Stephen Prothero: All Religions Are Not the Same

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Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

Күн бұрын Religion scholar Stephen Prothero, author of the new book "God Is Not One," discusses why all religions are not different paths to the same God and why distinctions among religions matter.
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@robb6059 5 ай бұрын
Śrīla Prabhupāda: Our real responsibility is to God. If we reject God, society becomes chaotic. Reli-gion means avoiding chaos and meeting our responsibility to God by fulfilling our duty. Responsibility rest on us, and it is given by God.
@OppressedAnarchist 11 жыл бұрын
Great Interview! Thank You for posting the video.
@writersblock26 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this, ReligionEthics.
@ChristineMinich 11 жыл бұрын
Very informative and intriguing!
@MrArtist1971 Жыл бұрын
Hey Prothero. God - ELOHIM - IS ONE!
@stephenpowstinger733 Жыл бұрын
God is not One. A great book for even an atheist to study.
@MichelleZhou 2 жыл бұрын
My religion professor worships this dude. All her outlines are based on Prothero’s words in his book. Literally treats his book like the Bible itself
@thoughtfuldevil6069 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps he'll describe his own religion in a lesson the way Prothero would. "Protherism: the path of theological road maps." This is a criticism, I love his book too, but I thought it was an amusing aside.
@NotRegret Жыл бұрын
He starts out talking about religion as a plurality, but then when he goes to evaluate them he forgets morality is a plurality. For instance the ideas that the Nazis were evil or that the 9/11 hijackers were bad people, or that the avoidance of suffering, compassion for the poor are good ideas. You can really tell who truly believes in pluralism based on how they talk about the Nazis. If they start harping on about evil we have someone who lacks the ability to see beyond what they were brought up on.
@modvs1 Жыл бұрын
He's probably alluding to the "essentialist" vs. "inessentialist" distinction- taking an inessentialist stance. Having said that, you are right: all religions have moral instruction at their core. I guess he's never heard of David Sloan Wilson.
@samuelsanchez3311 4 жыл бұрын
Epic discussion
@jjmyster 13 жыл бұрын
your welcome
@OppressedAnarchist 11 жыл бұрын
What do you mean? Are you disputing something he is saying? You will have to be more specific.
@chaschao99 13 жыл бұрын
All the views came from SAAS
@jinglebob8232 4 жыл бұрын
u of c rels 201 anyone?!
@ifyoubelieveanythingmatter8924 7 жыл бұрын
All religions are not the same but they do all stem from one occurence .
@josephzanes7334 3 жыл бұрын
What evidence do you have for that
@raysalmon6566 3 жыл бұрын
The origin of the Hebrew creation stories in the Bible has been studied for nearly 200 years and is well known and accepted by most Bible scholars." {Prothero} oh really, and just who are these confused Bible Scholars saying such things Did they not read that Jesus himself said God Created and that apostle paul also frequently refered to Adam and Eve Steve you really need a 101 in what the bible really says
@robb6059 5 ай бұрын
On coming out of the lotus, Brahmā, being guided by the divine potency tuned his mind to the act of creation under the impulse of previous impressions. But he could see nothing but darkness in every direction. Śrī Brahma-saṁhitā
@igniii3348 5 жыл бұрын
201 anyone? 😂
@salsadude12 5 жыл бұрын
@Fnoalle 11 жыл бұрын
Daoism is not a religion!
@almilligan7317 10 жыл бұрын
I think Prothero is saying that his view is necessarily better than any one religion which makes his world view the best world view. Isn't his one mountain top? Also, is there a difference between a religion that sacrifices animals and Christianity? Ask about the difference between a religion that justifies infant circumcision and one that has evolved beyond infant circumcision. Prothero says that as far as his own belief is concerned he is religiously confused. Yet, he maintains that the Islam is the greatest religion in the world because of its market shares. My thinking after listening to him and reading some of his lectures is that he represents the educational establishment's bias against Christianity and religion in general. Prothero drags in the stereo types of history like slavery in the South, Germany, the World Trade Center showing that he is buying into the 'official' narrative. Slavery was world wide and it was the white Christians in England who basically brought it to an end. In WWII there were Jews who fought for their beloved Germany. The Trade Centers attack is still being questioned. Many believe that 18 men with box-cutters did not pull it off, that building seven shows that there were controlled demolitions involved. Also, all religions are the same in one aspect; they are all allegories of men and events revealing the nature of reality. That is the question.
