Snapshot 25W02A | New Pigs, Flowers, Leaves & Lodestone Buff | Minecraft 1.21.5

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@darkmatterbuildrplays Күн бұрын
I would love if the dead leaves could be crafted into a dead leaf block that could act as a block like powdered snow that you can sink into but will also at least partially negate fall damage!
@l0d1z01 Күн бұрын
YES! I had the exact same thought!
@YokiDokii Күн бұрын
That’s a fantastic idea! Maybe have them be a layered block so you can get slight height variation
@molotov11235813 Күн бұрын
Yessssss, I wanna jump in leaf piles!
@UnderEuropa Күн бұрын
Really cool suggestion
@femtondemasker325 Күн бұрын
@@YokiDokii YES, then we can make cute looking leaf piles
@gracegrass4462 Күн бұрын
The new lodestone recipe is HUGE. I'm about to go from never having used one before to using one all the time because I'm constantly getting lost lol
@emilsingapurcan8054 Күн бұрын
This gotta be the reason for the change. Im very good at navigating, but not only would the backup still be nice to have without having to ask for coordinates, my friends could use it too
@cakeyeater7392 Күн бұрын
I am going to use them in my realm immediately
@junyaiwase Күн бұрын
I think my problem is I just use F3 but if there this easy to get honestly mighy do it
@WoodlandDrake Күн бұрын
It's almost like the drops want us to explore more than the Tales and Trails update did
@rowanrooks Күн бұрын
For real! Someone made a video where they showed that the compass needle is responsive even when it's in a bundle, so you can store a bunch of them together like a GPS system to point at different locations in the world. This would make setting up that system a lot more viable in survival. I wish I could remember what video I was watching so I can give them credit for the idea.
@SemiHypercube Күн бұрын
Finally, we got the _real_ Wild update Would be nice if they added the fallen logs and snowy leaves from Bedrock edition to Java, considering how this is clearly a nature/ambience update Also rip to anyone who flexed with a building out of lodestones, guess this is what it felt like when chiseled stone brick and mossy cobble got crafting recipes
@femtondemasker325 Күн бұрын
and the snowy leaves should produce snowy particles!
@lomiification Күн бұрын
the drops setup is nice for filling out these reskin styled changes
@Radver0 Күн бұрын
Well it is a snapshot!! so there is still time!!
@user-ci01a Күн бұрын
فَليسقُط دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) أشَرُّ الدَّواب بإذن اللهِ العَزيزِ الوَهَّاب؛ إنّ الله غالِبٌ على أمرِه ولَكِنَّ أكثَر النَّاس لا يَعلَمون .. بِسم الله الوَاحِد القَهَّار المُسَيطِر على مَلَكوت السَّماوات والأرض، يَخلق ما يشاء ويختار خليفته على العالَمين.. ولا نزال نُؤَكِّد للعالَمين أنّ زعيم المُجرمين من شياطين البشر أشَرّ الدَّواب دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) عدو الله وعدو دينه الإسلام الحَقّ؛ فها أنتم تسمعونه يَصِفُ ذات دين الله الإسلام بالإسلام الإرهابيّ، وكَذبْت يا عدو الله ودينه؛ بل دين الله الإسلام بَعَث الله به كافَّة الرُّسل رحمةً للعالَمين؛ بل دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) أشَرّ الدَّواب هو زعيم الإرهاب العالَميّ. فاعلَموا عِلم اليَقين يا معشر أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أنّ الثَّعلب الماكِر الشِّرير دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) هو مَن وراء حروب العالَم المُستجّدة مِن وراء السِّتار حتى وهو خارج البيت الأبيض، وأمَّا الآن فيريد أن يُعلِنها جهارًا نهارًا ويظنّ نفسه القُوّة التي لا تُقهَر ويكيد كَيدًا ويكيد الله كَيدًا، ولسوف تعلمون مَن أسرع كَيدًا أيُّها المُجرِمون؛ بل أنتم وزعيمكم المَكيدون بإذن الله ربِّ العالمين، ألا إنَّ كَيد الله متينٌ ولسوف تعلمون أنت وأولياؤك يا أشَرّ الدَّواب دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump). ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه دين الله الحقّ (الإسلام) والمُسلمين، ونِيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه النَّصارى المُسالِمين الأقرَب مَودَّةً إلى المُسلمين، ونعلم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه المُسالمين من اليهود مع المُسلمين، ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه كُل مَن يتعاطَف مع شعب غَزَّة المُكرمين، ونعلم بنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أجمَعين المُتعاطِفين مع شعب فلسطين المَظلومين. ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُستَنكِرين جرائم حَرْب قَتْل الأطفال والنِّساء والمُستَضعَفين في غزَّة المُكرمة مِن أصحاب الضَّمير والرَّحمة الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين؛ كونك زعيم النِّمس الشِّرير (بن غفير) مُدلَّل المُجرِم (بنيامين نتن ياهو)، ولكن بن غفير هو رأس الفِتنة المُعتَدي على مُقَدَّسات المُسلِمين، ونعلم أنَّك زعيم شياطين البشر من الذين ينهون عن المَعروف ويأمرون بالمُنكَر، ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُسالِمين مع المُسلِمين من النَّصارى واليهود وعَدوٌ للمُسالِمين مع المُسلمين في الشَّعْب الأمريكيّ، ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ لكافَّة الشعوب العربيَّة والإسلاميَّة أجمَعين. ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ حَقودٌ على الشَّعْب اليَمانيّ الأبيّ العَرَبيّ، ولكنّي خَليفة الله على العالَم بأسرِه أُعلِنُ مِن وَسط عاصمة الخلافة الإسلامية العالميَّة (صنعاء) عن اقتراب نهاية ترامب (Trump) بأمرٍ من عند الله بِغض النَّظر عن ما سوف يُهلِكُكَ الله به؛ إنَّ الله على كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَديرٍ، مهما حرصت على أمْن نفسك فسوف تعلمُ ويعلَمُ العالَمُ بأسرِه أنّ الله بالغُ أمرهِ وأنَّ عَدوّ الله دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) لن يُعجِز الله في الأرض ولَن يُعجزه هَرَبًا، ولسوف يعلَمُ العالمُ بأسرِه حقيقةَ قول الله تعالى: {قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ‎﴿٢٦﴾} صدق الله العظيم [سورة آل عمران]. وسلامٌ على المُرسَلين والحَمدُ لله رَبِّ العالَمين.. خليفةُ الله على العَالَمين الإمام المهديّ؛ ناصِر مُحَمَّد اليَمانيّ. 03 - رجب - 1446 هـ | 03 - 01 - 2025 مـ الموقع: البشرى الإسلامية والنبأ العظيم
@Josue_S_6411 Күн бұрын
They should also make it so snow layers fall like sand instead of just breaking when there's nothing below them. (That's another Bedrock feature)
@monosodium-glutamate Күн бұрын
I like that Mojang are gradually adding changes that make the world feel alive but maintain the vanilla aesthetic
@brickbot2.038 Күн бұрын
12:08 You're not seeing any spawns because those mobs normally only spawn on grass blocks, which the badlands has very few. I would imagine this change was done specifically with the _wooded_ badlands biome in mind, which _does_ feature grass.
