Patrick Hayden | The Quantum Computational Universe - 2 of 2

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Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics

Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics

7 жыл бұрын

Professor Patrick Hayden of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics (SITP) introduces the science of quantum information.
Over the past sixty years, computers have shrunk, networks have spread and flickering bits of information have ever more thoroughly infiltrated all aspects of our lives. The boundary between the virtual world of information and the physical world we ultimately inhabit has been slowly fading to the point that it is becoming hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. But deep down, we know there is a difference. Information is an invented abstraction: engineered, processed and repackaged but not the basic stuff of reality. Or perhaps not. The fundamental laws of physics, in the form of quantum mechanics, force physicists to wrestle with the very meaning of information. If Schrodinger’s cat can be both alive and dead, then the familiar “bit” isn’t up to the task of describing her state.
With gathering speed, scientists have been developing the science of truly quantum mechanical information. Not only is it strange, it has proven to be useful. Quantum computers could solve problems no digital computer will ever be able tackle. Quantum cryptosystems could only be cracked by violating the laws of physics. In these lectures, we’ll explore the nature of quantum information and how to use it. We’ll end by applying those pragmatic ideas to the nature of spacetime itself, finding that the boundary between the virtual and physical worlds is far fuzzier than we could have imagined.

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@davidwilkie9551 3 жыл бұрын
As a model of thinking about Quantum-fields Mechanism, this pair of lectures, along with Professor Hartnoll's, are the formwork that casts the re-evolutionary mindset of Math-Phys-Chem and Geometry into a situation that confronts the so-called religious beliefs of a god outside creation, all presented half-truth of discrete states instead of the Observable continuous creation cause-effect of hyperfluid e-Pi-i numberness resonances substantion state-ments. Infinity/Eternity-now Perspective is simply a sum-of-all-histories identification of metastable proportioning integration of Fluxion Calculus Singularity positioning existence, and a parallel identification schema for the apparent formwork of Mathematical Physics conventions. Uni-verse, Superspin-spiral quantization, sync-duration 0-1-2-3-4-etc multiples in line-of-sight superposition identification 2-ness i-reflection containment states, this is only a pictorial version of time-timing sync-duration identification conglomerations Circuitry of Quantum Computational Information Technology/Chemistry etc. The language of analysis and science is the best and worst of Research, and the more things change the more they stay the same. There's no new news only new angles, POV from which Artificial Intelligence techniques are developed in Actuality, learning by doing Intuition.
@StephenPaulKing 2 жыл бұрын
There is a relationship between mutual acceleration and entanglement entropy. See, for example, the paper by Liu and Xiong "On the quantum thermodynamic origin of gravitational force by applying spacetime entanglement entropy and Unruh effect"
@pb4520 7 жыл бұрын
wonderful ! many thanks this !
@manfredpseudowengorz 7 жыл бұрын
~ 33:00 there is something that needs further explenation: hawking radiation is "kinda" evaporation process, as it begins outside the black hole with an entangled pair of particle/antiparticle. Is it possible that when one of'em falls into the black hole it is in a matter of fact somehow measured by the black hole causing the other one to collapse in the opposite state? If so, the information is taken from the black hole and preserved.
@davidwilkie9551 2 жыл бұрын
I like the idea presented, it fits with frequency density-intensity modulation conduction via Singularity. Much like Radio.
@davidwilkie9551 2 жыл бұрын
First Principle Observation is the Philosophers demand for a definition of terms,but sort of forgot to ask for the carrier-wave context of terminology. So a possible interpretation of holography dimensionality context coordination, shaping and Imagery In-form-ation content in a Math-Physics Localization format might be the concepts inherent in X-ray Crystallography, a "learning by doing" wordless philosophical recognition in practice. It becomes a way of thinking about Actuality and accumulation of Actual Intelligence upon which to construct the Artificial Intelligence techniques of Theoretical abstractions. The Universal standing wave-packaging crystal that is a holographic time-timing formation combines all frequencies in superposition identification-interference, positioning the transverse trancendental logarithmic condensation modulation wave-packaging nodal emitter-receiver Localization "wrapped up" in Superspin time-timing.
