Stealth camp in The Forbidden Wood(see description box for more info)

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Wiltshire Man

Wiltshire Man

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Stealth camping without permission is a thorny subject! My views on land ownership may be a little skewed towards the left. In the beginning, right at year dot there was no ownership of land. The very concept didn't exist. Humans and other animals were free to roam at will. By our nature we are territorial and formed tribes and clans to protect ourselves and preserve the resources for tribe members. An interloper perhaps would have been dealt with harshly? Thus the fall of man began. Later in England a parliamentary law was passed called "The Inclosure act" This law was abused by rich and powerful land owners in the C1700 and much of the land was taken into private ownership and the ordinary folk could no longer gain access. Today virtually all the land is owned by someone and in England wild camping is illegal although is widely practiced. The unwritten wild camping law is "Pitch camp late, strike camp early and leave no trace. If you can gain permission and find the land owner then do so. There are some places I simply would not camp. For example sites of special scientific interest. Special reserves for endangered wildlife and game preserves especially when the birds are there. Unfortunately it is my opinion that we will always have the simpletons, the IQ zero's who will leave a mess and spoil it for the majority so sadly although I wild camp and break the law, I am also in favour of the law staying as it is to deter wild camping. I fear otherwise our beautiful country could become a righty mess. To those of us that continue to be law breakers like me then I will always leave my camp site better than when I found it:)Music all sourced from the KZbin creator studio (no attribution required) and used in the following order :
Landra's dream,
Angelic forest,
Minyo san Koyoku,
Easy day.
I don't give out the locations of my stealth camps and the names of the woods are fictitious.

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@6brettes 7 жыл бұрын
i believe that god created the earth and everything in it!! i stealth camp all of the time i figure that what greedy peoples dont know wont hurt them!! i once got attacked by an irate scottish royal gamekeeper on balmoral estate he used a heavy knobbly wooden club end of a walking stick to try to get me to move along after id just crossed the cairngorms woth 72lb pack done 46miles traverse of cairngorms luckily i turned my back just before the hit he hit my pack with one heavy wallop!! so i waited until he started to come at me again go for me again stepped down into a hole and upper cutted him breaking his nose!! before all of this occurred he said do you know where you are? i told him yes? he said do you know whose land this is? i said no? he said you are on the queens land!! i said then i guess if she is nice that she can spare me a dee river bank for the night then? oh no you are not camping anywhere here on this land you are going to move yself on right now before i make you!! move it along so another security team turn up in landrover i now am being harrassed harangued by 5 royal protection squad type ex sf guys n a seething gamekeeper with a bloody nose all trying to get me now arrested by braemar police! luckily the next footbridge i crossed they could not follow they were shouting after me you shant get off this estate without being arrested!! we will have you etc etc blah blah blah i get about 20mins along trail i was dog tired exhausted just wanted to sleep put my head down stop for the eve dusk was here as i got near to outskirts of braemar i came back alongside the same river dee id left earlier i stopped briefly to look at it tumbling down as sun went down a man came walking along noticed me said hi where have i come from i said newtonmore kingussie glen feshie way he says in 1 day i said yes he says you look tired i said i am i just had a bad exp he says what happened i told him what occurred few mins ago he says oh them that lot! we live here and even we dont get along with them? theyre a bunch of a holes like telling everyone else what to do!! he says i tell you what i manage the moy lodge if you promise me that your out of it by latest 10am tmw morning as i got belgian clients coming to look at it you can stay the night inside free of charge so he says help yself to anything you see in there but just leave it way you found it ok if thats ok it will solve you having any further problems with permission tonite plus anyone who has done what you just done to that lot nextdoor is a friend of mine!! indeed? must have been a feud going on! so ended up sipn a wee dram of whiskey im front of a roaring log fire in this £550 per night hunting lodge slept in the oak panelled lined library didnt want to disrupt the beds preferred a hard floor and exited handing keys to man in.morning as i came out of lodge door police car swept past i thought best get up the hill just in cases that gamekeeper n security detail are making waves again so headed up to lochnagar n mt keen ending my walk in montroses east coast ive never really understood vast estate ownership whilst rest of us poor mugs live in boxes on council estates i now seek places away from everybody especially when sea kayaking sometimes have my own island or islet it feels like you are a king for a day!! but there is a twisted history to all of this when god made the earth he made enough bounty enough space for all to go around for everyone to prosper thrive from it as a gift why should others deny access to the poor or disadvantaged you look at the ramblers assoc mass trespass kielder the poor had to march in protest get beaten severely to obtain our access rights today ive worked as a natl trust warden and with dartmoor natl park service and some of the peoples in land management are of a superior privilege life or existences i now do my own thing and keep a very low profile and pride myself on not getting caught in very diff areas so i get a double kick out of camping now and no i dont feel guilty at all in.the slightest i regards the freedom to roam as my inalienable right and woe betides anyone who tries to make me think otherwise ive wandered this earth in wild places and we cannot take anything with us there should always be time for play at any ages