@timohara7717 Күн бұрын
Do pigs spawn on sand
@mickys8065 Күн бұрын
@@timohara7717 no because sand isn't grass.
@timohara7717 Күн бұрын
@@mickys8065 awe man, they should the pigs at least because they mentioned they spawn in sandy biomes as a huge feature rather than a technical
@discotechgaming Күн бұрын
To expand on this, the change was likely made because the new warm pig variant can spawn in Badlands biomes. I guess Mojang decided to share the love.
@mrbananahead2005 Күн бұрын
Probably also for players to be able to build pastures in all badlands biomes if they want
@spuidfh0 Күн бұрын
most people probably won't care much about it, but i'm super pumped that they're finally adding more ambience to the overworld. i think the game has been lacking in that for a long time.
@greysoncrowe5196 Күн бұрын
I think most would care alot about that actually. There's a reason that Fireflies bring cancelled had such a big outrage after all.
@maximyllion 22 сағат бұрын
@@greysoncrowe5196they could still just not make frogs eat them
@greysoncrowe5196 22 сағат бұрын
@@maximyllion oh of course, I'm not saying that they were right to cancel firefly's, quite the opposite. They're reason for cancelling them has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Either way tho, it seems they've come around and we could finally be getting them in this drop (if a leak is true, which it likely is)
@etnm_playz4500 20 сағат бұрын
I was so surprised that Mojang went as far as to add all this stuff, to the point where I think this is one of my favorite snapshots in a while!
@liammbiscwit 20 сағат бұрын
It's good they are in but 1. It should be here already 2. It's not an update, it should have been added with other major things. These themselves don't deserve their own update
@sebastianh3129 Күн бұрын
Cold biome pigs are based on the woolly Mangalica breed, and warm biome pigs are based on the Red River Hog, an African bush pig. The Minecraft Red River Hog looks like a young one.
@gearandalthefirst7027 Күн бұрын
Seeing these variants made me finally notice that the normal minecraft pig looks nothing like a real pig which makes the new pigs look even less like the real ones lmao
@honestly5235 23 сағат бұрын
I just looked up those wooly pigs and I need one now
@Sarge7 23 сағат бұрын
@@gearandalthefirst7027 ikr i just looked it up and was wtf...
@timwoods2852 22 сағат бұрын
Today, I have learned that there are poodle pigs. This makes me a very happy camper!
@PWNDON 16 сағат бұрын
fluffy pigs are cute but creepy to me because to me it looks like a squished sheep
@BleddynsStudio 23 сағат бұрын
It is so refreshing to see old parts of the game like the pigs and forests receive some much needed TLC. I had gotten worried that they felt an obligation to never touch them as some sort of branding or nostalgia, hence why many recent updates just stacked newer content on top of what's already existed. Hope to see more of this kind of stuff!
@princejowerthuerta 23 сағат бұрын
Smelting leaves seems like an odd crafting recipe to get leaf litter. Composting leaves seems like a better option but this would mean that they have to change the recipe of getting bonemeal.
@joethewolf3750 22 сағат бұрын
I think it kinda makes sense. You're drying the leaves out by putting them into a warm, dry place. They are going into a different compartment than the actual fire. It's not the most realistic but I think it's a good solution. Composting should give dirt if bonemeal wasn't an option, in my opinion.
@Roman_Eagle 22 сағат бұрын
I agree that smelting leaves to get leaf litter is kinda silly but I think the idea is you're drying them, but then the smoker would be more appropriate. Composting leaves if you could make it work with bonemeal is also a bit odd, as the leaves would simply compost and not dry into litter. Also on that matter leaf litter should be compostable. I think leaf litter should be obtainable as one of the random drops you get from leaves when you break them like sticks and saplings.
@timwoods2852 22 сағат бұрын
You can dry leaves out by cooking them in an oven or over an open flame. It's just a little tricky as the line between dry and on fire is a bit thin.
@Roman_Eagle 21 сағат бұрын
@@timwoods2852 Fair point. perhaps a combination of leaf litter being obtainable through leaf drops and furnace drying would be best because I think they should be abundant.
@kielpogi8062 17 сағат бұрын
I wish for one thing, packed leaf litters, cushions fall damage, and probably sinks you too when you fall on them
@HandleDeleted Күн бұрын
The pigs being data driven (like wolves) means custom textures for more biomes!! Which means you could add a Boar texture for forest biome or even a piglin pig in the nether lol!
@HandleDeleted Күн бұрын
Im just hoping they add it to the other mobs too! (There is something in the change notes that say something about "Farm Animals")
@mrdrummer2564 Күн бұрын
@@HandleDeleted The natural progression is that we get variations of cows, sheep and chickens.
@HandleDeleted Күн бұрын
@@mrdrummer2564 right! 😁
@ryninja5788 Күн бұрын
I wonder if sheep will actually get done, as unlike the other mobs sheep’s not only need new textures for the new versions, but they also need to make sure they have 16 variations per variant for each wool color. Hopefully it does happen tho
@the1onesquirrel9 Күн бұрын
a sort of genetic thing where you can breed animals that look a certain way together to achieve a certain look or outcome is one of the coolest things and has always been lacking in terms of minecraft mods... that would be nothing but a good addition to the game, very educational too!! I want to be able to breed the different pigs together with mixture appearances that combined aspects of both parents, maybe one layer further too, so you can have a pig with 25%/33% of one parents genetics and 75%/66% of the second's. The more variety, the more fun, the better. I really like this direction theyre going!
@spoons6061 Күн бұрын
Seems Mojang is taking notice of a lot of small client side and quality of life mods that don't necessarily impact gameplay with stuff like new animal variants and falling leaves. Great that more people get to experience these little details in vanilla now
@Bruno.GCF05 Күн бұрын
Only needs an inventory update now... right Mojang? RIGHT?
@hiddenxalpha7053 Күн бұрын
i'd much rather.. NOT have different coloured pigs, and have things which.. actually.. do something..
