Star Wars vs Startrek; Borg Attack Death the Star { Re-edited version }

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The Borg engage the Empire in a large space battle and attempt to assimilate the Death Star into the collective, while the Borg Queen tries to negotiate with the Emperor for the surrender of the Empire.
This video was made using Sony Vegas 11 Platinum. Due to the limitations of the Platinum version some scenes have obvious artifacts, primarily due to the lack of a masking tool.
This is a re-edited version of the original that I made last year. I deleted a few necessary scenes while also rearranging others in an attempt to make this video more consistent.
Please checkout my Facebook page at / 1978prime-videos-29190...

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@francislajeunesse8313 5 жыл бұрын
Remember the episode when a Borg gained self awareness, that knowledge was transferred through everyone on his ship and it caused chaos. The emperor would probably allow the Borg to take control in order for him to be assimilated. The Borg in themselves are not evil, the emperor on the other hand is pure evil with a powerful mind, all of which would flow through the entire collective, that in itself could lead to the emperor controlling the entire Borg collective. His mind is much stronger than the queens, so she would yield to him.
@jcdenton2187 4 жыл бұрын
That is a cool idea.
@chissstardestroyer 4 ай бұрын
Good logical layout; a kind of "union' of sorts. Course his "consort" would desire his "spiritual connections" leading to a most *bizarre* union of the most perverted sort: her "husband" being a sorcerer for one thing will do that. And it follows that she'd be pushing him for data on those things.
@hermanspaerman3490 8 жыл бұрын
The most ridiculous thing with this is.... storm troopers hitting a target.
@RyanKawesomeSMS 8 жыл бұрын
They were ordered to miss in episode 4
@Kamen-Rider-Nexus 8 жыл бұрын
In order to have held the galaxy for as long as they DID, they HAD to have been able to hit something at SOME point...
@themeistergamer2139 7 жыл бұрын
don't even talk when you guys got red shirts running around dying all the time
@evknucklehead 7 жыл бұрын
+НіБа Фvэѓlоѓↁ Not sure if that's considered canon or not, but it's a good theory. +The meister Gamer At least the red shirts had a better on-screen accuracy rating.
@themeistergamer2139 7 жыл бұрын
at dying
@locutus155 Жыл бұрын
"Fire at will commander!" "Sire, stop talking like Yoda. Commander Riker is nowhere in sight."
@jason1973tl 10 жыл бұрын
one of the best edit jobs I have ever seen. Good job.
@zeroryoko1974 9 жыл бұрын
14 minutes is right, it would take the Borg about that long to adapt to everything the Empire has to offer, and it would be over at that point
@randaljbatty 9 жыл бұрын
Interesting video. I'd have to give the advantage to the Borg because of their assimilation abilities. As in Star Trek, I think they (the Borg) would first transport a few members to upload everything that the Death Star had in its computers; therefore, they would be prepared for any kind of confrontation. If an enemy can scoop up all of your tech, the rotation of weapons would only be useful a certain number of times. In Star Trek the only option was to transport to their own cubes and render their weapons inoperable. In Star Trek we learned that you can't defeat the Borg without getting into their hive via transport. In the Star Wars universe, I have not seen anything like teleportation, and this would leave them at a huge disadvantage. Any weapons projected against the Borg would be absorbed quickly. If stricken, they would adapt so that any blast coming at them in a second wave would have minimal or no effect. The only unknown in my mind is the power of the "dark side," which extends beyond mere tech. Could the Borg assimilate a power that is supernatural? Perhaps their attack would have to retreat until (and if) they could assimilate the capabilities of the dark force. The capabilities and limitations of the dark force are not clear. So, I have to leave the final confrontation open-ended. If you ignore this one possible advantage, I cannot see how the Empire would be able to hold up to a multiple cube attack. I tend to think that the Borg could assimilate them, as they had done to a hundred other civilizations.
@morro190 9 жыл бұрын
@randaljbatty 9 жыл бұрын
morro190 What sparked that outcry? Are we not allowed to be rather silly in expressing a serious interest in light entertainment? What gives?
@morro190 9 жыл бұрын
Thor Odinson Because me work hard 5 days a week, sweeping garbage off the street. Get home not want book to read, not nuf pictures for me see. Me sit down in favourite chair, wearing underwear. Favourite night is saturday night, cause me can watch hockey fight. Me like hockey.
@randaljbatty 9 жыл бұрын
morro190 I'm sympathetic to your situation. Do not discount yourself by being a mere street sweeper. All work is honorable. I find it rather amazing that you found the energy to watch this KZbin video. I wish you very good luck for the future.
@randaljbatty 9 жыл бұрын
morro190 And what does that make you?... a reader of nerd commentary? Does that somehow elevate you?
@Phoenixesper1 9 жыл бұрын
Gotta say, for a fan video made from clipped footage, you managed to edit it together reasonably well.
@vadiamgamer9753 8 жыл бұрын
That last part with Voyager went really well as the end. Over all nice job :)
@BoMwarriorVlog 9 жыл бұрын
Stormtroopers can't hit rebels, but can tear down the Borg with ease! They're working in the wrong universe! LoL XD
@comradecockatoo3558 Жыл бұрын
Rebels have one resource the Borg can't ever get their cyber-hands on... Plot Armour!
@user-oc1jn3hj6y 7 жыл бұрын
This is SO unbelievable! Stormtroopers have NEVER hit that many targets in one day!
@lightin2 11 ай бұрын
I came here to say this
@IceGavel 10 жыл бұрын
This is completely the opposite of what would happen. The Borg have been known to use stealth before engaging an enemy. See "The Neutral Zone" - the mentions of the mysteriously vanished colonies? All scooped up by a single Cube. The Borg would simply intercept a vessel, assimilate it, analyze the technology and adapt. By the time the Borg fleet invaded, all of the Empire's weapons would be USELESS. Hell, they could send in the assimilated Star Destroyer and still win. After all, once they assimilate a ship, they will know how Imperial shields work (allowing them to bypass them), how Imperial weapons work (rendering them useless as the Borg would be able to erect a defense), as well as strategic locations and weaknesses. In the very first episode the Borg appeared in, they showed the ability to transport through shields. And Borg tractor beams can very quickly drain shields, and the Borg employ specialized shield neutralizers that can in 3 pulses disable the shields of even large vessels. So the process would be simple. Star Destroyer flies up to Cube. Star Destroyer fires, does fuck all. Cube drops Star Destroyer's shields like it's nothing. Cube beams a couple thousand drones onboard and assimilates the crew and the ship. Remember, each cube carries between 64,000 and 110,000 drones. Standard compliment of an Imperial-II? 37,085. (Which, I might mention, seems a bit unfeasible for a ship that's only 1.6km long - Borg Cubes are 3km on each side) And the Borg adapt to energy weapons. Without knowledge of the Borg, the Empire wouldn't know to remodulate. So it'd be like the Enterprise's first encounter: Shoot once, drone dies. Shoot the second time, adaptation. Weapon useless. Plus, the Borg have only to access a workstation to hack into the ship's system and turn them against the Imperials aboard. Even a lightsaber is useless - the blade is made of plasma contained by a magnetic field. All Borg have forced plasma bolt launchers in their arms, so plasma counts as directed energy, so they can adapt. And adapt fast, since it's so similar to their own technology. And before anyone brings up the matter of ion cannons, there's a weapon in the Trek universe that works the same way and does the same thing: Breen energy dissipators. Which the Federation managed to overcome during the Dominion War by capturing and reverse-engineering one. The Borg have assimilated Breen. So the Borg would know of the weapons and have adapted. Even if they hadn't, it's still at its core a plasma charge. Which the Borg know very well, using plasma-based weapons themselves, so adaptation would be swift. So the ion cannon is literally useless by the time the Borg come. So the only weapons that the Empire has that will work are turbolasers OH WAIT. "The turbolaser was a heavy laser cannon" All spacefaring civilizations in Trek that employ FTL technology of any kind have navigational shields, designed to protect from interstellar dust and radiation. This also happens to render lasers ineffective (as stated in TNG 2x07 "The Outrageous Okona"). So if they can't get past the paltry-strength navigation shields, they wouldn't so much as SCRATCH the primary defense shields. So, let's do a tally: Imperial space weapons: Useless. Imperial shields: All but useless. Imperial ground weapons: Useless. Lightsabers: Useless. Stormtroopers: Vulnerable to assimilation. The ONLY advantage the Empire has is the might of the Emperor's Force powers... who, while being CAPABLE of producing Force storms that destroy whole fleets, seems to be reluctant to USE them. Maybe he knew that they'd be the death of him - he died in one of his clone bodies in 10 ABY after being eaten by a storm of his own making because he lost control (See Dark Empire 6: The Fate of a Galaxy). Granted, he lost control due to Jedi intervention, but it is still hard to control without that, requiring the user to "concentrate an almost palpable degree of anger and hatred ". Good luck doing that when the ship or station you're on is under fire from a vastly superior foe. Not to mention that that type of storm basically creates an artificial wormhole to Hyperspace, and the Borg possess the knowledge to collapse wormholes. So, the Emperor and Vader would be literally the only two people - aside from a few scattered Jedi and a couple dozen Dark Jedi - that could fight the Borg. And they would eventually get tired or overwhelmed by sheer attrition. No. The Empire doesn't win that fight. Ever.
