Strategies to Get a 36 on the ACT from a REAL STUDENT (2023)

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Rishab Jain

Rishab Jain

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@RishabJain Жыл бұрын
1. i compiled 20+ full-length act practice tests for you: (❤) 2. after you finish this vid, watch my other for more tips here: 3. please share your test taking tips down below :) 4. please support me by spending 1 sec of your time to subscribe & comment for the algorithm! :) 5. LAST MINUTE/WHAT TO DO THE NIGHT BEFORE THE ACT-
@po6417 Жыл бұрын
what is brilliant?
@RishabJain Жыл бұрын
Brilliant is a wonderful interactive platform for learning data science, math, and more!
@trulynoct Жыл бұрын
"Work smarter not harder." Literally what I do, thanks to you! I read a lesson once for when I have a test, and when I happen to have a test, I ace it! I ended up repairing two bad grades I have got.
@riyatyagi1271 Жыл бұрын
Great advice! I followed a lot of this when taking my test last year, and also got a 36 on all four sections! On the bubbling at the end, I would actually remend AGAINST that. During practice tests, I found that bubbling at the end usually got me 1 or 2 wrong bubbles. Perhaps this is just personal, but I found it hard to focus on bubbling everything, especially when panicking in the last seconds. I bubbled after every two pages. I'd place the bubble sheet between the next pages and just memorize the sequence of five or so letters in the questions on a two-page spread. It really helped me to write down my final answer very large right next to the question, so I could bubble much more easily in case I had marked up/crossed out things on the bubbles on my test sheet.
@eshagadi8296 Жыл бұрын
hey could you give me advice? i need a 36 or a 35 for the schools i want to go to and idk where to start im a junior and the sat wasn't working out for me.
@2gamers100 Жыл бұрын
gonna take the ACT in april, i'll update you on my journey here (aiming for a 32 ideally, but my minimum standard is 30) EDIT (2/28/23 @ 11PM): just purchased a spot for the ACT. RIP 66 dollars. thats like, 6 hours of my life dude. i work 10 an hour for context. earlier today was pretty frustrating because i tried to buy a slot over and over but the freaking cart would empty itself for no reason >:(. well at least that's that taken care of. EDIT (3/1/23 @ 4:04 PM): so far i've taken three english sections out of three practice tests. got a 25, 23, and a 30. i've decided that my weak spots are the wordy questions and comma usage. i'll try to work on those. also got a few questions i had right but changed it to the wrong answer lol. as someone once said, "Hesitation is defeat." EDIT (3/2/23 @ 2:19 PM): grinding away as per usual. i'm honing in on my weaknesses and it's actually pretty fun to watch myself grow. i used to hate studying but now i'm genuinely kind of excited to see how good i can get before JUDGEMENT DAY!!! got a 34 on an english section practice test earlier, but i wont be satisfied until i can consistently get 30 or higher every time! once english is mastered, i'll head to maths. might need some help with that :P EDIT (3/2/23 @ 9:31 PM): alright so i took three more english sections today.... after regrading all of them, i got a 33, 30, and a 29 in that order. im making progress!!! but it's not enough for my goals. i think i did swell today. all these colons and semicolons are throwing me off, as well as comma usage!! and especially those questions that ask you to add information and justify if it's correct. they all sound right, but only one of them is correct at the end of the day!! EDIT (3/3/23 @ 6:09 PM): my scores are getting more consistent with each practice session!! took like 4 english sections today. got a 27, 33, 32, and another 32! i'm definitely improving. also figuring out new tricks and shortcuts. commas are still my #2 weakness tho. #1 is hesitation. always remember: Hesitation is defeat. EDIT (3/4/23 @ 12:06 AM): guhhh another long, grueling, but rewarding day of studying. my scores, and myself, have definitely improved without a shadow of a doubt!! took like two more tests and got a 27, then a 34 after watching a few grammar videos! i'm very confident in my english section skills now. the only things that hold me back now are those pesky sequence questions, and most importantly, hesitation. ALWAYS REMEMBER: HESTIATION IS DEFEAT!!! EDIT (3/4/23 @ 11:08 PM): sorry i just had work today as well. did a few tests beforehand. got alright scores: 26, 27, and 34. while they arent bad, my