觉得把整家人叫来出柜的人很可笑,很无知。Actually not everyone wants to know that much about you. 你要怎么生活就怎么生活吧,别把自己想得太重要。我没有正式向任何一个人出柜,妈妈在我很小的时候就知道了。妈妈在我 13 岁时对我说: ”你再把女生的照片放在桌上,我就把你转去男女混合学校‘’。爸爸是在和我一起 14 年刚刚离世的老公认识我2 个月后叫花店送了一束玫瑰去我家时大概知道的。
Thank you. I learnt a lot. I especially like his maturity of saying dont fool around outside, a relationship should be able to last long. Hope to hear more of his thinking like how to avoid temptation, why he like that guy for 10 years...