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
That was some story David. All I can do is pin this comment to the top so everyone will see it. There certainly was no need for the heavy handedness that you suffered. There are some bad eggs out there. I hope I don't run into one but if I did it would make me want to camp there all the more:) There are other reasons though why certain lands should be avoided. Maybe sites of special scientific interest or area's that deer use as a retreat away from man especially when they have young. I would also avoid gamekeepered woods when the birds are there or during the shooting season. But yes you raised some good points about our inalienable rights and the ramblers on the mass trespass!!! Thanks for the comment. Sandy
@6brettes 7 жыл бұрын
Wiltshire Man yes ive heard and expcd some pretty outrageous incidents often from so called respectable members of community its not unknown to be lashed at by members of the hunt on horseback either I was once passing a hunt high up on east dartmoor they had gathered at top of hill were stopping all traffic from proceeding in either directions all dressed up to nines nowhere to go One of our guys my friend wound down his window politely asked when they would all be moving on! This huntmaster came along said for horrible ignorant little oiks like you never we own this land!! & we certainly dont want horrible little ignorant city pricks like you coming onto it! So piss off!! Somewhere elses!! Well that was a red flag to a bull as colin was hot wired anyway he jumped out the car said to huntmaster what did you just say? Or call me? He said you heard looking down his nose sat atop horse in red riding hunt jkt shiney boots spurs Briches The other hunts peoples all stopped what they were doing came over pinned colin in against a stone wall using flanks of their horses told him to immed get back in his car turn arounds and please go away!! Colin says no you can all fkoff!! The lot of ya! Then the original guy slides up behind him on horse raises his crop beats down on colins head from horseback colin didnt miss a trick in one slick movement colin grabbed his arm and his crop pulled this posh ole geezer off his horse landed with a heavy crump to the floor horses scattered starts laying into him we couldnt quite see what was going on still sat in the car until one of our kayakers shouts out better get out the car colin will kill him!! So we all had to jump out real quick drag colin off this huntmaster before he did cuz Colin is a bit of a psychopath when he gets angry So The hunt then resort to calling police stating that one of their members had just been assaulted could you come as soon as possible please start explaining where they are with great difficulty cuz they were in middle of nowhere all the kayakers were buzzed up so pulled away pushed their way through a shocked hunting party who soon got out the way once they realised our party also meant business! It is like a form of elitist arrogance heighth of arrogance to think that they could block a main public highway and abuse others just trying to get to where they are also going unimpeded But their inner attitudes towards others less privileged shows them up im not saying everyone that goes on a hunt is bad but foxhunting it does attract a certain ilks!! Of elitist landowner types Who do tend to look down upon all the rest of us as the great unwashed Times need to change!! Attitudes newer healthier to prevail
@6brettes 7 жыл бұрын
Its all this landownership malarkies based upon a ruling elite feudal systems anyways you look at the tolpuddle martyrs of dorset on my mothers side we have family related to theym brave volks! They saw justices at the end after their deportations torture & hard labor in the colonies some survived that ordeal some did not just for refusing to pay an excessive increase feudal landlord rent on their small plots of land? Or the highland clearances which left burnt out crofters foraging for seaweed and cockles along the sands or coastlines starving hungry!! Because the english valued a sheep higher than a human being!
@6brettes 7 жыл бұрын
JagerScot my experiences hospitality wise in the highlands has usually been faultless impeccable!!
@6brettes 7 жыл бұрын
JagerScot if my memory serves me right i believe it to be moy lodge but i did a coast to coast traverse of scotland twice starting from shiel bridge then the 5 sisters of kintail or the other ridge which has 7 munroes on it on other side of valley overlooking moidart knoydart way an tellach the hunting lodge i was invited to stay at free of charge was on outskirts of braemar alongsides the river dee town country fringe i only stayed the 1 night and it was evening when i entered morning when i left the guy who runs it is extremely friendly towards hill walkers climbers etc he regularly helps out walkers in off season ive heard when it is not being used for the hunters
@MrRadiorobot 7 жыл бұрын
what a wonderful video Sandy, the way you film your experience while out in the wilds leaves me feeling that i was there with you..I especially like the camping/bush craft tips, anecdotes and narrative..reminds me of time spent with my late father.