goal is to always get 30 or higher! i wont give up yet! or something like that. im still scared that i might not make it. i just really need this scholarship... EDIT (3/5/23 @ 3:36 PM): i took three more english sections today. for some reason, all of them were 29!!! so close to my target goal, but so far.... it's those commas and verb tenses that throw me off the most, along with those questions that ask if a writer should add additional information. all of them seem correct, so which one do i pick?????? EDIT (3/7/23 @ 11:45 AM): sorry i just had a lot going on yesterday. forgot to mention, but i took like four more sections the other day too! i totally rocked it the other day (for the most part). i believe i got a 27, 29, 32, then a 35! i'm feeling more confident than ever about the english portion. i took another one earlier today too and got a 34 :D. i think english "clicked" for me. one tip that i found VERY useful was finding the SUBJECT of a sentence, then it became clear what the answer was. it was clear to me at least. all this englishing has made me very aware of my grammar in typing literally anything now lol. it's time to begin my math grind. EDIT (3/10/23 @ 2:44 PM): oops i forgot about this for a few days. sorry!!! math section is just tripping me up a LOT. its way harder than english for me. so many formulas to memorize. my biggest weaknesses are trig, logarithms, radicals, and like the last 20 questions in the math tests in general. those last 10 questions are especially confusing for me dude... i legit have no idea what to do for any of them!! :( i need help EDIT (3/11/23 @11:08 PM): just got out of the shower after a grueling day at work (it SUCKED). TLDR my manager was shit, the day was busy, and i had to do my part all alone for most of it. anyways, i'm slowly improving at math! i dont know if it was good luck on guessing questions or what not, but i got a 27 on a practice test today!!! :) it's not that remarkable but it is for me: a sign that, yes, i am making progress :D. i just hope i don't have to spend too long on math. i still gotta "get good" at reading and science, but its okay guys i play dark souls EDIT (3/13/23 @11:09 PM): sorry about not updating as frequently. just the math section has been REALLY draining on me as well as work too. i have a growing fear that i might not make it but i cannot afford to let that fear win!!! it will only drag me down. yall should think the same. either we believe we make it or we don't. were all gonna make it brahs. sorry if that sounded very corny i just needed to have an outlet for my thoughts for a hot minute. see you soldiers tomorrow. EDIT (3/14/23 @ 10:39 PM): HAPPY PI DAY MY BROTHAS AND SISTAS!!! :D enough about pie, let's talk about progress. ive been using rishab's E K guessing strat for the math section and i gotta say, it surprisingly works. of course, not every answer was E and K but it is a fairly reliable method of guessing. i wouldnt guess E and K for *every* answer i dont know, but about 50-60% of the guesses that were E and K were correct. i also got a 28 on this practice test!! i dont know if i just got lucky guessing or maybe i got better at math, but i'm steadily improving at it!!! i cant wait to be done with math so i can get on to reading and science and what not... it's been a week since i started the math grind and i've only improved 5 points. my goal is to reach 32 in the math section. a long shot, but i will not rest! neither should yall. unless youre hungry or sum idk :D. see yall later. EDIT (3/17/23 @ 12:36 PM): hey guys just been busy and had a lot of stuff other than studying to do. math has still been pretty tough on me but i feel like im improving!! i have no doubt that reading will be a piece of cake for me, but i'm still a little uneasy about science. i'll get there when i get there i suppose. just a ton of careless mistakes and those dreaded final 10 questions are the bane of my existence. grrr!!!! EDIT (3/18/23 @ 11:12 PM): hey guys whats up???? im still struggling but i got my first 30 in math (woooo yeaaaa babyy) i dont really have much to say today. work was busy AF, and i still struggle at math. see you later EDIT (3/20/23 @ 3:55 PM): whats cracking guys????? although im happy my math scores have considerably improved since before i began this grind, i cant seem to get past the 27-28 barrier... those damn word questions keep tripping me up!! and especially the last 10 questions cause i get like half of them wrong every single time!!! kind of in a bind. maybe i should just move on to reading