Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Film Review

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@ChannelPup 2 жыл бұрын
So I wanna be as constructive here as possible, it's 100% fine that you didn't like the movie, 100% fine that you're disappointed that the studios aren't aiming for something more artistically in-line with Into The Spider-Verse, it's 100% fine that you're disappointed that you feel these films aren't living up to their potential, however, I do need to point out some criticisms that were, at the very least, in flawed faith, if not bad. You made a point numerous times about how you don't need to see translations of the games and such, but many of your very early points hinge on "Sonic didn't make references in the games", "Why didn't Knuckles glide?". Fine points to make but they don't bode well so shortly after setting your stance as a more objective one. The point about the Labyrinth having no roof so Sonic and Knuckles can easily escape, sure, but they're not trying to escape, they're trying to keep the Master Emerald from falling into the wrong hands, which they believe is the hands of each other because of their conflicting cultural backgrounds. Which brings me to the point where you stated that the film didn't give you any emotional reason to empathize with Knuckles and Sonic during the Labyrinth fight. They literally come from opposing cultures that decimated each other, effectively born into this battle, they're both hurting because of it. The film gives plenty of reason to care and to empathize, and, it's perfectly okay to say you didn't feel compelled by it or engaged by it. Totally fair enough, but to blame that onto the film when it really has given you that, or to ignore it entirely in that part of review, is just not in good faith. Then there's the whole "They're saved by the power of love...and emeralds". The wording attempts to exaggerate this as a cliche by treating the emeralds as a footnote, when the emeralds are literally the reason why they survived. Now I will not try to pretend you didn't make good points, I thought your point about how the film portrayed Super Sonic juxtaposed with how Unleashed's opening cutscene handled it were well thought out, even if I do overall disagree due to the two scenes having entirely different blocking and demands. Yeah the whole post-wedding stuff is just, why should I even care? I don't think even the most ardent defender of this film would fault you for that one. There's no evidence to suggest that Sonic, Tails and Knuckles would all live together by the end of it. They just went out to lunch together. Maybe that's something we'll see in the third film, in which case, fair enough. The point about "If a product is going to be mediocre, it isn't worth making" is not only silly, it's completely null and void. For one, nobody goes out of their way to make a mediocre film, and one can't necessarily know how its quality will stack up or be perceived until the work is done. Sure you can point out things that do and don't work in the script and such, but there are elements that sometimes just don't quite come together as intended. But lets go with the point of "A Sonic Movie could be of the quality of Into the Spider-Verse". I will not refute that for even a second, Into the Spider-Verse is exceptional. But that's just it. It's exceptional. Its quality should not be taken for granted. I would hope that all films strive to be of a similar quality, but I'd never blame the film for falling short, because Into the Spider-Verse is just that exceptional. That gold standard. I don't mean to try to tear you down, ultimately, we're just two dudes on this platform with strong opinions towards Sonic, you don't have to listen to a word of this, you don't have to read a word of this, and I do admit that, yes, fanboy perceptions of Rotten Tomatoes are ridiculous and bent-out-of-shape, however, it's weird to go on a rant about toxic positivity and how most of the criticism against the film was in good faith, when the aforementioned flawed faith criticisms you made can all be read above. Anyways, your editing and presentation is fine, there are definitely some interesting points in there, and I'd love to see a video essay or something about what you believe is the potential for the Sonic franchise on-screen. This review here though just needed a bit more elaboration, citation and nuance in a few areas. Again, I say this all respectfully and constructively, but of course I acknowledge that you are entirely within your right to tell me to go kick rocks. All the best.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the constructive/respectful points. I don't have a problem with changing things if the changes are good. Characters spouting pop-culture references is something I hate in *anything*, so it's a bad change in my opinion. My point about the Emerald maze wasn't to do with them escaping, but rather when they're going in for the first time and dodging traps, and there's a big wide shot of the maze without a ceiling. I could have clarified this better if the film was out on Blu-Ray or digital. I'd argue the problem with Sonic and Knuckles' cultural history is that it's mostly told to us via flashback, it's not inherently interesting or emotionally engaging to me. I find the mirror of their life circumstances far more interesting (again, the scene on the beach was good) because that's about *them* specifically, and not about whatever their previous families were fighting over. While that is a part of their story, it's already happened, it was in the past, it's already explained, and it's gone now. I just care about what the actual existing characters are doing in the present, and where their decisions will take them. Yes, the Emeralds are why they survived at the end, but the dramatic timing implies that they only activated from the love of Sonic's cop Dad, similar to the negative/positive energy at the end of Sonic Adventure, or Sonic 06. Sonic tried to use them before getting stepped on and it didn't work, not until he was holding hands with his human family. I hope you can understand that I did what I could without footage of the film as examples, I can't cover everything, and I was making this in-between days at work and across two entire weekends. Not that it's an excuse, just that I deliberately did not want to go into detail on every single tiny thing I mentioned. I acknowledge that some elements are more akin to nitpicks, like the ceiling stuff, but I genuinely did not give a damn during the Sonic and Knuckles fight, because I never felt any tension, or cared about what was going on. The only feeling akin to that, that I remember, was the slight anxiety during the final battle of "come onnnn just show Super Sonic already, I know he's gonna be here, just end this already". I wish I could have liked this movie, but I didn't. I would love if the 3rd film was a huge improvement, but I have zero faith. I'll just wait and see when they show something off in another two years. Thank for you being kind and respectful. EDIT: Also just want to say that I never set any kind of "objective" stance. "Objective reviews" don't exist, all of my criticisms are subjective.
@galten7361 4 ай бұрын
@ChannelPup Let me guess you call the new Star Wars movies and MCU shows great writing.
@MichaelO2000 2 жыл бұрын
“Sonic can’t work in live action” Why? Why can’t sonic work in live action? Sonic has always existed along side human characters. Is it because Sonic’s world is fantastical? Fantastical worlds have been portrayed in live action. Live action doesn’t automatically mean realistic. The sonic movies so far have had fantastical alien worlds, large human cities, tropical islands, and ancient ruins holding magical items. These are all the things that I would consider to be part of Sonic’s world.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
The thing missing is stylisation. I have no problem with the stylised urban areas from Adventure 1 and Unleashed. The problem is meshing the cartoony character of Sonic with real humans in real, boring locations. Even the fantastical areas aren't particularly interesting, the Master Emerald chamber feels very empty and dull. Hidden Palace in Sonic 3 is full of bright purples and blues, with murals and other decor, to create a far more appealing and *stylised* design.
@Rex67Diego9 2 жыл бұрын
cause Sonic is a cartoon biped character, so watching him next to an actual actor just looks terrible, haven't you seen movies like joggy bear, woody woodpecker, the smurf and how all of them look awfull next to actors. same applies here. having humans =/= has to be life action, some of the best animated movies and media in history have human characters as protagonists even same reason why the mario 90s or 80s mario movie didn't work sonic is a stylized biped cartoonish hedgehog that talks.
@MichaelO2000 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rex67Diego9 We've been having CGI characters interact with humans for a while now and it's looked great beyond the cheap kids movies you listed off. Again, live action is different from realistic, fantastical characters have been portrayed in live action for decades.
@MichaelO2000 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman But stylization can exist within live action movies, especially live action/CGI hybrid movies like Sonic. You use the emerald chamber as an example of things feeling dumb, but the entire maze leading up to that area is obviously inspired by Labyrinth Zone, and takes some of the same stylistic elements from that level and adapts it pretty faithfully.
@Rex67Diego9 2 жыл бұрын
​@@MichaelO2000 thats true, but the cgi is used in pro so it can work with humans. when they use actors the CGI is realistic so it can fit when they interact with humans, also they make sure the setting is proper so the cgi can work, something like guardians of the galaxy is an example of this. stylized border line tooney characters look out of place and uncanny next to actors, it looks dreadfull and uncomfortable, and it has never worked unless the movie is in parody territory(and you have to set that up). the sonic movies are the kind of movies that immitate stuff like woody woodpecker, yogi bear, smurfs and thats why its comparable to them and it never works. these are ultra stylized cartoon characters that only work on the setting they were created on, and when you try to adapt them to make them work on a realistic settiing, shit like the original monster design happen, they had to go back and give sonic a more cartoon design, and yet it still looks horrible next to real actors and a realistic world cause thats clearly a fucking cartoon, yet they still made sacrifices to have him fit in a realistic world butchering the perfectly fine and great design of sonic the hedgehog
@flamingoodness4923 2 жыл бұрын
Personally, I really loved the movie, and I disagree with a lot of your points. BUT, that isn’t something that should be taken as a wage for war like everyone else was doing on Twitter, and I’m glad that’s something you pointed out. Criticism is extremely important no matter the topic, even if it is something universally praised. If we don’t criticize sonic 2’s flaws, we won’t get a better product in the future. I completely agree that the pacing was all over the place, and that wedding scene just DRAGGED for no good reason. Also, this movie is gonna be pretty hard for non sonic fans to get into, so thats something I feel needs to be addressed in the future movies. I really like how you don’t turn a blind eye to opinions you have that goes against what everyone else thinks. It’s important to just be blunt sometimes, and one of those “sometimes” is criticism.
@ALtheBoi 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the part when Sonic referenced 'The Winter Soldier', a real deep cut for the real ones out there , if you know, you know 💪 The build up really paid off, everybody stood up and clapped
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
Great film overall!
@mediamuncher6982 2 жыл бұрын
Hi al boi huge fan!
@ALtheBoi 2 жыл бұрын
@@mediamuncher6982 Thanks! 👋
@ThePlayerinBed Жыл бұрын
Lmfao, looks like the Toxic Positivity part of the video aged really well. People are now doing the same thing to the Mario Movie, critics didn't like it, manchildren are saying "the critics hate fun!!!" or "critics are just mad because it's a goofy movie for kids!!!". Imagine getting mad because an individual simply disliked the movie, it's so upsetting.
