I strongly disagree, for me the mods ruin this game by making space battles too large and overcomlicated. Saying that some units are overpowered serves no point as it could be said about any unit, and if everyone is overpowered then no one is. The heroes respawn is ok as long as you play with defoult settings and don't set the tech to lvl 4 or 5 from the beggining. The AI usually do well, there are some glitches but they are rare. For the land battles they are less intresting then space ones but they can still be fun and enjoyable, and if you don't like them then just auto resolve or use the death star, the graphics are fine for me as I like thge older style which is another thing I don't like in mods, although everyone enjoyes something else I think that this game is still worth playing without the mods.