@benf.2402 7 жыл бұрын
As a landowner in my country I do not object to people using my property in a non-destructive way when I'm not using it. There is no general law against trespassing here- some notice must be given, by posting a sign or actual warning before the police can be involved. I hope that people will respect the land. Usually they do, but they sometimes don't. Truly it can make one angry; after all, I am the one who purchased it, I am the one preserving it from logging and development, I am the one paying the taxes on it. I should not have to haul away rubbish and repair damage left by those who do none of the above.
@henryporter5466 7 жыл бұрын
If I may say so, that was a superb piece of filming. Most enjoyable.
@daveevans2261 4 жыл бұрын
Nice video thanks for showing us, a good moral too , leave your campsite clean and tidy take your litter home. A great little stove that, I like it.
@riccartwright5623 7 жыл бұрын
I love the woods, forest, wilderness what ever you want to call it.... as I've gotten older I found there are some places I find harder to get to . I dread the day I can no longer even go.... the woods is a place I can calm my spirit and be one with nature....laws of man I find to be made mostly by people of greed and I have little to no tolerance for them...... on a brighter note I really like all videos that I have seen, you make interesting and fun, I enjoyed the ride thank you my friend
@WyeExplorer 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with your sentiments there....
@nacholibre1962 7 жыл бұрын
Amen. When I returned from A'stan, I had occasion to chat with my doc about some issues I was having She asked me how do I re-energise and I said by going to the woods. She said there are basically two kinds of people: Those who gain energy from being around people and those from whom energy is taken by people.I fall very firmly into the latter category. I make an effort when I'm around people, because they deserve it, but they have no idea how much they drain me. I can only listen to so much trivial drivel. That has been the hardest thing after coming home: having to hear the mundane musings of average people. It's almost physically painful, sometimes. It's not that I don't like people; I do. But I find now that "ordinary" just doesn't cut it any more and I often find myself daydreaming about solitude in the woods and longing for the next time I can get there. The woods I frequent are mostly Crown land or privately-owned forestry reserve. Either way, they are accessible by folk who are respectful. I am a "leave no trace" kind of guy. Thank goodness that here in British Columbia, the woods are vast and pretty close by! I am so looking forward to my solo spring bear hunt at the end of May!
@karenlee1741 7 жыл бұрын
ric cartwright your like me I'm into Bush craft camping i can make a shelter track trap game good with animals plants garden but I'm no master but I'm 50worried about my age .and the land here most of it is posted here to I'm in N.Y. state USA .I'm wating for the war with north Korea he's threatened to drop a nuke on us he's threatened to nuke outher country's to we all know that it will happen just don't know when .
@riccartwright5623 7 жыл бұрын
I believe Americas next big war will be on American soil..... yes like you I am no master but i can trap set homemade snares build shelters that will last years and find water and little about plants too.... many are better than me but in the woods I would fair better than most
@karenlee1741 7 жыл бұрын
ric cartwright i believe that a war is coming soon right here in the USA.I'm in N.Y. state USA where you at.IF you wasn't so far away my but would be there with you I'm worried about my age I'm 50 I'd be okay for awhile in the woods camping when it goes down I'll be alone there's no groups here to be with no partner no one does Bush craft camping.oh well I'll be alone .homeless.
@davidtomkinson978 7 жыл бұрын
I'm of for a stealth camp later this month in some local woods with my son. He's in his thirties and I'm in my late fifties. We enjoy getting out and it's more like two kids than adults. We adhere to the leave no trace principle and always have a good time what ever the weather. I've watched a lot of your videos over the years and you have been an inspiration to me. Thank you Sandy. Long life and many seasons to you.
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
Hi David, So pleased to hear from you. Glad you are still a kid at heart. My life will be as long as it will be. Having another mri scan soon so I will know if I have a "stay of execution or not"...I intend on having many seasons but will be obedient to nature on this:) Sandy
@davidcooper6704 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with all the points you make. You are never too old to enjoy life so I try to ignore the aches and pains and the feeling of running out of time. This is another fine video. Thank you for sharing. Dave
@FlyingHaggisFilms 7 жыл бұрын
Outstanding video yet again Sandy, a real tonic to watch, really appreciate your quiet adventures they bring the restless human soul back to earth and yes, it is a worthwhile action to promote stealth and respect of the land. Do hope the insects didn't trouble you and Elsa too much. Harry.