@TehJellyLord 2 жыл бұрын
I said this on Twitter, but to sum up here: After the initial hype and everything has died down, this video reminded me of the parts of this film that I genuinely didn’t like, which I now realize was basically all of the live action elements. Sonic 2’s good parts (at least to me and probably everyone saying this is a perfect movie) are the game elements, the CG action, and the characterizations of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles (pop culture references withstanding). And now I’m just left thinking that Sonic 2 just dangles the prospect of a proper CG movie series in front of us and just says “no, it has to be live action.” And I agree with your points entirely (obviously other than the fact that I enjoyed the adaptation of the game elements here as well as the action set pieces and the characterizations of the main trio). So I appreciate you for helping me put a finger on my actual thoughts here.
@galten7361 4 ай бұрын
@TehJellyLord Plenty of movies with full animation outsold or rivaled Sonic's movies namely Mario's sooo...
@RetroMagnus761 5 ай бұрын
I really resonate with your "toxic positivity" segment and I wholeheartedly agree. It's really cringe seeing people demonize critics over simply having a different opinion than them while also managing to have the audacity to call them "toxic" and that their opinions "don't matter" when those very criticisms can be thrown back at them for attacking people online for not liking something they themselves like, they can't even see the irony of their own situation. It's sad seeing the internet slowly devolve into a toxic echo chamber filled to the brim with nothing but the same thoughts and opinions and the fact that so many people online (specifically KZbinrs) are encouraging stuff like this worries me to no end.
@ArtHollow 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate how well-spoken and honest you are in this video. You're open with how you feel and your editing is doing a good job of enhancing your script, especially your use of music (and that edit of the "Winter Soldier" clip was hilarious). I am glad to finally see some critiques of Sonic Movie 2. We need criticism in order for these products to keep improving, so keep criticising my man. That said, I completely disagree with most of your opinions in this video. And that's good thing. I adored the movie and I personally think that it was an incredible improvement over Sonic Movie 1 (imperfect as it is). I can't call it perfect, but it's certainly not awful either in my opinion. I can't talk about your views on the community or the backlash to critics since I am not on Twitter enough to see it all, but I can at least say that there are a lot of fans who are engaging maturely with the conversation so it sucks to hear that there are a lot of people NOT being mature. If I may, some criticism with this video in particular: 1.) You are clearly getting your opinions across with this video and you have no intention of insulting/attacking anybody who disagrees. However, you seem to talk down to the fans of this movie and imply things like their standards being lower than yours for liking it quite a but throughout. Be negative, but please also try to be more mindful of these things if they're not intended. If they are, then this criticism doesn't matter much. 2.) You did not seem to really explain or go in-depth with why the movie was so poor in your eyes. You made broad statements like "when he isn't acting like an 8 year old or spouting Marvel references" and provided one (and the only, to my knowledge) example of a Marvel reference in the movie. Another example: "[...] Sonic doing the Adventure pose does nothing to address the bad writing, pacing and action scenes". You make a very strong claim but you do not really back it up. Having references does not make a film's writing bad; I agree with the pacing issues but you didn't explain this stance so those who don't agree have no idea why we think this way; earlier in the video you say that the movie has no engaging or quality action scenes, but you don't explain how the snowboarding, final act or Labyrinth action scene fail as action scenes, so this criticism does not provide any reason for people who disagree to see your viewpoint. 3.) "He looks awful in the movie aesthetic" (in regards to Shadow). Again, you don't explain this at all - you just say "this is bad" and move on. I appreciate that finding footage to use to properly explain it was probably impossible though, so I can't blame you. However, I still think SOME explanation is better than none. 4.) You should never forego suggesting ways to improve the product you are criticising. Saying what is bad with the movie is not very helpful if you do not also provide ideas for making it better, in my opinion. I hope my thoughts here are not unwarranted. Sorry for the titan of a comment. Thanks for this review, I'm looking forward to your future stuff. Also... You comparing the movie to Sonic Unleashed made me so frustrated because I can never disagree with you there! Unleashed's opening is magnificent!
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
This was an well indepth and great comment! I hope no one comes after you for being "toxic positivity".... Seriously now everyone are using that argument to disprove everyone who genuinely likes the film or criticize others who disagrees with them.
@ArtHollow 2 жыл бұрын
@@Supermariorpg6 I appreciate the kind words. Thank you! I personally encourage anyone who wants to respond to my comment to do so. I enjoy discussion and if anyone sees my comment as toxic positivity, I would be happy to hear why. Accusing praise of Sonic Movie 2 of being toxic positivity is 100% unfair, just like accusing any criticism of being toxic negativity or hate is. If we don't praise what we like and criticise what we dislike, we'll never get better products that more accurately reflect our desires. Also thank you for reading my original comment. That must have taken quite a while.
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
@@ArtHollow You basically spoke my mind.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for enjoying the video and being constructive about your feedback. I needed to keep the video brief, and I barely had any footage to work with, so describing entire action scenes in detail, or the design of Shadow, is not something I could do in-depth (as you already said). I mentioned Shadow's muppet-mouth at the very least, I think his face just looked really dopey sitting in that tube. I also don't think that references make the movie bad, quite the opposite. I said that adding surface-level references does nothing to *fix* the existing bad writing. I explain how I think the humour is bad, the pace/structure is bad, certain elements don't make sense, etc. That all traces back to the script, at the end of the day. My suggestion to improve the films was to not have them be in live-action. Be more faithful, more stylistic, stop with the awful reference humour, have a better soundtrack. I understand what you're saying about suggesting improvements, and I think I already did enough on that front. I can't be expected to pitch an entire movie on the spot to fix this one, that's not my job. I'm here to critique what actually exists. I don't believe I made a single comment insulting the fans of this film. Some of my best friends really enjoyed it. The only people I have called out are those defending the film because they've attached their ego and personality onto it, which is incredibly dumb. I should clarify that the "Marvel references" thing is more of a catch-all to describe any cringe pop-culture stuff that Sonic says, even if it isn't explicitly Marvel. There are references (across both films) to Batman, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Fast and the Furious, etc. which all feel so out of place. It's also a dumb Marvel thing to have quippy reference dialogue. I could have made that clearer, but I think most people understand that I don't like *any* of the references, not *just* Marvel ones.
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman Great another good comment from our lord.
@EnderElectrics 2 жыл бұрын
This whole review is so based, especially the whole "toxic positivity" section of the video. Thank you so much for staying grounded and sharing your OWN opinions.
@kirbystarwarior 2 жыл бұрын
Totally misread that as "biased" for a second, lol
@fightingmedialounge519 2 жыл бұрын
Wouldn't really call it based.
@kingj9664 Жыл бұрын
@@kirbystarwarior Bias would probably fit it better though
@CleaveTheDragon 2 жыл бұрын
I personally feel Tails was handled pretty badly. I don't really care about who's voicing him or how he looks, but his character is inserted into the film so bluntly. "Oh hey sonic! I have been watching you this ENTIRE TIME, even watching you bathe (this makes him sound like a freak but I guess sonic doesn't care?) and I'm here to tell you the WHOLE PLOT OF THE MOVIE. Yeh I'm called Tails cause of my two tails! Ha ha! What a SONIC thing to say!!" He has barely any arc to speak of (seems shy at dancing, then does it, and goes from liking sonic to.... still liking sonic). There's no real dynamic or anything that's actually built up. He's just Tails From The Video Games and now he's in the Movie. It feels like a missed opportunity since that whole younger/older brother dynamic they could have been pretty endearing but they decide to go with Tails The Plot Device Inventor Who Can Make Universal Translators And Fucking Holograms. Knuckles feels more naturally developed in comparison, though I really don't get why people kept saying "they finally redeemed him". The movie is still depicting him as an idiot (I know specifically that it's just an out of touch cause of some tribe thing, but that's still the movie playing his lack of social awareness for comical effect, not tragic), and now that he's not a rival he's just going to go back to being comic relief while Shadow takes over his role. Again.
@pickledgarf 2 жыл бұрын
TelekinesticMan’s production quality and script writing is great. I always assumed he had at least 200k
@Nativefall 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, the toxic positivity, is just the sonic fandom in general. Being a sonic fan for my entire life. Put sonics face on anything and they will buy it. It’s just how it is.
@Squishito 2 жыл бұрын
Seriously, it's an actual issue. People immediately think of negative and cynical opinions when thinking of Sonic fans, but that's usually just with the niche older hardcore ones (aka the people that really would not like the movies, like me and presumably TelekinesticMan from what I've seen). It used to be mostly classic fans, but now adventure era fans have gotten old enough to join the adult realism disappointment party. But they are actually the minority, the vast majority are the vapid kind of fans that just thrive on hype and new stuff, them and children. These people are totally the toxic kind of positive, it's why the 2010s game got as bad as they did. It's why Colors got so much praise and why Sonic Team keeps putting "nostalgia" shit in the games. Because these nuts would rave about how perfect new stuff is even when it's pretty mediocre, they would lap up bare references just for being there instead of quality. Obviously there's a lot of parallels here with the movies reception. When Sonic Forces was about to be released, there were the same kind of people always around when you spoke of that game. I had people threatening my life for just suggesting the game looked linear and worrying in trailers and gameplay footage, that's how aggressive they were. It was like a cult, I couldn't believe it. Now the opinion on Forces many years in is one of disdain and disappointment, but back then before it came out it was as toxic as it got. It's basically how these movie people are acting, vapid non fans huffing hype fumes desperately wanting the next big accessible thing to be "hype" and mobbing anyone who even suggests otherwise. It's bizarre the two sides to this fanbase, we really have it all when it comes to insane shit.
