So I BEAT Kingdom Hearts 2 for the FIRST TIME! (FINALE) || Nudge and Prod Highlights

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Nudge And Prod

Nudge And Prod

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@CoolPlayersVic 7 ай бұрын
Sora and Riku in the thumbnail :)))))
@ImJust_a_cheese. 5 ай бұрын
@dragonninjawsome 2 ай бұрын
I remember when I was a kid and played, I had the same 4 or 5 Mickey saves in the Xaldin fight as well
@MalkonDova 7 ай бұрын
@MalkonDova 7 ай бұрын
@PyeFive 7 ай бұрын
I think that legit took me almost two hours to get right, I went back to it over and over just to improve it further 😭
@MalkonDova 7 ай бұрын
@@PyeFive you're insane holy shit
@thebluePrincess5904 7 ай бұрын
The fallowing is a repost of my KH2 essay analyzing KH2's themes of duality p This was originally posted in the comment section for the last KH2 stream. I am reposting it here for people that don't keep up with the vods and just watch the Highlight videos. The number 2 is a major recurring motif in Kingdom Hearts 2 with the game introducing duel wielding keyblades, visiting all the disney worlds twice, Mulan’s dual identities, 2 magical genies in Agrabah, 2 Jafars, 2 “Santas”, The trinity Trio having 2 forms in Halloween Town, the Two Coliseums in Olympus, a past and present version of Disney Castle, the game having 2 stories, 2 Soras, 2 Kairis, 2 Ansems, 2 Twilight Towns, Fighting Demyx Twice, Axel wielding twin Chakrams, Xigbar using two guns, Xemnas wielding 2 swords, and the final battle being a two on one fight. It would be a mistake however to assume the motif is just here because the game is called Kingdom Hearts 2, No the number 2 is a Major motif in KH2 because one of the game’s central themes is Duality. Kingdom Hearts 2 is a video game where in order for the character to win they must achieve a sense of duality whether it be between a Somebody and his Nobody or between Light and Darkness. The first example of someone successfully achieving duality in KH2 would be Mulan. At the beginning of her story Mulan is hiding both her true identity and femininity with the false identity of Ping. She failed to bring honor to her family through the role as a Noble woman so she attempts to restore her family’s honor by living out the role of a Soldier, of a man. The Land of Dragons is a world governed by rules and tradition placing everyone in a single role and rejecting those that do not fit them. By repressing her feminine traits and only relying on her masculine traits in order to fit a single role Mulan has created an internal imbalance within herself making her weaker, Shown though the gameplay with her weak states and lack of Ability while disguised as a man. It is only after Mulan stops trying to fulfill the roles others have made for her and sheds the false identity of Ping that Mulan is able to achieve her true strength unlocking all her abilities and finally becoming Sora’s Peer in the form of their new limit Red Rocket. And it was thanks to the support of the Trinity Trio that Maulan was able to break free from the traditions of her world that were preventing from reaching true duality As they our outsides from her world and thus are not bond to the same rules allowing them to stand by her even when her country rejects her. By achieving true duality of the self Mulan was able to save both her country and her family's honor all while defying the traditions of her world that were keeping her from being happy. Antlantica is an interesting inverse of Land of Dragons where instead of being about an unbalanced world preventing someone from reaching duality it is instead about an Unbalanced person of power stopping his world from reaching duality. Atlantica is world of 2, a world of the Sea and a world of land yet there is no unity between them. The 2 halves of the world are cut off from each other in total isolation. And this is because of King Triton, who uses his great power to enforce rules that keep them apart. King Triton is the authority figure of Atlantica and thus has the power to enforce his rules on the world but King Triton is a stubborn man with a heart entangled in his own biases and prejudices. Triton hates the surface world and its people so he keeps his kingdom cut off from it not only hurting the world but his daughter Aerial. So as if by the will of destiny Aerial has fallen in love with a human from the surface world, the two of them meant to create a bridge between their homes that will restore their world’s duality. But Triton’s further reject of the duality creates further conflict in his world as he inadvertently drives Aeril to become Ursalla’s pawn in her schemes to steal his powers, leading both his kingdom and the surface world to the brink of ruin, And it only saved thanks to the efforts of the outsiders that helped had him before, Sora Donald, and Goofy. In the end it was not King Triton who saved Atlantica