for now.... EDIT (3/20/23 @ 11:15 PM): got off of work, took a shower (yes i saw that in the video, heh), and ate some delicious spaghetti. i've made up my mind: I WONT GIVE UP ON MATH!!!! NOT UNTIL I ACHIEVE MY TARGET GOAL. and you guys shouldnt give up too. it sounds cheeky but its all there is to it in the end. stay strong, soldiers. good night. EDIT (3/21/23 @ 10:37 PM): so i took another math section today (dear god help) and i got so many questions wrong not because i didnt know how to do them, but simple errors in my calculations LOL. there was even one question where i got it right, but i picked the wrong answer choice because im a dumbass. DOUBLE CHECK YOUR ANSWERS!!! (EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU GOT THEM RIGHT) thats my word of advice for today. good luck on your grind! EDIT (3/24/23 @ 2:57 PM): wow ive been really slacking with these updates. still stuck on math lol. i'm consistently getting high 20s tho so im happy, but my target range is 30-32. im predicting my scores and i have a strong feeling math is going to be my lowest subject. im confident i can get good at reading and science and i already know i have the english section down. all that really concerns me is math. anyways, see you guys later. EDIT (3/27/23 @ 1:09 AM): hey guys. time sure flies huh? it didn’t feel like three days since the last post. I decided that I must move on from math and start reading. although I never got a 32 once, im confident my other scores can make up for it. typing this in bed btw. today was absolutely horrible at work. i guess I should be proud of myself for still getting a 28 while tired AF. anyways, good night soldiers. EDIT (3/28/23 @ 12:02 AM): whats cracking guys!!!!! i took my first practice reading passage today. i got my ass royally clapped lol. i scored a 23. i had to guess on like the last 7 questions unfortunately cause of time, but im not worried. i know i can master reading very quickly, heh. see you on the other side! EDIT (3/28/23 @ 10:09 PM): wow its the same day XDDDDDDDD. anyways, it's been a month since this journey. i've got no doubts i can break a 30, but a 32 is still in the air. only two weeks left until test day... and i still got two more sections to master, but its okay. hopefully you guys can make it too! we just gotta keep our heads up and try because that's all we can do. well, not really, but it's an important thing to do!! the first step into achieving our goals is to believe we can is what ive realized this past month. knowing we put in the hours to take whats ours is what counts the most!! don't give in to comfort. stay out of your comfort zone until the entire world becomes it. good luck, grinders!
@RishabJain Жыл бұрын
If you struggle to pay for the ACT, I believe they do offer some financial waiver. Please look into that if you haven't already. Wish you the best of luck!
@DrewWaltonn Жыл бұрын
Where are you getting your practice tests?
@2gamers100 Жыл бұрын
well uh i think that comment reached its max length so ill continue here EDIT (3/29/23 @ 11:32 PM): heyyyy guys. more reading grinding today. unfortunately i have work tomorrow grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! but the good news is that i've been making more progress in reading! got a 25, 23, a 28, then a 29! however, im really relying on my reading score to boost my score up because i have little faith ill reach a 30 in the math section XD. i need to compensate by getting good ass scores in the other three sections. good night yall EDIT (3/30/23 @ 3:38 PM): well, its almost 2 weeks away from test day.... ive yet to master reading or science yet but im still confident i can do this! i just spent half of this entire 6 week period solely to math because i suck at math. all of these tests made me notice a pattern tho: the ACT loves to arrange the answers in a repetitive fashion. let me explain. for example, three answers would be "G, A, G" in that order. it will also be like "J, C, J" or "H, A, H". im not sure if this is purely coincidence or an intentional move but that should be kept in mind when youre guessing answers. ill see you guys later! EDIT (3/31/23 @ 3:56 PM): wow its almost april... a whole month of studying and im still not at the science section yet!!!!!! reading is still giving me trouble but im getting higher scores more consistently. im having a firm grasp and game plan on what to do and what to look for. one trick i highly recommend is to actually read the "the main purpose of the passage" question BEFORE you read the passage so you can