I was walking my two mini poodles and a Rottweiler attacked them both. I hit it as hard as I could with a rock to try to defend them, but she just shrugged it off. She totally ignored me, nothing I did made any kind of difference at all. One of my poodles died, her back was broken, she had deep puncture wounds, internal bleeding, torn organs... the other one had to have surgery to survive, she had two inches of her intestine removed because it was crushed. I am suing the owner. I miss Molly!
@aky198320016 жыл бұрын
I used my glock 23.
@517hectorhernandez6 жыл бұрын
Let's just hope they dont return fire, while you are shooting their dog. Now you are dead and the dog is biting you.
@aky198320015 жыл бұрын
@@517hectorhernandez I doubt it sir. My training says otherwise. Have a blessed day.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Your welcome, I do a 4 hour talk on how to protect yourself and your dog while out for a walk. I'm hoping to make another video with all the other options I teach.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
She a strong female. Nothing wrong with a dog that protects its owner from a dog attack.
@MrPaulo01109012 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video man. me and my dog were attack by a group of stray dogs i did the leash windmill and it worked. =)
@517hectorhernandez13 жыл бұрын
@drumcafe8 No not during a fight. To prevent it from occuring. If the dog is intended to fight then i would stop the windmill and do other things. You can see those other things on the other comments.
@vivalabad611 жыл бұрын
Wow that is a great idea. Many people don't realize the very small, subtle things you can do to instantly change an animal's behavior. It is actually the same for humans. Psychology is a great tool to use in any situation.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Yes, its the owners fault. They should be monitoring their dog, and keep it under control. That's why I prefer to use the leash wind mill, instead of just pepper spraying it or kicking it. Thanks for your comment. : )
@517hectorhernandez13 жыл бұрын
@Ka80SS Wise option. Two things to be concerned about. 1. Wind direction and if the dog really wants to bite your dog your going to make it more aggressive. I have learned the pepper spray works on dogs who are undecided. For the wind direction, if your going to spray use your weak hand to spray and block the wind with your other hand to your face. Also, your dog may get some mist. Stay safe
@SupaDooba11 жыл бұрын
this happens to me so often that now i just stand by and let my dog snuff out every dog that steps to him
@tessfrocnsifaskj581711 жыл бұрын
My only lost aggressive dog encounter wasn't aggressive enough to use pepper spray or anything, and I was only 12 and afraid a kick would cause the dog to full on attack me, and then my dog could've gotten hurt trying to defend me. The dog was acting like my girl (twice as large as stray) was prey or something, just stalking and nipping when turned. But it scared my girl and I needed to deflect the dog.
@517hectorhernandez13 жыл бұрын
@catnap24 You could or your could use other options before you join in. Options: Walk with a walking stick, Know where to strike a dog for max results, Pepper spray but becareful you dont spray your dog or yourself and if you have to, grasp the other dog by its hind legs and pull and if you have to lift and slam dog on a hard surface. As a last resort exercise lethal force.
@WHITEBIOTCH198712 жыл бұрын
my real name is sheila. IF you get attack by a dog lets just hope that you are able to make a complaint to the owner.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Had not thought about that.Guess, it would be scary if 4 dogs went after them. Learned something today.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Your vulnerable , no question about it. If a dog would attack, your going to have to drop the leash or leashes and then utilize your options.
@winxbloom75526 жыл бұрын
My dog was attacked by 2 stray dogs today luckily there is no major injury he just sprained his right front foot.
@517hectorhernandez6 жыл бұрын
Glad you are safe. Have a plan- leash windmill, walking sticks or avoid areas that may set you up to fail.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Sean, where in the hec do you walk? LOL. Yeah, I guess you could use it for that too. I also, use it to keep dogs at a heel, so they don't forge ahead. It has many uses. Thanks for your comment.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
If I get attacked by a dog, I make sure I make a complaint to the local animal control department or police. The owner has to be held accountable, or at the very least warned. Thanks for your comment WHITEBIOTHC1987 I felt funny writing your name. LOL.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Pepper spray may work but your also risking the chance you or your dog get it from the wind. Worst if the owners is around. Now you run the risk of starting a problem with the owner that you dont know. Thats even more dangerous. People are so unpredictable if you hurt their dog with pepper spray. Most owners dont even think their dog has a problem. Stay safe and this is just an option not your main line of defense. Your main line of denfense is reading dog body langauge.