from his archenemy but rather it was the Trinity Trio who allied themselves with Aerial’s Lover Prince Eric that struck the final blow to Ursual. Unlike King Triton these 3 Musketeers were able to recognize What was best for both Atlantica and Aerial. And only when the truth is laid before King Triton does he at last abandon the prejudice that was suffocating his heart and Allow his world reach to duality through the union of Land and Sea, the Union of Ariel and Eric. We’ve seen the beauty that is brought about when a person or a world achieves Duality but what misery is brought about when someone fails to achieve duality. Pete is the game’s first example of what happens to someone when they refuse duality. Pete’s lack of a duality is represented by inability to balance his past and future. Pete longs for the good old days when he was a simple Ship Captain sailing the seas in his steamboat with his first mate. He longs for the days when he and Mickey were still friends. But Pete will never admit that last part, he’s far too prideful so Pete ultimately rejects his past for the sake of his future. He tries to change the past by stealing his old Steam Boat and the cornerstone of light so that Maleficent can take over Disney Castle in the future but in doing so he comes into Conflict with his past self who is still mostly a good person. By trying to change his past Pete is effectively betraying it, rejecting duality and failing this second chance he has been given by the universe leading to his ultimate despair. Pete not only fails to change the past losing to both the Trinity Trio and His past self but is permanently cut off from the Timeless River, the Past is lost to him forever leaving him only with his miserable present.
@thebluePrincess5904 7 ай бұрын
And A similar fate might have befallen Sora as well if he did not come to reach a duality of his own with his Other. In order for Sora to become a complete being again he needs Roxas to return to him. The Nobody must return to the Sanctuary of the heart. However Roxas only returns to Sora reluctantly, The situation ultimately forced on him by the will of the Worlds in the form of Diz meaning Roxas’s acceptance of his fate was ultimately half hearted. And So a true Duality between Sora and Roxas was not achieved, their reunion ultimately Unstable. Roxas' emotions would constantly pop up over the events of KH2, his anger and memories over taking Sora’s from time to time making the kind hearted boy more aggressive and antagonistic than usual, as if Roxas was trying to take Sora over. Sora on the hand was no better in this relationship. Throughout the adventure he would intentionally or not reject Roxas’s existence, failing to notice the boy's presence within his own heart Sora would simply react with confusion every time Roxas name was brought up, dismissing the Organization's genuine attempts to reach out to Roxas as cruel mind games. Sora was given all the clues to Roxas’s existence yet made no effort to acknowledge him, always prioritizing his own existence over his Other. Ultimately this incomplete Duality would reach a boiling point with Axel’s Death. Refusing to accept the fact that Axel would sacrifice himself for Sora’s sake and his Somebody’s continual denial of his existence, Roxas at last rebelled. Dragging Sora down into his own heart, the two would clash on top of Sora's Station of awakening. Duality failed, the two boys of the Sky were unable to accept one another so they would force each other to acknowledge them through the only thing they both understood, the Crossing of Keyblades. Roxas would unleash all his anger onto Sora, his strikes rapid and full of righteous fury, as if to share his own pain with Sora. Whereas Sora would rely on guard taking on all of Roxas blows rather than striking back showing at last a willingness to acknowledge Roxas and take on his pain. Then there was the trading of Oathkeeper and Oblivion throughout the fight, the keyblades remaining loyal to both boys as undeniable proof of their shared power and connection. Yet despite Sora making the first steps to understand his Nobody Roxas would continue to reject Sora. Roxas could only see Sora as the source of his suffering and thus could not comprehend why Sora was always chosen over himself, especially by his best friend. That is until he gazes upon Sora’s Station of Awakening one last time and sees why it has to be Sora. The stained glass window bares the faces of Sora’s closest friends showing that sora has kept them not only close to his chest but has made them the very pillars of his heart allowing him to be connected to them forever more even when the worlds themselves tear them apart. Sora accepted the pain of separation and thus allowed his heart and bonds to grow stronger whereas Roxas is desperate to avoid the pain of separation at all cost ultimately cutting himself off from his friends in hopes