@kennedyparker1242 10 жыл бұрын
Those lasers are not the beams of light like in Star Trek moron. They are highly charged packets of partial energy. The Borg could not adapt to energy weapons that change frequency. The funny part with those blasters and lasers is each shot is different as they do not have a constant frequency. Use the materials and not the name. So yes it is possible for the drones to lose greatly.
@dianeketterer5267 10 жыл бұрын
the Borg would not have won this fight. one they would never have attacked such a large unknown fleet with unknown abilities. They would first taken an relatively undefended planets or tryed to take a space vessel and learned about the empires weapons and defensive technologies and develop defenses to compensate for this.
@IceGavel 10 жыл бұрын
Ryan Craig Starfleet was unknown to them when they encountered the Enterprise at System J-25 in Q Who. It took them no time at all to adapt. Not to mention the Empire's gross technical inferiority (see above) and complete unfamiliarity with both transporter technology and the Borg themselves. All the Borg have to do, on the other hand, is assimilate a Star Destroyer (approx half as long as a Cube is wide) and send it against the Empire. The Borg would crush the Empire and assimilate Coruscant in short order.
@dianeketterer5267 10 жыл бұрын
No the Borg knew about the federation. in the episode The neutral zone they had already alluded to the Borg. and they had I think alread Assimilated 7 of 9.
@dianeketterer5267 10 жыл бұрын
but if the Borg would have taken a planet or a single ship befor hand then yes the Borg would most likely wipe the Empire out there. there biggest problem wild be any capable of using the force. but would ultimately over come that to because I am sure they have encountered other similar abilities.
@johnshaw4013 8 жыл бұрын
Borg would have assimilated Death Star in 3 min.
@Sennmut 8 жыл бұрын
+John Shaw Nope. Four. Like a square.
@dustingervais5637 8 жыл бұрын
+John Shaw Depends on the effectiveness of the Super Laser against the Borg's shields. 8472's weapons were powerful enough to get through, I'm thinking something capable of planetary destruction might prove equal to that task.
@josef0009 7 жыл бұрын
Well. The more borg cubes destroyed the faster Borg adapt. After all it is just a energy weapon that can be absorbed or deflected by shield modulated to the right frequency.
@Sr89hot 5 жыл бұрын
Yep resistance is futile. All the borg cube needs to do is come out of warp on the opposite side of the Death Star weapon. Beam in a bunch of borg and assimilate the storm troopers.
@kamenridernephilim 5 жыл бұрын
Here is a question what happens if the Borg assimilated sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads? @@Sr89hot
@ratchetbear9320 10 жыл бұрын
really good job on this, for what you could could have been done, great work!
@wingman457 9 жыл бұрын
I've seen a lot of these kinds of things before, but this has to be one of the best ever.
@Webshooters1 9 жыл бұрын
I think this Borg Queen was infected by SF Debris's version of Janeway. She made her batshit insane to take on The Empire. Still, The Empire with Borg technology? That's a scary thought.
@ancienthistorygaming 6 жыл бұрын
They felt the power of the Dark Side. Lo.
@morbius109 7 жыл бұрын
0:41 - for some reason, I imagine Palpatine kinda ignored the Borg signal at first but at this point he's turning in his throne like, "Lol, what?" xD
@Jamklanson 9 жыл бұрын
"Lasers can't even penetrate our navigational shields!" I am surprised how a Star Destroyer that uses only lasers can even *glance* a hit on the Borg Cube
@everettreimers148 8 жыл бұрын
All scifi universe lasers are not creates equal and also technically Star Wars turbo lasers and blasters use a form of plasma
@Jamklanson 8 жыл бұрын
Karl Franz even plasma couldn't get anything at hitting a Borg cube
@josef0009 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry but plasma tech is 3x cheaper and quite weaker than lasers and it takes much more space. And even though plasma is using gas it is still form of energy projectile. So its almost the same as lasers.
@comradecockatoo3558 Жыл бұрын
@@josef0009 Plasma is superheated matter. Lasers are concentrated light. There is virtually 0 similarities except for the fact that they’re both bright. Plasma weapons fire matter, and the TR-116, a matter-shooting weapon, was quite effective at killing Borg.
@TheRealBeanJr_official 8 жыл бұрын
203 Borg saw this video and couldn't assimilate it
@edwardhall7351 9 жыл бұрын
Bullshit, lasers won't do jack shit to a Borg cube.
@LadyWildlower 9 жыл бұрын
People saying that Star Trek phasers have less power than Star Wars turbolasers: A single ship in Star Trek can vaporize an entire mountain. From what I've seen, the turbolasers on SW ships can hardly take out a room.
@ez-8238 8 жыл бұрын
I dont think that Q' would do that. If you remember mister omnipotent himself says and i quote: you Don't mess with the borg.
@wolfmannoon 8 жыл бұрын
The Empire vs the Borg??? Wow what a concept!!! Bravo I enjoyed the movie
@PlanetEaterG 8 жыл бұрын
I think a dozen or so tactical cube would take out the empire, beside we all know a storm troopers can't shoot for shit!
@RyanKawesomeSMS 8 жыл бұрын
they were ordered to miss
@nedbately7392 9 жыл бұрын
The Star Trek universe has more advanced weaponry than all of them....and shields.
@goat48jimmiejohnson 9 жыл бұрын
Ned Bately Yep - because while Star Wars focused on increasing the power of primitive weapons and making ships larger, Star Trek focused on the small, in particular, particle physics & quantum mechanics. They learned how to replicate and transport, and create holodecks that generate energy fields precise enough to simulate an environment with animals/materials so lifelike they're indistinguishable from the real thing.
@hackman669 9 жыл бұрын
Gramps Ford So the Empire is like the Romans and the Star Fleet is like the British Monarchy in its prime?,
@theextinctsurgeon310 9 жыл бұрын
Gramps Ford Dude, you know nothing of Quantum Mechanics and particle physics if you think everything in Star Trek can be done. I'm going to Helsinki university to become an astronomer or astrophysicist some day and I know a great deal already. I know my math and I'm ready. Star Trek is more science, it has a lot of scientific facts but also nonsense. The nonsense is theoretically possible but that is its limit. Star Trek is probably 90% real science but there is also hokum.
