Is Destiny 2 Free to Play Worth Playing in 2023?

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@Sweatcicle Жыл бұрын
Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of uploads, this one took me over a month to do and the next one I’m uploading took over 2 months! Hoping to be back to more frequent uploads soon ❤️
@cheesynapkin3335 Жыл бұрын
Your good we appreciate your content no matter the time it takes
@the_bull2663 Жыл бұрын
All good sweat, always love your content 🫶
@TheLuckyBeaver13 Жыл бұрын
All good, any chance there will be a guardian games money spending spree soon?
@stephendunbar6435 Жыл бұрын
Love content
@kristophersy773 Жыл бұрын
And lack of thumbnails?
@zvolchen117 Жыл бұрын
Imagine if they actually taught players how the game works instead of pushing dlc
@ethanhensley9355 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I’m just tired of the complaining. I hate this game but it’s so annoying just listening to people bitch about literally everythingggg
@IKilza_ Жыл бұрын
@@ethanhensley9355 if bungie didn’t make terrible decisions we as the player base wouldn’t be complaining
@MasterRyuuji Жыл бұрын
Skill issue
@IKilza_ Жыл бұрын
@@MasterRyuuji on bungies end? Yeah
@zone6bear Жыл бұрын
They do, most ppl just don't read it
@mr.bamboozle3053 Жыл бұрын
Short Answer, NO
@MarkipliyeyTheFifth Жыл бұрын
Yeah lol 😅
@صهيبسالم-ي5م Жыл бұрын
True answer
@tommyandrews6533 Жыл бұрын
Amazing, just summed up an entire video in 1 word. Bless my soul
@blue_1206 Жыл бұрын
Glad the obligatory "No" comment for these videos are still going, not happy that it still is not worth it
@Twisted78 Жыл бұрын
I’ve always said D2 is a free to TRY game not free to play, kinda like a extended demo
@MNDO Жыл бұрын
I feel like they should have an hour long tutorial on the game, there’s so much stuff they need to learn so an hour to half an hour guide on it all with practice missions
@TheKyleman6 Жыл бұрын
This just made me think “what if we had a free to play new light campaign, but it also had the option for Legendary difficulty” but I don’t know what kind of incentive to do that would be besides bragging
@themaxpanteraschannel9459 Жыл бұрын
​@@TheKyleman6 the point of Legendary difficulty is not only "risk /reward", but also fun and enjoyment: some players simply don't want to play unless challenged, and because normal campaigns are usually mind numbing to say the least, a more difficult option is always useful to have, especially if done right (like the last 2 campaigns)
@TheKyleman6 Жыл бұрын
@@themaxpanteraschannel9459 true, I myself kinda like doing mind numbing stuff in this game sometimes (like going to low end patrols with random guns I like the look and feel of and just shooting shit) but I also sometimes like doing the Legendary Campaigns if only to say “I did it on all 3 of my classes” but it’s also frustrating sometimes with the difficulty (I took 1-2 missions a day when I did WQ Legendary on a pre-nerfed HOIL Arc Titan, while I did it on a Assassin Arc Hunter in one whole day, with only Savathun giving me trouble)
@TimecraftGamingSjors Жыл бұрын
I mean just bring back red war and that's the entire introduction taken care of
@KS-mn7qk Жыл бұрын
@@TimecraftGamingSjors honestly kinda true. They'd definitely need to fix some parts of it, but the red war coming back would be pretty cool. And I'd actually pay a small fortune for a legendary forsaken campaign.
@secret1566 Жыл бұрын
I do feel bad for f2p players being locked out/time gated on basic activities. They should consider a legacy nightfall list, with only the lowest option difficulty being available while keeping the seasonal GM list. This would let f2p do nightfalls without waiting for a non dlc strike.
