"Stop Talking About Mortal Kombat"

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Mike Hollow

Mike Hollow

Күн бұрын

Everything from moaning about people critiquing your favourite game to cancellation threats; I try to answer some of the questions you guys send me regarding content creation.
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#gaming #mortalkombat #tekken

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@Fantalime Ай бұрын
A man who isn’t afraid to admit their shortcomings cant be bothered by threats of cancellation keep up the good work
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
Thank you, sir ☝🏾
@roncrudup2110 Ай бұрын
This is the society we live in now. People don’t want to be challenged. They want to be validated.
@Kai-jn7pn Ай бұрын
Spot on
@antiguy360 Ай бұрын
This is by no means a new thing
@suavevision4678 Ай бұрын
I don't think it's about being challenged. It's about the repetitive nature of it. It's the same talking points. constantly.
@roncrudup2110 Ай бұрын
@@antiguy360True but I think it is getting worse. I am 43 and I don’t remember people being this soft in the 90s/00s. We always talked trash and had debates like this. Now everything is toxic if you don’t agree with someone’s narrative. It is a video game! Just imagine how they act with something that actually matters.
@Aphextal93 Ай бұрын
​@@roncrudup2110we are just watching it get worse.
@ChrisYoungGunn Ай бұрын
"What? Mike talked bad about my favorite game? My date is ruined." Lmfaooo
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
😂😂😂 literally. So bizarre.
@ChrisYoungGunn Ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow lol
@jaybeam1466 Ай бұрын
Yeah, people really need to stop attaching their egos to their favorite games. It's bizarre and likely indicative of a mental issue.
@straightcaniven906 Ай бұрын
@@jaybeam1466 but a person who constantly bashing something they don’t like but steady talking about it isn’t mental🤣🤣🤣
@theanti-hypemonitor9079 Ай бұрын
literally all of plebbit always.
@TwoyBwoy Ай бұрын
I stopped caring about gaming hype and fanboyism when Halo 3 was released. I remember being underwhelmed by it for whatever reason. From that day on I have never really cared whether people like what I like or not (and vice versa). I don’t think enough people realize how much better life is when you don’t care so much about this dumb BS.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
Oh man, the Halo 2 fanboys were rabid but I feel like it was a lot funnier back then.
@SneaksBL Ай бұрын
People who let videos that are negative about Mortal Kombat affect their fun with are babies. Even though I love Mortal Kombat, I like watching videos like this to see the other perspective. If you’re that sensitive about someone not liking a game you like then you probably should stay off the Internet.
@JAVARRIS88 Ай бұрын
The internet is undefeated..sadly
@gimmesomechocho7878 Ай бұрын
@@SneaksBL Thats not the problem or the real issue . Problem is , when the só called ' pro's ' , claim they know best , and have total control on what you can say , if , you can say it . I remember on TYM , any discussion i had about the game , if i disagree with them , they would ban me forever . Even , if they were the ones insulting me . Because they were all buddy buddies with the ' moderators ' . Plus , being a good player doesnt mean you have a good understanding of the game mechanics . Or whats fair or not . Its funny to me , that , most players say , MK x is a better game then Mk 11 , when Mk x is clearly the most autopilot free damage braindead pattern plus a millions on block Mk ever lol Mk 11 has its issues , like Fatal Blow regeneration , or the KB system , but for sure , is the most balanced and less braindead of all the games .
@3rdworldgwaming467 Ай бұрын
The truth hurts...it's as simple as that. The overt sense of self entitlement is becoming a plague in our current times with it's current socio-internet culture when it pertains to disagreements on views & opinions personal or otherwise.
@alekid Ай бұрын
I don't think "truth" has anything to do with it. Many people invest their identities on certain things and they take different opinions and criticism to those things as criticism to themselves. They defend their idealistic faction because there is the need to belong to a group, for security, identity and other personal reasons. So it's a bit more complex overall.
@3rdworldgwaming467 Ай бұрын
@@alekid Most of Mike's criticism was factual & it hurt the sentiments of those who are loyal to the game...hence his received backlash....hence my use of the "truth hurts" in my statement.The latter half of ur comment about people's invested identities & how they reciprocate to criticism based on said investment...is pretty much the same thing im saying with regards to "overt sense of self entitlement" amongst current gen.I agree the overall situation is complex but I wasn't referring to the overall situation...I was referring to the backlash Mike got for spitting facts about the shortcomings of the game that these self entitled folks took offence to as it's something that challenges their beliefs than rather than validate em...is all.
@judge_rekt Ай бұрын
If a game has issues, I will not let someone's feelings stop me from pointing it out. Simple as that.
@BLN_Snake Ай бұрын
Those type of people, who tells you to stop bashing MK, also love to bash other fighting games. Double Standard
@jondeiconic2552 Ай бұрын
I was thinking the same thought you say
@Iwisoks Ай бұрын
That's so true, vast majority of people who would bash anime fighters are mk fanboys
@lowclasswarrior9269 Ай бұрын
@@Iwisoks I'm glad to be a big fan of both 😏
@Iwisoks Ай бұрын
@@lowclasswarrior9269 good for you, on another note are you a strive player?
