We using all buffs what we can: Greater Flask of Endless Fathoms war-scroll of intellect war-scroll of Fortitude war-scroll of Battle Shout Baked Port Tato
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@NightShadow1784 жыл бұрын
This was our second full run in Stormwind, not the best route. Better route: Dwarven dis - old Town - Trade dis - mage qua. After killing Dwarven district boss the way behind is open to go straight to old town. Also First and second run we got full run, failed at third run in mage quarter: Definitely use orb / have more than 50% sanity before pulling the big mob who patrols near the tower. It is pain in the ass - he makes you move a lot and madness does not allow you to move, so there is moments when you need to stand in shit. 4th run took us 20 mins