of avoiding the inevitable pain but all this does is hurt Roxas’s friends making his heart weaker, leading to his defeat. Roxas realizes that Sora possesses a Strength he lacks, a strength he can only achieve when he accepts the kindness of Sora’s heart and their connection. And so he does that by finally acknowledges Sora as a “Good Other” allowing the two of them to achieve closest thing they can to a true duality symbolized by the KeyBlade Two Becomes One which represents the bond between Sora and Roxas, Final Form a manifestation of the union of their powers, and Sora at last being open to the truth of Roxas’s existence when Riku tells Sora who Roxas is. The two have yet to achieve a true duality as Roxas has yet to become his own free person but at least now the Somebody and Nobody have at last embarked together on the path towards true duality. To finish off this exploration of duality we must discuss how this theme relates back to the conflict between Light and Darkness that defines the series. In KH 1 it was established that Light and Darkness are natural enemies, that their conflict is one not just of the heart but of reality itself. Yet it is only in KH2 where we see the consequences of this conflict. Light in KH represents Creation and Healing, after all it is the light that created the hearts, Kingdom Hearts itself being the original light that all hearts are born from. The iconic cure spells use Light to heal our heroes, and even the offensive light spells often involve the creation of a hard light construct. Then we have Darkness which represents corruption. The heartless are ravenous monsters that consume the hearts of all men yet they do not destroy the hearts rather they corrupt them transforming them into new heartless that will repeat the cycle. The same goes for the worlds that fall to darkness. They may at first appear to be destroyed by the darkness but that is merely a misconception rather they too are corrupted by the darkness used as the building blocks to create a new world in the form of “End of The World”, an abomination that mirrors the emblem heartless themselves but a living world nonetheless. Light and Darkness are not destroyers rather they are the key pieces of DNA that make up reality in KH, both needed for the sake of existence meaning that it is only when they clash that destruction is brought about. Duality between Light and Darkness is needed for the universe to remain stable yet the two refuse to coexist their very natures compelling them to fight like two twins that disagree on the nature of their birth. The conflict between light and darkness in KH is not a noble fight between good and evil but rather just another senseless conflict that is instigated by the selfish ambitions of men, after all the Emblem Heartless would not exist without the twisted experiments of Apprentice Xehanort. And with this truth unveiled KH2 reveals to Sora and the Player the third core element of the universe, one that like Light and darkness is Eternal. Nothingness Is what is left when light and Darkness clash, the end result of their failure to achieve duality. It is less prevalent than its two brothers but make no mistake Nothingness is just as powerful and Dangerous as light and darkness. Nothing represents destruction and rot most likely because it is not born from the heart like Light and darkness but rather is the decay that is left behind when the heart disappears. Is it rotten sickness that festers in all that are cast away to the inbetween, tearing them apart bit by bit from the inside stripping them of everything until they too become Nothing. It is without a doubt the greatest threat to the heart and thus it is the responsibility of light and darkness to defeat this threat. Through Sora and Riku Light and Darkness put aside their differences and fight side by side. The two knights that once opposed each other now joined together in friendship once more with their limit, Eternal session being the ultimate representation of this duality as we see light and darkness work together in tandem to create something truly Beautiful. This is why it must be Sora and Riku who defeat Xemnas for he is the ultimate Nobody. Not just representing the nothingness in terms of power but in ideals, Xemnas is an empty shell of man who rejects everything the heart stands for all while shallowly claiming to understand it. He manipulates people through empty words and instigates chaos and destruction for his own ends. He not only cares for nothing but is nothing. That is why in the final fight he is so desperate to turn Sora and Riku against each other, because it is only in times of conflict that he holds any real power. But of course Sora and Riku ignore Xemnas’s hollow lies and strike him down together for they know the truth, light and darkness are not meant to be enemies but rather brothers who represent the true duality of the heart.