@jasonmiller2379 Жыл бұрын
the first thing they need to do is make forsaken part of the f2p...especially given like half the dlc doesn't exist anymore
@secret1566 Жыл бұрын
@@jasonmiller2379 true, content that is over a year or 2 old needs to just come forward. Especially when its locking key locations and functions to the game/story like the additional supers for light classes. (I don't recall if they did unlock them or not after 3.0 for everyone or not)
@swalke6861 Жыл бұрын
It’s a living hell for me and other free to play players I have to grind to much just to get to the max level for each season and by the time I finish it its the end of season
@secret1566 Жыл бұрын
@@swalke6861 Fortunately they aren't increasing the power level anymore outside of large expansions. Even as someone that plays pretty frequently and actually pays for the seasons the grind for power was always the biggest pain point.
@Stillburgh Жыл бұрын
They should just make Forsaken and Shadowkeep fully F2P lol. There is no reason to money gate thhem anymore.
@soda8226 Жыл бұрын
This really puts it into perspective how greedy the game creators really are
@theseekersoflight2271 Жыл бұрын
A dlc with battle pass with the same price of a new game collectors edition confirmed it long ago. Bungie are greedy af
@slaydog5102 6 ай бұрын
And you guys keep giving them money like sheeps so dont cry foul.
@ml8184 Жыл бұрын
When he mentioned, "forever gated at level 6" , felt this in my bones. Been f2playing for the past 1500++ hours, and often look up to others in admiration for their accomplishments in those quests that I can't access. But it's ok it's all good, and oh ,many thanks to y'all players for keeping the teamplayer spirit in strikes/ destiny runs making it a pleasant experience for everyone without judgement. Salute.
@mindblown1554 Жыл бұрын
Hot take, red war was and always will be a better new light experience than what we've had since beyond light (especially the halo 3 forge mission lol)
@banditdoggo Жыл бұрын
Thats not a hot take its truth
@dRac_XII Жыл бұрын
cold take
@mindblown1554 Жыл бұрын
@@dRac_XII I keep getting shit from people when I say it but huh suppose others agree with me lol
@redofculture9502 Жыл бұрын
They should've left things alone and went to d3 after forsaken Red war is easily my favorite campaign in destiny
@dRac_XII Жыл бұрын
@@mindblown1554 well at least we all enjoy looking back on it
@oldmanwolffe5248 Жыл бұрын
The fact that they put 2/3 of the nightfalls behind a paywall is criminal
@awesomeguy9513 Жыл бұрын
Maybe shadow keep should be redone into a new light campaign. It’s 4 years old at this point and if won’t be sunset make it useful for new players it gives them a story to latch onto and play through, it would also give them more weapons to use and options to level up as well. Also let people just play the strikes/nightfall I could almost guarantee no new player is gonna wait weeks for a nightfall they’ll see buy this dlc and probably opt out
@mayhem-2889 Жыл бұрын
Honestly at this point shadowkeep needs to be the redwar of D2 at this point since that’s when they specifically stated it’s our first encounter with the pyramid and the witness leading us to this dark age. Would make sense instead of this watered down version of d1 s opening
@disbeliefmatt4939 Жыл бұрын
I think that Sweat summed it up pretty well. It’s half and half. Free to play is not as bad as people make it out to be, and it is certainly WAY better than it was when I first was a f2p gamer. There’s a lot of content to do (Even some endgame content which is unfortunately locked behind time gates) and unlike the past year or so, Bungie is starting to give new lights direction on what to do next. Is free to play better than buying dlc? No. Are you missing out on a lot of stuff if you don’t pay for content? Yes. However, I truly believe now more than before that you *can* get by in this game as a free to play gamer and still have a good time, but you need friends, which paying for stuff in the game won’t really help you in that department.
@expandapantsii341 Жыл бұрын
And the pop ups asking to buy makes this feel like a mobile game lmao, almost every vendor has something that tells you you need a dlc first to purchase one of the items. Kinda feels like if a f2p sees those pop ups they would feel pressured to to purchase the dlc with so many things locked behind them
@zgtolerance5631 Жыл бұрын
It's not fun enough to warrant playing f2p and the community (at least on console) is full of impatient douchebags who don't help new players understand mechanics or anything else. The only situation it's a viable game to play is if you have friends on it at all times. Otherwise you're just wasting your own time for fun.