@dragonchild8182 Күн бұрын
Yeah they should take the good quality of life mods. Why new textured pigs? Backpacks?
@zackrose6261 Күн бұрын
@@hiddenxalpha7053 so you want things that do something that your probably never gonna interact with right.
@fgvcosmic6752 Күн бұрын
@@dragonchild8182 Because backpacks are not really a good idea for vanilla minecraft
@DaNintendude Күн бұрын
I proposed this idea back when Cherry Blossom Trees were added, but I'll bring it up again, since it's relevant. I think pink petals and leaf litter should be able to be placed on top of water like lily pads. They would have no collision, and just sit on top of the water, floating. This would be a great way to bring life to ponds and I don't think it would cause too many issues. Edit: I meant to mention this initially, but it'd basically be like lilypads, but with no collision. Edit 2: or like tadpoles, lol
@robcretz4041 Күн бұрын
Ooo I like this alot
@DaNintendude Күн бұрын
unrelated idea, but maybe you could craft 8 leaf litter and 1 dirt block to make podzol.
@greysoncrowe5196 Күн бұрын
@RaiderAvian 23 сағат бұрын
Or even a coded state for water source blocks to check for a leaf block within a certain distance. And eventually accumulate leaves on its surface.
@cherriesrule13 22 сағат бұрын
that would make a very pretty update
@deltatoy1552 21 сағат бұрын
I wish that the leaf litter could be used for brown dye. It would give another option for gathering that particular dye besides cocoa beans (green dye has the same issue from cactus)
@SamLabbato 10 сағат бұрын
given how dry dead leaves actually are, it makes sense as it stands (unless you could like add some to a water cauldron to make brown dye), but agreed, brown and green die need something else that's not biome dependent, even if it's just cactus and cocoa beans added to chest loot somewhere or something
@reedschultzgeo Күн бұрын
you dont even understand how much i love these new changes!!!! not even just the changes themselves, but i feel like this represents mojang trying to venture in a dfiferent direction with their update cycles. i feel like the existing state of 1.21.5 has a few of the new biomes (cherry blossom forests and the new pale forest biomes in particular) that stand out way more than the others. they have so much foliage and thought put into their makeup that they just result in the existing forest biomes-which haven't had any changes for at least the past decade-feel dull and boring. excited to see where mojang goes with this
@zdibs Күн бұрын
Man... I have so many Lodestones in my world and now they are so easy to get. Which means I can put up even more Lodestones without worrying about the cost. Sweet!
@CuriousNeon Күн бұрын
RIP to all the Netherites you used tho...
@zdibs Күн бұрын
@@CuriousNeon meh, I can get more if I ever need it. :)
@Aurora_Animates Күн бұрын
I thought this was gonna go a different way but the ending for some reason I found really wholesome 😭
@NotSteel Күн бұрын
@@CuriousNeon Netherite is only used for tools and armor now... It's a great addition but now it's just a flex!
@arcanine_enjoyer Күн бұрын
​@NotSteel The Netherite Blocks and Lodestone are nice textures for building, and it would be nice if they weren't so expensive to make
@OpenBagTwo Күн бұрын
I love the new pig variants. On PhoenixSC's stream, he simulated "shearing" the warm pig (so: wooly head, regular body), and I swear, it looks like Zedaph.
@JadenAizen Күн бұрын
I II II I_ the half a heart isn’t symmetrical As a child I yearned for the mines I… am Steve the Freaking Holy Hell Actual Crossover Absolute Cinema
@Zentailium Күн бұрын
@@JadenAizen If you posted this there you would get vaporized by the mods 😭
@archimetropolis Күн бұрын
@JadenAizen what? IIIIIILLLLL minecraft movie quotes random words?
@ascendedangelsranks Күн бұрын
​@@archimetropolisBro's in a loss 💀
@RegiArt7 23 сағат бұрын
@@archimetropolisThey were at a | || l| |_ for words.
@gatorjr482 Күн бұрын
I kinda wish that they added blocks for the leaf litter that works like powdered snow, but just didn’t freeze you. So we can jump into leaf piles.
@MQZON 22 сағат бұрын
Oh man, seeing ideas implemented in mods (including my own!) come to the vanilla game is wild. Excited to see them addressing these parts of the game!
@penonpaper3132 21 сағат бұрын
What’s your mod?
@MQZON 19 сағат бұрын
@@penonpaper3132 it's called Mapletree. It adds a tree with falling leaf particles and placeable leaf piles similar to the ones in the snapshot, as well as a few other things (like tree milking... blame Goodtimeswithscar lol).
@HisOka-h8c 10 сағат бұрын
I never like the "drop" format. It's a minor update!
@PBallard71807 Сағат бұрын
This is exactly what people have been asking for though
@Americanbadashh Күн бұрын
Since they're updating ambience it be nice to somehow expand on the vibes from rain and thunder storms
@theman13532 Күн бұрын
imo a cloud rework would be nice, using noise to modify how dense they are (the noise itself wouldn't modulate/change at all) and decreasing the opacity threshold when raining so that more of the sky is cloudy. maybe even varied threshold level throughout the day or between biomes via even more noise?
@Americanbadashh Күн бұрын
@@theman13532 I like it
@cly_ Күн бұрын
@@Americanbadashh raindrops on the surface of water
@milandavid7223 Күн бұрын
Different intensities of rain pls
@Crafty_boy70 Күн бұрын
I'd like a better variety of weather in general.
@andronixbegayaf Күн бұрын
The fact that spruce has leafs is wild
@Ferrous92 Күн бұрын
i didnt think of that lmao
@thelastthingyoulleversee Күн бұрын
Didn't even think about that. Why the blocks called leaves and not neddles or branches 🤣😆
@shadowcz9872 Күн бұрын
And oak has apple
@tomdom_0143 Күн бұрын
Realism doesn’t matter unless it’s frogs eating fireflies.
@Magein Күн бұрын
​@thelastthingyoulleversee The needles are also considered to be leaves. They're just shaped differently in a way that allows the tree to upkeep them even in the winter time.
@discotechgaming Күн бұрын
I'm 100% with you regarding the drop terminology. It's an unnecessarily complicated renaming of something which Mojang has already done in the past. (Remember when they talked about sometimes doing smaller updates all the way back when 1.15 was released?) I know that they want to make a clear separation between the two, but this just feels like a bunch of marketing buzz words.
@Alex_Off-Beat 21 сағат бұрын
Especially since they’ve done a similar release schedule in the past except with unique version numbers. 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12 were all basically “drops” between two major updates, same with 1.15 and even 1.17
@realfangplays 19 сағат бұрын
It's not unnecessary. The community has and would again be constantly calling them out for doing small updates. They need to handhold the community through these.
