Survivor 46 | Maria Shrime Gonzalez Interview (Mike Bloom / Parade)

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Mike Bloom

Mike Bloom

Ай бұрын

Maria Shrime Gonzalez talks with Mike Bloom and about her time on Survivor 46.
Full link:

Пікірлер: 81
@unicornrainbow4760 Ай бұрын
She was bitter Charlie had her beat. She thought she was controlling things but Charlie was. She lies.
@cd9954 Ай бұрын
They took an hour to make fire. This lame excuse of hers is ridiculous.
@kaatherineyoung Ай бұрын
Mike should've just started laughing. What total bs.
@hughmungus7425 Ай бұрын
Yup! And I don't think she's intelligent enough to understand how bad of an excuse that is. Had she just said "I went back and forth for a long time, but I feel Kenzie played the better game in the end!" then people would be much more understanding. But the excuse gives away the fact that she's bitter.
@astrickland897 Ай бұрын
Exactly!! Like, what fire did you see in her eyes after a hr.
@jayjasperjp Ай бұрын
I don’t believe her reasons for voting Kenzie over Charlie
@Sakuraa3398 Ай бұрын
Me either
@KBonilla Ай бұрын
She talks about loyalty but she does the opposite
@joldc5123 Ай бұрын
I didn’t even finish listening to this interview, she discussed me
@josephlim6854 Ай бұрын
Mike Bloom, you're an awesome interviewer! I was a fan of Maria's game throughout until the very end since I felt, based on what we saw in the edit, she was more a ride/stab than a ride/die.
@DiannJ Ай бұрын
Maria had such a great game, but it seems like her spiteful vote against Charlie at the end of totally tarnishing everyone's impression of her unfortunately. It was such a great game until that last vote unfortunately.
@kaatherineyoung Ай бұрын
She's despicable. She chose Q to eat instead of Liz when she said she was considering who needed to eat more. Makes no sense. Then, she talked to Venus about her snappy and sassy attitude, but has to same attitude towards Ben. Actually, it seemed worse because she wouldn't talk to him for a few days too. Then, her lame ass excuse for not voting Charlie. She is just a disgusting person.
@badbgp Ай бұрын
I think you forgot when she made Liz and Q play rock paper scissors for a meal. She was a super strong player but she's a despicable person.
@sideeswipe 2 күн бұрын
She played the victim and cried after the Q pizza thing, she was stubborn and egotistical the entire game
@nowhesaphilosophizer Ай бұрын
Maria how did you have so much grace with Liz and also the capacity to stab Charlie in the back? After being such a strategic player you made your vote based off of who needs the money the most outside of the game? Just doesn’t add up other than you were spiteful.
@swedishfishoreos Ай бұрын
What grace with Liz haha?
@nowhesaphilosophizer Ай бұрын
@@swedishfishoreos when Liz went out of her way to help Kenzie beat Maria in the challenge and Maria took the L with class
@ashleylutter8210 Ай бұрын
the rehearsals she must have done to explain this nonsense lol
@ashleylutter8210 Ай бұрын
her response nonsense ^
@davidmallard6127 Ай бұрын
Hmmm... she smashed her reputation with thet FTC vote unfortunately.
@FellDownTheCornHole Ай бұрын
No she didn’t. People are just blowing out of proportion, it’s even funnier that the controversy her haters are creating is the exact reason why she’s probably.guaranteed a return
@jacobdanielson736 Ай бұрын
She is the worst. Cannot believe they gave this person a standing ovation.
@woodykusaki9970 Ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure Maria was bitter with Charlie just reading her body language when Jeff asked her why she voted Kenzie and not Charlie.
@benshapirosgreatuncle4060 Ай бұрын
It would’ve been nice if she had told Charlie “you have my vote… unless your competition is a woman” instead of “you have my vote”
@quickpstuts412 Ай бұрын
The crazy thing about her being seemingly bitter is she was planning to take HIM out too! So it's not like she was gonna be loyal! I believe if tables were turned, Charlie would have still voted for her out of respect for the game. Face it. She got played. Disappointed!!
@theshortguy4530 Ай бұрын
Sounds like she voted for Kenzie because she favored a woman winning
@woodykusaki9970 Ай бұрын
Then she's a sexist feminist if that's the case
@charleen624 Ай бұрын
I disagree with this because throughout the game she favoured men
@gregorrileano5482 Ай бұрын
She identified with kenzie because according to her reasoning, she saw the fire on Kenzie's eyes, and she resonated with Kenzie being a mother because she sees herself in Kenzie. I dont think its eve. possible for Charlie and Ben to get that vote 😂
@woodykusaki9970 Ай бұрын