@Lookie202012 жыл бұрын
if the irresponsible dog owner lays a single finger on you call police immediately.
@517hectorhernandez13 жыл бұрын
@mjfromga89 Your so right... Its just an option. You can also use it as a justification to strike or pepper spray the dog. "The dog was committed to attack, I had to strike the dog"
@Lookie202012 жыл бұрын
Never heard of "Police officers have been shot and killed for defending themselves from owners dogs", but have seen and heard numerous times police shot to death charging dogs, especially pitbulls in rough neighborhoods.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Wow! I'm sorry Andrea, to bad the dogs have to suffer for the owners. I hope the video will help the next time. I get emails every week, thanking me for this video. Stay safe.
@517hectorhernandez14 жыл бұрын
@pinoybalot5 While that may work with small dogs. Larger dogs may decide to take your foot with them. Try using an impact weapon, walking stick or flash light. However, know your state laws on animal cruelty and self defense before deciding to strike a dog. Most states only allow you to strike a dog in a face of a threat once the threat is gone, if you do contunie to strike the dog it may be considered animal cruelty. Stay safe and alert.
@wolverine186512 жыл бұрын
I've had a couple of boxers attack my dogs( they will only go for one of my dogs if its alone) but will run a mile if all of my dogs turn around and start chasing them.
@drumcafe813 жыл бұрын
You have to be kidding me. A 'leash windmill' is coming between two dogs in flight?
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
You got that right. To bad its not a crime to be stupid.
@123jasminemartinez9 жыл бұрын
a loose pitbull ran after my pomeranian while on a walk and what I did was throw my dog on top of a car it was the only option I had and I saved my dog the pitbull ended up leaving after a while because it couldn't get to my dog thank god
@517hectorhernandez9 жыл бұрын
jasmin martinez Well done Jasmin, I hope others read your comment. thank you for watching....
@freedom146399 жыл бұрын
pitts are the worst breed on the planet. cap them all.
@lowremedy22948 жыл бұрын
cap yourself muppet
@WHITEBIOTCH198712 жыл бұрын
omg that is crazy how did he get through your door? Will watch.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Well, if you know they are stray then I agree with you. I would carry a walking stick to avoid getting bite by a stray dog. Who knows what medical issue they may have. Rabies being the worst. Take a look at my other videos to help you. Stay safe my friend.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
You are so right. I'm sorry. I would suggest you just let the other dogs attack yours or hurt your dog. You dont want to hurt the other dog.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the idea. I'm going to make one, the next time I work two aggressive dogs. So many variables, but I like using untrained large dogs.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Alexl201211 your different. Ok, thanks for your comment.
@uberLejoe12 жыл бұрын
Stray dog's don't have owners, here in Thailand the streets are littered with them.
@drumcafe813 жыл бұрын
@drumcafe8 I agree absolutely that it is "just a further way to keep stray dogs away" as you said at the end of your video. It will not likely stop an attack though.
@tessfrocnsifaskj581711 жыл бұрын
Thank you this is great idea! A lost dog once approached me and my dog when I was about 12, which was fine until this dog started after my girls back legs the second she turned. I walked backwards to try to keep the dog away, but he kept coming. I knew it was my job to keep my girl safe unless I wanted her to be forced to fight this dog, so I tried snowballs. It was difficult but I managed to keep the dog far enough away to reach my home. I will try the leash next time for certain!
@wolverine186512 жыл бұрын
And what do I do when I'm walking all of my dogs (I've got 4).