@lowclasswarrior9269 Ай бұрын
@@Iwisoks never have given it a chance tbh but am willing to 😁
@stevenpaulino40 Ай бұрын
Alot of games that I have enjoyed fell victim to Cancel Culture I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
@harveysidhu7030 Ай бұрын
My response to those people: Grow a backbone! If it's your favourite why does it matter if someone else doesn't like it or is "being negative about it" what matters is that you enjoy it. Now I am someone who does play MK1 (not my favourite game, but I get some enjoyment out of it) and I have mountains of issues with it, most of them being narrative and character direction. But I should think if it is your favourite franchise/game whatever, that you would want to hear how it could be improved/ fixed. I think many people perceive criticism as hate or being negative/ a doomer and that's such an easy way to invalidate their arguments instead of hearing them out, as Sheeva said in MK11, "You speak when you should listen".
@straightcaniven906 Ай бұрын
@@harveysidhu7030 but most of the time it’s not “perceive criticism” they don’t even say anything to make the game better they just straight bash it now a guy like mrAPchem he’s doing the right things showing us ways to get better and to counter things that ppl say are bad he’s not just calling the game horrible and just bashing it
@shinfitz Ай бұрын
As a fan of both this channel and MK1 I dig your videos. Though sometimes it feels like you’ve made your point about MK1 and instead of being excited for a new Mike Hollow video a lot of the time it feels like you’re beating a dead horse.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
The horse is alive. It needs a few more punches 🗿 Sometimes I feel like I should probably pack it in with MK but then something happens that compels me to speak on it. Truly a polarising game.
@shinfitz Ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow I think you need to look again. 🤣 But if you’re into corpse dismemberment, have at it. I doubt there’s anything the game can do for you to like it so I don’t see the point. Just letting you know how a fan views a new thumbnail of yours pop up.
@PwnerGeist Ай бұрын
This has been going on since anime reviews and movie reviews when KZbin started taking off and people started hate playing/watching something and nitpicking instead of just playing and having fun.
@MrTaeDaniel 28 күн бұрын
Completely agree. People need to stop being afraid to speak their mind on certain things. I will get my opinions out there whether it's 1 person listening or millions listening.
@fafnirable1 Ай бұрын
For me, I tend to want to avoid negativity. If I experience more negativity than I'm used to, it impacts the media for me because I don't want to put myself in a bad situation. It usually passes when I take a break, but constant negativity can impact how a person feels about something
@tomasburian6550 Ай бұрын
83 baby here! I like MK, liked it from the first game and want to like it into the future. And because I like it, I'm glad people talk about it and I can join the conversation any time. I think it's important we talk about the game and everyone adds their opinion. And honestly nothing anyone anywhere has ever said about the games (or the movies) has ever changed my enjoyment of them, simply because my fondness comes from within and not because of anyone telling me to like / dislike it. I guess that helps me to take in other people's opinions without getting to agigated about it and I'm glad you're speaking your mind because that's exactly what resonates with me. Keep it up, my man!
@ninjakinryu1382 Ай бұрын
I have been saying it for a long while now, nrs know how to make solid videogame products well worth your money, but they have no idea how to make a good fighting game that works competitively. People want to get mad about it, but I don't think NRS would even disagree with that. People need to just chill and enjoy the game for what it is. If you want it to be taken seriously competitively, then for starters you guys need to start showing up to your own tournaments lol. No one is stopping you from showing up.
@finnmarr-heenan2397 Ай бұрын
Apart from like the Brazil scene for the n64 version of umk trilogy, mk was never a competitive game like that ,at least midway made fun games , nrs just fart out injustice style games
@Impalingthorn Ай бұрын
I've seen this mentality in a lot of places and it's definitely worse than it used to be. In fact, I have a term for it. "Hype Culture". This phenomenon where EVERYTHING has to be "hype" and to dare say anything contrary or negative about it automatically makes you a target. I have felt this especially in some of my favorite franchises of all time; Silent Hill and Mortal Kombat. I cannot count the number of times I have been called a "fake fan" simply because I have pattern recognition and identified problems newer games had/were going to have. "Fake Fan" is what I get called for buying every game from these franchises and having history with them that stretches back to the 90's; playing them when I was 6 and 5 years old respectively and have played them ever since. If any group of people has EARNED the RIGHT TO AN OPINION about those franchises, it's people like myself. And just because I have something negative to say doesn't mean I want to see the franchise destroyed. The only way to cure an infection is to identify it in the first place and a HUGE problem with the industry right now is that they've stopped listening to their own consumers, so we have to speak with our voices and our wallets, state the problem, show we're not going to buy games while the problem exists and leave it at that. Take Silent Hill. Silent Hill 1-4 are about the only genuinely good games in the franchise and we are now 20+ years removed from them. In those 20 years, Konami has done nothing but lazily hand the franchise to any company that would take a crack at it and the results are games that are mediocre to experience, awful in terms of retcons and only succeed in having very middling qualities. They also SORTA do well in one area but completely s*** the bed in others. Same goes for the movies, which all muddy the waters that are the plot of the first few games and confuse outsiders. Meanwhile Pyramid Head has been flanderized more