@Andyb2379 7 жыл бұрын
Happy Easter Sandy. What a lovely camp you have had there. Loving you ambient music in your recent video it really creates a lovely atmosphere when watching. Great Drone shots - your be please to know the sky tractor saw action today. Still flying like, well a tractor 😀(perfect as always). I like to think we belong to the land. We have the same rights as the birds & the trees to be there. No one really owns land. It was there to begin with & will be there at the ending. Cheers Sandy - oh, your never to old if the bodies willing. 😀
@PaulOutdoors 7 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed every second of this Sandy. No, never too old to play, to imagine. To believe otherwise is to trudge through life as a programmed human being following the crowd. You Sir are not 'normal' in this regard and that is one of the greatest compliments that I can pay you. Thank you Sandy and Elsa as always for the inspiration. Happy wandering. Paul :)
@WyeExplorer 7 жыл бұрын
No play means the end Paul. Thank goodness for playful people...
@PaulOutdoors 7 жыл бұрын
Wye Explorer Totally agree Mark. What is life without play, without enthusiasm, excitement, anticipation, imagination :)
@WyeExplorer 7 жыл бұрын
For sure - I'll go with all them.
@PaulOutdoors 7 жыл бұрын
Wye Explorer Spot on Mark :)
@3nertia 7 жыл бұрын
"You don't stop having fun because you grow old. You grow old because you stop having fun"
@TudorThomas 7 жыл бұрын
Just found the channel Sandy. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. There's a great quote from George Bernard Shaw that I'm very fond of and that is also very applicable to your comments... "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." All the very best from North Wales.
@BjornAndreasBull-Hansen 7 жыл бұрын
What a great video. Inspirational! Thank you for sharing this and your wise thoughts also.
@marlowe5555 6 жыл бұрын
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”: Thoreau. I enjoyed your introspections. Great to see you out there and playing.
@russellwilby7201 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks Sandy. A wonderfully peaceful and entertaining little video. I don't know how you make me feel so good after watching you, but I really do appreciate it. God bless mate.
@davebuts1921 7 жыл бұрын
I love the way you respect the land, and other peoples property, if every one was like you, people would not worry. Its sad to be true, that people have to destroy and make a mess. On a lighter note its a lovely time of year now. Sandy I own a small bit of land around 4 acres of even if I do say so myself the best views in somerset, you are always welcome to set up camp anytime my friend.
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
LOL thanks Dave. I may well be intouch:)
@davebuts1921 7 жыл бұрын
You will always be welcomed. But you would need to bring water. Apart from that, its all great.
@ashropshirelad 7 жыл бұрын
Another great video Sandy, your words are very striking and you certainly make me want to watch your videos all the way through. I come away all relaxed as If i've been there too! Good stuff!
@norfolkyeti 7 жыл бұрын
I despair at how some people leave a piece of countryside after "enjoying" it for a night or few hours, I think you're right Sandy that the law should remain to discourage, it won't stop those who can respect nature from carrying on enjoying it, lovely video thank you.
@punkhiker389 7 жыл бұрын
You and Ken are two of the best. That's why i like living in Sweden, you can camp anywhere and the Swedes respect nature.
@djshauny1264 7 жыл бұрын
One of the best videos you have made Sandy. It was amazing. Beautifully edited and the music fitted each part perfectly. Fantastic. Was a pleasure to watch. Cheers :)
@TJ_into_the_wild 7 жыл бұрын
I've enjoyed everyone of your videos, but this one has to be my favourite. Beautifully shot and profound commentary. Keep them coming!
@Wingman115 7 жыл бұрын
Sandy great job filming. Thanks for taking us along.
@virginiacopeland108 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Sandy, I share your and Kenneth's viewpoint, as I believe most bushmen do! I't's our world ... we should not trash it up! Clark
@Steve-qo4hi 5 жыл бұрын
Sandy I just stumbled upon this wonderful video. You are very prophetic in this piece. I had never heard of stealth camping. Here in the states we are fortunate enough to have vast amounts accessible land for camping and hunting. I often take it for granted. Your friends saying about leaving a camp site better than you found it was our motto as a scout back in the 1970’s. It still very much applies. Cheers- Steve in CT
@jackwyatt9312 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience with us and also for your valuable thoughts and philosophy regarding consideration for the environment. Very interesting. Wishing you many more happy adventures. Jack from Australia.
@zalkona5051 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandy and little Elsa! Lovely video. You are right. Some of the saddest people that I know are the ones who don't know how to play and have fun. Something inside them just died or turned off. Dreadful way to be. Better to laugh and roll in the grass with your dogs, it's good for you. We just rented a cabin in the woods by a lake for two night and it was wonderful. The birds, frogs at night, campfire cooking. Awesome! I put a little video up on KZbin of it. Thanks for everything, Lisa
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
I will check your video out Zalkona:)
@mickthomas8983 7 жыл бұрын
Beautiful nature shots. Very evocative. Nice to see the signs of springtime in England. Thanks for all your work.