@517hectorhernandez13 жыл бұрын
@k9shrink Yes, I have tried that but it sometimes prevents the handler from seeing the other. It does work. Thanks for your comment.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Your welcome. Thanks for watching. : )
@sabretyger11 жыл бұрын
I prefer a well placed kick to the head or ribs if the dog tries to circle around me to bite me or my little dog. It has worked like a charm on more than one occasion. Forget "windmilling" a leash.....my size 9 1/2 shoe with some well placed kicks works even better. Or my pepper spray.
@517hectorhernandez13 жыл бұрын
@Ka80SS You would surley have my respect. And I understand your reason for going to such measures. To bad the people cant be held more accountable for their dogs. The dogs have to suffer for their owners. I have a video of police officers shooting a dog and it refused to die, a person comes with a hammer and finishes the dog. Your point is well taken. Stay safe.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Just be careful the owner is not present. People are very unpredictable. While I agree with you in theory however, in practice you may get hurt. Stay in the side of error and avoid any strikes unless you are sure the dog will bite you or your dog.
@drumcafe813 жыл бұрын
@k9bullet11 I wrote flight, sorry, not fight. What I meant was one dog charging another with purpose or 'intent'.. I would be making myself a holy f(*%g terror to the oncoming dog with my dog directly behind me. No? Even if my dog likes to fight, and very few actually do, then I STILL don't want him fighting. If he doesn't want to fight then I don't want him being attacked. I might still use that leash to wallop the oncoming dog in the face... if I really have to.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Glad your dog and you are safe. Thanks for watching the video and taking the time to let me know, this worked. Most people send me a private message but, you made it public. THANK YOU...
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
That's an option. Look at my other videos for other strikes. Remember, your maybe dealing with a mentally ill owner, and their dogs are their life's, the risk of them acting and responding with deadly force for just kicking their dog is high. I stay in the side of error.
@PDArest11 жыл бұрын
make a video using this windmill with 2 dogs and one of them dog aggresive lets see how it works many people say in their commentsments you can hit some dogs with rocks and steel bars but they doesent cares.tell me why is going to work with a leash.. do you ever used this technique ???
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
I kick is a good option, and pepper spray too. I prefer to stay in the side of error, using the leash will give the owner the perception your trying to get their dog away. The owner maybe your second threat if you just kick the dog, its difficult to know who your dealing with. So, may unstable people out there that think their dog can do no wrong. Pepper spray, you or your dog may get blow back. Good points you bring up. Thanks
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Yes, it is. I teach other to strike the dog in the middle of the shoulder or spine. It works. I've had a handful of people already tell me, that it has saved them.
@Lookie202012 жыл бұрын
Down wind is ok, up wind forget about it. Use stream instead of fog spray. Avoid walking your dog where there are loose dogs and never go to dog parks. Do not put your dog in situations where he feels he has to defend himself, often that means you have to cross the street when a moron is approaching you and your dog with his pooch on a 20-foot retractable leash. And remember, your dog looks up to you to protect him, reversing the roles would be dog-bite law-suit inviting.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
I stay very far away from Bears.. I would not even try it. LOL.. Thanks for your comment. Made me think..
@eukaryon10 жыл бұрын
That is OK for the very mild, very casual dog encounter. In my experience, it is not effective for anything more than an curious dog. If the animal is more serious, please take different action. Perhaps his other videos show effective responses to a serious encounter. Of course, it is more desirable to train your dog not to approach others, and avoid others if there is any reason to think there will be a problem. Gotta vote this one down.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Type in below and google it. Police Officer Killed After Pointing Taser At Homeowner’s Dogs
@WHITEBIOTCH198712 жыл бұрын
wow its unusual that the dog let go after u hit him, they usually dont let go no matter what u hit them with.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
I agree too, Jack Hammer. Check out my other video's for more options, including lethal force. However, keep in mind pet owners may have a weapon too.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
It was crazy. I ended up hitting him hard enough, that he released and I had enough time to shut the door. Escaped that one. LOL..
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Enlighten me on yours? it's just one of many. If you looked at my other video, you would know. Thank you for your comment, but you could of done without the inappropriate language.