@xyrkzes Жыл бұрын
Free to play is still so much worse than it used to be before the content vault though. you had a full campaign to do, and multiple activities, but now you just have a few small activities from various dlcs and the game asking you to spend money every 3 minutes. Edit: just remembered the game wasn't free to play at the time, but I'd still rather pay money for a game with actual content than play a game labeled as "free to play" that bombards you with dlc advertisements.
@byephellicia Жыл бұрын
@@xyrkzes valid
@eiprilfoss2294 Жыл бұрын
Actually LFG is impossible since nobody likes f2p players, plus the pvp is completely p2w
@twodays8041 Жыл бұрын
As someone who played Destiny way back in the day and JUST got Destiny 2 like four days ago, the info dumping and 1,000 menu screens are making me feel elderly. That being said, I’m LOVING it
@vanguardbreakroom5816 Жыл бұрын
Got my friends to try D2 again and since they had played for like 2 days when D2 first went free years ago they started at rank 6 and got thrown into lightfalls first mission immediately and had no idea what was happening.
@jakes2206 Жыл бұрын
What doesn't help when it comes down to this game is the lack of guidance, yes as sweat said guardian ranks do provide some guidance but there really does need to be a proper new light experience. And the other issue is the pricing for DLCs, shouldn't have to paying up of 40-50 quid (depending on country of course) to buy old content
@crossdaboss8914 Жыл бұрын
It's not to bad if you wait on a sale cause you can get shadowkeep beyond light and witch queen for 30 when on sale os actually a pretty good deal
@jakes2206 Жыл бұрын
@@crossdaboss8914 true, but that's when it's on deal. When it isn't then it's barely worth it. I'd say it would be worth it if they kept seasonal content in the game
@crossdaboss8914 Жыл бұрын
@@jakes2206 100% agree least the story important seasonal stuff cause getting a new player caught up is a nightmare in this game
@jakes2206 Жыл бұрын
@@crossdaboss8914 agreed. I just feel like the amount we pay for a DLC is far too high with what we get from it. If we are gonna pay up of 80 quid or whatever that is in dollars for a DLC then you'd expect it to be big. An example obviously being forsaken or taken king. Big DLCs, worth every penny. DCV really has fucked things up
@shibs_bot Жыл бұрын
Cool video idea would be to make another character but with all the dlc and see how much easier and faster this game is.
@IWearShoes31 Жыл бұрын
"Best played with friend"....Yeah ...friends that play Destiny still... guys..**Tumbleweed Rolls By** -A solo player 😢
@robertbartley2409 Жыл бұрын
Just keep on replaying till the friends drop drops
@JasonfromEarth Жыл бұрын
Great video! Just coming back to the game after not playing it since the 1st expansion. It's crazy to see how far the monetization has tilted to the extreme. I am only playing it cause my Nephew was interested in it. We're doing the F2P experience and enjoying it so far but the in game pop-up ads are getting old already. We're not going to spend a dime on it. Just enjoy what we can and move on. Thanks for making this. It helps me to understand what all we can do as F2P.
@ajbalancedbreakfast8368 Жыл бұрын
I rejoined on PC after not playing since 2020. I had bought Beyond Light and Game Pass on XBOX had given me a couple other expansions. Now since I got on PC I'd have to buy over $120 of DLC to get all the content back that I used to play. Then there's Eververse, then there's other seasons you can buy, AND a battle pass! And Synthweave, to put some salt in the wound. And I actually felt my blood pressure rise when I saw that a single dungeon key is $20... but wait, you could just buy the *$100* edition of Lightfall where it's included :^) This has to be the most expensive game in existence, in terms of how much you need to pay to basically have any access to the story or endgame. And before the endgame, there is very little story and no direction. So once you finally figure out the game, you have to pay money to do anything else. Playing F2P now feels like I'm locked out of half the game. The least they could do is let people play through just the story missions of the DLCs. The game just dumps you into Lightfall without telling you anything, which is pretty hilarious until you try to get your friends into the game and they lose interest immediately.