@carlbruschnigjr1757 9 жыл бұрын
The Extinct Surgeon And how much of Star Wars is real science?
@theextinctsurgeon310 9 жыл бұрын
Carl Bruschnig, Jr ? Why are you lobbying me about Star Wars? Star Wars is more hokum than Star Trek in science.
@tyro244 9 жыл бұрын
ROTFLMAO - Sorry, I lost it when I heard the voice of Tim Russ coming out of a white guy. :-D
@golz9785 9 жыл бұрын
tyro244 thank you for pointing that out i was so confused LOL
@claytonpascoe480 8 жыл бұрын
Guys, nice work with the adaptation with "Star Wars Vs Borg". Even though it's not Berman, Spielberg or Abrams. I enjoyed your watching the show. Know doubt you have others. I look forward to seeing them. Us Sci-Fi Junkies just live for more. Keep up the good work.
@solomonlgrulac 8 жыл бұрын
1) How is it that the Borg were NOT able to adapt to the Empire's lasers when they are able to adapt to the Federation's phasers which are significantly more powerful? 2) Why would the Borg Queen even be speaking with the emperor when the only reason she spoke with Picard and Data was because they've met in battle several times before, Picard had been fully assimilated and serviced the Borg queen directly, and was still, in some way, connected to the "Hive mind" and could still "hear their thoughts"? 3) Why did the Borg's natural energy shields NOT protect them against the light sabers? 4) Why did the Borg NOT beam 5000 drones aboard the Death Star across several decks, assimilate those decks, override, lockout, and encrypt the main computer functions with a fractal encryption code and turn life support off or simply modify the atmosphere to be unbreathable? 5) How is it that the Borg simply did not warp in 500 war class cubes in the middle of the entire Empire fleet and surround the Death Star? 6) How is it that after capturing one of the Empire's ships, the Borg were not able to protect themselves against them? Reasoning: The Borg would have assimilated the ship and its technology, and adapted their defenses and offenses across their entire fleet. 7) If the Borg already scanned the empire--to include the Death Star--and already determined that their offensive and defensive capabilities were of no match to them, how could the Empire destroy even one of the Borg's cube? 8) The Death Star takes a long time to recharge and fire; how is it that it was able to fire 3 times in a single battle? 9) How is it that the 1 single Board cube that was designed to fight species 8472 was no match for a fleet of Empire ships when even Voyager (the most advanced ship in the Federation--even more advanced than the Enterprise before First Contact and the episodes after that) was not able to defeat even 1 normal Borg cube. NOTE: The reason Enterprise became more advanced was because Voyager managed to gain advanced technology, knowledge, experience, and a Borg drone (7 of 9); as well as advanced Borg technology--enabling them to defeat species 8472 in the Delta Quadrant and because Jean Luc Picard had been fully assimilated by the Borg, could still remember everything after being severed from the Borg collective control, and could still hear their thoughts. 10) If the Borg were really that out matched and out gunned; why did they simply NOT travel back in time and assimilate the home planet (since they would have known where the home planet was after assimilating a single vessel)? These are just a few questions I have about the video. Great Job on what you did; however, I think it was really a bit biased. Also, I think if a battle that big and serious between 2 great evil forces was about to happen; EVERY person in touch with The Force (especially Yoda, Luke SkyWalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, and the Emperor) would have sensed a "great disturbance in the force" well before the Borg even arrived and would have been aware of the "impending danger". 11) One Borg cube is able to decimate an entire planetary fleet of Federation Starships, planetary, and solar system defenses without even slowing down. How could a fleet of Borg cubes NOT stand up to a fleet of Empire ships? 12) It has been analyzed that 1 Borg cube can sustain approximately 80% damage and still function at nearly full capacity. The Borg ships have been know to run into Federation vessels--which carry anti-matter--and not be affected. Why would a Borg cube even bother firing at smaller singe pilot Empire vessels and not simple focus on the Empire's Battle Cruisers and the Death Star?
@rainbowrandy1700 8 жыл бұрын
The borg aren't used to these things. Also its the damn Death Star, they might have been lucky just to get the troops they did on. not to mention, its made for destroying planets and had ONE weakness.
@frankg2790 7 жыл бұрын
The exhaust port is only a weakness if a force user is piloting the ship that fires the shot.
@davidd1138 7 жыл бұрын
I can tell you that this is Death Star II. Which could recharge in a few minutes. Death Star I took 24 hours.
@StaticYonder 9 жыл бұрын
Look. We can ALL agree that these two franchises are the BEST (I'm a GIGANTIC Star Wars fan). If someone says SciFi, you think star trek. If someone says space fantasy, you think star wars. If someone says time travel, you think back to the future And if someone says homicidal trash can, you think doctor who xD
@morro190 9 жыл бұрын
@BoMwarriorVlog 9 жыл бұрын
Agreed, except for Doctor Who. That's an epic universe in itself. ;)
@StaticYonder 9 жыл бұрын
it kicks my ass? More like licks my ass!
@Sully998 9 жыл бұрын
{P.D.G} Squidgeyoda Yes we're all SciFI fans. As our responsibility we use the powers of all our Universes to make sure nothing like Twilight tries to ruin science fiction.
@StaticYonder 9 жыл бұрын
Here here!
@dlawson688 10 жыл бұрын
got to go with the borg.. would be hard for lasers to hurt their shields. and they could adapt to the other weapons...
@loganwahler1532 10 жыл бұрын
Star Wars Lasers are not the same as modern lasers, they typically are plasma based.
@ChemicleExplosion 10 жыл бұрын
@sarttee 10 жыл бұрын
ozis ponas cuz everyone is a true nerd like you!
@ozisponas1593 10 жыл бұрын
sarttee i am science nerd its just annoying when somebody CAPS LOCKS and starts posting bullshit
@ChemicleExplosion 10 жыл бұрын
ozis ponas Star wars doesn't have sheilding, unless you call that puny thing that can barely take some low energy bursts to penetrate #SexJoke Also, the death stars defense turrets can barely reach things (Btw) in comparison 20 kilometers away, the enterprise could probably snipe the death star with a photon torpedo from 300 kilometers away, (
@jayboy66jjj 10 жыл бұрын
freaking hilarious, I laughed a lot!! thanks for this must have taken hours and hours
@jhmcd2 9 жыл бұрын
Interesting, but no. Obviously whoever did this was a Star Wars fan first because they make a massive mistake about the Borg. It constitutes that the Borg could be defeated with an all out direct assault. Yet in Star Trek, the Federation was far more advanced than the Empire and yet, every all out assault failed. Star Trek even showed how laser weapons of similar power to the turbo lasers in Star Wars had no effect on the Enterprise D, yet the Enterprise D was incapable of doing any real damage to a Bord ship. The Federation had to completely redesign its entire fleet to deal with the Borg and it was still a struggle. The only real weakness the Borg have ever had is that they could be outplayed. And since the Empire never showed any aptitude in learning about its enemy (keep in mind, the extended universe no longer exists/ all the tactical failures that lead to not one but two Death Stars being destroyed the exact same way) or producing any scientific endeavors (The Death Stars are little more than giant versions of a conventional weapon) they would have never been able to beat one Borg cube, let alone the collective. In the end, the Force wouldn't have helped them much, the Force being overrated when it comes to space combat.