@WHITEBIOTCH198712 жыл бұрын
It might not be the dogs fault but you still need to do something to the dog to stop it from attacking. Even though its the owners fault want help to attack the owner, the owner is not attacking the dog. If you attack the owner is that stopping the dog? NOOOO
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
I agree PDArest. Just yesterday, a shepherd mix went after my dog.
@517hectorhernandez13 жыл бұрын
@RiceKiller191 Well, I would suggest other means before exercising strikes. You dont want to esculate something that may not happen. Stay safe my friend.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
In a perfect world, yes. Sometimes time and circumstance doesn't allow you to call so its wise not to engage a person you dont know. Stay in the side of error people can be unpredictable. Police officers have been shot and killed for defending themselves from owners dogs.
@ReNo1l212 жыл бұрын
thats a pretty awesome barrier of protection man, maybe you can try it on a bear and see what happens.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
I hear you mavspecialgirl1. I don't blame you. Some dogs can cause a lot of damage in such a short amount of time. I stay in the side of error and find places or schools fenced in and run my dog. Stay safe and look at my dog encounters web page for more tips.
@wolverine186512 жыл бұрын
Luckily one of my dogs just has to look at another dog in a certain way if its going to attack her and it will run off.
@fetymann13 жыл бұрын
@RiceKiller191 not really, sometimes they come running full force at you and leap for your face. You'd have to be Chuck Norris ready with a round house kick to survive that.
@MissCedarbridge111 жыл бұрын
what should I do if my dog wants to fight the stay dog
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
That's a good second option.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Good idea. Thanks for your tip... I will check out your pup.
@517hectorhernandez13 жыл бұрын
@drumcafe8 Good point...I understand. Thank you.
@Lookie202012 жыл бұрын
most cities have 6-foot leash law. and it's just a matter of time the spinning leash hits back at the handler:-)
@dustinjonesguitarist10 жыл бұрын
2nd time this year that my dog was attacked while we were walking. Both times I just instinctively kicked the attacking dog and made that Cesar Milan "Chhh!" While moving between my dog and it - both times the attacking dog gave up and ran off after the second kick.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Hum, it may work for you. But, I don't advise this. Sounds good in theory, but will get you bite in practice. If the dog handles stress with aggression, putting your thump into the dogs eyes will get you bitten harder. I've seen, the aftermath of that fight. It's not pretty.
@Oxenham22112 жыл бұрын
I have had little terriers in my yards with my 3 1/2 foot tall english setter and 1 1/2 foot tall sheltie. My bigger dog pretty much destroys them. My other dog "Heidi" is pretty old so she does not have that much ability to hurt the other dogs. what I usually do is grab my dogs leash, and I pull my dog until its close to me, then I grab my dog by the leash and kick the other dog, as hard as I can. It does not matter to me. It is that dog that is off the leash. I am only protecting MY dog. . (:
@517hectorhernandez13 жыл бұрын
@rockyroxzable Thanks. Look for some new videos in 2012. I have dedicated the rest of the year to making some better videos.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that will never work on stray dogs. That one is for police dogs or for owners pulling their own dog off. I stray dog will not allow you to approach. He wants you to put the dog between your legs and pullup.
@lextended57754 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the tip .. It helps me so much though.
@mavspecialgirl111 жыл бұрын
Soon as a person shows up with a Pitbull at local dog park I gather my dogs up and we leave.Pitbull already there I come back another time or go to the other park.
@gmjackson145610 жыл бұрын
Didn't work on a pit bull. It was impervious to pain.
@517hectorhernandez10 жыл бұрын
Some can be. This is just an option. Take a look at my other videos for other options. Stay safe my friend.
@Honeysucklebommie12 жыл бұрын
I think you would need a half brick tied to that end of your little lead with the attack dogs I know.
@Zx14rrrrrrrrrrr12 жыл бұрын
I have got to get a longer leash
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Be careful. The owner can be your second threat.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Very good. Your mind is in the right place. I wish other would think like you. Using your discretion seems to be rare now a days. Stay safe and if you have any other question, take a look at my dog encounters website.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your pain. I have more videos on my webpage that may help you. Its teaches you how and where to give strikes and much much more.