@EmDingaming 7 ай бұрын
are you going to attempt the data battles at the end of the cavern? They are in 3 too but its best to do this one first.
@PyeFive 7 ай бұрын
Noah tried a couple of them during the bonus stream! I think he got decently far into Luxord, but it’d probably take at least three more streams for him to beat them all lmao. So he probably won’t go back to them since he wants to move on to future games, like BBS tomorrow!
@Bit_Boi 7 ай бұрын
lovely vid
@thebluePrincess5904 6 ай бұрын
Kingdom Hearts 1 was a game that asked the question, what is the true nature of the heart. The game concluded with the answer that the heart's true nature was light. Kingdom Hearts 2 on the other hand focuses on a different question, What does it mean to have a heart? In Kingdom Hearts 2 we are introduced to the Nobodies named so for their lack of self and purpose. They are the body that is left behind after a heart gives into darkness and becomes heartless. Without the heart the body becomes nothing more than an emotionless empty shell longing for its missing halve, a true creature of nothingness. Everything else the game tells about the nobodies is to push this idea from Yen Sid’s warning that the nobodies only pretend to be humans, to The members of Organization XIII dismissing the idea of even having emotions, to even Xemnas’s indoctrination speech where tells the new members that they are feel nothing and are NOTHING! Not to mention there are the designs and animations of the Lesser Nobodies. With mouths made of zippers and Skin of rubber these lesser nobodies do not resemble human beings but rather sentient pieces of monstrous clothing. Their bodies move and stretch in ways only possible for something that is completely hollow on the inside. Everything about the Nobodies is designed in such a way to show the player that they are truly creatures without a heart, except for one glaring contradiction, Roxas. Roxas is Sora’s Nobody created as a result of Sora’s sacrifice near the end of KH1. Because of the unnatural circumstances of his birth Roxas bears neither the face nor memories of his somebody. Which should theoretically make him the most hollow nobody of them all since Nobodies rely on memories of their past life to create the persona of humanity. Yet it’s the exact opposite Roxas is in fact the one character who shows the most humanity in all of KH2. Roxas is first introduced to the player as just your ordinary teenager living out his summer vacation. Unlike Sora he’s a far more grounded character who only wished to spend his last days of summer vacation goofing off with his friends. A far cry from the grand ambitions of traveling to different worlds. With even the World Roxas resides in reflecting his down to earth nature. Despite fitting Kingdom Hearts’s usual cartoony art style Twilight Town is at its core just your average suburban town where the most exciting things to do are go to the beach, play the local games, or investigate urban myths. It’s a world that feels not only like it could fit in the real world but like home. Which is perfect since Roxas more than any other Character in KH is meant to feel like a real kid, not just someone you would know but someone you were. After all everyone has at one point felt the melancholy of Summer’s end. And Yet Roxas is still a nobody, still an empty white shell, right? Everything else the game has told the player should mean that Roxas’s emotions were all fake, nothing more than a facade or the result of the false life given to him by DiZ. But then Why does he act so defiantly? Why does he fight so hard for his own personhood? Why unless such guttural rage when discovering his life