@tomh6010 Жыл бұрын
I played D1 & 2 religiously for years when they first came out, and came back for Forsaken when I switched to PC - it's honestly sad to see how gated the game is now, especially for new players and unless I'm misreading the editing there doesn't seem to be all the legacy stories/strikes/raids etc. The fact it took months to hit 1800 with a good understanding of the game is absolutely insane to me and even though I own a fair few DLC packs, it still makes me want to avoid the game for now
@Realgamer-pf1rq Жыл бұрын
Ngl, after this Sweat should try the Warframe f2p experience to compare the two.
@havoctwoone Жыл бұрын
After 8k hours I started a new f2p acccount. It was super interesting. It was fun caring about loot again, and I feel like between the two raids and dungeon, it’s a decent amount of stuff to play for free. Would be very confusing if I want a vet.
@byephellicia Жыл бұрын
Glad to see a fellow smurf
@LowLifeDust Жыл бұрын
Watching this is even funnier for me because i am helping someone go through the new light experience currently and when i heard they threw them into lightfall so quick i was like what?! Bungie please make this game ACTUALLY accessible for new players...
@BC-ni6hp Жыл бұрын
Destiny 2’s free-to-play issue is the confusion. It’s not clear what you need to do to progress, nor does it fully explain the power system and why you’re locked out of some activities. There’s also bugs, and weird things like free-to-play raids require email verification. The things you can get are great and once you have a clear understanding of the system it can be fun
@Hughjaoses8766 Жыл бұрын
I just came back after like 2 years of not playing. My friend wanted to play again and I said yes. The info dump is insane. I feel like I have to re learn the game completely. But so far I remember why I loved this game
@kronixgamer6529 Жыл бұрын
Amanda Holiday's character progression will blow you away.
@montypython5521 Жыл бұрын
As someone that's tried to jump into D2 F2P a few times, I have no idea what's going on, bring black armory back that was fun and the weapons were cool.
@coolbeanz147 Жыл бұрын
I was a f2p player from season of the Undying to season of the Haunted, with 3700 hours played. I can confidently say that, as far as the f2p experience goes, Destiny 2 is truly one of the games of all time.
@avok2245 Жыл бұрын
so is it even worth it to play it f2p?
@redness2030 Жыл бұрын
@aygaion2295 Жыл бұрын
​@@avok2245 absolutely No
@ritzboo9490 Жыл бұрын
@@avok2245I’ve been enjoying it thoroughly. I could care less about story and some of the meta weapons so I don’t mind just playing the game for what it is
@bidoofenshmirtz Жыл бұрын
I remember playing this on my brother's Xbox when it came out in 2017. Never figured out where I was supposed to go, and basically made a home base in a ruined city area with a church in the middle. Not even sure if that was the starting area, but it was fun playing back then. I recently thought about buying it for myself and actually learning the game. Now I'm just disappointed something so good can fall so far
@mkeefe4248 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I got this game when it first came out when it wasn’t free, you didn’t need dlc to have fun, but the dlc was worth it. And yes your talking about the Edz, I loved going there and I used to farm engrams there. Also the old home base wasn’t at the tower or I forgot what it was it was called. It was like in a farm area. I miss when the game was like that. You were able to figure out where to go also. Every game that becomes free isn’t even really free anymore you need to buy every dlc in this game in order to unlock the full game. The problem is the put out half ass dlc quests that give good weapons u can complete within a week and battle pass made it even worse considering you can’t even certain stuff or do certain things
@ritzboo9490 Жыл бұрын
I remember when the Edz was the demo for this game and I just roamed for hours shooting guys. Knowing that I don’t mind all this content we get as f2p characters
@mkeefe4248 Жыл бұрын
@@ritzboo9490 when this game wasn’t f2p is when it was good u didn’t need dlc to have fun. Now you need to pour 220$ into your account to do everything and you still need to pay 20$ for dungeon keys. And now you have to pay 10$ every season too to even acces certain things. And that’s coming from me. Someone who has spent 220$
@markelbro5130 9 ай бұрын
This, this right here is what I’ve been experiencing for years since shadowkeep released. Even after getting the 30th anniversary for free from epic and later getting beyond light on sale purely to get the subclass, there’s still tons of content, armor and weapons that I wish to get locked behind over $80 usd worth of dlc (not including season passes)
@ItsJesterhead Жыл бұрын
their website for the current season not listing "getting bounties" for premium players is funny. i never knew about bounties being paywall gated during my time of playing this.
