There are four sickles on top of the tower, said to be amulet sickles, and they are hung in the north, south, east and west against thunder. According to a cutlery shop in Sakai, Osaka, once every 300 years, there is a replacement work, and in 1952, the great-grandfather of this shop delivered 4 sickles, 8 were made and 4 "kageuchi" were used as spares. アップありがとうございます。 五重塔の鎌は「四方魔除け鎌」と言われ東西南北に架けられた カミナリよけです 。 大阪府堺の刃物屋さんの話しで 300年に一回 掛け替え工事があり昭和27年に 刃物屋さんの曽祖父が納めた鎌で4本納入ですが8本作り "影打ち"4本を予備としたそうです。
I love this video. I visited Horus-ji a few times. I learned important historical issues. Comparing with my video this video is very informative. This temple is one of my favorite temples.