is a lie? Why betray the Organization to find answers? Why oppose returning to Sora when that's everything a Nobody should want? Why shed tears when not a single soul is watching? And why WHY does he claim with such ever brilliant passion to have hearts? And it’s not just Roxas who does this. Every one of the human Nobodies has at least one moment of genuine emotion. From Xemnas’s hatred as he is struck down to Axel’s longing, they all show that despite everything else the game says Nobodies are capable of having real genuine feelings. Leading Axle to ask the big question, Do they really not have hearts? If Kingdom Hearts is a series built on the premise that everything is capable of having a heart then why are Nobodies the one exception? What does it really mean to have a heart? To Answer the Question we must look towards the Fool of The Heart’s Journey, Sora. In KH1 Sora came to a greater understanding of the heart by staying true to himself and being open to all those he met. However in KH2 Sora makes a fatal contradiction. Whether it be out of anger or juvenile rashness he keeps his heart closed off to the nobodies, believing what he is told about them without doubt and simply accepting whatever simplistic answer suits him best. He fails to see the heart within the Nobodies and thus becomes a Heartless hero himself, making the Members of Organization XIII respond in kind. Throughout KH2 Demyx ironically enough puts the most effort in acting like a human never releasing his mask of a lazy dude bro and retaining a passion for music despite it surviving no real benefits outside of combat. Yet it is during his final fight with Sora that the mask slips off. Before the two come to blows Demyx declares to have a heart only for Sora to dismiss it with venomous words that make the spoony bard crack. Demyx’s goofy face is discarded for one that is blank and stern, his voice now devoid of even the faintest hint of emotion, and his action straightforward and robotic like a machine built only for efficiency. Sora sees the heart in everything yet refuses to do the same for Demyx and So Demyx saw no reason to act like he had a heart anymore. If he is only to be seen as an empty shell then he might well play the part. Sora could have been friends with Demyx and maybe even the rest of Organization XIII but because he refused to see the heart within them he only invited further conflict. But of course Sora is the Hero of this story for a reason and he does not keep this mindset forever. Sora’s preconceptions are finally broken upon witnessing the Tears of Flames. Axel gives his life to save Sora, sacrificing himself out of sentimentality for his lost friend, a noble act that mirrors the actions of Sora’s own friends. Forced to see those he loves within the Flurry of Dancing Flames Sora’s heart begins to question the nature of the Nobodies. If Nobodies have no heart then why did Demyx cry out in terror when he fell in battle, why would Luxord care so much about his games, and why would Axel shed tears for a friend lost. All these questions flood Sora’s mind as he comes face to face with his Other. For the first time in KH2 Sora questions his conflict with the nobodies. He asks who he is fighting, wants to know more about them, and why they have to fight in the first place. Throughout the fight Sora is the one on the defense accepting every blow from Roxas as if to understand his pain. Even the act of Taking His Keyblades shows that Sora is attempting to understand his Nobody for every Keyblde reflects the nature of its wielder's heart. Wait Hearts? Yes YES THAT'S THE ANSWER! THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS TO HAVE A HEART!