@LFH02 7 жыл бұрын
I do like the gasafier type stoves very efficient. Really liking the videography work all adds to the experience. I hope I never get to old to enjoy the outdoors, life cant just mean working. I like stealth camps just because I can stay and leave and the only person that knows I was there, is me and possible a few animals. Thanks for sharing.
@3nertia 7 жыл бұрын
"You don't stop having fun because you grow old. You grow old because you stop having fun"
@GreenTrail-yy8bk 7 жыл бұрын
It is very sad to see garbage on the trail! If I was on my way out, I can carry them out with me but if I had just started my trip, there would be kind of hard for me to carry other people garbage all the way! ( I am a old people too ). Leave No Trace is very important for everyone who loves outdoor! Thanks for all your great videos,I enjoy all of them!
@pamelaklemp5615 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my, your style of camping is the same as mine. You touched my heart with this video. Very special 🎁 gift you shared with all of your viewers. I loved every single minute of it and seeing you use the wood stove, perfect too. I use a SOLO Stove Titan and bring Hickory wood chunks (small chunks) often. I'm 70yrs and, yes, never too old to set a good camp ... it is playtime with such childlike wanderings and complete delight to my soul. Thank you again.
@WiltshireMan 2 жыл бұрын
It is always good to be a child at heart and to have a wondering enquiring mind even as we become older. I shall be 60 in a few weeks time!!
@christophermckellar1352 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Sandy. I very much enjoy your videos. Thanks for making them. I look forward to the next one.
@AntPDC 7 жыл бұрын
I lived in the US for over a decade. While there are undoubtedly large and beautiful open spaces there, they are highly circumscribed - specifically intended for recreation. To be fair to the UK with regard to unfettered public access to land (lest your international viewers think otherwise upon reading your Description) I really missed the UK's organic network of public footpaths and other rights of way which evolved by historic usage - all 140,000 miles of them. I get American friends and family over here on a regular basis and they are always somewhat taken aback to witness the extent to which one can lawfully roam free here, not even including National Parks and other designated areas to which ordinary people have access.
@robg521 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliant video. Very thought provoking Sandy.... people like you who value nature and look after it should be allowed to freely roam across any land you see. So it bears the thought that we all should have those rights, then you see the damage and abuse that other people do and think “now I know why they are not wanted here”.
@stevetaylor8446 7 жыл бұрын
Well done Sandy, giving us old dogs a good name by clearing up like that. Was heartbroken to find not only litter, but used needles in the public woods I grew up in as a kid...who knows what diseases were on them Breaks my heart to know such a beautiful place that I spent my childhood in is being ruined like it is. Best Wishes - Steve
@kenscrackofdoom599 7 жыл бұрын
Your films are always wonderful. You also show the true spirit of the wild camper. Land owners should welcome you to look after and protect their land, its such a shame that they don't,
@ellisholcomb2299 7 жыл бұрын
you always make such a wonderful vedoes I could watch all day keep up your trips wish you all the best my friend until next time you take care
@stephengarrett8635 7 жыл бұрын
Great video,words of wisdom and common sense. Thanks for all the Wiltshire man and Jacklore posts. Take care fella.
@littlebull8881 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Sandy, your becoming quite the editor!
@FTA4evr 7 жыл бұрын
A Maine native, Christopher Knight, stayed hidden in his stealth camp for 27 years! Michael Finkel writes about it in his book "The Stranger In The Woods". A remarkable story.
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Ronnie, Yes that is quite a story. I must look into that.
@trevorcollins9297 7 жыл бұрын
lovely, just absolutely lovely, what a great vid by such a lovely man and his gorgeous little dog! you have inspired me like you wouldn't believe, thank you so much! I really would be so up for a trip out stealth camping with the likes of yourself!!! thank you so much for this film!!!
@simoncook6503 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandy, thank you for yet another great video. You managed to put my thoughts and feelings into words "Great minds think alike". Yes at our age we are still young enough to play. All the best my friend Simon
@thekingstone8632 7 жыл бұрын
A Lovely Video Sandy ..I Love the way you spend time with Nature really being Close to Mother Earth ...Thanks xxxsha
@nightwalker5278 7 жыл бұрын
As a huge fan of stealth camping, this upload exemplifies exactly how it should be done. Well done and thanks for sharing. ATB
@pairofblankers5586 4 жыл бұрын
What a lovely video and some great advice for a new wild camper,, thankyou sandy👍
@rorybyrne3977 7 жыл бұрын
i've been teaching history in school for the first time this year. interesting in it's own way, but one thing i discovered relates to what sandy points out about so few owning so much land in the UK. it all goes back to william the conqueror, and since 1066 hasn't actually changed that much. in england and wales the system is so old fashioned, wheras if you go over the border to scotland, access to land is more or less open and people get the benefit of the doubt. lovely video as always sandy, very relaxing and i love your point about 'play'. very true.
