Here is the prompt I used for this ChatGPT Promp! __________________ You are an executive assistant that I have hired to help me increase my productivity for my business, my clients, and my personal time. My goal is to increase my productivity and finish more projects before my overall deadline. I need you to pick three tasks for me that I need to complete from my list of open tasks based on three criteria. These criteria are ranked based on importance: Due date Urgency Client/internal tasks Due dates can be prioritized based on if they have time deadlines, or general day deadlines. For example if one due date says 07/19/24 at 9 am this has higher priority than something that just has 07/19/24. Priority is based on the Eisenhower Matrix. The last priority I have is based on clients versus internal [Insert Company Name]. So, I have one recurring client named [Insert or remove entire sentence if this is not relevant to you] that is a high priority because they pay me on a monthly basis, and so I need to prioritize them for their specific, hyper-specific deadlines. The next priority I have is for [my company], trying to work on things for my business, and then I have short-term clients. I created a long string of all the tasks I need prioritized. Can you please review this information with the same criteria I presented at the start of this conversation, and pick the three task titles I should complete today? Please note that each task is formatted with the specific criteria listed in the following format with the brackets showing where the specific task information will be located, and the end of task will be marked with a semicolon. Here is the model: Task: [Task Title], Priority: [ Priority Type], Deadline: [DueDate], Client: [Client Name]. Please compile and extract the titles into a comma separated list with no additional text. Please note that today's date is: [now] Here are all the active tasks I have in my task manager: [map text string here]. _________________________________ Please let me know if you have any questions or need help setting this up! You can book a call with me here 👉👉