@fightingmedialounge519 2 жыл бұрын
I'd probably use aggressive entitlement instead of toxic positivity.
@lazedreamor2318 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, the fandom suffers from being too excusable of things, even the games themselves to the point of even disregarding Sonic's whole deal of being fast and fluid to put the old classic games on a pedestal.
@creed1765 2 жыл бұрын
What a great review and made me think about certain things and standards when it comes to this stuff, nice job. Really love your stuff.
@BranFlaixx 2 жыл бұрын
Fair enough, man! I was surprised to enjoy the movie as much as I did. I was quite impressed by the action setpieces and finale, and I think the thematic/emotional core of the film was pretty solid for a Sonic story, but I completely agree with you about just how detrimental its low points were. The series is only holding itself back by staying shackled to this live-action style, and it's disappointing to see it continue this way. You're also doing God's work by calling out the collective fandom for their embarrassingly immature behavior. I always look forward to those kinds of segments in your videos.
@cloudshines812 Жыл бұрын
Sonic 2 had a mushroom planet location which is what I expect from a Sonic game and its a totally different planet. I also wasn’t opposed to the fact that Ice Cap and Labyrinth Zone were set in the real world… but I agree, the following films should lean more towards out of this world and fantasy settings. Not doing what Marvel’s doing by staying on Earth and all the new locations are ugly CGI backgrounds. I mean, the temples were legit sets so full on worlds aren’t impossible
@galten7361 4 ай бұрын
@@cloudshines812 The comics legit had Zones from the games with their iconography show up in other planes/realms/whatever. Which is not a point in the movies' defense since it shows that the movie makers have no real wish to show Sonic's world and are going to keep places like Marble Zone in expanded universe rather than the films since it's both cheaper and they still don't have any confidence in Sonic's World.
@Soniman001 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so weird people think jokes and one liners were like….created by marvel? Like they invented the concept of comedy in film
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
Marvel and other Disney products have popularised a certain style of quippy, self-aware, reference-focused "comedy" in the mainstream, and many, many films are following suit. It's a successful formula, I don't know why, so now everyone is doing it.
@Nativefall 2 жыл бұрын
What confuses me the most, at the end. Knuckles started to look like an idiot and started to talk like “Starfire” all of a sudden….me and my friends got confused af Also that super sonic climax indeed, could of been WAYYY better
@lightgivemepower6425 2 жыл бұрын
That's mainly do to the fact that he's not too familiar with things outside what he has been through his entire life since he was raised as a warrior. There's a difference between someone who's a bit naive and doesn't know much about the world and some one who's an idiot... And I feel like it flew over some people's heads.
@Nativefall 2 жыл бұрын
@@lightgivemepower6425 no no, that’s not what i mean. He talks normally then at the end he starts saying “the” after every verb
@lightgivemepower6425 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nativefall oh, I don't know.
@Nativefall 2 жыл бұрын
@@lightgivemepower6425 same here lol
@icecoldbluesonic Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO'S PASSIONATELY CRITICAL ABOUT SONIC! I legit thought I was crazy, but I'm glad to see at least some people can agree. In my opinion Sonic 2 kinda aged badly and I don't find it as good as I did
@telekinesticman Жыл бұрын
I haven't watched it since making this video, just like how I haven't watched the first movie since I covered it in my Sonic 2021 video. I have no interest in ever watching these movies again, they're just nothing to me. I doubt I'll be seeing the 3rd one or the Knuckles show, just like how I haven't bothered with much of Sonic Prime either.
@CometX-ing 2 жыл бұрын
Fans of the movie unironically cannot level any serious criticism as this movie. I can assure you had you not made it clear that you are a fan of Sonic that people would have jumped on you due to that just like they did Arlo. The success of this movie has made it virtually untouchable in the eyes of many its fans. The only time I have seen peoples not get upset over criticism is if its in a review that is generally positive. Like if you’re opinion on the film isn’t mostly positive then it’s apparently just a bad one.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
I've also seen people get upset that I began the video with the "I am a huge Sonic fan" part, because they thought it was me making an excuse for wanting to dump on Sonic. It's ridiculous, I was clearly saying that at the beginning to make it clear that I'm not just some anti-Sonic guy. Imagine how much worse the response would have been if I didn't include an introduction like that. I can't win here, people will find a reason to get mad about the video regardless, saying it's a bad review simply because I said the movie wasn't good.
@JmrUltra 2 жыл бұрын
This is before watching the video, and I’ll try my best to avoid talking about spoilers in anyway possible. So my thoughts on Sonic Movie 2, I admittedly thought it was disappointing. Now admittedly there were improvements from the first film and things I genuinely liked from this film, the CGI looked incredible for this movie, I liked how it incorporated more elements from the games, the references were really cool to see in action, the action scenes themselves were really cool, probably my favorite part of the movie, some of the jokes (not all of them) I thought were pretty funny. I liked the main trio’s dynamite kinda develops as the film goes on, and the performances of all the characters are pretty good here as well. I also do like some of the ideas introduced here, like Knuckles not being the guardian of the Master Emblem, and actually knowing his tribe before it was taken away from him. Ideas like that, I thought were really interesting to me as a fan of this series. So now here are some of my personal issues with the film, some of the aspects of the first film I personally had problems with, mainly the pop culture references and the toilet jokes, I felt like were somewhat doubled here. I felt like the relationship between Sonic and Tails could have been built up a little better, the moment Tails saves Sonic from Eggman and Knuckles, they are immediately friends, and also Tails keeps mentioning only Sonic the Hedgehog could do this, which I thought didn’t make sense given they had just met each other, despite it being stated he’s watched Sonic throughout the entire first film. Some of the music choices, were weird to say the very least, like the first scene we see with Sonic, didn’t really fit for me personally, I would’ve personally preferred an original rock and roll tune playing as Sonic was trying to stop the robbery. And last, the wedding subplot, I kinda felt like interrupted the flow of the main plot, I get they had to include the human characters somehow, and admittedly I like Tom and Maddie, but I don’t know I felt like that could have been handled better. Overall, I did enjoy this movie, but sometimes it felt like it was taking a step back in some areas while taking a step forward in other areas. I guess I was just hoping from this film’s build up from release, that it would improve upon the things that needed to be improved from that perspective. But that’s just my opinion on it and if you disagree with me, I completely respect everyone’s opinion. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the movie TelekinesticMan.
@galten7361 4 ай бұрын
@JmrUltra It's just a furry cape flick.
@sonicalpha121 2 жыл бұрын
I fully respect your opinion. I really enjoyed this film (minus the wedding scene and Sonic's constant quips about Marvel films etc.) I loved the action scenes, the growing synergy between the classic trio, as well as the film establishing its own lore (with the Owls and Echidna tribe). I agree with the issue of the lack of music from the games (the few tracks I remember is the Sega logo intro and the Green Hill piano remix from the first movie) and the problem of the film being live action. I hope Sonic 3 will be the film series finale, I don't want the "Sonic cinematic universe" to be milked to death but its gonna happen anyway cuz money.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
I hope that after Sonic 3 they just stop making *these* movies, and switch gears to a fully animated production instead. If it had still been with Sony, they could have given it to their animation division responsible for Spiderverse and Mitchells.
@emanuelhernandez4519 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman I don't think so as long as they keep making money not going to happen Andy already confirmed they are making a Cinematic Universe
@galten7361 4 ай бұрын
@@emanuelhernandez4519 So more mediocre to worse stuff then.
@najibosman6497 2 жыл бұрын
15:11 the sprite work looks so good but I definitely agree that classic sonic looks so wrong with blue arms
@sweetpea644 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree with your section on toxic positivity, even if I did really enjoy the film as a Sonic fan. Even before it came out, the community's banter comes across like people making excuses for elements it falters in. The wedding, dance battle and jokes were hard to sit through, which always pains me. However, I would love for the third one to improve on the first two. I can only hope they fully embrace the stuff people like.
@humanofearth5178 2 жыл бұрын
Hello! I watched your video and if you find ever find this comment I hope you read it. as much as I love the second movie I understand and fully and deeply respect your opinions over all your entire video just it just got me rethinking everything. I really liked your thought because it was different then others. Instead of putting biased opinions other points that don't stand out that much. You gave a huge reason why you don't like them and this made it stand out. I believe you are correct.. I personally agree with everything you discussed in the video. not because i'm biased but because your points were different from other reviews. I personally don't take different opinions deeply. For I think criticism or different opinions is a new way to find ideas and knowledgeable points or facts that can help someone comprehend their own thought or opinions understandable. I deeply give you great respect. I believe that people should make something unique and different. And people who watched the movie not blindly criticize because it's sonic. I know that people right now just don't understand what is important. I love sonic.. and believe that they should have treated him with respect rather then pretending. overall your video was good. And I truly give you my respect. Thank you for sharing what you believe. I think we need more people like you. I hope you have a great day. also I enjoyed your take on the sonic review.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@galacticspecter4364 2 жыл бұрын
going into the black hole that is sonic twitter will only drive you mad. remember this is a series who's primary audience are children so you're gonna run into children making surface level arguments on social media for twitter clout.
@Squishito 2 жыл бұрын
Children and adult idiots from what I've gathered. Some of the most irritating people to talk with I've ever met, aside from Pokemon fans. They argue like children when presented with points and have tantrums when challenged, it's infuriating. Twitter compounds the issue, would recommend to run as far as possible from that nightmare lol. But for every angry idiot child in the Sonic fanbase, there's a really cool guy who makes cool things, so I can never manage to cut off and give up hope. Maybe it's a vocal minority thing, I don't know. Does make me ashamed to call myself a Sonic fan though, if this is the association.