@@charleen624 maybe she thinks it's smarter to work with men but ultimately, she's one of those prejudiced feminists who will award females simply for what their gender is. Feminists. complains if people discriminate against their gender but does exactly what they preach against.
@CadeCYC Ай бұрын
Yes this is it
@GregK97 Ай бұрын
I was actually rooting for Maria to win, but I’m definitely glad she got voted out now. Crazy how she could’ve been beloved by all of us had she voted for her number one “ally.” What a shame. 😪
@cjsmith5787 Ай бұрын
One of the worst survivor contestants of all time. I’m sure her kids will be thinking the same thing
@cloudnoctis666 26 күн бұрын
Well said.
@helmeyb Ай бұрын
Felt really bad for C.. he was expecting a win and got really disappointed.. bitter Witch
@happygarden7111 Ай бұрын
Liar liar pants on fire Maria
@kaatherineyoung Ай бұрын
It's funny how everyone in this season described Venus as a snake and was blinded by the biggest snake of them all: Maria. Pretty sure that if Venus was in Maria's shoes, she would've voted for Charlie.
@billjohnson104 Ай бұрын
i've watched most of her interviews now and its funny that every time she blames someone else "Venus runs around" Ben was shady with Tim" "Gem changed that day" its never her fault. GASLIGHTING ladies and gents
@calvin394 Ай бұрын
Bitter disloyal juror 🙄
@symphoniez Ай бұрын
All lies. Bitter juror. Once Charlie took over the game, she couldn't handle it. Disgusting.
@cloudnoctis666 26 күн бұрын
@AnnaE1500 Ай бұрын
It was offensive when Maria acted so wounded ("daggers") by Venus at tribal council on account of her simply showing the courage and integrity to call Maria out on her beyond appalling, transparent and fake behavior in picking Q for the food reward, claiming her decision was based upon whose body was "breaking down" the most. Then she proceeds to leave the two who are literally STARVING and picks Q, the guy who just ate but whom she previously stated she wanted to "use" for his vote, i.e., to serve her own purposes. In reality, she should be ashamed of her behavior. I'm really glad she will see for herself the episode that airs during which virtually EVERYONE in the cast views Maria's behavior the exact same way as Venus did! Plus, all the condescension she exhibits towards others is nothing short of nauseating and then withholding her vote for Charlie out of spite and jealousy. I do not consider her the wise pillar of morality she envisions herself as being - far from it.
@dottieschwenk6350 Ай бұрын
She gave B.S. answers to try to make her look better! But we can see right through her black heart! Good luck on House Of Villians although Karma's a bitch!
@ajl9772 Ай бұрын
People are to vote however they want, but for money is a poor reason in my eyes. Kenzie was getting 100k for 2nd place. Thats a sizable amount of money that can change a life. Crazy to me Maria would disregard her best friend out there and vote for someone she wasn't that close to, just because she reminded her of herself. From what she said, sounds like she voted for Kenzie because she respects her more as a person than Charlie. Basically, her vote was personal. I think people are being overly critical of Maria, but if I was Charlie, I probably wouldn't be interested in being in contact with her.
@madisonnew7396 Ай бұрын
She needs to own it and ride this to being a villain on the new era Heroes vs Villains 2
@joldc5123 Ай бұрын
Never do séant her to return, never she is not a villain, she is evil she doesn’t deserve to return
@madisonnew7396 Ай бұрын
@@joldc5123 it’s a tv show.
@astrickland897 Ай бұрын
For someone who started out by saying "i dont want to be known as the mother of the tribe" She sure did mention the word "Mother" wayyyy to many times
@gmahawaii Ай бұрын
So much respect for maria intil the end!!! What they do woth the mo ey should not affect your vote, what a selfiish evil perosn!!!
@BarbaraHoward-uy8fq Ай бұрын
Setting such a good example for her kids! NOT. All lies ….as well one of her reasons being “ giving up things for herself” all her life….did she get all her education and persue business adventures just for others …again just a selfish bitter woman..shame on you
@hanzsem2293 Ай бұрын
I do to an extent get some of her points. But man she is not being honest and unfortunately people see that.
@davidgonzalezgarza Ай бұрын
Maria was boring AF there is a reason she barely had any confessionals
@cloudnoctis666 26 күн бұрын
True, Maria is boring and bad TV.
@Sakuraa3398 Ай бұрын
What a bitter women. I think Venus had her absolutely clocked just mean. Season was wild start to finish.
@kaatherineyoung Ай бұрын
She makes absolutely no sense. How the hell is she talking about loyalty with Q when he is going against his number 1? Ridiculous.
@charleen624 Ай бұрын