than any horror character I know of, we still have no good ports of the original 4 games and Konami only seems invested in Silent Hill when it has potential to attract streamers following that dreaded "hype culture". So naturally, when they do a presentation about 2 years ago where they unveil 5 new games at once from unfitting dev teams, a new movie from the same bad director from before, announce a whole bunch of merchandise while being sure to show Pyramid Head and don't mention ANYTHING about modern ports, how do you think a fan like myself is going to feel? Pretty bad right? But ya know what? Doesn't matter. I'm a "fake fan" because I'm not hyped. What does it matter that Ascension and Short Message have already both released and are terrible in their own unique ways, I'm not sending "positive vibes" so my opinion doesn't matter anymore. I'm NOT who these franchises are made for, I'm "Toxic". But, oh boy, when things like Ascension DO release, SUDDENLY IT'S OKAY TO TRASH THE GAMES. Fancy that. Zero apologies, people only turn on them when it is PUBLICALLY ACCEPTABLE TO DO SO. Which brings us back to Mortal Kombat. MK1 was every bit as bad as I thought it was going to be and I have only ever argued in the vein of returning it to its former glory which has worked in the past with MK9 and even games like Shaolin Monks during the PS2 era of games. "Fake fan". I'll sit here and be like, "Tanya literally does not look, play, sound or capture anything about the character other than the fact that she wears yellow. That's not Tanya", and people will literally be like "You just don't like her because you're racist (even though you totally liked her before)". You can't say s*** nowadays without people coming up with the dumbest strawman arguments possible, so I've just stopped caring. And I advise YOU, the person reading this, to stop caring too. Never let another person make you feel ashamed for loving what you do and being annoyed when it's treated poorly. We grew up with these games, our opinions matter just as much as the corporate simps who would drink toilet water if Netherrealm told them there was a free Subzero skin floating around in there somewhere.
@Jjfgcserna Ай бұрын
People can say whatever the hell they want about mk1 I have fun in this game. I like hearing different opinions. Like I said I may not agree with everything but tbh having differences is what makes us unique.
@straightcaniven906 Ай бұрын
@@Jjfgcserna fax bro I love seeing what the haters have to say even tho I enjoy mk1 that’s why I watch mike hollow
@heroicsquirrel3195 Ай бұрын
I played the crap out of mk11, got the premium steelbook edition on day one and got it on pc much later, that game got so much unnecessary hate imo
@JAVARRIS88 Ай бұрын
Its like somebody saying Jordan's are overrated and then one person who wear them say i cant wear these shoes because my feelings hurt, so i will waste my money and mope around.. hilarious
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
😂😂 imagine spending that much money to get upset and not wear them. I couldn't be friends with someone like that.
@JAVARRIS88 Ай бұрын
@judecider Ай бұрын
@ceej7264 Ай бұрын
Taking anything personally and getting upset by continuously seeing and hearing people bash a game (AND GOING OUT THEIR OWN WAY TO BULLY AND HARRASS THE PEOPLE WHO ENJOY IT)on and off the internet are two very different things. And if a person isn't able to differentiate the two. then I don't know what else to tell them.... Literally. there's just nothing else that needs. to be said after that because that just tells me just about all that I need to know about those individuals....
@braydenlawson5369 Ай бұрын
Why are people so sensitive when someone doesn't like the same thing they do? Do they lash out at their friends when they order a different kind of food at a restaurant they go to?
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
@Gamingwithgleez Ай бұрын
It makes them so upset because they know its true and have to cope lol
@JupiterRoom1984 Ай бұрын
Great video Mike. I think it's unfortunate that we have to deal with a community and/or society in which people feel powerless and personally victimized, when faced with opinions that may appear in opposition to the collective think-tank. It seems to me that people are looking for opportunities to be offended rather than face the problem of why they're offended to begin with. Sadly, we also exist amongst a generation where collective "trends" are favorable to individualized and personal opinion.
@horse155 Ай бұрын
I’m a MK fan. When I talk bad about its only to save the franchise. They gave a half ass attempt of a game. You can obviously see this about the constant patches, charging for dlcs that were supposed to be in the game, and a lazy attempt of single player content. I preordered the game not knowing what I was going to get. Nobody says your crying or complaining when you buy a burger and it’s not what you wanted.
@Lin_Kuei_1999 Ай бұрын
Tbh Mike you have every right to complain about MK12 like you I also bought the premium edition before the game launched if we don't criticize them about how dissatisfied we are with product they deserve to hear it, I don't even get why anyone would defend this game to begin with its micro transactions and lack of content from launch till now.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
People feel some loyalty to the franchise so when they hear someone who says they also like the franchise ripping into it, they malfunction 😂
@Lin_Kuei_1999 Ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow Ikr but most of these criticisms just want the franchise to thrive like how MK was during the 90s and 2000s not this cash grab with dumb mcu writing 💀. Idk why there are people defending a trash game but to me this is just my experience only in the MK/NRS community they’re the only people defending everything that nrs gives us but I’m glad you and others have the same feeling I do about how nrs handled this game.
@trudahkness9976 Ай бұрын
As someone who Enjoys Playing MK1 & will most likely be Purchasing the Expansion (yea, yea, get Your Jabs in,) i think that Criticism is absolutely allowed. If People let Criticism affect their Enjoyment of a Game, it might be Time to take a Break from the Internet lol.