@purnaotman306 Жыл бұрын
Love the vid! BTW i spent 700+hours in this game without buying any of the DLCs but this winter i bought every DLC except Lightfall and now i don t have the passion to play the game like i had before.
@micahk7119 Жыл бұрын
I wish I had friends who played Destiny
@Karloz725 Жыл бұрын
F2P here, leave your steam name and lets play!
@dAni-ik1hv Жыл бұрын
i think i may have an idea for a fix for the quests: have one big main quest that is easily identifiable on either the quest screen or the main director, sorta like a campaign type quest, and have all the important quests given to a new player included in this quest.
@Lordy_Shaxx Жыл бұрын
I wish I had a dollar for every time Sweat said "JUICE" I'd quit my job man
@Person15292 11 ай бұрын
I’ve been playing since 2018 free to play and it been rough trying to play and get better and better and it’s been really tough since then I’ve been looking at getting forsaken I really don’t know though
@tcotter82 Жыл бұрын
I love these videos. Keep up the great work. I never got a chance to truly play d1 so watching these is so much fun. Would you ever try to post solo raid encounters?
@JOHNSMITH-vx5yz Жыл бұрын
Just wack in the disc. Easy
@RealGTZ Жыл бұрын
Maybe it's a good thing bungie left halo behind
@davide_kapp9006 Жыл бұрын
I used to play f2p back in Arrivals, where on playstation you also need ps plus to play activities with matchmaking and you can't play with friends without it too. Thank god destiny's gameplay is fun otherwise i would not have stuck around
@ivan_domangaming9359 Жыл бұрын
1:32 The first part shows that bungie don't really care about new players 😅
@freddyflo7364 Жыл бұрын
i'm pretty sure the xur engram is guaranteed to give you a weapon of the ones it can give you if you don't have all the ones you can get yet.
@shuriken2505 Жыл бұрын
Biggest thing is the soft lock to journey level. No way to get those mods
@gutpunchYT Жыл бұрын
really hope bungie watches this video it's such a great way for them to see the new player experience
@chickenlittle0093 9 ай бұрын
My older brother started playing a couple months ago and he has been struggling to understand all the new new light stuff. I have had to help talk him through a lot of the things Bungie doesn’t good job explaining (or doesn’t at all).
@Ssalamanderr 8 ай бұрын
I just tried this game cause I wanted a new shouter and it's absolutely bewildering. It's even more confusing than when I got back into Warframe after multiple years not playing.
@PrismHeartOfficial Жыл бұрын
What's getting even more frustrating is the Dungeon Keys.. I have friends who have WQ and STILL can't play either dungeon without paying more money.... Actually cring and scammy and just such a bad way to make the game.... I remember starting out f2p there was SO MUCH CONTENT around Shadowkeep for free players and now there's core activities, prophecy, and dares. *sigh.*
@TheProfesionalMexican Жыл бұрын
As someone who was a free to play player until last year, I literally only did altar of sorrows on the moon all day or pvp
@TheProfesionalMexican Жыл бұрын
The end “better to play with friends” Me the first 4ish years playing: “what are friends?”