@OccultThinkTank 8 жыл бұрын
+Al Milligan Christianity certainly hasn't evolved beyond Infant Circumcision as this barbaric practice is still being done on Children of Christian parents in now 2016! I would also add Christianity hasn't evolved at all but maintains the bogus claims about Jesus regardless of any and all evidence to the contrary! Even when that evidence comes from their own Bible!
@almilligan7317 8 жыл бұрын
OccultThink Tank Not as a religious practice. It is strictly forbidden in the NT. What bogus claims are you talking about? Which Christianity are you talking about?
@OccultThinkTank 8 жыл бұрын
Al Milligan The Bogus claim of Passover ev er being about Sin! Try actually Reading Exodus 12:1 - 14 Nowhere in that story is one word about Sin! As well as the claim of Paul of being Justified by Faith. That was Specifically called an Abomination! Proverbs 17:15 Then there is the fact that Jesus Failed to fulfill any of the Criteria for Messiah! Not to mention Jesus was a Liar unless you and All Christians can Heal the Blind, Deaf & Paralyzed as well as Raise the Dead! As Jesus said Everyone that believes on him Shall Do these things! John 14:12 But then he also said Anything asked in his name He Will Do! John 14:14 However there are literally millions of examples of that being done by Christians and Not Once was a Miracle of any sort the result! Not Once in over 2,000 Years! I'd call that clear Evidence Jesus Lied!
@almilligan7317 8 жыл бұрын
OccultThink Tank You are right about the Passover. It was the passing over of death of those who had the blood sacrifice on their door posts. What was it that saved the first born Isaac? The sacrifice of the ram caught in the thicket. The word sin is about the separation from God. In the positive sense this means being faithful to God, being will even to sacrifice the first born, which was a common practice in primitive societies. ( All primitive societies practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice.) In the negative this means doing things that are not from God, not obeying the commandments, sin. The Christian teaching is that sin separates us from God and so is death. We cannot save ourselves for, as John Wesley would say, we are prone to sin and that continually. (Given time all will sin.) Thus, when Jesus dies on the cross this is the blood sacrifice that is faithful to God and by entering into Jesus WAY we are accounted righteous and pass-over from death to life. (This is the short version. But you probably know all this already.) Paul does not say we are justified by faith. But we are justified by grace. (Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift ...) As for Jesus not fulfilling any of the criteria for Messiah it depends on which Messiah you are talking about. Messiah means anointed of God. Jesus means called of God. Jesus, the called of God, Christ, the anoint of God was anointed by his baptism, death and resurrection and was thereby designated Son of God (Romans 1) In a literal sense you are probably right about John 14:12. But then this book is not talking to you but to faith through faith. So if I bring someone the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ am I not ‘healing the blind, raising the dead’ etc… The biggest mistake nonbelievers make about John 14 is that they think it is talking about some future life after death, which is not part of the NT lexicon. John 14 is about the presence of God in Christ in us now. But, again, it is not written for the world to finger and paw at but so that the man of faith can become the new man in Christ Jesus. But you probably knew all this without my telling you. Again, you are very wrong to throw disrepute on the Lord Jesus. As Alert Schweitzer would say, “He was a man of the most sacred honor, and there is an end to it.” Of course you don’t realize what you are saying, for the qualification of John 14:14 is that we ask ‘in his name.’ If we ask in his name then we always ask saying, yes, take this cross from me, “but not my will but thy will be done.” Whose will are you doing? Yours? Is it a good will I wonder?
