitSwing 3 ай бұрын
Modern gamers are just not interested in 45 minute games. They want to have fun, get rewards and move on to the next one.
@elitekillabee4557 3 ай бұрын
@Alxz369 3 ай бұрын
Honest to god, the developers are stupid, they have very little talent to understand how to make things more fun, they had a good and very lucky run, but I think this is going to come to an end soon...
@rezaassaran4179 3 ай бұрын
Yea they definitely are out of luck after 10 years and countless people with 1000+ hours in their game.
@theskyguy2352 3 ай бұрын
There are only 2 devs working on Smite 1 right now. A rollback like this is probably the biggest splash they can make after the underwhelming "tier 2 passives" update
@alexaxy3328 3 ай бұрын
@@theskyguy2352 This is fine, they should focus in Smite 2. It's ok if people play a bit less of Smite 1 until Smite 2 fully release. People will still spend money on Smite 1 because of cross gen skins and legacy gems. I'm curious how many devs are working on Smite 2 if only 2 work on Smite 1.
@dixnyomouff6982 3 ай бұрын
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