@straightcaniven906 Ай бұрын
@@trudahkness9976 its the “criticism” that’s affecting our play it’s the fact these ppl are bashing the game they not saying shit to make the game better just straight trashing it
@Gamercrew72 Ай бұрын
No good morning no good evening? My days going to be shit now 😢
@gorobot7873 Ай бұрын
Happening more n more recently
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
My apologies, my friends. I had a bad morning and a bad afternoon. I did not want to lie to you all 🥲
@Gamercrew72 Ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow it’s okay. Take your anger out in versus fighter
@SpacePenguinSR Ай бұрын
I mean what hurts the most is the fact that we sometimes don’t get “Good morning , Good afternoon , good evening wherever you are watching this in the world”😢
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
My apologies 😂 I was in fact not having a good morning, good afternoon or good evening on this day.
@SpacePenguinSR Ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow 😂😂😂😂 we all have days for sure
@SpacePenguinSR Ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow just don’t forget to “Address the community concerns” in the next episode 😂😂
@UF0-v3e Ай бұрын
I dunno if it comes from my vast experience with people online or offline, but usually i treat everyones channels and streams like their "yards" so when i go there i usually do not do anything they do not want me to just like when someone invites me to their yard. It is nice to see you are not getting discouraged. Keep on the good content Mike!
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
Thank you ☝🏾
@shizeeque Ай бұрын
I personally enjoy your content quite a bunch. I'm a long time MK fan (since 1998, I started with MK3, before UMK3) and you can imagine how frustrated I am about the current state of the franchise. I'm happy someone respects MK as much as I do. Thank you for your efforts. Keep doing your thing. On the topic of people who said: Other people opinion ruins their fun. The thing is some people just don't have their own opinion and stick to ANYTHING other people say. And it's not surprising they starting to feel sad cuz they realize the thing they love has flaws and they don't have enough mental power to resist that feeling. Kids, develop your OWN opinion. Love what you love, hate what you hate and leave other people who are different from you in peace. P.S.: I hope MK will return to its former glory one day.
@musteh22 Ай бұрын
The best thing is to just play and turn off KZbin (if they really like the game). If i like spaghetti, i like spaghetti. Don't care if you agree with it or not. It's the same with theneedledrop. If you like a track, why do you care what a guy on social media says about it?
@timmyv148 Ай бұрын
people who get offended of others insulting their favorite game are special as f man
@Jstar-zl2vf Ай бұрын
Mk deception is my favorite mk, I think the 3d era has the most enjoyable games in the series
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
Agreed. Really miss them. Hopefully we can get a remaster of some sorts for the current gen consoles.
@TJ-ko3cr 29 күн бұрын
I'm getting so many replies like this when I talk about the bad story telling. "Stop talking, no one forced you to buy it, you're probably old" My brain is getting damaged from reading them
@Sanakanto Ай бұрын
Man I miss SCV sooo much :( some of my best memories were from it. Met my first real lover through that game and we were together for many years. It'll always have a special place in my heart.
@NomaGang Ай бұрын
Ik you dislike mk1 i love it i still tune in everytime people not understanding and dealing with people having THEIR OWN ops is the reason why i question humanity 💀
@phenom504 Ай бұрын
Leave MK alone Mike! How dare you try and make suggestions to make the game better 😆 In all seriousness people cannot take any sort of criticism these days. If you genuinely like MK1 then that’s great, but that doesn’t mean you need to get butthurt if someone else has a different opinion.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
You'd think the game is connected to their life force with the way they talk about it.
@yafriendsfriend 19 күн бұрын
@19:20 he forget that's where all the knives are at 🤭
@RealMikeHollow 19 күн бұрын
@senku5270 Ай бұрын
Shotouts to the "Tekken 8 is trash" guy. The bastion of the Mike Hollow comment section.
@lowtierstears4938 Ай бұрын
Mk is always fun to talk about whether it's doing well or not
@dawarmonger Ай бұрын
The fucking subreddit is wild. I’m 32 and I like your content. 🎉
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
Thank you, sir ☝🏾
@TheDarkestNile Ай бұрын
Man you're one of the best FGC content creators out there. I just dont get some people, it's just people crying.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
@@TheDarkestNile thank you, brother. Appreciate that.
@truindividual Ай бұрын
That World Heavyweight Championship looking good back there.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
Thank you, brother. Cashed in on 02' Triple H 🗿☝🏾
@troyl200 Ай бұрын
I have always loved your videos! Wouldn't change a thing homie! You're not toxic. You always explain why you have the opinion you have. Netherealm is fkin up.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
Thanks, brother ☝🏾
@shizeeque Ай бұрын
on the topic of people who said: Other people opinion ruins their fun. The thing is some people just don't have their own opinion and stick to ANYTHING other people say. And it's not surprising they starting to feel sad cuz they realize the thing they love has flaws and they don't have enough mental power to resist that feeling. Kids, develop your OWN opinion. Love what you love, hate what you hate and leave other people who are different from you in peace.