figure it out along the way. this helps save valuable time so that you dont have to look back at the passage again and try to figure the purpose out. instead, with this trick, you can do both at once. good luck :) EDIT (4/1/23 @ 12:04 AM): its already april..... and reading is still kicking my ass!!!! i need help because i didnt expect it to be this challenging :( but thats with most things in life. you just gotta keep trying because thats all we can do at times. the final 2 weeks are here and im gonna try my damn hardest until then. good night guys EDIT (4/2/23 @ 3:55 PM): hey guys sorry for not posting yesterday. just had a lot of other schoolwork to deal with and i didnt have time to study at all yesterday :( BUT i just totally killed the reading section earlier. i got a 33 on this practice test!! i dont know what but suddenly it feels like the reading part "clicked" for me. i know exactly what to do now and what works for me :D what REALLY helped me was reading the first sentence of each paragraph. that helped me understand the main topic and idea of the passage/paragraph. it just works for me dude! i had to go through like 10+ tests to figure this method works best for me. just know that you can reach great things if you simply believe you can because thats the first step towards anything!! got work soon, so i'll just chill in the meantime. EDIT (4/3/23 @ 11:46 PM): its late, im tired, but test day is surely approaching. the reading grind hasnt stopped today! i took like 5 tests. im pretty sure i got a 29, 27, 30, 29, and a 29. im too lazy to double check tho. one thing is for sure tho: ive definitely improved a ton since the start of this journey. thats good enough for me :) but science is still waiting for me... the journey isnt over yet! good night guys. EDIT (4/5/23 @ 8:04 PM): working 4 days this week again (thank god). started science section, which is rishab's faaaavorite one. let me tell you guys: SCIENCE IS ABSOLUTELY NOT FREE!!!!!! man i suck at science right now :( but i believe i can improve quickly. its mainly about interpreting data on such a time crunch. so much stuff going on and im getting lost and aeuawhfuafawihdhdahuroijesioejesfjfio. well, this is the last stretch. standing here, i realize that this is it. EDIT (4/7/23 @ 12:56 AM): sup dudes sorry for not posting yesterday. just forgot about this for a hot minute cause science section was seriously destroying me! today is my lil brother's birthday so happy birthday to him!! :D (he turns 16 if u were wondering). anyways, just came to report that im starting to get a firm grip on the science section. its starting to make sense and im implementing good habits thanks to a friend of mine who just so happens to specialize in a science-heavy major. he told me about how he would go about attacking the data and graphs. this is how he outlined his process: step 1, break it down into parts. we want to not overwhelm ourselves by looking at the entire graph. he told me to locate only what is necessary and forget everything else. step two was to actually locate that information via X/Y axis, labels, keys/legends, and organizing the graph with our own drawings like lines that we can barely see through but easy enough to erase quickly. step three was to answer the question. he told me to look at the answers first so i can get a good idea on what i should be looking for, which actually helped. before all this, i got a 22 when i took my first test yesterday, but after a long day at work and a good meal, im so happy to report that i got a 27!!! its not that much right now, but its a sign that his strategies work and im improving :DDDDD but i hope my improvement stays consistent. well, im not gonna put everything into hope. theres always power we can control. always take control when you can lads. before you lose a lot of it. good night soldiers. EDIT (4/8/23 @ 1:19 PM): WERE IN THE FINAL STRETCH BOYS!!! one more week until judgement day. just came here RQ to say that yes, i have been improving in the science section! hopefully i remember everything else in the other sections. in all likelihood, ill be getting a 29-30, but that wont stop be from trying to get that 32. got a 28 on a science test earlier :D ill see you guys later. EDIT (4/9/23 @ 1:40 AM): another late night update. i dont feel tired at all cause i just NAILED the science section today. started off pretty weak, got a 21 i think. then, after work, i dont know what kicked in but after a good shower i got a 32 on a test! finding the info felt natural and it felt like i was