@gavinhazan1415 Жыл бұрын
Love this game but holy shit I’ve been trying to teach it to a couple friends and this game is the most anti new player game I’ve ever played. I genuinely don’t know how as a solo player I thugged it out this whole time. Bungos rly gotta make the new light experience more engaging and more straight forward bc how do they expect any new player to really understand how the game works.
@gugudias19 10 ай бұрын
D2 is the reason i started to play D1 again.
@KuanGD Жыл бұрын
They need to do more of a warframe model, they definintly make more then enough off of cosmetics to not have to make us pay for dlc
@variks567 Жыл бұрын
I wouldnt say it is... because after sunsetting, most of the free content that would be worth playing has been removed, sure nightfalls are fun, but they do get boring if it's all of the endgame you can really do... raids aren't really fun nor viable without paid items.
@seanarchersuwu563 Жыл бұрын
the most fun for me is titan and mars like playing the public event
@justusclaasbottcher4334 Жыл бұрын
I played destiny free 2 play as a new player and abandoned it after about 10 hrs of playing, because I didn't know which quests I can do without paying and how I get better gear and weapons.
@gamma7396 Жыл бұрын
as a free to play player, i haven't paid a thing for the 2 or 3 years i've been playing and honestly, i survived, so ig anyone can do it too
@MyNameJiff Жыл бұрын
1:42 "This requires reading" The Yugioh players around the world are shaking in their card sleeves
@mellowsans2944 Жыл бұрын
the amount of people that dont bring any anti-champ stuff to Nightfalls i had to witness. Its just confusing
@lonewolf3869 Жыл бұрын
Or the right subclass its frustrating I don't want to be the one always dealing with champs. Over half of D2 players are Fn lazy and it shows on load outs. I check their loads before we land and if they dont have the right stuff on I bounce I don't want to babysit people who don't want to pull their own weight. Yesterday I spent 2 hours loading up knightfalls and in those 2 hours I can count on 1 hand how many had the right stuff on. Its getting bout time I let this game go but I have spent to much money to do that I feel forced to play it now.
@mellowsans2944 Жыл бұрын
@@lonewolf3869 Why bother running nightfalls if you dont even try to bring the correct stuff for it. If you dont bring anything to fight against barriers, atleast bring stasis or strand. Not even that most people do
@ThatRandomDude204 Жыл бұрын
It's fun for the first few hours but it gets draining fast especially since there is no campaign to just have fun with and yes I still mis Red War
@vaayuverma5237 Жыл бұрын
this video helped me after 200 hours i didnt knew that shader pack existed
@honcore1443 Жыл бұрын
Even if you have all the dlcs you still need the season pass. Or else every single barrier champ will destroy you
@lesd416 6 ай бұрын
I really liked the concept of this game, the gameplay and basically everything. Sadly it's literally a pay to play.
@ze_darku_magician5504 Жыл бұрын
Btw Season of the Deep made it wayyyyy worse. You need to buy the battle pass to get guardian rank 6 now so you cannot even level up armor as F2P XD. Game just became literally unplayable. So glad I have been rank 6 before so I already unlocked armor leveling.
@cadeplaisance3169 Жыл бұрын
I used to play D1. For the first year and a half it was SUPER popular. It's sad to see just how much this game has changed. Especially because me and my clan were in the top 5% worldwide. I fought Professor Broman and Miss5000Wattz (they're super cool people) as well as the #1 player in the world at the time. (He moped the floor with us). Does anybody still play raids and nightfalls anymore or is the game dead?
@jaitone 9 ай бұрын
This game truly makes me sad. Is the best FPS I've ever played and also falls onto my other favorite genre, MMO. I played it when it came out and everything about it was amazing, but left as i was a solo player and guilds, lfr or stuff like that didnt exist. I came back on the light expansion (dont remember the precise name) and was lost as fck. Tons of pop ups, content unclear. After a figured out what was new, i end up in the same position as before, no progression for solo players. Truly saddens me. I hope one day this game takes idea from other MMOs out there
@NiffYT Жыл бұрын
Back during destiny 1 I did not know how to read english so I got stuck lol. English is not my native language. But when Destiny 2 got released I had learned some english and managet to play it and even learned most of my english with it due to raid needing a squad I learned how to speak while playing raids.