@sovi_2 16 сағат бұрын
not that unnecessary, from what I've seen the community started unnecessarily calling them out for small updates much less when they were renamed to drops. there are still some braindead people that want modpack-sized updates and boycott the game if it doesn't add 500 new dimensions, but at least there's much less of them after the rebranding
@hexateron 15 сағат бұрын
you can still call them updates
@kofi3124 11 сағат бұрын
I'm not sure what makes people think that we will still get major updates going forward. They clearly stated that game drops will be the way forward.
@MerkONeil 23 сағат бұрын
Good to see them executing what the Wild Update was supposed to be. Its a shame the last attempt flopped horribly in its goal, but the new additions with this one will serve well!
@animationentertainments4853 8 сағат бұрын
No way it's XISUMAVIOD I used to watch you 7 years ago and now I have now found another one of your videos!
@aidanvenki8834 Күн бұрын
@BlubberNotBubble98 Күн бұрын
Now all we need is the fallen-over and hollow logs! Jokes/hopes aside, it looks pretty cool :)
@mr.cheese8097 Күн бұрын
Perhaps this will be Part 2 of the Wild Update.
@asasnat342 Күн бұрын
@@BlubberNotBubble98 there's a lot to dislike about Bedrock Edition but fallen/dying trees are such a nice touch that I hope will be ported over to Java Edition
@toomanycharacter Күн бұрын
@aidanvenki8834 Күн бұрын
@@toomanycharacter no one, and I mean NO ONE, asked you. Please go away :)
@mitovbg Күн бұрын
You most likely didn't find any farm animals in the badlands, because they seem to spawn in the wooded version of the biome (the one with coarse dirt and brown trees). I saw a couple naturally spawn there when I tested the snapshot
@Swordkirby9999 Күн бұрын
That, and if I recall, most farm animals require Grass to spawn on. Regular Badlands don't really have Grass, but if you transplant grass there, they should, in theory, be able to spawn there now
@omerhollander Күн бұрын
@@Swordkirby9999 exactly!!
@RyanEglitis Күн бұрын
Thats good - they would be weird af in the regular badlands
@hyperon_ion9423 Күн бұрын
@@Swordkirby9999 That makes it sound like it’s more of a fix for survival maps like limited-chunks and sky-blocks. I’d be pretty frustrated if I had spawned in a badlands biome and thus had no way to get farm animals. You still have to get the dirt/grass, but that just makes it more interesting.
@pepearown4968 Күн бұрын
Something Xisuma didn’t mention is that you can’t compost leaf litter, which seems like an oversight, especially since the only other way you can get rid of it is by smelting it.
@toxicbavariankitten 23 сағат бұрын
Cactus, lava and void (creative inventory and commands which modify the inventory too ig) would like you to reconsider
@Satwr 23 сағат бұрын
this has already a "confirmed" bugfix post so this will propably get fixed for next week
@sovi_2 16 сағат бұрын
especially weird considering that irl, the only purpose of leaf litter is to be composted
@SamLabbato 10 сағат бұрын
right click on a composter composts it, shift right click places the leaf litter beside or on top of the composter. seems like they just forgot about it, yeah.
@TBSxDRUMS 7 сағат бұрын
Love the wildflower groundcover and the leaf litter. Hoping one day for red, orange, yellow, and/or brown leaves to make an autumnal landscape.
@shadowhuntress1371 19 сағат бұрын
14:41: Perhaps they're looking to continue to add variants specific to the badlands? Maybe some cow variants?? I'm all for it if that's happening!
@GamingProsAdventure Күн бұрын
The leaf litter, leaf particles, and wildflowers are actually amazing, I love how it makes the game feel more alive
@Wookie632 Күн бұрын
Weekly xisuma uploads is the best part about new snapshots!
@Wookie632 Күн бұрын
Are* not is. My bad
@Paint_The_Future Күн бұрын
There are new entity type tags that imply that all farmland animals will have cold & warm variants, and I think they should make the wooly cow from Minecraft Earth the cold variant of cow.
@nolangerrans6083 Күн бұрын
That would be great to see
@cakeyeater7392 Күн бұрын
Moobloom when?
@greysoncrowe5196 Күн бұрын
Id absolutely love the wooly cow to be added. Easily one of my favorite Earth mobs.
@jamiehughes5573 20 сағат бұрын
Highland cows from Scotland have massive horns and are covered in thick fur
@Paint_The_Future 20 сағат бұрын
@@jamiehughes5573 I know, I lived in Scotland for 8 years.
@vyohan66 Күн бұрын
Super thankful for the snapshot videos! You’re always my go to whenever there’s a new one
@YanzeKun 14 сағат бұрын
Thank god they changed the Lodestone, i love that block, because it cam be used for decoration in some walls, but it was SO EXPENSIVE, thank you Mojang
@Gardivanyth Күн бұрын
>Daytime Creaking Decked Out 3 gonna be nuts
@collicou Күн бұрын
Right?! And the new loadstone recipe, this is basically the decked out 3 update
@deathicno4538 23 сағат бұрын
omg thats trueee, can't wait
@the_pootisborn 22 сағат бұрын
Reminder that Trial Chamber stuff can be incorporated into DO3 too
@HeartGamer26 Күн бұрын
Awww the piggies are so cute! I do hope they do this with a few more mobs like cows and chickens. Also I love the new falling leaves though I do hope they tweak them a bit and the leaf piles are going to be fun for fall builds!
@innekonto Күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure they will. Maybe even in this drop. They introduced a new system with wolves and now used it for pigs, it's very cool
@reiyproduction2805 15 сағат бұрын
Man since sheep got goats, wolves got their variants so is pig, I'm looking forward for cow variant's, maybe bulls or buffalo's would be cool
@SliferStreaming 15 сағат бұрын
​@@reiyproduction2805 both would be cool, but idk if they would add them since they can sometimes be hostile
@reiyproduction2805 15 сағат бұрын
@@SliferStreaming Make them neutral then, but other than as an ambient mob idk what new items they could drop, because tbh I wanna see some consistency from Minecraft's variant, like how there is a polar bear but grizzly isn't. Yes grizzly might be terrifying but the game made polar bear almost harmless while they're the most lethal irl lol
@rukicookiez2996 Күн бұрын
Im so excited for all the changes that are coming in, feels like these are very community and are such a long time coming
@HaoHaki 6 сағат бұрын
I know that saying Mojang is lazy isn't exactly revolutionary, but haven't literally all of these been features of Quark since at least 1.12?