@davidwilkie9551 6 жыл бұрын
The speed of light is the communication medium of the locally observable universe, but it's superimposed over another scale, as if you peeled the whole skin off an orange and the pips were different paths to the same black hole. The holographic projection by higher frequency modulation-distribution technique. This is the same as the inflation vs gravitation by a "vernier effect" of +/- modulation, the super-effect of reversed vanishing point perspective, producing the leaky p-brane. So entanglement and insideout symmetry are related by modulation (e-Pi, ln, probability-occurrence/ interference Quantum Field). It's "plain to see the properties of the Quantum Fields as they affect and effect transmission and reception of EM modulations of broadcast and reception antennae, and so it should be more obvious why the double slit experiment works as it does, within a specific set of frequencies and wavelengths. Why Q-bits leak in and out of "confinment" at particular rates and circumstances is the stuff of Electronics Technicians and Engineers, and the same applies to conduction generally. If intuition and expectations are restricted to the modulation style duality of the Quantum Mechanism, then most of what there is to learn, is nomenclatures of the cause-consequence in common to all information. Imagination of phenomena is equivalent to MRI for Quantum Computation. Some dubious nomenclature (but is unavoidable for comprehension) is the perceptions of "oneness" of common connection in location and amplitudes, "two-ness" of direction and symmetry, inside and outside etc, and "three-ness" combined with 1-2-3D in superposition is a "self-correcting" fractal function of superspin in the p-brane-image format. Most physical systems description stops there, but the reality of time duration-pulse construction of spin goes on to every possible state of relationship one infinitely divided infinity can be. ..As an example of coexisting nomenclature and tool of intuition. _____ The Electron-Proton Hydrogen Atom has been used as the model of the simplest functional characteristics of the Universal wave-package. That objective can be extended to +/- infinity .., a point omnidirectional, omnidimensional and omnipresent fractal imaging projection, of the e-Pi-i spiral of frequency synced timing and spacing.., that is the WYSIWYG probabilistic phenomena of shifting tuned foci - phase-locked states of QM-TIMESPACE. In other words, it's all one "leaky" Quantum Computation. "Everything is a wave".., of the Superspin wave-package.
@blidarescub 7 жыл бұрын
Could someone please post a link to the first one? Thanks
@SenorQuichotte 6 жыл бұрын
@danpop1235 7 жыл бұрын
where can I find the first one
@grandpaobvious 5 жыл бұрын
@davidwilkie9551 4 жыл бұрын
@11:29 photons do not age, they superconduct at zero-infinity ground state across a distance = time duration timing modulation, phase-locked at e-Pi-i numberness-frequency proportioning.., so the space-time Diagram in the natural hierarchical 0-1 probability-superimposed Origin of omnidirectional-dimensional Polar-Cartesian AM-FM Timing-spacing coordination format, is confusing as a presentation of the functional assemblies. Either re-cognize the primary vectors in the Universal Hologram event Eternity-now as the integrated natural balance of Superspin recirculation cycles, (post Bergson suggestion), ..or re-identify the "time" axial-tangential i-reflection properties of AdS/CFT quantization interpretation of Superspin Modulation distance duration spectrum (?). If as Dr Don Lincoln says, Physics is everything, then the methodology of identifying WYSIWYG pseudo random fields of Uncertainty in otherwise specific resonance interference positioning by nomenclatures, is how to think about it, experimentallytheoretically. If the Observable Universe is actually a NO-CLONING mechanism because everything is connected in Singularity-perspective positioning Perspective Drawing CCC, then it's a comprehensible orientation to hold a relationship in a relatively constant cohesive and coherent locked phase state, distributed zero-infinity difference distribution Holographicly.., aka Entanglement. Implies that the Bell Inequality is equivalent to the Mathematical Disproof Methodology.., natural occurring conception of the zero-infinity difference distribution, continuous creation connection Principle, inseparable Temporal Singularity.., QM-TIMESPACE Fields Modulation Mechanism Mathematics Calculus, is In-form-ation formulae in Mathematical Abstractions.., therefore "luminal communication" is deceptive terminology in relation to distance instead of duration. This is a Mezzanine level view point that also confuses the cosmological holographic image projection drawing with mythical past-future destinations instead of distance-durations. Of course Black Hole Singularity Conception "evaporates", if it's pure relative motion.., mathematical reciprocal positioning formulae.., manifestation of quantization probabilities