@ilovesoap4762 Жыл бұрын
Stwninja is one of my best friends I’ve known the guy for years and carried him through his first raid a couple weeks ago
@NorthInium 11 ай бұрын
You know if Bungie didnt remove like 80% of the content that should be in this game and still be playable today they could just make it so that all the old DLCs and content is actually in the game and for F2P players to be able to play. Like Imagine how Bungie would be praised if they let people play the game up to the current DLC experience everything older players experienced but at this point Bungie is on par or even worse than Activision Blizzard/EA
@clyde5013 Жыл бұрын
What do I even do in the game? U said u wouldnt push for 1800 power as a new player but increasing that power is the only goal I’ve ever known since starting this game like 3 years ago
@lordgrub12345 Жыл бұрын
1k hours on D2 alone and to this day I didn't among the microtransactions on the eververse there was a 1000 glimmer pack of shaders. Nice bungo
@thedoc7184 8 ай бұрын
Serious question. How do I contact bungie to let them know I will fix their game for free. It genuinely hurts to see it like this
@brendonhager3592 Жыл бұрын
Atheon with his 1 literal health remaining: cmon beat my ass before I wipe yo ass
@TFBpersonalaccount Жыл бұрын
9:50 should be a train safety awareness ad. Just like a kid whose ball rolled into the road, he just walked to it without a card in the world. Didn’t even stop, look and listen
@jallison5639 Жыл бұрын
I made a free account and learned that you can join LFG groups in the app, but you can’t create LFG groups in the app. That’s dumb.
@kiro9574 Жыл бұрын
As a f2p there’s so much shit that don’t need to be put behind a pay wall
@Mr.Spade1 8 ай бұрын
The removal of red war is what really killed the f2p experience tbh, it was so much easier to get into the game because there was an actual story and you learnt as you played. But with the random removal of the important planets I don’t see them bringing it back ever, unless after beating the witness everything magically gets restored.
@travis_approved 6 ай бұрын
As someone who just tried playing yesterday, I think I will find a different game lmao, had to be there I guess.
@samanthacowie351 7 ай бұрын
i am a free to play player im not bad at the game i am actually pretty good if i do say so my self not one micro transation in the game and i hold it to my heart dearly as if it is an achevment
@icarusblues7699 Жыл бұрын
I still remember what went through my head as a new light when not doing obj. I saw something and was like WOAAAH! Then saw something else and was like WOAAAAAAAH!!! Then I cast my super and was like WOAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! Then I kill a powerful enemy and was like WOAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! Then I found good loot and was like WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!
@ziahtrimm156 Жыл бұрын
Destiny 2 has never been free to play, it’s free to TRY.
@notamask3425 Жыл бұрын
As someone who is f2p I enjoy pvp... It's all I do besides weekly kings fall for touch.
@shadowpaw4489 3 ай бұрын
I feel happy to watch people go through my pain Try completeing any event I went to play the halloween event with my friend then well cant complete it i dont own the aria it wanted us to go
@KizashiiLovesRamen Жыл бұрын
As a former FTP player who got the dlc packs after lightfall i will say if you want the FULL Destiny 2 experience on each of the worlds yes buying the expansions is the only way however last season i lived in dares of eternity and prophecy dungeon was free to give ppl a chance to try, lost sectors are free, crucible, vanguard, gambit, also free so imo IS IT WORTH IT yes and no if youre looking for a standard fps game with little to no story yes pvp and small amounts of activities content then dont buy if you want the full game experience then buy the things lol just my opinion 🤙
@YodelingKid4943 Жыл бұрын
The solo experience sucks, I've been a soli player for almost 2 years and it has caused me to quit on many occasions. I recommend lfg to find the friends first
@leonrussell9607 Жыл бұрын
I was considering re downloading the game but then i found out that the dlcs i did own just got erased and i cant even play anything without paying more
@infamoussquire2955 11 ай бұрын
Honestly dude for the thumbnail you could have just put the actual price of all the combined DLCs and it would have been just as intimidating lol
@Midragar Жыл бұрын
I got 2 dlcs using eneba for 80% discount... And still couldn't complete the solstice event because 4 challenges could only be done on paid dungeons...