seeing lights or something lol. its akin to what people would call the "flow state". ive gotten pretty good scores in every section (besides math lol). six days left. this. is. it. see you all later! EDIT (4/10/23 @ 11:27 PM): 4 days away.... 6 weeks of prep... let's see if itll amount to anything. i would like to report that my science scores have been consistently above 30, but i'm flunking :( i need to break the questions down. one thing i picked up is that they love to word things already mentioned in the passage, but as long as possible. they will refer to study 1 without saying "Based on Study/Figure 1", instead they will write some shit that is the BASIS of a study/figure. that's really annoying me. also, i have no idea why people struggle so much with the conflicting viewpoints passage. yes, some questions are hard, but the passage is usually easy for me. anyways, good night yall. EDIT (4/12/23 @ 3:38 PM): whats poppin guys!?!!? its three days away and i dont know how it'll play out tbh. one thing is for sure tho: i'll try my dang darnest best because i put in SO MUCH FRIGGIN WORK for this one moment. it's about time i refresh on everything from the beginning. science was a struggle, but i'm feeling pretty confident about it. reading was alright, but nothing difficult. math is definitely going to be a pain in the ass. english is going to be a total breeze lol. see you guys later :D EDIT (4/14/23 @ 9:41 AM): just woke up guys. today is the last day!!! to be honest, this feels kind of liberating. i no longer have to study so much after today (for now lol). got no idea how this is going to play out. but hey, ima try my best. that's all i can really do at this point. also, gonna grab some mints from the store RQ. ciao! EDIT (4/14/23 @ 6:19 PM): a few hours away until bedtime.. i plan to sleep early tonight. gonna take one for the team and take a cold shower like rishab said. let's see if it works. also got some mints from the store because that might be helpful in keeping my ass awake at the halfway point XD. it's been a long journey, but it's gotta end soon. cyall ! EDIT (4/14/23 @ 9:30 PM): I did less studying than usual overall today. Just felt like relaxing cause I know I got tomorrow down. Trying to sleep and I’m typing this with my phone. Hoping that eventually I’ll fall asleep but hey we try. This is it. Good night and good luck to anyone else taking it tomorrow! EDIT (4/15/23 @7:15 AM): I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night. It took about three hours before I actually slept uuuugh. however, that didn’t stop me from taking rishab’s advice of taking a cold shower in the morning. And that’s exactly what I just did. It felt scary, and it felt unpleasant. But after it was all said and done, it felt kind of empowering. Also, I’m awake now lol. Anyways, test coming soon. Gonna need the good RNG!! EDIT (4/15/23 @ 12:22 PM): took the test. needless to say, it was hard. english was a freebie. math was ROUGH. reading, i choked hard. science, however, was easy for some reason. im pretty sure i got at least a 30 lol. not feeling too hot about reading/math tho. however, the last time i took the ACT my reading score was a 30 so even if i did pretty shit, my superscore will show 30 >:D so it doesnt even matter. so really, the math section was what iw as worried about. i dont feel confident about it at all TBH. oh well. glad this is over. i'll report on my scores when they arrive!
@sync_ame Жыл бұрын
@@DrewWaltonn possibly in the book
@nateadkins4812 Жыл бұрын
Where are you getting access to all of these practice tests
@rhettadam Жыл бұрын
Taking my last ACT test tomorrow! I've taken it twice and got a 28 and 30
@gabelol9987 4 ай бұрын
what u get
@jaylakannianen4122 Жыл бұрын
Taking the ACT tomorrow and I’m nervous! Hoping this vid helps
@t8ish538 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful, thank you!
@John-dn8or Жыл бұрын
I don’t really know how to explain, but I feel like just getting use to the flow of the test is a big part. Like I just took a practice test the day before my act and I went from a 25 to a 30(science being my biggest improvement being a 25 to a 33).
@kyledargie4532 Жыл бұрын
How frequently did you study before the exam? And for how long each day? I’m finding a hard time getting into a routine and want to make sure I’m not overdoing it. Thanks.
@izabellation8230 Жыл бұрын
Guys I take the act in 2 weeks on my first act I got a 19 and ile update this later with my new score
@yesno4065 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful man!