@The_Last_Pac 2 жыл бұрын
Spoiler warning: Personally the 2nd film was better overall, but i feel like you missed the part where its sonic, in OUR world. That seems to be the huge part you missed, atleast with the first film, i was hoping this film would go into more worlds like maybe go back to green hill. But kudos to the first film with its climax, as i personally saw the whole taught to run away than he fights, completely destroying eggman, is the pinacle of a build up, not to mention the first film involved more world hopping and it was just great overall, i agree that the climax was more OMG SUPA SOINC but with that dance speed i felt the point is sonic really doesn't go out much so it felr in character of this younger, naive sonic to dance instead of being like ye, lets get da map, because hes a kid who wants fun, plus to build up to imo the real climax in the moment sonic and knuckles fight in the emerald ruins. But yea, personally i wanted the first film to be in the same style as the opening to sonic unleashed and that to carry over to the second film, but i personally loved it for what it is and not what i wanted it to be. Its ment to portray a young sonic whos untrained, and hasn't found himself. Many references to games and i felt the animation was made with love and care but the plot yea that is debatable.
@galten7361 4 ай бұрын
@The_Last_Pac Oh sure I totally think of Small Town America when I think of Sonic.
@typreegamingtpg2198 2 жыл бұрын
something i haven’t seen anyone bring up yet is the way that alot of cgi character shots in this movie are often weirdly zoomed in on their upper bodies or faces maybe this is just something only i have a problem with, but it makes it feel claustrophobic and like no one has room to breathe gave me a hard time understanding the space that they’re in
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
This is a very valid point, and something I may have brought up myself if the film had a home release already.
@mediamuncher6982 2 жыл бұрын
I noticed that too. But I think it works for the movie in my opinion. It surprisingly looks good.
@waypastcoolkid 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry but I will have to mostly disagree with most of your takes. The first Sonic movie was the movie they needed to make…this is the movie they WANTED to make, and you can FEEL it. Sonic the Hedgehog 2’s goal is to have something for everyone, just like what Sonic as a franchise always does. Sonic 2 does what they did with Sonic Adventure and you feel that here. It has something for the die hard Sonic fans, it has something for the moms, it has something for the dads, it has something for the wives, it has something for the girlfriends, it has something for kids, something for folks who are just in it for the memes, and even for lonely, cynical men. It’s the cheesy 90’s movie I always wanted and I’m happy to have it. The movie is honestly a lot better through a second viewing with this mindset. After all, isn’t the very nature of Sonic to get better on repeat playthroughs? Sonic is rarely super fun for first timers. They go in not knowing what to expect and get hit with traps and snags. But when you go in the second time around, you know what to expect, all the while looking forward to the set pieces and scenes you remember liking. My fiancée isn’t a Sonic fan but she REALLY liked this movie. So much so, she willingly went to go see it twice with me. We had an hour long conversation about it and all of our favourite scenes and characterisations. Everything that Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Robotnik do and say are in line with what their in-game (or in-show) counterparts would do. Dozens of Easter eggs for fans, action for the average movie goer, jokes that will at least make 2 people in the theatres, if not the whole auditorium, and whole lot of passion and heart. It’s so much fun, and if you just live and learn while you open your heart, you’ll have a Sonic Boom of a time. This is my new comfort movie and I hope that anyone who watches it has a smile on their face leaving the theatre. Bring a Sonic fan too. And remember, try to have a good time! (PS: I will agree with you about the music though)
@Squishito 2 жыл бұрын
"Everything that Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Robotnik do and say are in line with what their in-game (or in-show) counterparts would do." That is simply baffling to me and absolutely not true, especially as you even mentioned "show" when there's like piles of shows with completely different takes on the characters. What "show" are you even talking about? Because he's nothing like the multiple versions of him from the several shows either. He's not even Boom Sonic. When's the last time you actually played a Sonic game or payed attention to the plot, because I think you're mistaken. Sonic in his movie portrayal, I will tell you this now, is literally the exact opposite of his game self. Down to his values and ideals, it's ironically in direct contradiction with actual Sonic from the games. Not even exaggerating, and trust me, I know this shit autistically back to front. I have no idea what you're comparing that to and it's basically not true at all. Eggman is also off, Knuckles and Tails are pretty bad. They're mostly sloppy and inaccurate portrayals for the purpose of making it a generic family movie, with not too much love gone into actually putting the real characters to film. I'm pretty sure I'm qualified enough to say that too. I was extra disappointed with how they basically didn't give a shit and made Sonic a completely different character. He's my favorite, and his character is an interesting one without a relatable arc, that basically most Sonic fans don't really get because of how poorly he's been portrayed in weird adaptations always made for the brand. He's a genuinely cool and interesting protagonist in the games, there isn't much like him out there as far as game protagonists go, and literally none of it's in the movie because "Fortnite kid loser who gets adopted by his dad" is easier to sell to the child audience. The passion you see in the movie, I simply don't see it at all. Seems like hollow Marvel movie tier references pandering to an audience they look down on while throwing as much "hip" references in as possible to essentially jingle keys at a stupid baby. And it worked. It's insulting, irritating, pathetic and it's obvious why many people would hate it. Also, I have to mention it, but the corny advertising nature of this comment and all the weird Sonic references is like your Paramount's PR guy or something and your pushing a sale on the dude who made the video, like a religious converter. It's like... Too much. It's how people often seem to react when people don't like these movies, like they committed some cardinal sin and must be shown the light. It's freaking me out. He just didn't like it, you did, whatever.
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
@@Squishito I'm getting from these comments. If your negative than your being unfair but if your positive than your looking away from the flaws. What has happened to being perfectly balanced? Both cynicism and positivity. IDK it's like you guys can't do both, it's depressing.
@popocornpo1833 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been genuinely baffled by the extremely positive reception the movie has been getting. It was just as much of a soulless, boring corporate film as the first, just with more surface-level sonic references to pander to the fanbase. The marketing team did a good job tho, the trailers made the movie look actually pretty fun
@lightgivemepower6425 2 жыл бұрын
Umm.... No?
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
What..? The film is the opposite of soulless.
@Squishito 2 жыл бұрын
The "soulless" stuff is super successful though. Look at the Marvel movie franchise, this is the equivalent of that. People love that shit, they'll sit in their seats drooling and clapping for it. That's why the horde defend it so much and so aggressively, same thing with those movies. Paramount knows their target, and they hit the bullseye. Honestly looking at this shit makes me almost soften my opinion on the current 2010s era of Sonic. I thought _that_ was soulless, I hadn't seen nothin yet lol. I guess I have to apologize to Takashi Iizuka, fucking anything is better than this.
@lightgivemepower6425 2 жыл бұрын
@@Squishito I mean... It doesn't really mean that the 2010s era isn't soulless any more.
@Eminster 2 жыл бұрын
How is it soulless
@makito106 2 ай бұрын
13:30 I agree with most of the video except super Eggman. I love the emeralds giving everyone super powers instead of just being a battery.
@naniyotaka Жыл бұрын
Sonic fans (with the movies): We don’t want serious stories and it’s for kids Also Sonic fans (with the games): We want serious stories and don’t make them just for kids
@oceanpaisley8260 2 жыл бұрын
18:15 While I get that you didn’t like the movie, going to see the movie just to cement how much you dislike the movie, doesn’t quite sit right with me. Seeing a movie you don’t like to look for all the things you don’t like, seems like a terrible time for you that I feel would be fairly unproductive
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
If I didn't see the movie, people would have told me I wasn't allowed to dislike it. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
@oceanpaisley8260 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman Fair enough. I guess that if I was in your shoes where I didn’t like a movie very much, I wouldn’t watch it again. But I guess that I’m not making videos critiquing a movie
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
@@oceanpaisley8260 oh I've only seen Sonic movie 2 one time, that was so I could talk about it for this video. I wouldn't have known for sure if I disliked it had I not watched it. I haven't gone back to the movie at all since it came out, I totally agree that it's a waste of time to watch stuff you don't enjoy. I have a few slight exceptions where I still feel like I want to see how badly they continue to ruin something, like the Jurassic Park movies, but in those instances I absolutely try to avoid supporting them financially so they don't get the wrong message.
@maximoomega3691 2 жыл бұрын
" I don't like that Sonics arms are blue" Chris Chan the telekinetic man.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
Right, because as I said in the video, we're not allowed to criticise anything about the designs because they don't matter, do they?
@maximoomega3691 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman it was a joke sorry for not making it clear.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
All good. I suppose I was already expecting to hear the "Chris Chan" remark to dismiss my criticisms so I assumed it was hostile.
@maximoomega3691 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman alright well either way I'm sorry and I hope you have a good night or day depending on where you live.
@mediamuncher6982 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman I know right. Why do people always bring that up when someone criticizes the movie designs.
@runningwithscissors8612 2 жыл бұрын
I feel validated. As much I wanted this movie to be amazing, I can’t get past how juvenile the writing felt at points. The script definitely needed more time in the oven
@DinoKaiju1227 2 жыл бұрын
I understand where you are coming from, but i strongly disagree with this review. I stay by the opinion that it's the best video game movie, and that these might be the best versions of the characters, especially Knuckles. That's just me though, we all have different opinions.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that Knuckles is mostly great!
@mediamuncher6982 2 жыл бұрын
(I like the toxic positivity part of the video) but I kindly disagree on some of your points but! I respect your opinion man. I will admit some points in the movie are kinda eh but overall I liked the movie as a whole 9/10. Btw I don't think they stated that knuckles lives with them. I think knuckles will stay for a little while and have fun and then go back to sonic's world. Tails will mostly likely stay there tho but I don't mind the idea I actually like it. But anyway I respect your opinion and your points. Your opinion are just vailed as mines and yours. I feel like some people seem to forget that people are different and don't have to like what you like you know.
@mediamuncher6982 2 жыл бұрын
Btw I love your content man keep up the great work dude! And nice video :)
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate hearing your thoughts in a respectful manner. Thank you for setting a good example for other people, and for the kind words.