@thatblindtekkenwarrior1177 Ай бұрын
It's pretty crazy that someone would have their opinions sueded so much by somebody else's opinion that now they can no longer enjoy something that they previously enjoyed. What's even more crazy is that if you are that kind of person, why would you watch content that you already know is going to contradict your thought process? We interacted before in your comments. And although we haven't agreed on everything. I don't think any of our interactions have ever been anything other than polite. I wouldn't really worry about what the Internet says, your channel is growing so you must be doing something right. I kind of feel like there's some kind of joke I could make about Mortal Kombat, dwindling pro players during major tournaments. But that kind of feels like low hanging fruit LOL. As for the cancelling, I wouldn't worry about it. You're kind of 100% right. Unless you do something truly heinous, nobody can really cancel you.
@bassettgames8076 Ай бұрын
It would be great to get a ps2 MK game as part of the ps premium membership
@akilcharles3473 Ай бұрын
I try not to as much get involved with certain on the internet that would talk often badly about a game or any thing general that I like (whether it's a movie, series etc) and when it comes to MK1 I would sole heartly say that I really like the game cause I am a MK fan, I would admit there have been flaws that I do agree that makes the game not worth playing at time but I still enjoy game regardless, same goes for every other fighting game where not everyone is perfect. But as saying that there will be some negative troll comments replying saying bad things about the game whether on YT, Reddit, X or whatever that would just put ya down or just make you upset, same case if someone make a video (YT or TikTok) trashing the game and the person playing. At that point I just ignore them or just not be on the internet for a while and go touch grass(or play games).
@grizzgreen6821 Ай бұрын
Love mktoms vids and standpoint. However, i understand how his aggressive method of criticism has turned some neutral viewers away. I thought opposition could see mike as a perfect middle ground. But sadly, no. The fanboys will attack any "neighsayers" no matter how compelling the argument. Ignore these assholes mike, because you provide content that has depth.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
Thank you, brother. I appreciate that ☝🏾
@MaoriGamerDood Ай бұрын
2:40 This is a simple question but I kan't Fathom it either bro. The only way I kan answer that, is that those unhealthy attachments to a game could possibly stem from not having a good morning, good afternoon or evening. This is why my major problem with MK1 is the Fans. The game sucks but these little buggers really be, well bugging 😂
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
😂😂 very true bro. Has to be something going on in their personal lives to get that bent out of shape over a game.
@NarcoticDimension Ай бұрын
Oi! Stop talking about Mortal Kombat!
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
NEVER! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
@truindividual Ай бұрын
​@RealMikeHollow keep going. This used to be my fave franchise
@heybuzzed Ай бұрын
Tom Brady is comes off as crazy but dude has been right the entire time
@sabrvibes3147 Ай бұрын
He's been right about half of the time, because I guarantee that any NRS title you've liked, Tom has said something disparaging about it. Any NRS game
@charliewax1794 Ай бұрын
The title is a message for FATE
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
It's definitely not ☠️
@straightcaniven906 Ай бұрын
@@charliewax1794 hell nah him and FATE push the same agenda their basically a kameo team with Tom Brady as sento
@TheLordOfTheNight321 Ай бұрын
I'm gonna say something. Mortal Kombat has been my most played video game franchise ever. I've joined discord servers, talked with many other mk veterans and have participated in tournaments and I don't care how many years I've been playing with MK l, one thing is certain. It has one of the most if not the most toxic communities ever. It's absolutely horrendous. Too many "woke" people, people who get offended easily/looking for validation, and when you disagree with someone instead of them listening you they offend you for not agreeing with them. I've been banned from a server because I was misunderstood. I've since swore I'll never take part in anything mk related again.
@truindividual Ай бұрын
Im a 90 baby and I got into it with the very first game. The truth hurts. I want to see this franchise be better.
@aSTROnomical_8 Ай бұрын
While I agree with you that it shouldn’t get to the point they in their feels it’s 3 sides to this argument I can understand. 1) Other people shouldn’t allow others to take away their joy when nothing is directed to you personally. 2) If you know certain people are saying things you don’t agree with or like just stop listening to them 3) I don’t think it’s because someone said something negative, I think it’s because so many people have that now it makes them feel like people are indirectly talking about them because you hear ppl say your stupid if you like this ( I don’t think it should be taken personally but I can somewhat see why they say it even if I don’t agree.)
@Fiveyin Ай бұрын
I actually understand to an extent what people mean about negativity ruining their fun. But that only happens when I'm in person with someone I know, and they just keep going and going. But I'll never understand how someone can let the internet ruin their fun. You can literally close the video or chat window, and also, if the content creator constantly makes you upset, just stop watching their videos. People online be crazy bro.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
@@Fiveyin yeah, in person is a totally different story and I'd get it completely if that was the case.
@dreaomine1008 Ай бұрын
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
YEAAAH (thank god someone caught it 😂).
@GunbladeRevolver Ай бұрын
Very well put my man. This world is very sensitive now and the keyboard warriors showing themselves more and more these days. It's like you said, where was that same energy you had online when in person? Lol I remember back in MKX, I was fighting someone in rank matches and this guy got so frustrated with my sub zero that he said he hopes to meet me in person one day so he could really kick my ass. I couldn't respond because I was laughing too hard. 😂😂. My dude is not that deep. Turn the game off and go breathe for a min lol.
@raycool8379 Ай бұрын
Yeah i don't get why people let other's opinions on a game affect their enjoyment. I enjoy watching your takes and rants on MK1/T8, and even though you dont enjoy MK1 half as much as i do (some of the hate is deserved), I still boot it up and have fun haha Can't wait for Noob's return and new story, and especially new skins
@oloseldarion7117 Ай бұрын
I love MK1 and get so bored of all the bitching about the game online.
