我係英國嘅香港移民,我覺得喺呢度,英國人90% 都係一樣喎,只有極少數英國人生出嚟係世襲貴族,係 upper class 高人一等,另外亦有一啲英國本土人喺社會底層,但華人基本上都有份職業,點計都算係 middle class 或者 working class,唔會係 under class。 我地一般人,不論膚色種族,都係咁上下,同一區嘅住嘅屋都差不多,唔覺得有乜好比較,在外邊得到嘅服務亦一樣。
I immigrated to Canada in 2008 after finishing 7th grade in Hong Kong. For the past 13 years, I have never felt like a second class citizen. I joined the Air Cadets youth program here and received numerous awards competing against others including Caucasians. I also received full scholarships from Fulbright Canada, research/job opportunities from professors/employers whose ethnicities are white. I have no issues building my local social circles either. Having been here 13 years, my local friends take up 95%. Only 5% (under 10) are originally from Hong Kong. The only problem that I see is the interracial dating - it is still quite rare to see Asian Male White Female couples. You will be a second class citizen if you perceive yourself as one. You will be a second class citizen if you don't try to emerge into the local culture and just stay in your own bubble, like a lot of the Chinese international students who only mingle within their own groups.
@TheJlee282 жыл бұрын
Me 2.. they simply don’t speak English. 😝
@Jeremyho4392 жыл бұрын
I don’t live by Chinatown and I don’t have Chinese cable TV.
@siuwahchan4 жыл бұрын
@puiyingtsuu36043 жыл бұрын
@MsPoyee4 жыл бұрын
U will only feel like a 2nd class citizen if u live with feelings of being under-valued. Be proud of yourself, u are what u are. Everyone has a talent, ability or skill to succeed in life.
@@tsaoa Freedom runs deep in the veins of HKers. Many would rather die fighting for freedom than to accept CCP rule, as demonstrated in recent times. How many HK protesters have been injured, arrested, jailed, tortured & murdered during the protests? This violent take-over of HK is one of the greatest tragedies of our time.
@tsaoa4 жыл бұрын
@@MsPoyee But there are many choices. I learn Vietnamese and Spanish so I can go to Vietnam and Mexico. I also speak good Thai.
There is no one got murdered. Don't tell lies that you have no fact to support. There are many innocent people got injured by the protestors that is also fact.
@jorgereyes54854 жыл бұрын
Agreed If you are young and have nothing to lose. Please go see the world.
Depends what era you born in, 60/70s China still quite closed up , to further our studies, UK 🇬🇧 was a good choice ! Nowadays, of course first choice is to study or seek higher education in China 👍 we are Hong Kong Chinese 🇨🇳
@lukniko30624 жыл бұрын
各處鄉村各處例,只係你想住邊度,rule of law定rule by law管治嘅地方
@sharonvanver594 жыл бұрын
@waterwater87173 жыл бұрын
@shahonchen66613 жыл бұрын
Mr.To, If the UK was so good, then why did you stayed in Hong Kong all these years?!