@odw32 9 сағат бұрын
Feels like "not a lot" -- but updates which enrich the world and building palette are always welcome. I didn't like mangrove & creaking much because they feel like underdeveloped new biomes -- but if they also keep working on overhauling older biomes, it's all good.
@RhiannonSmudge Күн бұрын
I love the new ambient additions so far, it adds a little bit more life and character to the world and breaks up the repetitiveness or visual monotony The leaf piles and wild flowers add some much needed color and variation to forest and planes biomes, the leaf particles make the trees feel more alive and less stagnant, and the pig variations make the biomes feel more cohesive just like with the rabbit and wolf variations I'm excited to see what else they're going to add
@trans_rights_ftw 17 сағат бұрын
All of this with just the first snapshot is great! I really enjoy how their new, smaller update cycle allows them to focus on ambient stuff like this without taking away from major content additions and changes
@BazilBuildBases Күн бұрын
in my opinion, fallen leaves should not be transparent, and should stack like the snow layers, so you can made a pile.
@MQZON 21 сағат бұрын
Hah, you'd like my mod Mapletree :) I had this same idea, and implemented them in the way you described. If the stack is tall enough (3+ layers) they reduce fall damage like hay bales.
@asierx7047 13 сағат бұрын
I say the leaf pile should be a separate craftable block made with 3 leaf litter
@JinxeBlaq Күн бұрын
Oh i LOVE this as a drop. It adds to the world’s detail and ambiance. Now we just need an Ambient sounds drop lol. Like we’ve needed ambient forest and cave sounds for like, forever now.
@LucBlocker 10 сағат бұрын
cave ambience aer already in the game, unless you meant actual cave sounds and not the spooky horror ambience we already have
@WAZXIII 18 сағат бұрын
Maybe a hot take, but I don't like the new falling leaves. It made sense for the cherry blossom, because that's what they're known for. It also made them special. Now we kind of lose that specialness and add a lot of visual noise to forests. I prefer to leave them the way they are.
@thaliacrafts407 10 сағат бұрын
It will probably be a separate setting
@GG-bw5qd 8 сағат бұрын
@@thaliacrafts407 It will probably fall under the general particle setting, i.e. turning it off would kill all particle effects.
@PhonyLyzard 23 сағат бұрын
I really hope the Pale Garden changes are appreciated and the issues keep getting addressed. It's great to see Mojang fixing issues with the game based on what people have said. Also, I don't think Mangroves should have falling leaves, doesn't really fit the biome in my opinion.
@Querez8504 Күн бұрын
Yeah spruce leaves definitely shouldn't have any falling leaves _or_ needles, since in real life they tend to stay on the tree all-year-round, with only the occasional ones dropping every now and then
@saratoga6663 Күн бұрын
There are so many fallen needles in pine forests tho
@wumbomandlx Күн бұрын
I can assure you, they gather piles of stuff on the ground. They just grow it all year round, but it doesn't mean it doesn't come off.
@cerealenjoyer3000 23 сағат бұрын
Tell me you havent seen a spruce tree in real life without telling me you havent seen a spruce tree
@Querez8504 23 сағат бұрын
Guys, I know. I live around tons of needle trees. I live in Norway. What I mean is that it's much rarer than leaf trees and that they also hold during the winter, but yes it builds up quickly on the ground. I might not have been clear enough.
@niteblooms 22 сағат бұрын
what about pinecones? 🤔
@TaintedQuiche Күн бұрын
I think the farm animals are supposed to spawn in the wooded badlands (not regular badlands), since there's grass there. Makes sense with the new pig variants and, presumably, new animal variants yet to come.
@shadedway5277 Күн бұрын
The other day I was playing Minecraft and I got super lost, just completely turned around and MAN. I love the biomes. You see so few after you settle. And THIS is going to make that feeling SO SO MUCH COOLER!!!
@edenwayne8407 20 сағат бұрын
That new loadstone recipe is waaay cheaper than I expected! It's actually even a viable survival building block!
@Imperial_Squid 22 сағат бұрын
Survival navigation idea: now that the lodestone is so much cheaper, you could put one at every location in your world, name all the compasses and keep them in a bundle. That way you can quickly find your way back to any location no matter where you go to, and it will all just take up one slot.
@XMaster340 21 сағат бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking! It's amazing!
@duckified. 16 сағат бұрын
i find it weird how lodestone compasses are stackable inside a bundle, but i ain't complaining. i hope it stays that way
@goldenhorde6944 16 сағат бұрын
Maybe even just space them out on towers you can triangulate off of GPS style
@sovi_2 16 сағат бұрын
​@@duckified. well, regular compasses are stackable, and lodestone compasses are just regular compasses with slightly different data, it's like the equivalent to renaming an item, and renamed items can be stacked if they have the same name
@Imperial_Squid 15 сағат бұрын
@@duckified. In java edition, compasses and lodestone compasses are the same item ID, it's just that LCs store the location of the lodestone as NBT data. The general rule (afaik) is that if two items have the same ID and metadata, you can stack them (though sometimes it might be creative exclusive). So since you can stack normal compasses to 64 in creative, and LCs are just normal compasses with NBT data, you can also stack LCs.
@GSBarlev Күн бұрын
Thanks for being so quick on the snapshot videos, Xisuma! I love the fallen leaves-they're going to be incredible for doing gradients around podzol.
@hagnat Күн бұрын
animal variation, even if merely re-skins, are a really welcome change to the game. It allow the game to feel more alive. hope they continue the thrend with other passive mobs, like the sheep and the cow.
@pepearown4968 Күн бұрын
Sheep variants are them having different colors of wool. There’s really no way Mojang could give them more variants, unless they want to add more dyes. (Which I wouldn’t mind, but they seem stingy on keeping the 16 that Notch added.) Chickens need variants way more. Why do axolotls get them, but not chickens?
@chelvo56 Күн бұрын
@@pepearown4968 They still can have cosmetically different sheep variants, there really is no need to think so restricted
@gearandalthefirst7027 Күн бұрын
Highland cows when 😭
@zeppie_ 23 сағат бұрын
@@pepearown4968 Sheep can have different fur and builds. Some have more prominent horns, others are more goat-like in appearance. There are also sheep with black fur on their heads
@Roman_Eagle 22 сағат бұрын
​@@gearandalthefirst7027 I reckon we will get a woolly cold cow variant like the Highland cow and a hot variant that could be anything from a Sahwal or Gyr to a Malvi or Texan Longhorn. I also really hope they more add birds besides parrots and biome variants for them, make them drop feathers or something. Plus adding more bears would be cool and make them have appropriate behaviour, like a black bear you should be able to frighten away with jumping and a brown bear you should be able to sneak to get it to leave you alone.