@Intellect_123 Ай бұрын
"get so bored of all the bitching about the game online" then ignore it... you don't "need" to acknowledge the bitching, simply play the game and live in your echo chamber... personally I think you "want" to hear the bitching... because you deep down must enjoy it if you keep chasing it around online... its like saying "I'm tired of all these anime ads appearing on my browser" ... bro stop watching anime and it wont appear....that's how algorithms work... look at it this way you are currently on mike hollows channel in the comment section saying "you do not like people bitching about the game"... mike hollow is a continent creator who is known to "bitch" about the game... so again clearly you enjoy the bitching... you're engaged in cognitive dissonance... your actions clearly do not align with your values.... because if its so "boring" why watch it to begin with???
@straightcaniven906 Ай бұрын
@@oloseldarion7117 right brooo but the bad news is it will never stop until mk2 comes out THATS when everyone will realize this game isn’t bad at all just mark my words they did the same thing with mk11
@humaneshadow300 Ай бұрын
Nope Mortal Kombat 1 still gonna be hated forever just like street fighter v mortal Kombat 11 was not bad game it had little issues that can be fix but nrs was lazy
@finnmarr-heenan2397 Ай бұрын
How do u have time to find mk hate online , shouldn’t u be in ranked and training mode enjoying your game ?
@cainhurst17 Ай бұрын
maybe you should’ve spent more time just playing and enjoying the game than being “bored” hearing peoples different opinions about your “beloved” game unless you’re seeking for validation
@dark__angel__9150 Ай бұрын
Mike they call you toxic and say that u are ruining the game for them simply because ur spitting facts and point actual flaws with the game and they hate that✌️
@EnzoAlexandrosBarzini Ай бұрын
If somebody’s opinion shared on the internet ruins their fun, they need to get many grips and hold on to dear life. Furthermore in regards to the energy certain people use when they get excited through the phone - Social media has given them a confidence and bravado they don’t have in real life.
@curtisjackson4090 Ай бұрын
You would think that mortal Kombat (or any game) was their family the way they're so attached to it They're acting like you are insulting their mum
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
For real, bro. Its weirdo behaviour.
@thatgiovanni1160 Ай бұрын
I’m guessing because they think the content creator has influence to drive traffic away from the game? Just a suggestion. I don’t know how their mind works
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
Yeah, maybe. They should look at sales figures and then how much of the percentage the FGC and content creators make up. That'll let them know that my voice is somewhat insignificant and they can rest easy 😂
@mlgbeastderik Ай бұрын
I find it odd how when someone speaks positively about MK it’s extremely topical like oh it has story mode ooo it has these characters (even though they’re not playable) “The numbers Mason!” Like the amount of effort to find something this game does well that make it stand out you gotta do mental gymnastics
@teero121 Ай бұрын
people who act like this must be on the younger side right? how else could one be so fragile that they equate disagreement with toxicity. it hurts them so much that they feel bullied it seems. it's really strange.
@BigmanJesusECDJ Ай бұрын
Real shit. When you get upset over people saying your favourite game is trash, you’re only giving those words more power than they deserve. Getting angry and arguing over comments like that is just wasting time. Personally, I can look over the fact that my 2 favourite fighting games are trash because I have so much fun playing them, regardless if people are saying that to me or not. I wish others can do the same.
@personaxlity Ай бұрын
I wish all the people who just love whatever they do like would just gather with each other than coming to places where they all get collectively angry at a person who is expressing a contra opinion 😂. I went into the MK discord and even they hate MK lol, I don’t know where to go to again.
@Csumbi Ай бұрын
i was a big MK fan, and i still do love the old games, MK4,2 & 9 holds a special place in my heart, but after all these years and the direction the MK franchise was taken, NRS and MK deserves all the hate they get. Also, DarkSouls2 is considered the worst souls game by many, but to me its my favorite, and others people hate wont ruin my fun with it :)
@Excile2K Ай бұрын
It gets exhasting to get a narrative I don't like slammed into me constantly. Ultimately I just tune it out and like what I like. Life lesson. If you don't like to deal with it walk away. Don't go with your knee jerk reaction first. Walk away and you find that its not that important. Like what you like, hate what you hate, just don't be a dick. Simple. I didn't buy MK1 because it did shit I didn't like before launch. So not defending that game at all.
@Ock_mantis Ай бұрын
I'll put it this way. In this age of internet. It's really easy for a mass group of people to start a hate mob on something. And the people that created..(the thing). a lot of times, will listen to that group of people. For better or for worse. And make massive changes based on this group of peoples opinions. "For better or for worse," and I think it built a lot of fear in people. That the wrong opinions will affect the things they enjoy. And in turn they react negatively to opposing opinions. Got like..1000 more things to add to that, but that's the short end of it.
@canerkose7769 Ай бұрын
I think you would Agree that if Mk1 was as Good as it should have been, we would have all praised it too death and would have made our Voices heard that it was Excellent! So that also applies when the game doesn't come close to meeting expectations! Not Rocket science 😂
@comet30265 Ай бұрын
Just play what you like, and stop crying on the internet when people dislike the game you play.