@XSpellBinder 9 жыл бұрын
James McDonald After thinking about this fight, there is few ways for the empire to win, quickly but I do not see them being smart enough to use them. DS 2, had a planet as a shield generator, on top of patchy shield under it's own power. So, no beam overs, that is key, because 1 cube's worth of drones and the DS is lost to assimilation. Star War on Large ships uses layered 'hard' and 'soft' shields, the way rebel get around this is strafing runs on shield generator with small ships, Borg in the tech manuals and episodes I have seen, do not have small attack ships.The closest would be Borg Spheres, And I no Sphere in this edited footage. The Borg's weakest point if they have a Queen present that is the choke point of data and strategic information and decision making. So, this is were the argument is weak, the Emperor or Darth Vader, would have to know were and who she is. But, assuming the Borg are prideful like they some times are, Darth or Palpy, could killed her, destroying either biological body with force choke or mechinal body parts with force lightening/crush. After the Borg self/identity get attacked, they would be much weaker and easier shoot down or attack. It is one of the few tachics that has repeatly worked over and over against the Borg(Voyager:Scropion/STTG:I,Borg). Unfortunately I do not see the Imperial Elite, being that smart. So, that brings me to the one Star Wars technology that is beyond the understanding of Physics, the Laser refactor, integrator. The power and the scope of the Death star is only daunting if you have something to protect or be afraid of, brog have no fear of self/death or a homeworld that can be easily gotten to, to blowup, closest is UniMatrix Zero. So, why then should the Borg fear the death star, because those laser integrators can, and do redirect, ridiculous amounts of energy weapon, power where ever the Empire wants it to go. And they are invisible to sensors, one of the only smart things the galactic empire did with cloaking technology.(RAii:technotes). So, if again the empire can be smart (not their best suit I admit), they could potentially turn all beam and most concussive energy fire back at any Borg cube. But again the Borg are adaptable they would move to the opposite side of the DS from the the Main weapon, much like the Rebel fleet should have done. Some have said the Borg could have warped around the ship of the Starwars Universe. To that I point out the Interdictor can and do stop all, hyperspace/warp travel with artificial gravity wells stronger then a star. So, warp is out, but what about Trans(conduit) Warp. You have to have a conduit in place for Trans warp to take place, it is one of the weakness of Borg Trans warp. Voyager:ending, does not count toward cannon, the writing staff told fans they could not see a way for the ship to get home with out cheating a bit and should not be counted among the technology of the Star Trek, universe. So, the empire can win, but ONLY if they fight smart, which comes down to the orders given, which on the other hand have had some dumb mistakes made, in the history of that franchise.
@epickithri 9 жыл бұрын
James McDonald I fully agree the borg would have assimilated that death star, while all out assults failed to assimilate the federation the federation were able to show they are just as adaptable and their tech is more advanced than that of star wars not to also bring up that once they assimilated the 1st storm trooper they would have known exactly how to counter the weapons used by the storm troopers I think vader and the emperor would have made it difficult but overall not impossible the borg queen also wouldn't have been on the death star to get killed by force lightning either. and to do the kind of damage as they did to the borg they would have needed tech that would have competed with species 8472. would I count the sith empire out not at all but I don't think they would have a death star left in any situation where the borg would be defeated
@OmenBlakguard 9 жыл бұрын
XSpellBinder correction...Borg do have Probes..small craft with a crew compliment of 60 Drones
@epickithri 9 жыл бұрын
I don't see the empire being able to deal with a probe either
@DuoXCity 9 жыл бұрын
Not a bad vid. I like it when authors take some creative liberties to put everything on an even playing field.
@briannunya1630 7 жыл бұрын
What a crock. The Borg would assimilate the Death Star. It would take only a few hours. The queen would never negotiate with the emperor either. Just total BS! Good job on the editing though.
@randyd9090 Жыл бұрын
there was an episode of star trek where riker states that lasers cannot even penetrate the deflector screen let alone the shields so this is ridiculous
@sithsmasher7685 8 жыл бұрын
The Borg would make mincemeat of the Empire. It took the Federation a long time to come up with a defence against their adaptation and they are still not being great at it so how could the Empire, who have no experience figthing the Borg, fare any better?
@The_Lunch_Man 8 жыл бұрын
The empire has access to far more powerful kinetic weapons like missiles and torpedoes. The Borg cannot adapt to kinetic weaponry. Also the Borg have only drones for ground attack. The empire has large mechanized assault vehicles. Also the empire has uses lasers, which is superheated plasma, which again, isn't a simple ennergy discharge unlike phasers. Therefore their weapons would not be adaptable. Finally, unlike Starfleet, the Empire has nearly unlimited resources and would be in a far better position to adapt further defensive and offensive tactics. The empire would decimate the Borg.
@svon1 8 жыл бұрын
i think the borg as somewhat logical would never use their squares (biggest 3x3km) against an unknown 160km wide spacestation (death star 2 ,no1 was 140) even if they would try, the moment they loose 1 of their cubes by 1 single shot they would immediately retreat since they are very concerned about not wasting resources
@fgutz1970 8 жыл бұрын
Uh, no. Lasers are not "superheated plasma", they are light. Something as relatively simple as a missile or torpedo would be child's play for the Borg to adapt to (WE can and have designed and implemented defenses against such weapons and continue to do so). And bullets? Just how long do you think it would take for the Collective to figure out "oh, hey, let's make a bullet proof vest or some such thing. . ."? The Empire may have "nearly unlimited resources" but that's not going to mean squat if the Borg were to gain access to Imperial technology, strategic philosophy, science, etc--which they would begin to once they began assimilating people.
@MrOarson 8 жыл бұрын
Empire vs. Undine (8472) would be more interesting. The Undine apparently have an entire universe of resources and nearly the same capabilities, plus some capabilities that the Empire lacks, like shape shifting.
@ez-8238 8 жыл бұрын
Movie magic and wishful thinking can be a wonderful thing.
@brodiejames2966 10 жыл бұрын
Awesome video Matt
@acebrandon1172 10 жыл бұрын
If the borg assimilate jedi and sith the galaxy is FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@loganwahler1532 10 жыл бұрын
Use of the darkside is made clear to be accomplished with negative emotions (a little less clear with the Jedi) something that the Borg go to great efforts to eliminate as it is a sign of individuality and that he assimilation did not completely work. Use of the force by a drone or at least certain aspects may thus be incompatible with Borg technology.
@OmenBlakguard 9 жыл бұрын
Sequoia Treezilla hmm the Queen could decide on partial assimilation..and she could brainwash the Jedi/ yeah the Galaxy is FUCKED!
@jerrycarlin2367 9 жыл бұрын
I just stumbled on this video. It's not bad at all given the material you had to work with.
@BeatsVocal 8 жыл бұрын
the deathstar main cannon would be able to do some damage to a borg fleet, everything else would be irrelevant.
@raxsavvage 9 жыл бұрын
as wonky as the footage is, this is pretty great man
@AspieKing26 9 жыл бұрын
Okay, now, let's look at this logically. After a few shots the Borg WOULD adapt. All their lasers, everything would be useless soon enough. Picard KNEW how to defeat the Borg. And that one ship we saw fighting the Defiant destroyed like 40 already. Also in The Best Of Both Worlds there was only 1 ship that destroyed almost the whole federation fleet with Klingon warships and even some Romulan forces.Okay, yeah Vader and the Emperor could kill quite a few before being subdued by sheer numbers. Also, in all likelyhood, the Borg would also adapt to lightsaber blows rather quickly also. Borg faces the empire-The Empire would get DESTROYED.
@goat48jimmiejohnson 9 жыл бұрын
light sabers use a plasma containment field that fits in the hilt of the weapon. Containment fields are childs play in Trek. Even a rookie cadet like Wesley Crusher could make one. Borg would laugh.
@AspieKing26 9 жыл бұрын
So, are you agreeing with me? If you are, just means you understand the science of it.
@goat48jimmiejohnson 9 жыл бұрын
Nate Rothman Yea but so far as Star Wars goes - its all primitive science. lol
@AspieKing26 9 жыл бұрын
Still, I'm just saying that if you're gonna mash-up a video like this, I'd like to see it done a little more accurately. I love both Star Wars and Star Trek, but I sometimes like realism.
