Thanks to the panelist. I like the idea of those panels, but I wished there would be more concrete content that follows a story line. I also recommend to invite more native english speakers or switch to a German panel as well. Somehow this panel got stuck; not sure this is because of the language barrier, but there is just no flow. Keep up the good work and continue with more such content; just a bit more focus on following up concrete ideas and stick to the agenda.
@Rippafratta Жыл бұрын
This panel surely was good fun to listen to, due to many anecdotes, but missed its topic almost absolutely. Native speakers will have a hard time here, too, as a lot of “false friends“ were used in speech, making it hard to follow. Das Panel hat beim Zuhören zwar großen Spaß gemacht, keine Frage, da eine Menge netter und auch interessanter Anekdoten erzählt wurden, aber das eigentliche Thema wurde weitgehend verfehlt. Da einige nicht sattelfest genug im Englischen sind, ist alles für Deutsche mit Englischkenntnissen einigermaßen verständlich, Muttersprachler dürfte es sehr anstrengen.