@Nappr Ай бұрын
Whenever I make an MK video, I have someone calling me Fate 2.0 or Sikander, as if complaining and being angry is their monopoly only. I’ve been making videos since 2018 and I’ve only found these other KZbinrs now during Mk1’s release. But then people complain about them too and Tom Brady, can’t win anywhere, you just gotta do what you gotta do.
@Evixyn Ай бұрын
I believe individuals are just too flaccid and emotionally unstable. Many do not like to take criticism and consider honest criticism is harassment. That is insanity in my opinion.
@_NERD_BROSKI Ай бұрын
9:45 - Kinda sums up a life motto I try to live by: "Do on to others as you want done on to you." If you are chill and respectful with me then I'll do my best to be chill and respectful in return. However if you start acting like a fucking shithead then I'm gonna act like a fucking shithead.
@THSigma420 Ай бұрын
Why'd you have to brung Sonic '06 into it 😭😂
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
I love Sonic 06 🗿 Classic (it's doodoo but it's amazing).
@THSigma420 Ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow Unfortunately I do too. Definitely ass, but the music was so good.
@nolbertocarrillo6015 Ай бұрын
Ppl do have different opinions about MK1 and im starting to think and remember now that this whole WB selling thing or whatever is going on. I remember i once said that they were rushed to release it early and jt was ALL cause of WB🙃 and ofc the money grabbing 😮‍💨 all the skins in the store already almost if not 5 dollars and idk if you notice the HUGE amount of the Khaos Reigns ESPECIALLY when you got the Premium Editon. I think it all led up to that specific moment of WB trying to sell off MK1 because it harldy gets any purchases now. If ehat i say is true, its insane
@mephistopheles4910 20 күн бұрын
I lost it at "Say you're playing Sonic 06". It's a bit of a cringe fest, but I do think it's a shame that after that game the Sonic folks stopped trying different things. Social media ruined the vibe of online discourse because it's instant and users have less respect for conversations. At least on a forum, you had more characters to vent your concerns about a game and it was expected that people would actually read your complaints and respond. Nowadays, people skim your post, retweet you, and then try to get you ganged up on for having a bad take. Then add on top on that people glazing these companies because they want a piece of the pie and take it upon themselves to "clean" negative comments under the guise of toxicity.
@winstongarcia3931 Ай бұрын
MK1 is my most played fighting game out of the new generation but I’m ready with a bucket of popcorn for all the justified complaints
@erichthegraham Ай бұрын
PRETTY LONG POST: I dunno about MK, but I legitimately believe that Helldivers 2 has been harmed by the discourse around it. I angrily unsubscribed from a couple of content creators, and one in particular I blame for taking advantage of the end of the game's honeymoon period to make cringe complaints about balance. I'll never know for sure how many people were authentically complaining vs jumping on the hate train. I also think the Sony debacle was really a bad look for the community, I still don't understand why people had such a problem with linking an account, a standard business practice for many years now, other than that it wasn't required at launch. I do think it was short sighted to release in countries where linking that would be impossible, but I don't understand why it became this huge rallying cry. At the time I was proud of the community for making their voices heard, but as it went on, I became disgusted with the community acting like they won when all they achieved was getting the game banned in almost 200 countries. The most recent update really weighed heavy on me. They nerfed flamethrowers and the incendiary shotgun in a really awful way, right on time to release a bunch of new fire themed weapons, one of which is a new fire shotty. This is annoying, and AH Deserve to be criticized for their decision on this one, but in a personal level I felt betrayed. I spent a lot of time and energy defending the game and encouraging people to trust the devs, so for them to do such a transparent shady thing really hurt. I just wonder if I would care so much if I wasn't exhausted from pushing back on haters. All of which is to say, I support legitimate criticism, but I'm not a fan of hate mobs generally. Hearing people constantly talk trash on something does have an effect on most people's psyche, and while sometimes it has a positive impact on games, it just as frequently hurts good games. MK was a disappointment, but I'd probably give it another chance if I met someone that liked the game and wanted to play it with me. I continue to play Helldivers when I feel like it, but I can't tell why I'm not playing it right now, and hearing people constantly trying to kill the game is depressing. The solution would be to run my own YT channel and create content, except I already have a gaming channel that only has 30 subscribers, has been that way for years now. Not all of us are cut out to be successful at getting our voices out there. I suspect that some of your MK haters are feeling a lot of frustration like mine, and the only way to make their voices heard is to talk trash to people that they perceive to be hurting their game. In their defense, it's weird to keep criticizing a game you have moved on from, especially in an age where games are constantly changing and evolving. On the other hand, the majority of your criticisms of the game are legitimate, I can't think of one you've made that isn't. I've stayed subscribed to yours and a couple others in the Tekken sphere, because I like the content and wish I could enjoy the game. But everytime I see Lidia's face on the title screen, it makes me want to shut the game off. I want to turn it back to Kaz, but I can't because the title screen is actually an advertisement. I'm not interested in the DLC, for reasons you've covered in the past, I feel Bamco's anti consumer practices towards their modding community is disgusting. It also is a constant reminder that I can't use replay mode against DLC characters, making them pay to win merely by being DLC. I've tried to play the game again recently, but never get as far as locking in to matchmaking. By the time I'm done messing around in training, jukebox, or character customizer, I'm already thinking about it like, "It's too bad, this game could have been so good." Irrational? Yes, totally, but it kills the game for me. If they changed one of those two things (title screen/replay mode DLC), I think I could enjoy the game again, but bringing it back around to the topic, I wonder if this would be better or worse if I had a giant channel to form a hate mob.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
I think when people catch wind of something and get told constantly that they'll be sticking it to bad people, they just jump on it. I covered a few Helldivers controversies but my ultimate take was "as long as you keep your BS out of the game, say and do what you want" and they mostly have. I know weapons keep getting nerfed but I've been using the same weapon since day 1, nerfs or buffs, so for me it's never really been a problem. Me and my boy love it. I get some criticism for playing it from people, but I won't jump on a band wagon just because everyone else is. I may say something about it in the future, but that's only when I actually think it's time to say something.