@charlottejpriestley8934 7 жыл бұрын
Persons who leave trash and litter have always been one of my biggest peeves! Good nightimey musing. Very sensible! Goodnight sweet Elsa.
@AdventureMadnessUK 7 жыл бұрын
I love your dog , when you got the pots out it stars licking its lips..absolutely brilliant Sir.
@tjbrison 7 жыл бұрын
I've spent my days working alongside many people, who simply wouldn't share your sentiment or have any real understanding about what it is your talking about. I feel uplifted not to count myself one of their number, and overjoyed that there are still some people who have a deep understanding of what life is all about. It's not about ownership, it's about imagination, it's about rising above the everyday banality and showing that there is a better way to look at life. And a better way to live it. I'll get of my soapbox now :-) Great video - an almost perfect balance of living with and appreciating nature.
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
Lovely comment Tim, Nice to meet a fellow with a similar view to myself. Sandy
@robertwells1993 7 жыл бұрын
The lack of respect for Earth Mother by the shallow people is repulsive. Thanks for showing respect Sandy, perhaps it will become contagious!
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
I hope so Robert:)
@3nertia 7 жыл бұрын
That's always the hope, init, that common sense becomes common?
@huntersmoon9724 7 жыл бұрын
Great video sandy. A wise man once said to me "rules are just there to guide people". After giving it some thought, I decided that most rules therefore don't actually apply to me and as I am only going to be on this beautiful planet once, that I should be be both belligerent and respectful in equal amounts over my right to enjoy it. Big thanks to the Forestry Commission for such lovely playgrounds. 😉
@anglobushcraft4614 7 жыл бұрын
Fantastic music, photography and philosophy once again. Completely agree about people who leave litter.
@MegaInspectorGadget 6 жыл бұрын
This is one of my favorite films. Peaceful, secretive, and enjoyable.
@barbelbasher 7 жыл бұрын
hi SANDY new to this been watching your films and must have seen them many times now I was once told that three percent owned 97percent of the land keep up the good work LNT ALL THE BEST
@beastsurvival4296 7 жыл бұрын
Loving your photography and editorial skill Sandy videos get better every time looked magical ATB - BEAST
@theamazingfreak 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandy. Thank you for another great video. I tend to agree with your philosophy that we should be able to access these areas. I am a big fan of the Scandinavian laws of Every Man's Right, where you are allowed to camp pretty much anywhere for 1 night. I think this is a great idea that could be incorporated in every country. Thanks again. Thumbs up.
@stuartb2767 7 жыл бұрын
Another relaxing video to watch. Could not agree more with you about playing, never to old mate. Cheers
@redhotchilliprepper9513 7 жыл бұрын
Sandy what a great video this is, and some good discussions below! May you and your little dog thrive and survive for many years to come as you are a true inspiration! Watching some of your early stuff encouraged me on the Prepper route, and I've had a polish lavu for a number of years now, they are great for steel the camps. Onwards! Dave out!
@BlackCountryWoodsman 7 жыл бұрын
Loved the video Sandy, it is nice to see that you recorded the type of vid that you used to do on your channel a few years ago. It was your vids that got me into stealth wildcamping back then and to this very day. It's sickening that man likes to divide the land up and throw barbed wire and fencing around everything the true people of this country are down trodden and that's the way the rich want it, things are no different now than they were hundreds of years ago...'The them and us' is more prevalent than it ever was tbh.....and yes why is it 'wherever people go you find a mess' I blame society and bad parenting for many of the downfalls of today. Atb Mike
@teddvidler6830 7 жыл бұрын
I purchased that model of cook set among my first items and must admit the lid/frypan was difficult to flip pancakes. Now have added a Lixada stove as yours appears to be and it has been great. Great video.
@jasward3826 7 жыл бұрын
I have the same stove in the same carry bag and I find it's very good, mine came with a little dish that fits inside it and I keep some Hexi tabs in it for a back up and even sometimes use it as a support for my triangia alcohol stove, very versatile little bit of kit I think.
@G0TLU 7 жыл бұрын
Wise words, Sandy. And what a beautiful peaceful place.
@johnpatterson4558 7 жыл бұрын
Hi SandyYou have excelled yourself again. loved this. thanks so much. I agree with all you say, as usual the voice of common sense.
@corey7925 7 жыл бұрын
thanks again for another great video. you are a inspiration to us all, and i thank you!