@goat48jimmiejohnson 9 жыл бұрын
Nate Rothman Its not like he has all the models and actors on hand to perform from a new script and create all new footage!
@Hammerfall541 9 жыл бұрын
Got to love Tuvok the stormtrooper. "Your orders are illogical Lord Vader force chokes Tuvok.
@chickensandwich77 9 жыл бұрын
I find your lack of assimilation disturbing...
@aolcom-nl9qb 9 жыл бұрын
Finally, Storm Trooper that can put up a worthy fight. Fun and cute, moreover I enjoyed the work done here.
@themeistergamer2139 7 жыл бұрын
haha their arrogance blinds them xD
@bobo577 3 жыл бұрын
Can you imagine Palpatine assimilated into the collective but is so powerful he takes them over. “We are the Senate, Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your fully armed and operational battleships to our own. They will adapt to service the Empire. Escape is futile.”
@johnrickard8512 8 жыл бұрын
Is it wrong for me to root for the empire on this one?
@missinginaction2b 4 жыл бұрын
@wkvalader 9 жыл бұрын
This video is really well done. Great editing. Everyone on here is so hilarious striking down the colours of their mortal enemies. It is just hilarious. Don't down vote the video just cause you thought Star Trek was better. Enjoy the editing here people, that wouldn't have been easy. Also, it was clearly a well done Star Trek vs. Star Wars video. It annihilated the "logical" "evolved" "calm" demeanor most Star Trek fans enjoy and turned them in to hateful, self possessed idiots. Its a good video.
@jiripospisil8332 7 жыл бұрын
Borg would definitely win!
@themeistergamer2139 7 жыл бұрын
pff the borg have a better chance fighting the droids (CIS) than the galactic empire xD
@wmichael78 Жыл бұрын
Pretty cool. Except the Borg would have adapted almost instantly to the Empire's blasters and ship weapons and the Empire showed no sign of being able to adapt themselves.
@davedumas0 9 жыл бұрын
the borg would adapt more quickly
@Venom2U 10 жыл бұрын
I have to admit this was rather entertaining LOL Great job
@thelonelyshivy5370 9 жыл бұрын
FINALLY! the stormtrooper hits anything!!!!!!!! XD
@hackman669 9 жыл бұрын
ZemmixGames They need better guns, force users and more modern weapons.
@thelonelyshivy5370 9 жыл бұрын
@ncruhk 10 жыл бұрын
Nicely done. Gave the borg a fighting chance at least. Alot more realistic than trying to have just the Fed go against the empire. (100+ planets vs 1mil) Plus, the borg actually have some more advanced tech that could maybe compete with the Empire.
@KEzra-wu2ui 8 жыл бұрын
I was actually rooting for the Empire here.
@MidagedgamerBlogspotter 8 жыл бұрын
+Ann Kimberly North I know right? It feels so wrong...
@tstudio1111 9 жыл бұрын
Niiiice! You merged 2 of my fav sci-fis.Didn't even think of it.Must have taken ages to do!
@aethertech 8 жыл бұрын
I didn't watch the whole thing. But I assume the borg won.
@1978Prime 8 жыл бұрын
+aethertech Actually, the Empire win in the end.
@saliston 8 жыл бұрын
+aethertech they made the empire win which wouldn't happen in a million years.
@ganthore 8 жыл бұрын
+1978Prime Ya I love your video... but the Empire would stand 0% chance vs the Borg. There is simply nothing they have technology wise that can not be stolen / adapted / and used by the Borg. Even the very nature of the force would be ripped from the minds of Force sensitive jedi children and adapted to service the Borg.
@declannewton2556 8 жыл бұрын
+ganthore Not exactly, because the borg are mechanical I'm preety sure they severed their connection to the force and as such they can't use it.
@ganthore 8 жыл бұрын
Declan Newton The force exists in everything. Also they are cybernetic, yes they have mechanical parts inside them... but they are still organic too. Much like Darth Vader was mostly machine. Yet he could still use the force. All the knowledge the jedi / sith hold dear would be part of the collective. Now just for what ifs sake... let us say that the Borg have knowledge of the force... but simply can not use it. Still would not help the jedi / sith when the Borg have fully assimilated everything in the known galaxy. The hyper space lanes would be destroyed / monitored by the Borg. Borg with warp / transwarp / and wormhole hub technology would simply go everywhere in the Star Wars universe and assimilate everything. I would love to see the battle that would take place in an actual movie.. :) But let's face it... no one stands a chance vs the Borg. Not even the Federation (the federation only wins because of story plot).
@williambrennan104 5 жыл бұрын
Don't agree with how it played out, but gets an upvote for the work that went into this
@laser31415 8 жыл бұрын
Borg have transporter technology. Game over.
@laser31415 7 жыл бұрын
Vader's light saber isn't much good when he is a bit pattern in their transporter matrix. forever. transporter technology=game over
@bemasaberwyn55 7 жыл бұрын
Vader's lightsaber would be useless the moment a drone adapted. Same with the Force lightning
@duffy2508 4 жыл бұрын
A drone couldnt adapt a lightsaber or the force dummy
@MasterTalon 9 жыл бұрын
This is an amusing video. While in the end, the Empire would win. I've seen people say they just have lasers, that's not true. They are named lasers, but they are far far more powerful than anything the Star Trek Phasers can dish out. Even so, the Borg have limits to their adaption ability. First Contact showed that a Borg cube was on it's last legs by the time it reached Earth after a running battle with the Federation fleet at the Typhon sector. The Cube was having power fluctuations to it's primary power grid and had sustained heavy damage to their hull, and that's fighting a Federation fleet it's able to adapt to. It was shown in Scorpion that the Borg can't adapt to sheer power levels displayed by the Species 8472 ships. The Death Star II has the power to destroy a planet, that kind of power can easily annihilate a Cube, even through shields, and there's no way to adapt to that much power. Plus the Death Star II is shown to be able to hit capital ships (and the Cubes themselves are massive) and has a faster recharge time than the DSI, which allows for it to fire faster and hit more targets. That's not even counting in the Fleet of Star Destroyers and their firepower. In Empire Strikes Back, you can see a SD vaporizing asteroids with it's shots. None of the Federation ships have that kind of firepower to instantly vaporize an asteroid, they can destroy smaller ones, but it takes time. The greatest asset though for the Empire is it's hyperdrive. They can cross the Galaxy in short order, unlike the Star Trek warp drive. The Empire can drop in, hammer a target, and then be gone before anything can arrive to help. This is a faction that has technology that's been around for thousands of years, it's been perfected to the point there's no real need to improve. The Death Star is just that tech taken to an extreme. I love both series, excellent battles, stories, and characters, but in the end, the Empire would win. It's got the tech the Borg can't handle. Plus the Borg, as a massive unified collective in thought, is rather basic in it's attacks. It's a swarm mentality, they don't do fancy tricks. The Empire can employ tactics and adapt to the Borg on the field of battle and use their superior power to just hammer the cubes to pieces.
@ChemicleExplosion 10 жыл бұрын
@shadowpoet4398 5 жыл бұрын
I never rooted for the empire before. Well done!
@BigGator5 7 жыл бұрын
Hate to say this, but I was rooting for the Empire here. Sure the Empire is evil, but the Borg is a greater evil.
@matthewgriffin7857 7 жыл бұрын
BigGator5 same
@SovereignStatesman 7 жыл бұрын
Hugh are right!
@ancienthistorygaming 6 жыл бұрын
100% for the Empire. They had the Death Star and Darth Vader.
@Thrawn1 10 жыл бұрын
Superb editing. I scenes grate power with you You tuber. Strong in the Editing you are. .
@dwarren1010 8 жыл бұрын
But how would the Borg do against the Cybermen or Dalek's ?