@jahdorose8659 Ай бұрын
Very true unfortunately
@joeyrivera7003 Ай бұрын
It’s called self esteem how do I mess up how you feel about you, if you know you know
@mab03 Ай бұрын
It’s actually just ego bro, I’ve seen it so much too when talking about MK1’s actual Flaws but the people who love the game aren’t capable of understanding that constructive criticism isn’t hating.
@vr3349 Ай бұрын
The only way to improve these games is to complain about them online keep the videos coming
@fragdq Ай бұрын
tribalism, fanboyism, call it what you want. many out there are victim to this. Say anything negative about the stuff they like or use and they are gonna run at you with full speed and insult you. Usually children act like that when you talk shiet about their toys. But nowadays because of social media etc. grown adults act like that, too. Somehow people know black and white and nothing in between and tend to be extremist about everything. Which fits the charateristics of tribalism/fanboyism. Like; "You either with me or against me." And guess what guys, neither of your extreme view points is healthy.
@Enigmo1 Ай бұрын
sto ptalking about mortal kombat, guv.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
PAY ME 🗣️🗣️🗣️
@odinprime2489 Ай бұрын
Majority of the people who are sending threats to others because of their opinion of MK1 probably all have blue hair and ran out of puberty blockers
@JagorM Ай бұрын
Gotta make twice the amount of MK videos just to spite everyone😂
@F_r_o_s_t_ Ай бұрын
I know there's a ton of hate for Mortal Kombat 1, but I still play it, cause I genuinely have fun with it but I also love fighters in general, I play alot of them, and I also play non fighters, at the end of the day tho it doesn't matter to me if someone doesn't like the game I like, that's how it is and who cares 🤷
@LegendOfSolidus Ай бұрын
There's an immense amount of tribalism on the internet, and there's nothing wrong with "sitting on the fence" for a moment to interpret and listen to each group!
@RahStahMon Ай бұрын
This is all very good and well, but do you rate the bald Sub-Zero skin in MK Deception?
@theanti-hypemonitor9079 Ай бұрын
i couldnt help but laugh about the response from the guy in the tweet
@IFallxnI Ай бұрын
10:20 yhh man tell them get out of here 🤣🤣🔥
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
You as well with ya damn Raven 😭😭😭
@IFallxnI Ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollowhit the lab 🥷🏾
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
@@IFallxnI I broke the lab out of frustration.
@IFallxnI Ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow lol maybe you’ll win next time 🫡
@chrislabedzski9076 Ай бұрын
It's simple really, like most streamers do,,, they use negatively in most multiplayer games because give them the most views, more clout and more money and it brings more people watching their content, why is that? Because it's relates the people frustrations when playing them and it's more fun watching the streamers reactions when they lose and make excuses of why he/she lost,,, the problem with positivity is that it's predictable and boring and many people often see streamers win in games all the time while the average player cannot relate to that, but now in 2024 these streamers are having a tough time in games these days and they now know what its like what an average player goes through,, and most players like watching that as it becomes addictive,,,,, thats the reason
@tokyobassist Ай бұрын
Street Fighter isn't perfect but that community has proven to be less whiny than Tekken's AND especially MK's. They don't meat ride everything to hype their game up and they don't complain about something new every 5 minutes.
@moonwarrior3342 Ай бұрын
Clearly, you've forgotten when SFV first came out. They were the most biggest dramawhores out there.
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
SFV was pretty horrendous though. I'd be pissed too.
@tokyobassist Ай бұрын
@@moonwarrior3342 I didn't forget anything. SFV got shit on for good reason. It simply wasn't just a bad Street Fighter game. It was bad product period and took almost 3 years to not suck. 8 frames of caked in input lag, Jab anti-air meta, cancelling high blockstun moves into V-Trigger, zero single player content, etc. SF fans had plenty of valid reasons to complain.
@moonwarrior3342 Ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow Shame a lot didn't saw the reason why SFV was put out in such a unfinished state. Especially when you don't want to get bought out by Tencent.
@commonsense9076 Ай бұрын
Bro stop hurting my feelings 😂😂
@RealMikeHollow Ай бұрын
@JoaoLucas-qf9si Ай бұрын
Seems like the most normal of problems these days... Don't let it get to your head, after all standing your ground is the best way to show strenght. But do mind to not take the wrong opinion...
So Cute 🥰
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