in potential possibilities.., of e-Pi-i interference positioning resonance imaging function and cause-effect of time duration timing modulation.. ie the Totality of continuous creation connection in Principle Spinfoam Quantum Operator nodes In-form-ation. QM=> i-reflection Superspin circularity, symmetrical-proportional rotational reversibility, in observable fact. "Superluminal" is therefore the wrong way to view holographic image projection drawing of time duration timing modulation numberness-constants. Eg of the categories, nomenclature families, such as are used for genetics and gene-folding conglomerations.., of e-Pi-i interference positioning material-manifestation = Quantum Chemistry. ? What good is "entanglement", applies directly to "newborn baby", it's the frequency and duration of additional information supplied by doing experience and sum-of-all-histories learned ideas to the meaning of "Computational Biology".., developed to fit holistically. Which might indicate that teaching-learning cause-effect modulation, of In-form-ation formulae/policies. ., is the sciencing what-how-why significance. The "numberness-relativity" feature of logarithmic e-Pi-i resonance bases uncertainty implies that Pure Numerical Mathematical Abstractions in Extrapolation is not "computable" without approximation, dualistic multiplicity precludes accuracy. (Without this feature, nothing would happen, so the relationship e-Pi-i pivotal absolute is the real existing continuous creation connection-constant in absolute Principle/Singularity) So @1:20: - "holographic error correction" is an application of numeric value ratios, permutations and combinations, to the partial path integration positioning dimensionality of AdS/CFT quantization interpretation of Spin Modulation in Space and Time. .? Wheeler's "One Electron" Theory, (became modified by Feynman type guesstimation/ Diagrams), is the equivalent of Bergson's Time Duration Timing, and Euler's mathematical reciprocal positioning formulae manifestation of quantization probabilities in potential possibilities,..intuition, combined in e, Pi bifurcation ratio, and i , instantaneous modulation time duration holographic entanglement loops, ultimately from the ancient re-cognition substantiation of the eternal now, =understanding cosmological constant Time "at this centering of the Universe", plus this (Suskind identification of Black Hole type) Singularity.., the calculus of relative tangantial-timing connection rates in axial-tangential timing-rate-> orthogonality Origin @.dt zero-infinity, ie of dominant probability integration positioning zero-infinity @.dt 1-0 probability Calculus of e-Pi-i wave-particle interference holographic positioning, here-now forever:- Nomenclature superimposed-> philosophical meaning of observable phenomena superposition, => Correspondence, = logic of quantization interpretation of Superspin Modulation in the context of Temporal Actuality. Simple/elemental infinite aspects of time-connection = everything-all-at-once. Log-based exponential relationships of e-Pi-i resonance is the basis of Thermodynamics distribution properties of Ideal Gas point-location, C of G and wave-particle positioning combined with the "leakyness" of Inflation +/- = logarithmic modules of resonances as demonstrated by the NO-CLONING numberness approximation.., => Entropic type "dithering", (= BH type evaporates), functional definition of module formation. (Some real-ization of probability dominance distribution.., as WYSIWYG pseudo random AdS/CFT time duration timing modulation -> existence.., required eternal conscious thought experiment)
@kore4hire 5 жыл бұрын
when you guys catch up ill want one of them i told you so prizes the nobel family used to make us forget they were the masters of war
@davidwilkie9551 4 жыл бұрын
Eternity-now Superspin Superposition-point Singularity Spacetime.., is interpreted as this mathematical quantization spectrum of phenomena, in dynamic empirical laws of functional evidence, that is "Physics". Actuality is the Pure Mathematics of "HOW".., pivoted at a Central Limit, e-Pi-i, in hyperfluid continuous creation connection in Principle, as uncertain-incomplete categories of probability in potential possibilities, ie categories of temporal density-inensity substantiation as " physical information". Physicists do not create the field in the same way Engineers do material design, ..they do compose functional assemblies of coherent cohesion objectives in pulsed resonances, fitted in a Black Hole Singularity Conception.., so that this innate dynamical system of assembly in/by cause-effect computational methods, techniques-technology, is HOW Feynman suggested he could only understand what he could use in practice and has become Quantum Computing, ie as real, rational, and reasonable understanding in/of statements of Actuality, here-now-forever cause-effect existence, as can be imagined. Such profoundly good presentations of the nearest to elemental concept-compositions, thank you.