@R3ktbJ Күн бұрын
1:41 am I the only one who just got instant flashbacks to the old "horse" pig texture?
@FireBirdiee 22 сағат бұрын
I was about to point out the same thing XD
@stellarx20 21 сағат бұрын
Nah me too as soon as I saw that I was like "That looks like the april fools pony"
@matthewparker9276 23 сағат бұрын
Scar is going to be ecstatic with the addition of wildflowers.
@shedexxx7891 Күн бұрын
11:10 xisuma you killed the one "signaller" pigman you werent supposed to kill, thats why the farm broke :P
@ncsr9675 Күн бұрын
0:38 dont think those pixels are supossed to be in your hand
@washbeartv5368 Күн бұрын
Yoooooo Whats up fellow Hollow knight Fan How are you from Silksong to 10?
@ncsr9675 Күн бұрын
@washbeartv5368 what if i was im not even a huge hollow knight fan? I just like the characther, i prefer binding of isaac in terms of gameplay
@washbeartv5368 23 сағат бұрын
@@ncsr9675 Thats fair Never played Binding of Isaac but personally I really like Enter the gungeon which I think is simular to that
@filipahlers6156 Күн бұрын
Now we just need Mojang to create differently colored wildflower variants (just Red, Blue, and Yellow would be enough for me), and preferrably also GrayLeaf Litter from smelting Pale Oak Leaves (the naturally generating brown litter clashes with the Pale Garden biome).
@RWQFSFASXC-qc5fq Күн бұрын
Maybe leaf litter should have a biome tint.
@whateverIwasthinkingatthetime Күн бұрын
​@@RWQFSFASXC-qc5fqWhy? The leaves are cleary dead, if anything we only need red/orange/yellow leaves and thier accompanying litter to simulate autumn
@kayagorzan Күн бұрын
I want wildflower variants so bad. I wouldn’t even mind if the flowers/colors are random like paintings
@pepearown4968 Күн бұрын
Purple wildflowers are also fairly common, and we don’t have any flowers in the game that give you purple dye yet. The birch forest concept art showed pink, light blue, white, and purple wildflowers. I’m assuming pink petals were the replacements for pink wildflowers.
@Alex0101101 Күн бұрын
I think a variant that was all green would be cool too, a clover patch if you would. Not sure what if anything it would craft into though, since they seem hesitant to add new ways of getting Green dye, and the only other thing I can think of is brewing Luck potions (four leaf clovers and all that) but having a farmable way to do that in Vanilla might be a bit OP.
@DrKvo 23 сағат бұрын
Fantastic changes all around, what a great update. This could make the creaking a really fun mob for DO3. The eyeblossom changes now make it a reliable way of detecting the day/night cycle. I wish we could trigger them using block updates though. Like if you play a noteblock next to an eyeblossom it forces a time-of-day check.
@manuelinstructions5396 23 сағат бұрын
Guys, fireflies can lay their eggs in leaf litter… this can only mean one thing
@PeChips Күн бұрын
5:58 soo… one piece of coal smelts 8 leaves, which makes 8 leaf litters, which in turn can smelt 4 items, so you just wasted half your coal and a bunch of time.
@smugless191 Күн бұрын
I'm hoping they make leaves smelt into leaf litter really fast instead. Like 1 coal will smelt 32. I think furnaces can do that with datapacks already, but Mojang has never used it.
@cakeyeater7392 Күн бұрын
​@@smugless191it is possible, I made a datapack that smelts blocks of raw ore at 9 times the length of a regular ore.
@cakeyeater7392 Күн бұрын
That's like saying smelting 8 ingots with coal wastes your entire coal. The purpose of leaf litter isn't fuel
@smugless191 Күн бұрын
@cakeyeater7392 smelting ore blocks into ingot blocks a pretty cool change.
@spyro2002 Күн бұрын
I think that's more for if you can't find natural ones and want some for decoration
@Orangyy_ Күн бұрын
Xisuma out here tiredlessly working on snapshot videos, mad respect!
@rmzing 23 сағат бұрын
I'm guessing the reduction of short grass in Meadows is to make room for wildflowers spawning there.
@dragonmage372 9 сағат бұрын
That change felt like a punch in the gut compared to all the good stuff they did this snapshot. Meadows are one of my absolute favorite biomes, simply because of the sheer amount of grass in them paired with the single flower variant. If they shave my meadows and add extra colors, I'm gonna be so sad ;(
@IDragon1930 22 сағат бұрын
2:30 Finally! When pigs fly, they said. Now, they do.
@CraftyMasterman Күн бұрын
schrodinger's update number about to make 2025 so awesome
@ktown13 Күн бұрын
Hi crafty I’m outside your house 🤗
@thematriarch-cyn Күн бұрын
@@ktown13 pshh, you didn't find the hole yet? amateur
@sovi_2 16 сағат бұрын
it's an update that exists and doesn't at the same time
@Swizer_ Күн бұрын
when presenting new sounds dont talk over them, cuz i couldn't hear any of the sounds
@Crafty_boy70 Күн бұрын
it was basically the same sound, just we mora of a metallic "clank" to it.
@Mooonwithanextrao 23 сағат бұрын
​@Crafty_boy70It's like they overlayed the netherite block sounds onto it
@Crafty_boy70 23 сағат бұрын
@@Mooonwithanextrao yeah, I like it.
@Mooonwithanextrao 23 сағат бұрын
@Crafty_boy70 Same. It finally sounds like an actual metal rather than having the same sound as stone
@Crafty_boy70 23 сағат бұрын
@@Mooonwithanextrao I like how they made it sound a lot better without replacing it
@ultrasuperkiller Күн бұрын
Now we just need to be able to place flowers in the way we can place candles!
@ewoklord-726 Күн бұрын
That would be really cool, and add a lot more options for natural decoration! Hope that works out technically...
@duckified. 16 сағат бұрын
true. it's clearly possible to do in the wild. take sea pickles for example, they spawn in varying amounts
@15drasedrase Күн бұрын
Mojang is killing it lately with updates!!! Very impressed with the coming updates and such :)
@tiagomarques9822 21 сағат бұрын
Xisuma, you’re ome of my longest-following youtubers, quite a while even before Hermitcraft. I always enjoy your content, even if sometimes the technical redstone becomes really deep. I haven’t played Minecraft for many years, and yet I enjoy all your builds and ideas. These snapshot videos are actually some of my favorite: even if I don’t play the game at all, it is nice to see its evolution. I just wanted you to know this, and to give a little bit of feedback: when you described falling and walking on iron blocks, you could have left a little bit more of doing thar after talking, so that the sound could be well heard for a while. Thanks for all these years, and more to come!
