About that since you still may START R version with all the IC skills SP wise don't bother to KILL the Desert enemies for those 2 materials just have Celine make 20 of each one BEFORE you ditch her in Cross Cave permanently and yes in 2nd Story R Celine is still PURE CRAP. That and you don't stand ANY chance of even reaching that desert with the Marvel Sword or Sorcerer's Knuckles for Rena equipped even on earth mode in the first place even at lv 12. So she won't be in my party for the full game but NOT before you have her make 20x Oricalcum and Damascus items after having the Free Fol up skill at lv 10 for a free 100,000 of it Celine only. In the R version lv up Radio wave to lv 10 BEFORE you get rid of the useless Celine on way out of Cross Cave Full game only. With the Marvel Sword equipped before Cross Cave the Eternal Sphere these days is still pure CRAP even at lv 255 WITH the Eternal Sphere equipped I could NOT hit Iselia queen AT all on Earth mode so KEEP the Marvel Sword equipped on Claude/Dias for the ENTIRE game. By the time you came make Rena's best weapon she is PURE CRAP so use Opera and Healing Star at 999 uses ( Skill lv 2 on the R version) instead. As for the Kaiser Knuckles needed to make Rena's best weapon don't bother to make Rena's best weapon and equip the Kaiser Knuckles to BOWMAN which CAN still be done BEFORE Bowman first joins in the R version. Celine Ashton Precis Noel Leon Welch are still going to be CRAP and will NEVER be in my party on the R version the Marvel Sword can be KEPT on Claude/Dias full game and Opera/Bowman's best weapons CAN still be made ON EXPEL/1st half of the game on the R version or KEEP the Sorcerer's Knuckles on Bowman for the R version instead do the like TRIPLE the MP cost of his skills. Radio wave almost NEVER gives out the Meteorite/Moon rocks only Mithrils but I prefer the Kaiser Knuckles on BOTH Rena and Bowman as their best weapons and Rena is still CRAP once Opera can join. As for Opera the Beta/Gamma box USED to make the Pulse BOX can be made as soon as Radio Wave GIVES you a Mithril for it.