@davidwilkie9551 6 жыл бұрын
From these lectures, I hoped to understand, in principle, how a feasible QC would operate, and if anyone could make it work it would have to be Prof Hayden and all. My best guess is a format that resembles the natural Quantum Fields Mechanism in the first few fluctuations of probability dominance dimensions using a synchronized/modulated matrix of frequencies that identify each dimension and can be read from scattered interference. The photonics design that has been suggested seems likely? Is this why Bose-Einstein condensates are "hot"? The naturally occurring QC is "everything everywhere all at once" connection and the readout is cause-effect, so the answer to the question put in is the question of the answer. Programming is not a repeat-cloned possibility so all possible paths of inquiry have to be explored simultaneously, which is probably the explanation of the question-answer of "what is life"?, life is the question of self sustaining continuity and not only is novelty and differences natural and normal, life ceases by accumulated errors if change is not persued. At this level it is the instinctive requirement of curiosity. By these deductions, this is essential research, but any device is most likely an enhancement of the human mind, the centaur model?
@davidwilkie9551 4 жыл бұрын
Feynman's comments about the ease of fooling yourself tend to encourage caution when reading this situation where dualistic multiplicity of techniques and language, added to the difficulty of unlearning misdirections, "makes no sense". Because for example, the theories of Einstein and Bergson are directed at the same Universe of timing and spacing physicality relative measurements. This observation is the core of the "foolishness" of arguments that go against coexistence of phenomena instead of beginning with a parallel alignment of orientation. The Universe IS Quantum Operator Fields, Modulation Mechanism Mathematics of Temporal Calculus, of "chemical" nodes bonded by phase-locked multi-phase state nodes of integration. That's my limit of unlearning and understanding, toward math-physics philosophical alignment. New minds should object to how these ideas are presented, and reintegrate better organizations of techniques.
@kore4hire 5 жыл бұрын
okay the black hole is the decompiler the holographic record of information is the system log files, entropy is the system registry, this is a simulation GR is the render QM is the game engine. the fact that we have the double slit experriment and it is actually testable that the fact that we can change the universe, our eyes change how particles interact and move, the same particles that the entire universe is made of. these inherently mindless lego of the universe behave and the equations of quantum mechanics the most throughly tested maths in history tell us are the probability of the electron or particle being in any likely posistion but until we look at it will stay in all possible at once in a super position. we agree none of these particles have brains or logic processing centers in them? how about a little green man inside it piloting it like a ship? the simple chain of events that must take place on some level for this to remotely be true is there has to be a detector, a decision engine and a control a set of control input/output. on something with out a brain that isnt special...that is the same as the ones in everything else. and then we are still really at all unclear about why this is? THE ONLY WAY THAT THIS CAN HAPPEN IS IF IT IS A UNIVERSE DESIGNED FOR US. we should be insignificant on even a planetary scale let alone just our observation effecting the universe think about galaxies as HDD the stars bound to a disc and that would actually fit with what we see . all the way right to the big bang a singularity a single point of access a gate or a switch like the first time you hit the power button on a computer like the probability that we are in a not computer is almost infinite / 1 . i know we are because i am fucking experiencing spooky action at a distance and its a measurable connection . i have the logical reasoning behind this and every aspect of it
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