Really liked her but have gone off since the finale
@user-wl1tg8wr2c Ай бұрын
Me too
@msbrownsuga Ай бұрын
I really hoped to understand her confusing decisions a bit more; I fear that Maria has seen too much internet scorn already and she's just not willing to give people more to pick apart. She played a good game overall; she - of course - had the right to vote for whomever she pleased. But her reluctance to show any vulnerability, even the slightest oops (e.g., handling who to take for pizza) is disappointing.
@benjames2398 Ай бұрын
her excuse sounds rehearsed, im not buying it
@ClueFinderDirtDigger Ай бұрын
Honestly I just wish she’d take a little more accountability. We all fuck up, say things or do things we regret, hurt people unintentionally, etc. Her FTC vote is a hard pill to swallow, and I don’t blame Charlie at all for feeling betrayed - but ultimately it was her choice, and I can’t fault her too much for it. What I’m really uncomfortable with is the way she spoke to Ben in that secret scene. Even with the “context” she provided here, I still feel that her dismissive and condescending tone was super uncalled for. I can’t think of anybody else in the cast who was out there talking to other people with that level of disrespect (except Liz, whose behavior was also way out of line, if you ask me). Even if she didn’t mean for it to come across that way, claiming that it was just “unfairly edited” seems to lack some self-awareness. That said, some of the internet piling on has been unnecessarily hateful. She made some really bad social choices and will have to face the consequences of that in her personal life, and her answers here aren’t great. But she doesn’t owe anyone an apology except the individuals who were hurt by her actions out there. That’s my two cents, at least.
@afullchalicevlogs7979 Ай бұрын
@txcin Ай бұрын
I don’t believe she voted for the best player and I did not enjoy her as a player on the show. Pretty boring and I believe a bitter juror.
@Elizabeth-foolishmortal Ай бұрын
Maria, bitter. Fire making lasted a long time without fire.
@rebeccarubin9849 Ай бұрын
Boo. Tomato Tomato
@theshow1269 Ай бұрын
Bitter. Jealous. Vindictive player….. Spin your reasons, we know the truth.
@KatieQi Ай бұрын
So to decode her ‘explanations’ here which is just a face-saving excuse to cover the true event- the logic she follows when giving the power as a juror, is to rate the players not as who she thinks played THE BEST strategic and well-rounded game, but who she finds relating the most to HERSELF “motherhood, selfishless, giving…”. First, such logic when crowning for a million dollar winner is totally unfair and unjustified. [your job as a juror is to choose THE BEST PLAYER! Not who you think that resembles you the most, your narcissist rat🙄🙄🙄 Secondly, the choice of Kansie shows how much self-centered and even narcissistic as characters in her. On the other side, the choice of not giving to Charlie shows she simply can no longer hold her integrity with Charlie when herself got outplayed! (aka, bitter as everyone has mentioned on the internet)
@gmahawaii Ай бұрын
Nail hit!!!
@Elsa4U Ай бұрын
This vote was a bitter vote. Nothing to do with fire or Q’s question. She promised him her vote to get his help when she was on her way out. BS I hope Charlie never forgives her. She said oh I played such an honest game. 🙄. KARMA IS A B. She begged him to help her find an idol. That’s why she promised him her vote.
@cloudnoctis666 26 күн бұрын
Maria should've been thankful to Charlie for playing with her and making her his number 1. There is no mutual respect in Maria for Charlie. She might have played with her head, but she voted with her heart. She was inconsistent in the game, and towards Charlie.
@vincentmaestas3396 Ай бұрын
She's always been fake Charlie just took long to find out and at a very big cost.
@cloudnoctis666 26 күн бұрын
I thank Maria for showing how the real world is. Sometimes we forget about fake people living in it. Charlie should learn a million dollar lesson there.
@ferdinandl3709 Ай бұрын
Saw in her eyes BS!!! Booooooo
@maggie198333 Ай бұрын
Load of BS from Maria
@hafizhadi8185 Ай бұрын
Kenzie is a fake person..after jess fake tribal idol, i pray that tiffany,kenzie,q got voted out ..bcos i hate how they treat bully jess ..and i justdont like kenzie fake character..shes not a nice person...worst survivor winner.
@astrickland897 Ай бұрын
Thank you!! Kenzie was a mean girl in the beginning! They all sucked at challenges but kept blaming it on Jess! Constantly they yelled at her for making mistakes. I wanted them to go one more day before merge to see who they'd blame losing immunity on now that they were down to their bff group.
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