@thebluePrincess5904 6 ай бұрын
By using the reaction command “The End” Sora is finally seeing The Heart within Roxas and thus answers the great Question of the Heart. That inorder to have a heart one must see the heart in others. It is far more than simply feeling emotions or having a sense of purpose or even shedding tears. To have a heart is something far more beautiful, it is the ability to see the heart in all things from people to animals, to toys to even worlds. By simply seeing the heart it becomes real. Even Kingdom Hearts 1 knows this truth. Pinocchio was just a simple puppet yet it too possessed a heart not because he was given one through the magic of the Blue Fairy but Geppeto Gave him one. Geppeto made Pinnochio out of love and cherished him as a son even before he could move without strings. Pinnochio had a heart from the minute Geppeto laid his eyes upon him and loved him. All the blue fairy did was bring that love to life. There is also of course The Hundred Acre Woods. By all accounts it looks to be nothing more than a simple book yet it is not only possessing a heart like a world but real people who live within the book with hearts of their own. And while an in universe explanation has never been given for this the thematic explanation is clear as day. The Hundred Acre Woods has a heart because people gave it their love and joy. They read the book and not only fell in love with its stories and characters but saw them as friends, as people with hearts of their own. Through the hearts of the readers The Hundred Acre Woods came to life. Even the nobodies show they are capable of seeing the heart in others. Demyx may be a lazy bum but even he can see the heart that exists within all music allowing him to play with real passion despite his lack of motivation for all other actions. There is Luxord who possesses a deep respect for games and their rules. He may be a bit of a trickster but he is also a man of honor who will never cheat his opponents and always follows the rules of a game to a T even if doing otherwise would benefit him. And most importantly of all we have Roxas and Axel who see a heart within each other through their friendship with one another. They are told by everyone around them that their friendship is a lie, even turned against each other by their higher ups, and yet they still hold on to the bond despite it all. Even when they are the most separated from each other they still see the heart within each other, making their friendship as real as Sora and Riku’s. Ultimately Sora himself comes to recognize this truth, that to have a heart is to see the hearts in others, shown near the end of the game where he and Roxas have their true union. Of course though there will always be those who fail to see the hearts in others. Saix, Xigbar, and Xaldin all show a failing to see the heart having no true ideals or bonds of their own. Xaldin targets Beast, wishing to strip him of all love both for others and for himself so that he may become heartless, a tool for the organization. He shows no respect for the concept of love seeing it as a flaw that must be removed from humanity so that they may become like himself. Xalidin does not see people for what they truly are, he only sees them as shallow copies of himself, copies he is free to use for his own ends. Xigbar shows a flippant disregard for all others, teasing both his enemies and allies not out of a sense of playful affection but rather as an explicit act of disrespect. He goes out of his way to upset everyone around him so that he may receive their attention, so all their eyes are laid upon him. Shown by how much importance he places on the angry look Roxas and Sora gave him. Worst of all is that despite demanding the attention of others Xigbar refuses to show them his true self, he never takes off the smug mask of a joker because he has no interest in connecting with others, no interest in seeing others as anything more than his audience. No to Xigbar the world is nothing more than a stage for him and him alone. Everyone else is just another faceless spectator. Lastly we have Saix. Besides The Superior of the In-Between Saix is the best example of what people believe the nobodies to be. He is a sorry excuse of a man whose face and words lack even a facade of emotion. All with one furious exception, Rage. Saix is defined by his anger, a true berserker that draws upon the power of the moon itself to become a beast that destroys all there is in a hatful blue flame. But where does this rage come from? Why would such a stoic and empty man harbor such a passionate rage? Simple because he is a nobody, Saix’s rage was born from the tragedy of losing his heart. When his heart was taken from him Saix lost everything dear to him and was left with only an unbearable emptiness, turning him into the wretch he is now. Saix is defined not by his rage but rather by his loss, symbolized by the X shaped scar on his face, which only grows greater when going into his berserk state. Saix out everyone in organization XIII longs for a heart the most yet can never see it before him because he is blinded by his own tragedy. They all strove to take back the hearts they’ve lost yet without any understanding of what having a heart meant. They could not see the hearts in others and thus could not have a heart themselves becoming true nobodies. In order to understand why these 3 are the way they are one must be willing to look upon the horrid one who shaped them, Xemnas.
