I like how they say rug delver is a bad matchup and miracles is a good one, when thats the opposite
@cameroncorrado3935 Жыл бұрын
No, RUG was definitely a far more difficult matchup for Storm than Miracles was.
@1ridethemathematician809 Жыл бұрын
@@cameroncorrado3935 I hard disagree on that, i would much rather play against rug delver than miracles. rugs dangerous draws were super beatable with discard and Past in flames, Counterbalance and top to hide the forces are so hard to beat.
@cameroncorrado3935 Жыл бұрын
@@1ridethemathematician809 You're welcome to disagree, but your opinion may not match up with evidence. ANT's chances of winning get better the longer it has to accumulate resources and shape its hand. Of course, there is a point in time when Miracles has such an overwhelming resource advantage that victory is inevitable, but that is far later into the game than it takes for ANT to acquire significant enough of an advantage to push its game plan through the limited amount of early interaction Miracles presents. Yes, if they resolve Top and Counterbalance and have ten lands in play with a grip of seven cards, you're not winning that game, but you can certainly win through CounterTop on a low land count. Add that to the fact that you get access to Pyroblast and Abrupt Decay postboard, and you have a recipe for a winning matchup. RUG Delver, on the other hand, does not allow ANT sufficient time to accumulate resources and sculpt its hand. Its quick clock plus access to Lightning Bolt makes Ad Nauseam lines much more risky, and it can disrupt the cantrips that set up Past in Flames wins with its suite of soft permission spells. If you try to combo off through in-hand counter magic against RUG, you not only have to power through Force of Will like against Miracles, but also the rest of the soft permission spells as well. I had many friends who played Storm, Miracles, and RUG Delver back then, and all of them agreed with the commentators, so I'm not sure what to tell ya.
@joshuamartinez88110 жыл бұрын
Sorry but Brian has it he is so nice but Reid is a close second