@toffiie Күн бұрын
they should make flowers drop from the flowering azaela leaves
@Trident_Gaming03 Күн бұрын
This one snapshot already has as many flowers as the entire "Garden Awakens" update
@pepearown4968 Күн бұрын
There were only 2 flowers in the game before 1.7, to be fair. After that, we’ve only gotten cornflowers, lilies of the valley, wither roses, spore blossoms, pink petals, eye blossoms, and, of course, wild flowers. Except for 1.14, every update that introduced flowers after 1.7 only introduced one new one.
@cakeyeater7392 Күн бұрын
​@@pepearown4968 the sniffer came with two
@alternateperson1840 Күн бұрын
​@@pepearown49681.17 added both spore blossoms and azaleas.
@trans_rights_ftw 17 сағат бұрын
@@cakeyeater7392 I always forget about the sniffer and its flowers x_x
@CuriousNeon Күн бұрын
Wait, the orange pig variant looks like the "horse" pig from April Fools 2.0 update lol
@ManunKanava 17 сағат бұрын
I thought I was the only one who noticed, but I wasn't.
@D4rrels Күн бұрын
i really like all the changes here so far, but i'm hopeful mojang makes a way to prevent leaf blocks from dropping leaf particles, like through shearing them the way you stop vines from growing. i imagine it would look cool in things like custom trees, but when its used for bushes or to simulate vines and overgrowth, it may break the immerson of builds. I don't think mojang has made a way for players to toggle particle effects of specific blocks before, but this might be a good case for it!
@LucBlocker 10 сағат бұрын
I think an even easier fix for that is to just disable those particles for leaves placed by the player and not generated, which already exists because leaves placed by the player never decays :)
@SinisterPixel 22 сағат бұрын
5:55 - I think xisuma forgot that shears existed for a second there.
@tomzitiger 16 сағат бұрын
Hoe with silk touch is far more effiecient.
@RHVGamer Күн бұрын
I really like how Creakings can now be name tagged, all those cool wireless redstone contraptions will work permanently now!
@melmac15 Күн бұрын
13:30 New iron sounds, you say? I’m sure Mumbo Jumbo will be pleased to “hear” this. 🤭 (HC 10 joke; the trial’s already happened).
@toranking001 Күн бұрын
@dyniamc 8 сағат бұрын
14:30 I bet Xisuma is starting a boyband!
@NyüxTheDragon 9 сағат бұрын
Here's to hoping that they'll add these variants to all the other passive? (I would say hostiles too, but let's not get crazy here) mobs, like cows and sheep
@Lumy070 Күн бұрын
1:09 hearing xisuma say "There" as if he wasn't british is jarring lmao
@emraldpearLive Күн бұрын
Idk where Xisuma's from in Britain but it sounds pretty Somerset lmao
@adam2802 14 сағат бұрын
"Like he wasn't british" Xisuma: saying 'there' in a very British accent Wow it's like there's a lot of regional accents ot something xD
@Lumy070 5 сағат бұрын
@@adam2802 i've just never really heard him say "there" in such an enunciated way before lol
@AddiVF Күн бұрын
I agree, I'm never gonna call 'drops' drops, an update is an update!
@toomanycharacter Күн бұрын
You can deny reality but Mojang is steadily morphing into a typical AAA-company that drops fluff once every few months into their game that they practically refuse to add actually useful content into
@MrBrineplays_ Күн бұрын
​@@toomanycharacterEh I'd say these new features were really requested as ambient updates. I personally wanted more mob variations, and finally we got variations for dogs and pigs. I hope we get more. More plants for ambience was also requested, which mojang added now with the leaf particles and new fallen leaves and wildflowers. Some requests like the creaking allowed to be nametagged also got added, and there's also new chunkloading features. Another requested feature was to make the lodestone recipe cheaper, and that's what we got, iron now instead of netherite for the crafting recipe. These features are cool, they're useful not in a technical way but in an ambient way. Imo the game looks better and more alive with these changes
@whateverIwasthinkingatthetime Күн бұрын
​@@toomanycharacterYou hate to go outside and see nature dont you?
@kayagorzan Күн бұрын
⁠@@toomanycharacterNot every feature has to be useful or practical. Sometimes features are just there to spruce things up and that’s okay.
@timohara7717 Күн бұрын
​@@toomanycharacterthis opinion only applies 2 years ago
@commenter621 Күн бұрын
12:28 because of new pig variants
@andrewkrahn2629 17 сағат бұрын
Oak trees and their leaves are high in tannic acid. This reacts with iron acetate to create a black pigment that's been used as ink for a long time (usually wasp galls were used) Recipes: leaves + iron nugget + fermented spider eye = 3 ink sacs You can also do this directly to oak wood to "ebonize" it and turn it dark. "leg armor" shape of oak or dark oak planks + iron nugget + fermented spider eye = 7 "blackened oak planks"
@Zutanni Күн бұрын
I love the Lodestone change. I often play with a map mod because I like to have an indicator when I am heading in the right direction. I am now considering removing the mod from my world because I can use an in game mechanic to find my way back home. since compasses are stackable, I can stick several (keyed to various lodestones such as "Home" "Farm" or structures that I want to go back to) in my workstation bundle with my ender chest and stone cutter, et al. Before Lodestones were so expensive that I would not waste the Netherite on them, electing instead to do without.
@fgvcosmic6752 Күн бұрын
I completely forsee Fireflies actually being added now
@higueraft571 Күн бұрын
Nah, Fireflies suck
@BroKenYaKnow Күн бұрын
I hope so. Ambient particles are so great
@BenjaminGaming87 Күн бұрын
they absolutely should add them it was stupid not to
@greysoncrowe5196 Күн бұрын
I mean, they were hunted at by a leaker a week ago, and that same leaker also teased the changes to pigs in this snapshot, so it's not farfetched at all.
@JoaoMiguelCordeiro-fl3wb 7 сағат бұрын
​@@greysoncrowe5196yep, fireflies are coming
@manuelbulletti5984 Күн бұрын
8:10 isn’t that basically a daylight detector that doesn’t require direct sunlight?
@soup2865 Күн бұрын
holy shit
@toxicbavariankitten 23 сағат бұрын
Probably, depending on what time it activates/sleeps
@sovi_2 15 сағат бұрын
daylight detectors are affected by all the things that they mentioned to have removed from the creaking
@Moss_guy 8 сағат бұрын
​@@soup2865daylight detectors have never been fully reliable. The best way is to use villagers, by placing an observer facing their beds
@Pyroturtle1 Күн бұрын
Cool as a start, just needs to be fleshed out and it should be a neat small update
@greysoncrowe5196 Күн бұрын
I'm hoping for some variants for Cows and Chickens, and maybe some more ambient features for weather (like in bedrock how leaves turn white in snow. Maybe some ripples in water during rain?)
