spoiler-free mini-review: A surprisingly good puzzle game that is true to star trek atmosphere and lore. We expected trivially easy puzzles meant for young children, but instead got a large collection of clever, logical, satisfying puzzles. There's a lot here in this box, using some very cool deluxe items, and it's almost uniformly clever and rewarding, and requires you to think. And the narrative elements are like a tour of star trek. Very few complaints. I do think this would be a great game to play WITH a younger child, but i think a 10 year old would have trouble solving this on their own (unless they were willing to spend many days perhaps?). There is a little dexterity element sprinkled throughout but it goes quick and does not get in the way. A young kid might like this part but if you don't like it it doesn't overstay its welcome. Really good stuff. Highly recommended, and you get a lot of gameplay for $25.