@mediamuncher6982 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman no problem dude stay awesome.
@TheRetroCount 2 жыл бұрын
I can't believe this guy hate's everything!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
Man, your such a toxic person for coming to this conclusion m
@mediamuncher6982 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah this guy is a poo poo head.... iM uNsUbScRiBiNg because he has a different opinion that's from mine that's blastfume.
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
One more thing to add. I'm going to gush about this film. People can just like a movie, simple as that. I have some issues for the film, but those flaws aren't going to overshadowed my overall enjoyment and love for the film. I love the family aspect of the film. Tom, Maddie and Sonic's relationship was legitimately my favorite part for the film and the moments with them together always had me felt a bit emotional. I've never had an issue with the humans because I always enjoyed seeing them and I grew attached for them because of the first film (Doesn't help that I watch the first film almost religiously) Another thing, I love Knuckles and Tails in this film . I even teared up at the scene where Tails covered his Tails' around Sonic like a blanket was the ultimate brotherly moment that I always wanted from them for YEARS. Knuckles freaking amazing in this too, I really enjoyed his interpretation in this film only because he isn't a complete dumbass anymore but far more confident. And that ending, I never felt so much emotions when Sonic first referred Tom as "Dad" literally got me, to me I really grew attached to this version of Sonic man. Legit my only flaw of this film is just lacks more action scenes and locations because I felt the movie just flew by too fast. Listen okay, I get it man. It's annoying when people rag on critics, but you also got to realize that it's also okay to criticize points you personally don't agree on. It isn't just toxic positivity, people just need to be more open to make better counter arguments on things like these. My favorite film of all time is Donnie Darko, but this film is below it because I've been waiting for this film since I was a child and it succeed my expectations. I wanted a live action Sonic film because I grew up with the Adventure games, so it always made sense to me who grew up with those games to see Sonic run around a more realistic world. What Sonic Movie 3 is hinting, they might even be more faithful towards those games. Listen man while I disagree with your video, it taught me of how I should express why I like this movie.
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
Yes there's a lot of error but texting is hard.
@seematahir5970 2 жыл бұрын
@@Supermariorpg6 What's that supposed to mean?
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
@@seematahir5970 It's not supposed to mean anything? I'm just gushing about the film. If you have an issue about it than just ignore me dingus
@galten7361 4 ай бұрын
@@Supermariorpg6 I don't remember game Sonic caring about responsibility or letting cops tell him what to do or live in Small Town America rather than run around up beating up tycoons.
@ace1820 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the review, really touches on a lot of the issues I have with the movie sonic stuff. Keep it up
@m3nmin 2 жыл бұрын
Sonic fans are so traumatized from the way gaming critics have treated the series that they will defend everything to try and stay out of the water.
@F10-v3r 2 жыл бұрын
All Sonic games are quite shite but at least the films are good. 💙
@amandarecurdez2205 2 жыл бұрын
Wha? I get the recent games ain't good but no way you think ALL SONIC GAMES ARE BAD
@F10-v3r 2 жыл бұрын
@@amandarecurdez2205 all of them are crap.
@ahhhhfreddyfazbearsgonnaki840 2 жыл бұрын
@reginaldsdwoong6311 2 жыл бұрын
Likewise. Not to be a debby-downer, but it's quite... laughable that anyone would think that the games have any... "quality" to them. Haha. Lol.
@jilliandiamond1875 2 жыл бұрын
Based lol sonic games are bad
@ImPhynsa 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the movie but your take was interesting, so gave it a like.
@bintasenghore4782 2 жыл бұрын
Knuckles isn't a meat head of that time when he didn't understand fun he's been kept in isolation he's been training for all his childhood
@75JUNAKI 2 жыл бұрын
Edited to expand upon my comment: Personally I like the film when I watched it in 4/8/2022. I actually enjoyed all aspect’s of this film because I’m not critical and a bit easy to please, thinking of how I enjoyed all gameplay style’s of S.A.2. I can understand your opinion on this film, you make point’s while I don’t exactly agree with, just understand what your talking about. This film to me does feel like other live-action C.G.I film’s.
@OtakuNewsSource 2 жыл бұрын
Watched your video last night but couldn't comment until this morning. I got nothing super deep to say; just casual thoughts. I really loved the film and think it's probably the best video game to movie adaptation ever (that I've seen at least), but I completely see where you're coming from with your dislike for the writing, plot, and other things. I think a big part of everything is that...I've just come to accept this movie and alternate universe Sonic for what it is, and while it's not my favorite interpretation of Sonic's world (far from it), but I don't think it's too bad. I would much rather have an animated Sonic movie over a live action hybrid any day of the week. Think it sucks we're stuck with live action hybrid, but I've surprisingly found this to be good enough. I like the designs, and the humans and characters interactions doesn't feel jarring to me. It took me a bit to warm up to Movie Sonic's character since he's so different than the video game character I idolize, but I also get that everyone's interpretations are different. This version of Sonic is a hero starting from 0 and working his way up to 100. I feel like majority of Sonic's (Game, Archie, IDW, Boom, OVA, etc) have a good grasp of their powers and status in the world, but Movie Sonic is the complete opposite. It was a bit off putting at first (esp with his very childish demeanor). Call it massive copium (because it is), but I still hope that the movie writers are pulling a MCU Spider-Man where Peter Parker (Tom Holland) learns to grow up between each film (Homecoming, Far From Home, and No Way Home) and finally starts to feel like the Spider-Man hardcore fans know and love. We see this with Robotnik's design going growing the iconic mustache, to wearing similar-ish clothes like the game version (and I guess the few Badniks/machines created like Death Egg Robot), and hopefully fat belly Eggman in the third movie. Hoping Sonic follows a similar pattern where in the 3rd movie he's...more like game Sonic with better jokes, cooler style, and possibly wanting to be free from Green Hills town and wanting to explore the world with Tails. But again, massive copium. The human characters are ok... I don't find them as boring as the Sonic X ones. I feel like they at least give me some laughs. I'm just still holding out hope that Paramount decides to drop the humans entirely in the future and focus strictly on the game characters. I think Sonic being in our world can be executed well, but only for a limited time until it grows stale, and I think it has already hit that point. I get it, there's humans technically in Sonic's universe, but the thing is that he's always on the move. Always seeking an adventure and searching for something new. You can have humans with Sonic, but him living with them as a family is the point where you tie his character down and it starts to grow stale. I think if he stayed with them for the first movie, then the end of the second movie is when he left with Tails and Knuckles to go back to his real home, things would have been much better. Now the third movie is bringing in Shadow (and has G.U.N.), so now it's like, yeah, we're forced to stay here another film because SA2's plot largely revolves around the real world. I uhh... like the comedy. Yeah. Not much to say there. There could be better jokes instead of all the pop culture references, but I'll admit that I'm a sucker for those types of references (though it can get too much like The Rock and Vin Diesel comment). Will say that Jim Carrery is my favorite action of all-time, so him playing my favorite villain in all of fiction still feels unreal to me. I feel like this is one of my favorite versions of Eggman ever. Same can be applied to Tails. I don't want to say that for Knuckles just yet because we all know how his character went in the games, and I feel you could almost see that happening in the movies once he became more friendly. I want to see what they'll do with his character moving forward first, but I did like him here for the most part. But ultimately, I like the film. A lot. Seen it twice, plan on seeing it more times. The second act of the film is pretty uneven, but I think there's more positives that outweigh it (and idk, I liked the dance off fight and thought it was good, but it was really the wedding stuff that was a mixed bag and overstayed its welcome). Will say that the third act is absolutely great with Sonic vs Knuckles, Team Sonic, and Super Sonic. It felt like a glimpse at the real Sonic movie I would have preferred, but ah well. I'm chilling.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your opinion without being part of the Sonic Movie Defence Squad! I see the point about Sonic growing up as the movies go along, but I still think it's far too slow of a build-up, and I'd prefer he started in a more likable place, rather than having to wait three entire films to see him finally become Sonic.
@austenpowers9940 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly thought we were gonna get sonic going back to green hill and have the footage of him from the new design trailer
@reginaldsdwoong6311 2 жыл бұрын
Imma be real with you chief.... Every single sonic game I've played has been a mess. That includes Mania. The concept of a platform mascot that can run very fast is inherently flawed game design and is why absolutely none of the Sonic games work. Yes, that includes the Adventure titles and classics. (Which I've played. All of them are bad). The films, however, know the games are bad and flawed and uses those flaws to enhance the experience and bring growth to the characters that the games never did. From the character designs (mono-eye and peach arms are just atrocious character design in general) to the story (fixes the issues with Adventure 1's horrific storytelling and water-monster nonsense) the films are a shining example of how to make fun of yourself; but also prove that sometimes movies are just better than video games.🤷‍♂️
@Slimthe6th 2 жыл бұрын
everything you said was so far from the truth that it actually hurts.
@jilliandiamond1875 2 жыл бұрын
Freaking truth
@reginaldsdwoong6311 2 жыл бұрын
@@Slimthe6th I disagree. I disagree, friend.
@Slimthe6th 2 жыл бұрын
@@reginaldsdwoong6311 Of course you disagree.😒 And don't call me your friend.
@reginaldsdwoong6311 2 жыл бұрын
@@Slimthe6th I do what I please.
@The0ptimus 2 жыл бұрын
I really respect your bit on toxic positivity, nice work man!