@frag2k12 8 жыл бұрын
+Dave Warren I found not too long ago an official comic with Doctor Who (Matt Smith) and Star Trek TNG, the Cybermen were beating the Borg forcing another unholy alliance with the Borg against the threat.
@gerardmason7349 7 жыл бұрын
But the Cybermen are almost exactly the same as the Borg. Surely they would be natural allies?
@frag2k12 7 жыл бұрын
They were initially allies but after the Cybermen got what they wanted from the Borg they absolutely massacred them, in fact the Cybermen did more damage to the Borg in less time then the Undine (Species 8472) did. Putting it like this and considering that four Dalek's did the same to thousands of Cybermen well its no question. But back onto this video one thing that is often completely ignored by those making these is weapon ranges, SW ship mounted weapons have ranges in the 100km's at most (as seen in every battle in the films) with exception of super weapons, Borg ships have the longest range of any species in ST and the Federation can fire phasers over 300,000km so the Empire would never get into range to use theirs before being beaten.
@ricaard 9 жыл бұрын
Very nice! Don't know why I kept seeing the Falcon, though..but I liked the reappearance of the trooper who bangs his head of the door multiple times!
@ShadowCandleElias 10 жыл бұрын
Good editing but you should've cut the sound and put in new music- the sudden change in theme all the time makes it unrealistic..
@cld1472 9 жыл бұрын
The lack of massive Ion Cannon shots disabling the entire Borg fleet in the first 20 seconds of the fight made in unrealistic LOL 60 Ion cannons per Star Destroyer. I doubt there would be more then 120 Borg ships so 2 Star Destroyers could mop them up quickly.
@companywebmaster 8 жыл бұрын
Awesome work, but I believe the end is the reverse of what we know. Both sides have high numbers - a given. The Force would make for impressive one on one conflicts. But the Borg's ability to adapt to weapons fire would render the death star ineffective eventually. Sure it may take several cube losses to capture the energy signature, but eventually even that weapon would be rendered inert. That's personal opinion for what little it's worth. Nothing should take away from the work undertaken to put all this together! Well done!!!
@rowlandbuck2703 8 жыл бұрын
I think the Death Star would bec real threat to Borg cubes. But anything else the empire had would be knats to the Borg.
@marsar1775 8 жыл бұрын
+Rowland Buck I agree, and even then, only if the superlaser is facing in their general direction. however, ion cannons would be difficult to adapt to, but not impossible.
@PerplexiaX 10 жыл бұрын
You do want honest feedback, right? I don't mean to discourage you! I mean, I couldn't do this as good as you are doing it! That's a little better, but there's still a problem with volume levels! You did shorten it a bit, that's good, but I'm still seeing cuts that are a little choppy, they're not as smooth as they could be. The idea is sound, it's working very well, as a matter of fact! There's just those few things here and there in the editing, but this is a definite improvement over the first version. Beautiful work!
@dazlovescarter 9 жыл бұрын
The Borg would destroy the Empire in a real battle
@coltonbiggerstaff5593 4 жыл бұрын
@xileets 7 жыл бұрын
And props on using Tuvok's generic voice for the imperial dialogue. It works great!
@danyeo 9 жыл бұрын
The Borg would laugh at the Empires technology......lasers! Second just lock onto Vader and the Emporer and beam them into space. And why not just beam 100 torpedoes into the center of the Dumb Star. This would be over in minutes with the Empire in pieces.
@theextinctsurgeon310 9 жыл бұрын
Dan D They are not Lasers. They are blasters, they are more powerful. DS and its fleet could destroy 3 cubes before the Borg overwhelm them. However, if there was an army of force-users which somehow got into the cubes, the borg would be doomed.
@carlbruschnigjr1757 9 жыл бұрын
The Extinct Surgeon They are energy based weapons. In the long run, the Empire would be well and truly screwed. And if the Borg assimilate even one force-user, they would become unstoppable.
@goat48jimmiejohnson 9 жыл бұрын
Carl Bruschnig, Jr I don't know... if humans of Trek galaxy don't have midi-chlorians, then there's no Force user potential. The Borg would have to assimilate a bunch of high potential force users from Star Wars galaxy and then only those drones would be able to exhibit force user qualities, and I'd say the Queen would probably need to be infused with midi-chlorians before she could remotely use the force through those drones.
@theextinctsurgeon310 9 жыл бұрын
Carl Bruschnig, Jr Yes "if" they assimilated but if they don't...
@goat48jimmiejohnson 9 жыл бұрын
The Extinct Surgeon If they don't. they're still unstoppable. I love Voyager and Species 8472, but the Borg can infest just about any ship or planet, shielded or not. Nanoprobes were actually what allowed them to put Species 8472 in check.
@guidofox9696 10 жыл бұрын
Good idea. Someone else has also tried to put these two in battle in a soundtrek: Lord Vader versus The Borg Collective
@minecraft1236742 10 жыл бұрын
they use laser s they can do nothing to star trek
@ncruhk 10 жыл бұрын
Does it LOOK like a laser? Does it ACT like a laser? No? Then it's not an actual laser as we understand it. If it is, then you're saying that the Death Star 'laser' is powerful enough to blow up a planet, right?
@minecraft1236742 10 жыл бұрын
but in a star trek d parcrd said laser cant even get thorw the sheild the
@ncruhk 10 жыл бұрын
This is true. But my point is is that it is not 'just' a laser as we understand the concept. It has a visible impact and explosive energy that does not fit with our definition of laser. A laser is modernly defined as a narrow and powerful beam of light and, while it does have electromagnetic radiation, it doesn't transmit energy in the form that we constantly see in Star Wars.
@minecraft1236742 10 жыл бұрын
yea that is ture but gaxly is strong borg ar weak hey doosa you play star trek online
@ncruhk 10 жыл бұрын
The galaxy cruiser is an impressive ship but it is still no match for the borg cube as we saw when they first encountered the borg. Q had to save them. Even the entire Fed fleet couldn't stop a single borg cube from getting to earth in First Contact. I did play STO when it first launched but stopped several months in. Lost interest and had better things to do.
@chadherbert18 9 жыл бұрын
Fun! 1. Borg scans their capabilities, engage, learn, and send the data to the collective hive. they then get destroyed... 2. Bring entire Borg fleet in one sweep. Get close enough to engage their fighters, but not too close to get hit by their energy weapons in a large halo, 3. Beamed to every fighter vessel that engages them a Borg to assimilate as many as possible ships, 4. Leave again and assimilate the fighter technology and add the span of Borg knowledge to enhance it and mass produce it, 5. Return and use the fighters equipped with beaming technology and assimilate the destroyers en mass, 6. Leave again and return in a few months with ten times as many Borg-equipped Destroyers, assimilate the Star Destroyer, and assimilate the force into the Borg collective (mitichlorians) 7. Begin the assimilation of that universe and the Star Trek universe... :)
@cld1472 9 жыл бұрын
LordIce First off yes Turbolasers are laser, you are correct in that, but they fire at 100,000 Gigawatts of power. The Enterprise in Star Trek the Next Generation Season 3 Episode 3 took a blow of 400 Gigawatts and their shields dropped. Im not going to bother reading everything said this this debate, but the Acclamator? Why are we discussing an out date Assault ship? The Empire would use Victory, Imperial and Super class Star Destroyers, not some weak ass assault cruiser. Also you may also be forgetting that every Star Destroyer has 60 Ion Cannons on it that are meant to disable and shut down functionality of all electronic equipment... I wonder what happens to the collective without their computers functioning... Maybe theres an Episode of Star Trek that I have not seen that explains that, if you know what happens I would love to know.
