Very interesting and well done. I have acquired hearing loss and can hear with hearing aids but hear nothing without. I have studied Spanish and German part-time since losing my hearing. I have found Spanish really difficult to hear because of the speed and sliding words together. I have no problems with reading. German has proved a lot easier to hear, although my reading level is lower than my Spanish. I recently learnt a bit of Dutch for a trip i was doing and found it quite easy to understand speech. I think with these Germanic languages the clarity of pronunciation has helped. However, as with my native language, context is key
@nellefindlay Жыл бұрын
That's super interesting. Thank you for sharing. It's interesting how you've found German easier to hear than Spanish. I've read that tonal languages like Chinese are harder with cochlear implants, but I've never seen comparisons between European languages. :)
@rssq422 Жыл бұрын
hi Nelle! I’m glad to know i’m not alone in the whole world being HoH and studying languages at university.. my lecturers can’t understand it and i’m struggling so much trying to explain them why i need transcripts for audio tasks… Well all i can do is to get help from my group mates they really help me. ❤
@nellefindlay Жыл бұрын
Hi, I promise you're really not alone. There are surprisingly a lot of deaf people who speak multiple languages. My advice would be to keep advocating for yourself and see if there are any disability support services that can help you out. What languages are you studying, and how are you getting on? :)
@samsadri4108 Жыл бұрын
thank you so much for your content it is so good nelle
@nellefindlay Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoy it!
@5RAMAR5 Жыл бұрын
Everytime I felt like going to hardships due to my hearing loss (all started 5 years go with sensory neural hearing lost on my right ear and 3 years ago on my right side ).I come here to read (cc)this beautiful señorita. Nothing but 100% respect and admiration!In those 3 years since your hearing loss.You have your CI done , then now your doing sign language!!Wow…Such inspiration keep up the great work!
@nellefindlay Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed my videos
@barrytaylorprofoundlydeafi2479 Жыл бұрын
Hi Nelle i think your doing really well at university,learning a language is really difficult even with hearing but to learn it with a profound hearing loss is very special, especially when all around you are hearing! Thank goodness you got one ear implanted,it would have been so hard with just hearing aids & an FM system etc! This has proved without a shadow of a doubt you should have the other ear implanted! It's time the rules were changed! It should not be based on age! Over 18 you only get one,but based on how well you get on with an implant & if you would benefit from two! You have nearly 50 yrs of working life ahead of you so surely having a 2nd implant is a no brainer! But there could be breakthroughs in the next few years that could restore hearing! But just think how much better you would do with 2 implants at uni,I see your still showing the go fund me page for the 2nd implant so all the while your doing that I will donate when I can as I believe in what your trying to do! Good luck with your studies 💗💗💐💐
@nellefindlay Жыл бұрын
Thank you :)
@isnisse3896 Жыл бұрын
Im hard of hearing, trying to learn chinese. It can be hard to tell the words apart. So many chi, shi, zhi, ci, kind of words. Each with their own range of tones
@nellefindlay Жыл бұрын
I imagine that Chinese would be really hard to learn. I know with cochlear implants changes in pitch are really hard to detect making tones very hard to distinguish, also the fact that Chinese isn't written phonetically would make it very difficult to guess how something is pronounced. My advice would be to get really good at phonetic transcription so you can read exactly how words are pronounced rather than relying on a latin alphabet transcription, and have a good dictionary, that always helps. Nelle :)
@alkamino11 ай бұрын
HOW DOES THAT WORK. I'm joking. I'm happy that you follow your passion regardless of obstacles!
@alessandronitti6941 Жыл бұрын
Do you find harder writing or speaking in Spanish? Asking this because your English pronunciation is perfect and as a foreigner, it reminds me of the same level of attention to correct diction the English teachers I met at school had.
@nellefindlay Жыл бұрын
I don't find either writing or speaking Spanish particularly difficult. I've been told that my speech in Spanish is completely clear which sometimes confuses people because I speak a lot better than I can hear. I have an English accent when I speak Spanish which covers up any slight pronunciation differences resulting from being deaf. I do try very hard on my speech to make sure I am pronouncing things correctly because it would be easy for my speech to get worse, so that's why my speech sounds very 'correct'. Nelle :)
@niyitoro5461 Жыл бұрын
Hi Nelle, I'm studying English and it's hard bcse is different to Spanish hehehe I'm agree with u
@niyitoro5461 Жыл бұрын
I can read at all but I'm deaf to listen English speech only, corrigiendo :)
@nellefindlay Жыл бұрын
Hola, ¿de dónde vienes? estoy pensando en hacer contenido en español para enseñar cosas sobre inglés por ejemplo como mejorar el acento etcetera dirigido a hispanohablentes que quieran aprender inglés. ¿Te interesa? Nelle :)
@niyitoro5461 Жыл бұрын
@@nellefindlay hola Nelle soy de Colombia :) Gran idea!! 😯
@niyitoro5461 Жыл бұрын
@@nellefindlay where are you from = De donde eres I know that you are learning and me too ❤️