@OccultThinkTank 8 жыл бұрын
Al Milligan *"What was it that saved the first born Isaac?"* That has no relation to Jesus as that was just to show Abraham's Loyalty to the God! Bear in mind in the Old Testament the God is the one that does Good and Evil! Isaiah 45:7 as well as Deuteronomy 32:390 *"The word sin is about the separation from God."* This only applied to the Hebrews / Jews as they were the only ones the Laws were given to! Further more in order to be forgiven all one needed to do was Change their behavior and obey the law! Nothing had to die! Ezekiel 18:21 *"In the positive sense this means being faithful to God, being will even to sacrifice the first born, which was a common practice in primitive societies."* No Sacrifice could ever be offered for Future Sins! That very notion would be a Slap in the face to not on;ly the God but to anyone! *"All primitive societies practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice."* Not all! The act of Human Sacrifice was Never considered a good or positive thing anywhere in the Old Testament! In fact Proverbs 17:15 is very clear! *He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.* *"In the negative this means doing things that are not from God, not obeying the commandments, sin."* The Laws of the Jewish God only pertained to the Jews. I no more have to keep them then I have to keep Kosher! *"The Christian teaching is that sin separates us from God and so is death. We cannot save ourselves for, as John Wesley would say, we are prone to sin and that continually"* This is absolute Crap! Not to mention it is completely Immoral! Are you actually trying to say that You shouldn't be accountable for Your Actions? Plus where does your Thoughts after doing something change what you did at all? If it doesn't then those you hurt are screwed while you can get a pass for claiming to think something. How absolute Sinister! *"In a literal sense you are probably right about John **14:12**. But then this book is not talking to you but to faith through faith."* Where are you getting this Faith idea? In John 14: 10 - 11 Jesus clearly says *Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.* So if it is the God that does the Work and that one should believe for the Works sake where is Faith? Faith is belief without proof but works are clear proof! *"So if I bring someone the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ am I not ‘healing the blind, raising the dead’ etc"* Not at all! You are Lying to someone by telling them something absolutely immoral and unethical! Something which was called an Abomination in Proverbs 17:15 Do you think Jesus healing and crap was making weak excuses? What type of works would that be? Especially if it is supposedly the God that does the works? *"The biggest mistake nonbelievers make about John 14 is that they think it is talking about some future life after death, which is not part of the NT lexicon."* WHAT? Proved the Exact place where you are getting this! What you claim must be supported by what is written! You can't just make up any BS you want and say this is what it means! *"it is not written for the world to finger and paw at but so that the man of faith can become the new man in Christ Jesus."* Absolute Crap! Did You know the word *Faith* only appear *TWO TIMES* in the entire Old Testament! While the God repeatedly said it wants to *Prove You!* a Few examples are: Exodus 16:4, Exodus 20:20, Deuteronomy 8:2 And so on! In All of them there is absolutely No mention of Faith! So why would the God change so radically? *"Whose will are you doing? Yours?"* Absolutely I am doing my own! As I am not Jewish and I don't believe in any Gods! However I am not going around acting as if my actions can be washed away by claiming to think something! As that is the most diabolical message one could give!
@maximinocarrero9832 6 жыл бұрын
Condescending really bud. Yeah you'll be saying that in the lake of fire unless if you repent and turn to jesus. It doesn't matter what you are practicing unless if you are following jesus in obedience based around love. But first you most be born again john 3 3 says verily verily I say unto you unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom of god. Praying for your soul!
@jedimaster9922 6 жыл бұрын
a book edited multiple times is not the truth
@katelynjoymoore5008 4 жыл бұрын
Attitudes like yours are the issue.
@SDRockman 5 жыл бұрын
This guy is a jew because at 2:30 he says "It's usually a white person..with privilege". Using the term "white person/people" has been the jews secret weapon from their beginning of mixing with the European races. A brazilian can LOOK white, therefore they could be classed as a "white" person, by using the word "white" it's insinuating that the person who is being talked about is from the European race. That's what this jew is doing right here by using the blanket word "white" to refer to his enemy but can also class him self as European only when it suits him.
@donaldcoleman514 2 жыл бұрын
according to the bible its about what the father is not the money numbers 1/18 and they assemble all the congregations together on the first day of the second month and they recited their ancestry by families by their fathers house so it doesn't matter if you race mix according to the bible what ever your father is that what the child is
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