@raiden_z_wolfs6353 Жыл бұрын
"please pray for your boy" *.1 seconds later* "OAKY, OKAY"
@cpmfilms7851 Жыл бұрын
I just started playing again after probably 3 years off and i have no idea what im doing. Bought the dlc and still cant do half of the shit the game has.
@Riven_of_a_Thousand_Voices Жыл бұрын
The best thing a FTP player is VoG and KF
@SentientMattress531 Жыл бұрын
@Ruined.xv70 Жыл бұрын
i’ll say one thing about being a free to play player than converted to buying expansions etc. this games depressing as a solo player…
@ALovelyPassionFruit Жыл бұрын
I just bought all the DLCs during the summer sale, I mean I still have an addiction to buy the season pass but that's not important.
@ozomozik 8 ай бұрын
Biggest downside of destiny for me is the playing with friends thing. It is a very big thing in destiny to play with friends. But i can't play woth friends, because none of my friends play destiny. I don't know how people find 5 friends that play destiny and do a raid with them.
@nukapooh8813 Жыл бұрын
Lmao im forever stuck level 6 i cant get lightfall ☹️ , but keep up the good work.
@dredjenkins5663 Жыл бұрын
16:19 ‘game servers we are broken for a few days this week’ is that what he meant to put?
@CaydoFox Жыл бұрын
Wait until sweat realizes that you need to pay for MULTIPLE expansions to play nightfalls.
@Derpysadboy Жыл бұрын
If you play on console your locked out of crucible and nightfall too💀, I feel so bad
@dominickpohnert6008 Жыл бұрын
The last time i played this was a few years ago on xbox back when the dlcs used to be included in gamepass. I never realized just how much was locked by a paywall.
@crazysztof Жыл бұрын
NO... game should be renamed to "Free to Test" Sooner or later people realise that you need latest DLC (with s.pass) to get loot/activities
@AP-ScarletSword Жыл бұрын
This video switched from a challenge run to just a normal run halfway through
@ShadowWizard 10 ай бұрын
in mmo's i am mostly lone wolf, i only group up if i am in certain tough quest area and there are others around, i don't w8 to build a group, and end game is mostly raids and dungeons only that's when i quit until DLC comes out with new story but new cause of EU mandates for banks in EU i can no longer use my master card to buy anything online (so if its not on DVD or if psychical shop doesn't sell game code i can't buy), they made using card more complicated and i would say less secure, a security measure that actually makes u more vulnerable, some gov idiots think adding more personal data what u half to fill to verify makes it more secure, few options mobile id and ID card (but first i would need to activate banks online account what also is pain, cause of disability it pain so i refuse to make it, i had it and closed it when i lost access to it, i need old simple sys that still existed in 2021), well home PC's are not safe enough, corps can afford it sins they have better syber security, and mobile are even easier to hack, but over all it all just makes easier to steal from u, that makes it 2issues disability and that is not really safe, i don't have much to steal so ppl with hacking skill wouldn't bother me, not worth the risk but still
@Mrforsaken 6 ай бұрын
So I would say yes for a reason. This would be right if u are a player that just likes playing gambit,crucible, and vanguard also legends. And u can get exotic engrams as a free to play player. But like you would miss out so much.
@S0n0fG0D 6 ай бұрын
Now try a free to play player who goes on console without network. Try it 😊
@damionh7218 Жыл бұрын
I remember doing the last wish chest exploit before the raid even came out. Back when getting gear was actually fun
Is Destiny 2 Free-To-Play Worth Playing in 2022?
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