@thebluePrincess5904 6 ай бұрын
Xemnas is the First Nobody ever seen in Kingdom Hearts and as Such he embodies everything a Nobody is supposed to be. He is not a man but rather a void, a hollow force of nature that destroys everything it touches. Without remorse or guilt he spurred further conflict between light and darkness all just to meet his own selfish ends. Even going as far as to puppeteer Sora’s battles against the heartless to collect more hearts. Every world in Kingdom Hearts 2 is on the brink of destruction all because of the violence sowed by the empty words of a man who cares nothing for the innocents that have suffered by his hand. His treatment of his fellow nobodies is no better. He stands above all them on his marble throne like a sham of a king ordering them to their deaths never once treating them as people but rather as weapons, even going as far as to threaten them with further dehumanization if they step out of line. And Despite the wicked grin he wears on his face he does not do anything out of malice. No it is far far worse than that. Every horrific act of evil committed by Xemnas is done out of pure apathy for all of existence, because he feels absolutely nothing. Even his cruel laughter is completely and utterly fake. Every single vile emotion he has ever put on display was nothing more than an act, an attempt to replicate the few emotions he does remember. The only thing that was ever real was the guttural scream of hatred he let out upon his defeat. Worst off all though are his claims to understand the heart. Xemnas believed that he alone understood the heart yet just like his heartless counterpart he was nothing but ignorant on the subject. Xemnas claims that the heart is the source of all power, of all pain believing it to be a burden of hate, rage, and envy. This reveals the tragic truth behind Xemnas, he rejects the Heart in its entirety. This is why Xemnas never truly used Kingdom Hearts to restore his or any Nobody’s heart because deep down he never wanted one. To have a heart is to suffer in Xemnas’s eyes. And it’s plain to see why when looking back on Xemnas’s somebody. Apprentice Xehanort was from the very beginning a pale imitation of a human being. Without any memories of his past Xehanort had his name and nothing else. He was one without identity and purpose just like a Nobody, yet he always had the chance to find them on his own. Xehanort was taken in by Ansem the Wise to be one of his apprentices, given both a home and family by the kind King as well as the opportunity to become a great man in his own right. But Apprentice Xehanort was a man without strength who lacked both the will and resolve to discover himself. Instead he grew jealous of his beloved king, attempting to mimic the wise man. He continued the Heartless research Ansem had long since abandoned, hoping to earn his Foster Father’s praise by continuing his forgotten work without ever thinking that there might be a good reason for why the work was forgotten in the first place. In the end all Xehanort did was earn his master’s scolding, turning his jealousy to hatred. Ultimately Xehanort would become Ansem’s Shadow Stealing his name and status out of spite and envy. Xehanort did not want to be himself, instead he wished to become his father leading him to his final act of self rejection. Xehanort become a heartless and nobody, literally tearing himself in two and destroying everything the young man could have become just because he was too weak to be himself, too weak to bear suffering, too weak to accept rejection, too weak to grow, too weak to strive for greatness, and too weak to shoulder the weight of a heart. In the one act of true cowardness Apprentice Xehanort gave up on himself leaving behind one who could only see Darkness in the form of his Heartless and one who could only reject the heart out of ignorance in the Form of his Nobody. This ignorance is why Xemnas loses to Sora. Throughout Kingdom Hearts 2 Sora’s preconceptions and childish worldview are challenged. Through his conflict with Organization XIII Sora is made to reexamine his beliefs on what it means to have heart. To Question what truly separates him from the nobodies and whether or not he should blindly follow the words of his elders. Thanks to the sacrifice of Axel and his duel with Roxas, Sora comes to see the heart within the Nobodies and recognizes that all it takes to have a heart is to see the heart in others. The experience was painful and riddled with tragedies but Sora never regretted it for pain only made him human. Whereas Xemnas wanted nothing more than to escape pain. He rejected the heart, rejected his humanity all so that he may never experience pain again. So he simply remained stagnant in his own shallow beliefs of the heart, never once leaving his pale throne of lies. In the end the Ignorant King of Nothing was struck down by one who was willing to accept pain in order to understand the hearts of others.
@PyeFive 7 ай бұрын
@MimoK. 4 ай бұрын
Where's the full stream??? I cant find it and the people just said there was a full stream...😢
@nudgeandprod 4 ай бұрын
If you go to my channel and click on the playlists tab, every game series I've livestreamed has its own playlist! (Kingdom Hearts included obv)
@MimoK. 4 ай бұрын
@@nudgeandprod thank you!
@perrt4126 7 ай бұрын
kingom fart hehehoohoo
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