@PDArest11 жыл бұрын
he has a sarplaninac so caucasian tibetan mastiff CAO and those eurasian mastiffs are really aggresive and hard to socialize and its not in his natur to be nice except with his family plus caucasian CAO and sarplaninac are used as fighting dogs and some people says that sarplaninac is the stronges dog so a pure breed sarplaninac will be really aggreive and thats what are breed for defend sheeps from leopards wolfs and bears if a sarplaninac is not aggresive he is not a pure breed sarplaninac
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
I think your ready. Stay safe my friend.
@Lookie202012 жыл бұрын
you will have a higher chance of success in fending off the charging dog with pepper spray than that...... looks like you have a 8-foot leash, that means you would allow the aggressor to come within 5 feet of you and your dog.....way too dangerous. Especially when your own pooch crosses its stress threshold (and Am showline GS are known to have very low threshold:-)
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Nope, forget you saw this. Dont ever try it. : )
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
It's an option, in case you don't have anything else. Look at my other videos for many more options. Thanks for your comment.
@517hectorhernandez12 жыл бұрын
Yes, Sheila. My last serious dog attack was a pit bull that went through a door to get to me. I was left with his teeth marks on my forearm. I had to use strikes to get him off me. They can be scary. Check out my webpage to see many dogs attacking me, with nothing on to protect me. dog encounters . c o m
@517hectorhernandez13 жыл бұрын
@Ka80SS So you use the dog as a nail. I am sure you have a right to defend your dog (property) just be careful for unresponsible dog owners who may think you are using excessive force. People are unpredictable.
@WHITEBIOTCH198712 жыл бұрын
I saw on another video not sure it might have been yours to get behind the dog between your legs and grab his collar from the back and turn it or either but your fingers up under his chin on his throat and choke him.
@uberLejoe12 жыл бұрын
When stray dogs go after my dog I get in front of him then kick their teeth in if they get close, your so called "windmill" isn't going to do anything to protect your dog, just piss off the other dog while it's trying to rip it's face off.
@drumcafe813 жыл бұрын
@Lidia101 Build more confidence in your Shepherd for starters and it will happen less and less as fewer dogs make the choice to visit. Your dog will be less upset by the occasional visits the more confident he is, too. Use your best, angriest outdoor voice and carry a really good water gun to fire at them if they DO decide to mess with you. If we're talking actual fights that's a different story.
@LorraineHatrix11 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much
@tessfrocnsifaskj581711 жыл бұрын
No, he will use whatever aggressive dog he HAPPENS to be training, not further the crazy pit stereotype just to do so.
@apbt0673 жыл бұрын
I seriously doubt that is gonna keep a dog with bad intentions from getting to your animal. That’s hilarious. Hope no one really depends on that. Much better off carrying a good can of pepper spray or bear spray. And not a little thing women out in there purse. Hell wasp spray will work and still non lethal.
@517hectorhernandez11 жыл бұрын
Well said vivalabad6. I have a more informative video on my playlist. Check it out and let me know what you think. Thank you.
@RiceKiller19113 жыл бұрын
@fetymann ... Those are trained dogs. I don't think some randy dog will jump for the face when there are arms and legs to grab.
@RiceKiller19113 жыл бұрын
@k9bullet11 Well If I see a dog running at me teeth bared with no one around that thing is getting its jaw broken.
@mavspecialgirl111 жыл бұрын
I say if another dog is attacking me and my dogs I will do whatever I have to defend us.The minute the owners loses control of their dog my concern over its health and well being go straight the window.Why I carry a can a of bear pepper spray and if that dont work I carry ccw 9mm of this is a last resort.
@mavspecialgirl111 жыл бұрын
I will try this first though because I truly dont want to hurt another dog or a human being.If it dont work or the bear spray then and only then the 9mm will come out.Thanks showing me another non lethal way.