@citybee311 7 жыл бұрын
Never to old to play it keeps us young whatever age. I get so disheartened with the amount of rubbish I now find when I'm out, I now alway carry a strong rubbish bag just to pick up other people's mess. Thank for the video excellent as always.
@DensumRanger 7 жыл бұрын
Always love watching your woodland camps Sandy, beautiful scenery, enjoyed very much,atb Derek
@rickbell5675 7 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy watching your videos. Thank you
@highplainsdrifter5367 4 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed your video. This camping video is very relaxing and made for a good watch before bed.
@higgsfieldinthefield9916 7 жыл бұрын
litter and graffiti are everywhere because so many humans care about nothing but themselves, Thank you for being one of the good ones who do're a champ Sandy. all the best mate.
@stargawper 7 жыл бұрын
Good Video Sandy, Nice philosophical chat. Thank You.
@Crusty_Camper 5 жыл бұрын
It's so nice to be able to go places where there are no people. I'm lucky because I get my regular dose of that through my molecatching work. I use the same fieldcraft as you and notice animal sign that many others would miss. On occasion I have been followed by an inquisitive deer or badger, they seem to know who is "safe". Another great video. Pete
@WiltshireMan 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks Pete, I have also been followed by deer and foxes. I'm sure the animals have an awareness.
@pondguru 7 жыл бұрын
After seeing the mess some people leave in woodland I'm not generally in favour of 'stealth' camps but to see it done properly, respectfully and with consideration given to the site is all good with me. If only everyone would treat the woods and fields with such reverence then there would be no trespassing laws and the only law would be that of mother nature. Great video again Sandy.
@georgiamule 5 жыл бұрын
True stealth campers leave no trace of being there. In fact a true stealth camper doesn’t start a fire, cook, or disturb nature, especially after dark. Stealth means unseen, unheard, unsmelled. If you find a mess left by campers, it wasn’t stealth campers, just pigs.
@bipedal_shenanigans 7 жыл бұрын
A truly enjoyable film by a true countryman, reckon you might of just found your haven
@Solarlube 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you sir great photography and felt very peaceful at the end.
@garyboon3764 4 жыл бұрын
PLAYTIME. AWESOME. I am 62. I love it!!!!! Gary
@NorwegianWoods 7 жыл бұрын
You picked a really nice spot. I feel blessed by the laws here in Norway. We are allowed to go camping pretty much anywhere we like to :) Thanks for sharing this little trip - Martin
@VRWarehouse 7 жыл бұрын
Great video, good use of the drone. Leave it better than you found it, that's what I aim for. Keep them coming WM, ATB Gaz.
@alanvaughan4143 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Sandy , good vid. I enjoyed that . Nothing better than the dawn chorus watching the sun come up. Regards Alan
@almontepaolilli4909 6 жыл бұрын
Another great woodland experience. Those burgers looked good. Hope you had a great time.
@spooky4985 7 жыл бұрын
Brilliant video, magical music, a wonderful monologue and some good tips. Seeing you interact with your best friend was the cherry on the cake. Keep 'em coming Sandy
@DeepSouthExperience 7 жыл бұрын
Some very pretty woods. These are always my favorite videos of yours. I enjoy you ruminating. SS/SS-S
@englishwoodsman 7 жыл бұрын
I really liked this video mate. Make me won't going woodland camping now but family life comes fire.. Hopefully next weekend
@sconjaoutdoors7658 7 жыл бұрын
Spot on Sandy and a great title. I have some forbidden wood's that i need to recky sometime next week, hopefully I'll finally find myself a decent little spot that's local ish for a hooped bivi stealth camp. Thanks for sharing Sandy. Atb Sconja 👍
@stoneman886 7 жыл бұрын
Great vid Sandy. Wise words as ever... its astonishing the disrespect some people show to the landscape.. Still if enough set a good example...who knows.. it could be catching... All the best.. Mark
@mischef18 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome bro yes freedom campers are causing problems down here in NZ also but mainly the ones in vehicles leaving a mess behind and in some cases #2s not buried. Anyway liked you vid so all the best.
@rozza381 7 жыл бұрын
Thank God for people like you Sandy. I too follow Ken Cramm and the majority of wild campers are like minded, just let down by the odd few which unfortunately gives us all a bad name. Happy Easter my friend.
@yan24to 7 жыл бұрын
I loved the wisdom at the end of the day,your dog is lovely.
@jimbojet8728 7 жыл бұрын
"Get orf my land" the call of the lesser spotted Farmer in Wales! They are so funny ha ha! Thank you Wiltshire Man.