@andrewg.3281 14 сағат бұрын
It'd be cool to have occassionally a really crunchy leaf sound play when you walk on the leaf litter
@cherriesrule13 22 сағат бұрын
i'm still so new to playing minecraft and i love these more visual-based updates. i really like the pink petals and think the yellow ones and the leaf piles will make such a fun atmosphere
@frokfrdk Күн бұрын
Having the leaves be used as furnace fuel is a very good idea especially for the early game. Mojang adding something that looks cool and changes gameplay up in current year? What timeline are we in??!!
@TheoryTechDotDek Күн бұрын
I mean the crafter was like, very recently added and completely changed gameplay.
@spoono Күн бұрын
​@@TheoryTechDotDekI love the crafter, definitely my favorite minecraft addition after hoppers
@whateverIwasthinkingatthetime Күн бұрын
​@@TheoryTechDotDekMinecraft players have Dementia
@toxicbavariankitten 23 сағат бұрын
Tbh fuel is fairly trivial. >punch tree >get wood >make wooden pickaxe >punch stone >make stone axe, stone pickaxe and furnace >punch more tree (with axe this time for speed) >put wood in furnace (some as fuel for the first loop) >charcoal >use charcoal as fuel >repeat from get wood with axe point
@verstamech Күн бұрын
While definitely not a super extravagant and exciting snapshot, I definitely think this one is a step in a good direction. Just the simple addition of some more flora does wonders for making the overworld feel more alive, man You have no idea how over the moon I am that Mojang actually made pale gardens slightly bigger on average - that was my biggest criticism of the last update. Seriously, for a biome so heavily advertised on its atmosphere, it was really ridiculous how tiny most of them were. But what I'm most jazzed about is lodestones being made cheaper and more of a mid-game item than a late-game one. It always WAS kinda odd how expensive they were for what their purpose was. Maybe now I'll actually, y'know, USE them for marking important locations to come back to or explore later without needing to mark them down in a book or notepad of coordinates
@toxicbavariankitten 23 сағат бұрын
Tbh, at some point a note of coords with a short infotext would be better than minecrafts flawed enchanting/repairing/[re]naming system. Here is my reasoning: >you have a lot of lodestones in use >this means, lots of unnamed and unstackable funny compass items >pain >try to name it, cost 1lvl (so it gets worse the higher in level you are) >use compass on different lodestone (if it has same stuff, e.g. "Shipwreck" as a name, it is fine >if location/object is something else though? >rename >> higher cost >more pain repeat
@ianfights6008 23 сағат бұрын
@@toxicbavariankitten Most of this is fair, but there's one note I'll add; lodestone compasses have the same problem as written maps: They're 64 stackable, but they're unique. If you bind two to the same lodestone they stack. That isn't that useful, but it *does* mean that, just like maps, you can put 64 in a bundle. That'll help with their usability significantly if you're willing to deal with the exp cost
@vthesnail Күн бұрын
4:13 This is a nitpick, but I feel like spruce leaves should not have these particles considering the fact that they’re supposed to be “leaves” of a coniferous tree.
@EvesterBee 13 сағат бұрын
I’m very excited for these flowers and leaves! It’s the kind of detail I love in mod packs, lets you add so much story and ambience to a build
@MikeVoidKai 8 сағат бұрын
I love it how they did the leaves particals! im huge nature fan loves animels, this make it feels more nature when you see leaves failling down. ❣
@RyanEglitis Күн бұрын
The pigmen XP going away is pretty easy to stomach with how busted they made the infested potion xp farms
@ThunderClawShocktrix Күн бұрын
and you could use wolves to do the final killing blow to pigmen with you want the XP
@michaelsmith4748 Күн бұрын
@@ThunderClawShocktrix Or just kill them yourself, it seems to be the entity cramming aspect that was nerfed so no more auto XP. Sweeping Edge on a sword would help there so it'd be like other hostile mob farms where you have to deal the killing blow for XP and any special drops.
@FioreFire Күн бұрын
I heard a rumor that they were doing some kind of seasons update, I guess if that ends up being the case it would make sense to see wildflowers in spring and falling leaves/leaf litter in fall, but even if it just ends up being that they're adding "seasonal" features to different biomes rather than an actual dynamic season system it's still kinda neat
@sovi_2 16 сағат бұрын
they could make it a built-in toggleable datapack like the one slicedlime has, such as that the regular game can stay the same, but if some people want to, they can get proper seasons
@hampterland Күн бұрын
Really hope they add onto the leaf litter idea, would be great if they added maple trees or something inspired by their leaves
@MQZON 21 сағат бұрын
@@hampterland as the author of a maple tree mod (of which there are several) with similar features to this snapshot, this warms my heart. Yes, Mojang! Please add maple trees!!
@avenerholodu167 13 сағат бұрын
Genuinely love these snapshot vids, makes it so easy to see whats happening in the craft
@Slyme_7 22 сағат бұрын
I love love LOVE these so much. The wild flowers especially are just so pretty
@A_levs Күн бұрын
X, you built a version of that zombie pigman farm at the very start of season 3 of hermitcraft! I’ll never forget The Donut!
@shinymk6562 Күн бұрын
Calling this the Pigs and Parity update. (Since they added some changes to how flowers, grass, and leaves/trees generate in Bedrock to match Java, no doubt in preparation for this drop. Some thoughts of this drop snapshot, so of course I hope some things change: I like that the leaves in regular forest biomes that arent the Pale Garden or Cherry Grove don't drop as frequently so it doesn't feel too jarring. However, while the leaves on the ground are a cool idea, they are far too sparse and look kind of ugly becayse of their brown color. It looks like snow that is randomly generated when it snows in a cold biome. It doesn't look realistic with how leaves can bunch up and I hope they change it, while also making them more vibrant too! We also need the winter snowy white leaves that Bedrock has!!!
@BenjaminGaming87 Күн бұрын
i second the white leaves
@sovi_2 14 сағат бұрын
i third the white leaves
@EdKy101 Күн бұрын
Zombified Pigman spawning on magma blocks was patched out last update. They'll spawn on normal blocks lit with soul fire if I remember correctly.
@TheoryTechDotDek Күн бұрын
This isn't true I don't think? Not finding any source for that.
The NEW Pigs update looks funny (don't shear them).
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