@po6417 Жыл бұрын
So many students are going to start getting 36s because of your videos 🤣
@haydencouch9350 10 ай бұрын
You cannot convince me that this is a real person
@daniellerouten1101 Жыл бұрын
I don’t study enough and don’t understand the math at all.. second time around I’m going to do good.
@2gamers100 Жыл бұрын
i dont know if yall been updated on my ACT grind saga but ive been constantly posting updates all about it :p 2 weeks left and i still need to master reading and science... i need some help
@2gamers100 Жыл бұрын
BRO you got any more tips for the science section??? its kicking my ass!!!!
@chrabyplays 7 ай бұрын
Rishab Jain? No Rishab blessed ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🙏 #geniusmotive #getthssemoves
@dre5515 Жыл бұрын
I'm taking it next week and it's on computer
@RishabJain Жыл бұрын
Oh really? How does the computer ACT work?!
@neogalaxyeyesphotondragon4487 Жыл бұрын
lol same
@neogalaxyeyesphotondragon4487 Жыл бұрын
​@@RishabJain It gives questions one by one, and you just click "next" when a question is complete(imo it saves a whole lot of bubbling time). This makes the science section a bit harder bc you have to scroll up and down to get to and from figures and whatnot. The harder math questions become a lot more tedious as well. Reading and English however, are a breeze. Then comes the slew of potential technical difficulties. Overall, it's whatever. The tips from your videos are still great.
@dre5515 Жыл бұрын
@@neogalaxyeyesphotondragon4487 I take it tomorrow and I think it will make reading and English easier
@neogalaxyeyesphotondragon4487 Жыл бұрын
@@RishabJain Update: Just took it. Things I noticed: Annoying 2-5 second load time between each question(at least at my school). REALLY annoying 30 sec load time every time I went back to a question from the test overview. TESTS WERE NOT UNFORM! - I have an informant(sis), and our English and Reading passages were different. As well as our Math and Science questions. For example, there were different amounts of matrix questions between us and none of her passages even so much as mentioned blueberries! Thought that was weird and I’m hoping the tests are all valid, as I feel I’ve done well. Maybe this is worth making a video on with more info, idk.
@DillianPlays Жыл бұрын
Why did I get a message to subscribe to you on my discord server when there’s nobody in there?
@fthlff6875 Жыл бұрын
Bro why does it show 176 + 30 $ for registration?? When I first saw it said 6k-8k for registration
@fthlff6875 Жыл бұрын
Am I doing something wrong
@RishabJain Жыл бұрын
woah, other people have complained about this too… i’m not sure
@pranavraj4855 Жыл бұрын
hey I bought The Proficient package, but the dropbox link is not working. only bought it for the 20+ practice tests, so hope this gets fixed. thanks:)
@pranavraj4855 Жыл бұрын
if the whole folder has been taken down by ACT, can I receive a refund on my purchase?
@MeMarcusTheCreator Жыл бұрын
If I went to the ACT website and took the test there, will that be helpful as well?
@2gamers100 Жыл бұрын
do you think the older tests are worth studying? im wondering if theyre as good as the new ones. im running out of tests to take!!
@RishabJain Жыл бұрын
how old are we talking about here?
@2gamers100 Жыл бұрын
@@RishabJain any test before 2015
@RishabJain Жыл бұрын
hmm, I think the ACT hasn't actually changed their tests too much! I'd recommend doing the newer ones first ofc, but then feel free to go back! More info:!tab2
@nateadkins4812 Жыл бұрын
Where do you access the old practice tests. I have the 2022-2023 book so I have those. I don’t want to pay 40 dollars for every year tho.
@will.gallegos 7 ай бұрын
Would you recommend listening to soft loft music or something in the car the day of when going to the test?
@TheOnlyName Жыл бұрын
Here from Discord :)
@F1Vettel_fan Жыл бұрын
From the discord ❤️
@spring_le_bunneh Жыл бұрын
From Discord :)
@margaretwatson5272 Жыл бұрын
ur an icon
@gilbertboys6719 Жыл бұрын
bro's facecam is in front of his text and images 💀
@CoolScratcher Жыл бұрын
From discord
@Lucas-no6bl Жыл бұрын
'Promo SM' 👏
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