@rarknivesandleatherwork8045 7 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with your philosophy on stealth camping Sandy. Good man. All power to you. From a science perspective the silver layer reflects radiant heat. Cold is simply an area that has less heat energy relative to you so you lose heat to it, so cold can't be reflected. I'd be amazed if there was a measurable difference whichever way you used the foam and silver layer.
@MrReynard67 7 жыл бұрын
Lovely vid Sandy ,good to see the lavvu out again . Agree with your thoughts on land ownership . Nice to see you removing rubbish Ken kramm Style .
@kevjones2107 7 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful video Sandy loved it all. Totally agree with you on the people that leave there rubbish. I'm sure if they can carry beer cans and fast food in to the woods they can carry the empty containers home with them ATB Kev
@nacholibre1962 7 жыл бұрын
16:11 Exactly! Another word for "play" is "recreation", which means to re-generate and re-vitalize ourselves. Sometimes I return from such an outing quite physically tired, but psychologically and spiritually, I feel exhilarated, like my batteries have been well-and-truly charged. Thanks for another great vid, Sandy! Happy Easter!
@RM-io7qo 7 жыл бұрын
Those words of yours, Sandy, are very wise. I was born in Hampshire and wealthy landowners abound in that county. My thought is this, we all live and eventually die and have one thing in common, we all share the land known as earth and I do not believe that anyone can own what is already ours by birthright. Of interest to you, including Magna Carta, is Charter of the Forest, look it up on Google. Shame about the rubbish, yet I see it too on my countryside walks. Some people do it because they can and they want to annoy the rest of us, some do it because they are simpletons and don't know any better, all are giving the rest of us bad names, yet I never take anything but memories and photographs and leave no trace whatsoever of my ever being there. I'm happy to live this life for whatever time that I have left. Thanks for sharing and good luck with your stealth camping. Take care...
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
John. You are a good egg.
@WELSBYROOTS 7 жыл бұрын
Great video brother! Love the lavvu tent, hope to find one for myself one day!
@jakeaubertin2082 7 жыл бұрын
WELSBY ROOTS have you found a lavvu yet? I have one you can have
@RDPproject 7 жыл бұрын
Great video Sandy. Was so relaxing to watch
@landsurfer66 7 жыл бұрын
That was thoroughly enjoyable. Thanks for the adventure, mate.
@ncthoops 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Wiltshire Man! We may be relatives. My family moved from Wiltshire, England in the 1700's to Maryland and eventually to Texas. Great video. Scott
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Scott, Although I am born and bred in Wiltshire my father was a scotsman from Aberdeen and my mother is from a romany family called the Frankhams. Thats probably why I am the way I am. A little gypsy in me!
@tiggerthecat5525 7 жыл бұрын
in my late teens early 20s I used to love sleeping outdoors. in summer I would just grab my tarp and sleeping bag and some water and head off into the local forest for the night. mainly after a Friday evening in the pub. it was so relaxing. now I'm in the trap. working all hours trying to keep out of too much debt and keep a roof over my family's head. I get the odd day off here and there but I'm too tired to do anything after working a 14 hr shift. thanks for the videos. keep doing it as long as you can.
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
Hope you can escape the trap Mark.
@naturecallsoutdoors 7 жыл бұрын
So nice to hear your thoughts on deeper topics. I agree that once the fun is out of the picture what is left? I have found that play leads to imagination and creativity. Overall a benefit. Even doing something that is considered against the law, if harmless, stimulates the inner being. Come on over soon.
@KennethKramm 7 жыл бұрын
Fantastic stealth camp Sandy. Great discussion. Great drone footage. Awesome beauty. So peaceful. Interesting approach to reflect the cold with the reflective side down. Nice stove. You must not have as many biting invertebrates as we do in southeast Texas. We would be eaten "alive" by the creepy crawlers, sleeping on the leaf litter... especially when eating in the shelter; fire ants would go crazy. Every region is so different. I love the beauty in the Forbidden Wood.... We are never too old to play, as you say. Your comments on "land ownership" are spot on. Thanks for the shoutout and for picking up trash left by others. Thumbs up my friend ...ken
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks Ken, So pleased you enjoyed the video. Yes the Forbidden wood is a special place:) I will always feature a litter pick clip from now on too and maybe you will have started a trend for the benefit of the environment. I had an interesting comment left by an individual so I pinned it with my reply at the top of the comments. It discusses more in depth land ownership I think and may make interesting reading. It is a great shame that some, perhaps many are prepared to deface and litter a beautiful place though! Thanks Ken and keep on "Starting it up man" Sandy:)
@007vauxhall 7 жыл бұрын
That was a great overnighter Dr......nice spot, out of the way....enjoyed watching :-)
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