Spent four days looking at development neighborhoods in Phoenix with an eye for relocating from the Midwest. Sterling Grove was by far our favorite community. I would be curious what percentage of owners live full-time vs winter only. It was very quiet in July. The Move-in Ready homes are curious, lacking the obvious optional features that many might consider a deal-killer. Plumbing for the gas grill, and the floor outlet in the great room are not expensive options, and cost pennies for the builders to put in with the foundation. Impossible to add now. Rip the base bathrooms and kitchen out of the spec houses all you like, you will never have a lamp near your couch without cords going to the wall. We looked at perhaps 8 move-in ready at different price-points from $600k-$850k. All had a few random options, none had those two basic ones. That is probably why they have 30+ finished homes for sale, some listed under the basic starting price of a new made-to-order build for that model. They also have their own mortgage company, and offer lower rate options on the homes in inventory.