@Weeksmistro 2 жыл бұрын
Hey TelekinesticMan, I’m curious as to what type of experience were you expecting to have in a Sonic movie? I find it very hard to believe that a ‘huge’ Sonic fan would “not laugh or smile” at least once at this movie. I personally give this movie a 5/10 - not good. (For most of the same reasons you pointed out). However, I definitely smiled a little (Tails friendship, Sonic levels/gameplay homages, etc.) and a laughed a little (Knuckle’s personality). I guess since I knew this was a family movie, I was prepared for the dumb jokes and bad writing so that it wouldn’t completely ruin my experience with the movie. I hope that you are not (unintentionally) trying to over correct the hyper positive reviews this movie is getting by being over-critical. Then again, this is the first video I saw of your channel so maybe you have the same standards for all movies.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
I was never expecting to love it or even like it that much, but a friend of mine had seen it the day before I did and said he actually thought it was alright. That raised my expectations somewhat, and I was hoping for at least a somewhat entertaining experience with some of my favourite characters, but I never really got that. Maybe I'd enjoy it slightly more on a rewatch, but I refuse to pay another cent on this film. I genuinely did not laugh or smile once, other than laughing at dumb stuff like how awful Shadow looked in the post-credits scene. For comparison, I don't think I've ever laughed as frequently in a theatre compared to when I first saw The LEGO Movie. I'm usually a very quiet audience member, I don't talk or make noise, and if I do laugh it's normally pretty quiet, but that movie kept hitting me with good jokes. It's a great example of what I think a "fun" movie should be.
@thischannelhasbeenabandoned420 10 ай бұрын
Thank you! Theres some solid information in these videos that are just lost on too many people. The way people talk about Rotten Tomatoes and it's critic scores is baffling and doesn't reflect how the website actually works. I may be very critical of the Sonic series, but its because I genuinely want to see it become a titan of the gaming industry akin to Mario. It has come close many times, but SEGA's refusual to give the devs time, Sonic Team's refusal to stick to a formula and build upon it for future entries, and the general sense of an overall lack of quality control have really prevented this series from reaching the heights it can and should reach. In an ideal timeline, Sonic's marketing, design, and universe would've been consistent in both Japan and America in the start. SOJ would've been more hands-on with how Sonic was represented in America, so stuff like SatAM and Archie wouldn't have poisoned the well for decades. They wouldve had a similar attitude to Shigeru Miyamoto when it comes to quality control, and would be more strict with how Sonic is handled as a brand, while still having tons of personality and style to make it Mario's main rival and an icon in gaming.
@parukosleepy 2 жыл бұрын
i semi agree. i feel like this movie wasnt super horrendous, it was mostly just fine. im not a super huge sonic fan these days but this movie could have been a lot better if they give the script like 3 more rewrites lol. the characterization of the actual sonic characters is mostly good, but the lines are mostly horrendous, with shitty references and jim carrey gets just fucking infuriating later on the film. i think this movie was just trying to turn up everything from the first movie up to 11, including the bad parts like the shitty may may references and other junk. i really hope they clean up this shit for the third movie because this movie was like a 5-6/10 tbh
@fightingmedialounge519 2 жыл бұрын
0:39 considering some the other pitches for a sonic movie, this was probably one of the more reasonable premises to go with.
@ehabseifo1407 2 жыл бұрын
Just one question: what are ur thoughts on sonic prime so far. In my opinion it's the only product from the 30th anniversary where I am confident that is gonna be good
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately I don't care for it so far, the animation is inconsistent and the voice acting sucks. Hopefully it turns out alright, but I don't think it will.
@ehabseifo1407 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman I can see why you think like that... I was personally disappointed with the voice of sonic because it sounded exactly like roger. But I just want it to do something positive to the franchise even if it isn't for me
@Lukz243 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't know you had a youtube channel. Good stuff! Gonna subscribe now
@JtMz-e8v 3 ай бұрын
i know this is old and no one is gonna see this comment but the reason why sonic does not use his powers in certain moments (at least to my knowledge) is because they were going off meta era sonic and meta era sonic likes to hold back alot as he says "an adventure`s no fun if its too easy" and also when going against time eater he had the chaos emeralds on him and could of used them as soon as he saw the threat but instead waited till the last moment to get a power boost just like in the movies
@demontropolis7742 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who enjoyed the film very much, this was such an interesting review to watch, considering that the primary opinion comes from a die-hard Sonic fan who ultimately didn’t like the movies and had his own take to share. Btw I loved that Fakery Way music syncing up with the “the movie isn’t supposed to be good” summary!
@TheJadeFist 2 жыл бұрын
I don't get how tails could suddenly dance simply by playing Uptown Funk when he was tripping all over himself 10 seconds earlier, although I'll defend the dance battle just for the concept of the hardened Syberian ganster getting way too into it, and possibly dying at the end of it...
@Supermariorpg6 2 жыл бұрын
Still a fun sequence in my opinion!
@sayer4148 2 жыл бұрын
A better way to signify Sonic and Tails' friendship would be having the fox introduce himself as Miles Prower and have the hedgehog call him Tails. At first Tails would be a bit confused but then comes to accept it after hanging around with Sonic for a while.
@eyadhani21 2 жыл бұрын
These were my opinions first time watching the movie but i grew to love it just like most sonic games but it doesnt work well for cinema cause your meant to watch the movie once not multiple times
@neoproductions9760 2 жыл бұрын
I really would like to see Metal Sonic in the next movie But it's unlikely :(
@SuperStaticPro 2 жыл бұрын
After watching this, I say I agree with a-lot of your points. I’m middle of the road when it comes to this movie. Tails and Knuckles’ portrayal in the film and Seeing Team Sonics interact and bounce another was when I was enjoying it. Where I wasn’t was of course Sonic the Redditor, the insulting bad family movie tropes and the human characters. But It didn’t completely ruin the film for me. Also I didn’t know the rotten tomato’s critic that complained about the humans barely having any focused was a fabrication.
@inforpitude 2 жыл бұрын
These are fair points and I respect them! Shame people on Twitter can’t seem to realise that people’s opinions may differ and shouldn’t be taken as fact. I personally loved this film, but… I’m not exactly heart broken that you didn’t enjoy it LMAO!!
@fightingmedialounge519 2 жыл бұрын
15:03 wouldn't go that far. The 7 emeralds in the movie were used to forge the Master emerald, but both still exist on their own. Think of it like a paint brush and a painting. Also I wouldn't say metal sonic is inherently the better choice since the first movie already used the idea of robotnik harnessing sonic's abilities for his own creation. Granted ivo's ship in the first film isn't the same as metal sonic, but the same could be said for knuckles and shadow with the latter in no way needing to follow the same format as the former( at least no more than their game counterparts). You do that with several points in your review. Claiming that how the games handled a certain situation or charcter is clearly better than the movies, only to then go on and explain why you prefer the games without offering much else.
@psi_mae 2 жыл бұрын
This video better fucking blow up
@Pariah6950 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. Glad to see another Sonic fan that is actually able to think critically about these movies and their quality as stories. I wanted to make a similar video, especially in response to all the blind love the movie has been getting because "OMG there's a giant Death Egg Robot!!!". But that would require me to actually go watch the movie. And I just don't think it looks good, so I don't want to see it. I keep seeing this idea that "The movie is for the fans!" But I fail to see how a generic Marvel wannabe with superficial similarities and references to the games is "for the fans". Other than just appealing to "I know what that is!"
@sokaize 10 ай бұрын
I loved this movie, I heavily and respectfully disagree.
@APPictures9 2 жыл бұрын
Even though I really like both of the Sonic movies (especially the second one for being more faithful to the games), I can still acknowledge their flaws (some of which were pointed out in your video) like the big lack of Sonic-y music and the pacing being all over the place. But I felt that the filmmakers did a good job with turning Sonic into a live-action franchise. Would I prefer an all animated movie instead? Yeah, but I still enjoy them and I am happy that they are bringing Sonic back into the mainstream spotlight. Your review of this movie was well detailed, and you were able to make people understand your thoughts about why the movie just didn’t do it for you. Great job! Also, those Sonic fans going after Rotten Tomatoes critics for not liking Sonic 2 even though the movie didn’t come out in America at the time was ridiculous and they shouldn’t worry about what the critics say if they were already planning to see the movie no matter what.
@noah_ignis 2 жыл бұрын
Nice review I'm glad you gave your honest thoughts on the movie and I have to agree even though I enjoyed some parts of the movie the good moments felt pretty short lived. Also the toxic positivity portion why does that raccoon sound like an even worse version of Roger, that actually made my ears hurt this was honestly the main reason why I took a break with Sonic because I swear people need to get more invested with other game franchises than just sticking with one that keeps giving you mediocrity
@noah_ignis 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I'm more excited for Freedom planet 2 which is coming out in September of this year and the fact I get to see gameplay of that game than Sonic Frontiers
@Mister_Don888 6 ай бұрын
Personally I love the character designs in these films. Am I the only one that thinks Sonics eye gap is weird?
@ikercardaensland8251 2 жыл бұрын
Some of the takes that i saw from the sonic movie 2 remind me of rise of skywalker reviews on rotten tomatoes that I thought were made by bots. I liked this movie but some dudes treat it as high art while sayin' "this movie is for kids, turn your brain off"
@kjone5086 2 жыл бұрын
This movie only had 1 good moment. The time when jim carrey turn on the song walk by pantera as "world domination playlist". Hearing a metal song on a mainstream movie is hilarious, brought me back to the cannibal corpse cameo on ace ventura pet detective movie.