@IceGavel 9 жыл бұрын
1: Source that 100,000 gigawatt number. Until you prove that, I ain't buying. 2: The blast that hit the Enterprise was specifically weaponized particles, not light. Nav shields would still apply, though they might struggle a little. After all, they ARE designed to counteract solar wind and the like, and I'm willing to bet that solar wind outputs more than 400 gigawatts as radiation and light. 3: I think he brought it up as a "hey, if THIS old ship is THAT good, imagine what an Imperial can do," which is nonsense. The Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser was capable of matching designs three centuries newer, so the technological stagnation of that galaxy means that his analogy was worth bubkus. 4: Ion cannons fire a type of plasma slug. Ion cannons also work the same as the Breen energy dissipating weapon used against the Federation during the Dominion War. If the Federation can counter that, the Borg can. Plus, it's plasma - which is what the Borg use as weapons. You don't shoot the Borg with their own guns. 5: Borg ships don't run on electricity. They're powered by high-energy plasma. So the ion cannon wouldn't necessarily do ANYTHING. Not to mention the subspace computer technology employed by everyone in the ST universe - which isn't electronic in base. I think they decided they didn't like vulnerability to EMPs and built around it, so it'll take more than that. Hell, it takes large STORMS of ions to disable ships, and it does that by brute force damage. 6: It's not a "Super-class Star Destroyer." I know the ship you mean - the extra stupidly huge one that crashed into the Death Star II. That was the ISD Executor, first in the line of the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer. I personally find it far too large to be practical, since it's supposed to have thousands of people on board.
@cld1472 9 жыл бұрын
1) Did I type 100,000? Typo 10,000 Gigwatts my bad. But you want 1 link heres 2 2) The Turbolasers as mentioned in the first link have recoil, which beams of pure light would not have so there are partical based to some degree. 3) The Hammerhead class CRUISER.. had 4 Dual Heavy Turbolasers, 2 Turbolaser cannons, and 2 Quad laser cannons. That ship would be outclassed by a lot of the Star Trek ships, it was more of a flag ship for the rebel alliance not a war ship. 4) Ion cannons in Star Trek have been noted as purely destructive in nature, while they may have some draining abilities the Ion cannons in Star wars are the exact opposite that drain and do very minimal damage to disable and capture ships. 5) A network would have to have some sort of electrical based way to actually link them together, plus STtNG season 1 episode 5 encountered energy draining and their similar systems to more then likely what a borg would use as the backbone was disabled. 6) A Super Star Destroy is definitely not what I have been discussing as a Super class is designed as to be special. Like it has no specs that say X number of Heavy Turbolasers. Its built to be whatever the hell can fit that the person ordering the construction desires.
@IceGavel 9 жыл бұрын
cld1472 1: That source is non-canon and provides no evidence for its claims, so what it says means bubkus here. Provide a canon source, not the speculation of some random website. 2: It's entirely possible for turbolasers to have recoil and still fire light beams. And it's specifically because of something they use in it: Tibanna Gas. Highly volatile, used to amplify lasers and turbolasers. It's possible that, when the photons pass through the gas, that the gas amplifies the blast while slowing the photons (fun fact, photons don't have a consistent velocity, as scientists discovered fairly recently), causing the visible travel of the bolt. The recoil would come from the heat of the laser blast igniting the Tibanna Gas, causing (in essence) an explosion in the cannon. The recoil of the cannons we see could be compensating for that explosion, allowing the Tibanna Gas to be used without blowing up the cannon. That would also explain why they have to replenish the gas. 3: You missed the point of what I was saying there. He cited the Acclimator as an old ship, because HE thought it could beat a galaxy. I referenced the Hammerhead to say "old ships are equal to newer ships because the Wars galaxy advances slowly." I used that to dismiss the Acclimator argument, not to assume the Hammerhead would be IN the fight. Though, you seem to think the Hammerhead was a Rebellion vessel, when it wasn't. The Hammerhead was an Old Republic ship c. 3900-3600 BBY - the era of the Great Galactic War and Vitiate's Sith Empire. 4: Actually, Trek doesn't even HAVE Ion Cannons. They have ion STORMS, which are massive and densely packed with ionized plasma and has no energy-draining power. The closest Trek comes to an ion cannon is the Breen Energy Dissipator - which does the same thing as an Ion Cannon, and has no actual destructive yield. Its purpose was the same as the ion cannon, but was followed up usually with conventional weapons to destroy unwanted ships (see Second Battle of Chin'toka). 5: No, they don't use electronic components. Like I said, their ships use plasma-based energy distribution and subspace technology in their computers. You assume based on CURRENT tech that it's electronic, when it isn't. Current tech doesn't translate to Trek tech. As for the energy drain in The Last Outpost, that was created by the Tkon Empire, which was (before its destruction) far larger and more advanced than the Federation. And even then, the energy drain was gradual - nothing like an ion cannon, and probably designed to drain plasma-based systems (while ion cannons only work on electrical ones). They also managed to escape that situation, as well as a similar one in Booby Trap (TNG 3x06). The only weapon comparable to the ion cannon is the Breen weapon - and the Federation countered that. So too would the Borg, since they had assimilated Breen and Federation alike. The Borg hive mind network uses subspace signals similar in nature to technology the Empire doesn't even HAVE - transporter beams. So, the Ion Cannon would have no effect on the tech, the power systems, or the hive mind. 6: Actually, I looked it up. The Super-class Star Destroyer and the Executor-class Star Dreadnought are actually the same ship.
@cld1472 9 жыл бұрын
Math needs to be sourced now... wow Star Trek fans I thought you guys were intelligent.. oh and your entire message Im seriously just not going to read it. Like seriously if you want proof of 10,000 gigawatts Star Wars doesnt exactly hide their stuff, google it and stop being lazy. Im linked it far too many times to try again at this point and honestly I give up on Star Trek fans even having functional brains at this point as non of you can actually debate worth a damn.
@IceGavel 9 жыл бұрын
cld1472 Ad hominem attack tied to a "tl;dr" surrender. If you've been linked this number so much, it is NO effort to pass along, just as it was passed to you. You are not being lazy. You know the claim is bullshit and you don't want the humiliation of being caught. Intelligence spreads intelligence. If you cannot disseminate your intelligence, it is only because you lack one.
@albertmontes11 Жыл бұрын
Great stuff! Well orchestrated
@joemcmoe6178 8 жыл бұрын
The Borg are dumb there infantry just walk slowly toward there target doing nothing
@1978Prime 8 жыл бұрын
+Joe McMoe They still haven't reached perfection.
@joemcmoe6178 8 жыл бұрын
+1978Prime well at least they try
@SkyTHF 8 жыл бұрын
borg= walking zombie or a camel empire= SWAGARONI AND JEASUS
@michaelsaumure7697 8 жыл бұрын
Keep in mind that once the Borg adapt to the blaster bolts, they are no longer at any risk.
@bobflibber6691 8 жыл бұрын
Blaster Bolts are lazer Adapting is not necessary Borg Personal Shields defeat any lazer weapon except maybe the Light saber and Regenerative shielding on there vessels took the ship to ship weapons out of play before the battle even started. Borg vs Empire. Borg win Vader and the Emperor are the only survivors. And only because of the force.
@PlayNiceFolks 10 жыл бұрын
For what is available, this is pretty damn good.
@kylegravano9246 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Star Wars fans. Learn a bit about the Borg before getting cocky. Overconfidence is a weakness.
@Agent1W 8 жыл бұрын
8:43 PERFECT editing shot!
@atrociousconsequences4432 7 жыл бұрын
Species 8472 should send in a few thousand bioships from fluidic space. The weapons of eight bioships can be linked with a larger ninth bioship; the collective weapon thus formed can destroy an entire planet in seconds, so the SW Death Star would not stand any chance.
@MobiusBandwidth 8 жыл бұрын
never thought I'd root for the emperor!
