@bigbrowncheifbottom lol you deserve more thumbs ups my friend
@FSN197714 жыл бұрын
@darkoneter There is a Upgrade for the commander, that prevents it from going nuclear
@FSN197714 жыл бұрын
@FluidDeconstructor Well ingame sound is more chaotic then music . And ppl did actually complain about the ingame sound, in some of my previous videos.
@chal595714 жыл бұрын
@nickizgr8 Noobs and pros are easily distinguishable from each other. Its all about rushing and keeping them from building on their mass.
@FSN197714 жыл бұрын
SupCom2 is a good game, with with the possibility to be a great game.
@chal595714 жыл бұрын
@nickizgr8 You attack everything BUT the commander when you rush.
@FSN197714 жыл бұрын
@FluidDeconstructor I have made tons of videos with gamesound, but with these soundtracks ontop, its much better...
@nickizgr814 жыл бұрын
@eatcarbs yes but even if u rush eraly on there commander will kill u if the player can actally play then they will just turtle up which how powerful turrets are now when in vast numbers combined with sheilds makes it immpossible to attack serously i was playing that ff 4 player map geothermal something my m8 had 3 rows of turrets at the start of his runway fully upgraded and my 4 cybranasuares rex's and 200 accualt bots barly put a dent in his defense
@darkoneter14 жыл бұрын
cool but why didn't the enemy commander explode? in supcom1 they explode
@jonxbox14 жыл бұрын
sheild spam ftw.get like 30 in 1 place including a nuke defence thing a lolllll
@tehninjastickman13 жыл бұрын
spam soul ripper 2, i win.
@nickizgr814 жыл бұрын
sup com 2 is shit no skill is involved with playing it most people either spam magentrons arty nukes or expermentals the expermentals are very easy to build very fast to reserch and build unlike ones in sup com 1 whihc took a while to build thve bassicly taken all the econmey aspects of the game and taken them out so noobs can no be as good as pro players now noobs can just reserch 1 unit then just spam that expermental and ussally they will win