Narrator : Greninja is dead they lost a hero is killed by Zyth Sentinel and now Froakie he Can't evolve for the death of the Father of the type water we don't know what is that tragic of the fate Greninja he will get revenge about that Optimus Prime he really Know after the anger the team of Robloxian they must pay for that who killed a Greninja but for now The sadness of Froakie he lost A Greninja For The Undead Brigades from Makuta and Malgorok'Zyth reason The troops of the Undead brigade the demonic Unition Demons Army decepticon Vahkis and Zythians there will come for the battle will destroy everything about that who is gonna stop that from the Invasion from The Undead Brigades... Next on Noob Vs Zombie The anime Series (The Background is black after the episode is ending and the letters appear up like a movie before when the Narrator is Talking when the letter is stoped the credits scene it the same The Black Background)