The biggest threat that I think the teaching profession is really facing but mostly very hesitant to express is that AI in education will inevitably going to replace majority of teaching jobs (sooner than later) in the educational sector. Therefore the teachers need to address this issue directly without beating round the bush. An adequate amount of UBI perhaps the only solution; is to put it a short and simple way. Many of the teachers may not be happy with the solution because they think that the UBI amount will not be sufficient to replace thier salaries but I guess, instead they would rather say that they love thier jobs to be more "ethical". However what they don't know is that the AI will only replace thier salaried jobs but at the same time would provide as many opportunity to do one to one tutoring specially for those who love thier teaching work but on the condition that they have to do it VOLUNTARILY without any economic compensation in return and it will be genuinely left for the individuals decision.