@kilometersperminute4113 2 жыл бұрын
I think most of your points are valid, but I do think the video isn't really 'based just because you're being a contrarian'. The live-action aspect was chosen at around 2013 when Sonic Boom came out and there's already the TV show, and Paramount merely continued its development. I believe they didn't even really give an adequate budget at first with the horrific first design we got (If I were the executives I won't either, the Sonic franchise was a mess for the past decade). I bet no one over at Paramount would've expected it to smash box office records and gracing us with sequels. The foundation of the first movie is obviously not solid but I'd say the second movie did a nice job in expanding the scope. And no offense, but I just feel like the whole review was biased around your ideal interpretation of a Sonic movie (A faithful animated adaptation of the source material). Stuff like the overuse of pop culture references and pacing of the wedding scene are totally valid, but "why can't they make stylized locations and characters"/"why can't it be an animated movie" is obvious bias. Bias isn't inherently a bad thing, but in this case it's kind of straying away from critique and leaning more onto presenting your 'ideal' Sonic movie.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
I'm biased because I suggested ways that the movie could be better? The argument of "you're biased" is the dumbest thing in the world. Everyone has their opinions and biases, and mine is that I want a Sonic movie to not be like Marvel, and instead like Sonic. How is that not a valid point to bring up? The Sonic movies being live action makes them far worse than if they were animated with interesting, unique locations.
@kilometersperminute4113 2 жыл бұрын
​@@telekinesticman Like I said, it's been conceptualized as a live action since 2013. Who knows why they decided on the live-action route, but switching to animation is an unrealistic 180. I too would love to see a 2D Sonic animation if there ever is a chance, but hearing "this movie is bad because it isn't animated" in a live-action movie review is pretty bizarre to say the least. Also to burst your bubble, the world doesn't revolve around you. I'm 95% sure Sonic fans are in the minority compared to Marvel and it's obvious who Paramount is catering to. You have the right to dislike a movie, but I among with many others want to view this in a more positive light. The critics hated it (insert 06 review), but the audience loved it and box office numbers are speaking more than words.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
@@kilometersperminute4113 so...I'm not supposed to share my opinion because it doesn't align with everyone else's? Don't be ridiculous.
@kilometersperminute4113 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman I never said that you can't share your opinion. I even said that you have some points that I agree on where most other reviews didn't point out. At most I'm implying that you're in the minority that doesn't resonate with the movie's vision and there's nothing wrong with being a vocal minority. You can continue to fantasize your ideal Sonic movie, but that doesn't invalidate the fact that the current live-action movies are successful in their own regard in carrying out their own vision.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
@@kilometersperminute4113 I don't care if they make money, I care if they're good. And I think they are not. I don't care what other people think, saying that I'm in the minority doesn't invalidate my points. I don't care if they decided on it being live action in 2013, it was a bad decision and I'm going to criticize it.
@BlueJack222 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that some people are being a little over positive with this movie, but this is supposed to be a new take on the character it's not the same Sonic the Hedgehog that you grew up with I know that's kind of hard to accept but if you know what kind of franchise were talking about here you will understand why, as for Sonic fans bashing on the critics dude Sonic fans have been at war with the critics for a long time remember that Infamous IGN Sonic was never good mantra
@vizuren 2 ай бұрын
I strongly disagreed with this video because personally I pretty much enjoyed the movie. However, I loved how u mentioned the “toxic positivity” towards the end of the video.
@ryananthony2869 4 ай бұрын
Anyone coming back to this after the Knuckles show which is barely about Knuckles? Can't wait for the inevitable Shadow Spinoff to not include Black Doom,Rouge,or Omega and instead pair him with everyone's favorite character,Rachel.
@ryananthony2869 4 ай бұрын
I actually do enjoy the movies,but I do admit,they're not what I'd want from a Sonic movie.
@parlinmains 2 жыл бұрын
7:38 While I like how sweet the ending is, yeah, this is a great point. It wasn’t earned.
@parlinmains 2 жыл бұрын
21:04 The criticism was literally the opposite!
@parlinmains 2 жыл бұрын
14:59 I believe that was the point.
@parlinmains 2 жыл бұрын
15:20 BLARMS!
@parlinmains 2 жыл бұрын
20:57 21:04 21:13 This is conspiratorial thinking and it freaks me the fuck out. They _want_ to smear Sonic… as opposed to just finding him a joke?
@parlinmains 2 жыл бұрын
21:35 Holy shit, the projection!
@revolution_is_my_name8981 Жыл бұрын
i loved the first scene (goes for the first movie as well) because it nailed the sonic vibe pretty much perfectly. larger than life, winding, reality-defying environments with a realistic texture to them the rest of the movie was just fine
@vipervio123 2 жыл бұрын
I liked this movie but I think the rotten tomatoes critic rating is extremely fitting for the movie. I don’t think it’s as bad as you do but it’s definitely a 7/10 movie and I pretty much think it could be a lot better than what it was. Very good video!
@volvoman5262 Жыл бұрын
Did you watched Mario Movie?
@telekinesticman Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it was better than both Sonic movies, but I still didn't really like it.
@harryenchiladas8826 4 ай бұрын
14:40 I understand all the above points, but Sonic has always been okay with killing people if it's someone without redeemable qualities and harms the rest (like King Arthur)
@ryananthony2869 6 ай бұрын
For the next major Sonic Movie or tv show,I hope they focus more on what made the games special without any unnecessary fluff. To me, Prime was close,but held back by the Shatterverse stuff and changes to Sonic's personality. I don't need it to take place in the game world(In fact,that might be preferred.),but it should have that spirit. An animated Sonic Movie by the Puss In Boots The Last Wish team(For me, at least)is the dream.
@emanuelhernandez4519 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree with shadow the reason why Shadow appears because he's the most second most popular character and the movies are not following the games in chronicle order it's been confirmed
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
Which is exactly why I said it was the most obvious choice possible for a big studio. He's too popular.
@emanuelhernandez4519 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman which I'm glad because as much as I want Metal Sonic it makes sense for shadow why introduce Shadow so early but again this is a different universe like other media and stuff like that but hey we can still get Metal Sonic possibly end credit scene of Sonic Movie 3
@maximoomega3691 2 жыл бұрын
Compared to metal Sonic shadows the more popular character so of course they fell to fan service.
@mediamuncher6982 2 жыл бұрын
@@maximoomega3691 and it will make them huge money in the boxs office and toy sales.
@maximoomega3691 2 жыл бұрын
@@mediamuncher6982 yeah which is why it's a shame they didn't choose metal Sonic they chose to earn more money and popularity than actually have a villain that makes sense but with that being said about the box office thing now I'm not saying this will happen but they won't make much money if the movie flops.
@mart5610 Жыл бұрын
Weird but i enjoyed the first Sonic movie more the second one. The first one having a small plot sorta reminded me of the first episode of Sonic X and i love it for that. We didnt need to see Sonic's friends or Super Sonic. Would be too much for the introduction.
@Sydney_Angelyt 2 жыл бұрын
10:55 counterpoint Even if they get the map back, there’s still the storm which stops them from continuing.
@crashban4t.f.s.b783 11 күн бұрын
Rotten tomatoes has hilarious reviews
@beruanga 2 жыл бұрын
@user-fy1nq3nf1q 2 жыл бұрын
Oh no! Anyway
@DJWarnerStage 2 жыл бұрын
This review feels like it skips past genuinely well done character moments to say “sonic fans only like it cause-“ and to say it’s “uninspired” over and over. Like any good parallels to the first movie is ignored. Any good character moments ignored cause “sonic says a pop culture reference that’s sonic right guys !!” As if that takes away from sonic and knuckles dynamic, or sonic and tails friendship. Knuckles also isn’t a meat head? He just doesn’t understand some human language cause... he didn’t grow up on earth and grew up being a warrior. That doesn’t make someone dumb. The thing too is that you going “haha it’s good right” mocking people who genuinely enjoy these films is not gonna open discussion. Dislike the movie yes.. talking down people who love these is going to close the conversation. Like you say “why did knuckles and tails abandon there home” what home. Knuckles people are dead and tails was bullied in his village. Like it feels like this review skips all nuance to talk down people and to say yet again “Oh really you are doing this !!!”
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
Your entire Twitter timeline is complaining about other people's reviews of the Sonic movie sequel. Come on, dude.
@DJWarnerStage 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman I’m not? I’m crtitiquing Arlos review. My point talking down to people often times doesn’t get the point across. It’s generic tell me how. Cause like saying “sonic makes references” and mentioning the wedding scene over and over. People like LS Mark get there point across without needing to talk down to people. It’s not that “oh you just mad cause people are negative” I just think talking down to people gets you no where man.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
@@DJWarnerStage You're attaching your own personality onto a film, and thinking that my critique of it is a personal attack against yourself.
@DJWarnerStage 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman I’m not man, you can negatively review something without constantly making hits at the people who do like it. Like it’s okay for jokes and such but when you treat the people who like it like they are accepting mediocrity how are people not meant to feel like what they consider quality is being ridiculed. I feel like you could properly have said all your gripes with the film without that bro.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
None of the points you mentioned have anything to do with me insulting people who enjoyed the film. They are critiques of the film itself. Stop projecting.
@nerdyfan21 2 жыл бұрын
Ngl as someone who cares a lot about film and television seeing ppl reaction to the negative and positive reviews pissed me off to no end. I liked the movie but, there were clearly problems with it. It also bothers me how so many great original creative film and shows get less love then big budget movies about already existing properties. I just wish original stuff was acknowledged these days.
@mrgreenmario64 Жыл бұрын
I'm hoping that after Sonic 3 they can end these slogs and move on. But with how well both films have done, we all know that's never gonna happen, is it? being a sonic fan is painful.