@hollyhutchings2379 10 жыл бұрын
I did some Research and Star Trek Phaser Weapons of TOS Can only Fire Beams in the 1534 Kiloton Range Per Shot, Star Wars Blasters Blast Plasma Bursts in the 200 Gigaton Range PER SHOT (That would render a Planet to Moltan Slag in just about 10 Minutes) and they can fire over 400 Shots in 5 Minutes while Star Trek Ships have to recharge their Weapons before firing again. however Photon Torpedoes are about 128 Teratons and could probably penetrate Star Wars Shields. however these are just estimates.
@Memy001 9 жыл бұрын
It was a bit hiccuppy at times when the merge did not quite fit, but all in all not bad. I give it a 7+
@Snowwie88 4 жыл бұрын
It's highly unlikely that any Borg Cube would sit idle directly into the superweapon's path of the deathstar. The Deathstar is a 'battle-station' and slowly maneuverable. The Borg cubes could easily go behind it and attack it from there. Also the Borg Queen would not be in direct contact with Sheev Palpatine. Also, with the amount of shots the stormtroopers put out the Borg would easily have adapted to them and assimilated the ship from within. Another fact is that in Endgame in Voyager the Queen dies of a pathogen. Sheev Palpatine did not implement such a thing on the Borg Queen and Star Trek First Contact learns us that the Borg Queen lives forever (as she said: you are thinking so 3 dimensional). So the remaining Borg would still go on. Only the main weapon of the deathstar was strong enough to destroy a cube, but as said, no cube would be so stupid to sit in it's path. All the other ships pose no threat. During the first contact with a Borg ship the Enterprise was not able to inflict any damage to the Borg cube (the reason why they went hibernating in the middle of that battle still eludes me, because of that the Enterprise COULD do some damage to the cube), but otherwise the Cube was a self repairing vessel that would still work even if 70% was destroyed. And those cubes also had shields which was also forgotten in this video. Without being biassed and just looking at the facts the Borg would definitely be the winner.
@edgarestrada3701 8 жыл бұрын
Great effort in making this. Thanks for sharing!
@D2SProductions 7 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the video. :)
@andrewwblanchard6037 5 жыл бұрын
@alarkhar 9 жыл бұрын
Once I saw a hypothesis that made both Star Wars and Star Trek fans shiver at the idea... imagine, if you will, a team of Borgs overwhelming and assimilating Darth Vader. Now, imagine the Emperor screaming in pure, unadulterated terror at the sight of a mile wide Sith class Borg Cube... a Sith with the power of over a million minds acting as one. I think you'll agree with me that this would be VERY bad for everyone.
@Hei_Darkfire 9 жыл бұрын
It was pretty good.. The only thing that really stood out that should have been fixed was the reuse of footage and lines... I won't say anything about the editing because you did the best with what you had.
@hoorano 10 жыл бұрын
Obviously a Star Wars (SW) biased edited video. There's no way that the Empire can have lasers that modulate in frequency like Star Trek (ST) the Next Generation or Voyager phasers. The Borg's adapting technology is too much for SW weapons. Darth Vader may have gave the borg a good hand-to-hand combat. The Borg drones would be able to adapt to the light saber w/in a 15 seconds. Darth Vader would be able to run away using his telekinesis throwing objects at the Borg or throw them out of range. No way Darth Vader can overcome a brigade of Borg drones with telekinesis alone.. As for the Queen Borg scene, the dialog from the other movies and tv scenes fit well. Like Darth Vader, if Darth Sidious can escape by using his telekinesis against brigades of Borg drone. Again, no way anyone can sustain a telekinesis defense or attack against brigades of Borg drones.
@CthulhuChow 9 жыл бұрын
to me even as a kid, always boiled into a basic constant battle, religion (SW) vs science (ST). i am afraid Darth Jesus would be assimilated before Bill Nye even got warmed up. find the Empire, transport in, assimilate, then repeat. the end.
@EmpiricalPragmatist 9 жыл бұрын
Um, shields. Lol. Why do you guys always forget simple stuff like shields?
@jmedlock95 7 жыл бұрын
nice work! the only thing i dint like that i think needs fixing is the sound levels. they are all over the map. deafening to barely audible. nice work though very enjoyable
@takis76 8 жыл бұрын
Perfect montage. Make one video taking Darth Vader change him as a Borg Drone and the Lord Sith will rescue him. :)
@DingKong 8 жыл бұрын
Better than episodes 1,2 and 3!
@jcdenton2187 4 жыл бұрын
Well... i think the Empire would lose hardcore but would put up a decent fight. I also doubt the Queen would physically interact with the Emperor alone like that. The video was really entertaining though. Especially the stormtrooper v drone corridor battles, and Darth Vader slaughtering drones. Very well done. The biggest problem aside from the plot not being very believable in how it goes is the sound in the video. It's messy. I think if you muted most of the audio and redubbed it with a new score and sound effects from Star Trek and Star Wars, the clips would feel less disjointed. Also consider tinting some scenes blue or green so they mesh better
@HolyknightVader999 7 жыл бұрын
The industrial capacity of the Empire alone will fluster the Borg. Each Star Destroyer has a core that's practically a tiny sun. Each turbolaser shoots 200 gigaton shots or more. And each ISD costs more than the annual GDP of an entire planetary civilization. And the Empire has 25,000 of these things. The Borg won't be able to stop something that strong. And the ISDs are their fast attack ships-those are just destroyers, which in modern parlance are quick strike vessels. The Empire's real heavy hitters are those 19 KM command ships that have more than 12 times the firepower of a standard ISD, not to mention cost. To counter that firepower, the Borg have to build something stronger than an ISD, one that can take its attacks, absorb it, and fire back with similar force. And with all the planets the Borg own, they cannot have the industrial capacity to counter that. Also, to those who doubt that SW turbolasers can turn whole planets into barren deserts, take a good look at Mandalore. That used to be a verdant jungle world, and by the time of the Clone Wars, it's one big radioactive desert where the people have to live inside glass houses contained in domes. Or, look at Concord Dawn, where a chunk of the planet got blown off. And that was done with warships weaker than the Venator-class Star Destroyers, let alone Imperial-Class Star Destroyers. Forget the Death Star, the Borg can't even counter the standard Imperial fleet. Also, ray shields and particle shields will block out any nanoprobes, and the former even disintegrate matter, which was how they can use ray shields to trap solid objects like humans in EPIII. Also, for those of you who say "THE EXPANDED UNIVERSE IS NO LONGER CANON!" It was during the time of George Lucas, and Lucas even praised the Expanded Universe in the intro to the novel "Splinter of the Mind's Eye". He also referenced the Expanded Universe in his films, from the Jedi Council, the Republic capital Coruscant, and even Palpatine's quest for immortality. Palpatine's quest for immortality had nothing to do with his plot to take over the galaxy, which was the main story of the prequels, yet Lucas placed it there anyways because he was referencing Dark Empire, his FAVORITE Star Wars comic book, where Palpatine finally attains immortality and returns to haunt the heroes. In Dark Empire, Palpatine has immortality, and in Episode III, we see the beginnings of how he attains this immortality. Also, Disney canon takes everything from the Expanded Universe and turns it up to eleven. Not only is the Empire still as strong as ever, but they made Darth Vader from a flawed Sith into an invincible gore machine. They took things like the Galaxy Gun and made them even more insanely powerful, such as the Starkiller Base. Oh, and those First Order Star Destroyers? They all have Death Star Superlaser Crystals mounted on those turbolasers of theirs, making them even stronger than their EU counterparts. At this rate, fighting the EU version of the Empire is less risky than fighting the Disney version. the Disneyverse Empire has Star Destroyers with Death Star Superlaser crystals mounted on the guns, plus a Death Star the size of a planet that consumes suns and blows up whole planetary sectors in one shot.
@Admiral8Q 10 жыл бұрын
Excellent remake.
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