@kingj9664 Жыл бұрын
Not really these films are actually pretty fun really feel like somebody I'll take this stuff too seriously
@teryliuhoo5989 2 жыл бұрын
Sonic 2 my review: SPOILERS (but this review has spoilers so why are you here) It’s good! It had some major problems but I enjoyed it overall. 1. I enjoyed the sonic elements. It felt more like an adaptation of 3 and knuckles. Really excited for shadow. 2. I enjoyed sonics relationship with tails, but I wish we saw more of it, especially during the temple scene. 3. Knuckles was a menace. He felt like an actual threat to sonic, it actually felt like a well reincarnated rendition of how he was in 3 and knuckles. 4. The credits was fanservice galore and stars in the sky is way better than speed me up. 5. Tom and Maddie held their purpose well, and Rachel was awesome. We saw less of them but I wish we saw even less. The wedding scene could’ve been cut a whole lot shorter. I can argue nobody cared for it. Flaws: 1. The childish jokes. Yes, it’s a kids movie but the first I feel had better jokes overall, especially from robotnik. 2. The whole thing with Rachel and her “husband” Randall? 3. Less sonic music than the first one. It kinda sucked because there were scenes that could’ve easily had sonic music, but we got more of the generic score from the last movie. I really hope they actually add more sonic songs to the soundtrack for the third one. Really disappointed music wise. 4. Epic moments. Every time something epic happened in lore or action, it tended to get ruined by some stupid one liner. Me and my friend both groaned at them every time they were said. 5. Sonic himself? He’s fine enough but he tends to not use his abilities when necessary. This was shown in the avalanche scene and the scene in Hawaii when sonic got captured by G.U.N. Kinda jarring considering he destroyed a car and egg man’s first ship in the first movie, so why can’t he do something about a small cage? Or run away from an avalanche? 6. Why is the master emerald on Earth? The owls could’ve hid it anywhere else, but they chose Earth, for some bizarre reason? Oh, and why is it so small? 7. Tails kind of being out of the picture during the temple scene? Seriously, why was tails cut out? I get they wanted that sonic and knuckles rivalry but he could’ve been there to help, maybe fight robotnik like Sa2? That’s really about it. I like this movie, but it could’ve been a lot better if these flaws were thought out more. Solid 7/10.
@greatwesternspirit2881 2 жыл бұрын
I think in a way the movie kind of feels rushed they could have spend sometime on the script and tone the humor down as well it going to age like milk in the next year.
@abdulazizalabdulkareem1380 Жыл бұрын
i actually personally like this game in my opinion, ok but still nice video
@MrAWulff 2 жыл бұрын
"If you dissagree, just move on with yoir life" umm...okay? Do you have so little faith in your audience to the point where you don't believe there could possibly be a reasonable explanation as to why they might dissagree with you? Are you really in the mindset that all viewers who dissagrees are just mindless idiots who are completely fueled with toxic positivity to the point where they'll attack other people for no good reason? On that note, do you really think that telling them to move on with their lives will make them be like "wait a minute, this guy is right, I should move on with my life, how silly of me to think about attacking this guy."? That seems rather unrealistic.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
I have received countless negative comments and tweets surrounding my thoughts on both of the Sonic movies, so I felt the need to make it clear to people that my opinion doesn't mean anything to them, and they can continue to enjoy them without getting mad about what I think. So many people feel the need to write angry replies about how I'm wrong, and I'd prefer they spent their energy elsewhere for something more important. I honestly don't really care why they would disagree with me, I don't like the movies and nothing will change that.
@MrAWulff 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman yeah, I have a hard time believing these angry tweets were made by real people. If you think about how an average Joe's life, they have to think about their finances, their housing, their jobs, they wouldn't have a mindset of having a personal hatred towards a person like you for disliking a movie, and if they do, I have a harder time believing they're adults, because if they were, then they basically either don't live in the same world as we do, have a childhood brain that has never developed, or they're just some guy who has to live in a basement for the rest of his life. At this point I would have to question why they would even have a social media account in the first place. So if your still bothered by negative commments like this, I don't know what to tell you other than, you shouldn't be on social media. Also if you don't care about why anyone would disagree with you, then what is the point of making this public for everyone to see with the comments on? You decided to upload the video, you are asking for feedback whether you like it or not. And how useful or useless you find these feedbacks is up to you.
@MrAWulff 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman also, you don't have to change your mind about this film. You can complement someone for giving you a reasonable disagreement and still dislike the film.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
You seriously doubt the dedication of annoying Sonic fans who are either still children, or still *act like* children. It's not this stuff that bothers me to an incredible extent, but that I have to constantly add all these counters in my videos before people get mad at me about stuff. Videos have to begin with "remember this is my opinion, you can still like the movie, blah blah blah", yet I still get comments on this very video telling me that I'm stating my opinion as fact over others, and bullying them for not liking the movie. I never said that. I release my videos to share my opinion, people come here to hear it. While I enjoy discussion in the comments, if I really wanted to hear other people's opinions, then I'd go find them. This channel exists as my personal place to talk about what I want and how I feel, that's just how KZbin works.
@MrAWulff 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman no, I don't doubt the dedication, I just don't think they're people with a real life, that's what I meant by "real people." If I don't believe someone has a real life, they're not worth my time and effort. It's really hard for me to take them seriously.
@maas1208 2 жыл бұрын
At least the 3rd movie should be live but a bit better then make more sequels that are fully animated at least wrap up the original trilogy of movies then move on to the fully animated movies also this isn't supposed to follow the games directly and I loved the movie but it is your own opinion but I feel it's a bit too harsh on the movie and the people working on the movie are trying to make it good the best they can not everything can be perfect and not everything that you want can be in it and I'm pretty sure that shadow wouldn't be in the family instead be a part of GUN and also the design of shadow could change also not every version of sonic has to be like the main sonic and also blue arms are just fine to me and I disagree with but again this my own opinion and you have yours.
@Ketchup1810 2 жыл бұрын
this is before I watched the video. the first movie I thought was another lifeless generic cgi fish out of water movie but they just put sonic on it, the second movie was of course better and I can actually somewhat call it a sonic movie but they still can't help themselves by making sonic the most unlikable character and use cringey reference humour or fortnite dances
@Speedy_2012 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree personally I think this is the best movie of all time
@AWSomeRandomGuy 11 ай бұрын
How many movies have you watched?
@tiakitair135 2 жыл бұрын
I really wanted to like these movies but I just couldn't get past the humour and references. I wish less American movies and shows relied on pop culture references for comedy.
@thesupersonicartist1095 2 жыл бұрын
Can't say I agree, I thought the movie was really good and done better to sonic than everything since mania, really, and to be honest you got some points wrong. But still, I respect the fact that you don't just go with the flow.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
What did I say that was wrong?
@thesupersonicartist1095 2 жыл бұрын
@@telekinesticman honestly, I'm too lazy to search for the exact stuff(and don't care enough to do it tbh) But the comment channel pup made kinda says it all.
@telekinesticman 2 жыл бұрын
@@thesupersonicartist1095 Maybe don't claim I made factual errors in an *opinion* piece if you can't back it up though.
@mediamuncher6982 2 жыл бұрын
I hope Knuckles isn't in the third movie I don't want Knuckles become the THIRD SON! Of Tom it just doesn't mane sense? I'm ok with tails being the second son because his 8 yes old and unexperienced. But it's possible in the third movie he will become like the Tails in sa1,2, and heroes hopefully. All I want is Knuckles to stay there for a little have his kicks and giggles and then go find angel island and put the emerald there and start watching it like in the games. And then they can start the series (it can take place after the second movie or heck the start of the third movie). And possibly make a brief cameo in the third movie. To help Sonic and Tails to give a brief history of the emerald's on how they work and who made them and then they can leave or something else like that.
@mediamuncher6982 2 жыл бұрын
Btw my idea for a knuckles series is to be animated in 2D with movie designs. And have knuckles loose the emerald because fang took and is going to pon it off to some big league. And knuckles goes hunt but bumps in the chatioxs (also including might,ray, heavy and bomb.) And then going off from there. And ending with a tease of bean and bark and possibly rouge. So she can be set up for the third movie. Because let's be honest the third movie will be about sa2. Also this series can be about developing sonic's world and the other worlds they mention in movies. To give some lore and make is care about you know. (Btw the chatioxs are confirmed to be in the movie universe). In the pre-quill idw comic.
@kingj9664 Жыл бұрын
No way I hope knuckles comes back he was fun especially when Idris Elba's doing his voice
@jeremyknight9980 Жыл бұрын
15:55 I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this, Metal Sonic would be a better choice with the edition of Amy. But they just have to skip to Shadow because he's far more popular.
@WSBM14 4 ай бұрын
Shadow in SA2 didn't get shit gameplay like Amy in SA1 did
@jeremyknight9980 4 ай бұрын
@@WSBM14 Amy was around before Sonic Adventure... I was thinking more of a Sonic CD like movie.
@WSBM14 4 ай бұрын
@jeremyknight9980 sonic is a budget franchise. No one could afford a sega cd in the 90s
@jeremyknight9980 4 ай бұрын
@@WSBM14 People know about Sonic CD, the game's been accessible since Sonic Gems Collection, the 2011 Taxman port and Origins, it's not an obscure game like Knuckles Chaotix.
@WSBM14 4 ай бұрын
@jeremyknight9980 the only thing that matters is nostalgia and most people remember amy as a non-entity or having shit gameplay
@sonnyyoung867 Жыл бұрын
How much of a gigachad this guy sounds, holy shit. That "sad loser with no friends" is a million times more likable, relatable, and less irritating than 90% of Sonic's portrayals. And hating on Marvel and every other popular thing doesn't make you cool.
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Рет қаралды 146 М.
A Critique on Sonic Frontiers
Рет қаралды 47 М.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Easter Eggs and References
Liam Biniares
Рет қаралды 33 М.
A Brief Critique on Team Sonic Racing
Рет қаралды 12 М.
This Cinematic REDEFINED Sonic The Hedgehog...
Рет қаралды 253 М.
Sonic 2 Saved Videogame Movies!
Рет қаралды 223 М.
A Critique on Penny's Big Breakaway
Рет қаралды 37 М.
A Critique on Sonic Forces
Рет қаралды 54 М.
Touching Act of Kindness Brings Hope to the Homeless #shorts
Fabiosa Best Lifehacks
Рет қаралды 18 МЛН